


Has she visited China before?



I have seen that film before.



I will be at home before noon.


You must think it over before you decide.



1. The plane circled the airport before landing.


2. Get out before I call the police.


3. I’ve never met him before.



1. 介词;在……之前

2. 连词;在……之前

3. 副词;以前

1. competition


A. Have you ever entered a competition?


B. Can they compete with the best teams?


C. The company is a strong competitor of us.


【用法】A句中的competition为____________ 词,含义为“竞赛;竞争”。短语enter a competition意为“____________ ”。B句中的____________是动词,含义为“竞赛;竞争”。C句中的__________是名词,意为“竞争者;对手”。【运用】请用compete的适当形式填空。

① We were proud of him because he won the__________________ yesterday.

② They are good friends, and they are also the________________ .

2. take off


A. Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.


B. You shouldn’t take off your coat. You’d better put it on again.


【用法】take off有两个含义,在A句中意为“_____________”。


以上A、B两个例句中还含有take off的两个反义词组。它们分别是:A句中的____________ ,意为“降落;着陆”;B句中的___________,意为“穿上”。【运用】请根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词。


The plane __________________________________ at six o’clock.


____________________ your dirty shoes and _______________ these new ones. Key:

1. 【用法】名;参加一个比赛;compete; competitor

【运用】① competition ② competitors

2. 【用法】起飞;脱掉;land in;put on

【运用】① is going to take off ② Take off; put on


1. 【考点再现】

I’ve never been to Shanghai!


【真题链接】(2007 潜江、仙桃、江汉油田)

—Have you seen the film?

—No, I have ________________ seen it before.

A. just

B. ever

C. never

D. already


2. 【考点再现】

Yi Wen has tried western food in a hotel in Nanjing.



Chinese medicine is very popular in many w_____________ countries like the USA and England.



新世纪大学英语第四册第五单元语言点解析 Language Points for Unit 5 1. publicity: n. public notice or attention e.g. We have planned an exciting publicity campaign with our advertisers. T:她的新剧作获得广泛宣传。 (=Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity.) Collocations: gain/get/receive publicity 取得名气;引人注目 seek publicity 追求名气 avoid public ity 避免引人注目 extensive/wide publicity 广为宣传 2. accompany: vt. go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something e.g. Warships will accompany the convoy. He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife. 3. adverse: a. having a negative or harmful effect on something e.g. So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects. T: 他的健康因气候影响而严重受损. (=His health was adversely affected by the climate.) CF: adverse, opposite & contrary 这些形容词均含“相反的,对立的”意思。 adverse 通常指违害利益的、不友好的等,侧重分歧。 opposite 指位置、方向、行动或想法等完全相反。

人教版高中英语必修二Unit 1 Culture relics语言点教学案含答案

Unit 1 Culture relics 单元语言点 目标认知 重点词汇 rare, valuable, survive, doubt, remove, amaze, select, design, remain, worth, fancy 重点短语 belong to, in return, serve as, think highly of, part of 重点句型 1. … could never have imagined… 2. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 知识讲解 重点词汇 rare 【原句回放】Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文化遗产总是稀少而贵重的吗? 【点拨】rare adj. 稀少的, 罕见的 It is rare to see a man over 160 years old. 很少见到一个人能活到160岁。 稀薄的 The air is rare at high altitudes. 高处空气稀薄。 【拓展】occasional, uncommon, scare, rare均含“稀罕的、很少发生”之意。 occasional 指偶然、间或发生的事,侧重无规律可循。 uncommon指一般不发生或很少发生的事情,故显得独特、异常与例外。 scare指暂时不易发现、不存在或数量不足,供不应求的东西。 rare指难得发生的事或难遇见的人或事,侧重特殊性。 valuable 【原句回放】Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? 文化遗产总是稀少而贵重的吗? 【点拨】valuable adj. 很有用的,宝贵的;很值钱的,贵重的valuable experience 宝贵的经验 valuable jewelry 贵重的首饰 This is one of the most valuable lessons I learned. 这是我所学到的



