


PartⅠReading Comprehension

Directions: In this part there are four reading passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the best answer from the four choices. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.

I am not a computer expert. 1 never learned much in the way of math. And I am quite puzzled by things like engineering or electronics.

Then why am I able to write about computers? I can write on this subject because of these shortcomings. The last two years of learning has been a severe test for me. By hard work I have managed to learn enough to use computers fairly well, and to work with people who know a great deal more than I. Since I have learned all this at such personal cost, I would like to share my knowledge with others.

The best way to learn is to take a course. However, many people do not have the time for this. They will have to find some other way to get basic information. I hope to be able to help them by writing about some of the things I have learned myself.

I have a home computer on which I have learned in my own time. I have used it like a home study course. I have sat down with it day after day, night after night, I have forced it to give up some of its secrets. Now I can use it to do some of the work that I get paid for. And I can do this work in my own home, instead of in an office. Many people may soon be working on a computer at home, just as many now take in other people’s typing.

Some things about computers are easier than you may fear. First, computers are logical. Things that at first seem difficult will make sense to you after you learn the rules. Second, it is really not hard to learn enough to use today’s machines. You do not need to be a great brain. But you do have to learn to think in new ways. And you do have to keep a good bit of information in your head. (90) Finally, there are many people around who are really enthusiastic about computers. These people are always happy to be of help.

1. According to the passage, computers can best be described as ___ C____

A. difficult

B. puzzling

C. logical

D. secret

2. It can be inferred that the author had to _B______ in order to write about computers.

A. Learn electronics

B. study very hard

C. learn from other people

D. take a home study course

3. The phrase ?°a great brain?± in the last paragraph most probably means D

A. a great man

B. a person with a big head

C. a remarkable success

D. an intelligent person

4. It is implied that the author _B_______

A. has got a great deal of help from others

B. has known a lot of things about computers

C. has got enough knowledge about science and math

D. has known more about computers than her colleagues

5. The main idea of the last paragraph is that to learn to use a computer C

A. must take enough course

B. should be with a clever brain

C. is not so difficult as one thinks

D. is hard to think in new ways

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage.

In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, the mistakes are secondary consideration that may be dealt with

gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes.

(88) The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been sa ying “1 do it” to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by interacting with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say “I’ ll do it”. The resulting discrepancy can serve as a basis for the student to modify his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to interact in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.

6. According to the passage, foreign language students should not worry too much

about making mistakes because _____B___

A. native speakers will ignore their mistakes

B. communication is the primary goal of language learning

C. native speakers like foreign students who try to learn their language

D. everyone makes mistakes when trying to communicate in a strange language

7. The passage indicates that the present tense in English is ___A______

A. basically the same in English as it is in Spanish

B. not the most difficult problem for foreign students

C. not used to express a desire to do something in the immediate future

D. used with some verbs but not with others to express future intention

8. The author thinks that language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by _D____

A. asking native speakers for explanations

B. reading good books in the foreign language

C. speaking without regard to native speakers

D. comparing their speech with that of native speakers

9. The passage implies that foreign students who do not interact with native speakers will not _ _D_.

A. have to worry about making mistakes

B. learn very much about the foreign culture

C. learn about the history of the foreign language

D. take advantage of available language models

10. The author's major conclusion about the function of mistakes in foreign language learning is that . D

A. mistakes do not interfere with communication

B. learners are often very afraid of making mistakes

C. mistakes are not important in the process of learning a language

D. making mistakes can help the learner discover the rules of the language

Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage

During a state of deep relaxation, several physiological changes take place in the body: the body’s oxygen consumption is reduced; the heart beat decreases; muscle tension and sweating ease, and there is decreased sympathetic (交感的) nervous system activity. This restful state not only allows the body to repair and restore itself, but it has a calming effect on the consciousness.

How to achieve this state of relaxation, however, is a matter of opinion, and in some medical circles, a matter of controversy. A recent report by Dr. David Holmes of the University of Kansas in the journal “American psychologist” said that simp le sitting in an armchair has just as many beneficial characteristics for the body as meditation does. Researchers of other relaxation techniques disagree. These experts believe that more structured techniques, such as meditation, lead to a condition of deep relaxation.

The debate goes on. but one thins appears to be clear: the relaxation response can be reached by a number of methods, and the methods themselves are not as important as getting there. One day, one method may work best; on another day, an alternative method may be more appropriate. Once you are aware of all the methods, you can find the one that works best for you.

Some of the relaxation techniques are meditation, auto analysis (自我心理分析) and progressive muscle relaxation response than just sitting quietly in a chair, they have the added benefit of structure and discipline, and for these reasons appear to be more effective for most individuals.

