Hotel California 中文歌词 七律


On a dark 1)desert highway, 2)cool wind in my hair

3)Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air

Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light

My 4)head grew heavy and my sight grew dim

I had to 5)stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway

I heard the 6)mission bell

And I was 7)thinking to myself, ' This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'

Then she 8)lit up a candle and she showed me the way

There were voices down the corridor,

I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

Plenty of room at the Hotel California

Any time of year, you can find it here







Her mind is 9)Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends

She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

10)Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the 11)Captain,

' Please bring me my wine'

He said, ' We haven' t had that 11)spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'

And still those voices are calling from far away,

Wake you up in the middle of the night

Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California

Such a lovely place

Such a lovely face

12)They livin' it up at the Hotel California

What a nice surprise, bring your13)alibis







14)Mirrors on the ceiling,

The pink champagne on ice

And she said ' We are all just prisoners here, 15)of our own device'

And in the master' s chambers,

They gathered for the feast

They stab it with their steely knives,

But they just can' t kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was

16)Running for the door

I had to 17)find the passage back

To the place I was before

' Relax,' said the night man,

18)We are programmed to receive.

19)You can checkout any time you like,


 But you can never leave!











The band was formed by four Los Angeles-based musicians who had come to the West Coast from other parts of the U.S. With five number one singles and four number one albums, the Eagles were among the most successful recording artists of the 1970s; at the end of the 20th century, two of those albums, Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975 and Hotel California, ranked among the ten best-selling albums ever.

Though most of its members came from outside California, the group was closely identified with a country- and folk-tinged sound that initially found favor in and around Los Angeles in the late '60s.

But the band also drew upon traditional rock & roll styles and, in their later work, helped define the broadly popular rock sound eventually referred to as classic rock. That helped the Eagles to achieve a perennial appeal among generations of music fans who continued to buy their records many years after they had split up, which inspired the reunion they mounted in the mid-'90s.

Eagles乐队,也就是我们所熟悉的老鹰乐队,成立于1971年,最初一共有四个成员,主唱兼鼓手Don Henley,主唱、吉他兼键盘Glenn Frey,吉他手班Bernie Leadon,司手Randy Meisner。乐队成立后,迅速凭借其超强的实力赢得了歌迷的爱戴,乐队的成员都能主唱,而且都擅长作曲。

1972年乐队在伦敦完成了第一张专辑,作品充满了典型的乡村摇滚风格。代表作“Take It Easy”在当年夏天横扫整个美国。接着他们又推出了一张具有整体概念的唱片《Desperado》。

1974年4月的《On the border》推出后,Eagles有前进了一步,他们获得了同年葛莱美的多项提名。

70年代中期乐队获得了很多成功,《One of these night》获得了5周的冠军,而大家非熟悉的经典歌曲“Hotel California”更是在1977年获得了8周冠军,这首旷世之作达到500万张的销量。


1. desert,同时有荒凉无人地和沙漠的两个意思,在这里应该直接译成沙漠更恰当,因为这首歌讲的是发生在南加州的故事,沙漠是南加州的风景特点之一。

2. cool wind in my hair 意思是冷风吹乱我的头发。


 3. warm smell of colitas,烤烟的味道,colitas 这个词在英文字典中没有解释,因为这不是一个英文词。这是一个西班牙语,南加州与墨西哥近邻,所以西班牙语常混杂在口语中。cola在西班牙语中指尾巴(tail),colitas是复数名词,意思是很多小尾巴(little tails)。在七十年代,大麻的苞蕾被戏称为小尾巴,所以在这里colitas应该是隐指大麻的。大麻称作烤烟也可算是一个戏称。

4. head grew heavy,头越来越沉重,是疲累的状态,同时也是吸食大麻会出现的一个现象。 grow这个词跟系动词差不多,但是更加强调一个变化的过程。还有一些词例如get,become都是这样的。

5. stop for the night,指旅客停下来住店过夜。

6. the mission bell,就是指教堂的钟声。

7. think to oneself, 心中想,沉思,跟它相似的结构是say to oneself,表示自言自语。

8. lit up a candle,点燃了蜡烛,“lit up a candle”是一个吸毒的常用语,歌词在一开始colitas的暗示,还有头感到发重是吸大麻烟的表现,数次对毒品的暗示,是加州旅馆原是戒毒所说法的来源。按此说法:加州旅馆是在南加州公路旁的一个自愿戒毒院,老鹰队员曾经吸毒与入院的经历是歌词的创作来源。

