




1. difficult to acquire.

2. We are teaching our students English not only to help them pass exams, but also to

3. In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to linguistic , with little or no attention paid to practising language skills.

4. In the process approach to writing, the teacher provides guidance to the students through the writing process, and gradually withdraws the guidance so that the students finally

5. If a teacher first asks the students to read a poster, then to have a discussion about the poster, and then to make a poster of their own, we can say that this teacher is integrating skills together.

6. 7. pedagogy, listening and speaking were treated as skills different from what takes place in reality.

8. Introduction to phonetic rules should be avoided at the of teaching pronunciation.

9. In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of .





三、单项选择题(共15小题,共50分)21. In teaching reading, if the teacher teaches the background knowledge first so that the students can be equipped with such knowledge and will be able to guess meaning from the printed page, we believe that this teacher is following ___ in his teaching.

A. the top-down model

B. the bottom-up model

C. the interactive model

D. all of the above

22. In English teaching classrooms very often writing is seen as “writing as language learning”,

and it is believed to be ___.

A. writing for communication

B. writing for real needs

C. pseudo writing

D. authentic writing

23. To ___, it is advocated that we adopt a communicative approach to writing.

A. motivate students

B. demotivate students

C. free students from too much work

D. keep students buzy

24. Which of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?

A. Help students to understand their own composing process.

B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.

C. Encourage feedback both from both teacher and peers.

D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.

25. According to Willis the conditions for language learning are exposure to a rich but comprehensible language put, use of the language to do things, ___ to process and use the exposure, and instruction in language.

A. chances

B. context

C. motivation

D. knowledge

26. There are many situations in which we use more than one language skill, so it is valuable to integrate the four skills, to ___.

A. enhance the students’communicative competence

B. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar

C. use body language and pictures

D. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice.

27. Integration of the four skills is concerned with realistic communication, the implication of which is that we must teach English at the discourse level, that we must ___, and that we must adjust the timetable.

A. combine pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar

B. use mechanical practice and meaningful practice

C. use body language and pictures

D. adjust the textbook contents

28. All people involved in education, i.e. ___, teachers, parents, and students have some reasons to consider assessment necessary.

A. friends

B. businessmen

C. administrators

D. politician

29. As far as school assessment is concerned, we have teacher’s assessment, continuous assessment, ___, and portfolios.

A. students’self-assessment

B. relative’s assessment

C. informal assessment

D. formal assessment

30. Because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is ___ for teachers to adapt materials.

A. unnecessary

B. necessary

C. easy

D. of no use

31. Views on language and ____ both influence theories on how language should be taught.

A. views on language learning

B. views on culture learning

C. values of life

D. styles of life

32. According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ____ to some extent.

A. learns a language

B. learns his mother tongue

C. teaches a language

D. obtains linguistic knowledge

33. One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.

A. it focuses on form rather than on functions

B. language is used to perform certain communicative functions

C. learners are not able to make sentences

D. learners are not able to do translation

34. One of the disadvantages of traditional pedagogy is ___.

A. the learners are able to use all skills, including the receptive skills and the productive skills

B. the learners are not able to use the language in an integrated way

C. the learners are not able to write

D. the learners perform well in class, but they cannot read out of class

35. According to Wang Qiang, to answer the question “Can the students achieve the goal of acquiring native-like pronunciation?” we must take into consideration three things: ___.

A. ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal style

B. letters, phonetic transcripts, and sounds

C. teacher f actors, learner factors, and school factors

D. learner age, amount of exposure, and differences of individual ability


Suppose you are going to teach the following lesson to Grade One students of a junior middle school, design a lesson plan for your teaching.

Total Length: 300-500 words.

A photo copy of the lesson in the textbook:

New words & phrases:

cost, cheap, need, oh, paint brush, pay; comes to, plus/minus/times/divided by

3 yuan 45 for one

Useful sentences:

? Can I help/What would you like? ? I’d like …/Can I have …? ? How much is it/are they?

