

外文题目:Principles of Economics: an introductory volume

出处: Rod Hay's Archive for the History of Economic Thought McMaster University Canada

作者: Alfred Marshall


The general argument of the present Book shows that an increase in the aggregate volume of production of anything will generally increase the size, and therefore the internal economies possessed by such a representative firm; that it will always increase the external economies to which the firm has access; and thus will enable it to manufacture at a less proportionate cost of labour and sacrifice than before.

In other words, we say broadly that while the part which nature plays in production shows a tendency to diminishing return, the part which man plays shows a tendency to increasing return. The law of increasing return may be worded thus: —An increase of labour and capital leads generally to improved organization, which increases the efficiency of the work of labour and capital.

Therefore in those industries which are not engaged in raising raw produce an increase of labour and capital generally gives a return increased more than in proportion; and further this improved organization tends to diminish or even override any increased resistance which nature may offer to raising increased amounts of raw produce. If the actions of the laws of increasing and diminishing return are balanced we have the law of constant return, and an increased produce is obtained by labour and sacrifice increased just in proportion.

For the two tendencies towards increasing and diminishing return press constantly against one another. In the production of wheat and wool, for instance, the latter tendency has almost exclusive sway in an old country, which cannot import freely. In turning the wheat into flour, or the wool into blankets, an increase in the aggregate volume of production brings some new economies, but not many; for the trades of grinding wheat and making blankets are already on so great a scale that any new economies that they may attain are more likely to be the result of new inventions

than of improved organization. In a country however in which the blanket trade is but slightly developed, these latter may be important; and then it may happen that an increase in the aggregate production of blankets diminishes the proportionate difficulty of manufacturing by just as much as it increases that of raising the raw material. In that case the actions of the laws of diminishing and of increasing return would just neutralize one another; and blankets would conform to the law of constant return. But in most of the more delicate branches of manufacturing, where the cost of raw material counts for little, and in most of the modern transport industries the law of increasing return acts almost unopposed.

Increasing Return is a relation between a quantity of effort and sacrifice on the one hand, and a quantity of product on the other. The quantities cannot be taken out exactly, because changing methods of production call for machinery, and for unskilled and skilled labour of new kinds and in new proportions. But, taking a broad view, we may perhaps say vaguely that the output of a certain amount of labour and capital in an industry has increased by perhaps a quarter or a third in the last twenty years. To measure outlay and output in terms of money is a tempting, but a dangerous resource: for a comparison of money outlay with money returns is apt to slide into an estimate of the rate of profit on capital.

We may now sum up provisionally the relations of industrial expansion to social wellbeing. A rapid growth of population has often been accompanied by unhealthy and enervating habits of life in overcrowded towns. And sometimes it has started badly, outrunning the material resources of the people, causing them with imperfect appliances to make excessive demands on the soil; and so to call forth the stern action of the law of diminishing return as regards raw produce, without having the power of minimizing its effects. Having thus begun with poverty, an increase in numbers may go on to its too frequent consequences in that weakness of character which unfits a people for developing a highly organized industry.

These are serious perils: but yet it remains true that the collective efficiency of a people with a given average of individual strength and energy may increase more than in proportion to their numbers. If they can for a time escape from the pressure of the law of diminishing return by importing food and other raw produce on easy terms; if

their wealth is not consumed in great wars, and increases at least as fast as their numbers; and if they avoid habits of life that would enfeeble them; then every increase in their numbers is likely for the time to be accompanied by a more than proportionate increase in their power of obtaining material goods. For it enables them to secure the many various economies of specialized skill and specialized machinery, of localized industries and production on a large scale: it enables them to have increased facilities of communication of all kinds; while the very closeness of their neighbourhood diminishes the expense of time and effort involved in every sort of traffic between them, and gives them new opportunities of getting social enjoyments and the comforts and luxuries of culture in every form. No doubt deduction must be made for the growing difficulty of finding solitude and quiet and even fresh air: but there is in most cases some balance of good.

Taking account of the fact that an increasing density of population generally brings with it access to new social enjoyments we may give a rather broader scope to this statement and say: —An increase of population accompanied by an equal increase in the material sources of enjoyment and aids to production is likely to lead to a more than proportionate increase in the aggregate income of enjoyment of all kinds; provided firstly, an adequate supply of raw produce can be obtained without great difficulty, and secondly there is no such overcrowding as causes physical and moral vigour to be impaired by the want of fresh air and light and of healthy and joyous recreation for the young.

