


1. You’ll find this dictionary of great ______in helping you learn English.

A. price

B. cost

C. value

D. usefulness

2. This book is a _____for students of science.

A. necessary

B. must

C. important

D. useful

3. I was attending a meeting, _____come to your birthday party.

A. unless would I have

B. or I would

C. but I did not

D. or I would have

4. Mother asked her that in the presence of the princess she should not say anything until _____.

A. asked

B. being asked

C. having been asked

D. to be asked

5. She never laughed, _____ever lose her temper.

A. so did she

B. but she did not

C. nor did she

D. nor she did

6. Mr.Smith has a strange way of making his lessons lively and interesting, so he is

_____respected by his students.

A. very

B. rather

C. enough

D. much

7. The teacher warned that whoever was caught _____during the test would be punished.

A. cheat

B. to cheat

C. be cheating

D. cheating

8. It was not until he had arrived home _____remembered that he had left the key at the office.

A. when he

B. that he

C. and he

D. so that he

9. He showed great interest in my field of work. He asked me _____fresh development.

A. keeping him informed of

B. to inform him

C. to keep him informed of

D. informing him of

10. He had a part-time job and was paid _____.

A. by the hour

B. by an hour

C. by hour

D. each hour

11. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I _____it when I was in the gym.

A. must drops

B. had dropped

C. should have dropped

D. must have dropped

12. How did it come _____that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework?

A. about

B. along

C. around

D. by

13. We’ll _____the matter, but it will take some time, so you’d better be patient.

A. look though

B. look over

C. look after

D. look into

14. She has to be very _____because she hasn’t much money.

A. economic

B. economical

C. sparing

D. careful

15. May is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _____, I can’t speak too highly of him.

A. As a result

B. In a word

C. By the way

D. On the contrary

16. Every means _____been tried to _____the family expenses.

A. have… cut out

B. has… cut down

C. has… cut short

D. have… cut off

17. I can _____some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noises.

A. come up with

B. catch up with

C. put up with

D. keep up with

18. The man was under so much stress that he finally _____.

A. broke down

B. broke up

C. broke out

D. broke in

19. It’s _____my power to make final decision on the matter.

A. off

B. outside

C. about

D. beyond

20. He spoke for two hours at the meeting, but what he said didn’t make any_____.

A. idea

B. sense

C. meaning

D. significance

21. Although I liked the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful_____ through the window.

A. vision

B. look

C. picture

D. view

22. The bus company had_____ the fare by 20% because of the rise in the oil price.

A. risen

B. arisen

C. raised

D. promote

23. I’ve bought a new house, so I can’t_____ to buy a car now.

A. spend

B. spare

C. afford

D. stand

24. If there is no water, fish_____ die.

A. shall

B. will

C. can

D. may

25. Tom is the only one of the students in his class who_____ passed the exam.

A. haven’t

B. hasn’t

C. hadn’t

D. had

26. They hardly communicate with each other in English,_____they ?

A. don’t

B. do

C. haven’t

D. have

27. Whenever we visited them, they_____ television.

A. watch

B. watching

C. had watched

D. were watching

28. John as well as Jack_____ just returned from abroad.

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. mustn’t have

29. I’ll be glad to work with_____ shares my interests.

A. anyone

B. whomever

C. whoever

D. no matter who

30. I have no idea about the man who lives upstairs, _____he is from Beijing.

A. except

B. except for

C. except that

D. besides

31. The earth is nearly_____ the moon.

A. 50 time the size of

B. 50 times the size of

C. 50 times as size as

D. 50 times as that of

32. In summer the shop stays_____ until 10p.m..

A. opening

B. opened

C. to open

D. open

33. All the preparations _____ before the president arrives.

A. will complete

B. have completed

C. will be completed

D. are completed

34. We don’t doubt_____ he can do a good job of it.

A. whether B that C. what D. why

35. –Thank you so much for the gift you sent me.


