

Coal-Producing Tectonic Environments

This final chapter in the investigation of coal sedimentation is concerned with depositional aspects of the highest order of magnitude, namely, the influence of the crustal setting on peat accumulation. This is a broad and complex field which draws on information, gathered from many different disciplines of the earth sciences. Some of these are currently evolving quite rapidly, while others re in a “mopping up” stage, insensu Kuhn (1970) and Walker (1973), following recent scientific revolutions. An example of the latter is the replacement of the geosynclinal hypothesis in the early 1970s by the concept of plate tectonics. Even after a life span of 20 years, this new paradigm is still in the process of being refined and fitted out with conceptual subsets, as shown by the current emphasis on terrane analysis. It is therefore not possible at this stage to make a definitive statement on the chosen subject, but merely to outline the principle on which a modern geotectonic classification of coalfields can be established. Even this modest goal is fraught with difficulty, because the change from the predominantly static geosynclinal view of global tectonics to its modern, largely mobilistic interpretation has complicated the tectonic classification of some coalfields. While the tectonic status of many coalfields, e.g. those in foredeeps or foreland basins has changed relatively little, the setting of coals found in inter- and intramontane troughs, i.e. within orogenic cordilleras, cannot be properly assessed without very careful study. According to the geosynclinal concept, practically all of these intradeeps, together with fore- and backdeeps, their extra-orogenic counterparts, were regarded as part of a group of molasses basins, the development of which accompanies or follows “terminal geosynclinal tecto-orrgenic” (Aubouin 1965). This fixist and strictly sequential

interpretation (highlighted by the term “epieugeosyncline” of Kay 1951) has no place in modern geotectonic analysis, which views most orogenic belts as collages of autochthonous and allochthonous terranes, i.e. as tectono-stratigraphic assemblages with possibly coeval but heterogeneous stratigraphic records reflecting their origin in different geological and geographical domains (Monger and Price 1979, Monger et al. 1982). The tectonic setting, which influenced the formation of an allochthonous terrane assemblage before accretion, may have been very different in style and physically far removed from its resting place after docking. It follows that a multi-terrane orogen may contain a variety of coals formed at different times before and after terrane accretion. Moreover, contemporaneous pre-accretionary coal deposits formed in different terranes are likely to vary in coal types, coalification histories and tectonic styles, and all of these will in turn differ from the post-accretionary molasses coals, which alone reflect the conditiona prevailing in the orogen itself. Indeed, the situation may even be more complex, as will be discussed in Chap.

Plate tectonics has created its own nomenclature, of which only the essential terms will be used here. They will be supplemented by terms which are either descriptive, and therefore independent of geotectonic theory, or which have stood the test of time because they are useful in spite of their generic association with now obsolete concepts. For example, the expressions “mio-”and “eugeosynclinal assemblage”have been kept here as reference term for shallow water marine (mainly shelf), and ocean floor pelagite, turbidite and ophiolite associationa, respectively. Moreover, reduced to a “miogeocline”, the miogeosyncline has in the North-American literature become a standard term for

autochthonous, sedimentary terrace wedges onlapping continental margins. Also tectonic attributes of sediments, such as “synorogenic”flysch and “late syn- (folded) to postorogenic (non-folded)” molasses, respectively, can still be used in a plate tectonic context without unduly corrupting their relatively loose definitions. Particularly in the discussion of coalfields situated near convergent plate edges, the concept of molasses as the product of the destruction of the uplifted orogen is very useful. As in the previous discussion, it is not the purpose of this chapter to give detailed descriptions of a large number of cases but to select a few typical examples of coalfields and relate the essence of their architecture to their respective plate tectonic settings.

1 Early Examples of a Tectonic Classification of Coalfields

Large-scale coal formation can take place only in actively subsiding regions, for example in sedimentary basins. It is possible therefore to characterise the geotectonic environment occupied by a coal measure sequence in a manner similar to that which is applied to other sedimentary environments. Stutzer (1920) and Stille (1926) were among the first to recognise the genetic links between tectonism and the formation of coal. Stille, in particular, referred to the striking difference in terms of basin fill, number of coal seams present, their average thickness and proportion in relation to total coal measure thickness, which exist between the Carboniferous and Tertiary coal measures of Europe. He attributed such dissimilarities to contrasting degrees of crustal mobility in the areas affected by the two main European coal-forming periods. His results are summarized in Table 9. 1. Even if differences in compaction ratios between the Tertiary brown and Carboniferous bituminous coals are taken into account (to a lesser degree the compaction applies to inter-seam sediments) the contrast is

quite remarkable.

Later it was shown by von Bubnoff (1937) that the distribution of the world reserves of coal is also related to the geotectonic setting of coalfields. His conclusions are summarized in Table 9.2, which indicates that of all coal deposits known up to 1937, some 71% developed in former tectonically very active environments, particularly in the molasses foredeeps which develop adjacent to orogenic belts and receive much of the weathered debris washed down from the uplands.

Table 9.1. Stille’s (1926) comparison (slightly modified) between some characteristics of coal measures formed in tectonically mobile and cratonised parts of Europe, respectively

Table 9.2. The distribution of world reserves of coal in reference to the geotectonic setting of coalfields. (After von Bubnoff 1937)

The concentration of coal in the regions associated with orogenic belts is even more highlighted when the lateral extent of the deposits is considered. Coalfields situated within or on the shelf margins of cratons cover a wider area than the comparatively narrow foredeeps, but its areal restriction is compensated by the frequency of coal seams occurring in a thick stack of coal measures. As will be discussed later, this is related to the substantial and prolonged subsidence that the continental margin is subjected to near a subduction complex, as an orogenic belt is accreted onto the plate edge. It is not surprising, therefore, that

von Bubnoff (1937) found also a close temporal relationship between orogenies and coal formation in North America, Europe, Asia and Southern Continents. Of course, there are major orogenies known which are not associated with coal deposits. However, invariably, their absence is related to factors affecting the vegetable source. For example, all pre-Devonian orogenies occurred at a time when the plant kingdom was still insufficiently equipped by evolution to fulfil its role as an effective producer of peat.

