2019 届高三第二次阶段考试 英 语 试卷 及答案-答题卡

2019 届高三第二次阶段考试 英 语   试卷  及答案-答题卡
2019 届高三第二次阶段考试 英 语   试卷  及答案-答题卡







1.If you make a Purchase for $300 at https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, with the https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, Rewards Visa Card, how many points can you get?

A.30 B.900 C.9 D.600

2.Which of the following is Not the feature of the https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, Rewards visa card?

A.You needn't pay the annual fee.

B.You can get rewarded with this card even if you buy something on other websites.

C.$30 will be instantly loaded into your https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, account upon the approval of your credit card application.

D.Besides the redemption for instant savings at https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, checkout, you can also redeem for cash back and gift cards.

3.From this passage, we can infer ___________.

A.you can get one point for every dollar you earn with the card

B.the most attractive part of this card is the 2X rewards in gas and restaurant purchases

C.in some cases, you can get your cash back with the points in your card account

D.your points will be redeemed at https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html, checkout automatically towards any eligible purchase


Finding fruits and vegetables at your typical grocery store that have been grown without the extensive use of pesticides can be difficult. Fortunately, The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has done all of the work for you in finding healthy and pesticide-free produce.

EWG has created the 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which h elps shoppers to find uncontaminated produce. Many consumers do not realize that pesticide residues (残留) are very common on conventionally grown produce products, even after they have been washed or peeled. Because of this, EWG has created their series of guides to lead consumers to safer food choices.

In order to create these guides, EWG analyzed the USDA pesticides tests, which found a total of 230 different pesticides and pesticides breakdown products on thousands of produce samples. Analyzing this information, EWG observed the big differences of the amount of pesticides found from product to product.

T he guide’s two main components are two compiled lists highlighting the cleanest and dirtiest produce concerning pesticides. These two lists, Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen, show consumers how certain foods continue to carry trace amounts of pesticides with them all the way to the grocery store shelves, while others make it to your kitchen virtually pesticide-free.

Some of the highlights from their analyses included the following findings:

? More than one-third of strawberry samples analyzed in 2016 contained 10 or more pesticide residues and breakdown products.

? Spinach(菠菜)samples had, on average, almost twice as much pesticide residue by weight compared to any other crop.

? No single fruit sample from the Clean Fifteen tested positive for more than four pes ticides.

“With EWG’s guide, consumers can fill their fridges and fruit bowls with plenty of healthy conventional and organic produce that isn’t contaminated with multiple pesticide residue,” said Sonya Lunder, a senior analyst in EWG.

Only 25 years ago, the National Academy of Sciences raised concerns about exposure to poisonous pesticides in our food, yet consumers still consume a mixture of pesticides every day in America.

4.Why did EWG create the 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce?

A.To analyze the USDA pesticides tests. B.To advertise organic produce.

C.To warn some food companies. D.To help consumers make safer choices. 5.What is the result from the analysis of the USDA pesticides tests?

A.All the samples are polluted. B.230 pesticides are banned.

C.Pesticide amounts vary in products. D.All strawberries are poisonous.

6.Where are shoppers most likely to find spinach?

A.Dirty Dozen list. B.Organic food advertisement.

C.Clean Fifteen list. D.healthier food list.

7.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.All conventional produce is safe. B.No pesticides were used on crops 25 years ago.

C.consumers never worry about pesticides. D.Produce safety remains a problem.


Scientists have discover ed why the Mona Lisa’s expression looks so different to different people and at different times.

For centuries, art lovers and critics have been confused by and debated the Leonardo Da Vinci painting’s gaze and slight smile.

But new research from the University of California, San Francisco has shed new light on the shining and seemingly changing face of the Mona Lisa.

Through experiments, they discovered that our emotions really do change how we see a neutral (中性的)face.

Dr Erika Siegel and her colleagues study how our emotions change our perceptions(感知)of the world around us-even when we aren’t aware that something has changed our feelings.

This relies on the modern theory of ‘the brain as a predictive organ, instead of a reactive one, ’ says Dr Siegel.

In o ther words, ‘we have a lifetime of experience and we use those experiences to predict what we are going to experience next.’

We all have one dominant(支配的)eye and one more passive non-dominant one. If each eye is receiving different information, we only consciously perceive what dominant one sees. But non-dominant sights can still enter our subconscious.

