

Unit 1

A White Heron

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

A 2.

B 3.

C 4.

D 5. A

Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. Sylvia was living in the woods with her grandmother.

2. He was a scientist who collected birds. He was looking for a heron.

3. It was love.

4. Because Sylvia could show the man where the heron was.

5. Yes, she knew the forest well.

6. The heron was living happily in the forest and was as much part of

nature as she herself. They had together watched the sea and the morning. She could not tell its secret and give its life away.

The Nutrients in Food

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

A 2.

B 3. A 4. A 5. C

Give brief answers to the following questions.

Because they provide the body with heat and energy.

Milk and hard cheese.

Proteins are necessary for life. They can build and repair body tissues. They are an important part of muscles, organs, skin and hair.

Some nutrients provide fuel for energy, some build body tissues and some help control different processes of the body.

If a person does not have enough iron, the person will get a disease called anemia. Creativity Will Dominate Our Time

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

D 2. C 3. C 4. C 4. C

2 Put the following into Chinese.

1. 历史上周期性地出现一些大的转折时期,在这些转折时期“工作”的含义发生了变化。

2. 现在我们正处在一个变革的边缘,这个变革将是最伟大的,因为古老意义上的工作将会彻底消失。

3. 事实上,21世纪将因为它所有的进步,成为人类历史上最伟大的开创时期之一,因为人们将在全新的条件下,以全新的方式做全新的工作,冒着全新的风险去获得全新的胜利。Unit Two

I Have a Dream

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. B

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 然而一百年后的今天,我们必须正视黑人还没有得到自由这一悲惨的事实。一百年后的今天,在种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的枷锁下,黑人的生活仍然很悲惨。……一百年后的今天,黑人仍然在美国社会的角落里受苦,并且发现自己是故土家园中的流亡者。

2. 我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等。”

3. 我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,满照人间。

4. 有了这个信念,我们将能从绝望之山采凿出一块希望之石。有了这个信念,我们将能把这个国家的刺耳争吵之声,变成一支洋溢手足之情的优美交响曲。


Comprehension Exercises

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 世上或许没有别的东西像书籍那样有这种力量使穷人摆脱贫困,使不幸者脱离悲伤,使肩负重担者忘掉负担,使病人忘掉痛苦,使伤心人忘掉忧伤,使受压迫的人忘掉屈辱。

2. 确实,从朋友那里我们可以获得许多有关自己的令人愉快的意见,从敌人方面得知自己的许多缺陷,从世界各个方面了解到自己的特性;但在书里我们会平静而公正地发现自己的大部分情况,我们的优点、弱点、博大、局限、观点、爱好、融洽和不协调,以及诗意或平淡的品质。

Dreamers: From Jail to Wall Street

Comprehension Exercises

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. T

9. F 10. F

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 克里斯·加德纳的生活比好莱坞的电影更具传奇色彩。

2. 在十个月毫无结果的寻找之后,加德纳终于找到了一个愿意给他机会的人。

3. 一天,加德纳和两岁半的儿子在穿过北奥克兰时注意到一座荒废的房子,墙上爬满了蔷薇,有一个人看护它。

4. 加德纳并不认为自己的故事是一个乞丐变富翁的童话。

5. 我的生活很容易就会因家庭暴力及无家可归而走上歧途,但是我决意不让自己因此而堕落。

Unit Three

Home Computer Security

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. A

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. There are mainly two purposes. One is to steal money–related information; the other is to use computer’s resources to attack other comp uters.

2. By sending emails with viruses or taking advantage of flaws or weaknesses in the computer’s programs.

The Financial Crises

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

B 2. D 3.

C 4. B 5. C

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 我们被蒙在鼓里,抓住任何一点在新闻中能找到的微弱希望,尽可能地去弄清这样的事情怎么会落在我们头上。


3. 他们会告诉我们的子孙:“我们学会用不兑现纸币的方式与我们的祖先学会用火的方式有些类似:我们烧伤了自己。”

4. 20世纪,我们开始使用纸币。可直到21世纪,在自然温和却严格的指导下,我们才学会了不滥用它。

5. 我们唯一感到安慰的是,风暴过后还能剩下的美元将来也许比我们现在所损失的更值钱。You Call This a Mugging?