A. No thanks.

B. I’m glad you like it.

C. Please don’t say so.

D. No, it’s not so good.

36. If you do not fasten your safety belt, your chances of being_____ will be greater.

A. wounded

B. hurt

C. damaged

D. struck

37. Free medical treatment in our country covers sickness of mind as well as_____ sicknesses.

A. normal

B. ordinary

C. average

D. regular

38. Your parents can’t advise you what to do at college; you must use your own_____.

A. opinion

B. thoughts

C. judgment

D. idea

答案:1—5 C B D A C 6—10 D D B C A 11—15 D A D B B 16—20 B C A D B 21—25 D C C B B 26—30 B D B C C 31—38 B D C B B B B C

高中英语 常用同义词辨析库 W

超全高中英语常用同义词辨析库:W 英语常用同义词辨析English Synonyms W wait, await wait, await 这两个动词均含“等,等待”之意。这两个动词均含“等,等待”之意。 wait : 普通用词,侧重静候于某处,直到等候或期待的人或事物的到来,通常用作不及物动词,与for连用。 wait : 普通用词,侧重静候于某处,直到等候或期待的人或事物的到来,通常用作不及物动词,与for连用。 await : 正式用词,及物动词,通常指不断等待,多含耐心意味。 await : 正式用词,及物动词,通常指不断等待,多含耐心意味。 walk, stride, stroll, strut, pace walk, stride, stroll, strut, pace 这些动词均有“行走,徒步”之意。这些动词均有“行走,徒步”之意。 walk : 最常用词,中性词,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的动作。 walk : 最常用词,中性词,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的动作。 stride : 着重步子大而且节奏有力,流露出匆忙、烦恼、得意等情绪。 stride : 着重步子大而且节奏有力,流露出匆忙、烦恼、得意等情绪。 stroll : 多指走走停停,步子缓慢,悠闲自得,漫无目的。 stroll : 多指走走停停,步子缓慢,悠闲自得,漫无目的。 strut : 指大摇大摆地走,含过分自信或自高自大意味。 strut : 指大摇大摆地走,含过分自信或自高自大意味。 pace : 指踱步,走步。 pace : 指踱步,走步。 waste, garbage, rubbish, litter, debris, junk waste, garbage, rubbish, litter, debris, junk 这些名词均含“废物,垃圾”之意。这些名词均含“废物,垃圾”之意。 waste : 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。 waste : 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。 garbage : 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。 garbage : 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。也可作引申用。


常见的英文近义词辨析100组 1、abide,adhere,conform,comply“遵守”。 abide v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 I will abide by the director'decision.我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。 conform v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。comply v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有关纳税的规定。 2、abnormal,uncommon,disordered“反常的” abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 His body temperature has been abnormal for3days,the highest point reaching40.5degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。) uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。 Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。 That is uncommon instant coffee;it tastes great!那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了! disordered a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。 We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。 3、abolish,cancel,eliminate,dispose,erase,exclude,extinguish都有“取消,除掉”的意思。 abolish v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。 The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。 cancel v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。 The meeting has been cancelled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。 eliminate v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西。 The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参加下一阶段的比赛。 The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。 dispose v.处理,处置;表示“除掉、扔掉”时常与of连用。(这一点需要注意。) After your picnic,please dispose of the litter.野餐后请清除掉垃圾。 erase v.除去,擦掉,指有意识地除去字迹、声音等。 I erased the music on the tape before recording on the tape again.我在往磁带上录音之前先消掉了上面的音乐。exclude v.排斥;排除,不包括在内,与include互为反义词。 The restaurant excludes anyone who is not properly dressed from entering.衣冠不整者不得进入该餐馆。extinguish v.熄灭,扑灭(火);使沉默,使暗淡。 Firefighters extinguished a big fire.消防队员扑灭了大火。 4、abstract,digest,outline,summary“要点,摘要” abstract n.概要,摘要,尤其指对学术论文或法律论据作的简述。 I have read the abstract of his book.我已经读了他书的概要。 digest n.(篇幅较长的)摘要,文摘,它是对原文的浓缩而不是对原文的简单解释,浓缩后仍保持原文的顺序、重点和风格。 Reader's Digest《读者文摘》 outline n.要点,大纲,概要。 She made an outline of ideas she wanted to present in her talk.她把自己要谈的想法列了一个提纲。 summary n.总结,摘要,指用寥寥数语概括文章或者讲话的要点,不考虑原文的风格。 5、absurd,ridiculous,silly都有“愚蠢,可笑”的意思。 absurd a.荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑。 There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless.过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。 ridiculous a.荒唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。 It is ridiculous to judge a foreign culture only by its food.仅仅根据一个国家的饮食来评价该国家的文化是荒唐可笑的。silly a.愚蠢的,傻的,指由于单纯或者头脑简单而显得愚蠢。 a silly little boy傻小子