They showed 43 people two sets of flashing images at the same time, so that the dominant eye saw and registered neutral expressions, while the non-dominant eye ‘saw’ flashes of neutral, or smiling faces, which they would only subconsciously be aware of.

After viewing the flashing faces, the researchers showed the participants options of faces and asked them to pick out which ones they had seen.

When their non-dominant eyes had seen a happy face, they were more likely to think the neutral face had actually been smiling, and the same was true for other expressions.

This means that ‘if you see the Mona Lisa after you have just had a screaming fight with your husb and, you’re going to see the painting differently,’ says Dr Siegel.

‘But if you’re having the time of your life at the Louvre, you’re going to see the mysterious smile,’ she adds.

‘We are the architects of our own experience. Our brain makes predictions ab out what it expects to see and uses information from the world to update its expectations,’ Dr Siegel says.

8.What is the purpose of Dr Erika Siegel’s research?

A.To win a debate.

B.To help appreciate the Mona Lisa.

C.To tell a smiling face from a neutral face.

D.To discover why people perceive the same thing differently.

9.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to “shed new light” in Paragraph 3?

A.Made something bright. B.Provided new explanations.

C.Added light-colored paints. D.Increased amount of natural light. 10.Why did the researchers show the participants two sets of flashing images?

A.To play a game.

B.To confuse their dominant and non-dominant eyes.

C.To strengthen the effect of the non-dominant eyes.

D.To provide images of more expressions.


Dear Rudyard Kipling,

Father has consistently tried to instill(灌输) a sense of being a man in me ever since I was very young. When I reached the age of twelve he began taking me to his auto body shop. He told me this tough job

would build me into a man of character. But this all changed a year ago when my mother passed away and stumbled upon your poem, If.

My mother was the person who could understand me. If I ever got tired during my work hours at the shop I could call her to come and pick me up. It was my mother who instilled the love of literature and languages in me. My mother spoke six languages fluently and had thousands of books, which still sit in the attic of our house. It was in this “library” of hers that I picked up a book of poetry from a cold metal shelf and found your poem, If.

Because of the death of my mother I felt alone, as if I belonged to no family. The image of a man was completely shattered when I saw him break down and cry, which looked so pathetic(凄惨的)and “unmanly” compared to his usual stoic(禁欲主义者)and emotionless countenance. Yet I remained silent remembering the golden words: “If you can keep your head when all about you/ Are losing theirs and blaming it on you… you’ll be a Man, my son!”

If reminded me to remain calm and “keep my head” because I wanted t o be a man and wanted to be the one supporting my family. I sacrificed my ability to compete in a winter sport so that I could stay home and cook for my family and clean the house. My father saw this and our relationship has grown much stronger. He finally respected me for who I was and told me he was proud to have a man for his son. Through this poem, I realize that to be a man is not about putting weights on a barbell(杠铃)but rather putting the weight of others on your back.

Your poem was so much more than just a simple list of guidelines or morals that some see it as; it really changed my life and my relationship with my dad.

11.According to the passage, what kind of person does the author’s father expect him to be?

A.A person who will shoulder responsibilities.

B.A person who knows how to earn a lot of money.

C.A person who knows how to do housework.

D.A person who respects his parents.

12.Who does the underlined word “him” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.the character in the poem B.the author’s father

C.the author D.an unknown person

13.According to the passage, a man in the author’s mind would have the following qualities EXCEPT _________.

A.responsible B.enthusiastic C.caring D.calm

14.We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A.the author’s mother had told him about this poem before

B.the author would not know how to help his family without the poem

C.the author’s father must have read the poem as well

D.the poem has helped to improve the relationship between the author and his father

15.The author has written this letter to ___________.

A.share his opinion on the poem

B.tell Rudyard Kipling how he got the poem

C.share with Rudyard Kipling his sadness resulting from the death of his mother

D.show his appreciation for the positive influence the poem has brought to him



Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is very popular among business people who want to improve their careers. 16 For example, Covey's principles can be used to improve relationships between parents and children or to improve the way you manage your time.

Covey begins by discussing habits and effectiveness, and why they are both important to success. According to Covey, for an action, such as listening to others, to become a habit, you must know what to do and why you should do it. However, you also must want to do. On the other hand, effectiveness means having a balance between success and a good relationship with the people around you. 17 . However, if the company does not respect its workers, the profits will eventually decline.