目录 第一章语言和语言学 (3) 第二章语言的物质载体——语音 (6) 第三章语言的建筑材料——语汇 (10) 第四章语言的结构规则——语法 (13) 第五章语言的表达内容——语义 (19) 第六章语言的运用特点——语用 (22) 第七章语言的书写符号——文字 (25) 第八章语言的发展和演变 (27) 第九章语言的获得和学习 (30) 第十章语言与文学写作 (32) 第十一章语言与民族文化 (34) 第十二章语言与科学技术 (36)

第一章语言和语言学 第一节认识人类的语言 一、语言的性质和类型P49 1.只有人类才有语言P49 (1)内容更多 (2)用处更大: ①交际功能②标志功能③记录功能④思维功能⑤认知功能 (3)能够创造 2.语言和民族、国家的关系P51(简答) “语言”最初是与“民族”直接相连的,至今也是最直观和最容易识别的民族标志, 同时也是国家的标志,但是只有全面了解从古到今的“语言”、“民族”之间,“民族” 和“国家”之间错综复杂的关系,才能对“语言、民族、国家”三者之间做出更加符合客 观事实的结论。 3.语言的特点和类型P52(单选) (1)从历时的角度看:语言的谱系分,也叫“语言亲属关系分类。 根据各种语言在语音、语汇、语法等方面是否有共同的来源和相似性大小对语言进行分类,就是语言的谱系分类。语言的谱系分类是个层级系统,从大到小:“语系、语族、语支、语言、方言、次方言。” (2)从共时角度看:语言的形态分类也叫语言的结构类型分类。 二、语言的表现形式P54 1.语言和言语P54 言语:说话的动作和说出来或写出来的成品。 语言:说话所使用的工具,是在背后支配着人们怎么说话和听话的规则。 言语属于个人现象语言属于社会现象,是全社会约定俗成的产物。言语是语言的表现形式,语言是抽象的,言语是具象的。(单选) 2.本体和外围P55 本体知识:语言系统内部的各要素;语音、词语、语法、语义、语用。 外围知识:语言与思维、语言与文化、语言与其它技能、语言运用等。 3.口语和书面语P56(分析) 用嘴巴说出来的话,叫“口语”。 用文字写下来的话,叫“书面语”。 口语是第一性的,书面语是第二性的。 注意:一方面书面语并不是口语绝对忠实的记录。另一方面书面语也不是口语的机械复制。 第二节语言符号和语言结构 一、语言的符号性P57(论述) 符号:用甲事物表示乙事物,甲事物就是符号。形式+意义(物质实体+表达的特定意义) 语言符号:语音+意义 1.“能指”和“所指”P58(简答) 语言符号中能够指称某种意义的声音叫“能指”。

高中英语知识讲解 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元语言点

Unit 2 Healthy eating语言点 目标认知 重点词汇: balance, upset, benefit, diet, offer, serve, discount, consider, operate, bine, tired, hurry, frustrate, limit 重点短语: cut down, in debt, earn one’s living, get away with,glare at 重点句型 1.nothing could be better… 2.Why don't you do...? 3.have sb. doing sth. 知识讲解 重点词汇 【高清课堂:重点词汇】 balance 【原句回放】What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet?(P9) 假如你的饮食不均衡会怎么样? 【点拨】balance 1. (n.) (1) [U]平衡 lose/keep one’s balance失去/保持平衡 be off balance 不平稳的,摇摆的 sense of balance 平衡感 (2) [U, sing]平衡;均衡 Pesticides seriously upset the balance of nature. 杀虫剂严重影响了大自然的平衡。 (3) [C]天平,秤 Weigh it on the balance. 在天平上秤一下重量。 (4) [C, usu sing] 收支差额,余额 My bank balance isn’t good.我银行存款不多。 2. (v.) (1) (vt./vi.) (使…)保持平衡 How long can you balance on one foot? 你单脚能保持平衡多长时间? Balancing my cup of coffee in one hand, I managed to open the door. 我一只手拿稳咖啡杯,我设法打开了门。 (2) (vt.) 结算 to balance an account 结算 【拓展】balanced adj.保持(或)显示平衡的 keep a balanced diet 保持饮食平衡 upset 【原句回放】I don’t want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. (P14) 我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,并开始宣传我的食物的好处。 【点拨】upset (upset, upset, upsetting) 1. adj. 不快的,心烦意乱的,烦恼的