9. tiffany,大家应该比较熟悉。薄纱虽然是tiffany的字典翻译,但在这里并不是这个意思。Tiffany 用作大写,是做专有名词用,这是很出名的法国艺术品。它有两种含义,一是Tiffany珠宝,在全球都是收集的热品;另一种含义是Tiffany的玻璃艺术品,这已经发展成为玻璃品的一种流派。这个词两个意思的来源是两个名为Tiffany的法国人。在这里,Tiffany应该是取玻璃制品的意思。通过烈火熔化后的玻璃边吹边转动,冷却后自然留下的旋转的痕迹。作词者明显在这一句进行wordplay(玩弄字词),因为下面的墨西迪奔驰,并不是用原来的商标Mercedes Benz,将Benz改成bends,正是为了twist和bend都有弯曲之意,这很类似中文中对仗互偶的文字游戏。这里是用来描写女店主心灵的扭曲。

10. some dance to remember, some dance to forget, some在这里不是作为限定词来修饰dance。dance在这里是动词,而some是代词,作主语。所以这句应该是“有些人跳舞是为了去记住,而有些人跳舞是为了忘记。”

11. Captain这里指酒吧的领班。spirit,是指高酒精度的烈酒。

12. They livin' it up at the Hotel California,就是说他们在加州旅馆享受人生,两耳不闻窗外事。live it up是一个俚语,指狂欢一场,纵情欢乐,过豪华奢侈的生活。

13. alibis,指“犯罪现场, 辩解, 托辞”,这里是说来到加州旅馆的人,无论以前做了什么事,犯


14. “镜子在天花顶,粉红香槟浸在冰块上,”这是好莱坞中糜烂与色情的代表镜头。

15. of one' s own device也就是of one' s own wish“按照某人自己的愿望”意思。后面几句则是好莱圬的恐怖片中邪教的常见场面:在一个大的房间里面,人们在举行狂欢的仪式,许多人都用刀来刺杀代表恶魔的野兽。这里暗指人们敌不过自己的心魔。

16. run for the door,赶快朝门口跑去。

17. find the passage back,也就是find the way back to somewhere 寻找回去的路。

18. We are programmed to receive. We are programmed to receive,应该是指我们天生容易屈服于内心的欲望。

19. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave! 你随时都可以结帐退房, 但你永远也无法离开。有的人认为歌曲中的加州旅馆是确实存在的,而这之中还有旅馆、戒毒所、精神病院三种说法。旅馆就不必说了,上面也介绍了有关戒毒所的说法,这种自愿戒毒院是主要为中产阶层开的,介于疗养院与戒毒所之间,而淫乱现象更是七十年代中产阶层放荡后的一种常态。毒品的瘾性使得你可以在某段时间痊愈而离开戒毒院,不过却永远无法摆脱那重蹈旧轨的阴影,这正是“你可以一时结账,却永远无法离开”的写照。

20. 歌词的诡异也可能是精神病院说法的来源。歌词中与之相关联的暗示有:不断有远处声音的幻听想象;天堂和地狱指精神病人中某些如恶魔的邪恶人性和如天使纯洁无知觉;在后院里病人如着魔般的跳舞;头脑思想扭曲正是精神病的直语;自己思想的囚犯也是暗语;想杀死恶魔却总杀不死的精神病幻觉。当然精神病也和毒品一样,你可以觉得你暂时是正常了,却无法保证将来是正常的,永远无法离开那阴影。

21. 乐队主唱Don Henley是这样解说hotel California的:"We were all middle-class kids from the Midwest, ' Hotel California' was our interpretation of the high life in Los Angeles. It was meant to be a metaphor for the United States, for the excesses this country has always been known for. It wasn' t meant to be just about California or Beverly Hills."

“我们是一群来自中西部州中产阶层背景的年轻人,《加州旅馆》是我们对洛杉矶的上流社会的理解。它可看做是对总是追求奢华生活的美国的一个象征,而不仅仅是关于加州和贝弗利山区。”(贝弗利山区是洛杉矶的 一个最富人区,好莱坞的影星歌星的居处)(文/赵峦)
