



Unit 1

1. More and more ______(农业)products are being shipped abroad.

2. He travelled around _______(收集) facts about folk songs.

3. We talked about different _______(社会)problems, such as education and unemployment.

4. How will you __________(庆祝)the coming New Year?

5. I’ll tell him the news on his _________(到达)

6. He doesn’t depend on his parents for money and lives a life of i________.

7. My heart beats faster whenever I see our n_______ flag raised.

8. France and Germany are both E_________ contries.

9. The poor man died of s________ because of lack of food.

10. The o_________ of this custom is unknwn.

Unit 2

1. He had so much _______(精力)that he did the work of three men.

2. The boy shows great _________( 好奇心)about animals.

3. You mustn’t e at too much fat if you want to keep _______(苗条的)

4. The shopping mall is full of c____________ every day.

5. They love r__________ meat in the open air.

6. In some countries, people eat too much fat and sugar. They should eat a b_____ diet to keep


7. She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight.

8. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room.

9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word.

10. Time is l________. We need to be hurry.

Unit 3

1. He had no money with him and had to earn his _________(船费)by doing jobs on the ship.

2. The sunrise is a beautiful ___________(景象)

3. Only one man __________(幸免)the accident.

4. I can make a b_______ that our team will win.

5. We are not p________ t o swim in the river. It’s too dangerous.

6. After three hours of waiting for the train, our p______finally ran out.

7. His a________ made me surprised.

8. Jenny has just bought a new skirt with red s_______.

9. On the c_______, I don’t like the way you’re talking.

10. Do you like a_______in your life?

Unit 4

1. Don’t put the bottle on the edge of the _________(表面) of the desk, or it will fall down.

2. The ________(气氛)changed as he walked in.

3. The professor has brought in a good ________(系统) of teaching languages from abroad.

4. She asked them not to discuss the matter in her ___________(在场)

5. He was very __________(粗暴的)when he got drunk.

6. With the d______ of modern agriculture and industry, our everyday life has improved a lot.

7. During the Second World War, two atom bombs e___________ in Japan,.

8. Man can’t live without water and o_________.

9. If I tell you the secret, don't s________ it around.

10. Now we still don’t know whether life e__________ on Mars.

Unit 5

1. There are seven c_______ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.

2. The house was s_______by high walls.

3. The town lies on the b________ between the US and Canada.

4. When are you going t marry and s_______down?

5. Vancouver is Canada’s largest h_________.

6. Although this task is _________(非常地)difficult, we will try our best to finish it.

7. The patient is __________(稍微) better today.

8. The rural _________(风景)was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more


9. Go __________(向东)to the end of the street and you will find the book.

10. It is known to us all that China is a ________(多文化的) country.

Unit 1

1. agricultural

2. gathering

3. social

4. celebrate

5. arrival

6. independence


8. European

9. starving 10. origin

Unit 2


2. curiosity

3. slim

4. customers

5. roasting


7. diet

8. sighed

9. glaring 10. limited

Unit 3.


2. scene

3. survived

4. bet

5. permitted

6. patience

7. appearance

8. spots

9. contrary 10. adventure

Unit 4


2. atmosphere

3. system

4. presence

5. violent

6. development

7. exploded

8. oxygen

9. spread 10. exists

Unit 5


2. surrounded

3. border

4. settle

5. harbour

6. extremely

7. slightly

8. scenery

9. eastward(s) 10. multicultural

Unit 1

1. The people who work at the station apologized for the late ________ (到达) of the


2. The children are always playing t________ on their teacher.

3. Please r________ me of the time when we have to hold the important meeting.

4. The ________ (宗教)affairs have been reestablished.

5. You were wrong to take the car without p________.

6. He has lost his ________ (信仰)in God.

7. Do you know such a proverb “No pains, no g______”?

8. You have to complete so much work in such a short time. It’s o_______ that you are in a difficult position now.

9. I must a________ to you for not having been able to write to you.

10. Every Monday morning, we g________ on the playground to attend the

flag-raising ceremony.

11. We all a________ her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

Unit 2

1. This restaurant could make people thin in two weeks a good d________.

2. You’d better cook the seafood well. Don’t eat r________ food. It’s dangerous.

3. To see if the food would be popular, he decided to do some r________ in the market.

4. I have c________ a number of law books in the British Museums.

5. This project is of great b________ to everyone.

6. To make employees of a company perform better, the bosses first of all have to know their workers’ weaknesses and s________.