高考英语中高频近义词或同义词辨析 (1)grain; corn; crop grain:指稻、麦等谷类及其粒子。 corn:主要指大麦、小麦、燕麦、裸麦、玉蜀黍这5种谷物及其粒子。 crop:指谷物或果类等一年或一季的收成,也可指地里的农业作物或谷物。 Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。 He filled the barn to the roof with corn. 他将谷仓装满了谷物。 The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes. 主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。 (2)hurt; wound; injure; harm hurt:表示“肉体或情感上的痛苦,强调疼痛感”。 wound:表示“由于剑、刀、枪等锐器造成身体上较严重的外伤,特别是在战争中受伤”。injure:表示“指意外事故或偶发事件造成的伤害”。 harm: 表示“引起疼痛、痛苦或损失,其对象可以是自己,也可以是其他人或物”。Many people were hurt when a bus and a truck collided. 一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。 The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。 There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。 Getting up early won?t harm you! 早起对你没有坏处。 (3)affair; thing; matter; business affair:意为“事情、事件”, 含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事。复数affairs一般指商业事务及政府的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等。 thing:意为“事情、事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均称为thing,一般不能专指事务。复数things还可作“形势”解。 matter:重指须留心的要事或问题、难题。 business:作“事务、事情”解时,一般不能用复数,常常指所指派的任务、责任;有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动。 (4)a great deal; a great deal of a great deal:用作名词,意为“大量”,“许多”,作主语、宾语;用作副词,意为“很”或“非常”,作状语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级。 A great deal has been studied and this is the best way. 经过大量研究后,这(被认为)是最好的办法。 a great deal of:意为“大量的”,“非常多的”,相当于much,作定语,后接不可数名词。 A great deal of time/money/energy has been spent on the project. 大量的时间/金钱/能源花在那个工程上了。 (5)at the time; at that time; at one time; at a time at the time:通常用于过去时句子中,指某件事情发生的“当时”、“那时” Many people saw the strange thing happen at the time.


高中英语语法:英语近义词辨析 近义词---Vocal, Oral, Spoken, Colloquial Vocal(adj.)---“发声的”。指拥有发音的能力。 Verbal(adj.)---“言辞的”。正式用语。指笔头表达。非正式英语中也表示口头表达。 Oral(adj.)---“口语的”。指口头表达和交流。 Spoken(adj.)---“口语的”。指口头表达和交流,此时与oral一词无区别, 但spoken可以构成复合形容词,表示以一种特定方式讲话。 Colloquial(adj.)---“口语的”。指普通的、非正式的通俗语言。 例:The snake is not a vocal creature. 蛇不是发声动物。 He was very vocal in his objections. 在反对时他嗓门很大。 Let's have oral practice. 让我们作口头练习。 You had an oral examination, didn't you? 你考了口试,是吗? This word is used in spoken language. 这个词用于口语。

