

R. Axt-Fliedner . A. Schwarze . I. Nelles . C. Altgassen .

M. Friedrich . W. Schmidt . K. Diedrich

The value of uterine artery Doppler ultrasound in the prediction

of severe complications in a risk population

Received: 30 April 2004 / Accepted: 2 May 2005 / Published online: 3 June 2004

# Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract Aim: The aim of this prospective study was to

assess the role of uterine artery color Doppler waveform

analysis in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcome

such as preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation,

placental abruption or a combination of outcome parameters

in risk pregnancies (n=52). Methods: Various

uterine artery Doppler ultrasound parameters (resistance

index (RI)>0.58, RI>0.7 and uni/bilateral or bilateral

notching) were tested. The mean time of delivery was 37

+1 weeks’ gestation. Six newborns (12%) were delivered

before 34 weeks of gestation. The mean birth weight was

2,910 g. Dystrophic fetuses (<10% percentile) were

registered in 7 cases (13%). In 11 of the 52 women

(21%) a cesarean section was performed because of

abnormal fetal heart recording. Results: Preeclampsia

was diagnosed in 4 cases (8%). In 4 cases (8%) an

intrauterine fetal death was diagnosed. Placental abruption

did not occur. The sensitivity of notching for the

prediction of preeclampsia and for the prediction of a

severe pregnancy complication was 75 and 69% with

relative risks of 2.7 and 2.0. The sensitivity of notching in

the uterine arteries for developing an intrauterine growth

retardation (IUGR) was 71% with a relative risk of 2.2.

The sensitivity of RI>0.58 in the uterine arteries for

developing an IUGR was 67% with a relative risk of 5.4.

The sensitivity of RI>0.58 for the prediction of preeclampsia,

of intrauterine death and for the prediction of a

severe pregnancy complication was 50, 75 and 80% with

relative risks of 2.7, 8.1 and 10.9 respectively.

Conclusion The results of this study suggest that Doppler

ultrasound of the uterine artery in the second trimester of

gestation is a useful method to predict abnormal outcomes

in risk pregnancies, with high negative predictive values.

Keywords Doppler . Uterine artery . Risk population .

Screening test


Preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation are one

of most common causes of fetal and maternal morbidity

and mortality, whereas their exact etiology is unknown [2, 24]. Failure of normal trophoblastic implantation, leading

to an abnormal uteroplacental blood-flow, seems to be associated with later development of preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and placental abruption [11, 22–24]. Doppler ultrasound in the second trimester is proposed

as a potential screening test for preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), [3–9, 13]. An abnormal

uterine artery Doppler waveform reflects increased impedance in the uterine circulation that is thought to be a

secondary effect of a failed trophoblastic invasion of the muscular spiral arteries [23, 27]. In an unselected population, the presence of a diastolic notch is reported to be a

better predictor for preeclampsia than an elevated resistance index (RI), with positive predictive values (PPVs) up

to 31% [8, 16, 17]. The diagnostic accuracy of uterine

artery Doppler as a screening method for adverse pregnancy outcome is hampered by inconsistent methods, different gestational ages during examination and various definitions of study populations [9]. Furthermore, the optimal uterine artery waveform indices to obtain the best positive predictive value for preeclampsia or IUGR

remains uncertain [1, 4, 5, 21]. Performing uterine artery Doppler studies in high-risk populations for severe pregnancy complications could increase the predictive

value for adverse pregnancy outcome. Therefore, the aim

of this prospective study was to examine the value of uterine artery Doppler in a risk population for the prediction of severe pregnancy complications.

Materials and methods

In this prospective study uterine artery Doppler ultrasound was performed on women with singleton ―risk‖ pregnancies

in between 19 and 26 completed weeks’ gestation

who attended a fetal anomaly scan. The gestational age

was calculated from the first day of the last period and was confirmed by vaginal ultrasound within the first trimester. Data from 52 women were evaluated.