18 .The first three habits focus on personal growth. The next three habits are about how to get along with others. The seventh habit shows how to achieve physical, emotional and mental health.

Covey includes exercises to help you analyse your life. He challenges you to identify what you want to contribute to society in your lifetime. He does this by asking you to think about what people to say about you after you die. 19 . For example, if you want your children to say that you were always willing to spend time with them, then you will spend more time with them and less time at work. 20 .

A.It has the potential to really improve your life.

B.However, its principles can be applied to any area of life.

C.For example, a company might focus completely on making a profit.

D.Covey also introduces the seven habits of highly effective people.

E.In this way, you can challenge yourself to make your dreams and ambitions come true.

F.Your answer to this question will help you make better decisions about how to spend your time.

G.In order to be successful, you must have habits that make you able to deal effectively with others and your own personal life.


****学校****考试模拟试卷 英语卷(答题卡) (时间:120分钟,满分:120分) 姓名:_______________ 学校:___________________ 准考证号:_________________________ 第 Ⅰ卷(选择题 共70分) 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分) B )根据对话内容,在空白处填入一个适当的词,补全对话. 66.__________ 67.__________ 68._________ 69._________ 70.__________ 六、综合填空(每小题7分,共7 分) 71.______________ 72.______________ 73._____________ 74.______________ 75.______________ 76._____________ 77.___________ 七、任务型阅读(每小题10分,共10分) 78.___________________________________________________________________ 79.①_________________________________________________________________ ②_________________________________________________________________ 80. ___________________________________________________________________ 81. ___________________________________________________________________82.___________________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达(A 部分每小题2分;B 部分15分,共23分) A )完成句子.(每空一词) 83._________ ________ 84._________ _________ 85._________ ________ 86._________ ________ B )文段表达. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ A B C D 1 A B C D 2 A B C D 3 A B C D 4 A B C D 6 A B C D 5 A B C D 7 A B C D 8 A B C D 9 A B C D 10 A B C D 11 A B C D 12 A B C D 13 A B C D 19 A B C D 15 A B C D 16 A B C D 17 A B C D 18 A B C D 20 A B C D 14 A B C D 21 A B C D 22 A B C D 23 A B C D 24 A B C D 25 A B C D 26 A B C D 27 A B C D 28 A B C D 29 A B C D 30 A B C D 31 A B C D 32 A B C D 33 A B C D 34 A B C D 35 A B C D 36 A B C D 37 A B C D 38 A B C D 39 A B C D 40 A B C D 41 A B C D 42 A B C D 43 A B C D 44 A B C D 45 A B C D 46 A B C D 47 A B C D 48 A B C D 49 A B C D 50 A B C D 51 A B C D 52 A B C D 53 A B C D 54 A B C D 55 A B C D 56 A B C D 57 A B C D 61 A B C D 62 A B C D 63 A B C D 64 A B C D 65 E F G E F G E F G E F G E F G A B C D 58 A B C D 59 A B C D 60


Need a Job This Summer? The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program. Not a student? Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills find a job or start businesses all year round. Jobs for Youth If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province you could be eligible(符合条件)for this program which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training. Who is eligible: Youth 15—18 years old in select communities(社区). Summer Company Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3000 to start and run their own summer businesses. Who is eligible: Students aged 15—29 returning to school in the fall. Stewardship Youth Ranger Program You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer. Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire but not turning 18 before December 31 this year. Summer Employment Opportunities(机会) Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service its related agencies and community groups. Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability. 21. What is special about Summer Company?


实高2017-2018学年下学期月考 高 二 英 语 答 题 卡 第一、二部分 选择题(100分) (1-20题,每题1.5分;21-40题,每题2分,41-60题,每题 1.5分,共100分) 姓 名 准考证号 条形码粘贴区域 试卷类型 A B 注 意 事 项 1.选择题请用2B 铅笔填涂方框,如需改动,必须用橡皮擦干净,不留痕迹。 2.非选择题必须使用黑色签字笔书写。 3.请按题号在对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域、在草稿纸和试题上的答案均无效。 4.请保持卷面清洁,不要折叠和弄破答题卡。 选择题填涂样例:正确填涂 缺考标记(禁止考生填涂) 1 A B C D 6 A B C D 11 A B C D 16 A B C D 2 A B C D 7 A B C D 12 A B C D 17 A B C D 3 A B C D 8 A B C D 13 A B C D 18 A B C D 4 A B C D 9 A B C D 14 A B C D 19 A B C D 5 A B C D 10 A B C D 15 A B C D 20 A B C D 21 A B C D 26 A B C D 31 A B C D 36 A B C D E F G 22 A B C D 27 A B C D 32 A B C D 37 A B C D E F G 23 A B C D 28 A B C D 33 A B C D 38 A B C D E F G 24 A B C D 29 A B C D 34 A B C D 39 A B C D E F G 25 A B C D 30 A B C D 35 A B C D 40 A B C D E F G 41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D 56 A B C D 42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D 57 A B C D 43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D 58 A B C D