She is a soft-spoken woman. 她是一个说话柔和的女人。 This is a colloquial expression. 这是通俗用语。 He studies English colloquial style. 他研究口语体的英语。 近义词---View, Scenery, Scene, Sight View(n.)---“景色”。普遍用语。指目中所望见的景色。 Scenery(n.)---“景色”,“外景”。指一个地方乃至一个国家的整个外景或外貌。 Scene(n.)---“景色”。可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动。 Sight(n.)---“光景”。多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。 例:There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。 It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。 The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。 The train moved slowly south through flat, drab


初中英语同义词辨析 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析放在这里,和朋友们交流,也供学生朋友选择学习。1、talk tell speak say speak 和talk 通常用作不及物动词,都有“说话”之意。在会议上发言用speak,名词为speech; 随便漫谈用talk,其名词还是talk; tell表示“讲述”或“告诉”; say表示“说”;例如: can we speak about plans for the holidays? 我们谈谈假期的打算好吗? the patient is too weak to speak. 病人太衰弱了,不能说话。 my father was talking with my teacher when i got home yesterday。昨天我到家时我父亲正在和我的老师谈话。 i always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep. 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。 it‘s impossible to tell who will win the next election. 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。 she said nothing to me about it.

关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。 *speak 当及物动词用时,宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词。如: does anyone speak english here? 这儿有人会说英语吗? 2、good well nice good 形容词,好的,合适的,新鲜的,擅长的。 well 作形容词时,指"(身体)健康的”;还可用作副词,修饰动词。nice形容词,美好的,令人愉快的,可爱的,特指取悦感官的事物。she is good at english.她擅长英语。 this cake tastes good.这蛋糕好吃。 his mother is very well.他妈妈很健康。 she is a nice little girl.她是个可爱的小姑娘。 3、look see watch read 看 look通常为不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,指“认真看”,强调看的对象时,后须接介词at才能带宾语,即look at。 see是及物动词侧重于看的结果“看见,看到” watch 作动词,意为“观看,注视”,多指观看运动着的事物,如电视、比赛、表演等。 read 主要强调“读,阅读,朗读”,汉语中常译成“看”,多指看书、报、杂志。 look!the man is coming!看!那个男的来了。 look at the map .看这张地图。 can you see the dog over there?你能看见那儿的狗吗?


高考英语常用同义词辨析汇总 1. a good/great many(of)/a number of/a large quantity of/plenty of/a large amount of/a great deal of 2. a number of/numbers of/the number of. . . 3. abandon/desert

4. abolish/cancel 5. above all/first of all/at first 6. accuse/charge/blame/scold

7. acquire/obtain/gain/win/earn 8. adjust/adapt 9. adopt/adapt 10. agreement/contract/bargain

11. also/too/either/as well/besides/moreover 12. anxious/eager/keen 13. apart from/except/except for/except that/besides

14. argue/debate/discuss/quarrel 15. ashamed/shameful/shame 16. at ease/with ease

17. attempt/try/manage 18. attend/join/join in/take part in/participate in 19. average/common/ordinary/general/usual


1 a bit/ a little 这两个词都意为“一点儿”有时可以互换,但有时不能。 Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿”“有些”。如:① I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。② He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。Ⅱ.二者都可以作名词词组,充当主语或宾语。如:① A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。 ② I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。 Ⅲ。 a little可直接修饰名词; a bit后须加of才可以。如:①. There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle. [注意] a little of 后的名词通常特指,表“……中的一些”,如:①May I have a little of your tea? Ⅳ. 否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”,“非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为“许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg: ① He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。② He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。③ She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。 Ⅴ. Not a bit 中的not 可以分开使用;not a little中的not 则不能分开。Eg: ① He felt not a bit tired. = He didn?t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。② He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn?t fell a little tired. §2 a few/ few/ a little/ little Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如:① Few people will agree to the plan because it?s too dangerous. ②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ③ There is little water le ft in glass. Will you please give me some ④Don?t worry, we have a little time left. ⑤ §3 about/ on Ⅰ.about “关于”表示的内容较为普通或指人时用它。侧重于叙事,多用于叙述个人经历和事迹,故事内容涉及一些较浅的问题。是非正式用语。 Ⅱ.on “关于”侧重于论述政治理论,国际形势,学术报告等。也就是说,当表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的或学术性的可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读时用。eg: This is a text book on African history. 这是一本关于非州历史的教科书。[注]:它们有时可通


