英语高二年级第一学期Unit 8 Advertising_教案1-新世纪版

Unit 8 Advertising

Period 1












◆语言知识类:by means of , recognize , to an extent , first of all , identify , in question , meet the needs of , take…into account , fall , ill, intend , make use of , back up , quote , add…to , Reach the expected goal, potential, be related to, cater to, be highly culture-conscious, carry out, spoil.


1) 广告类型:TV/radio advertising, TV/radio commercials, newspaper/magazine advertising, mail advertising, billboard advertising, bills and posters, Internet advertising, neon sign, show window advertising, Sandwich board.

2) 一些著名商品名称:Kodak, Nike, Adidas, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, KFC, NOKIA, Sprite, Samsung, Motorola, Pepsi, Nescafe, Motorola, Toshiba, IBM, Intel, Panasonic, Lenovo, Philips, Toyota, Maxwell coffee

3) 广告中所用的修辞方法:simile(明喻), metaphor(暗喻) personification(拟人), pun(双关), hyperbole(夸张), parallelism排比), rhetorical question (反问), irony(反语), rhyme(押韵)


To learn how to recommend sth to a customer and to learn how to persuade someone to buy sth.

●They’re very good for the price.

●How do you like this pattern?

●It wears well and keeps its shape.

●It’s the latest and it’s very popular.

●It’s very durable.

●I’m sure you will find this one very satisfactory.

●Come on. Take it!

●I think it’s well worth the money.

●Go for it!

●If I were you, I would certainly take it.

●You won’t be disappointed.

●I can assure you of its qualify.



l Reading contact,

lived-in, shut off, by mistake, set up, remote, air-conditioned, unequalled, range from, up to 本篇文章为三则广告,通过阅读学生可以了解广告的一



[链接4] 广告制作活动的操作建议




说明:在课文引入时,让学生开展Picture Talk 活动作为热身练习;唤起学生对本课主题的兴趣。

在阅读教学的初始阶段,采用Jigsaw Reading 的方法。将篇章阅读分解为段落阅读,同时结合任务型教学模式,在每一段落的阅读处理中都采用个人或小组等不同的活动模式,来完成不同类型的任务。从而避免整篇文章阅读学习的单调、乏味,能够提高学生的阅读兴趣。并且教师在不同的活动中,可以有针对性地教授一些阅读技巧来提高学生的阅读能力。另一方面,这些活动既有个人独立完成的,又有以小组为单位进行的。这样既可培养学生独立自主的学习能力,又有助于培养学生互相帮助的团队合作精神。

1. Picture talk:


① 广告图片


●I think … is very interesting/amazing/boring/meaningless.

●I feel … is cool and I really want to try the product.

●I find … appeals to me and I can’t resist its temptation.

●In my opinion, … is really well/ poor designed.

●I was fascinated with the star in the ad.

●…is my first option, because it is full of imagination.

●I don’t think there is any point employing such a stupid figure to support

the ad.

●It looks tasty/beautiful/useful.

●I don’t like the slogan in the ad.

●I can’t understand what advantages it wants to show.

2.Jigsaw reading:

本课可分为三部分,第一部分为Paragraph A,第二部分为Paragraph B C D,第三部分为Paragraph E。

第一部分:Para A

◆教师先让学生快速阅读第一部分,先请学生概括出本段的topic sentence,然后请学生采用“头脑风暴”的方式列举出各种不同类型的广告方式:

radio advertising, TV advertising, newspaper advertising, magazine advertising, mail advertising, billboard advertising, bills and posers, Internet advertising, neon sign, window show advertising, Sandwich board.


第二部分:分成两小部分:B段为第一部分,C.D 两段为第二部分

Para B

请学生阅读Paragraph B并完成以下表格:

Para C&D

请学生听这二段的录音,并完成以下True or False的练习。

◆The key to the successful worldwide advertising of Kodak, Nike, Coca Cola, is that they have attractive slogans. ( F )

◆Because of Arabic reading habits, they interpreter the advertisement as turning the clean clothes on the right into dirty clothes on the left. ( T )

◆Culture background knowledge is essential for us to carry out an advertising program in a foreign country. ( T )

◆Mc Donald’s failed to appeal to Brazilians because their hamburgers contained too much hot pepper, which were not considered proper beach food.( F ) Para E





worldwide, economic, impact, incentives, involve, identify, appeal to, design, image, slogan, successful, examples ,not reach the expected goal, the Middle East, Arabic, MacDonald’s, Brazilians, culture -conscious