The accumulated wealth of civilized countries is at present growing faster than the population: and though it may be true that the wealth per head would increase somewhat faster if the population did not increase quite so fast; yet as a matter of fact an increase of population is likely to continue to be accompanied by a more than proportionate increase of the material aids to production: and in England at the present time, with easy access to abundant foreign supplies of raw material, an increase of population is accompanied by a more than proportionate increase of the means of satisfying human wants other than the need for light, fresh air, etc. Much of this increase is however attributable not to the increase of industrial efficiency but to the increase of wealth by which it is accompanied: and therefore it does not

necessarily benefit those who have no share in that wealth. And further, England's foreign supplies of raw produce may at any time be checked by changes in the trade regulations of other countries, and may be almost cut off by a great war while the naval and military expenditure which would be necessary to make the country fairly secure against this last risk, would appreciably diminish the benefits that she derives from the action of the law of increasing return.

In spite of the aid which subsidiary industries can give to small manufactures, where many in the same branch of trade are collected in one neighbourhood, they are still placed under a great disadvantage by the growing variety and expensiveness of machinery. For in a large establishment there are often many expensive machines each made specially for one small use. Each of them requires space in a good light, and thus stands for something considerable in the rent and general expenses of the factory; and independently of interest and the expense of keeping it in repair, a heavy allowance must be made for depreciation in consequence of its being probably improved upon before long. A small manufacturer must therefore have many things done by hand or by imperfect machinery, though he knows how to have them done better and cheaper by special machinery, if only he could find constant employment for it.

But next, a small manufacturer may not always be acquainted with the best machinery for his purpose. It is true that if the industry in which he is engaged has been long established on a large scale, his machinery will be well up to the mark, provided he can afford to buy the best in the market. In agriculture and the cotton industries, for instance, improvements in machinery are devised almost exclusively by machine makers; and they are accessible to all, at any rate on the payment of a royalty for patent right. But this is not the case in industries that are as yet in an early stage of development or are rapidly changing their form; such as the chemical industries, the watchmaking industry and some branches of the jute and silk manufactures; and in a host of trades that are constantly springing up to supply some new want or to work up some new material.

In all such trades new machinery and new processes are for the greater part devised by manufacturers for their own use. Each new departure is an experiment

which may fail; those which succeed must pay for themselves and for the failure of others; and though a small manufacturer may think he sees his way to an improvement, he must reckon on having to work it out tentatively, at considerable risk and expense and with much interruption to his other work: and even if he should be able to perfect it, he is not likely to be able to make the most of it.

A large business buys in great quantities and therefore cheaply; it pays low freights and saves on carriage in many ways, particularly if it has a railway siding. It often sells in large quantities, and thus saves itself trouble; and yet at the same time it gets a good price, because it offers conveniences to the customer by having a large stock from which he can select and at once fill up a varied order; while its reputation gives him confidence. It can spend large sums on advertising by commercial travellers and in other ways; its agents give it trustworthy information on trade and personal matters in distant places, and its own goods advertise one another.

The economies of highly organized buying and selling are among the chief causes of the present tendency towards the fusion of many businesses in the same industry or trade into single huge aggregates; and also of trading federations of various kinds, including German cartels and centralized co-operative associations. They have also always promoted the concentration of business risks in the hands of large capitalists who put out the work to be done by smaller men.

Next, with regard to the economy of skill. Everything that has been said with regard to the advantages which a large establishment has in being able to afford highly specialized machinery applies equally with regard to highly specialized skill. It can contrive to keep each of its employees constantly engaged in the most difficult work of which he is capable, and yet so to narrow the range of his work that he can attain that facility and excellence which come from long-continued practice. But enough has already been said on the advantage of division of labour: and we may pass to an important though indirect advantage which a manufacturer derives from having a great many men in his employment.