The continental shelf environment, being less mobile, has produced fewer coal deposits than the orogenic domain. In this context it is important to define the term shelf. To the geographer, the shelf region is usually that part of the sea which extends between the strand-line and the continental slope. However, as von Bubnoff (1948a) noted, the position of the strandline is quite incidental depending on crustal movements and relative sea level positions.From the geological viewpoint, it appears therefore useful to extend the definition of the shelf so that the time factor can be accommodated. Shelf regions may then be regarded as those marginal but fuully integrated zones of continents which are occasionally affected by shallow marine transgressions. Typical areas are the trailing edges of continental plates and the cratonic margins of foredeeps. Commonly two types of shelf environments are distinguished, called stable and unstable, respectively (von Bubnoff 1948a; Krumbein and Sloss 1963). The majority for their associated coalfields is paralic in character, which is highlighted by the intercalation of coal measures with marine strata, a feature that is also common to the molasses foredeeps. However, marine strata may not always be recognized because of lack of fossils, which is related to the dilution of sea water by an excessive influx of fresh water from the nearby coastal

swamps (Duff and Walton 1962).

Intracratonic coalfields and those formed in intramontanc basins are frequently limnic in character, i.e. they have no hydrological connection to the sea, because they have been formed in land-locked basins above the then prevailing sea level. A spectacular modern example of intramontane peat formation occurs in the reed marshes on the shores of Lake Titicaca, 3810m above sea level in the South American Andes. Compared with their paralic counterparts limnic coalfields have small size and unstable position above depositional base level. However, as indicated above, the term intradeep may cover a complex array of depositional environments, some of which may be totally unrelated to the orogen in which they now occur.

The last group of coalfields mentioned in Table 9.2 occurs in the interior of continental areas. They owe their existence to a variety of events including epeirogenic sagging of continental crust and continental rifting. Many peat and coal deposits formed on consolidated basement have no tectonic origin at all, but are the result of paludification related to differential subsidence. Examples are subsidence due to salt migration and leaching in the subsurface, or the formation of sinks isolated coalfields are the result of the terrestrialisation of lakes. Most of these coalfields are limnic, but rare marine incursions may have occurred during their development.

The tectonic setting of a coalfield exerts a strong influence on the type of coal that is formed within its boundaries. Hacquebard et al. (1967), Mackowsky (1968), Shibaoka and Smyth (1975), Hunt (1982) and others have demonstrated that coal composition varies more in large paralic deposits than in limnic setting, because of the larger variety of factors influencing extensive continental shelf or

foredeep environments. Moreover, coals formed in rapidly subsiding foreland basins are more likely to have high vitrite, clarite and ash contents than coals formed on cratonic shelves or in slowly subsiding cratonic basins. These coals are likely to be rich in dull coals consisting mainly of durite inertite.

2 Basin Formation as Part of Plate Tectonics

The theory of plate tectonics, although primarily concerned with horizontal movements of the relatively rigid lithospheric plates (crust and uppermost mantle) over the softer asthenosphere (mantle), has also provided an explanation for the vertical movements that lead to subsidence and basin formation. The following crustal movements can be distinguished (after Dickinson 1974 and Fischer 1975):

1.Change in crustal thickness.According to the principle of isostasy thick

low-density continental crust floats higher on heavy mantle material than thin high-density oceanic crust. For example, an isostatically compensated continental crust of 50 km thickness extends 4 km above the sea, whereas a 6-km-thin oceanic crust is covered by approximately 5 km of water (Holmes, 1965). Plate tectonics provides several mechanisms for both crustal thickening and thinning. The latter, which is of immediate interest here, is often exemplified in areas of continental rifting, where in the early stages of plate separation the crust along the rift zone is attenuated by extensional step-faulting, thus forming rapidly subsiding grabens and half-grabens.

Erosional thining of anisostatically uplifted crustal portions also leads to subsequent subsidence. Uplift due to crustal thickening is of some interest in this context,because it creates potential source areas for coal measure sediments. This is particularly important in foredeeps, where basin formation

is invariably coupled with uplift in nearby orogenic belts. Most examples of uplift due to crustal thickening are related either to the injection of magma into the crust or to continental collision.

2.Change in thermal regime. Convection currents in the plastic asthenosphere

are responsible not only for horizontal plate movements but also for some vertical crustal motions which are independent of ceustal thickness.

Upwelling magma from the mantle may cause uplift by forming heat bulges in the overlying crust, and new oceanic crust is formed where such mantle material is extruded along mid-oceanic rift zones. The latter are elevated above the sea floor because of thermal expansion of the affected crust which becomes colder and denser with increasing age and distance fiom the rise crest. Areas of thermal tumescence within or along the margin of continental plates are subjected to erosional thinning, which accentuates their subsidence during the period of thermal decay.

3.Loading affects.When sediments accumulate on an isostatically

compensated crust the additional load will create a disequilibrium which will be balanced by subsidence. This means that, whatever the initial cause for the creation of a depositional site, once sediments are beginning to accumulate, their weight and compaction are in some measure responsible for the deposition of additional sediments. This, to some extent self-prepetuating process is particularly well shown by the flexural bending under load of the continental shelf margin (Walcott 1972). Other common geotectonic sites for load-induced subsidence and sedimentation are orogenic fordeep margins which are flexurally down-warped under the weight of the overriding thrust sheets generated in the adjacent fold belt

(Price 1973; Laubscher 1978; Beaumont 1981; Quinlan and Beaumont 1984).

Additional loading of the downwardly flexed crust is provided by the mass of molasses sediments produced in the fold belt and transported into the developing foredeep.

As has been discussed before, additional causes of sediment and coal formation are provided by subsurface salt migration and leaching, and eustatic sea-level changes, in particular by their interaction with crustal movements, which produce a variety of sedimentary responses in different tectonic domains. For example, rifting of oceanic crust has depositional consequences quite different from the separation of continental crust. The rifting of continental crust may lead to coal formation, but the rifting of oceanic crust is unlikely to lead to the formation of coal. A survey of the effects of the geotectonic setting of coalfields on peat accumulation and coal composition requires therefore an understanding of the major crustal elements of Earth and their principal motions.