学习策略 " 简答题: 一.简述高中英语课程基本理念 1.重视共同基础,构建发展平台 2.提供多种选择,适应个性需求 3.优化学习方式,提高自主学习 4.关注学生情感,提高人文素养 二.… 三.简述教师如何提高专业水平,与新课程同步发展 1)转变教学观念,不仅看学习,整体素质也发展,把全面发展作为教学基本出发点 2)改变教学角色,不仅是(知识)传授者,还是(学习)促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者、合作者。 3)能开发课程资源,创造性教学。 4)开放的工作方式,教师间合作研究,共同反思,相互支持,提高素质。

5)终身学习 语音教学 高中生应掌握的英语基础知识:语音、词汇。语法、功能、话题 } 教学原则: 1.面向全体学生,为学生终身发展奠定共同基础 共同基础--持续的学习动机,初步的自主学习能力,综合的语言运用能力 2.鼓励学生选修,加强选修课的指导 1)提供多样化选择,发展个性 2)设计以课程目标和学生需求为依据,充分调查学生学习兴趣、水平、需求3)教学内容多样性、目的性、拓展性、可行性、地方特色、跨文化特性 & 3.关注学生情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围 4.加强对学生学习策略的指导,形成自主学习 5.树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式 英语教学中的任务设计原则: 1)明确目的 2)) 3)真实意义

4)涉及接收、处理、传递等过程 5)过程中使用英语 6)通过做事情完成任务 7)任务结束有具体成果 6.利用现代教育技术,拓宽和运用英语的渠道 7.教师要不断提高专业化水平,与新课程同步发展 , 教学活动类型: 1.调查和采访活动 2.探究活动 3.合作学习 4.即兴发言与讨论 5.反思活动 6.思维训练活动: ~ 2)》 3)网络关系,表达主次从属关系 4)分析异同 5)流程图 6)树形图 (对学生)评价原则 1.体现学生在评价中的主体地位 2.建立多元化和多样性的评价体系 1)% 2)开放宽松的氛围,鼓励学生、同伴、教师、家长共同参与,实现多元化 3)形成性评价(主)与终结性评价相结合,既关注结果,又关注过程;定性(主)、定量评价相结合;他评自评相结合;综合性(主)、单项评价相结合 3.主张形成性评价对学生发展的作用 1)评价符合学生年龄和认知水平 2)综合评价,而不是单方面评价 4.终结性评价要注重考察学生综合语言运用能力 5.注重评价结果对教学效果的反馈 6.评价应体现必修课和选修课的不同特点 7.* 8.注重实效,合理评价


Design features(定义特征): the distinctive features of human language that essentially make human language distinguishable from languages of animals. Synchronic(共时的): said of an approach that studies language at a theoretical “point” in time. Diachronic(历时的): said of the study of development of language and languages over time. Prescriptive(规定式): to make an authoritarian statement about the correctness of a particular use of language. Descriptive(描写式): to make an objective and systematic account of the patterns and use of a language or variety. Competence(语言能力): unconscious knowledge of the system of grammatical rules in a language. 对于一门语言的语法规则系统的无意识获得的知识。Performance(语言运用):

the language actually used by people in speaking or writing. 人们说话写作时实际使用的语言。 Langue(语言): the language system shared by a “speech community”. 一个“语言社团”共有的语言系统。 Parole(言语): the concrete utterances of a speaker. 说话人实际说的话语。 Phonology(音系学): the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language. It aims to discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur. International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标): a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of a chart (the IPA chart), designed by the International Phonetic Association since 1888. It has been revised from time to time to include

牛津高中英语模块八 语言点讲解

如皋中学高二英语第八模块第一单元语言点(教师) Unit one The written world Welcome to the unit 1. If you were asked to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you 跟踪练习: ① The doctor recommended that I _stay_ (stay) a few more days in hospital. ② It is suggested that a lawyer _be sent for_ (send for) immediately. ③ 你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给 我吗? Can you recommend me some new books on the subject? ④ 医生劝病人接受他的忠告。 The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice. 2. Do you think that e-books will ever 跟踪练习: ① 所有的书都必须放回到书架上。 All the books must be replaced on the shelves. ② 我用新轮胎换了旧轮胎。 I replaced the old tyres with new ones. ③ 他失去了家庭,这一损失是无法弥补 的。 Nothing can take the place of the family he had lost. Welcome to the unit 短语归纳: listen to music for entertainment in their spare time recommend a book to your friend in print Reading: Appreciating literature 1. … the language used in them is quite different from the language used today. (line 6-7) 它们当中所运用的语言与现在人们所运用的语言大不相同。 [句法分析] 本句为简单句,used in them 为过去分词短语作定语