11. The passage indicates that a state of deep relaxation is not only good for one’s body, but al so

beneficial to __B_______

A. heart beat

B. consciousness

C. muscle tension

D. sympathetic nervous system

12. People seem to agree that ____C____

A. sitting in an armchair benefits a person as meditation does

B. what people are struggling for is a state of deep relaxation

C. to achieve a state of deep relaxation is possible through various means

D. structured consciousness relaxation techniques are more beneficial for a person

13. In the third paragraph, the phrase ?°getting there?± most probably means C

A. arriving at one’s destination

B. getting what one wants most

C. reaching a state of deep relaxation

D. finding out a suitable relaxation technique

14. As far as relaxation is concerned, the author indicates that ?a__A___

A. aims are more important than means

B. means are more important than aims

C. some relaxation techniques are better than others

D. more and more people are interested in relaxation techniques

15. The author’s attitude toward relaxation is best described as B

A. critical

B. objective

C. optimistic

D. subjective

PartⅡ Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In any comprehension text you will find words that you don't know, You can 1 them up in a dictionary, of course, 2 it is a good idea to get 3 the habit of using a dictionary as 4 as possible, particularly if you are preparing 5 an examination. In fact, if you read the text 6 and think, it is usually possible to guess the 7 of most words that you don't know. Look 8 the context of each word - the sentence that it is9 , and the sentences that come before and after. Look to see 10 the word is repeated 11 in the text; the more often it is 12 , the easier it is to understand.

Some words 13 be guessed from looking at their 14 . But don't expect to be able to guess 15 of the new words in a text. There will be 16 that you can only get a general 17 of, and a few will be impossible. Don't 18 too much time worrying about these: the most 19 thing is to understand the text as a (an)20 as well as possible, and one or two difficult words will not usually make much difference.

(B)1. A.check B.look C.find D.try

(C)2. A.since B.because C.but D.therefore

(A)3. A.into B.by C.from D.through

(B)4. A.frequently B.rarely C.much D.farther

(D )5. A.in B.into C.against D.for

(D )6. A.quickly B.really C.strictly D.carefully

(A)7. A.meaning https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,age C.context D.function

(A)8. A.for B.after C.at D.on

( A )9. A.with B.between C.for D.in

(A)10. A.if B.what C.how D.where

(B)11. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,ter https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,te https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,tely https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,tter

(B)12. A.appeared B.counted https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,ed D.shown

(D)13. A.must B.would C.should D.can

(A)14. A.forms B.faces C.builds D.blocks

(D)15. A.some B.any C.many D.all

( A )16. A.some B.little C.none D.much

(D )17. A.model B.example C.concept D.idea

(A)18. A.waste B.have https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,e D.try

( B )19. A.interesting B.important C.pressing D.advantageous (C)20. A.unity B.entire C.whole https://www.360docs.net/doc/f713163627.html,plete


Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center

1. Marry ___A_____ be in Beijing because I saw her in town just a few minutes ago.

A. can’t

B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t

D. may not

2. I haven’t got much money on me, but I gave them ___A_____ I had.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. those

3. It seldom rains heavily in our region nowadays, ___A_____ ?

A. does it

B. isn’t

C. doesn’t it

D. will it

4. ___B______ or not, you are going to face him one day.

A. If you like it

B. Whether you like it

C. However you like it.

D. Whether do you like it

5. Even Charles, __D___,couldn’t move the piano a bit.

A. as he is strong

B. strong as is he

C. as strong he is

D. strong as he is

6. Shanghai has a larger population than ___A_____ in China.

A. any other city

B. all the cities

C. every city

D. any cities

7. ____B_____ that the early men feared it and worshipped it.

A. So great the power of fire was

B. So great was the power of fire

C. So great the power was of fire

D. So was the power of fire great

8. The way she talks is simply intolerable. He objects __C_______ like a child.

A. to be treated

B. to treat

C. to being treated

D. to treating

9. The hopes, goals, fears and desires _D_______ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

A. alter

B. shift

C. transfer

D. vary

10. Some diseases are __D_______ by certain water animals.

A. transplanted

B. transformed

C. transported

D. transmitted

11. It is our _________ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

A. consistent

B. continuous

C. considerate

D. continual

12. In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.

A. swallow

B. dispose

C. consume

D. exhaust

13. The manager lost his _________ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

A. mood

B. temper

C. mind

D. passion

14. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ________ the new carpet.