考试试卷答题纸 课程名称:英语考试时间:2017 年11月 班级:姓名:学号: 一.Choose the correct word or words to complete the following sentences (每题1分,共10分) 1._____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4._____________ 5._____________ 6._____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9._____________ 10._____________ 二.Complete the paragraph with the words from blanks. (用表格所给单词补全下面文章,使文章通顺合理。每空1分,共10分) 11._____________ 12._____________ 13._____________ 14._____________ 15._____________ 16._____________ 17._____________ 18._____________ 19._____________ 20._____________ 三.Translate the following phrases & useful expressions: (翻译下列短语和词组。每题1分,共20分) 21._____________ 22._____________ 23._____________ 24._____________ 25._____________ 26._____________ 27._____________ 28._____________ 29._____________ 30._____________31._____________ 32._____________ 33._____________ 34._____________ 35._____________ 36._____________ 37._____________ 38._____________ 39._____________ 40._____________ 四.Match the questions with proper answers. (问答配对。从B栏中找出与A栏中相匹配的句子,写下相应的字母。每题2分,共20分,) 41._____________ 42._____________ 43._____________ 44._____________ 45._____________ 46._____________ 47._____________ 48._____________ 49._____________ 50._____________ 五.Reading comprehension(阅读理解与表达。阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从每题


四年级第一学期英语答题卡 班级 姓名 试室号 座位号 第1面/共4面 语文答题卡 [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 注意事项: 1. 选择题作答必须用2B 铅笔,修改时用橡皮 擦干净。笔答题作答必须用黑色墨迹签字笔或钢笔填写,答题不得超出答题框。 2. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破。 3. 在每页考生信息框中填写姓名及考生号。 4. 采用网上阅卷的务必要在右侧填涂考生号, 试卷类型 A B 一、为图片选择合适的单词,并将其字母标号填在相应的括号内。(10分 ) 1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、 ( ) 5、 ( ) 6、( ) 7、( ) 8、( ) 9、( ) 10( ) 二、把下列短语与其相应的汉语意思连起来。(8分) Turn on the light. 打开门。 Put your maths book in your bag. 张贴图片。 Open the door. 打开灯。 Put up the picture. 把你的数学书放进书包里。 三、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(7分) 1、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 2、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 3、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 4、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 5、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 6 、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】 7、【A 】 【B 】 【C 】 【D 】


Module 3 Music (对应学生用书第46页) [单词拼写应用] Ⅰ.考纲单词——会拼写要识记 1.audience n.听众 2.genius n.天才 3.tour vt.巡回演出 4.complex adj.复杂的 5.record vt.录音 6.classical n. 古典音乐 7.conductor n. 指挥 8.court n. 宫廷 9.peasant n.农民 10.symphony n. 交响乐 11.album n.专辑 12.ballad n. 民歌;民谣 13.band n.乐队 14.catchy adj.动人的 15.tune n.曲调 Ⅱ.派生单词——能辨别 1.compose vt.作曲;创作→composer n.作曲家→composition n.作曲;作文;作品2.music n.音乐,乐曲→musical adj.音乐的→musician n.音乐家 3.direct v.指挥adj.直接的;径直的→director n.指挥→direction n.方向4.lose vt.失去;丢失→loss n.损失→lost adj.丢失的;迷失的 5.talent n.天分;天赋;才华→talented adj.有才能的 6.influence vt.影响→influential adj.有影响的 7.lecture n.演讲;报告→lecturer n.(大学的)讲师 8.mix vt.使混合→mixture n.混合物

