


Heidi Alander


Knitlob's Lair V?in?m?inen ( 75 % wool, 25 % nylon), 100 g / 400 m: 2 skeins color Kaakao. Shawl shown used about 130 g / 520 m.


4,5 mm or to obtain gauge


18 sts and 31 rows = 10 cm. Gauge is not important, but knitted fabric should be relatively loose


Darning needle


This shawl is easily adjustable. Every pair of right and wrong side rows adds six stitches; the lace pattern repeat is also six stitches. That means you can start the lace whenever you want. You may also work Chart A as many times as you wish.


kfb – knit same st from front and back (1 st inc)

kyok – knit, make yarn over, knit the same st again

CO 7 sts.

Next row: k2, kfb 3 times, k2. = 10 sts

Body of the shawl

Row 1: k 2, YO, p until 2 sts left, YO, k 2.

Row 2: k 2, kyok, k until YO, kyok, k 2.

Repeat these 2 rows until you have 274 sts . Repeat row 1 once more. (276 sts - 2edge sts, YO, 270 sts, YO, 2 edge sts).

Lace edging

Proceed to chart A. Work as follows:

RS:k 2 , kyok, repeat chart until the last YO, kyok, k 2.

WS:k 2, YO, purl until 2 sts left, YO, k 2.

Knit chart rows 1-12 3 times (or as many times as you wish).

Then work chart B rows 1-8 one time.


Bind off as follows: k 2, * slip the left needle through these sts and k them together, k 1 * repeat until all sts have been bound off.

Weave in ends, soak well and block.

Chart B