A. crash

B. pollute

C. spot

D. stain

15. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ________

A. blank

B. hollow

C. vacant

D. bare

16. They are twins and look very ________ . It is not easy to tell one from the other.

A. same B; alike C. like D. likely

17. People living in that busy street complain of the traffic noises which ________ them at night.

A. disturb

B. prevent

C. annoy

D. interfere

18. I warned him time and again not to lounge about () all day long, but he took no _______ of it.

A. concern

B. notice

C. attention

D. regard

19. Without my glasses, I can’t hardly ________ what has been written in the letter.

A. make for

B. make out

C. make up

D. make over

20. He was born in Japan but was ________ in China by an old couple.

A. brought out

B. brought up

C. brought in

D. brought through


Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part I.

1. Although cities are often regarded as unhealthy places, city living provides benefits that country living may lack. 虽然城市常常被视为不健康的地方,但是城市生活提供了乡村生活所缺乏的好处。

2.In spite of the greatincrease of the oilprice,the reare still many people who buy cars.尽管石油的价格大幅度上涨,还是有很多人买车。

3.In order to make progressin their studies,students need to learn in dependently instead of relying on their teachers.要在学习上取得进步,学生需要具备独立学习的能力,而不是依赖老师。

4.The Arabs took the new numbers and made improvements that quickly led to advances in technology.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 25 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Competition and Co-operation”.. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. And you are required to write a composition of no less than 100 words on the Answer Sheet.

Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life today. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and we often compete for jobs, customers, money, and so on. To some extent, we can say, competition is an important motive force of the development of society.

We often find competition and co-operation occurring at the same time. For example, during a football game, one team is competing with the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most c ases, we can’t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

While advocating competition, we can’t forget co-operation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important, because most work is finished with and through other people. So we must combine competition with cooperation to reach our goal.



第三篇城乡空间规划 10.城市规划的类型与编制内容 11.城市用地分类及适用性评价 12.城乡区域规划 13.总体规划 14.控制性详细规划 10.1试比较2008年颁布的《城乡规划法》与1989年颁布的《城市规划法》的异同。 10.2试比较各层面规划类型在内容与深度上的不同。 10.3城市基本资料搜集。 11.1哪些要素决定了不同城市土地的价值级差?有学者认为,我国实施的土地拍卖制度提升了房产的价格,是否应该叫停土地拍卖? 1.土地级差—— 由于城市土地的自然性质或者在城市中的地理位置的差别,而又不同的价值,这被称为“价值级差”,影响城市土地价值的主要因素有:城市土地的区位,适用性,用地的基础设施建设等。 ①区位:一般指的土地在城市中的地理位置或者是土地所属的城市的基本状况, 如相同城市,市中心的地块通常比郊区价值高,大城市的地块一般比小城市价值高。 ②适用性:指的是土地的适用性评定结果,一般是一类用地的价值>二类用地的 价值>三类用地的价值。 ③用地的基础实施建设:用地的基础设施建设越完善的,一般其价值越高。 2.土地拍卖—— 土地拍卖的制度提升了地产的价格,地价上涨推动房价上涨,但是并不能因为这个原因就叫停土地拍卖,原因如下: ①从放假高涨的原因来说,土地拍卖出高价不是带来房产涨价的直接原因,因 为房价本身就是开发商自己根据市场制定的,无论土地是否高价拿来,开发商都可以定出高价来的,因此叫停土地拍卖,并没有找到其问题根源,更重要是的建立健全的土地财政政策,预防、限制土地拍卖过程中对于土地价格的提升给房价带来的影响。 ②土地拍卖的经济收入,是地方政府发展自身的重要经济来源,叫停土地拍卖, 会给地方政府发展带来巨大的压力。


