


Underwater Work适用范围scope of application

本作业指导书适用于本公司接受的顾客委托的潜水作业。This instruction is suitable for underwater work operations by customer authorized in the company.

2 潜水方式diving mode

采用轻潜作业。Light weight diving.

3 设备和工具equipment and tools

3.1 轻潜水装具:有开放式、密闭循环式及再生循环式,目前常用开放式。

Equipment of Light weight diving: open, closed cycle and regeneration cycle, open used commonly at current.

(1) 水面供气轻潜水装具:Equipment of light weight diving supplied by the air


A、KMB—28型轻潜水装具KMB - 28 type equipment of light weight diving:

—轻潜头盔组(即头盔整体)Helmet team of light weight diving (whole helmet)

头盔主要由头盔本体、五角带、提手、面部衬托、面窗、鼓鼻器、口鼻罩、面罩披风、通讯系统等零部件组成。The helmet is mainly composed of a helmet body, pentagon belt, handle, face support, visor, drum nasal mask, mask, mask cloak, communication system and other parts.

—潜水服组轻潜的潜水服有湿式、干式或热水式几种:Light weight diving suits divide into wet, dry or hot water suit:

湿式潜水服适用于春末至初秋这段时间的浅水潜水作业。干式潜水服是可以充气,将人体与水完全隔绝,一般用于温带地区深秋至初春这段时间的常规潜水。热水式潜水服适用于深潜水和严寒区潜水。Wet diving suit is suitable for underwater work in this period of late spring or early autumn in the shallow water. Dry diving suit can be inflated, isolated the body with water, generally used for diving in late autumn or early spring. Hot diving suit is suitable for deep diving and diving in cold region.


其中脐带由供气管、加强缆和通讯电缆组成,每隔0.4m 用胶带绑扎。- Hose team (DSUS - 700) including the umbilical cord, gas console, emergency bottle (usually a single bottle) is connected with a pressure reducer, connected with low-pressure hose from gas console and low-pressure gas source, connected with high-pressure hose from gas console and

high-pressure gas source. The umbilical cord is composed of gas supply pipes, strengthen the cable and communication cable, taped every 0.4m.

3.2 供气系统Gas supply system

(1)空气压缩机:供气量和气体压力较高,可供空气潜水允许的任何深度使用,选用时,必须同实际潜水工作的用气量相适应。The air compressor: gas supply and higher gas pressure for air diving allowed to use any depth, gas consumption must adapt to the actual diving in use.

(2)储气瓶:潜水员水下呼吸一般不使用直接从空气压缩机输出的压缩空气,而先将压缩空气储入耐压容器——储气瓶,再由储气瓶经过滤器供给潜水员,既能降低温度,又便于集中使用空气。Gas cylinders: generally divers underwater do not breathe directly from the output of compressed air in the air compressor, but the compressed air into the pressure container -- gas cylinders, to supply divers through the cylinders by the filter, to reduce the temperature on the use of collected air.

(3)空气过滤器:指经两级过滤器的空气净化装置。其中第一级装置为油水分离器,用以分离所供气体内含油成份;第二级装置内装活性炭或棉蕊,用以过滤所供气体中的化学杂质成份。The air filter: refers to air purifying device through the two stage filter. The first stage device, for oil-water separator, is used to separate oil from the gas composition; second stage device loaded activated carbon or cotton core, is used to filter the chemical impurities in the gas.

3.3 潜水附属器材diving accessory equipment

(1)通讯设施:一般使用电话进行水上水下信息交流沟通,电话有故障时,应立即出水。Communication facilities: generally telephone used in underwater information communication, once the telephone is at fault, divers should be out of water immediately.

(2)保暖衣:包括绒衣、毛线衣、毛线帽、毛线袜以及衬衣等,由潜水工个人保管,注意保持清洁。Warm clothes including the wool, sweaters, shirts, sweater hat and socks, are kept by the divers cleanliness.

4 实施步骤:Implementation steps:

4.1 潜水前的准备工作The preparatory work before diving

(1)制定潜水作业实施方案the implementing plan of underwater work


门也要提出必要的要求,制定潜水作业方案,确保潜水作业顺利进行。Making the plans of diving, we should firstly investigate hydrology, meteorology, water flow, the bottom sediment conditions the job site, according to the task and the diving operation, to prepare the corresponding manpower, outfit, equipment, equipment, to make diving operation scheme. The comprehensive analysis of all kinds of diving operations, it plans effective safety measures. The necessary requirements, to ensure the smooth progress of diving operation, is draw up in medical guarantee and other relevant departments in the diving program,.

(2)任务交底:讲清潜水任务、性质、要求及可能出现的问题和所采取的措施等。The task clarification: clarifying the diving missions, characteristics, requirements and the possible problems and measures.


每组织一次下潜,其人员一般分工如下:Organization in each diving team, the general division of the team as follows:

—潜水长1 人,负责组织领导并作为预备潜水员负责救护;One diving team leader, is responsible for the organization and leadership as a stand-by rescue diver;

—潜水监督一名,负责施工现场潜水作业安全监控;One diving supervisor, is responsible for diving security monitoring on site;

—下潜人员一名,称潜水员;One worker carried underwater work is called a diver;

—掌管电话人员一名,称电话员;One telephone operator is in charge of phone;

—机电员一名,负责现场空压机等设备,称机电员;One mechanical technicians, is responsible for the air compressor;

—掌管软管一名,称扯管员或脐带员;One hose or umbilical cord operator, is in charge of the hose pulling or umbilical cord;

4.2 潜水的现场器材准备和检查Prepare and check equipment on site

(1)潜水器材设备的准备diving equipment preparation

在展开潜水作业前,潜水长应将潜水所需设备备齐并了解水深、流速、水温、气象、供电、供气、夜间照明灯等的备用情况。Before the diving, diving team leader shall prepare diving equipment and know the standby situation of water, flow velocity and water temperature, weather, power supply, gas supply, night lighting etc..