Women who fulfilled the following criteria were

included to the study:

–Essential hypertension (n=8)

–History of preeclampsia (n=13)

–History of intrauterine growth retardation (n=13)

–History of intrauterine death (n=28)

–History of placental abruption (n=3)

Each woman had only one uterine artery Doppler ultrasound. Multiple pregnancies or pregnancies with recognized fetal abnormalities were excluded. Doppler ultrasound was performed with the women lying in a semirecumbent position, taking care of the absence of fetal movements and a fetal heart rate between 120 and

140 bpm. Color ultrasound scan was performed with an Elegra (Siemens) and Acuson 128 XP/10 using a 3.5 or

5 MHz transducer. The high-pass filter was set at 100 Hz. The transducer end was placed on the left and right lower quadrant of the maternal abdominal wall, visualizing the external iliac artery and identifying the uterine artery medial to it. Flow velocity waveforms were obtained form each uterine artery near to the external iliac artery, before division of the uterine artery into branches, as previously described [6]. Doppler ultrasound was performed between 19 and 2

6 completed weeks’ gestation.

The presence of a diastolic notch in the flow-profiles of

the uterine arteries was noted qualitatively as a clearly definable upturn of the flow velocity, and the resistance index was calculated from five waveforms of satisfactory quality. A RI>0.58 was defined as abnormal [11, 19] and a RI>0.7 was defined as very abnormal [10, 21].

Clinical data and pregnancy outcome information were collected via a standardized questionnaire from hospital records by an investigator who classified the pregnancy outcome blinded to the Doppler results. The points to define the pregnancy outcome were: time of delivery, mode of delivery, birth weight, presence of preeclampsia (RR≥140/90 mmHg and proteinuria ≥0.3 g/24 h in the

absence of urine tract infection), intrauterine growth retardation (<10th percentile of Thompson’s scale). Placental abruption was defined as a vaginal bleeding and

evidence of fetal compromise leading to an emergency delivery and an evidence of retro-placental clot of postdelivery examination of the placenta.

―All outcomes‖ were defined as the development of preeclampsia and/or IUGR and/or IUD and/or placental abruption of any gestational age. ―Severe outcomes‖ were

defined as the development of preeclampsia and/or IUGR combined with a delivery <34 weeks and/or IUD and/or placental abruption of any gestational age [10]. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version 10 for

Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive

value (NPV) and relative risk (RR) in the prediction of preeclampsia, IUGR, prematurity, placental abruption or

IUD were calculated by cross tabulation.

Table 1 Maternal characteristics of the population and pregnancy outcome

Characteristics N=52

Mean maternal age, years, median (range) 32.8 (23–46) Primiparous n (%) 2 (4)

History of abortion n (%) 28 (53)

Mean time of delivery weeks (range) 37+1 (24–41)

Delivery before the 34th week 6 (12)

Cesarean section due to pathological CTG n (%) 11 (21)

Mean birth weight, g (range) 2,910 (400–


Fetal growth restriction <10th percentile n (%) 7 (13) Preeclampsia n (%) 4 (8)

Intrauterine death n (%) 4 (8)

Severe outcomes n (%) 6 (12%)

All outcomes n (%) 13 (25%)

Placental abruption 0


General obstetric outcome data

In the period from 1999 to 2001 52 women were included

in the study. Twenty-three pregnancies (44%) had more

than one entry criterion. Mean maternal age was 32.8

(range 23–46) years. Two women (4%) were nullipara, 50 women (96%) were multiparous. Mean time of delivery

was 37+1 weeks’ gestation. Three newborns (6%) were delivered before the 34th week of gestation.

The mean birth weight was 2,910 g. Dystrophic fetuses

below <10th percentile were registered in 7 cases (13%).

Ten (19%) of the newborns had to be transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit. In 11 of the 52 women (21%)

a cesarean section due to a pathologic CTG was

performed. Preeclampsia was diagnosed in four cases (8%). Four intrauterine deaths occurred (8%). Placental abruption was not diagnosed. The mean maternal characteristics of the population and pregnancy outcome

are summarized in Table 1.

Uterine artery Doppler outcome

Fifteen women (29%) had a normal Doppler flow of the

uterine arteries. In 31 (60%) women a uni/bilateral

RI>0.58 and 14 patients (27%) a bilateral RI>0.58 could

be seen. Seven pregnancies (13%) had uni/bilateral RI

values ≥0.7 and 3 (6%) had bilateral RI values ≥0.7.