城市规划原理作业: 百年规划与梦想——卡尔加里城市规划的启示 班级:城规0501 姓名:白一清 学号:050120110 指导老师:任云英黄嘉颖

百年规划与梦想——卡尔加里城市规划的启示 摘要: 近100年前,城市规划师托马斯.墨森(Thomas H.Mawson)为卡尔加里市做的城市总体规划,在100年后的今天,当卡尔加里早已从一个小镇一跃成为加拿大第五大城市时,整个城市却仍然保持有可持续发展的势头,这不得不归功于100年前所做的城市规划。我们在感叹城市规划师的远见卓识外,是否还有更多的成功经验可以借鉴与学习呢?分析卡尔加里城市规划成功的原因,我们可以看到规划师、政府、公众的参与和互动是整个城市规划工作的核心内容,而法律的保障则是坚强的后盾。 关键词: 卡尔加里百年规划托马斯.墨森 引言: 城市规划不是城市以巨大的费用推倒重建的过程,而是对现在和将来可能出现的机会的合理预测和规划。当时机成熟时,我们才有可能一点一滴地打造出一个理想的城市。 ——摘自《托马斯.墨森在卡尔加里的演讲》(1912年) 背景: 加拿大新兴的工业城市卡尔加里位于大艾伯塔省南部落基山脉东麓,是艾伯塔省经济、金融和文化的中心。卡尔加里一词的意思是“清澈流动的水”。这里早先是一个牧场,二十世纪发现了石油和天然气,经济得到迅速发展。人口从最初的4.4万发展成为96万,从占地 面积约10余平方公里的小镇发展 到724平方公里的现代化城市。凭 借着得天独厚的自然环境,辉煌蓬 勃的石油工业,排名居世界前十位 的人居生活环境,卡尔加里如今已 成为享誉世界的加拿大第五大城 市。而近年来仍以平均每年吸引 25000人口移居的速度不断扩张 着。难能可贵的是所有急速生长的 过程基本上保持了平稳、有序、按 部就班的可持续发展势头。 时间回到1912年的春天,英国城市规划师托马斯.默森受到加拿大卡尔加里市政府的邀请来到卡尔加里,为市议会及部分市民阐述他的规划思想。同年年底,他被雇用并随后完成了卡尔加里第一个城市总体规划:“卡尔加里市的过去、现在及未来——控制性初步规划”。后来称之为墨森规划(Mawson Plan)。当一个世纪后的今天查看卡尔加里城区用地规划图时,近百年前的默森规划的影子仍清晰可辨。今天卡尔加里的城市道路网、快速交通干线、公交系统、城市景观、河流保护、开敞绿地、公共基础设施、中心区控制性规划、城市天际线设计和城区


《大学英语3》第2阶段在线作业试卷要求: 答题要求: 每题只有一个正确的选项。 1(5.0分) _______ these honors he received a sum of money. ?A) Except ? ?B) But ? ?C) Besides ? ?D) Outside ?

解析: 无 2(5.0分) It’s time we _______ the lecture because everybody has arrive d. ?A) will start ? ?B) shall start ? ?C) start ? ?D) started ? 3(5.0分) His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.

a porter ? ?B) is a porter ? ?C) that of a porter ? ?D) as a porter ? 4(5.0分) _______ her and then try to copy what she does. ?A) Mind ? ?B) See ? ?C) Stare at

?D) Watch ? 5(5.0分) The girl is ______ of a film star. ?A) somebody ? ?B) something ? ?C) anybody ? ?D) anyone ?

6(5.0分) The atmosphere ______ certain gases mixed together in definit e proportions. ?A) composes of ? ?B) is made up ? ?C) consists of ? ?D) makes up of ? 7(5.0分)


北京师范大学网络教育 《大学英语精读三》作业答案 客观题部分: 选择题(每题1分,共20题) 参考答案: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. A 主观题部分: 翻译题(每题1分,共10题) 1. The park is located right in the center of town. 2. If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 3. That hairstyle is in fashion this year, but I am afraid it will be out of fashion next year. 4. She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in. 5. Never before have I met such a kind person. 6. The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it. 7. Social activities never get in the way of her studies. 8. He’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year. 9. In pursuit of a healthier diet, people are eating more fish than they used to. 10.The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk. 1


城市规划原理复习题及答案 第一章 一、单选题 1、早期城市形成的主要动因是(C )。 A.由于人类劳动的大分工B.农业和牧业为标志的第一次人类大分工C.商业和手工业从农牧业中的分离D.商业和手工业的聚集 2、人类社会第二次劳动大分工的标志是(B )。 A.手工业与农业的分工B.商业、手工业与农牧业的分工 C.农业与畜牧业的分工 D.手工业与畜牧业的分工 3、城市与农村社会的区别主要是( D )的不同。 A.人口规模B.空间规模C.居住形式D.产业结构 4、一般把( A )作为工业革命开始的标志。 A.发明蒸汽机B.汽车的出现 C.空想社会主义开始 D.机器制造业、冶金业和交通运输业的发展 5、在中国城市化的道路上被称为"温州模式" 的城市化,也可称为( A )。A.市场推动型B.地方推动型C.辐射扩散型D.外资促进型 6、以下四项中,( D )项不是城市化。 A.一个城市生活方式的发展过程B.第二、第三产业向城市的集中过程C.人口向城市集中的结果 D.城市人口增多导致城市空间规模增大的过程7、城市化过程的三个阶段即初期阶段、中期阶段、后期阶段,对应的城市化水平分别为(B )。 A.20%;35%;50% B.30%;30%~70%;70%一90% C.25%;40%;60% D.40%;40%~80%;80%~95% 8、(B)是一个国家城市化进程中至关重要的激发因素,是城市化的根本动力。 A.第一产业B.第二产业C.第三产业D.第四产业 9、通常我们把(B )称为第一次产业革命,把(B )称为第二次产业革命。A.畜牧业的产生与发展;农业的产生与发展B.农业的产生与发展;近代工业的产生与发展 C.近代工业的产生与发展;信息工业的产生与发展D.信息工业的产生与发展;智力教育业的产生与发展 第二章 一、单选题 1、古希腊是欧洲文明的发祥地,在公元前5世纪,当时的主要建筑,如广场和公共建筑体现了( B ) A.帝王宣扬功绩的思想B.民主和平等的城邦精神 C.欧洲教会势力的强大 D.帝王贪图享受的思想 2、以霍华德提出的"田园城市"为标志的现代城市规划出现了比较完整的理论体系和实践框架,反映他这一思想的是(C)。 ①奠基于社会改革的理想,直接从空想社会主义出发而建构其体系 ②规划体系更多地体现出人文的关怀和对社会经济的关注