(2)对潜水装具进行准备与检查Prepare and check diving outfit

—潜水头盔和软管:查看头盔外形是否良好,面窗、排气阀和安全阀是否灵活气密,有无阻滞现象,气流通过时有无噪音、异味。软管、电话线有无损坏和变形。Diving helmet and hose: view the whether helmet shape is good, visor, the exhaust valve and safety

valve is flexible airtight or block phenomenon, when whether there is noise, the smell by air flow, whether the hose, telephone line has damage and deformation.

—潜水衣、保暖衣、水下专用工具:主要检查潜水衣有无破裂、补钉是否脱落和有无严重磨损,领口、袖口胶质有无变质磨损,专用工具是否齐全完好。Diving suit, warm clothing, underwater special tool: check whether the diving suit has rupture, patch is off and there is serious wear, whether neckline and cuffs’ colloid have metamorphic wear, special tools are completely in good condition.

—潜水鞋、压铅、脚蹼:主要检查潜水鞋拉链,脚蹼带有无损坏。Diving shoes, laden belt, flippers: check the diving shoes’ zipper, shoe lace with no damage.

—潜水电话、配气盘:主要检查电话通话性能,仪表误差、气阀是否灵活,以及通气情况等。Diving telephone, gas distribution disk: check the phone performance, instrument error, the valve flexibility and ventilation.

4.3 潜水员着装A diver dressing


The dress is an important factor to ensure divers' safety and complete the task. Therefore, each diver must clear division of work and responsibilities, and dressing location and procedures by steady, correct, fast dressing. The method and steps of dressing of diving outfit:

⑴穿潜水衣: 由电话员员、扯管员负责协助潜水员穿潜水衣。To wear a diving suit: the telephone and hose operators assist divers to wear a diving suit.

⑵穿潜水鞋、脚蹼:潜水员穿好潜水衣时,由电话员、扯管员负责协助潜水员穿潜水鞋和脚蹼。The wear of diving shoes and flippers: after wearing diving suits, the telephone and hose operators assist divers to wear diving shoes and flippers.

⑶挂压铅:由扯管员负责协助潜水员挂压铅。The laden belt hanging: hose operator assists divers to hang laden belt.

⑷戴轻潜头盔:潜水员着装完毕后,由电话员和扯管员负责协助潜水员戴头盔。To wear the light weight diving helmet: Divers dressed, after wearing diving suits, the telephone and hose operators assist divers to wear light weight diving helmet.

4.4潜水员的基本动作要点:Basic action points:

—当潜水员在下潜过程中感到头痛、恶心、兴奋、耳膜痛时,应立即停止下潜,并向水面报告,然后进行通风,做吞咽、鼓鼻等动作,以适应高压环境。如症状仍未消失,可上升2~3m,继续上述动作,直至症状消失后才可慢慢下潜。如经各种努力仍未排除症状则应请示出水。When divers dive into water in feeling of headache, nausea, excited, ear pain, it should immediately stop the diving, and report to the person on the surface, and then do the ventilation, swallow, drum nasal action in order to adapt to the high pressure environment. If the symptoms do not disappear, diver rises up to 2 ~ 3M to repeat the action until the symptoms disappeared, then slowly descends. If through the effort it has not ruled out symptoms, diver should consult out of water.


The diving team leader confirms no error and issued the word "dive" after detailed examination of the dressing.

—扯管员接到可以下潜的口令后,准备好脐带放入水中,由电话员通知潜水员下潜,潜水员接到下潜通知,准备下潜就位,这时电话员、扯管员应很好协助,并做好随时拉住潜水员的准备,直至潜水员入水获得正浮力为止。The hose operators after receiving command of diving, ready for the umbilical cord into the water, when get diving notice, diver jumps into water by the telephone operator informed, with coordination of the telephone and hose operator who ready to pull divers until diver gets the positive buoyancy.

—潜水员到达水面后,调节供气量,检查气密,确认气密良好,可以下潜。水面同意下潜后,潜水员应排气,以造成适当的浮力,开始下潜。下潜的速度可根据自己身体的适应程度来决定,新潜水员一般为每分钟5~10m。下潜过程中电话员注意收听潜水员的反应,并随潜水员下潜深度的增加而及时补充气量,扯管员要适当放长软管。The divers can dive, after reaching the surface, adjusting the amount of gas and checking the leak tightness. After air exhaust to make appropriate buoyancy, diver begins to dive. Dive descending speed is determined according to the adaptation of his body, generally speed 10m every 5 minutes. The telephone operator listens for the diver's reaction in the process of diving, increasing and replenishing the gas volume with diver’s depth, to lenghten the hose appropriately by hose operator.

—当潜水员在下潜过程中感到头痛、恶心、兴奋、耳膜痛时,应立即停止下潜,并向水面报告,然后进行通风,做吞咽、鼓鼻等动作,以适应高压环境。如症状仍未消失,可上升2~3m,继续上述动作,直至症状消失后才可慢慢下潜。如经各种努力仍未排除症状则应请示出水。When divers dive into water, divers feel headache, nausea, excited, ear pain, it should immediately stop the diving and report to the person on the surface, and then ventilate, swallow, drum nasal action in order to adapt to the high pressure environment. If the symptoms do not disappear, diver can rise up to 2 ~ 3M to repeat the action until the

symptoms disappear before slowly descending. If it has not ruled out symptoms by the effort, diver should consult out of water.

—当潜水员到位时,下潜速度应当减慢,然后观察周围情况,调整好供气量,即向水面报告:水底水流、视度以及主观感觉情况等。When descending in place,

diver should slow down the speed, observe the surroundings, adjust the

consumption of gas supply, and report to the supervisor on the surface: current

underwater, visibility and subjective feeling etc.

⑵潜水员在水底The divers underwater

—潜水员到水底报告情况后,清理好软管、行动绳,辩别好方向和水流,请示水面到达工作地点或沿行动绳行动。有流情况下,一般应顶流或者侧流行动,如流急也可采取侧退行动,通常不准顺流而下。After reporting in the bottom, diver clean up the hose, distance liner, identify the orientation and flow, ask for instruction from the surface to work place or move along the distance line. On the condition of current, generally diver should take action against the current or by side stream, such as jet stream also taken back by side stream, usually not down stream.