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. D

2. Match the words in Column B with the meanings in Column A.

Column A 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10

Column B i、 e、 g、 j、 d、 b、 h、 a、 c、 f

Unit four

Man Searches for Life in Space

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. D

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 目前已知的最古老的化石是一种极微小植物的化石。它的形状与池塘和湖泊中常见的水藻相似。科学家们知道类似的生物在将近二十亿年前就曾经在地球上繁衍生息过。然而水藻是一种比较复杂的生物,所以比它简单的生物肯定在这之前就已经出现。

2. 通过施加能量,产生了简单的有机分子。虽然这并不意味着这些分子具有生命,然而它们由构成生物的物质组成,尤其是它们含有氨基酸,一种被称作是生命基础材料的物质。

3. 也许它们的温度并不太低。还有,或许在它们上面形成了某种完全不同的生命-----一种与地球生物不同的含碳生物,或者也许是一种根本不基于碳的生物系统。

Journey to the Bottom of the Earth

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. B

Put the following into Chinese.

1. 一分钟以前我还从未认真考虑过这类事情,可是当我从舷窗向外望去,只见如常的白茫茫的一片以惊人的速度逼近,不见跑道。出什么事了?

2. 随着机身急剧倾斜,我的视线从白色跳跃到记忆中从未见过的最亮丽的蓝天。

3. 天气恶劣时,基地则会有一种蛮荒边镇的味道,许多平常很有礼貌、举止得体的男人讲话时变得像街头流氓一样,以致有人给这种现象起了一个名字,叫做基地脏话。

4. 南极的冬天,人们闭门不出,与世隔绝,这可成为一种有用的太空旅行模式。意识到这点后,一组由(美国)国家科学基金会资助的人类学家不久前对南极长冬对人的影响进行了研究,旨在确定哪些性格的人最适宜于长时间在隔离状态下一块工作。

5. 站在风砌风琢、熠熠生辉的雪堆上,目力所及唯见蓝白交汇,天雪相合。


Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. A

Put the following into Chinese.

1. 如果下星期五衣服又会变脏,那么星期六在洗衣店花掉半天时间又有何意义?

2. 夫妇双方过于专注,以至于无暇顾及生活细节,分手似成定局。这时,婚姻中的熵退便显而易见了。

3. 然而困难之处在于生育一个婴儿需要很多能量。同样,一棵树长成也需要能量。无序之路毫不费力,创造之途充满艰辛。

4. 生活中的不顺与意外几乎注定了一个接一个的磕磕撞撞将会任意改变我们的人生道路,使我们偏离原来的方向。

Unit Five

On the Seventh Day of the Christmas

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. C

3. C

4. D

2 Put the following into Chinese.

1. 此时此刻,看着孩子们轮流坐在圣诞老人的膝上,卡梅拉真希望自己能够重返童年,无忧无虑,只需要记得告诉圣诞老人她是多么希望能在圣诞节里得到一个音乐跳绳,或者去放风筝。

2. 渐渐地,亨利适应了那只风筝和线绳的摆动以及微风的影响。直到他觉得自己的手指可以控制风筝的时候,他才让这红白相间的风筝迎风而起。用深蓝色大写英语字母写成的“HOPE (希望)”占满了风筝面,这是按照卡梅拉的意思写的。

3. “祝愿所有的人新年快乐!”卡梅拉回味着这些祝福的话语,心里就像喝了圣酒一样那样甜蜜无比。

4. 卡罗尔和约翰尼穿着睡衣,肩上披着毛毯,也在盯着看,哆嗦着,尖叫着。

5. 接着一件新奇事使他们很兴奋,因为风筝变成了一个闪烁的白星,四周都是冰柱,像一个没有做完的花环。他们的生活也随着风筝的改变进入了新年的第一天。

The Borrowed Daughter

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. A

2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. T

2. F

3. F

4. T

The Night Before Christmas

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. F

8. F

9. T 10. T

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 圣诞节是探亲访友的季节,因此不同部族的人们都怀着愉快的心情来来往往。