? They are cheap/It is cheap. ? They cost…/it costs …

? So, that comes to…









1. listening

2. use

3. knowledge

4. independent

5. writing

6. set

7. traditional

8. beginning

9. meaning 10. different


A 组: 11- E. 12- A. 13- D. 14-C. 15-B

B 组: 16-C, 17- E. 18-A, 19-D, 20-B


21-(A) 22-(C) 23-(A) 24-(D) 25-(C)

26-(A) 27-(D) 28-(C) 29-(A) 30-(B)

31-(A) 32-(C) 33-(A) 34-(B) 35-(D)




scjp模拟试题(一) Question No: 1 1.public class test ( 2. public static void main (String args[]) { 3. int i = 0xFFFFFFF1; 4. int j = ~i; 5. 6. } 7. ) What is the decimal value of j at line 5? A. 0 B. 1 C. 14 D. –15 E. An error at line 3 causes compilation to fail. F. An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail. 答案: C Question No: 2 Given: Integer i = new Integer (42); Long 1 = new Long (42); Double d = new Double (42.0); Which two expressions evaluate to True? (Choose Two) A. (i ==1) B. (i == d) C. (d == 1) D. (i.equals (d))

E. (d.equals (i)) F. (i.equals (42)) 答案: D, E Question No: 3 Exhibit : 1. public class test ( 2. private static int j = 0; 3. 4. private static boolean methodB(int k) ( 5. j += k; 6. return true; 6. ) 7. 8. public static void methodA(int i) { 9. boolean b: 10. b = i < 10 | methodB (4); 11. b = i < 10 || methodB (8); 12. } 13. 14. public static void main (String args[] ) ( 15. methodA (0); 16. system.out.printIn(j); 17. ) 18. ) What is the result? A. The program prints “0” B. The program prints “4” C. The program prints “8”


复习题 3 一、选择题 1. JDK 提供的编译器是(B)。 (A ) java.exe(B ) javac.exe (C) javap.exe( D) javaw.exe 2.以下作为 Java 程序入口的 main 方法声明正确的( C)。 (A ) public void main(String args[]) (B ) public int main(String args[]) (C) public static void main(String args[]) (D ) public static int main(String args[]) 3.以下标识符错误的是( C )。 (A )Public( B)张三( C) class(D ) main 4.java 中定义字符串 String s= ”pzhu”,下面操作可以取得字符串长度的是( A )。 (A ) s.length()( B) s.length( C)s.size()( D) length(s) 5.如下定义数组,操作正确的是(D)。 int a[]={1,2,3}; (A ) a[3]=100(B ) a[0].length( C)a++( D) a.length 6.如下定义二维数组操作错误的是()。 int a[][]={{1,2},{3}}; (A ) a[0][1]=200( B) a[0].length( C) a[1][1]=100( D) a.length 7. 以下数据类型存储空间最大的是(B)。 (A ) byte( B) long(C) float(D ) char 8. 面向对象的三大特性,不包括如下( A)。 (A )异常( B)封装(C)继承(D )多态 9、关于类的定义以下说法错误(B)。 (A )类定义使用class 关键字( B)每个类中必须有一个main 方法 (C)一个包可以包含多个类( D) java 中所有类都是Object 类的子类 10. 关于构造方法以下说法错误的是(D)。 (A)构造方法名必须与类名一致(B)构造方法可以重载 (C)构造方法是通过new 来调用(D)每个类都必须编写构造方法代码 11.关于继承如下说法错误的是(C)。 (A) Java 是单继承的(B)通过extends 来定义继承 (C)所有父类方法都可以被override的(D)继承呈现的是 is a 的关系 12.以下代码执行的结果是 ( C )。 System.out.println(" 攀枝花学院 pzhu".length()); (A)编译错误(B)运行错误(C) 9(D) 14 13. 用来存储键值对的容器是 ()。 (A )ArrayList( B ) LinkedList(C) HashSet( D) HashMap 14、 java 中用来抛出异常的关键字是( C )。 (A) try(B) catch(C) throw(D) throws 15.关于 finally块中的代码,以下说法不正确的是(A)。 (A ) try 块中的 return 语句会中断finally 块中语句的执行 (B )无论 finally 块前的语句运行是否产生异常,其中的语句都会执行 (C) finally 块中的语句通常中用作资源的清理 - 1 -


