





根据How to Write a Successful Science Thesis (Wiley-VCH)一书p. 98, "Experimental work is by definition a journey into the unknown, fraught with detours and dead ends, but all such obstacles are basically irrelevant from a scientific standpoint. Look upon your dissertation--as you would any other research report--not as a memoir documenting and explaining your every activity, but instead as a proclamation of a set of new insights. How you achieved your results may perhaps play some role in your mentor's appraisal of your efforts, but otherwise it will be of interest only to the extent that certain intimate details may be critical from a methodological standpoint."


句法,但是其实很多都是陈词滥调,不提供任何信息,可以高度精简。以下是我给一篇文章审稿的片断意见:"[7] Another reason on why this paper is long and somewhat distracting is that you frequently use words such as "It was found that" (p. 2), "It is worth noting that…" (p. 7), "It was observed that …" (p. 8), "It was observed that…" (p. 9), "It was noted that…" (p. 12), "We observed that…" (of course, it's you who make the observation!), "It was noticed that" (p. 13), "It was interesting to see that…", "It was observed that…", "It was concluded that" (p. 15), "It was found that (p. 17)".”

有时候用了陈词滥调反而帮了倒忙。以下是我给另外一篇文章的审稿意见片断:"[10] Throughout the text, for two or three times (e.g., line 11 of p. 12), the authors always wrote "it is not surprising that...". The intention of the authors was to justify their data, to say that their data are "normal". However, if the authors always say "it is not surprising", why should the reader care unsurprising results? Isn't it better to use "it is justified that..." or "it is reasonable that..."?”

为了证明我说的这些是有道理的,我举How to Write a Successful Science Thesis (Wiley-VCH)一书p. 39,"Avoid sentences that are unnecessarily complex and entangled, or run on interminably.

Problems of the latter sort often have their origin in 'that' constructions:

Example 4-8: It is well established that... (of course!)

One can assume that... (presumably!)

From this result it follows that... (= thus, hence, therefore)

We must not take it for granted that ... (= unlikely)

Note that the examples above are followed in parentheses by a word or words with the potential to head the offending sentence off in a more promising direction. Sometimes a single well-chosen word is able to replace an entire phrase, simultaneously eliminating the need for at least one punctuation mark. Equally important, a remodeling in this sense often permits the true message of the sentence to migrate from an awkward subordinate clause to the main clause, where it belongs."

3) 写文章不能用讨审稿人打的时髦语,不能任意吹嘘夸大影响。比如有的人说自己的实验设计是"beautiful",实验结果是"amazing", "remarkable",自己的催化剂是“超级稳定”,自己的薄膜是“超级薄”,在引言部分说自己的课题是“公众都注意的北极星”,这样必然招打。很简单,什么是“超级稳定”的定义?最稳定就是转化率一直100%



Communicating Science: A Practical Guide一书p. 50, "Hype tends to creep in naturally under the pen. A good characterization of hype is overindulgence in adjectives. Just like overindulging in sweets leads to obesity, accumulating adjectives bloats a text, makes it bottom-heavy and turns it into failure." p. 26, "I am not telling you to shy from waving your flag. Advertising is definitely involved in the writing of an introduction, but the softest of touches is needed. One-upmanship can be very distructive."

The Elements of Styles(插图版)一书p. 106, "Do not overstate. When you overstate, readers will be instantly on guard, and everything that has preceded your overstatement as well as everything that follows it will be suspect in their minds because they have lost confidence in your judgment or your poise. Overstatement

is one of the common faults. A single overstatement, wherever or however it occurs, diminishes the whole, and a single carefree superlative has the power to destroy, for readers, the objective of your enthusiasm."

4) 鼓励恰当地用主动语气。以前很多老师都说写科研论文要用被动语气。其实,大家去读Chemical Communications杂志,每一篇文章都读,发现大多数的三页文章里面至少有几个主动句,有的有十几个主动句。什么情况用被动句,什么情况用主动句?答案是大多数情况用被动句,特别是描述实验方法。但是有的情况下用主动句有画龙点睛的效果。仔细读Chemical Communications杂志,发现的常见主动句是"Herein, we report...", "We propose that..", "To further check/demonstrate this hypothesis, we designed further experiment by...", "We believe that...", "To see whether ... is due to..., we did further experiments...".可见主动句有几种,第一种是在引言中说我们发现了什么;第二中是说我们认为什么,是提建议的;第三种是说为了证明什么,我们做了进一步的实验。有了这些主动句,文章就更加神采飞扬了。

为了说明我的话是合理的,我举How to Write a Successful Science Thesis (Wiley-VCH)一书p. 37,"We urge you in general, as often as you can, to incorporate lively verbs into your writing. Trt to take as

much advantages as you can of sentence structures rooted in the active voice, which is the most welcoming environment for 'words of action'. Few world dispute the assertion, however, that passive constructions rarely contribute in a positive way to descriptive prose."

p. 84, "It has become increasingly common in published scientific works to encounter examples of first-person verb forms, which unquestionably add life to their surroundings. Note that this development carries an important inplication, however: the authors responsible are suggesting in a subtle way that the parties involved in conducting a scholarly investigation may themselves play a more than passive role:

Examples 10-7 ... This being the case, we elected to...