高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit21-22 ☆重点句型☆ 1. It has been a long day. I can't keep my eyes open. 2. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language. 3. In many countries, shaking one's head means "no" and nodding means "yes". 4. A way of raying "I am hungry" is patting the stomach before a meal. 5. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks often want to teach visitors something. 6. What they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunity to learn ,something. 7. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie. 8. New theme parks are being built all over the world. ☆重点词汇☆ 1. unfair adj. 不公正的,不公平的 2. customer n. 顾客;主顾 3. avoid vt. 避免;消除 4. incredible adj. 难以置信的 5. manage vt. / vi. 做成(某事);管理;经营 6. fold vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住 7. crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的 8. firm adj. (指动作)稳定而有力的;牢固的 9. handshake n. 握手 10. bend vt. / vi. 弯曲;专心于;屈服 11. gently adv. 轻轻地;逐渐地 12. occur vi. 发生;出现 13. focus n. (兴趣活动等的)中心;焦点 14. specific adj. 具体的;特有的 15. amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动) 16. souvenir n. 纪念物;纪念品 17. attraction n. 吸引人的事物;吸引(力) 18. collection n. 收集;搜集;聚集 19. thrill n. 兴奋;激动;(使)激动;(使)胆战心惊 20. minority n. 少数民族;少数 21. educate vi. / vt. 教育;培养;训练 22. conservation n. (自然资源的)保护;管理;保存 23. divide vt. / vi.分;划分;分开;隔开 24. section n. 部分;区域 25. shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机


高中课本知识分布 必修一 1.共有三个单元 2.各单元知识点 第一单元:一般现在时,现在进行时,be going to 第二单元:一般过去时,过去进行时,现在完成时 第三单元:被动语态,情态动词 3.全书单词数量为:204个 词组数量为:44个 必修二 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第四单元:一般将来时will和be going to的区别,真实条件句和虚拟条件句,让步状语从句 第五单元:原因、结果、目的状语从句 第六单元:表示时间、地点、动作的介词,定语从句,冠词 3. 全书单词数量为:229个 词组数量为:23个 必修三 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第七单元:关系副词,介词+which引导的定语从句,形容词的比较级 第八单元:限制性和非限制性定语从句,静态动词和动态动词 第九单元:现在完成进行时态,现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态 3. 全书单词数量为:262个 词组数量为:40个 必修四 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十单元:不定代词和动词不定式 第十一单元:被动语态,动名词作主语,宾语,表语,定语 第十二单元:跟动名词或不定式作宾语的动词,现在分词作副词,作表语,定语,宾语补足语 3. 全书单词数量为:330个词组数量为:24个 高一共计单词1025,词组131 必修五 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十三单元:过去分词在句中可作形容词或副词用,修饰名词,在句中作定语,宾语补足

语或表语 第十四单元:情态动词表示推测 第十五单元:虚拟语气 3. 全书单词数量为:313个 词组数量为:25个 选修六 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十六单元:过去完成时 第十七单元:过去完成进行时1 第十八单元:过去完成进行时2 3. 全书单词数量为:245个 词组数量为:31个 选修七 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第十九单元:名词性从句 第二十单元:将来完成时和将来进行时 第二十一单元:混合虚拟条件句和情态动词 3. 全书单词数量为:340个 词组数量为:13个 选修八 1. 共有三个单元 2. 各单元知识点 第二十二单元:被动态和表示报道的表达 第二十三单元:强调句和各种完成时的形态(将来完成时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时,现在分词的完成时及情态动词加完成时的用法) 第二十四单元:劝说的表达 3. 全书单词数量为:375个 词组数量为:61个 高二共计单词1273,词组130个 高中共计单词2298,词组261 北师大版高中英语语法总结(必修一—选修八) 必修一 一、present simple and present continuous 一般现在是和现在进行时 1,present simple: 反复进行的,经常性的动作(惯例习惯) Eg, He watches soap operas. 及状态I live in Budapest. 一般现在时常和下列时间状语连用:always, usually, from, time to time, twice a week, rarely,