《MODEL TEST THREE 》,第 1 页,共 2 页 《MODEL TEST THREE 》,第 2 页,共 2 页 学号: 姓名: 系(部): 年级、专业、班级: 考场(教室): 座号: ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 装 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 订 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ 线 ∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶∶ TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS _____GREADE FOUR MODEL TEST THREE TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICT ATION (15 MIN) Lecture note-taking influences the academic success of all high school and college students./ It is believed that students will have to depend on their ability to take notes/ in order to be successful in the classroom./ Studies about the effect of note-taking on achievement recognize/ that there are two distinct categories of note-taking./ The first category suggests that the notes themselves are valuable./ That's because notes help the learner rehearse the lecture content./ And they can serve as a memory device that can help the student/ to remember parts of the content that were not included in the notes themselves./ The second category suggests that the act of taking notes is important, too./ It increases attention and concentration,/ encourages students to process the material at a deeper level,/ and provides a means of connecting new learning with prior knowledge./ These two categories imply that note-taking can boost achievement/ by acting as a product or as a process. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] 1-5 DBCCB 6-10 DABDC 11-15 ABCAD 16-20 CACBD 21-25 ABDAB 26-30 BABAD PART Ⅲ CLOZE [15 MIN] 31-35 CAABD 36-40 BCABA 41-45 CBDAC 46-50 BADCD PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN] 51-55 DDADC 56-60 CBBAB 61-65 AC B CA 66-70 DCDBB 71-75 ADDCD 76-80 DACAD PART Ⅴ READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN] 81-85 CBADC 86-88 CBD 89-92 BDCA 93-96 BCAB 97-100 CDAD PART Ⅵ WRITING (45 MIN) SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 这是一篇自由表达观点的作文。由写作指令中给出的内容可以看出,这是要求围绕大学教育的目的发表自己的看法。手段可以从人们普遍认为的大学教育目的是为了有更好的工作,更好的经济回报这个角度入手引出个人观点。第二段就观点展开分析,如果 认同大学教育是为了有经济回报,则需解释原因;如果认为大学教育还有其他许多好处,则具体说明其他收益是什么。最后一段对前面内容进行归纳总结,重新阐述全文主旨。 My View on College Education We all know the importance of going to college in preparation for the job market or in coping with the rapid changes in technology. Y et while a higher income, better standard of living, and technological literacy might be the most obvious reasons for attending college, they are not necessarily the best, the most reliable, or the most enduring. There are good non-financial reasons to go to college. First and foremost, college can be a great place for the students to learn about themselves and about society. College is a place where students get a safe chance to mature even as they pursue a degree and a potential career and where visionary ideas go to be challenged, grow, and mature. Next, students may develop self-independence in college, which is essential to their future development. Being away from their own home and living in a dormitory, students often get their first chance at learning to be on their own. In addition, college offers other learning opportunities, too. Much of what students gain in college may come from learning outside the classroom and from participating in campus organizations. All in all, obtaining a college degree isn't just about making more money . As for society, no one that values freedom can afford to underestimate, even for an instant, the value of higher education. SECTION B NOTE-WRITING(10 MIN) 本题要求写一份关于约会改期的便条。对象是自己的老师,所以用词方面不可过 于随意。首先,应复述原计划,即周五下午讨论论文事宜,接下来向老师解释不能去的原因,最后提议改日再见。因为是约会改期的便条,末尾需要对改期一事再次表达歉意。 April 7, 2012 Dear Professor Whitley, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ . Susan


莱西市二○一六年初中学业水平考试模拟试题 (考试时间:120分钟;满分:120分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 本试题共三道大题,含24道小题。其中,第1—7小题为“语言积累及运用”;第8—23小题为“阅读”;第24小题为“写作”。所有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。其中,选择题要求用2B铅笔正确涂写在“客观题答题区”。 一、语言积累及运用【本题满分27分】 (一)诗文默写与理解【本题满分13分】 1.根据提示默写。(10分) ①野芳发而幽香,。(《醉翁亭记》) ②蒹葭萋萋,,所谓伊人,在水之湄。(《诗经·蒹葭》) ③,带月荷锄归。(《归园田居》陶渊明) ④斜晖脉脉水悠悠,。(《望江南》温庭筠) ⑤,拔剑四顾心茫然。(《行路难》李白) ⑥,崔九堂前几度闻。(《江南逢李龟年》杜甫) ⑦,归雁入胡天。(《使至塞上》王维) ⑧出淤泥而不染,。(《爱莲说》周敦颐) ⑨僵卧孤村不自哀,。(《十一月四日风雨大作》陆游) ⑩:相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临!(《假如生活欺骗了你》普希金) 2.下列选项中,对诗词理解有误的一项是()(3分) A.“塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意”,这两句诗描写极其寒冷的边塞秋天,秋雁毫无逗留之意,如此景物与词人家乡大不相同。 B.晏殊《破阵子·燕子来时新社》一词通过描写清明时节的一个生活片断,反映出少女身上显示的青春活力,充满着一种欢乐的气氛。 C.曹操的《观沧海》借写景来透露感情。全诗写景,没有一句是直抒胸臆的,但我们能从实景的描绘中感受到诗人非凡的心胸气魄。 D.龚自珍的《己亥杂诗》中,“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”表达了诗人思念家乡的思想感情,愿化为春泥报效家乡。