2. 就这样直到我生病的祖母看到盛开的红色和黄色鲜花,我们称之为“山之焰”。“山之焰”树长在市场中央,已经有好几代人的年头了。每当圣诞节就要到来的时候,树上就开满了“山之焰”。

3. 这怎么能算圣诞节呢?圣诞节应该是我们庆祝和平之子诞生的日子。可自四月份以来,我们就没有了和平,只有战争和痛苦。

4. 当我继续回味过去圣诞节的快乐和现今的痛苦时,我们听到了汽车的喇叭声,不是一辆汽车,而是好几辆,向我们的村子驶来。

5. 这时,我明白希望是存在的。我知道无论怎样,圣诞节都会到来。圣诞节时刻在我们的心里。那天晚上,圣诞节就来到了我们村庄。

Unit Six

A boy with a Mission

Comprehension Exercises

Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. D

Put the following into Chinese.






Return to Paradise

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 他的黑发略有些乱,当他注视着自己未来的新娘时,眼神中满是爱慕。

2. 整整三年后的今天,他们又回到了这个岛上,但并非因为此地闻名的海滨婚礼,而是因为此地同样闻名的闪电离婚。

3. 她很美,苗条的身材包裹在一袭裙裾飘飘的宽松棉裙里,一头秀发狂放不羁,明亮的蓝眼睛简直可以与大海的颜色相媲美。

4. 与他们之前见面时那种自然与自信相比,他们之间的谈话不知为什么却有些吞吞吐吐。

5. 她开始相信,或许自己还是有未来的,或许就是和这个男人,这个有着温柔的淡褐色眼睛——里面噙着他们共同的泪花——的男人。

18. My Brother’s Way

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. Because of the age difference when they were young. After they grew up, they worked in different places.

2. Steve thought Ira looked down upon him because he neglected to introduce him to former Chicago White Sox baseball pitcher Saul Rogovin.

3. The author meant that the elder brothers were usually more capable and could receive more attention in both family and school. In his case, his brother Steve tried very hard to be as good as he was but failed. So the author had all the attention and praise while Steve was usually forgotten.

4. Steve’s students loved him profoundly both as their teacher and best friend because he cared about not only their studies but also their life and future.

5. Because Steve admired Paavo Nurmi for the determination and perseverance that he showed in running.

Unit Seven

19. The Brewer’s Son

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. A

3. B

4. B

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. Samuel Adams was a brewer and also a patriot who organized the Boston Tea Party to fight against British rule. This event is associated with the War of Independence, and stirs patriotic feelings among the American people.

2. Yes, it contributed to the success of the beer. It makes people associate the beer with one of the leaders in the War of American Independence and plays on feelings of patriotism.

3. He sold it direct. He went to bars and promoted the beer himself.

4. It is worthwhile to take time to find out what you really want to do. It is no good to rush or to let others make career choices for you.

20. When the Wolf was at the Door

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. C

2. Give brief answers to the following questions .

1. This story depicts the hardship of life of the early Australian settlers and their love of land.

2. He was a hard-working, kind-hearted and determined person. He loved his family very much. But no matter how hard he tried, his family was on the edge of starvation. In these circumstances, he felt depressed and appeared hot-tempered.

3. She was kind and scanty of words. She devoted herself to her family and without complaint.

21. The Spark She Can’t Explain

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 在十六个月的时间里,她演出了八个舞台角色,全部赢得了评论家的赞扬。

2. 斯特里普的表演天赋来源于她伟大的同情心和人情味。这就是为什么它能够与所扮演的角色产生认同感,这也是她为什么能够体会她们的情感并使其所扮演的角色令人惊讶地逼真可信。

3. 当被问到她的职业给她带来的成就感时,斯特里普说她的成就感来自于看到演员把原本印在剧本上的无生命的人物变成了舞台上活生生的人。


5. 伟大表演的力量能使观众的感觉变得敏锐,就像大雨过后来到户外的感觉一样。

Unit 8

22. Dolly’s False Legacy

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. B

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. D

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 这样高的死亡率足以让克隆动物的人感到头痛,克隆人的想法自然变得不切实际。

2. 我们每个人都可以假想这样的家庭:比如说,对同性恋者双方中的任何一个,或一个单亲进行复制,造出一个孩子,从而给他们创造一个家庭。但是,在所有这些情况中我们却没有考虑这样对克隆的还有什么好处。