高中英语同义词100组 因为because, since, as, for 除了(还)besides, as well as, in addition to ,apart from 位于lie in, be located/situated in 分发hand out, give out, distribute 独自alone, by oneself, on one's own 经历undergo, experience, go through 优点advantage, strong points, strength 感激appreciate, be grateful/thankful to sb 免费for free, for nothing, free of charge 容纳admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat 适合be suited to, be suitable for, be fit for 处理deal with, do with, cope with, handle, dispose of 记住keep/bear sth. in mind, leam sth. by heart 充当act as, serve as, work as , function as 确保see to it that, make sure that, ensure that 当心watch out, look out, take care, be careful 提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in advance 表明indicate, suggest, show, imply, make clear 大约about, some, around, or so, approximately 依靠depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on 总计total to, come to, amount to, add up to, reach 熬夜stay up, sit up, be up late/far/deep into the night 考虑take account of, take sth. into account/consideration 建立establish, found, build, create, set up, put up 缺点disadvantage, weak points, weakness, drawback 说服talk/persuade sb. into doing sth., persuade sb. to do sth. 沮丧depressed, discouraged, blue, down, disappointed, upset 厌烦be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, be sick of 偶然by chance, by accident, accidentally, once in a while 鉴于seeing that, given (that) , considering sth/that, in view of sth 发生happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, break out 控制keep/bring sth under control, take control of, have power over 立即in no time, at once, right away, straight away, immediately 替代replace, stand for, substitute for, take the place of, represent 尽管although, though, even though, while, despite, in spite of, as(倒装) 再三repeatedly, again and again, over and over (again), time and again, 如果providing (that),provided (that),on condition that, supposing that, given that 只要as long as, so long as 区分identify, tell/distinguish...from..., tell/distinguish the difference between... and... 首先first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin/start with, for one thing 总之in short, in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, to sum up, on all accounts 完成fulfill, accomplish, finish, complete, get through with sth., go through with sth. 重视pay more attention to, lay/put/place emphasis on,attach importance/significance to


超全高中英语常用同义词辨析库:O 英语常用同义词辨析English Synonyms O oath, pledge, vow oath, pledge, vow 这些名词均含“誓言”之意。这些名词均含“誓言”之意。 oath : 指对上帝或神发出的庄严、正式的誓言以示自己话语的真实性。 oath : 指对上帝或神发出的庄严、正式的誓言以示自己话语的真实性。现多用于法庭上。现多用于法 庭上。 pledge : 普通用词,指保证去做或不做某事的郑重许诺。 pledge : 普通用词,指保证去做或不做某事的郑重许诺。 vow : 指庄严的许诺或誓约。 vow : 指庄严的许诺或誓约。 obey, comply, submit obey, comply, submit 这些动词均含“服从、听从”之意。这些动词均含“服从、听从”之意。 obey : 一般用词,指服从或接受某种权威,或遵循某种原则而行事。 obey : 一般用词,指服从或接受某种权威,或遵循某种原则而行事。 comply : 指同意依从他人的愿望或请求,或遵守某种规则或顺应某种环境条件。 comply : 指同意依从他人的愿望或请求,或遵守某种规则或顺应某种环境条件。 submit : 指顺从或屈服于自己不能进一步抵制或抵抗的人或事物。 submit : 指顺从或屈服于自己不能进一步抵制或抵抗的人或事物。 object, oppose, resist, protest object, oppose, resist, protest 这些动词均含“反对”之意。这些动词均含“反对”之意。 object : 多指因厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。 object : 多指因厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。 oppose : 普通用词,含义广,语气强于object。 oppose : 普通用词,含义广,语气强于object。多指反对一些较重大的事,隐含其正当性。多指反对一些较重大的事,隐含 其正当性。 resist : 指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等。 resist : 指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等。