—水底行动中如发现与作业无关的障碍物、深坑、深洞时应绕行,如不能绕行则必须从障碍物的上面通过时,超过障碍物后必须认真检查清理软管,进坑和进洞时,必须先脚后身,并随时向水面报告情况。It is found that irrelevant obstacles, deep pit, deep hole during the task underwater unrelated to job, diver should make the round, in case no bypass, must pass from the above obstacles to carefully check and clean hose, while into the pit or the hole, diver must foot go deep into firstly, and report to the supervisor on the surface at any time.


When divers were twisted due to various reasons, it should be timely treatment and report details to the supervisor on the surface calmly, to forbid helmet taken off , umbilical cord, except exceptional circumstances such as the divers themselves unable to escape and

request the assistance.


潜水员在水下不得随意触动无关物件和水生物。When divers found dizziness, sweating, breathing difficulty, heartbeat speeded up and water spray on visor under water, diver should stop working, and report to the supervisor on the surface, and ventilation and proper rest required, which can continue to work after the symptoms disappeared. The diver cannot touch irrelevant objects and aquatic organisms in the water.

⑶潜水员出水The diver above surface.

—潜水员接到准备出水通知时,应停止作业,迅速整理作业场并清理好软管,将专用工具放在适应位置,按原来路线返回入水绳处,然后向水面报告,同时做好出水的准备。出水通知是由电话员在潜水员离底前2~3 分钟下达的。

Diver should stop the operation when receiving notice out of water, rapid finishing operation and cleaning up the hose on site, special tool put in place, return back according to the original route by distance liner, and then report to the supervisor on the surface, ready for well preparation out of the water. It is ordered by the telephone operator in the notice of divers off bottom before 2 ~ 3 minutes.

—当水面下达“出水”口令后,潜水员应用手抓住入水绳,调整气量,两脚盘在入水绳上慢慢上升,离底时必须向水面报告。上升的速度一般不超过7~8m/分, 严禁加速上升或放漂,在上升的过程中,要做好随时停止上升的准备,如无入水绳潜水员应手心朝上防止头盔撞击,观察周围环境防止绞缠跟随自己吐出的最小气泡缓慢上升,严禁打脚蹼快速上升,特殊情况除外。After the telephone operator issues a "above surface", the divers catch the entering water line the by hand, adjust the air volume, two leg wrapped and rose up slowly through the water rope from the bottom to the surface, report to the supervisor on the surface before away from water. The rising speed is not more than 7 ~ 8m/mins, strictly prohibited to accelerate the rise or drift, diver is ready for stopping rising in the process of rising, such as palm up to prevent helmet impact without entering water rope, observe the surrounding environment to prevent twisting and slowly rise following the minimum bubble spit out by diver, it is strictly prohibited to rise by playing flippers rapidly except in exceptional circumstances.

—水面人员在接到潜水员离底的报告后, 电话员控制供气量;软管应适当收紧,同时注意观察其出水的长度;潜水员出水至水面时要注意避免与船底或其它物体碰撞。After receiving the report about divers out above the surface, the telephone operator control gas supply; hose properly tightened, and observe its length of effluent; divers should avoid the bottom or other object collision to the surface.

—潜水员减压时必须严格遵守方案的规定,工作出水时半空减压约5分钟,不得随意增减减压时间。Diver must strictly abide the rule of decompression on the program, reducing pressure about 5 minutes during working above surface, not free to increase or decrease the decompression time.

—潜水员出水后的卸装,按着装的反顺序进行。Divers remove the outfit after out of water, according to the order dressing reversely.



PTC 发热体检验规范 修订日期: 批准 审核 制订 1.目的:规范本公司外购外协零部件的检验,使其满足要求。 2.范围:适用于本公司所有PTC 发热体的检验。 3.检验依据: GB/T 2828.1-2003 GB4706.1-2005 GB4706.23-2003 QB/T2164-954.职责:品保部检验和试验人员负责按标准执行检验和试验。 5.检验项目 检验 项目 缺陷 类别 检验要求和方法 使用仪表 备注 标志 MI 零件上应明确标识型号规格,生产厂家标志或商标以 及认证标志,以上标识应符合整机认证报备清单. 目视 外 观 MI 表面光洁、无毛刺、无严重划伤,无导致不能安装和 两极短路的变形,铝条表面应钝化。 引出端无断裂,损伤,方向正确,无松动现象,铆接牢固。 目视 尺 寸 MA PTC 发热体的安装尺寸在符合相关技术图纸的同时,应满足产品实装的要求。 游标卡尺 卷尺/实装S-3 电气间隙 CR 陶瓷片处两极的间距应大于 2.5mm ,引脚处应大于 3.0mm 。 游标卡尺 耐 压 CR 常态及无明显空气对流的条件下,对PTC 发热体施 加1.15倍的额定电压持续工作3min 后,再以80V/min 的升压速率将电压升至380V ,持续工作2min,要求无 破片,击穿,放电和飞弧等不良现象发生。 调压器 每批 抽检1只 冲击功率 MA 在23±2℃环境温度条件下,在满足整机正常工作工况要求的同时,额定工作电压为220—240V AC 的 PTC,其冷态输入功率最大应不超过1.5倍的额定输 入功率;额定工作电压130V AC 以下的PTC,其冷态输入功率最大应不超过2.5倍的额定输入功率; 电参数测量仪 调压器 温度表

外协、外购件检验作业指导书(doc 56页)

外协、外购件检验作业指导书(doc 56页) 部门: xxx 时间: xxx 整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑

浙江华光器集团有限公司企业标准 QB/HGJY-2009 替代QB/HGJY-2006 外协、外购件检验作业指导书 (接收质量限(AQL)确定) 2009-11-25发布 2009-12-26实施 浙江华光电器集团有限公司发布