7. The hospital strictly l________ the number of visitors a patient can have.

8. In order to realize the dream in mind, everybody should c________ theory with practice.

9. A lot of young kids have a strong c_________ about the world around them.

10. A b_________ diet should include the right amount of nutrients from all the different food groups.

Unit 3

1. It is bad m________ to keep on staring at someone.

2. We all think it wrong to judge a person by his a________.

3. What a fantastic mountain s________.

4. I suggested you s________ advice from your lawyer on this matter.

5. It's u__________ that the event repeated itself years later in the same place.

6. Many year ago colleges and universities were only for men, and women were not p________ to attend.

7. Since the first bus had gone, he could do nothing but wait two more hours for the next one with great p_________.

8. They see a penniless young man w____on the pavement outside their house.

9. Joan s________ her friend in the crowd the moment she arrived at the railway station.

10. He was born in ShangHai, so ShangHai is his b________.

11. Mark Twain is best known for his novels, such as The A________ of Tom Sawyer. Unit 4

1. The car c________ into a tree and the driver was badly injured.

2. After the v ________ quarrel, the young couple realized that their marrage came to an end.

3. The existence of life in outer-space remains a mystery, which p________ many scientists.

4. They have an alarm s________ in the house to protect their possessions from being stolen.

5. As we all know, smoking is h________ to our health.

6. Music is quite u________ any other art form.

7. It seems good in t________, but it doesn’t work in practice.

8. We were trying to escape the p____ of the earth’s gravity.

9. The Roman Empire e________ for several centuries.

10. Without sunlight, the c________ of the earth has changed very much.

unit 5

1. Can you finish the task w________ an hour?

2. I am looking forward to c_______ with you on the internet.

3. Canada is a m________ of many cultures and races.

4. I found many eyewitnesses to c________ (证明) that I was innocent.

5. It’s __________ (大约) 400km from Toronto to Ottawa.

6. He was born and grew up in a small and quiet village which was s___________ by high

mountains and forests.

7. That mid-aged housewife has formed the habit of going d__________ shopping when she has

free time or wants to buy something necessary.

8. With the development of science, it become possible for astronomers to messure the

d__________ of stars from the earth.

9. Do I need a passport to cross the Spanish b___________?

10. We need to take m__________ at once to prevent the growth of the population in China.

11. His words are strongly i__________ on my memory.

12. They built a pumping station n______ the bridge.


arrival tricks remind religious permission belief gains

obvious apologize gather admire


diet raw research consulted benefit strengths limits combine curiosity balanced unit3 manners apperance scene seek unbelievable permitted patience wandering spotted birthplace adventures


crashed violent puzzles system harmful unlike

theory pull exist climate


Within chatting mixture confirm approximately

surrounded downtown distance border measures impressed nearby unit 1

1.Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

2.In summer, there is usually p_______ of rain in our area.

3.They thought if they held some festivals, their a_________ would be s__________ with what they had done.

4.On his a_______, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.

5. The colour of our n________ flag is red with five yellows stars on it.

6. Under the lead of our party, we finally got i_________ from the other countries.

7. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a__________ work to do.

8. The c________ of some E___________ countries are quite different from ours

9. The w________ is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.

10. He is such a h_______ boy that many girls a_______ him.

11. I hope you will always be e_________ when having classes.

12. Without the teacher's p__________, you cannot play with the computer in our class.

13. He managed to save the d________ girl, which was praised by many people.

14. It is o_______ that he has known the story.

15. He cheated her, which she would never f_______

unit 2

1.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight.

2.Rice, noodles and bread all belong to e_______-giving foods.

3.When having dinner, I like to eat c__________ instead of m__________.

4.Wu must keep the b_______ of nature.

5. C_________ drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant.

6. Scientist are doing some r________ to find the cause of the disease.

7. There are usually a lot of c_________ in the KFC.

8. Both of the two restaurants have their s________ and w__________, so they decided to c___________ them together into a larger one.

9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word.

10. Time is l________. We need to be hurry.

11. Knowledge can be of a great b_______ to everybody.

12. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room.

13. Some food is high in fibre which is good for d___________.

Unit 3

1.Smoking is not p__________ in our school.

2.He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his p__________ during the journey.

3.The reason he gave to a________ for his absence was unbelievable.

4.As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his a______________.

5.To be h_________, I have no money on me.

6. To do this work well needs some p_________.

7. He was so hungry that he order a thick s________ and a glass of beer for lunch.

8. It's good m________ to say good-bye to the host when leaving.

9. Seeing the snake, she couldn’t help s____________.

10. In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to walk

s_________ to s___________.

11. His family is quite rich, so they hire a s_________ to do the housework.

12. Don't be r_______ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.

13. He was popular because of his sense of h_________.

14. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a________ in the corner of the room.

15. We don't like him because he is always j________ of other's success.

Unit 4

1.He doesn't like to be v_________, instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.

2.Without o_________, we can't live.

3.On cold winter days, there will be ice on the s________of the water.

4.As is known to all, smoking is h_________ to our health.

5.With the d___________ of science, many new things are invented.

6. G___________ speaking, he is a smart boy except his carelessness.

7. The news s________ quickly all over the country.

8. Bad habits should always be p_______ in our daily life.