一、单选题 (共20题) 1、霍兰德职业测试强调人格与工作的匹配,社会型人格适合的工作为()。 (1分) 教师 2、下列排序符合员工援助计划演进过程是()。①职业戒酒计划(OAP)②员工援助计划(EAP) ③员工提升计划(EEP)。 (1分) B ①②③ 3、 EAP的方案实施过程中以预防为重点,下列选项中属于初级预防内容的是()。 (1分) 改变人事管理制度,减少或消除导致职业心理问题的隐身 4、非全日制用工,是以小时计酬为主,劳动者在同一用人单位一般平均每日工作不超过()。(1分) 4小时 5、下列对劳务派遣合同与一般劳动合同的区别描述不正确的是()。 (1分) 劳务派遣合同规定被派遣劳动者的试用期时间和试用期薪酬 6、下列进行员工满意度调查要达到的目的中最为重要的一个是()。 (1分) 找出本阶段出现的主要问题及其原因 7、在员工满意度调查的后期HR及管理人员要根据调查结果与员工进行沟通,下列()不属于必须沟通的内容。 (1分) 企业问题对公司产生的影响 8、《劳动合同法》对劳务派遣单位的设立有明确规定,下列说法不正确的是()。 (1分) D劳务派遣单位可以向本劳务派遣单位的单位股东所属单位派遣劳动者 9、心理契约与组织承诺的区别在于心理契约()特点。 (1分) 双向性 10、柯达公司不仅善于生产留下人们美好形象的胶卷,而且也建造了平抑员工情绪的“幽默房”,这属于员工情绪管理中的()。 (1分) 为员工提供情绪疏导的渠道 11、对于解释在组织中不同成员对同一种需要的不同态度和行为,期望理论认为主要取决于()。 (1分) 期望值×效价 12、()年,以产业关系作为教学和研究对象的独立学科最早在美国威斯康星大学建立。(1分) 1920 13、员工关系管理贯穿于人力资源管理的四类基本管理方面,()属于人力资源开发中的员工关系管理。 (1分) 员工的职业生涯规划 14、无过失性解除合同时,用人单位须提前()天以书面形式通知劳动者本人或者支付劳动者()月工资后,可以解除劳动合同。 (1分) 30天,一个月 15、员工关系管理环境中的外部环境不包括()。 (1分) 生产经营环境 16、()不能够降低员工对单一重复性工作的反感。 (1分) 改善工作环境 17、选项()不属于来自员工个体的压力。 (1分) 面对自己很忙,同事很闲的状况感到压力大没有成就感 18、()不是员工安全立法的意义。 (1分)


中学英语教学法 1.第1题 According to Clark, Scarino and Brownell, the main components of a task include ____. A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasks B.new language items, time and learning culture C.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 As far as vocabulary teaching is concerned, which of the following is NOT the uncertainty that still remains? A.which vocabulary items should be taught and learned. B.how vocabulary can be taught and learned most effectively. C.whether vocabulary should be taught or not. D.What constitute a vocabulary item. 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 According to the Cognitive theory, a language learner acquires language ____ which enables him to produce language. A.structures B.habbits C.skills https://www.360docs.net/doc/f68743888.html,petence 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 Which of the following are not one of the principles of communicative language teaching proposed by Richards and Rodgers (1986)? https://www.360docs.net/doc/f68743888.html,munication principle B.Task principle C.Meaningfulness principle


2015英语专四词汇语法模拟题练习及答案解析(一) 2015年英语专业英语四级考试已进入冲刺阶段,适当做些模拟练习题有助于同学们在考前着重复习自己的弱项,希望百度文库整理的2015英语专四词汇语法模拟题练习及答案解析能给同学们带来帮助。 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been B. White has been as unpopular C. Unpopular has been as white D. Unpopular as white has been 2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain B. Having no rain C. There having been no rain D. There being no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done B. they had been done C. having been done D. they were done 4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____. A. which they are happening B. they are happening C. which they happen D. they have happened 5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed C. Which amazed D. What amazed