... We therefore separated (introduced, heated)..

... In the hope of conferring antimalarial activity on pharmaceutical precursors, we prepared..."

5) 注意段落的长度和结构,注意起承转合、行云流水、收发自如!读间行打印的原始稿件,如果一段话占据一页,就太长了。一般6-15行是正常范围。How to Write a Successful Science Thesis (Wiley-VCH)

一书p. 39,"In general, paragraphs should probably not exceed about a third of a page, equivalent to perhaps four to eight sentences. Paragraphs make an important contribution to the intellectual structure of a document, quite apart from the fact that they break up an otherwise 'endless stream of text', which is unsightly and inflicts too much organizational burden on the reader."

"Structuring a document as a series of coherent paragraphs forces the author to sort out and present his or her thoughts in a logical fashion. That is to say, a proper paragraph is dedicated to exploring a single subject or thought, which in principle could easily be articulated in a brief descriptive title."

"The first sentence in every paragraph warrants special attention. One of its principle functions is to let the reader know what the ensuing discussion is about, for which reason it is often referred to as the "topic sentence". The corresponding topic is then pursued in sentences that immediately follow, with the final sentence in the paragraph so crafted that if supplies a bridge to the next paragraph."

一篇好文章的总体结构见The Longman Practical Stylist一书:龙头,凤尾,猪肚。写引言的时候从一个吸引广大读者的宽泛的概念聚焦到本文要描述的实验,由大到小,倒金字塔结构。最后收尾的时候,从本文具体的结论展望到未来,由小到大,金字塔结构。

6) 文章要写得花妙,还得注意结尾部分。就是说,文章写到最后,不能嘎然而止,而要说清楚本文的意义、对这个领域的贡献、本文的局限性和下一步可以怎么做。这样,读起来有意犹未尽的感觉。How to Write a Successful Science Thesis (Wiley-VCH)一书p. 102,"Near

the end of your discussion you may want to be bold and suggest interesting avenues for future exploration: promising approaches to resolving remaining uncertainties, ideas for broadening the scope of a methodology you have developed, or ways of possibly refining your results. If so, be sure the suggestions you make are concrete."


Hydrocarbon Chain Growth on V(100) Single-Crystal Surfaces via Vinyl Intermediates (p 6583-6585)

Min Shen, Francisco Zaera

Published Online: Jul 23 2008 2:14AM





如何在国际期刊发表论文- -

丁汉教授作了题为《如何在国际期刊发表论文》的报告,其中涉及IEEE的一些期刊,因此比较有广泛性。我的记录不是很完整,有些关于两本IEEE期刊的细节遗失,日后争取找到当时的ppt以使本文完整。 *国内比较高级别、特别注重创新性的期刊:中国科学、科学通报、自然科学进展。

关于投稿 *投稿要耐心,尤其是投各专业高级别期刊。譬如有人投ASME的期刊前后用了2-3年。 *IEEE审稿是电子化,所以最近已经做得很迅捷,大大超越了ASME。*IEEE实行一票否决制,如果1 out of 4~5个审稿人认为需要继续revise,那就要继续revise & re-submit;原则上re-submit的paper是不更换审稿人的。关于论文本身(写作的要点): *从全局高度,所做研究的前因后果:即写作动机,要有历史性、继承性和突破性。 *introduction:很重要,这正是体现写作的前因后果之处,应该写明所做研究的内容、国际水平、先进之处。 *通过Examples, Experiments, Simulations反映研究方法的先进性。 *科研领域大多数人是做改进、完善工作的,只有少处在开展原创性的工作。认识到这点对于写作也是有指导意义的。 *关于reference,不要盲目引用,要留意引文和本文水平是否在同一层次。(应该是暗示不要不小心引用了质量不高的文章吧) *IEEE trans是根据参考文献来找审稿人的,所以引用的时候要注意。 *注意一些special session(特刊),是不错的机会。学生提问: Q1:IEEE conference发的文章,可不可以将来再投期刊?A1:如果已经在IEEE conference发的,那么是有copyright了,可以在声明首次

出处、进行拓展的基础上投IEEE trans,但不可以without permission发在non-IEEE journal上面。 Q2/A2:没记下。似乎是解答的内容在前面讲座中出现过。 Q3:关于综述性文章 A3:这类文章要学生少写,不鼓励。Review是留给学术泰斗们的,而且一般是约稿。