Ⅲ.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1.A famous musician played a good piece of music using a musical instrument.(music) 2.She's very good at making friends and influencing people,so she has a great influence on me and I like this influential girl.(influence) 3.There was a police officer directing the traffic,so the lost director came up to him to ask how to get to the local theatre.The policeman showed him the direction and he left.(direct) 4.He has a talent for sports,and we are always interested in bringing talented players to our club.(talent) [拓展联想] [短语多维应用] Ⅰ.短语回顾——会默写 1.be known as作为……而出名 2.change...into... 把……变成…… 3.of all time 有史以来 4.be impressed with 留下深刻印象 5.go deaf 变聋 6.split up 分裂;分割 7.make a note of 记录 8.no way 没门 9.as well as 也


东风中学2015-2016学年度第二学期期中考试 高一英语答题卷 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分) 第二节(共10分;每小题1. 5分,满分15分) 61.____________________________________ 62________________________________ 63.____________________________________ 64.________________________________. 65.____________________________________ 66________________________________ 67.____________________________________ 68________________________________ 69.____________________________________ 70________________________________ 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) As we all know, health is much important. Only when we healthy can we study well and enjoy life. However, many teenagers didn’t pay any attention to their health, especially during the holiday. And they spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chat on the Internet all night, that is bad for their health. Firstly, this may make them get near-sighted. Beside, their bodies become much weaker. Thirdly, they will lose the chance to communicate with the others face to face as they never go out. That may have a bad effect for their mental health. It’s generally agreed what teenagers should spend less time in front of the TV or the computer. Go out to take some exercise, play some sports and visit some friend and have a healthy lifestyle. 第二节书面表达(25分) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 座位号


初中英语考试答题卡(可编辑WORD 版) 1 / 2 凤冈思源实验学校2017年秋季学期第一次月考 第一部分 听力 第一节 听力部分(共15小题,每小题1.5分) 1 A B C 4 A B C 7 A B C 10 A B C 13 A B C 2 A B C 5 A B C 8 A B C 11 A B C 14 A B C 3 A B C 6 A B C 9 A B C 12 A B C 15 A B C 第二节 听力填空(共5小题,每小题1.5分) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 注意事项 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号及座位号。 2.选择题部分必须使用2B 铅笔填涂,非选择题部分必须使用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持答题卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破。 第二部分 语言知识运用 第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分) 21 A B C 24 A B C 27 A B C 30 A B C 33 A B C 22 A B C 25 A B C 28 A B C 31 A B C 34 A B C 23 A B C 26 A B C 29 A B C 32 A B C 35 A B C 第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分) 36 A B C 38 A B C 40 A B C 42 A B C 44 A B C 37 A B C 39 A B C 41 A B C 43 A B C 45 A B C 第三节 口语交际(共5小题,每小题2分) 46. A B C D E F G 47. A B C D E F G 48. A B C D E F G 49. A B C D E F G 50. A B C D E F G 第三部分 词汇与阅读 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分) 51 A B C 54 A B C 57 A B C 60 A B C 63 A B C 52 A B C 55 A B C 58 A B C 61 A B C 64 A B C 53 A B C 56 A B C 59 A B C 62 A B C 65 A B C 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效 条形码粘贴区


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷I) 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Need a Job This Summer? The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program. Not a student? Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round. Jobs for Youth If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province, you could be eligible (符合条件)for this program,which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training. Who is eligible: Youth 15-18 years old in select communities(社区). Summer Company Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses. Who is eligible: Students aged 15-29,returning to school in the fall. Steward ship Youth Ranger Program You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer. Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this year. Summer Employment Opportunities(机会) Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service, its related agencies and community groups. Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability. 21. What is special about Summer Company? A. It requires no training before employment. B. It provides awards for running new businesses. C. It allows one to work in the natural environment. D. It offers more summer job opportunities. 22. What is the age range required by Steward ship Youth Ranger Program? A.15-18. B.15-24. C.15-29. D.16-17. 23. Which program favors the disabled? A. Jobs for Youth. B.Summer Company.