A plate-tectonic interpretation of the main crustal elements in reference to their ability to provide suitable sites for the formation of coal is summarized in Fig.9.1. This interpretation is based on the notion that the creation of new lithospheric crust along mid-oceanic rifts and the lateral movement of the lithospheric slabs towards subductionzones, where oceanic crust is consumed, produce three types of plate junctures. These are (after Dickinson 1974):

1. Divergent plate edges, where plate separation takes place and the developing gap is filled by upwelling mantle material welding new oceanic crust to the separating plates.

2. Convergent plate edges, where old crust is subducted into the mantle underneath the leading edge of the overriding plate.

3. Transform plate edges, where adjacent plates are laterally displace by movement along strike-slip faults.

Fig.9.1. The geotectonic setting of coalfields in reference to Curray’s (1975) plate-tectonic subdivisions of the earth. The identification of countries is by international country code.

The tectonic subdivisions of coalfields used by von Bubnoff (1937) in Table 9.2 can be broadly accommodated within the plate tectonic framework of Fig.9.1. The fore-and many intradeeps are part of plate convergence complexes, which in view of their overwhelming quantitative, i.e. economic importance, will be

discussed first. The midplate continental margin is the setting of shelf deposits,

whereas the cratonic and rift valley settings refer to the interior of consolidated areas.

3 Coalfields Situated Near Convergent Plate Edges

The relationships between tectonic setting and coal content of a region inferred from Tables 9.1 and 9.2 suggest that coal can form more frequently in geological environments capable of offering a larger number and variety of crustal movements per unit time than less mobile areas. As mentioned above, this is a reature of foredeeps, which have been prolific coal producers in the pat. Mountain chains consisting of folded and often metamorphosed rocks are formed as linear and often arcuate welts along the edges of convergingplates by a number of tectonic and magmatic events, all of which appear to be primarily related to the process of subduction. However, not all former subduction zones have led to the formation of coalfields, which is a problem related to the nature of the converging plates, i.e. whether they consist of oceanic or continental crust. According to Figs. 9.1 and 9.2, there are three scenarios:

1.Subduction of oceanic crust beneatn oceanic crust (Fig. 9.2A). It is unlikely

that this situation will lead to significant coalfield formation because of the considerable water cover of the sea floor. Oceanic crust emerges above water only where it has been thickened by magmatic injection and may then produce isolated small coal occurrences. However, as long as only oceanic crust is involved, the lack of a strong nearby sediment source leaves the adjacent ocean basin starved and too deep for peat accumulation. Conversely, composite arc systems, in which several subduction zones are operating simultaneously in opposite directions and/or in which allochthonous crustal fragments (terranes) have been accreted to the arc system, may provide

suitable conditions for coal formation. An example are the Japanese islands, which contain coalfields of Tertiary age in both fore- and backarc positions (Aihara 1986). Forearc basins elsewhere are not known to be significant coal producers due to the tectonic instability during the basin stage and the subsequent destruction by tectonism. The occurrence of a 3000-m-thick Palaeogene succession of folded and faulted coal measures in the Hidaka Basin of central Hokkaido, described by Aihara (1986), is therefore a comparatively rare case of a thick coal measure sequence formed and preserved in a forearc setting.

2.Subduction of oceanic crust underneath continental crust (Fig.9.2B). There

are several past and present examples of extensive coal formation associated with this type of plate convergence. The main coalfields formed in the process occupy retroarc basins (Dickinson 1974) filled with thick sedimentary successions. The beginning of sedimentation is probably related to extensional tectonics in the backarc area, at a time when subduction is still in process. However, during and following the accretion of allochthonous terranes the retroarc basin is subjected to a compressional stress regime which causes it to subside under the weight of overriding thrust wedges.

3.Partial subduction of continental crust beneath continental crust (Fig.9.2C).

This type represents an example of continental collision. Because of its thickness and low density, continental crust can only partially be subducted which leads to tectonic stacking and overlap of the two plate margins. The conditions of coal formations in a retroarc basin are the same as in (2) for the overriding plate. In addition, at least two loci of potential peat accumulation are contributed by the consumed plate, one (usually destroyed by subsequent

orogenesis and metamorphism) in the form of the continental shelf margin which was formed before collision occurred, and the other in the form of a peripheral basin (Dickinson 1974) formed at the foot of the collision belt.

Retroarc and peripheral basins share the same basic foredeep architecture (Beaumont 1981), because both are the products of flexural downwarping of the underlying crust following loading by overriding thruet sheets.

Fig.9.2 A-C. Three possibilities of plate convergence. Continental crust; ocanic crust;volcanics; ??? molasses sediments;??? marine sediments



在已知的煤沉积过程中,这种最终阶段是与影响泥炭堆积外在的呈最高状态的重要的沉积因素相联系的。这是一个宽广且复杂的领域,它吸收了聚集地球科学许多不同学科的知识。一部分领域已经相当迅速的普遍展开,而其他的一些在跟随最近的科学革命处于一个结束期。在20世纪70年代早期的地槽假说被板块构造理论所替代就是后者中的一个例子。即使在经过20年后,这种新的模式仍处于被改进或装备于概念的子集,同时在地形分析中被列为通用的重点的过程中。因此,在这个时期对于被选择的题目做一个决定性的陈述是不可能的,但是,只是描述关于现代大地构造因素方面的煤田分类是可以建立的。这种现代化目标的实现是充满困难的,因为要从占优势的全球构造学静止地槽的观点变为现代的,大量的活动论解释使得一些煤田的构造分类变得复杂。当许多煤田的构造情况,例如那些前渊或陆前盆地已经相对改变一点,建立在内部或山间的槽即造山的山脉上的煤田装置,如果没有仔细的学习是不能被适当的分派下去。根据该地槽的概念,几乎所有的这些内渊,连同前渊和后渊,他们的超级造山带对口,被视为一组稳定地块的一部分,其中伴随着“有机终端地槽构造”的发展(Aubouin 1965)。这固定的并严格层序的解释(Kay所强调的“后成优地槽”1951)并没有发生在现代大地构造分析中,其中的大部分造山带被作为拼贴的本地成因和异地成因的地形,即作为构造地层组合与可能同时代不均匀的地层记录,反映其原产地在不同的地质上或地理上的领域(Monger and Price 1979, Monger et al. 1982)。构造环境,这也影响到形成一个异地岩层组合前的堆积,在远离了物源地沉积下来后,在类型和形态上可能已经非常不同。它如下一个多造山带的岩层可能含有各种煤形成于不同时期之前和之后的岩层的堆积。此外,当代加积前形成的煤炭储量在