郑平教授带病坚持给我们作报告,很感动。题目是:How to do good research work & publish high quality papers? 基础研究经常换topic,以追求最新动态。郑教授本人就换过五个fields of interest。他的研究经历是: *1960s, 研究

re-entry,通过类比nuclear-eng中的neutron transfer解决了gas dynamics的问题 *70年代,华裔天空专业的毕业博士就业困难,只好屈就于夏威夷大学--一所没有博士点的teaching-univ. *郑教授做young faculty期间,恰逢能源危机,于是抓住机遇选择了多空介质、地热传热这一课题,克服设备、资金、人员的困难,自己一个人实现了很多创新; *做过一些pulse tube的研究 *一些分形分析在传热中的应用的研究,跨学科 *目前关注微观领域,微channel传热,坚持去学术会议,与年轻同行探讨 So how to do a good research? *timely topic, interdisciplinary *widely reading *employ as many tools(approaches) as possible. E.g., theoretical, experimental, numerical(这里,郑教授提到当年在夏大,不能带研究生,就自己一个人推理论、设计实验台架、debug FORTRAN 程序,非常辛苦但也成果斐然......) *life-long learning process 关于High quality paper,一定要有

*topic *originality *good writing *good physical interpretation of data:

要深入细节,多角度,比较、解释;不要像国内刊物登的那样:图一是什么什么,图二是什么什么,完了...... 关于paper submission*有些期刊有page limit,而且每个figure算作一个page *format,严格按要求,一丝不苟为宜 Possible rejection: *subject is in appropriate for a specific journal,譬如某个fundamental research的期刊不会收applied的paper *errors *multiply submission,千万不要有,一定要honest *poor presentation *low quality, routine work, nothing new 郑教授讲他担任编辑的几个期刊,我没记下,毕竟不是这个行当的......有记录的同学可以来补充一下。然后同学提问: Q1:还做不做porous media? A1:实验台没带到交大。 Q2:期刊有无国籍歧视、国籍优势之类的? A2:没有。譬如当年在夏大,夏大就被说成是很难发paper的地方,但是通过个人努力,还是发了270多次引用的paper。 Q3:关于国际期刊催稿 A3:根据期刊公布的审稿期限去催,不要过于着急,一般3-4个月。

孟光教授的讲座,风趣又不失严肃、教益。经记录、简写之后,原貌难以保留... 学术道德: *不要一稿多投:由于专业性,很多期刊会找同一位专家作审稿人;譬如有人同时投《航空学报》以及其他期刊,稿件就都经编委转到了孟教授手中......不要有侥幸心理。 *绝对杜绝抄袭,耍小聪明可以一时骗过编辑、审稿人、导师,骗不过众多人。 *多投、抄袭的原因是,一方面导师忙,付出在论文上的时间少;另一方面学生毕业时间紧,经常心急、投稿不经导师把关。关于文章本身: *最大的问题是:认真的问题,文责自负四个字要牢记*公式、图表编号要有序,要引用不要莫名其妙的孤立存在。有效数字要统一规范,体现工程素质。全文要有完整性、系统性。 *文章头尾:摘要应该画龙点睛,不要言而无物,譬如写桥梁动力学的不要净说"桥梁在国民经济中具有如何如何的意义,我国已经有多少多少大桥"之类,要将所做研究的内容、方法、意义;结论要恰如其分的指出贡献、创新点,尤其年轻学者,不要牛犊不怕虎的说"本研究具有某某重大意义......",这个还是留待别人去评价。 *参考文献:是别人的工作,一定要引用、说明。同等条件下优先引用杂志编委的文章,优先引用最新的。参考文献要有取舍,不要引得太过多。 *要注意,不要估计到对自己稿件的影响,就闭眼不引用最新的、有可能超越自己的文献。*理论+实验+仿真(数值)可以组成一篇充实的工科(APPLIED)论文(理科、理论研究另当别论);如果必要,引用别人的实验数据以充实自己的文章可以的。 *文章的题目要吸引人,不要冗长、无色

*英文文章要注意语言文化差异(参看外籍教师对中国学生论文的评价综述) *投论文,这里面有学术因素,也有非学术因素;后者不可忽略,前者一定要做好。而且,投高级别期刊是学校的期望,但同学们也要注意毕业要求。 *关于投稿,耐心一点,到审稿期限再询问;而且要注意催稿的措辞、礼貌。学生提问(记录不全)Q: 中文稿子质量不错的,翻译成英文再投国外,是否一稿多投? A: 很难界定,目前很难说是多投。但是在统计工作量的时候最好主动说明。提到:说得太好了,有两点我深有体会: 1.创新点要恰如其分。我有篇论文直接写出 "The main contributions of our paper....",结果被扁。 2.同等条件下引用杂志编委的文章。呵呵,这个就更有体会了。当时我投的一个会议,因为没有经验,引用参考文献时没有注意审稿人的文章。其实这点非常重要,如果审稿人里面有和你领域特别相关的,那么他审稿的可能性非常大,同等条件下引用他的论文是个明智的选择。另外,要特别关注编委中和自己特别相关领域专家的最新论文和最牛的论文。