语言学 重点概念

Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性 Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. 6.语言运用performance Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。 7.历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. 8.共时语言学Synchronical linguistics The study of a given language at a given time. 9.语言langue The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community. 10.言语parole The realization of langue in actual use. 11.规定性Prescriptive It aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.

9A Unit 3单元重点语言点讲解

最新牛津译林版9A Unit 3 Teenage problems语言点知识点讲解 一、课本中重点词、短语、句型讲解 ▲Comic strips & Welcome to the unit 1. What’s wrong, Eddie? 怎么了,埃迪?形容词wrong意思是“出错的”,此句相当于What’s the matter with you, Eddie? 或What happened to you, Eddie? What’s wrong with sb. / What’s the matter with sb.?/ What happened to sb.?常用来询问别人发生了什么事。例如:---What’s wrong with you? You look very tired. ---Thank you. I’m OK. 2. Why not eat less and exercise more? 为什么不少吃一点,多多锻炼呢?这一咱表示建议的句子。日常会话中还会用到:Why don’t you do---? “你为什么不做---呢?”表示对别人进行一种语气强烈的建议。 例如:---Today is a fine day. Why don’t you go boating together? ---I think it’s a good idea. 用于“建议别人做某事”的句型还有:Would you like to do---? Shall we do ---? Let’s do ---. Would you please do---?等。 3. Maybe you’re right. 也许你是对的。此处“maybe”表示“也许;大概”的意思。相当于“perhaps”,放在句首,表示后面句子所叙述的情况也许会发生,或也许是事实。“may be”表示“也许是”,是“情态动词+动词原形be”形式,通常放在句中。 例如:She may be our new English teacher. 她也许是我们的新任英语老师。 4. Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier. 也许你应该更好地计划自己的时间,早点上床睡觉。此外的“better”和“earlier”都为副词的比较级结构,表示“更好”和“更早”的意思。 ▲Reading 1. I have a problem, and I do not know how I should deal with it. 我有一个问题,并且我不知道我应该怎样处理它。句中的“deal with---”意思为“处理”,通常和how连用,同义词是“do with---”。在使用时要注意区别:“How ---- deal with ----?”和“What ---- do with---?”。即:deal with常与how连用;do with常和what 连用。 例如:What should I do with the problem? 我该怎样处理这个问题呢? = How should I deal with the problem? 2. I have no choice but to do it. 我别无选择,只能去做。have no choice but to do sth. 意思是“除了做---别无选择”。 例如:I have no choice but to give up. 我别无选择,只能放弃。but表示“但是”,在此处是连词,连接两个并列结构。 注意:but还可以作介词,表示“除了---之外”,常放在不定代词之后。 例如:She ate nothing but fruits. 3. Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day. 然而有时我发现第二天保持清醒是件困难的事。“find it + adj. ”意思是“发现---怎么样”,“it”在此处作形式宾语。真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式“to stay awake the next day”。动词词组stay awake为系表结构。stay在此处作系动词用,awake是表语,stay awake 意思为“保持清醒”。 例如:We should know it important to learn more knowledge. 我们应当知道多学习一些知识是很重要的。4. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. 我经常会怀疑值不值得花费如此多的时间在家庭作业上。doubt意思是“怀疑”,相当于wonder,后面接if或whether引导的宾语从句,对宾语从句所述的事情表示“怀疑”。be worth doing---“值得做---” 例如:The book is worth reading. 这本书值得看。 注意:下列词组后一般接doing形式。如:be busy doing sth./ can’t help doing sth. /feel like doing sth./ would you mind doing---? / be used to doing---/ look forward to doing---/ 等。