1.第1题单选题 —Thanks for your help. —____________ A、My pleasure. B、Never mind. C、Quite right. D、D on’t thank me. 标准答案:A 2.第2题单选题 —paul, ____________? —oh, that’s my father! and beside him, my mother. A、what is the person over there B、who’s talking over there C、what are they doing D、which is that 标准答案:B 3.第3题单选题 —Who’s that speaking? —This is Tom ____________ A、speaks B、spoken C、speaking D、saying 标准答案:C 4.第4题单选题

—It’s rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?—____________ A、Yes, please. B、No, go ahead. C、Sure, please. D、I don’t like it. 标准答案:B 5.第5题单选题 —Excuse me, how much is the jacket? —It’s 499 Yuan. ____________. A、Oh, no. That’s OK! B、How do you like it? C、Which do you prefer? D、Would you like to try it on? 标准答案:D 6.第6题单选题Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses ______. A、in between B、far apart C、among them D、from each other 标准答案:A 7.第7题单选题When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother ______ dinner in the kitchen. A、cooked



1.第1题 — These are the pictures we took during this trip. — _________ ! A.Oh, what beautiful pictures they are B.Oh, how beautiful pictures they are C.Oh, what beautiful pictures are they D.Oh, how beautiful pictures are they 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 2.第2题 — I wonder if I could take a few days off work. — ________ . A.I’m sure you could leave off work B.I should say a few days is no problem C.Why, what’s the matter with you D.No, you mustn’t go away 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 3.第3题 The teacher had no idea ________ these two students argued about. A.who B.what C.that D.why 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.5 此题得分:2.5 4.第4题 ;;Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ________ .</font></span></p> ;;</span></font></font></span></p> ;</p> A.a low too temperature B.a too low temperature C.too low temperature D.too low a temperature 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.5


城市规划原理作业: 从城市文化的角度看城市规划理论的发展 ——对城市规划理论及其发展的基本认识 班级:城规0501 姓名:白一清 学号:050120110 指导老师:任云英黄嘉颖

从城市文化的角度看城市规划理论的发展 ——对城市规划理论及其发展的基本认识 摘要: 城市规划为城市的发展描绘出宏伟的蓝图,城市文化如同一条暗线,引导着城市的发展。从古希腊向往自由与美好的社区生活到文艺复兴时期人们对理想城市的追求,城市规划一步步向前发展无不渗透着文化这一精神力量的推动与沉淀。工业革命带来的大规模城市化给城市以前所未有的冲击,于是人们开始从不同的角度去探索城市的发展之路。从“乌托邦”到“田园城市”再到1933年《雅典宪章》的发表,1977年《马丘比丘宪章》真正的将“文化”提上了议程,经过《北京宪章》的发展,城市的精神文化始终贯穿于整个城市规划发展的全过程,而城市规划本身也向着以人为本,可持续的道路前进。 关键词: 城市规划城市文化功能城市文化城市 引言: 千百年来,人类一直在追求着城市的理想模式。两千多年前的哲人亚里士多德就曾说过:“人们为了活着而聚集到城市,为了生活得更美好而留居于城市。”正是这个被西方视为最为古老的城市定义,揭示了城市最基本的内涵,也体现出城市的终极目标。 1.人类的童年——自由美好的社区 古希腊是西方古典文化的先驱和欧洲文明的摇篮。柏拉图(Plato)的《理想国》是西方世界诞生的第一个乌托邦。他希望通过提倡一系列公共美德建立起社会正义和公正。古希腊 人对城市的定义是:城市是一个为着自由美好的生活而保 持较小规模的社区,社区的规模和范围应当使其中的居民 既有节制,又能自由地享受轻松的生活。古希腊早期诸多 城市的突出特征是符合人的尺度以及自然环境的协调。城 市并不追求平面视图上的规整对称,而是顺应和利用各种 复杂地形,构成生动活泼的城市景观。城市中大量公共活 动场所的设立,促进了市民平等、自由和荣誉意识的增长。 在这一时期人们所注重的是文化精神的发扬。雅典卫城公元前5世纪,希波达姆斯所作的米利都城规划,首次采用正交的街道系统,形成十字网格,建筑物布置在网格内,这种城市建设系统被公认是西方城市规划设计理论的起点。这种几何化、程序化的规划方法,虽然确立了一种新的城 市秩序和城市理想,却由于过于严谨而显得呆板,甚至为 了构图的形式美而不顾自然地形的多样化。 2.强大的帝国——彰显永恒的秩序 古罗马时代是西方奴隶制发展的最高阶段。那时候已 有了正式的城市布局规划,它具有四个要素:选址、分区 规划布局、街道和建筑的方位定向和神学思想。美国著名 城市史专家芒福德曾指出,“罗马人从希腊城镇学到了基 于实践基础的美学形式而且对米利都城规划形式中的各 项重要内容——形式上封闭的广场,广场四周连续的建筑,宽敞的大街,两侧成排的建筑物,