3. 难就难在这里,因为悲痛的双亲想要的不是一个新宝宝,而是希望找回逝者。

23. Unlock Your Own Creativity

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. B

2. Put the following into Chinese.

1. 生活中有许多时候这样做也许是件幸事,因为我们不可以下班回家时独辟蹊径,沿着高速公路逆向而行。

2. 重击是多种多样的,它可以是件很重要的事情,比如说,失去一份工作,也可能是件微不足道的事,例如晚宴上缺乏一道特别的菜。

3. 硬性的逻辑思维可能会扼杀新的想法,因为它往往将那些似乎矛盾的选项加以排除。软性思维的松软土壤更有利于创新思维的萌发,因为它可以在不同事物或状态之间发现相似之处和内在联系。

4. 这个人让自己坐上了“鼓手”的空位子,其结果是公司的运营得以顺利进行。

5. 创新思想的产生最初需要可能性所代表的广阔领域,而非实用性所代表的狭小空间。24. Girl Talk Has Its Limits

Comprehension Exercises

1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. B

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. It is typical for girls to talk with their friends.

2. Excessive talk about problems may make the girls become stuck in depression and anxiety and contribute to emotional difficulties; moreover, it may spread the negative feelings to others.

3. Girls should be encouraged to make friends. Meanwhile, when problems arise, they should learn to focus on solutions and their good experiences, rather than on the problems themselves.


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》 (通用本课后练习答案) 第二册 UNIT ONE The Pleasure of Learning Key to the Exercises I. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B II. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. T III. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役. 2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验. 3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头. IV. 1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time. 2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life. Key to the reading—skill Exercises 1. Students have improved SAT scores. 2. Teenagers planned patrols 3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers. 4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people 5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world. 6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book. with Santa Claus Key to the Exercises I . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B II. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗 2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣. 3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢. 4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常. III. 1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat.


Unit 1 part one Angel at Work Ⅰ Reading for information 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A Ⅲ Summary 1.to transcribe his Sunday speeches /too much to handle 2.out of the blue/ share the inspiration 3.deliver the tape personally/the mystery of the arrangement 4.personal contact/spastic 5.asked for reward/full and dedicated Unit 2 part one My Miraculous Life Ⅰ Reading for information 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6 C Unit 3 part one A Thief Ⅰ Reading for information 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C.A 5.B 6 C Ⅲ Summary 1.the ticket counter/a leather coat 2.a cocktail bar/catches sight of a blonde girl/a Travellers Aid counter 3. a magazine/becomes aware of/jostling/blushes

4. lifted/back pocket 5. a front window/hand her over 6. wrong/bolts 7. has stolen Unit 4 part one Escape Artists Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.publishing/overseen 2.procrastinator/affected https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,ziness/desire/consistently/delay 4.funishes/reinforcing/subscribe 5.mismatch/sophisticated 6.solution/deploying/management Unit 5 part one For Big Bruno, a Man We Can Look Up to Ⅰ Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C Ⅲ Summary 1.hard work/pay off 2.Big Bruno/strong in stature/a gentle spirit 3.most patient/slow to get angry/a heart of gold


Unit 1 TEXT A Language focus Word in use [3] 1.whereby 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate Word building [4] [5] 1.resultant 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inhabited 5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful 9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12. boastful Banked cloze [6] 1.eventually 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps Expressions in use [7] 1. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from 5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into

8. written off TEXT B Understanding the text [2] CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use [4] 1.indulge 2. propelled 3.aggravated 4.dazzled 5. alleviated 6.renowned 7.eloquent 8. destined 9.scorns 10. Applause Expression in use [5] up 2.in 3.on 4.up 5.to 6.on 7.as 8.out sentence structure [6] He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by some whom she may not even rate very highly. My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.