大型煤田的形成可以发生的地方,只有在活跃的下陷地区,例如在沉积盆地。因此,用一个煤系序列表征大地构造环境的方式表示其他适用的沉积环境是有可能的。Stutzer (1920) 和Stille (1926)第一次确认构造与成煤之间的成因关系。Stille,尤其是提到突出差异而言,欧洲盆地充填中煤层的平均厚度和的比例关系与总煤系厚度的联系,在这之间存在的石炭纪和第三纪煤的数量。他归因于这样的相似性,以对比程度的地壳的流动性,在欧洲的两个主要成煤期受影响地区。他的结果总结在表9 .1.中。即使在第三系褐色和石炭系沥青煤压实比率之间的不同的计算(在较小程度压实适用于跨煤层沉积物)的对比是相当显着的。后来结果表明,由von Bubnoff

(1937)表示,分布世界各地的煤的储量是与煤田的大地构造环境有关的。他的结论的摘要列于表9.2 ,这表明在1937年所有的煤炭储量都已经知道,约71 %的是发展构造非常活跃的环境,特别是在稳定地块盆地前渊发展来的,其中毗邻造山带和从高地来的接收的许多风化碎片。

表9.1 . Stille’s(1926)一些比较(略作修改)


表9.2 .分布在世界储备煤中提到了大地构造环境的煤田。(von Bubnoff 1937 之后)

侧向范围的沉积被认为在与造山带相关的地区的煤的聚集中更是突出的。煤田位于沙洲的边缘或沙洲内古陆核的涵盖了更广阔的领域较相对狭窄的前渊,但其地域的限制,是补偿的频率煤层发生在一个一定数量厚的煤层。正如我们将在所后面讨论的,这是涉及到大量的和长期沉陷的被认为在大陆边缘受到附近俯冲的复杂的,作为一个造山带是与板块边缘共生的。这是不足为奇的,因此,在北美,欧洲,亚洲和南部大陆von Bubnoff (1937) 还发现一个山脉与成煤之间的相近关系。当然,那儿已知的山脉与煤的沉积是没有关系的。但是,往往他们的缺失是与影响植物来源有关的。例如,所有的前泥盆纪造山带发生的时候,植物界仍然不能满足作为生产泥炭的作用。大陆架的环境,缺少移动性,比造山作用产生的煤炭沉积少。在这方面是定义大陆架这个术语是很重要的。对于地理学来说,大陆架地区向海的部分通常在股线和大陆斜坡之间延伸。不过,由于von Bubnoff (1948a)指出,滨线的位置是相当偶然的,决定于地壳运动和海平面位置.从地质的角度来看,大陆架定义的扩大似乎是有用的,因此时间的因素可以忽略。大陆架地区可能被视为边缘的那些地区,但大陆的完整区域是偶尔受浅海的超覆。典型的地区是在大陆边缘的尾端,大陆板块和克拉通边缘的前渊。常见的两种类型是大陆架是显著的环境,分别为所谓的稳定和不稳定(von Bubnoff 1948a; Krumbein and Sloss 1963)。多数与它们相关的煤田是近海特征,这是所强调的插层煤在海相地层中的数量,其中一个特征是稳定地块盆地前渊普遍存在的。不过,因为缺少化石,海相地层不一定一直得到承认,这是与过量的新鲜水从沿海沼泽大量涌入有关的(Duff and Walton 1962)。




在形成其边界过程中,煤田的构造环境有着重要的影响力。Hacquebard 等 (1967), Mackowsky (1968), Shibaoka and Smyth (1975), Hunt (1982)和其他人已经表明,煤的组成在很大程度上近海相比湖泊相呈现更大的不同,因为大量的不同因素影响宽广的大陆架或前渊盆地环境。此外,煤的形成在迅速下沉前陆盆地更可能有高含量的微镜煤,微亮煤和灰分比煤形成的稳定的边缘上,或在慢慢下沉克拉通盆地。这些煤很可能是丰富的暗煤为主的微惰性煤。


板块构造理论,虽然主要关注相对刚性岩石圈板块(地壳与上地幔顶部在柔和的软流圈(地幔)的横向变动,但也提供了一个导致沉降和盆地的形成的垂直运动的解释。接下来的地壳运动,可以划分为(在Dickinson 1974 and Fischer 1975之后):


地幔物质比薄的高密度大洋地壳高。举例来说,一个海平面之上均衡的大陆地壳50公里的厚度延伸4公里,而6公里的薄大洋地壳涵盖的约5公里的水(Holmes, 1965) 。板块构造提供了若干机制,为双方的地壳增厚和变薄。后者,这是对的切身利益,在这里,往往是体现在地区的大