进货检验规程(总则) 1 目的 对本公司所有入库前的原辅材料、外协、外购件,必须按产品标准、技术文件、检验规程的要求和方法进行检验,未按规程要求检验或经检验不合格的产品不准入库,不得投入使用。 2 范围 本标准适用于原辅材料、外协、外购件及包装物资进货检验的验收要求、抽样方案、检验水平和接收质量限(AQL)的确定、验收批的处理及质量统计方法。 3 引用标准 GB2828.1-2003 《计数抽样检验程序第一部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划》 GB4706.1-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全第一部分:通用要求 GB4706.2-2007 家用和类似用途电器的安全第二部分:电熨斗的特殊要求 GB4706.84-2007 家用和类似用途电器的安全第二部分:织物蒸汽机的特殊要求 Q/ZHG 001-2009 强力蒸汽挂烫机 4、验收要求和方法 4.1 对入库的各类物品分别按各自的检验规程进行检验。 4.2 对于本公司无检测手段的物资,如各类塑料可检查供方提供的质量证明文件和合格证, 验证外观及规格型号。 4.3 所购物资如果已通过认证(如UL、VDE等),则必须检查其型号与证书是否相符。 4.4 出口产品中对材料、元器件有六种有害物质限止使用要求的或需符合REACH要求的,供方必 须提供相应的有效的检测报告和材料符合性证明或承诺书等。检验员应进行验证,并依据 RoHS指令的有关规定进行检测。 5 抽样方案、检验水平和接收质量限(AQL) 5.1 进货检验的抽样方案按GB2828.1-2003标准,通常采用正常一次抽样方案,检验水平和接收 质量限(AQL)应根据采购物资的重要性分类具体确定,主要采购物资分类如下表: Ⅰ

岗位职责 中英文

项目经理职责Responsibilities of Project Managers 1.遵守国家的法律、法规、财经纪律及公司的规章制度,贯彻执行施工技术规范、规程和标准 1. Obey law and regulations, financial and economic disciplines of the country, carry out the technological criterions, regulations and standards. 2.组织落实岗位责任制,分解落实各项经济技术指标和管理职责2. Implement post responsibility system, put the economic and technological target into effect and administrative responsibilities. 3.负责工期控制。组织编制施工组织设计、工程进度总计划及分项作业计划。组织召开生产例会,协调好总包与分包的关系,解决施工中的问题。 3. Time limit for the project. Organize the design, scheme of the procedure and subentry work plan. Convoke regular meeting, keep harmony, and solve the problem during construction. 4.负责工程质量控制,组织编制质量计划施工方案,严格执行各项工程质量检验、验收制度,督促、检查工长和质检员做好班组的施工质量检查,强化自检、互检、交接检工作,确保完成合同质量目标; 4. Take charge of the project quality, work out construction blue print, implement strictly the check and accept system. Surprise and urge the quality inspectors to inspect the quality seriously. Enhance

安全操作规程 (英文)


Table of Contents Chute Feeder Safety Operation Procedures (3) 400 x 600 Jaw Crusher Operation Procedures (4) Belt Conveyor Operation Procedures (5) 1500 x 3600 Ball Mill Safety Operation Procedures (6) FC-1500 Grading Machine Safety Operation Procedures (7) Flotation Machine Safety Operation Procedures (8) Press Filter Safety Operation Procedures (9) Slurry Pump Safety Operation Procedures (10)

Chute Feeder Safety Operation Procedures 1) Equipment check 1. Before turning on the machine (1) Machine Parts: A. Safety protection device is it working properly? B. Coupling bolts and roller is it working normally? Lubricating oil and grease for the deceleration part is it working properly? C. The wear and tear condition of the shield and funnel D. Pushing rod or handle is it balance, the bolts installed are they loose? (2) Motor: A. Are the starting device and the index lights working properly? B. Is the handle of the manual motor easy to rotate? 2. Operating Check (1) Machine Parts A. Is the mine feeding process normal? B. Are they any debris or large pieces of ore that impact the mine feeding process? C. Is there any abnormal sound coming from the decelerator? Does the temperature of the decelerator keep rising? (2) Motor A. Is there any abnormal sound coming from the electric parts? Does the temperature of the electric parts keep rising? B. Is the electric current above the control cabinet working normally? 2) The procedure to turn on and off the machine 1. The procedure to turn on the machine (1) Follow the equipment check process and conduct equipment check (2) Caution about the switch on order. Press the switch on button after ensuring that the machine is ready to work 2. The procedure to turn off the machine Upon receiving the switch off order or emergency stop order on the machine, press the stop button right away to stop the machine from operating and then turn off the electric source inside the controlling cabinet. 3) Note 1. Following the production requirement to feed the mine evenly. The eccentric distance of the feeder should not be adjusted 2. Cautious about the machine turn on and off order and make proper decision on how to handle the situation 3. Each shift must follow the requirement and inspect the condition of the lubricating oil, add the lubricating oil as needed 4. The ore warehouse should be closed to prevent ore from damaging the feeder 5. If wood, metal and other debris are found before they reach the feeder, stop the feeder right away. After picking up the wood, metal or other debris, turn on the machine to resume feeding the ore.


检验作业指导书 1.进料检验 1.1 定义 进料检验又称来料检验,是制止不良物料进入生产环节的首要控制点。进料检验由IQC执行。 1.2 检测要项 IQC在对来货检验前,首先应清楚该批货物的品质检测要项,不明之处要向本部门主管问询,直到 清楚明了为止。在必要时,IQC验货员可从来货中随机抽取两件来货样,交IQC主管签发来货检验临时样品,并附相应的品质检测说明,不得在不明来货检验与验证项目、方法和品质允收标准的情况下进行验收。 1.3 检验项目与方法 1.3.1 外观检测 一般用目视、手感、限度样品进行验证。 1.3.2 尺寸检测 一般用卡尺、千分尺、塞规等量具验证。 1.3.3 结构检测 一般用拉力器、扭力器、压力器验证。 1.3.4 特性检测 如电气的、物理的、化学的、机械的特性一般采用检测仪器和特定方法来验证。 1.4 检验方式的选择 1.4.1 全检方式 适用于来货数量少、价值高、不允许有不合格品物料或公司指定进行全检的物料。 1.4.2 免检方式 适用于低值、辅助性材料或经认定的免检厂来料以及生产急用而特批免检的,对于后者IQC应跟进生产时的品质状况。 1.4.3 抽样检验方式 适用于平均数量较多、经常性使用的物料。 样本大小:批量的10%(不少于20件),允收数AC=0,拒收数RE=1。 1.5 检验结果的处理方式 1.5.1 允收 经IQC验证,不合格品数低于限定的不合格品个数时,则判为该批来货允收。IQC应在验收单上签名,盖检验合格印章,通知货仓收货。