全真模拟习题(1) 选择题 1.在寿险契约保全中,保险人对客户交费方式、交费期间、领取方式等项目的变更以及变更投保人(受益人)、增减保额、增加或取消保险责任条款,对合同内容做补充告知等提供服务,这些服务所涉及的寿险契约保全属于() A.保险关系转移 B.合同内容转移 C.合同权益行使 D.保险金和退保金的给付 2.在我国,保险代理机构的种类包括() A.专业保险代理机构和保险兼业代理机构 B.专业保险代理机构和个人保险代理机构 C.综合保险代理机构和保险兼业代理机构 D.综合保险代理机构和个人保险代理机构 3.各种不同类型的保险合同中,单一风险合同是指() A.被保险人只能为一人的保险合同 B.只能有单个保险人承保的保险合同 C.只承保一种风险责任的保险合同 D.只承保特殊风险的保险合同 4.根据中国保监会发布的《保险代理从业人员职业道德指引》,在我国保险代理从业人员职业道德道德主体部分7个道德原则中包括()等 A.独立执业原则 B.专业胜任原则 C.友好合作原则 D.客观公正原则 5.根据反不正当竞争法的规定,当事人对监督检查部门作出的出发决定不服可以向上一级主管机关申请复议。申请复议的期间应为() A.自收到出发决定之日起15日内 B.自收到处罚决定之日起30日内 C.自收到处罚决定之日期60日内 D.自收到处罚决定之日起90日内 6.投保人因贪污行为所取得的利益不能作为保险利益投保,这一情况说明投保人所具有的保险利益应该是() A.经济上有价的利益 B.确定的利益 C.具有利害关系的利益 D.合法的利益 7.根据《民法通则》规定,对于“依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为”的代理选择的规定是() A.可以选择委托代理 B.可以选择法定代理 C.不得选择代理 D.可以选择指定代理 8.我国特有的一种货物运输保险的原始形式是() A.洋行 B.镖局 C.票号 D.当铺 9.《保险营销员管理规定》的施行日期是() A.2006年7月1日 B.2006年8月1日 C.2006年10月1日 D.2006年9月1日 10.在我国意外伤害保险经营实务中,保险人对于及短期意外伤害保险的被保险人进行风险程度评价的主要依据是() A.被保险人所从事活动的远近 B.被保险人所从事活动的性质 C.被保险人所从事活动的规模 D.被保险人所从事活动的设想 11.意外伤害保险的含义之一是必须有客观的意外事故发生,且事故原因必须是() A.意外的、偶然的和不可预见的 B.意外的、客观的和不可预见的 C.意外的、必然的和可预见的 D.意外的、客观的和可预见的 12.我国机动车辆保险条款规定,被保险人必须对保险车辆妥善保管,使用,保养,使之处于正常状态。从保证形式看,该保证属于() A.默示保证 B.明示保证 C.事实保证 D.确认保证 13.制定团体保险费率时考虑的主要因素是() A.该团体的理赔记录 B.该团体的工作性质 C.该团体的职业特点 D.该团体的死亡率 14.最普遍、最基本的保险合同终止原因是() A.因死亡而终止 B.因标的灭失而终止 C.因期限届满而终止 D.因履行而终止


安顺学院化学系第二学期期末考试 无机化学模拟试卷1 一、选择题(本题包括30小题,每小题1.5分,共45分,每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.加热就能生成少量氯气的一组物质是() (A).NaCl和H2SO4(B).NaCl和MnO2 (C).KMnO4和HCl (D).HCl和Br2 2.下列氯的含氧酸中,氧化能力最强的是() A.HClO B.HClO2 C.HClO3 D.HClO4 3.下列有关卤素的论述,正确的是( ) (A)溴是由Cl-作氧化剂制得的(B)F-是最强的氧化剂 (C)所有卤素都可以通过电解熔融卤化物得到(D)碘是最强的还原剂 4.下列化合物与水反应放出HCl的是() (A)CCl4(B)NCl3(C)POCl3(D)Cl2O7 5.过氧化氢(H2O2)( ) (A)是一种碱(B)是一种酸 (C)是一种氧化剂(D)既是酸,又是碱,既是氧化剂,又是还原剂 6.既能溶于 2 22的硫化物是() NaS又能溶于NaS (A)ZnS(B)As2S3(C)HgS(D)CuS 7.硝酸盐热分解可以得到单质的是( ) (A)AgNO3(B)Pb(NO3)2(C)Zn(NO3)2(D)NaNO3 8.PCl3和水反应的产物是() (A)POCl3和HCl(B)H3PO3和HCl(C)H3PO4和HCl(D)PH3和HClO 第1页,共6页