《大学英语3》2020年秋季学期在线作业(三) 一、单选题 1.______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony. A.Before B.At C.In D.Between 正确答案:A 2.Please help yourself to the seafood. _______ A.No, I cant. B.Sorry, I cant help. C.Well, seafood dont suit for. D.Thanks, but I dont like the seafood. 正确答案:D 3.How do you do __________ A.Fine, thank you. B.How do you do C.Not too bad. D.Very well. 正确答案:B 4.Jane likes singing. We often hear her _______after class. A.sing B.to sing C.sings D.sang 正确答案:A 5.Its reported that a new hospital _____________here next year. A.would be set up B.was going to set up C.will be set up D.is going to set up 正确答案:C 6.Hello, Im Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ____________. A.call my Charles B.call me at Charles C.call me Charles D.call Charles me 正确答案:C 7.Australia is one of the few countries ____ people drive on the left of the road. A.which B.that C.where


大学英语精读三作业三参考答案 注意:以下题目为样卷,实际考试中题目顺序可能会随电脑抽样有所调整,请 注意看清题目再做选择。 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 1.What would you like to drink? 答案:orange juice, please 2.I'm engaged. - _______ on your engagement. 答案:Congratulations 3. I'd like to make a reservation for two days. My name is Li Ming. - _______ 答案:Single or double room? 4. Hello, may I speak to John? -__________ 答案:Just a second, please. 5.Thank you for your invitation. - ________. 答案:It's a pleasure Passage 1 No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon(外科医生) and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have operation felt all its pain. Long ago, operation had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best for him. He could feel all the pain if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched. Soon after 1770, Joseph Priestley discovered a gas which is now called "laughing gas".


城市规划原理经典课 后练习

原理课后练习 一、单选题: 1、下列不属于城市与乡村的基本区别表现的是()。 a.集聚规模的差异 b.生产效率的差异c.生态环境差异d.生产力结构的差异 标准答案:c 解析:P4 本题考查的知识点是城市与乡村的基本区别。 2、城市没有起到经济中心的作用,城市内手工业和商业不占主导地位,而主要是政治、军事或宗教中心,这个时期称为()。a.农业社会的城市b.工业社会的城市c.商业社会的城市d.后工业社会的城市 标准答案:a 解析:p9 本题考查的知识点是城市发展阶段的特点。 3、城市逐渐成为人类社会的主要空间与经济发展的主要空间载体,这个时期称为()。 a.农业社会的城市b.工业社会的城市c.商业社会的城市d.后工业社会的城市 标准答案:b 解析:p9 本题考查的知识点是城市发展阶段的特点。

1、阶段:城市发展大致上可以分为农业社会的城市、工业社会的城市和后工业社会的城市。 2、差异: 阶段差异 农业社会的城市城市没有起到经济中心的作用,城市内手工业和商业不占主导地位,而主要是政治、军事或宗教中心 工业社会的城市工业革命从根本上改变了人类社会与经济发展的状态,工业化带来生产力的空前提高及生产技术的巨大变革,导致了原有城市空间与职能的巨大重组,而且促进了大量新兴工业城市的形成,城市逐渐成为人类社会的主要空间与经济发展的主要空间载体。同时,工业文明也造成了环境污染、能源短缺、交通拥塞、生态失衡等城市问题。 后工业社会的城市后工业社会的生产力以科技为主体、以高技术(如信息网络、快速交通等)为生产与生活的支撑,文化趋于多元化。 4、下列不属于城市空间环境演进的基本规律的是()。 a.从封闭的单中心到开放的多中心空间环境b.从纵向空间环见到横向空间环境 c.从平面空间环见到立体空间环境d.从生产型城市空间到生活性城市空间 标准答案:b