Notching was observed in 28 pregnancies (54%) uni/

bilaterally and in 15 (29%) bilaterally. The incidence of

normal and pathological Doppler ultrasound of the uterine

arteries in the examined population is shown in Table 2.


The test characteristics for predicting the development of

preeclampsia are shown in Table 3. Any notch had the

highest sensitivity with values of 75% and relative risk

2.7, respectively, whereas the positive predictive value

(11%) of any notch was low. Both RI values >0.7 detected

preeclampsia with sensitivity, specificity, positive andnegative predictive value of 25, 96, 33 and 94%,

respectively. The relative risk for preeclampsia in case of

a bilateral RI>0.7 was 5.4. Both RI values >0.58 detected

preeclampsia with sensitivity, specificity, positive and

negative predictive value of 50, 75, 14 and 95%,

respectively. The relative risk for preeclampsia in case of

a bilateral RI>0.58 was 2.7. Bilateral notching had

sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive

values of 25, 71, 7 and 92%, respectively. The relative risk

in case of bilateral notching was 2.7. The sensitivity,

specificity, positive and negative predictive values as wellas the relative risk of any notching (right, left, or both

sides) was 75, 49, 11, 96% and 2.7.

Intrauterine growth retardation

The predictive values of abnormal uterine artery Doppler

waveform for IUGR were significant in case of pathological

Doppler Ultrasound (Table 4). Women with persistent

bilateral notching of the uterine arteries had a much higher

sensitivity for IUGR (71%) when compared to women

with bilateral RI>0.7 (50%) but a lower specificity (78 vs.


Both RI values >0.7 detected IUGR with sensitivity,

specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 33,

98, 67 and 92%, respectively. The relative risk for IUGR

in case of a bilateral RI>0.7 was 8.2. Both RI values >0.58

detected IUGR with sensitivity, specificity, positive and

negative predictive value of 67, 78, 29 and 95%,

respectively. The relative risk for IUGRin case of a

bilateral RI>0.58 was 5.4. Bilateral notching had sensitivity,

specificity, positive and negative predictive values

of 71, 78, 33 and 95%, respectively. The relative risk in

case of bilateral notching was 6.3. The sensitivity,

specificity, positive and negative predictive values as

well as the relative risk of any notching (right, left, or both

sides) was 71, 50, 18, 92% and 2.2. The test characteristics

for predicting IUGR are shown in Table 4.

All outcomes

The test characteristics for predicting all outcomes are

shown in Table 5. Women with both RI>0.7 had the

highest positive predictive value of 67% and relative risk

of 3.3 for an abnormal pregnancy outcome. Persistent

bilateral notching had sensitivity, specificity positive and

negative predictive values of 54, 80, 47, 84% and the

relative risk was 3.0. Women with both RI values >0.58

had the highest relative risk of 3.8 for all outcomes with

sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive

values of 58, 83, 50 and 87%, respectively.

Severe outcomes

The test characteristics for predicting severe outcomes are

shown in Table 6. The sensitivities and the relative risk of

abnormal uterine waveforms were highest in this group.

Bilateral notching had the highest sensitivity with values

of 83% and relative risk 12.7, respectively, whereas the

positive predictive value (33%) was modest. Both RI

values >0.7 detected severe outcome with modest sensitivity,

but with the highest specificity, positive and

negative predictive value of 40, 98, 67 and 94%,

respectively. The relative risk for severe outcome in case

of a bilateral RI>0.7 was 10.9. Both RI values >0.58detected severe outcome with sensitivity, specificity,

positive and negative predictive value of 80, 79, 29 and

97%, respectively. The relative risk for severe outcome in

case of a bilateral RI>0.58 was 10.9. Bilateral notching

had sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive

values of 83, 79, 33 and 97%, respectively. The relative

risk in case of bilateral notching for severe outcomes was


Intrauterine death

The test characteristics for predicting intrauterine death (IUD) are shown in Table 7. Bilateral notching had the highest sensitivity with values of 75% and relative risk of 7.6, respectively, whereas the positive predictive value (20%) was modest. The highest relative risk for IUD was detected in case of bilateral RI>0.58 with 10.9. Both RI values >0.58 detected IUD with sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 75, 77, 21 and 97%, respectively. Both RI values >0.7 predicted IUD only with a sensitivity of 25%, whereas specificity, positive and negative predictive value were 96, 33, 94% and a relative risk for IUD was 5.4.