若不合格品数大于限定的不良品个数,则判定该送检批为拒收。IQC应及时填制《IQC退货报告》,经相关部门会签后,交仓库、采购办理退货事宜。同时在该送检批货品外箱标签上盖“退货”字样,并挂“退货”标牌。 1.5.3 特采 特采,即进料经IQC检验,品质低于允许水准。IQC虽提出“退货”的要求,但由于生产的原因,而 做出的“特别采用”的要求。 若非迫不得已,公司应尽可能不启用“特采”。“特采”必须由总经理批准,可行时还必须征得客户的 书面许可。 偏差 送检批物料全部不良,但只影响工厂生产速度,不会造成产品最终品质不合格。在此情况下,经特批,予 以接收。此类货品由生产、质检单位按实际生产情况,估算出耗费工时数,对供应商做扣款处理。 全检 送检批不合格品数超过规定的允收水准,经特批后,进行全数检验。选出其中的不合格品,退回供 应商,合格品办理入库或投入生产。 重工 送检批几乎全部不合格,但经过加工处理后,货品即可接受。在此情况下,由公司抽调人力进行来 货再处理。IQC对加工后的货品进行重检,对合格品接受,对不合格品开出《IQC退货报告》交相关部门办理退货。此类货品由IQC统计加工工时,对供应商做扣款处理。 1.6 紧急放行控制 1.6.1 紧急放行内涵 a. 紧急放行的定义 紧急放行是指生产急需来不及验证就放行产品的做法,称为“紧急放行” b. 紧急放行条件 产品发现的不合格能在技术上给以纠正,并且在经济上不会发生较大损失,也不会影响相关、连接、相配 的零部件质量,可紧急放行。 1.6.2 紧急放行的具体操作步骤 1.6. 2.1 应设置适当的紧急放行的停止点,对于流转到停止点上的紧急放行产品,在接到证明该批产品合 格的检验报告后,才能将产品放行。 1.6. 2.2 若发现紧急放行的产品经检验不合格,要立即根据可追溯性标识及识别记录将不合格品追回。 2.过程检验: 过程检验(IPQC)指来料入仓后,至成品组装(或包装)完成之前所进行的质量检验活动。


外购件分级检验作业指导书 编号:YK-ZY-19-2016 版次:A/0 编制/日期: 审核/日期: 批准/日期: 重庆怡快电梯有限公司 CHONGQING YIKUAI ELEVATOR COMPANY LED

电梯产品零部件质量特性分级规定 一、主题内容和适用范围 本文规定了本公司电梯产品主要外购件的质量要求和检验规程。 本文适用于现有外购件的采购和验收。 二、分级标准定义 A级:指对电梯安全运行有重大影响的零部件。 B级:指对电梯运行性能有重大影响的零部件。 C级:指除A、B级以外的其它零部件。 三、部件分类 四、控制方法 1、产品所用各种外购件均需检验才能使用。 2、检验项目 (1)文件检查 A、物证对照,即检查外协、外购件名称、数量、规格与订货合 同是否一致。 B、对A级外购件,必须附有相应的国家检测中心、行业专职机构 或受国家行业委托检验机构出具的型式试验报告结论副本(有效期 内的)。 C、外购件的材料成分和机械性能应符合相关的材料标准的要 求。 (2)表面质量和尺寸允差检查 A、对于A、B类外购件其外表面不得有超过3cm2脱漆和碰伤现象。

关键尺寸不得有任何超差。同时,各运动部件之间应运动自 如。 B、对其余的外购件,其表面质量和尺寸必须符合相关的国家行 业标准规定,若有图纸,还必须符合图纸要求。 3、检验方法 外购件检验方法按有关规定 A、A类外购件必须进行全检。 B、其余外购件如订货数量为壹件时,采取全检方法,否则采取抽 检法。 4、复验和判定原则 (1)对A、B类外购件,如有一项不合格,则判为不合格。 (2)对C级外购件,如有一项或一项以上不合格时,则当总数小于200件时,在同一批内按50%取数复验;若全部合格,则判定 该批外购件合格。当总数超过200件时,按30%取数复验。 (3)复检结果,如仍有不合格,则判为不合格。 五、检验测量方法和材质复验方法 1、 2、材质复验方法 (1)有下列情况之一的外购件必须进行材质复验 a、对质量证明书有怀疑的。 b、对质量证明书内容项目不全的。 c、设计图样有特殊要求的。 d、物证不符的。 e、用户要求增加的。 (2)复验外购件材质时按单批抽一件进行。 (3)材质复验由质检部提出,并联系有资质的单位按国家标准复验。


机床操作规程 Operating Procedure of Machine 工作前穿戴好工作服及防护用品,扎好袖口,不准穿长衫、围围巾和头巾等丝带状物品,以及穿高跟鞋。 The worker shall wear the uniform, dress the protective equipments and fasten the cuff before work. Everyone is forbidden to wear gown, scarf, headband and high heels. 女工应戴好工作帽。高速切削或切削铸铁、铝、铜工件时,必须戴防护眼镜。 The workwoman shall wear helmet. The worker must wear protective glasses when the machine is fly cutting or cutting the iron, aluminum and copper materials 接触旋转开关及旋转部位时,不得带手套作业,在夹装工件过程中允许带手套作业。 The worker does not allow wearing gloves when you touch the rotary switch or portions. 1.车床技术安全操作规程 1. Safety Operating Procedure of Lathe (1) 工作前须检查机床运转情况,检查工件及刀具是否夹紧,清除床面杂物。 (1) Before working, the lathe operator (lathe man) shall confirm the condition of lathe. The operator should check whether the work piece and cutter is tightened or not. The operator need clean the sundries from the platform before working. (2) 卡盘、花盘必须有保险装置,加工畸形和偏心零件时,要加平衡配重,先低俗运转,然后变为所要的速度。 (2) There must be insurance device in plate. When operator processes the deformation components, the balance weight must be used. At the beginning, the operator should operate slowly. Then, the operator changes the speed which you need. (3) 机床运转过程中不准用手清除切屑。高速切削和建工铸件时,要戴防护眼镜或加防护罩。加工钢件应合理使用刀具,用专用铁钩清理切屑。 (3) When the lathe is operating, don’t clean the scrap by using hand. The operator should wear safety glasses or put protective shield during fast cutting or processing the component. The operator should adopt properly cutter when the work man processes the steel. After working, the workman should use special hook to clean the scrap.