新世纪大学英语阅读教程(2)参考答案 Unit One PartⅠ Reading for Information Exercises Ⅰ Reading for Information A.Reading to find main ideas 1.A, 2. C, B. Reading to find major details 3. D, 4. B, C. Reading to find relevant facts 5. C, 6. A Ⅱ.Translation Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1.有一百份卷子要批,而且全是男孩们用潦草的字迹写成的,这事他已经拖了好几个星期 了。这些日子,他一直觉得头上仿佛悬着把剑。 2.我私下里已经花了一大笔钱来学习音乐了。 3.他的脸上挂满了汗珠。 4.没有哪个宣布判决的法官会比此时的谢卡夫更痛苦、更无助。 5.说出事实和接受事实同样需要勇气。 Ⅲ. Summary https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,plete the following statements with words and expressions from the box. Use their proper forms. 1.sun, straight in the face, blinking, dazed 2.morning, night, tempering truth, shock 3.truth, trials, wife, colleague, headmaster 4.apple pie, culinary masterpiece, good, swallow 5.fine, mean, selfish 6.singing, stupefied 7.frogs, buffalo, window shutters 8.strength, give, receive PartⅡ Reading for Pleasure Exercises Ⅰ. Answer the following questions. (The answers are open.) 1.Hell is not so terrible as most people think because it can be transformed into Heaven through hard work, courage, faith and love. The real Hell is in one’s heart. 2.Heaven is a land of beauty and peace, and it is the result of our hard work. 3.All those hardworking people with courage and determination can rest in Heaven after they die, because although they cannot all reach Heaven in the first place, they can build Hell into Heaven. 4.Those who are afraid of Hell and do not have courage to fight difficulties and disasters will end up in Hell.

大学英语阅读教程答案 第1册

to Exercises Key to Exercises Lesson1 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.B 5.A 6.C7.B8.B 3.(1)shield(2)playing(3)shield(4)personal(5)social (6)political(7)family(8)colleagues(9)stimulate 4.(1)blackboard(2)unconscious(3)time (4)ancestors(5)parents(6)reinvent B.Reading Strategies 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B10.A Lesson2 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,prehension Check 1.A 3.C 4.B 5.A7.C8.B 2.(1)defines(2)failures(3)successful(4)beliefs 6.(1)picture(2)performing(3)replace(4)self-image (5)line(6)potential(7)short-change(8)better B.Reading Strategies 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C10.A Lesson3 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,prehension Check 1.C 2.A 3.B 5.A 6.B7.B8.A 4.(1)cultivate(2)granted(3)investigate(4)explore (5)major(6)exploration B.Reading Strategies 1.normalized 2.membership 3.threatening 4.publication 5.novelists 6.persuasion 7.personality 8.pressure 9.reluctance10.justify Lesson4 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,prehension Check 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 1.(1)crush(2)Brazil(3)intelligent(4)knockout B.Reading Strategies 1.distinguishable 2.psychological 3.effective 4.insistent 5.various 6.skinny 7.delightful 8.gloriously 9.financial10.amazing


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案 UNIT ONE 1.Goodbye school Key to the Exercises I 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. A II 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoist Key to the Reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1: 1. B 2. D paragraph 2 1. D 2. A 2.The Saturday Evening Post Information Related to the Text Key to the Exercises I. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C II . 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career . 2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers . He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch . 3. The battle to make him different from his father . 4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation . 5. Writers didn't have to have any gumption at all . 3. Love The Neighbor Key to the Exercises I . 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F II. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽. 2.《圣经》里的戒律"热爱你的邻居"大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是"尊敬你的邻居." 3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最 好的朋友. 4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰 的分界线. 5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位. UNIT TWO 4.Making Friends in American Culture Key to the Exercises I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D II. 1. Because there is a language barrier , many Chinese are hesitant to speak with strangers and they don't know what to talk to American about or how to keep the conversation moving . 2. His class and major . 3. These questions help people participate in the conversation . 4. When the other person first gives his name himself . 5. Communication . Key to the reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1 : 1. C 2. A