中英文资料外文翻译 财务风险重要性分析 译文: 摘要:本文探讨了美国大型非金融企业从1964年至2008年股票价格风险的决定小性因素。我们通过相关结构以及简化模型,研究诸如债务总额,债务期限,现金持有量,及股利政策等公司财务特征,我们发现,股票价格风险主要通过经营和资产特点,如企业年龄,规模,有形资产,经营性现金流及其波动的水平来体现。与此相反,隐含的财务风险普遍偏低,且比产权比率稳定。在过去30年,我们对财务风险采取的措施有所减少,反而对股票波动(如独特性风险)采取的措施逐渐增加。因此,股票价格风险的记载趋势比公司的资产风险趋势更具代表性。综合二者,结果表明,典型的美国公司谨慎管理的财政政策大大降低了财务风险。因此,现在看来微不足道的剩余财务风险相对底层的非金融公司为一典型的经济风险。 关键词:资本结构;财务风险;风险管理;企业融资 1 绪论 2008年的金融危机对金融杠杆的作用产生重大影响。毫无疑问,向金融机构的巨额举债和内部融资均有风险。事实上,有证据表明,全球主要银行精心策划的杠杆(如通过抵押贷款和担保债务)和所谓的“影子银行系统”可能是最近的经济和金融混乱的根本原因。财务杠杆在非金融企业的作用不太明显。迄今为止,尽管资本市场已困在危机中,美国非金融部门的问题相比金融业的困境来说显得微不足道。例如,非金融企业破产机遇仅限于自20世纪30年代大萧条以来的最大经济衰退。事实上,非金融公司申请破产的事件大都发生在美国各行业(如汽车制造业,报纸,房地产)所面临的基本经济压力即金融危机之前。这令人惊讶的事实引出了一个问题“非金融公司的财务风险是如何重要?”。这个问题的核心是关于公司的总风险以及公司风险组成部分的各决定因素的不确定性。 最近在资产定价和企业融资再度引发的两个学术研究中分析了股票价格风险利


Master's thesis, University of London Information technology and accounting management with the use is the relevant value of information analysis and use, and various factors of production based on the value creation of corporate accounting and management contributions to the study of accounting will be the main content. No use of information technology, there is any enterprise information and accounting information to promote the implementation of value chain management will lose technical support, there is no theory of innovation value chain management, accounting, and information technology development, there is no power. In this paper, the meaning of information to start, leads to the meaning of accounting information, accounting information describes the development process, the second part of the analysis of the status quo of accounting information, analysis of its use in the problems, the third part of the proposed accounting information on the implementation of the strategic analysis. Keywords: accounting, information technology strategy I. Introduction (A) Background The development of accounting information in China has gone through more than 20 years, accounting information theory and practical application of talent, the accounting information system software has gradually matured, and, and the production, supply and marketing, human resources management, cost control and other aspects of the formation of an integrated management information system software. But the company found accounting information in the status of the development of enterprises is extremely uneven, a lot of strength and standardized management of large enterprises have been using the integrated accounting information system "ERP" is the management software, and the introduction of new ideas with the value of the supply chain management chain management system, and also the majority of the total business is still in the initial stage of the use of computerized accounting, or even manually. Enterprise management is still in the coexistence of traditional and modern, our corporate accounting information so early, the senior co-existence of the phenomenon will not surprise. Accounting information must be improved to facilitate the management of change. The essence of the value chain to value chain to implement the core business processes node changes, if companies choose the value chain as the core business process change, business management will enable a major step forward, it promotes corporate accounting development of information technology. (B) Significance


会计稳健性的第一篇:解释和意义 瓦茨,会计新视野,2006年 内容提要:本文是会计稳健性两篇文章中的第一篇。第一篇对稳健性进行了解释以及探讨了稳健性对会计监督的影响。第二篇总结了稳健性的实验证据及对稳健性的解释,并提出未来研究方向。文章证明了稳健性的存在,对不同程度下的稳健性进行了不同的解释。 会计稳健性的定义是指要求对收益与损失的不对称确认,其极端形式下传统的稳健性定义为“不预期收益,但预期所有的损失”。尽管有人指责会计稳健性,但是稳健性已经存在了几个世纪,并在近30年中有所加强。 支持稳健性的一种理论解释是:契约理论、股东诉讼理论、税收理论和会计管制理论。在文章的第二篇中用证据表明契约和股东诉讼是最重要的因素,证据表明税收和会计管制相对比较弱,盈余管理也可能产生稳健性,但这不能成为主要的因素。 对稳健性的解释和证明对会计管理机制有着重要的影响。财务会计委员会曾试图禁止会计稳健性,以实现“信息中立”而忽略稳健性长期存在的原因,这种意图可能会失败并产生意想不到的后果。消除会计稳健性将会改变会计管理行为,并且会增大经济上的费用。同样的,研究人员和监管机构考虑把未来现金流量列入财务报表,其产生的成本会对会计管理行为存在影响。 本文是会计稳健性性研究的第一篇,研究的目的主要是: 1、对会计稳健性的解释 2、对财务法规和准则的设置 文章的第二篇的研究目的是: 1、总结稳健性存在的证据 2、对证据进行评估去辨别不同稳健性的解释 3、对证据进行评估去辨别稳健性与非稳健性 对会计稳健性解释的讨论是大多是基于利用现有的文献。然而,本文是立足于契约观,包括了债务合同的约束的解释(Watts 1993),以及与其使用的其他合同,如管理薪酬契约也会产生影响。本文也提供了新的论点,即使不考虑契约,一旦信息成本变化后管理层的行为也会产生会计稳健性的现象进行了介绍。