PFMEA作业指导书 1 PURPOSE(目的) The purpose of this work instruction is to provide a method for continuous improvement through the use of PFMEAs. 此作业指导书的目的是为运用制程失效模式及效果分析达到持续改善目的提供方法。 2SCOUPE(范围) This work instruction applies to any manufacturing process that has a customer requirement for failure modeeffect analysis or any process at FLEX (Doumen) where management requires a PFMEA. 适用于客户要求或管理要求而需要做失效模式及效果分析的所有制程。 3 DEFINITIONS(定义) 3.1 PFMEA: Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. It should describe all the potential failure modes which may occur in process and their corresponding failure effects; evaluate and rank the severity, occurrence and detection of the failures. It should also describe the current control method, recommend corrective action, person responsible responsibility and due date. PFMEA--制程失效模式及效果分析。它应列出制程中所有可能出现的潜在失效模式 以及相应的失效结果,评价和评定其严重度、发生度、检测度的等级分数。同时指出 当前的控制方法和建议的改善行动以及相应的责任者和完成期限。 3.2QE: Quality Engineer QE:品质工程师 3.3SQE: Supplier Quality Engineer SQE:供应商管理品质工程师 3.4PE: Process Engineer PE:工艺工程师 3.5ME: Manufacturing Engineer ME:制造工程师 3.6TE: Test Engineer TE:测试工程师 3.7EE: Equipment Engineer EE:设备工程师 3.8DCC: Document Control center DCC:文件控制中心 3.9RPN: Risk Priority Number RPN:风险优先系数 4. REFERENCE(参考文件) 4.1 DMP-010 Corrective and Preventive Action 纠正与预防措施 5. RESPONSIBILITY(职责) 5.1 Quality Engineer: PFMEA Team Leader, holds the PFMEA meeting, prepare and update PFMEA base on team discussion result, apply PFMEA issue.


目视检验作业指导书 1 适用范围 本文件规定了道路运输液体危险货物罐式车辆金属常压罐体目视检验的方法及人员等技术管理要求。 2 编制依据 2.1 GB18564.1-2019 道路运输液体危险货物罐式车辆第1部分:金属常压罐体技术要求 2.2 NB/T4701 3.7-2012承压设备无损检测第7部分:目视检测 2.3 ISO6520.1-2007焊接和相关工艺金属材料中几何缺陷的分类第1部分熔焊 2.4GB150.4-2011压力容器第4部分:制造、检验和验收 3人员要求 3.1从事目视检验人员必须经过VT的培训,有半年以上工作经验方可独立上岗操作。 3.2检测人员必须熟悉和掌握相关标准要求(如:GB/T1856 4.1、GB150、GB25198、JB/T4734、JB/T47003.1等)。 3.3检测人员必须熟悉和掌握相应的焊接工艺。 3.4检测人员必须满足NB/T47013.7要求(如每12个月检查一次视力),且应当有足够的视力和颜色分辨力。 4 检测条件 4.1被检工件表面的光照度至少达到500Lx,对于必须仔细观察或发现异常情况并需要作出进一步观察和检测的区域则至少要达到1000Lx的照度。 4.2眼睛距离被检区域的距离应不超过600mm。

4.3眼睛与被检工件的夹角应大于30o。 4.4为达到最佳检测效果,照明条件应满足以下要求: ●使照明光线方向相对于观察点达到最佳效果; ●避免表面眩光; ●优化光源的色温度; ●使用与表面反射光相适应的照度级。 5环境要求 5.1作业场所应避免潮湿,场所应整洁宽敞。 5.2检验环境光照度应至少达到500Lx,对于必须仔细观察或发现异常情况并需要作出进一步观察和检测的区域则至少要达到1000Lx的照度。 6检测设备 6.1检测量具:钢直尺、游标卡尺、塞尺、焊接检验尺。 6.2放大镜的放大倍数为2~5倍,应尽量有刻度,放大镜的选用按GB/T20968执行。 6.3其他检测仪器:成型样板、镜子、照相机等。 7检测程序 检查范围应按GB18564.1及文件资料中的规定进行,检测前应将罐体及附件清理干净以符合检测要求。 7.1罐体及附件外观检测 按GB18564.1及文件资料中的规定进行检查罐体及附件,可以借助铜锤等辅助工具进行检查,当发现变形、开焊等重点部位,应在予以记录。7.2焊缝的外观检测 7.2.1焊缝的外观特征(形状和几何偏差)必须满足GB150.4的要求。焊缝表


市赛莱特照明工程 生产作业指导书 产品名称版本站别品质 会签核 准 审 核 制 表 文件编号页次 LED软灯条 A 年月日修改 1 作业容 贴片前准备工作 1:仔细阅读定单要求,确认灯条电压要求,是5V / 12V / 24V。 2:测试LED的VF值,及方向。 3:准备好电阻电容. 4:焊接好LED和电阻,再用万用表测试电流是否正常。 序号设备治具规格数量序号品名规格用量位置 1 镊子 1 柔性FPC 10*300MM 2 万用表 2 LED 5050 WS2812 3 电源 3 贴片电阻电容 生产作业指导书

作业容 刷锡膏 1. 找到对应的钢网,将钢网和FPC板对准确。 2. 选择锡膏。 3. 将锡膏刷在PCB板上。 4.仔细检查PCB板上,焊点是否饱满,如果不饱 满,要调整刷锡膏时的力度。 5、把刷好锡膏的PCB板放上流水拉线。 序号设备治具规格数量序号品名规格用量位置 1 1 锡膏 2 2 钢网 3 3 锡膏刷 4 4 5 5 生产作业指导书

作业容 贴元件 1:贴片机自动贴好LED和贴片电阻。 2:灯板从贴片机出来,先目测元件是否贴正确, 有误差的,人工用镊子做些调整。 序号设备治具规格数量序号品名规格用量位置 1 贴片机 1 2 镊子 2 3 静电环 3 4 4 5 生产作业指导书