内部控制透视:理论与概念 摘要:内部控制是会计程序或控制系统,旨在促进效率或保证一个执行政策或保护资产或避免欺诈和错误。内部是一个组织管理的重要组成部分。它包括计划、方法和程序使用,以满足任务,目标和目的,并在这样做,支持基于业绩的管理。内部控制是管理阶层的平等与控制可以帮助管理者实现资源的预期的有效管理的结果通过。内部控制应减少或违规错误的风险关联未被发现的,但设计和建立有效的内部控制不是一个简单的任务,不可能是一个实现通过快速修复短套。在此讨论了内部文件的概念的不同方面的内部控制和管制。 关键词:内部控制,管理控制,控制环境,控制活动,监督 1、介绍 环境需要新的业务控制变量不为任何潜在的股东和管理人士的响应因子为1,另外应执行/她组织了一个很大的控制权。控制是管理活动的东西或以上施加控制。思想的产生和近十年的发展需要有系统的商业资源和控制这种财富一个新的关注。主题之一热一回合管制的商业资源是分析每个控制成本效益。 作为内部控制和欺诈的第一道防线,维护资产以及预防和侦查错误。内部控制,我们可以说是一种控制整个系统的财务和其他方面的管理制定了为企业的顺利运行;它包括内部的脸颊,内部审计和其他形式的控制。 COSO的内部控制描述如下。内部控制是一个客观的方法用来帮助确保实现。在会计和组织理论,内部控制是指或目标目标的过程实施由组织的结构,工作和权力流动,人员和具体的管理信息系统,旨在帮助组织实现。这是一种手段,其中一个组织的资源被定向,监控和测量。它发挥着无形的(重要的作用,预防和侦查欺诈和保护组织的资源,包括生理(如,机械和财产)和乙二醇,声誉或知识产权,如商标)。在组织水平,内部控制目标与可靠性的目标或战略的财务报告,及时反馈业务上的成就,并遵守法律,法规。在具体的交易水平,内部控制是指第三方采取行动以实现一个具体目标(例如,如何确保本组织的款项,在申请服务提供有效的。)内部控制程序reduce程变异,导


A Clear Look at Internal Controls: Theory and Concepts Hammed Arad (Philae) Department of accounting, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran Barak Jamshedy-Navid Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Kerman-shah, Iran Abstract: internal control is an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error. Internal Control is a major part of managing an organization. It comprises the plans, methods, and procedures used to meet missions, goals, and objectives and, in doing so, support performance-based management. Internal Control which is equal with management control helps managers achieve desired results through effective stewardship of resources. Internal controls should reduce the risks associated with undetected errors or irregularities, but designing and establishing effective internal controls is not a simple task and cannot be accomplished through a short set of quick fixes. In this paper the concepts of internal controls and different aspects of internal controls are discussed. Keywords: Internal Control, management controls, Control Environment, Control Activities, Monitoring 1. Introduction The necessity of control in new variable business environment is not latent for any person and management as a response factor for stockholders and another should implement a great control over his/her organization. Control is the activity of managing or exerting control over something. he emergence and development of systematic thoughts in recent decade required a new attention to business resource and control over this wealth. One of the hot topic a bout controls over business resource is analyzing the cost-benefit of each control. Internal Controls serve as the first line of defense in safeguarding assets and preventing and detecting errors and fraud. We can say Internal control is a whole system of controls financial and otherwise, established by the management for the smooth running of business; it includes internal cheek, internal audit and other forms of controls. COSO describe Internal Control as follow. Internal controls are the methods employed to help ensure the achievement of an objective. In accounting and organizational theory, Internal control is defined as a process effected by an organization's structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific goals or objectives. It is a means by which an organization's resources are directed, monitored, and measured. It plays an important role in preventing and detecting fraud and protecting the organization's resources, both physical (e.g., machinery and property) and intangible (e.g., reputation or intellectual property such as trademarks). At the organizational level, internal control objectives relate to the reliability of financial reporting, timely feedback on the achievement of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. At the specific transaction level, internal control refers to the actions taken to achieve a specific objective (e.g., how to ensure the organization's payments to third parties are for valid services rendered.) Internal control


工业革命以来西方主要国家的重大环境污染与治理 今日的中东部地区多日的雾霾应个景。看来污染问题并不是中国特有的现象,根 治污染也不是任何一个政府可以一蹴而就的行为。这也许是一个国家工业化所必须经 历的困难和一代人甚至两代人注定要付出的代价。也许今天我们看到欧美日的富二代 们享受着碧水蓝天煞是羡慕,那让我们也关注下当年他们的父辈与祖辈所经过的日子,这也许是我们所要或者正在经历的。 环境污染由来已久。早在14世纪初,英国就注意到了煤烟污染;17世纪伦 敦煤烟污染加重时,有人着文提出过改善大气品质的方案①。不过直到这时,污染只 在少数地方存在,污染物也较少,依靠大自然的自净能力,尚不至于造成重大危害。 环境污染发生质的变化并演变成一种威胁人类生存与发展的全球性危机,则始于18 世纪末叶兴起的工业革命。现代经济史和社会史学家普遍把工业革命视为人类或“南 一北”差距的分水岭②,同样的,我们也可以把这场革命视为人类环境污染史的分水岭;又由于“从影响全球和区域的环境问题看,主要责任直接或间接地来自工业发达 国家”③,因此,地考察西方主要国家自工业革命以来环境的污染与治理,审视西方 人对待自然的认识或态度,明确树立科学的环境价值观的重要性,就不仅具有学术价值,而且具有现实参考意义。 一、18世纪末--20世纪初环境污染的发生① 从18世纪下半叶起,经过整个19世纪到20世纪初,首先是英国,而后是欧洲其他国家、美国和日本相继经历和实现了工业革命,最终建立以煤炭、冶金、化工 等为基础的工业生产体系。这是一场技术与经济的革命,它以蒸汽机的改良和广泛应 用为基本动力。而蒸汽机的使用需要以煤炭作为燃料,因此,随着工业革命的推进, 地下蕴藏的煤炭资源便有了空前的价值,煤成为工业化初期的主要能源。新的煤矿到 处开办,煤炭产量大幅度上升,到1900年时,世界先进国家英、美、德、法、日五 国煤炭产量总和已达6.641亿吨。煤的大规模开采并燃用,在提供动力以推动工厂 的开办和蒸汽机的运转,并方便人们的日常生活时,也必然会释放大量的烟尘、二氧 化硫、二氧化碳、一氧化碳和其他有害的污染物质。 与此同时,在一些工业先进国家,矿冶工业的发展既排出大量的二氧化硫, 又释放许多重金属,如铅、锌、镉、铜、砷等,污染了大气、土壤和水域。而这一时 期化学工业的迅速发展,构成了环境污染的又一重要来源。另外,水泥工业的粉尘与 造纸工业的废液.也会对大气和水体造成污染。 结果,在这些国家,伴随煤炭、冶金、化学等重工业的建立、发展以及城市化的推进,出现了烟雾腾腾的城镇,发生了烟雾中毒事件,河流等水体也严重受害。 英国作为最早实现工业革命的国家,其煤烟污染最为严重;水体污染亦十分 普遍。除英国外,在19世纪末期和20世纪初期,美国的工业中心城市,如芝加哥、