Lesson 1 II. Translation Put the following passages into Chinese. 1. For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Cumbric, Cornish, Norn and Manx. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to the three remaining Celtic languages, Irish, Scottish Gaelic, and Welsh... that their long-term future must be considered... very greatly at risk. 因为英语是个杀手。正是英语造成了凯尔特语、康沃尔语、诺恩语和马恩语等语言的消亡。这些岛上的分地区依然还有很多社区的人使用在英语到来之前就已存在的语言。然而,英语在日常生活中无处不在。所有的人或几乎所有的人都懂英语。英语对仅存的三种凯尔特语——爱尔兰语、苏格兰盖尔语及威尔士语的威胁是如此之大,人们一定认为它们遥远的未来是岌岌可危的。 2. He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguisticism (a condition parallel to racism and sexism). As Phillipson sees it, leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly "white" English-speaking world, have (by design or default) encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English, a spread which began some three centuries ago as economic and colonial expansion. 同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(与种族歧视、性别歧视等类似)的偏见密切相关。在菲利普森看来,在以白人英语为主导的世界里,主要的机构和个人(有意或无意地)鼓励或者至少是容忍了(肯定没有反对)英语霸权主义式的传播,这种传播始于三个世纪之前的经济及殖民扩张。 3.By and large, we now view them as more or less benign, and often talk with admiration and appreciation about the cultures associated with them and what they have given to the world. And it is fairly safe to do this, because none of them now poses much of a threat. 总的来说,我们现在或多或少地把这些语言看作有利的语言。在谈到与之相关的文化及其为世界所做的贡献时,我们常怀有崇敬与赞赏,而且这样做是很安全的,因为这些语言现在已不会构成什么大的威胁。 4. Yet many people see English as a blessing. Let me leave aside here the obvious advantages possessed by any world language, such as a large communicative network, a strong literary and media complex, and a powerful cultural and educational apparatus. 然而,许多人把英语看成是一件幸事。在此,我暂且不谈世界语言所具有的明显优势,例如庞大的交流网络、发达的文字与传媒体系以及强大的文化教育设施。 5. English-speaking South Africans of British descent were not particularly strong in opposing the apartheid regime, and the black opposition, whose members had many languages, was at first weak and disorganized. 讲英语的南非英国后裔并不强烈反对种族隔离政权,而黑人反对力量,其成员讲多种语言,在初期软弱无力且缺乏组织。 6. Such symbolism suggests that the users of the world's lingua franca should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse. 这一象征表明这种世界通用语的使用者应充分发掘这一幸事为我们带来的好处,同时尽能避免招来灾难。


一.Use the proper form to fit into each sentence below. (10*1′) 1. Spanish student s _________ U.S. students in science. (perform) 2. Don’t feel ___________to do what he says---he’s got no authority. (constrain) https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,u has shown herself to be a __________ defender of the poor. (passion) 4. Can we reach a ____________on the issue? (consensus) 5. The government has repeatedly _____that it will not change its policy. ( assert) 6. Inspectors will have to do a thorough _________of the project before we can continue. (evaluate) 7.They are currently ________at the bottom of the league. (languish) 8.One other possible method of smoothing would be to use means rather than______. (median) 9.We start with an ___________of the student’s abilities. (assess) 10.A nd while voting is protected against discrimination elsewhere in the constitution the actual right to vote is __________protected nowhere. (explicit)


阅读教程第三册答案 Unit 1 I.Reading for information 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C II. Translation 1.今天你们将离开培育你们的学术环境,直面真实的世界。 2.你们即将离开学校,终于可以开始接受教育了。 3.想找到一位保守的教授,那比要找到一个雪人还难。若想挑战一些有关政 治正确性的正统观点,那你将会被冠以一些难听的名号。 4.如果你不相信我的话,那不妨去问一问那些因追随网络公司是通往财富之 路这一理论而破产的人们。现实击碎了他们的梦想。 5.因此,欢迎你来到我们生活的这个理性的世界。一旦你把那些不切实际的 幻想拒之门外,你就会发现这个世界并不是太糟。 III.summary 1.emerge from, face the real world, go about https://www.360docs.net/doc/f417832196.html,mitment to, benefit from 3.the enjoyment of reading, was associated with 4.reality, theory, realist, in theory 5.wishful thinking, go for, wind up with, twist and turns Unit 2 I. Reading for information 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5 .B 6.D II. Translation 爱是再简单不过的事,这一观点至今仍然十分盛行,尽管大量事实都对此予以否定。几乎找不到任何一种活动、任何一项事业像爱情这样满怀希望地开始,又频繁地以失败而告终。如果换了别的事情,人们一定会急于知晓失败的原因,思量如何才能做得更好,或者干脆放弃。既然人们永远不可能放弃爱情,那么要战胜失败,似乎就只有一个办法可行,那就是探究失败的原因,进而领会爱的真义。III. Summary 1.a matter of chance, learned about 2. is based on , primarily, how to be loved 3. assumption, the right object 4. leading to, initial excitement, permanent state 5. theoretical knowledge, the mastery of the art Unit 3 I.Reading for information 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. C II. Translation 1.莫顿把《纽约时报杂志》小心地放在腿上,转过那张精致而清瘦的脸对着那 人,脸上带着腼腆、歉意的微笑,像在指点学生的错误一般对那男人讲道理。 2.他那傲慢的话音里透着威胁。