城市规划原理第四版书后习题解答 第一章 1.城市由哪些基本要素构成? 产业构成、人口数量、职能。(当然,还有一些非基本要素:市政和公共设施、人造和自然景观、建筑数量等) 2.工业前城市与工业城市各自的特征是什么? 工业前城市: 1城市规模小2依赖风力和水力天然能源 3以马车为主要交通工具 工业城市: 1 城市圈层式向外扩张 2 出现城市仓储用地 3 出现商务贸易活动区 4 火车、轮船成为城市对外运输的主要工具,汽车成为城市运输的主要工具 5 城市类型增加 3.中国城市化面临的主要挑战是什么?依你的推测,2030年中国城市化的水平将达到多少? 1 城市化进程分为三个阶段:起步、加速和稳定三个阶段,我国正处于加速发展阶段。 2 中国幅员辽阔,不同地区经济社会发展和和环境条件存在巨大差异,以统一的标准衡量中国城镇化发展,并以此制定政策,不能满足需求。 3 城镇化是一种现象,不是人类社会的发展目标,实现城市及区域的永续和谐发展是重点。 60%以上,官方预测为70%(8月27日发布的《2013中国人类发展报告》预测,到2030年,中国将新增3.1亿城市居民,城镇化水平将达到70%。届时,中国城市人口总数将超过10亿。),进入城市化的稳定阶段。 4.城市化有哪些基本规律?城市化发展与全球气候变化有哪些关系? 1城市人口占总人口的比重不断上升。 2 产业结构由第一产业向第二三产业转变 3农业人口剩余推动城市化发展。 1 城市用地增加,农业用地、森林、湿地等非城市用地减少。 2 城市化耗费大量煤、石油等非天然能源,造成环境污染。 3 城市化同时促进科技发展,产生电池、塑料、建筑垃圾等人造污染物。 第二章 1.中国古代的城市格局反映了哪些重要的城市规划思想?


一、阅读理解(共10题,每题2分,共20分) 请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。每个小题只有一个最佳选项。 1). Breastfeeding (母乳喂养) for a month or longer appears to reduce a woman's risk of getting diabetes (糖病) later in life, according to a new study. The breastfeeding and diabetes link has been reported in other studies, according to researcher Eleanor Schwarz. Yet, her study makes the link easier to believe. Her study is published in a journal of medicine in America. Schwarz and her colleagues looked at data about breastfeeding practices. They evaluated data on 2,233 women from California. Of those, 405 were not mothers, 1,125 were mothers who breastfed for at least a month, and 703 were mothers who had never breastfed. They were 40 to 78 years old. According to Schwarz's study, the risk of getting a diagnosis (诊断) of Type 2 diabetes for women who breastfed all their children for a month or longer was similar to that of women who had not given birth. But mothers who had never breastfed were nearly twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who had never given birth. Mothers who never breastfed were about 1.4 times as likely to develop diabetes as women who breastfed for one to three months, Schwarz found. While one month of breastfeeding appears to make a difference, Schwarz says, even longer is better. “Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body.” Many experts recommend breastfeeding for six months and continuing for a year, she says. The diabetes-breastfeeding link is probably explained by belly fat. Mothers, who don't breastfeed, as they get older, may have more belly fat, as breastfeeding helps new mothers take off weight. “Belly fat increases the risk of diabetes as you get older,” she says. The finding isn't surprising at all, says Kimberly Gregory. She often gives advice to women who get diabetes (occurring during pregnancy (怀孕)) that they are at risk for later getting Type 2 diabetes and suggests they breastfeed. The new findings will probably inspire Gregory to add to the-advice she gives moms-to-be about the benefits of breastfeeding. She often focuses on the benefits to the baby. 1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. About two thousand and two hundred old women took part in the study.

北邮网校大学英语精读2 第三次阶段作业

一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分) 1. Sixty-year-old grandmother, Fiona McFee, is going to stop working next year and she decided to realize a childhood dream and sail around the coast of Scotland in a small boat. Although the inside of the boat is very cosy, it has no running water or electricity. Fiona says she can live without these things but she plans to take her small CD player, her hot water bottle and a bag of books to make sure life isn’t too uncomfortable. 2. We asked her if she was afraid of being at sea for so long. She said, “Well, I’m going to take a good compass (指南针). Anyway I’m not afraid of death because I love the sea---I just hope it loves me.”Fiona certainly has plenty of energy; in her spare time, she enjoys playing the piano, rock-climbing, canoeing and dancing. Although she is sixty, she doesn’t want to have a quiet and peaceful life. “I’m looking forward to having fun in the rest of my life and that’s exactly why I’d like to be a sailor for a while.” 1. The underlined word cosy in the first paragraph means ____ . A. bright B. dirty C. comfortable D. dark 2. When Fiona McFee said “---I just hope it loves me”, what she meant was ____. A. Of course, it loves me, since I love it. B. If I love it, it should love me. C. I hope it will bring me a safe sailing as a return for my love of it. D. I hope it will save my life when I am in time of danger. 3. The reason why she would like to have the sail is that ____. A. she thinks it will be very exciting B. she likes sports and enjoys canoeing C. she has decided to love the sea D. she wants to be still active when she gets old 4. What kind of person would you say the old woman is? A. Someone who does not show what she is feeling. B. Someone who is very proud and sure of her success. C. Someone who doesn’t use her head much. D. Someone who is open, honest and brave. 5. The best title for this passage is ____ . A. Life Begins at Sixty B. A Round Coast Sail C. An Old Woman Sailor D. An Unusual Hobby(爱好)