A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of 一系列 Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体 =objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也 Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地Automatically ensure=guarantee确保


近义词辨析 目录 1.“I know”和“I see”其实不一样!“我明白了”还能怎么说 (1) 2.college和university了,但是这两者有啥区别呢 (3) 3.表示“打电话”的词call,ring,phone,telephone (6) 4. 关于“药”的单词 (9) 5. 表示“责任”“职责”“义务”的词 (11) 6.准确度(Accuracy)与精密度(Precision)的区别 (13) 1.“I know”和“I see”其实不一样!“我明白了”还能怎么说 可能不少同学想表达“我明白了”的时候,总是会犹豫要用“I see.”还是“I know.”,又或者是“I understand.”。这三个词都有相同的中文意思,但是实际上,还是有所区别的哦。 今天就给大家分辨一下这三个表达,以及帮大家区分表示“明白”的几个常见动词。一起来学习吧。 1. understand 相信大家对于understand很熟悉了,当它表示“明白”时,可以用“understand sth.”或“understand + 从句”的结构。 It is very important to make yourself understood when you speak a foreign language. 当你在讲一门外语的时候,表达清楚自己的意思让别人明白是非常重要的。 除了能表示“明白”,understand还可以表示通过学习或者经历而“了解或知道”某事物。 此外,也可以表示“理解;体谅”,还能表示“获悉”,即通过听说或者读到某事物并相信该事物为真。 understand how/why/where 弄清;搞懂 (can) understand sb. doing sth. 能理解某人做某事


问题Problem: issue, dilemma 会议Meeting: conference, discussion 学习Study: application, consideration 好处Advantage: benefit, dominance , profit 坏处Disadvantage: inconvenience, drawback ,harm , bad side 男子 male ,man, guy 女子 female , woman , lady 注意力 eyes ,attention, fame 目的 purpose , intention , goal , aim 规则 principle,rule, 形容词/副词 重要的Important: essential, significant, play a pushing role, fundamental 大的Big: massive, enormous 许多many: numerous, infinite 永远forever (adv): everlasting, undying 小的Small: minimum, diminutive 好的Good: marvelous, gorgeous, awesome 坏的Bad: awful, terrible, imperfect 聪明的Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable 开心地Happy: delightful, delectable 漂亮的Beautiful: charming, attractive, engaging 快的Fast:swift, rapid, speedy 容易的Easy: simple, effortless 清楚的Clear: obvious, apparent 困难的Difficult: complicated, complex 生气的Angry: annoyed, displeased 危险的Dangerous: perilous, breakneck 特别的 special , particularly , stand out, 基本的 basic , essential 昂贵的 expensive ,not cheap , costly 特别的 special , unique , main feature , particular, stand out 尴尬的 awkward, embarassing 逐渐地 slowly , gradually , not rapidly , not sharply , not quickly 满意的 content ,satisfied 支持的 supportive, positive , approving , backing , in favor of , stand by 不确定的 uncertain , unclear 怀疑的 doubtful, puzzled 反对的 disapproving , negative , disappointed , unfavorable , opposed to 焦虑的 worried , anxious , trembling 连词篇:(介词,副词) 首先Firstly: previously, beforehand, fundamentally, to begin with 其次Then: afterward, what is more, furthermore