阅读教程答案 U1 Page 4 I. Reading for information 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C II. Translation 1. 但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。 2. 他不会轻易发火,一有一颗金子般的心,你很少能从他嘴他不会轻易发火,一有一颗金子般的心,里听到攻击或批评别人的话。里听到攻击或批评别人的话。 3. 常言道,善行胜于善言。父亲的身教对我的影响远远超过常言道,善行胜于善言。了他的言传。了他的言传。 4. 面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,怎么能保面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,持心气平

和?难道力气大的人不该脾气也大吗? 持心气平和?难道力气大的人不该脾气也大吗? 5. 体育明星和歌星、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄” 体育明星和歌星、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄” 鼓舞人心这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲 那样,为了自己所爱的人这个头衔还是应该留给像我父亲那样,孜孜不倦的工作的人。孜孜不倦的工作的人。 III. Summary 1. hard work; pays off 2. Big Bruno; strong in stature; a gentle spirit 3. most patient; slow to get angry; a heart of gold; a lot of friends 4. a role model; a true friend; a treasure 5. hero; does good; loves everyone; doesn’t expect anything; in return; work tirelessly; the good race Page 8 Question: A Page 10 III: 4


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1册课后练习答案 UNIT ONE 1.Goodbye school Key to the Exercises I 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A II 1.fling 2.supercilious 3.zoom 4.trudge 5.hoist Key to the Reading-skill Exercises Paragraph 1: 1.B 2.D Paragraph 2 1.D 2.A 2.The Saturday Evening Post Key to the Exercises I. 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C II. 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career. 2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers. He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers, relieved when no one came to the door, and scared when someone did, and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch. 3. The battle to make him different from his father. 4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation. 5. Writers didn’t h ave to have any gumption at all. 3. Love Thy Neighbor Key to the Exercises I. 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F II. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽。 2.《圣经》里的戒律“热爱你的邻居”大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是“尊敬你的邻居。” 3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最好的朋友。 4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰的分界线。 5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位。