作业容 过回流焊 1:设置好回流焊机的温度曲线参数。 2:把贴好元件的PCB板放入回流焊机。 3:几分钟后,PCB板出来,仔细检查 PCB的质量,板有没变色,锡融化的是否 完全,焊点是否光滑。 4:根据检测的结果,调整前面工序的参数, 刷锡膏、贴片、过回流焊等工序参数。 序号设备治具规格数量序号品名规格用量位置 1 1 回流焊 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 生产作业指导书


TS16949来料检验作业指导书Incoming_Inspection_Work_Instruction 文件更改历史记录 Amendment History

TS16949来料检验作业指导书 Incoming_Inspection_Work_Instruction 1.0Purpose目的 The objective of this procedure is to define a standard inspection method in performing inspection and testing of components or materials. 本程序目的在于定义对元件或材料进行检验/测试的标准操作方法。 Scope适用范围 This procedure is applicable to all components and materials that require the relevant inspection and testing, as specified in the individual Part or Material Specification. 本程序适用于所有按照元件和材料规格进行检验和测试的元件和材料。 2.0Sampling / Equipment Used 取样 / 使用设备 2.1Per sampling plan stated in the Incoming Inspection Procedure: AQL: MA=0.4、MI=1.0 按照来料检验程序所规定的抽样计划;AQL:MA=0.4、MI=1.0级别进行抽样. 2.2Inspection Aids检验工具 4.2.1 LCR Meter / LCR 测量仪 4.2.2 Fluke Multimeter / Fluke 万用表 4.2.3 Caliper / Plug Gauge / Pin Gauge / 游标卡尺/ 塞规/针规 4.2.4 Magnifier / Microscope / 放大镜 / 显微镜 3.0Reference Documents参考文件 3.1 Customer’s AVL / 客户接受的供应商清单 3.2 Manufacturer Part Specification / 供应商的元件规格


1.0目的 为使外购件和外协加工件之品质得到有效控制,确保其品质符合本厂之要求。 2.0范围 适用于所有用于产品之外购物料和外协加工品以及其他耗辅材检验的质量控制工作人员。 3.0定义: IQC:来料检验或来料检验工作人员; CR:严重缺陷不符合项; MA:主要缺陷不符合项; MI:轻微缺陷不符合项。 4.0职责 4.1品管部:负责此文件的编制与修订,IQC工作的安排与绩效监督。 4.2 IQC:具体执行此文件,识别和记录来料品质问题,拒收不合格来料。 5.0流程图

6.0具体作业内容 6.1检验流程: 6.1.1仓管员收到来料后,根据供应商提交的《送货单》及采购部较发的《订购单》核对来料的名称、数量检查是否相符,点收无误后在《送货单》上签名同时将单转给IQC通知其进行来料检验. 6.1.2 IQC接到通知后进行初步的核对(货物种类、数量、型号、包装破损等),若为环保物料还需核对其供应商是否为合格供应商、物料的特性检测报告是否在有限期限内、包装上是否有环保标示等。 6.1.3准备检验样办、《来料检验接收规范》文件及相关的检验工夹具等,安排人员与场地进行检验;若是环保物料,须用专用的环保物料检验工夹具。 6.1.4抽样:按《AQL抽样计划应用指引》抽取检验样本,抽样要随机抽取,样本要求具有代表性。 6.1.5按《来料检验接收规范》文件要求或根据实物样办逐个对抽取的样本进行检查,对有问题的样本须作上记号或放置在不合格盘内,防止混淆。 6.1.6判定,对有问题的样本须根据《来料检验接收规范》文件要求来判定其问题之等级(即极严重,严重和轻微)。 6.1.7填写报表,将检验结果如实填在《IQC来料检验报告》上。 6.2检验结果的审核和批准: 6.2.1 IQC员对检验作初步判定后,将报告连同样本交品管部主管审核。 6.2.2品管部主管在审核时,须对以下内容作出审核: IQC员检验的依据,如样本、《来料检验接收规范》等是否正确。 IQC员抽取的样品数量是否符合《AQL抽样计划应用指引》。

检 验 作 业 指 导 书

检验作业指导书 一、木工、喷胶、硬皮巡检 1、熟悉检验标准、检验项目及要求. 2、按照公司规定的抽样方案,对敲好抓钉的木板孔位进行抽检(要求用大货螺丝旋),并核对样板防止孔位偏移现象。整体试装:常规产品每款至少2张以上;新产品3张以上;之前出现问题较多的产品3张以上;来料无法判定的木板3张以上、特殊情况加大试装比例或进行全组。其余按照检验标准要求。 3、海绵、树脂喷胶棉、硬皮等必须按照订单要求,防止裁错、用错、拿错。 4、所有硬皮产品经抽检合格后方可流入下道工序.硬皮其他要求按照检验标准。 二、现场待装配、包装的配件检验 1、根据公司规定的抽样方案,对生产领用的软件外观质量进行抽样检验,允收范围内时, 不良品剔出,返工或更换。超出允收范围时,退回上道工序重检或通知责任部门及时处理。 2、本批领用的配套软件少于抽样基数时,采用全检方案,不良品剔出。 3、对现场不需组装的产品各配件进行随机抽样试装,常规产品每款至少2张以上;新产品3张以上;之前出现问题较多的产品3张以上;特殊情况加大试装比例或进行全组。其余按照检验标准要求。 3、试装产品检验内容: 5.1安装后整体外形是否有歪斜不正现象,尺寸是否控制在公关范围内; 5.2安装螺丝配置是否正确; 5.3升降机构是否灵活; 5.4脚垫、脚轮有无异常,转椅移动是否灵活; 5.5产品功能是否完好,有无异常声响; 5.6产品着地平整度及安全性能。 三、现场安装半成品检验 1、对现场员工安装的半成品或成品,采用全检方案。 2、检验内容 2.1安装后整体外形是否有歪斜不正现象,尺寸是否控制在公关范围内; 2.2安装螺丝是否到位,螺丝端部是否有毛刺; 2.3脚垫、脚轮有无异常,转动是否灵活; 2.4产品着地平整度及安全性能。 3、存在不良的装配产品或半成品剔出,并监督责任人返修。 4、半成品安装后随机抽样试装,每批次不得少于2只,试装产品检验内容同上述现场待装 配、包装的配件检验中的第5条。 四、包装入库检验 1、纸箱唛头的名称、规格内容是否正确,各标识、标记及其位置是否正确。 2、产品各配件内包装是否符合工艺要求。 3、根据公司规定的抽样方案两倍基数,对箱内各配件数量、摆放方式要求进行检验。抽样 过程中出现一箱有存在不符合项的,即通知责任人全部自检返工。 4、属散装出货的产品,对照“产品领料单”对各相关配件的包装分别进行抽样检验,检验 操作方式同上述包装入库检验中的第3条。 5、产品包装检验内容: 5.1包装袋规格、印刷是否正确;