语言点讲解 1. The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. (P12) 本句中含有so ... that ... 句型。so / such ... that ... 意为“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句。使用该句型时要注意以下几点: a. so是副词,常修饰形容词或副词;such是形容词,常修饰名词。“so + adj. + a / an + n. ”相当于“such + a / an + adj. + n.”。如: It was so beautiful a day / such a beautiful day that we decided to go to the beach. 那天天气很好,因此我们决定去海滩。 b. 如果被修饰的是不可数名词或复数可数名词,一般只用such ... that ...。如:He has made such great progress that his parents are very pleased with him. 他进步很快,他的父母对他很满意。 They are such interesting novels that I want to read them once again. 这些小说非常有趣,我想再读一遍。 c. 当被修饰的名词前有many, much, few, little(表示“少的”)等词时,通常要用so ... that ...。如: He made so many mistakes that he failed the exam. 他出了那么多错以至于他考试不及格。 【原题再现】 1. The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room. A. really B. such C. too D. so 2. Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language. A. as B. that C. which D. where 2. He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.(P13) 本句中含有... was / were doing sth. when ...句型。when在此可译作“这时(at the moment)”、“突然”等。when的这种用法可与过去进行时、过去完成时、过去完成进行时、was / were about to及was / were on the point of doing sth. 连用。如:We were about to set off when it began to rain.


最新牛津译林版9A Unit 2 Colour语言点知识点讲解 一、课本中重点词、短语、句型讲解 ▲Comic strips & Welcome to the unit 1. I think blue is better than pink. 我认为蓝色比粉红色更好看。 I think blue is better than pink. = I like to wear blue better than pink. 我认为穿蓝色比粉红色更好看。 =I would rather wear blue than pink. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。 2. But there’s nothing wrong with pink. You know. 但是你知道粉红色没有什么不好。 But there’s nothing wrong with pink, you know. = But there isn’t anything wrong with pink. =Nothing is wrong with pink. There’s something/nothing wrong with something. “某物有/没有问题”。 例如:There’s something wrong with my new bike. 我的新自行车出了点问题。 3. And I’m not sure if blue looks good on you. 而且我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。 Something looks good on somebody. 某物穿在某人身上好看。 Somebody looks good in something. 某人穿某物好看。 例如:Blue looks good on him. = He looks good in blue. 蓝色穿在他身上好看。 ▲Reading 1. You may wonder whether it is true. 你或许想知道它是否是真实的。 whether“是否”,用来引导宾语从句it is true. 2. In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. 实际上,颜色能改主烃我们的心情,使我们觉得快乐或悲伤、精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。 Make sb. do sth. “使某人干某事”。省略to的动词不定式做make的宾语补足语。 例如:He makes me laugh. The music makes me feel relaxed. 3. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day. 黄色是太阳的颜色,因此它能使你想起温暖、阳光灿烂的一天。 remind sb. of --- “提醒某人想起----” 例如:The song reminds me of my hometown. 这首歌使我想起我的家乡。 The book reminds me of my teacher. 这本书使我想起我的老师。 4. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action. 穿红色衣服也更容易采取行劝。句中的wearing red是动词加ing形式,用作主语。it为形式宾语,指代真正的宾语to take action, easier是宾语补足语。 5. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision. 当你犹豫不决时候,红色可以有助于你的决定。Have difficulty (in) doing sth. “做某事有困难”。 例如:I have difficulty (in) learning dancing. 我在学习舞蹈方面有困难。 ▲Grammar 宾语从句是指在复合句中充当宾语的句子。下面主要讲解that, whether引导的宾语从句。 一、that引导的宾语从句。that一般引导陈述句做句子的宾语从句,that在句子中没有词义,在口语或非正式文体中常常被省略。 例如:He thinks (that) he can go swimming tomorrow. 他认为他明天能去游泳。 I am glad (that) you can come for dinner. 我很高兴你能来吃晚餐。 注意:宾语从句一般放在主句的谓语动词之后,常见的谓语动词有say, ask, wonder, know, think, believe, hope, mean等;也可以用于主句形容词之后,如:sure, glad等。 例如:I am sure (that) Mr. White will come to our school and give us a talk. 二、if或whether引导的宾语从句,宾语从句部分的语义相当于一个一般疑问句。If或whether的意思是“是否---”,在从句中不充当句子成分,在口语中多用if。