中学英语近义词辨析200组 1。clothes,cloth, clothing?clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可 2。incident,accident?数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of,an article of? 3. amount,incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killedinthe accident.? number?amount后接不可数名词,number后接可数名词a numberofstudents 4。family, house,home?home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员。My f 5。sound,voice, noise amily is ahappy one.? sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.?6. photo,picture,drawing photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画 Let’sgo andsee a good picture。 7.vocabulary,word?vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He hasa large vocabulary。 8. population, people?population人口,人数,people具体的人Chinahas a large populatio 9。weather, climate n。? weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not goodfor you.?10。road, street,path,way?road具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径 takethisroad;in the street,showme the way to the museum。 11.course, subject?course课程(可包括多门科目),subject科目(具体的学科)a summer course 12. custom,habit?custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do,habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接ofdoing.I'vegot the habit of drinkingalot. 13.cause, reason cause指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接ofsth。/doingsth,reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth。/doing sth.the reason forbeing late 14. exercise,exercises, practice exercise运动,锻炼(不可数),exercises练习(可数),practice(反复做的)练习?Practice makes perfect。?15.class, lesson 16。作"课"解时,两者可以替换.指课文用lesson. 指班级或全体学生用class.lesson 6;class 5?speech,talk, lecture speech指在公共场所所做的经过准备的较正式的演说,talk日常生活中的一般的谈话,讲话,lecture学术性的演讲,讲课a series of lecture on… 17. officer,official?officer部队的军官,official政府官员an army officer?18. work, job 二者均指工作。work不可数,job可数a goodjob 20。19。couple, pair?couple主要指人或动物,pair多指由两部分组成的东西a pair of trousers?country,nation, state, land?country侧重指版图,疆域,nation指人民,国民,民族,state侧重指政府,政体,land国土,国家Thewhole nation was sad atthe news.? 21。cook, cooker?c 22。damage, damages?damage不可数名词, 损ook厨师,cooker厨具Heis agood cook.? 23. police, policeman 害,损失; damages复数形式,赔偿金$900damages? police警察的总称,后接复数谓语动词,policeman 指某个具体的警察The police arequest ioning everyone in the house。 24。problem,question


英语高频同义词归类与辨析-第一辑动词 A 1.吸引,使着迷 attract,allure,lure,charm,woo,tempt,enchant,seduce,entice,bewilder,bewitch,beguil ,siren,lure,fascination,glamour 2.诱骗,诱拐abduct,cajole,coax,con 3.使迷惑confuse,perplex,puzzle 使清楚,解释,显示explain,illustrate,show,betray,demonstrate,spell out,explicate,intreprete,decipher,decode,unravel,illuminate,specify,clarify,straighten out, 显示;标志sign,symbol,tip ;征兆token,omen % B 引起; arise,rouse,intrigue,evoke,provoke,kindle,call forth,bring out,elicit,excite,invite, 激发;excite,spark, inspire,stimulate 发展;develop,evolve,progress,prosper,thrive,blossom,bloom,flourish 促进;promote,foster,boost 鼓励,推动;impel,encourage, motivate,mobilize,spur,lash.incentive 优化 ;optmize,better,improve 改善;improve,upgrade,refine 发扬;carry forward ' 阻碍 inhabit,prevent,hamper,block,curb,bar,barrier,hinder,hinderance,obstacle,cumber,obstruct(obstruct ion),block, 推迟;defer,delay,postpone,abjourn,put off, ajourn 干扰;upset,bother,disturbe,annoy,vex,tease,harness干涉,interfere,meddle(with),butt in n. 麻烦ado,hustle andbustle,fuss,commotion 起伏;wax and wane,ups and downs, vicissitudes 禁止;prohibit,ban, forbid 中断;suspend,split,break up,disrupt 限制limit,restrict,abstain,confine,restrain,refrain C - 支持,赞成 support,back,applaud 同意approve(of) 反对 D 寻找;search,fumble,rummage,scour,ransack(for),pursue,hunt(for) quest of 发现;find,discover,unearth,dig out,root out, 觉察;notice,sense,detect,precieve,sniff out