Unit 1 safety management system Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件 Machine guarding 机械保护装置 House-keeping 工作场所管理 Top management 高层管理人员 Human errors 人因失误Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型 Munitions factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risking taking 冒险行为Corporate culture 企业文化Loss prevention 损失预防Process industry 制造工业Hazard control 危险控制Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化 Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系Status review 状态审查 Lower-level management 低层管理者 Business performance 组织绩

效 Most senior executive 高级主管 Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则Wall-board 公告栏Implement plan 执行计划Hazard identification 危险辨识 Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of , an organization’s health and safety management. 译文:组织的安全文化由以下几项内容组成:个人和群体的价值观、态度、观念、能力和行为方式。这种行为方式决定了个人或团体对组织健康安全管理的责任,以及组织健康安全管理的形式和熟练程度。 Unit 2 System Safety Engineering System safety engineering 系统安全工程By-product 附带产生的结果



附录B 如何监测内部控制 内部控制是任何组织有效运行的关键,董事会、执行长和内部审计人员都为实现这个企业的目标而工作;该内部控制系统是使这些团体确保那些目标的达成的一种手段。控制帮助一个企业有效率地运转。此外,运用一种有效的风险系统,风险可被降低到最小。同时,控制促进经营和与经营有关的信息的可靠性。全美反舞弊性财务报告委员会发起组织(COSO;1992) 在它发布的具有开创性的文件《内部控制整合框架》中,将内部控制定义为:企业风险管理是一个过程,受企业董事会、管理层和其他员工的影响,包括内部控制及其在战略和整个公司的应用,旨在为实现经营的效率和效果、财务报告的可靠性以及法规的遵循提供合理保证。该委员会还指出,一个的内部控制的系统包括五个要素。它们是:控制环境、风险评估、信息和沟通、控制活动、监控。 COSO的定义及五个要素已被证明确实对不同的团体,如董事会和首席执行官起到作用。这些群体对内部控制系统的监管以及系统设计与运行有责任。而且,内部审计人员已经发现COSO的指导是有用的。这群人员可能会被董事会或管理层要求去测试控制。COSO最近发布的一份讨论文件,指出五个要素监控,其中的五个要素的确定在1992 frame work COSO原本。中国发展简报的题为《内部控制-整合框架:内部控制体系监督指南》(COSO,2007)。在文件中,COSO 强调监控的重要性,以及这些信息常常被没有充分利用。 因为董事会、执行长,和内部审计人员都在一个公司的内部控制中扮演着重要角色,内部控制的各要素,包括监测,都对所有的团体有着非常重要的意义。同时,外审计人员对监测有兴趣。《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(2002)为外部审计师创建了一个新的监督体制。所有的五个要素,包括监测,必须加以考虑。另外,内部控制审计必须结合对财务报告的检查。在一体化审计之前,在首席执行官的领导下,也许也在内部审计活动的支持下的管理,评估了内控制体系的有效性。随后外部审计人员对控制出具意见。起监督角色的董事会,将阅读内部审计、管理层和首席执行官出具的报告。文件关于监测对每一个团体的指导起了帮助,因为他们分别为各自的角色而劳动。 第一,什么是监测。监测的组成可评估内部控制系统在过去一段时间发挥效用的质量。其对控制功能的评估有助于企业确定其控制在有效地运作中。在执行监测活动时,相关人员参与审查系统的设计及其运行效果。这种检查必须进行及时,目的是为了提供给企业最大的利益。管理层负责做出适当的行动以回应这些结果。当事人对内部控制有兴趣,可以充分依赖这个内部控制系统,如果合适的监


本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 题目酒店管理系统的设计与实现 学生姓名__梅万里 学号_ 200817030122 专业班级_网络工程08101班 指导老师_潘梅森___ 2011年 11 月

论文(设计)题目酒店管理系统的设计与实现 课题目的、意义及相关研究动态: 一、课题的目的 随着计算机网络的飞速发展,Internet技术越来越广泛的应用,网络覆盖的区域不断扩大,给酒店业计算机应用带来了蓬勃发展的机遇。采用全新的计算机网络和管理系统,将成为提高酒店管理效率,改善服务水准的重要手段之一。所以城市酒店入住信息管理系统是酒店经营不可缺少的现代工具。而本系统就是为了实现酒店高效管理而设计的。 二、课题的意义 现代化酒店是城市的重要基础设施,酒店业的发展,直接支持着城市经济的繁荣、旅游业的兴旺和广大市民的生活需要,同时也是城市建设现代化的一个重要标志。全球都把现代化酒店管理作为现代企业管理的重要组成部分。随着当今世界经济和计算机的飞速发展以及网络的普及,酒店在内部实现用户通过电话预约或亲自前往酒店预订客房,服务员人工填写客房预订表进行客房预订的传统模式已经十分落后,满足不了现代人的需要。对那些在外地的旅客来说,他们十分希望可以方便快捷的查看酒店的配套设施和环境来决定预订酒店房间,以节约他们宝贵的时间,而且面对酒店业竞争的日益激烈,酒店业要发展就需要尽力扩大经营规模,适应当今网络时代的步伐。 三、国内外研究动态 在国内,餐饮软件的发展也正处于蓬勃发展的时期,如北京天良软件,它是一家以软件开发、销售为主营方向的技术开发型企业。天良软件立足于餐饮及酒店客房管理市场,致力于为客户提供一流的产品及服务,企业下设市场拓展部、产品研发部、公关策划部、客户服务部等主要职能部门。 在国外发展比较成熟的软件有龙腾触摸屏点菜系统,“龙腾餐饮管理系统”软件采用了独特的组网技术,以Window为操作平台,全32位应用软件系统,功能在国内处于领先地位。网络系统是以Windows搭成的对等网络,简单实用、稳定可靠,保证企业非常迅速地把信息传递到各个点。这个系统适用于快餐企业、