《大学英语(三)》在线作业题库 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. – Ami, I want this report typed today. – ( ). A. It'll be ready in the afternoon, sir B. I'd like you to help me C. I know nothing about the report D. Leave it to tomorrow 正确答案:A 2. He( )himself quickly to the new condition of his work. A. changed B. altered C. adjusted D. varied 正确答案:C 3. We( )the bathroom and plan( )the bedroom this year. A. painted…to paint B. is painting… painting C. paint… to paint D. have painted…to paint 正确答案:D 4. I don't think this kind of medicine has any( ). A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work 正确答案:C 5. We consider( )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. A. that it necessary B. it necessary that C. necessary that D. necessary of it that 正确答案:B 6. – I wonder if you could help me. – ( ). A. I could B. Yes, I do C. No, not at all D. Of course 正确答案:D 7. Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment, ( )he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation. A. so B. therefore


奥鹏-东北师范大学英语精读(三)18秋在线作业1-2 作业试题参考答案 一、单选题共20题,60分 1、Without a wholehearted () to a keen forward-looking vision and deep insight, you cannot be a leader. Adetermination Bresolution Ccommitment Dobligation 【答案】本题选择:C 2、If you don’t have enoug h cash, I think you can make arrangement to buy the house Aon deposit Bwithout deposit Cin credit Don credit 【答案】本题选择:D 3、The manager has to be () because he could not keep his promise Areplaced Bpasted Cfrightened Dpatched 【答案】本题选择:A 4、Generous public funding of basic science would () considerable benefits for the country’s health, wealth and security Alead to Bresult from Clie in Dsettle down 【答案】本题选择:A 5、It is () that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work. Aabrupt Babsurd Cadverse Daddictive 【答案】本题选择:B 6、Simple survival needs like hunger, thirst, and sexual desire are relatively (), and we quickly learn what particular discomfort is attached to the denial of these basic needs. Ainventory Bsacrifice Cdripping Dclear-cut 【答案】本题选择:D 7、We value reputation, respect, admiration, and the long-lasting happiness that comes


第一章 1.城市由哪些基本要素构成? 产业构成、人口数量、职能。(当然,还有一些非基本要素:市政和公共设施、人造和自然景观、建筑数量等) 2.工业前城市与工业城市各自的特征是什么? 工业前城市: 1城市规模小2依赖风力和水力天然能源 3以马车为主要交通工具 工业城市: 1 城市圈层式向外扩张 2 出现城市仓储用地 3 出现商务贸易活动区 4 火车、轮船成为城市对外运输的主要工具,汽车成为城市运输的主要工具 5 城市类型增加 3.中国城市化面临的主要挑战是什么?依你的推测,2030年中国城市化的水平将达到多少? 1 城市化进程分为三个阶段:起步、加速和稳定三个阶段,我国正处于加速发展阶段。 2 中国幅员辽阔,不同地区经济社会发展和和环境条件存在巨大差异,以统一的标准衡量中国城镇化发展,并以此制定政策,不能满足需求。 3 城镇化是一种现象,不是人类社会的发展目标,实现城市及区域的永续和谐发展是重点。 60%以上,官方预测为70%(8月27日发布的《2013中国人类发展报告》预测,到2030年,中国将新增3.1亿城市居民,城镇化水平将达到70%。届时,中国城市人口总数将超过10亿。),进入城市化的稳定阶段。 4.城市化有哪些基本规律?城市化发展与全球气候变化有哪些关系? 1城市人口占总人口的比重不断上升。 2 产业结构由第一产业向第二三产业转变 3农业人口剩余推动城市化发展。 1 城市用地增加,农业用地、森林、湿地等非城市用地减少。 2 城市化耗费大量煤、石油等非天然能源,造成环境污染。 3 城市化同时促进科技发展,产生电池、塑料、建筑垃圾等人造污染物。 第二章 1.中国古代的城市格局反映了哪些重要的城市规划思想?