Keys Unit One 1. In the Frozen Waters of Qomolangma, I Learned the Value of Humility Comprehension Exercise Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B Put the following into Chinese 1.我在想,如果出现意外,那么我那冻僵的身体需要多长时间才能沉到公里深的海底呢我紧接着意识到,对于一个仅着一条泳裤、试图游完这象征性的1公里人来说,下水前还能有什么比这更糟的念头吗我的内心深处在颤抖,感到非常恐惧。 2. 我在珠穆朗玛峰上学到了两个基本的经验教训,第一,过去有用的东西并不意味着今天一定有用。第二,不同的挑战需要不同的心态去应对。现在,无论我做什么事情,都要先问问自己我需要何种心态来成功地完成任务。 3. 我们已经以某种方式生存了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式消费了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式在地球上居住了如此之久,但这并不意味着,我们过去所做的决定今天依然正确。 4. 我在世界屋脊上的游泳改变了我,在一定程度上,我希望它证明一切皆有可能。只要我们谨慎合作,我们就有可能进行谦逊的对话,并超越对话,付诸行动。 2. Taking Lessons from What Went Wrong Comprehension Exercises Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 2. Put the following into Chinese 他们说,灾难会带来惨痛的教训,因为在技术上取得成功的原因往往是随机的、不可见的,而造成某个失败的原因通常是可以被找到、被证明和被修复的,从而达到改进的目的。 技术分析人员认为,一种建设性的冲动---以及它对深海钻探可能产生的结果,是通过分析失败的原因获得革新,革新使油井变得更安全,尽管降低对石油依赖也能带来很多好处。 几组调查人员认真研究了这座桥梁坍塌的原因,吊桥设计人员从中汲取了一些教训,其中最主要的是:要保证桥面公路的重量和围梁的强度,使之足以避免因强风引起的危险摇晃。但是工程师们似乎一致认为,调查中的发现最终将改进深海石油钻探技术---至少到下一次意想不到的悲剧发生之前,或到下一次促使技术变得更加安全的教训之前。 Dad Comprehension Exercises 1. Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A 2. Put the following into Chinese 1. 他当时33岁,我4岁,他有力的大手一把握住我细小的双臂,轻而易举地把我扛上肩头,使我能居高临下地看到我想看到的一切。 2. 但是,对于一个生活在二战后的小男孩来说,父亲就像一个具有神秘力量和威力的神,超乎凡人之上,无所不能,无所不知, 3. 每天晚上他下班回来以后,我们都会练习握手。戴着克利夫兰印第安球队的旧帽子的我,蹒跚地跑向身材高大的父亲,一遍又一遍地认真同他握手,直到能够握得很紧。 4. 第二年,我的狗被车轧死,我感到悲痛难忍。这时,父亲来到我身边,用他有力的双臂


Unit 1 I. Reading for information 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C II. Translation 1.但是只要说上几句话,他的口音就很容易被辨认出来。 2.他不会轻易发火,有一颗金子般的心,你很少能从他的嘴里听到攻击和批评别人的话。 3.常言道:善行胜于善言。父亲的身教对我的影响远远超过了他的言传。 4.面对生活的沧桑,大布鲁诺怎么能不提高嗓门,怎么能保持心气平和?难道力气 这么大的人不该脾气也大吗? 5.体育明星和歌星 |、影星的确能够鼓舞人心,但是“英雄”这个头衔还是应该留给 像我父亲那样,为了自己所爱的人孜孜不卷地工作的人。 III. Summary 1.hard work, pays off 2.Big Bruno, strong in stature, a gentle spirit 3.most patient, slow to get angry, a heart of gold, a lot of friends 4. a role model, a true friend, a treasure 5.hero, does good, loves everyone, doesn ’texpect anything, in return, work tirelessly, the good race Reading Strategies(1) Skimming and Scanning I Skimming question 1 A II Skimming question 2 A teacher should? 1.be pleasantly live and attractive 2.have a genuine capacity for sympathy 3.be both intellectually and morally honest 4.be mentally alert 5.be capable of infinite patience 6.have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. III Scanning question 1 4. Classic Matches IV. Scanning question 2 1% had engaged in role-play 2% had experienced field trips 6% felt competent at writing essays 13% felt A-level courses had prepared them very well for work at university 16% had used video/audio 30% had made significant use of primary sources 3/4 felt A-level courses had prepared them fairly well for work at university 86% reported that their teachers had been more influential in their development as historians



积极英语阅读教程答案 【篇一:经典报刊英语综合教程答案】 text a iii. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5 c 6. a good student: a bright, industrious teen, upscale cap and gown, high-quality student, honors student, elite student, ambitious scholar a good school: a prestigious college, an ivy league college, top-flight school, selective institution iv 1. an entry-level luxury car 2. a top-rated program 3. a cash-strapped financial institution 4. a predominantly agrarian society 5. to be ready psychologically 6. a-level exams 7. a pink-collar worker 8. an intermediate-level course 9. money-strapped colleges and universities 10. a predominantly male job 11. low-level radioactive waste v 发现自己不知不觉的步入了教育领域的无人地带得了高分学费资助 尚无法承担四年沉重的经济负担学业上跟不上 开设综合性大学层次的高级核心课程提高某人的技能 填少数民族招生配额表有把握知道接受要求 一所面向大众和蓝领的教育机构学杂费 为优等生开设的课程资金短缺的州设定招生上限公立大学平均年龄学术声誉补习的本科生换职业的中年人 令人羡慕的学生—教授比正式注册的学生主要是白人女性