9.有关H3PO4,H3PO3,H3PO2不正确的论述是() (A)氧化态分别是+5,+3,+1(B)P原子是四面体几何构型的中心 (C)三种酸在水中的离解度相近(D)都是三元酸 10.关于五氯化磷(PCl5),下列说法中不正确的是() (A)它由氯与PCl3反应制得(B)它容易水解生成磷酸(H3PO4) +- (C)它在气态时很稳定(D)它的固体状态是结构式为[PCl4][PCl6]的晶体 11.下列碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐中,热稳定性顺序正确的是( ) (A)NaHCO3<Na2CO3<BaCO3(B)Na2CO3<NaHCO3<BaCO3 (C)BaCO3<NaHCO3<Na2CO3(D)NaHCO3<BaCO3<Na2CO3 12.下列化合物中易水解的是( ) 2- (A)SiCl4(B)CCl4(C)CF4(D)SiF6 13. 下列氯化物中最不稳定的是() (A)SnCl4(B)SnCl2(C)GeCl4(D)PbCl4 14. 下列硫化物,能溶于NaS溶液生成硫代酸盐的是( ) 2 (A)SnS(B)SnS2(C)PbS(D)Bi2S3 15. 在下列无机含氧酸中,其酸性强弱次序正确的是() 24>HClO4>H3 4>H2 3 2 4>HClO 4>H2 3>H34 (A)HSO PO SiO(B)H SO SiO PO (C)HClO 4>H2 4>H3 4>H2 3 (D)HClO 4>H3 4>H2 3>H24 SOPO SiO PO SiO SO 16. 下列各对元素中化学性质最相似的是( ) (A)Na,Mg(B)Al,Si(C)Be,Al(D)H,Li 17.用氢氧化钠熔融法分解某矿石时最合适用( ) (A)铂坩埚(B)石英坩埚(C)镍坩埚(D)瓷坩埚 第2页,共6页


二零零四年七月广东省高等教育自学考试 中学英语教学法试卷 (考试时间:150分钟) (课程代号:8479) 一、单项选择题(在每小题的备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将正确答案的号码 填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共30分) 1.认知法学者认为,语言习得是按照()的过程进行的。 A. 验证—假设—纠正 B. 假设—验证—纠正 C. 模仿—验证—假设 D. 假设—模仿—纠正 2.为真实交际做准备而设计的教学活动是属于交际法教学活动中的()。 A.语言结构性的活动 B.准交际性活动 C.功能性交际活动 D.社会交际性活动 3.阿谢尔创立“全身反应法”的依据是()的表现。 A.承认第二语言习得 B.儿童习得母语 C.成人习得母语 D.儿童第二语言习得 4.美国语言学家威廉`莫尔登总结出了外语教学法要遵循的某些原则,这些原则成为()的语言观,直接影响着这种教学法的建立和发展。 A.语法—翻译法 B.全身反应法 C.认知法 D.听说法 5.美国学者斯金纳关于行为主义的学习模式为()。 A.刺激—反应—强化 B. 强化—刺激—反应 C.刺激—反应—不强化 D.刺激—反应 6.乔姆斯基认为,人们能够学习和使用语言,而动物不能学习和使用语言,是因为人类具有天赋的学习语言的能力,这就形成他所创造的()。 A.行为主义的学习理论 B.语言习得机制 C.结构主义语言观 D.语言学习机制 7.拉多认为在外语学习时,困难的出现和错误的发生都是由于()造成的。 A.不懂规则 B.母语干扰 C.不理解习语 D.不会分析 8.语言的使用者能自动应用规则来生成句子,反应了他们对规则的掌握,这是迪拉(Diller)总结认知法的四条原则之一,称之为()。 A.语言规则有其心理现实性 B.活的语言受规则支配 C.人类具有天赋学习语言的能力 D.活的语言是用作表达思想的语言 9.皮亚杰认为掌握知识是一种智力活动,而每一种智力活动都含一定的()。 A.语言结构 B.认知结构 C.智能结构 D.知识结构 10.克拉申提出()来说明心理或情感因素对外语学习的影响。 A.监察假设 B.习得和学习假设 C.自然顺序假设 D.情感过滤假设11.根据克拉申语言习得的理论,影响外语学习的心理或感情因素包括一个人的()、信心和忧虑程度。 A.智能 B.动机 C.语能 D.意志 12.鲁斌认为,()是学习者为使自己获得贮存、检索以及使用语言信息而采用的任何操作、步骤、计划和惯例行为。 A.学习者策略 B.学习者语言习得 C. 学习者动机 D. 学习者情感13.奥玛利和钱莫特从认知学习的角度把学习策略分为三类,即“元认知策略”、“认知策略”和()。


Part I Dictation Many young Americans do not live with their families, / but in apartment blocks or residential areas/ where everyone is more or less of the same age./ They do their own cooking and cleaning, and go to the family home perhaps for the weekend./ Young married couples may move to new suburbs / where most people have young families. / In the country, some even build their houses themselves./ If a family's income goes up, they often move to another suburb, / where the houses are bigger, with two or even three garages./ Old people often do not live with their grown up children. / Many live in old people's homes. / Some live in special towns built for old people, / where there are no young children and the atmosphere is quiet./ Americans are always on the move, and some families change their homes every few years. / Every year, 20% of Americans move house.