Unit6 Industry hygiene工业卫生physical hazard物理危害、物质危害nonionizing radiation非电离辐射adverse effects副作用loud noise嘈杂的声音chemical bum化学烧伤live electrical circuits 带电电路confined space密闭空间hearing loss听力丧失physical or mental disturbance身体或精神障碍annoyance烦恼power tools电动工具impulse脉冲sound level meter噪声计jet engine喷气式发动机time-weighted average时间加权平均heat stress热应力、热威胁shivering 颤抖hard labor辛苦工作fatigued疲劳的living tissue活组织plastic sealer塑料密封机biological hazard生物危害potable water饮用水sewage污水physical contact身体接触allergic reaction 过敏反应severe pain剧烈疼痛manual handing手工处理airborne空中的on a daily basis每天hazard communication standard危害通识规定stipulation规定、条款trade name商标名 工业卫生被定义为:“致力于预测、识别、评估和控制环境因素或压力的科学与技术,这些压力产生或来自与工作场所,能够造成疾病、损害人们的幸福安康、或是工程或社区居民的工作效率不高,并使他们感觉到很不舒服。(P67) 当噪音导致暂时或永久的听力丧失,使身体或精神发生紊乱,对语言交流产生干扰,或对工作、休息、放松、睡觉产生干扰时,它是一种非常严重的危害。噪音是任何不被期望的声音,它通常是一种强度变化但不包括任何信息的声音。他干扰人们对正常声音的辨别,可能是有害的,能使人烦恼,并干扰人们说话。(P68) Unit9 Accident investigation事故调查after-the-fact事实背后的take an investigation进行调查fact-finding process寻找事实的过程insurance carrier保险公司/承保人plance blame推卸责任permanent total disability永久全部劳动力丧失for simplicity为简单起见accident prevention 事故预防investigation procedures调查过程fact finding寻找事实operating procedures flow diagrams操作过程流程图maintenance chart维修图表bound notebook活页笔记本physical or chemical law物理或化学定律table of contens 目录narrative叙事的counter-measure干预措施 调查人员在调查过程中从各方面收集证据,从证人、旁观者及一些相关报道中得到信息,在事故发生后尽快的找目击证人谈话,在事故现场遭到改变前进行检查,对事故场景进行拍照并绘制草图,记录与地形相关的所有数据,并将所有的报道复印保存。记录常规的操作流程图、维修图表或对困难、异常现象的报告等非常有用。在活页笔记本中完整准确地记录。记录事故发生前的环境、事故顺序及事故发生后的环境情况等。另外,记录伤者、证人、机械能量来源和危害物质的位置。(P119) Unit10 Safety electricity安全用电electrical equipment电力设备fuse puller保险丝夹break contact断开接点/触电hot side高压端load side 负荷端line side线路/火线端groundfault circuit Interrupt 漏电保护器ground fault接地故障receptacle电源插座hot bubs热水澡桶underwater lighting水底照明fountains 人工喷泉ungrounded(hot)conductor 未接地(高压)单体/火线neutral conductor中性导体fault current载荷中心panelboard 配电板branch-circuit分支电路CB一种多功能插座plug-in插入式 上锁/挂牌成套设备也是可用的。上锁/挂牌套件中包含有必须满足OSHA上锁/挂牌标准的组件。上锁/挂牌套件中包含有可重复使用的危险标签、临时悬挂标志、各种闭锁、锁、磁性标志、及与上锁/挂牌相关的信息。无论什么原因停下工作或当天不能完成工作时,在返回

管理 审计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 内部控制爆X炸

外文出处:Maijoor S. The Internal Control Explosion[J]. International Journal of Auditing, 2000, 4(1):101–109. 内部控制爆炸① 摘要:Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已内部控制爆炸然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 关键词:机构理论;公司治理;外部审计;内部审计;内部控制制度;管理控制 1 概述 Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。例如,在最近的对于欧洲联盟内外部审计服务的内部市场形成的辩论中,监管建议建立关于内部控制和内部审计制度。虽然对有关内部控制的价值期望高,但Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制是对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 在审计和公司治理的公共政策辩论中,内部控制的概念越来越得到重视。公共越来①Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research and Education Center (MARC), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands s.maijoor@marc.unimaas.nl Fax: 31-43-3884876 Tel: 31-43-3883783


环境污染事件分级标准 1、特别重大环境事件(Ⅰ级): (1)死亡30人以上,或中毒(重伤)100人以上; (2)因环境事件需疏散、转移群众5万人以上,或直接经济损失1000万元以上; (3)区域生态功能严重丧失或濒危物种生存环境遭到严重污染,或因环境污染使当地正常的经济、社会活动受到严重影响; (4)因环境污染使当地正常的经济、社会活动受到严重影响; (5)利用放射性物质进行人为破坏事件,或1、2类放射源失控造成大范围严重辐射污染后果; (6)因环境污染造成重要城市主要水源地取水中断的污染事故; (7)因危险化学品(含剧毒品)生产和贮运中发生泄漏,严重影响人民群众生产、生活的污染事故; (8)造成跨国(界)的环境污染事件。 2、重大环境事件(Ⅱ级): (1)发生10人以上、30人以下死亡,或中毒(重伤)50人以上,100人以下; (2)区域生态功能部分丧失或濒危物种生存环境受到污染; (3)因环境污染使当地经济、社会活动受到较大影响,疏散转移群众1万人以上、5万人以下的; (4)1、2类放射源丢失、被盗或失控; (5)因环境污染造成重要河流、湖泊、水库以及沿海水域大面积污染,或县级以上城镇水源地取水中断的污染事件。 3、较大环境事件(Ⅲ级): (1)发生3人以上、10人以下死亡,或中毒(重伤)10人以上、50人以下; (2)因环境污染造成跨地级行政区纠纷,使当地经济、社会活动受到影响; (3)3类放射源丢失、被盗或失控。