In this prospective study we examined the predictive value for severe pregnancy complications of uterine artery Doppler in the second trimester in a risk population. As

a risk population we defined pregnancies by following criteria: essential hypertension, recurrent preeclampsia in previous pregnancies, history of intrauterine growth retardation, history of intrauterine death and/or history of placental abruption in previous pregnancies.

Uterine artery Doppler analysis was of limited value in the prediction of preeclampsia with predictive values of 33% in case of bilateral RI>0.7. The results were comparable to those obtained in low-risk populations [15, 25]. Others found higher predictive values in highrisk population compared to low risk women which might

be in part explained by smaller numbers in our study [7, 12, 26, 28]. However, the positive and negative predictive values for preeclampsia were better than the clinical risk evaluation based on the prevalence of preeclampsia (8%) in the study population.

Thirteen percent of the newborn were IUGR babies and the predictive performance of uterine artery Doppler was better than in a low-risk population, with positive predictive values up to 67% in the presence of bilateral RI>0.7 (RR 8.2). These data are in good accordance to those of Coleman et al. [10].

In the prediction of severe pregnancy complications requiring a delivery <34 weeks of gestation (severe outcomes) bilateral RI values >0.7 identified 67% and bilateral notching identified 33% of these women with a

sensitivity of 40 and 83%, respectively. Women with

bilateral notching and with bilateral RI>0.7 showed a

relative risk of 12.7 and 10.9, respectively for developing

a severe pregnancy complication requiring delivery before

34 weeks of gestation. The negative predictive values were

high (93–97%). Bilateral notching and bilateral RI values

>0.7 identified 47 and 67% of the women who developed

a severe complication at any gestational age. These data

confirm previous data reported by Coleman et al. [10]

In this study four intrauterine deaths occurred. Three of

four women had bilateral notching with a sensitivity and a

specificity of 75% and the predictive value of 20%

performed better than risk assessment based on the

prevalence of intrauterine fetal death (8%) in this study


Impaired uteroplacental blood flow as reflected byabnormal uterine artery Doppler waveforms remains the

major cause for severe pregnancy complications, e.g.,

preeclampsia and preterm IUGR. This has lead to the idea

of uterine artery Doppler as a screening test for adverse

pregnancy outcome [13, 14, 18–20]. It can be concluded

from the published data that there is still no standardized

evaluation of what is called abnormal uterine circulation

(notch or resistance index) and when to perform the test

(20–24 weeks) in which population (low-risk or high-risk),

[9]. The subjective analysis of the absence or presence of a

diastolic notch by trained operators has good interobserver

agreement and seems to be a reliable predictor

as computerized velocity waveform analysis is still

experimental and cannot yet be transduced in a routine

clinical setting and other ratios do not perform better [1,


Variations in Doppler techniques, measurement parameters

and study protocols have resulted in disappointing

results in the prediction of preeclampsia and poor

pregnancy outcome in low-risk populations [9]. The

clinical value of uterine Doppler as a screening tool in

low-risk populations is defined by the high negativepredictive value of abnormal uterine artery Doppler


The results of this study show that uterine artery

Doppler could be a useful method in a risk population for

the prediction of severe pregnancy complications. In any

case the test performed better than risk assessment based

on the prevalence of preeclampsia and IUGR alone.

Evaluation of uterine artery Doppler at 20–24 weeks’

gestation can be easily incorporated in the fetal anomaly

scan. Patients with bilateral notching or bilateral RI values

>0.7 at 24 weeks’ gestation represent a risk group for

adverse pregnancy outcome. On the other hand, patients

with normal flow velocity waveforms in the uterine

arteries at that time of gestation constitute a low-risk group suitable for less intensive antenatal care.

Future research should focus on further improvement to

predict adverse pregnancy outcome, e.g., by a combination

of uterine artery Doppler at 20–24 weeks’ gestation and biochemical testing (e.g., α-fetoprotein, β-human chorionic gonadotropin).


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