模拟试题 一、选择 1、结冰、积水、积雪的道路,无人看守道口,恶劣天气能见度在30米以内时,每小时不得超过(A)千米 A、10 B、20 C、30 D、5 2、根据现行国家标准将厂内机动车辆分为(C)类。 A、11 B、12 C、13 D、14 3、厂内运输的作业方式有(B)种, A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6 4、机动车不得在平行铁路装卸线钢轨外侧(A)米以内行使。 A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5 5、驾驶员不从事驾驶工作时间为(C)者,再从事驾驶工作时应经厂交通安全管理部门重新复试。 A、1~3 个月 B、3~6个月 C、6~12个月 D、1年以上 6、厂内车辆侧向最小安全间隙应为(C)米。A、0.4 B、0.5 C、0.6 二、填空 1、机动车辆的制动性包括(制动效能)、(制动方向稳定性)。 2、制动效能受(道路)、(气候条件)、(车型)等影响。 3、一般把操纵性和稳定性称为(车辆的操纵稳定性),常用(汽车的稳定转向特性)进行评价。 4、稳定转向特性分为(不足转向)、(过度转向)、(中性转向)。 5、厂内叉车具有(转弯半径小)、(轮距窄)、(载货后重心偏高)等特点。 6、车辆的技术特性有(空车质量)、(载质量)、(总质量)、(车辆外形尺寸)、(最小离地间隙)、(轴距)、(轮距)、(接近角)、(离去角)、(最小转弯半径)、(最大爬坡度)、(最高车速)。

7、厂内运输的作业方式分为(有轨运输)、(无轨运输)、(连续机械运输)、(人力搬运)。 8、进出厂房、仓库大门、停车场、加油站、上下地中衡、危险地段、生产现场、倒车或拖带损坏车辆时不得超过(5)千米每小时。 9、车辆行使经过交叉路口须提前减速,加强了望,礼让“三先”(先慢)、(先让)、(先停)。车轮摩擦力不均是跑偏的主要原因。(√) 10、厂内车辆事故预防措施主要内容有(厂内运输安全生产的组织措施)、(工程技术措施)、(安全检查管理措施)、(安全教育措施)。 11、安全教育包括(安全知识教育)、(安全技术教育)、(安全思想教育)、(典型事故案例教育) 12、厂内车辆事故预防的基本原则有(事故可以预防的原则)、(防患于未然的原则)、(对事故的可能原因必须予以根除的原则)、(全面治理的原则) 13、厂内车辆事故可以预防是指(损失预防措施)和(事故预防措施)。 14、教育对策内容应包括(安全知识)、(安全技能)、(安全态度)等三个方面。 15、厂内车辆事故的特性包括(因果性)、(偶然性、必然性和规律性)、(潜在性、再现性和预测性)。 16、厂内车辆事故一般分为(自然事故)和(人为事故)两大类。 17、厂内车辆事故由(人)、(车)、(路)、(环境情况)构成。 18、环境可分为(社会环境)、(自然环境)、(生产环境)。 19、厂内车辆多发事故的原因有(厂内车辆违章驾驶)、(厂内车辆高速行驶)、(车辆技术状态不良)、(驾驶技术不熟练)、(厂内道路不好)。 20、叉车运行叉齿离地间隙要达(300~400)毫米。 21、安全色有(红)、(黄)、(蓝)、(绿)4种,对比色有(黑)、(白)2种。 22、厂内交通安全标志有(警告标志)、(禁令标志)、(指示标志)、(辅助标志)等 三、判断 1、辅助标志安在主标志的上面,紧靠主标志上缘。(×)