XX 中学高一下学期期末考试 第一部分:听力 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 第二部分:阅读理解 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 第三部分:语言知识运用(第一节) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 第三部分:语言知识运用(第二节) 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 第四部分:写作 第一节 短文改错 Last Thursday,we had a class meeting to discuss when to go for our spring outing.We came up with several choice such as going boating,climbing a mountain and going to a amusement park. Final,we decided to go to climbing.The next day,we set off early in the morning. While climbing the mountain, we enjoy the warm sunshine and a beautiful view. However,when they reached the top, we were surprising to see rubbish here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick the rubbish.Afterwards, we put the rubbish into the nearby dustbin. We were tired and happy. 第二节 书面表达 书面表达请在背面答题 姓名: 班级: 准考证号: *********分割线**************分割线**************分割线**************分割线**************分割线***********


高考英语听力考试答题卡模板(I 卷II 卷可改) 英 语 答 题 卡 第Ⅰ卷 选择题 第一部分:听力(每题1.5分共计:30分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ B ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] [ C ] 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出矩形边框限定区域的答案无效! 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号,在规定位置 贴好条形码。 2.选择题必须用2B 铅笔填涂;填空题和解答题必须 用0.5mm 黑色签字笔答题,不得用铅笔或圆珠笔答 题;字体工整、笔迹清晰。 3.请按题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出区 域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破。 注 意 事 项 填涂样例 正确填涂 姓 名 考生 缺考考生,监考员用2B 禁填 铅笔填涂左面的缺考标记 贴 条 形 码 区 准 考 证 号 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ]


本科函授班 《英语》试卷 制卷时间:2013年1月试卷满分:100分答题时间:120分钟 第Ⅰ卷(共55分) 一、词汇语法(20*1=20分) 1.Some of the experiments in the book are easy to perform. A.to be described B.described C.to describe D. describing 2. All parties are present. A. concerned B. concerning C.being concerned D. being concerning 3. the Chinese ping-pong team will win the prize. A. It seems certain that B. This seems certain that C. It is seem certain D. It seems that certain 4.It doesn’t seem likely she will be here. A.if B.how C.when D. that 5.Here the documents you asked for. A.is B.has C.are D.have 6.Gold, as well as silver, recently risen in price. A.have B.has C.was D.were https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36355903.html,puters, have many advantages, cannot replace man. A.that B.what C.which D.who 8.I grew up in Lian Yungang, the climate is very pleasant. A.which B.that C.what D.where 9.He has been here for three weeks. A.living B.lived C.live D.to live 10. have you been learning English? A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How many 11.I the article when they . A.wrote, came B.had written, had come C.had written, came D.wrote, had come 12.I wish I to the movies last night. A.have been B.have gone C.had gone D.had been 13.She never laughed, lose her temper. A.or she ever did B.nor did he ever C.or did she ever D.nor she did ever 14. do we go for picnics. A.Certainly B.Sometimes C.Seldom D. Once 15.She stood at the door as if for someone. A.waited B.waiting C.she waited D.shi is waiting 16. by the noise, the speaker interrupted his lecture. A.Drowned B.Being drowned C.His voice drowned D.As his voice drowned 17.If I her address, I would have written to her. A.know B.didn’t know C.have known D.knew 18.If he the money, he would have bought the painting. A.had had B.had C.have D.have had 19.On Sunday afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, ____some bananas and visited her cousin. A.bought B.buying C.to buy D.brought 20.The reason he was late was the bridge was broken. A.for;that B.why;because C.how;because D.why;that 二、完形填空(10*1.5=15分) For women, life can be a balance between being a good mother, a good wife and a good lover, as well as considering the needs of 1 parents later in life. Combine these demands 2 wanting to develop a 3 and what time do they have left for themselves? Men are concerned with earning enough to satisfy family 4 -which often include exceptional costs 5 children’s college or universit y. They are worried 6 developing their own career 7 attempting to take in the requirements of their partner. Again, what time do they have for themselves? Activities and demands 8 be balanced. Eliminate some of the non-essentials. When 9 demands are placed on you, say no. If you 10 succeed in finding some time for yourself, make sure you enjoy it. All the benefits of the time you have carved out for yourself will be negated if you feel guilty about sitting in the sun and taking in the peace and quiet. 21. A.old B.older C.elder D.elderly 22.A.into B.to C.with D.together with 23.A.career B.job C.future D.work 24.A.request B.reqirements C.supply D.acquirement 25.A.to B.in C.for D.with 26.A.that B.with C.about D.of 27.A.while B.which C.who D.in 28.A.should B.would C.ought to D.need to 29.A.enough B.partner’s C.excessive D.some