外包过程作业指导书 1.Purpose目的 Establish the instruction to manage subcontract process, including subcontractor selection, assessment, and control. Ensure all subcontract processes in VICTOR within control condition. 建立外包过程控制指导书来指导对公司的外包方进行选择,评价与管理控制, 确保外包过程具有满足本公司规定要求的能力。 2.Scope-适用范围 This instruction applicable all subcontract process: a.Plastic&Casting Parts Painting Process; b.AM2000:2008 Dental Unit Assembly Process. 适用于公司所有外包过程.本公司的外包过程包括: 塑料件与机加工件的喷漆过程与AM2000:2008牙科治疗机的整机装配过程. 3.Responsibility-职责 Purchase Department: Research, collect and provided potential qualified subcontractor, conduct subcontractor assessment and audit activities. 采购部:收集,搜寻,提供潜在的合格外包方信息,主导外包商的评价与审核过程. Quality Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor quality system evaluation and subcontract parts quality inspection and verification. 质量部:参与外包商的审核,主导外包商的品质保障评价,外包产品质量的检验与验证. Technical Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor technical aspect including equipment evaluation. Providing technical support to subcontractor, if necessary.


铜川市王益区全新食品有限公司 作业指导书及管理制度 版本号/修改号:2008/01 受控状态: 2008年5月31日发布 2008年6月1日实施铜川市王益区全新食品有限公 烤鸡蛋作业指导书 过程检验作业指导书 成品检验作业指导书 质量管理制度 不合格品管理制度 设备管理制度 采购管理制度 关键工序管理制度 安全文明生产卫生管理制度 工艺管理制度 检验管理制度 检验规范管理制度 化验室管理制度 员工培训管理制度 成品库管理制度 原材料库房管理制度

文件管理制度 质量方针和质量目标管理制度卫生管理实施细则 检测设备管理制度 车间规章制度 员工奖罚制度 配料过程生产记录 烘烤过程生产记录 包装车间原始记录 产品检验报告 供应商资格认可表 人员名单 采购进货单 不合格原材料采购处理单 不合格品处理单 企业主要检测仪器、设备一览表厂区环境检查记录 个人卫生检查记录 设备维修保养记录 食品添加剂入库记录 食品添加剂出库记录 领料单 半成品检验记录

消毒记录 烤鸡蛋作业指导书 1适用范围 本作业指导书适用于本公司烤鸡蛋。 2 使用设备 蒸笼、烤箱 3 工艺流程 3.1选蛋:应选择表面光亮无裂痕的鲜鸡蛋。 3.2清洗:应将鸡蛋表面的粪便、血丝等洗干净。 3.3剥壳:将鸡蛋的外壳全部去掉,要求表面光滑无杂物。 3.4腌制:将剥好的鸡蛋放在腌制槽里腌制1个半小时。 3.5烘烤:前半小时150℃后一个半小时300℃,要求烤出的鸡蛋色泽金黄、蛋清劲道,蛋 黄沙暄, 3.6装袋、根据产品不同使用不同的包装材料,进行包装,要求袋外干净无杂质,袋口和 袋外无油污。 3.7灭菌:将包装好的鸡蛋放入灭菌箱内温度126℃时间8小时。 3.8成品:将灭菌好的鸡蛋放入成品库里待售。 过程检验作业指导书 1目的和使用范围 本作业指导书规定了对生产过程工艺和各项指标进行控制的职责和工作流程,以确保产品符合质量要求。 2职责 生产部负责抽查生产工艺条件,并对生产过程中的半成品进行检验。 3、工艺流程 3.1抽样与抽样频率 3.2检验步骤 成品检验作业指导书 1目的和适用范围 本作业指导书规定了对烤鸡蛋成品各项指标进行控制的职责和工作流程,以确保产品符


1.0Purpose目的 The objective of this procedure is to define a standard inspection method in performing inspection and testing of components or materials. 本程序目的在于定义对元件或材料进行检验/测试的标准操作方法。 2.0Scope适用范围 This procedure is applicable to all components and materials that require the relevant inspection and testing, as specified in the individual Part or Material Specification. 本程序适用于所有按照元件和材料规格进行检验和测试的元件和材料。 3.0Sampling / Equipment Used 取样 / 使用设备 3.1Per sampling plan stated in the Incoming Inspection Procedure: AQL:MA=0.4、MI=1.0 按照来料检验程序所规定的抽样计划;AQL:MA=0.4、MI=1.0级别进行抽样. 3.2Inspection Aids检验工具 4.2.1 LCR Meter / LCR 测量仪 4.2.2 Fluke Multimeter / Fluke 万用表 4.2.3 Caliper / Plug Gauge / Pin Gauge / 游标卡尺/ 塞规/针规 4.2.4 Magnifier / Microscope / 放大镜 / 显微镜 4.0Reference Documents参考文件 3.1 Customer’s AVL / 客户接受的供应商清单 3.2 Manufacturer Part Specification / 供应商的元件规格 3.3 Yamaoka AVL List / 本公司的AVL 3.4 QAP-010 : Incoming Inspection Procedure / 来料检验程序 3.5 SOP-QA-003 : Material Aging Control Procedure / 物料保质期控制程序 5.0Inspection Criteria / 检验要点 5.1MFG AVL Verification / 生产厂商确认 Verify that the parts are from the authorized vendor per AVL list. 根据AVL清单验证元件是否为承认厂商。