北京科技大学远程教育学院 土木工程制图 试题(模拟3) 专业 班级 学号 姓名_________ 一、选 择题(20分:共10题,每题2分) 1.在工程图中图样的比例是指图形与其实物相应要素的( )。 A.面积之比 B.体积之比 C.线性之比 D.大小之比 2.下列有关线型的说法,错误的是( )。 A.尺寸线应用细实线绘制 B.尺寸界线用细实线绘制 C.尺寸起止符号用细实线绘制 D.尺寸起止符号与尺寸线成顺时针45°角 3.定位轴线圆圈的直径为( )。 A.8mm B.10mm C.14mm D.24mm 4.标高的单位为( )。 A.米 B.分米 C.厘米 D.毫米 5.指北针应绘制于下列哪一个图样中( )。 A.底层平面图 B.标准平面图 C.立面图 D.剖面图 6.在一五层高的住宅建筑中,下列哪一个楼梯平面图没有折断线( )。 A.底层楼梯平面图 B.二层楼梯平面图 C.标准楼梯平面图 D.顶层楼梯平面图 7.下列连接方式中,不属于钢结构连接方式的有( )。 A.焊接 B.预理件连接 C.螺栓连接 D.铆钉连接 8.下列说法中错误的是( )。 A.在标高投影中,常借助于平面的最大坡度线来表示平面 B.平距的大小与平面对H 面的倾角α有关 C.平面的最大坡度线的坡度i 与该平面上等高线的平距l 互为倒数 D.直线的坡度就是直线上两点的高程差与这两点的距离之比 9.平面立体的某表面上等高线的平距越大,该表面的坡度就( )。 A.越大 B.越小 c.不变 D.无关系 10.标高投影是形体的哪一个面的投影( )。

A.水平 B.正面 c.侧面 D.不一定 二、填空题(20分:每空1分): 1. 一个完整的尺寸,由 尺寸线 、尺寸界线、尺寸起止符号和尺寸数字组成。(2分) 2.“②6φ8@ 250”请指出此钢筋的类别及每一符号和数字的含义编号为2,6根,I 号钢筋,直径为8,间距是250。(3分) 3.物体的尺寸为240mm,绘制在图上为2.4 mm,该图的比例为 1:100 。 4. 国标规定图线粗、中粗、细线宽度的比率为 1:0.5:0.25。 5. 平面图中标注的外部尺寸主要有三道,最外一道房屋外轮廓的总尺寸, 中间一道是周线之间的尺寸,最里面一道是门窗洞口等细部尺寸。 6. 工程中常把坡面与地面的交线称为坡边线,其中填筑坡边线也称坡脚线,开挖坡边线也称开挖线。 7. 钢筋按其作用不同,可分为受力钢筋、构造筋、分布钢筋。 8. 道路工程图主要由道路路线平面图、路线纵断面图图和路线横截面图图组成。 表示 2 号轴线后附加的 1 轴线。 三、绘图题(14分) 根据楼梯的一层平面图和1-1剖面图 四、标高投影题(32分:共4题,每题8分) 1. 已知?ABC平面的标高投影,求作:(1)平面上整数高程的等高线;(2)平面 上过点A的坡度线;(3)平面的坡度。 得分 得分 得分 2 1


(0161)《中学英语教学法》复习思考题 一、判断正误题(8分) The following statements are about the facts presented in the textbook, please indicate in the brackets before the statements whether they are true( T ) or ( F ). ( ) 1. Role play and improvisation are social interaction activities. ( ) 2. Discovering missing information and discovering differences and following directions are all functional communicative activities. ( ) 3. Stress in pronunciation is sometimes as important as grammar. ( ) 4. Students need to be able to write phonetic transcripts of words. ( ) 5. Adult learners need to focus on pronunciation, but young learners don?t. ( ) 6. Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English. ( ) 7. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully. ( ) 8. If the students get enough chance to practise using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar. ( ) 9. Teaching and learning grammar should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself. ( ) 10. Grammar should be taught an practised in context. ( ) 11. The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate. ( ) 12. Words must be learned in language contexts. ( ) 13. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it. ( ) 14. Students? errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have not lear nt. So instead of seeing errors negatively, as a sign of failure, we see them positively as an indication of what we still need to teach. ( ) 15. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do. ( ) 16. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers? attitude and behaviour. ( ) 17. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an “instructor” and students as “listeners” in class. ( ) 18. The students? native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework. ( ) 19. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary. ( ) 20. Students? errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make. ( ) 21. Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach. ( ) 22. Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or common vocabulary. () 23. All new words in a lesson are equally important. ( ) 24.Classroom climate is strongly affected by both the teachers? attitude and the students? behavior. ( ) 25. V ocabulary can be divided into productive and receptive. ( ) 26. Communicative competence refers to knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language. ( ) 27. Post-reading work usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading. ( ) 28. Written language is generally produced in fairly simple sentence structures. ( ) 29. In the Communicative Approach, both teachers and students have multiple roles.