4、一般环境事件(Ⅳ级): (1)发生3人以下死亡,中毒(重伤)10人以下; (2)因环境污染造成跨县级行政区域纠纷,引起群体性影响的; (3)4、5类放射源丢失、被盗或失控。 上述分级标准有关数量的表述中,“以上”含本数,“以下”不含本数。


中英文对照资料外文翻译文献 Hotel Management System Integration Services 1.Introduction It is generally accepted that the role of the web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortium's Xtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Xtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program. In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Management System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel officer’s experiences in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems no difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there


The major contributors in component technology have been the semi-conductor components. (译为“起主要作用”,不译“主要贡献者”。) There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. (译为“完全掌握”,不译“毕业于”。) The purpose of a driller is to holes. (译为“钻孔”) A single-point cutting tool is used to cut threads on engine lathes. (译为“车”) The major contributors in component technology have been the semi-conductor components. (译为“起主要作用”,不译“主要贡献者”。) There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. (译为“完全掌握”,不译“毕业于”。) The iron ore used to make steel comes from open-pit and underground mines. (译为“炼钢”,不译“制造刚”。) An insulator offers a very high resistance to the passage through which electric current goes. (译为“很大阻力”,不译“高阻力”) Mater can be changed into energy, and energy into mater. 物质可以转换为能,能也可以转化为物质。 The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest has the greatest. 最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大。 If A is equal to D, A plus B equals D plus B. 若A=D,则A+B=D+B。 The first electronic computers used vacuum tubes and other components, and this made the equipment very large and bulky. 第一代电子计算机使用真空管和其他元件,这使得设备又大又笨。 Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty. 氧化作用会使钢铁生锈。 The cost of such a power plant is a relatively small portion of the total cost of the development. 这样一个发电站的修建费用仅占该开发工程总费用的一小部分。 The resistance of the pipe to the flow of water through it depends upon the length of the pipe, the diameter of the pipe, and the feature of the inside walls(rough or smooth)。 水管对通过的水流的阻力取决于下列三个因素:管道长度、管道直径、管道内壁的特性(粗糙或光滑)。Heat from the sun stirs up the atmosphere, generating winds. 太阳发出的热能搅动大气,于是产生了风。 In general, all the metals are good conductors, with silver the best and copper the second. 一般来说,金属都是良导体,其中以银为最好,铜次之。 The world of work injury insurance is complex. 工伤保险是复杂的。 Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物质,不论是固体、液体或是气体,都是有原子组成的。 In the absence of force, a body will either remain at rest, or continue to move with constant speed in a straight line. 无外力作用,物体则保持静止状态,或作匀速直线运动。 A wire lengthens while it is heated. 金属丝受热则伸长。 Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. 几乎所有的物质都是热胀冷缩的。


附件: 863计划资源环境技术领域“重大环境污染事件应急技术系统研究开发与应用示范”重大项目第一批课题申请指南 一、指南说明 近年来我国重大环境污染事件频繁发生,对生态环境、人民健康及社会安全产生严重影响。从我国当前重大环境污染事件发生的实际状况出发,结合国际环境科学技术发展前沿,研究开发适合我国国情的重大环境污染事件应急技术系统,是提升我国环境保护技术水平,推进环境友好型社会建设的迫切要求。为此,863计划资源环境技术领域启动了“重大环境污染事件应急技术系统研究开发与应用示范”重大项目。 该重大项目分共性技术类和示范应用类2类课题,共性技术类课题将研发应对典型重大环境污染事件的关键技术并为示范应用类课题提供相关技术支持;应用示范类课题将分别选择重要区域、重点行业和环境敏感目标,进行针对性技术开发和系统集成,并为共性技术类课题提供研发与应用平台。示范区包括城市、工业园区、饮用水水源地、地区性重大活动场所等类型,目前本项目已启动“特大城市重大环境污染事件应急技术综合示范”、“典型沿江化工区环境污染事故防范与应急示范”等应用示范类课题。

此次发布的是本重大项目的8个共性技术类课题指南。评审过程将以课题为单元分别进行,择优确定各课题的承担单位。为保证项目总体目标的顺利完成,共性技术类课题承担单位在完成课题各项研究任务的同时,须配合好示范应用类课题有关工作的开展。 二、指南内容 课题1.重大环境污染事件风险源识别与监控技术 研究目标: 基于近年来我国发生的重大环境污染事件的主要类型,开发多类型环境风险源识别及风险分区技术,建立环境风险源动态管理与监控系统,并在本重大项目选定的沿江开发区、特大城市等示范区进行应用示范,为我国重大环境污染事件防范提供有力的技术支撑。 研究内容: (1)重大环境污染事件风险源识别技术 开发典型行业、区域和重要环境敏感目标的环境风险源分类与分级技术、环境风险源基础信息数据库构建技术。 (2)多尺度环境风险分区技术 开发典型区域环境风险定量分区技术,建立基于环境风险分区的区域功能优化调整决策支持系统。

酒店管理系统 Hotel Management System Integration Services 外文资料

外文资料 Hotel Management System Integration Services 1.Introduction It is generally accepted that the role of the web services in businesses is undoubtedly important. More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services technology. Today the e-commerce is not merely using internet to transfer business data or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web services. The World Wide Web Consortium's Xtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Xtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) are standards defined in the interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being deployed in the construction of web services. Since XML is looked as the canonical message format, it could tie together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any program can be mapped into web service, while any web service can also be mapped into program. In this paper, we present a next generation commercial system in hotel industry that fully integrates the hotel Front Office system, Property Management System, Customer Relationship Management System, Quality Management system, Back Office system and Central Reservations System distributed in different locations. And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel officer’s experiences in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite mature, it seems no difficulty to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems (for example, web-based applications or mobile applications). However, currently in hotel industry there are few truly integrated systems used because there are so many heterogeneous systems already exist and scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge to be overcome. From our study on Group Hotel Integration Reservation System (GHIRS), there are still challenges to integrate Enterprise Information System (EIS), Enterprise Information Portal system (EIP), Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together because of standardization, security and scalability problems, 1