财务风险管理 尽管近年来金融风险大大增加,但风险和风险管理不是当代的主要问题。全球市场越来越多的问题是,风险可能来自几千英里以外的与这些事件无关的国外市场。意味着需要的信息可以在瞬间得到,而其后的市场反应,很快就发生了。经济气候和市场可能会快速影响外汇汇率变化、利率及大宗商品价格,交易对手会迅速成为一个问题。因此,重要的一点是要确保金融风险是可以被识别并且管理得当的。准备是风险管理工作的一个关键组成部分。 什么是风险? 风险给机会提供了基础。风险和暴露的条款让它们在含义上有了细微的差别。风险是指有损失的可能性,而暴露是可能的损失,尽管他们通常可以互换。风险起因是由于暴露。金融市场的暴露影响大多数机构,包括直接或间接的影响。当一个组织的金融市场暴露,有损失的可能性,但也是一个获利或利润的机会。金融市场的暴露可以提供战略性或竞争性的利益。 风险损失的可能性事件来自如市场价格的变化。事件发生的可能性很小,但这可能导致损失率很高,特别麻烦,因为他们往往比预想的要严重得多。换句话说,可能就是变异的风险回报。由于它并不总是可能的,或者能满意地把风险消除,在决定如何管理它中了解它是很重要的一步。识别暴露和风险形式的基础需要相应的财务风险管理策略。 财务风险是如何产生的呢? 无数金融性质的交易包括销售和采购,投资和贷款,以及其他各种业务活动,产生了财务风险。它可以出现在合法的交易中,新项目中,兼并和收购中,债务融资中,能源部分的成本中,或通过管理的活动,利益相关者,竞争者,外国政府,或天气出现。当金融的价格变化很大,它可以增加成本,降低财政收入,或影响其他有不利影响的盈利能力的组织。金融波动可能使人们难以规划和预算商品和服务的价格,并分配资金。 有三种金融风险的主要来源: 1、金融风险起因于组织所暴露出来的市场价格的变化,如利率、汇率、和大宗商品价格。 2、引起金融风险的行为有与其他组织的交易如供应商、客户,和对方在金融衍生产品中的交易。 3、由于内部行动或失败的组织,特别是人、过程和系统所造成的金融风险。 什么是财务风险管理? 财务风险管理是用来处理金融市场中不确定的事情的。它涉及到一个组织所面临的评估和组织的发展战略、内部管理的优先事项和当政策一致时的财务风险。企业积极应对金融风险可以使企业成为一个具有竞争优势的组织。它还确保管理,业务人员,利益相关者,董事会董事在对风险的关键问题达成协议。金融风险管理组织就必须作出那些不被接受的有关风险的决定。那些被动不采取行动的战略是在默认情况下接受所有的风险,组织使用各种策略和产品来管理金融风险。重要的是要了解这些产品和战略方面,通过工作来减少该组织内的风险承受能力和目标范围内的风险。 风险管理的策略往往涉及衍生工具。在金融机构和有组织的交易所,衍生物广泛地进行


会计信息质量在投资中的决策作用对私人信息和监测的影响 安妮比蒂,美国俄亥俄州立大学 瓦特史考特廖,多伦多大学 约瑟夫韦伯,美国麻省理工学院 1简介 管理者与外部资本的供应商信息是不对称的在这种情况下企业是如何影响金融资本 的投资的呢?越来越多的证据表明,会计质量越好,越可以减少信息的不对称和对融资成本的约束。与此相一致的可能性是,减少了具有更高敏感性的会计质量的公司的投资对内部产生的现金流量。威尔第和希拉里发现,对企业投资和与投资相关的会计质量容易不足,是容易引发过度投资的原因。 当投资效率低下时,会计的质量重要性可以减轻外部资本的影响,供应商有可能获得私人信息或可直接监测管理人员。通过访问个人信息与控制管理行为,外部资本的供应商可以直接影响企业的投资,降低了会计质量的重要性。符合这个想法的还有比德尔和希拉里的比较会计对不同国家的投资质量效益的影响。他们发现,会计品质的影响在于美国投资效益,而不是在日本。他们认为,一个可能的解释是不同的是债务和股权的美国版本的资本结构混合了SUS的日本企业。 我们研究如何通过会计质量灵敏度的重要性来延长不同资金来源对企业的投资现金 流量的不同影响。直接测试如何影响不同的融资来源会计,通过最近获得了债务融资的公司来投资敏感性现金流的质量的效果,债务融资的比较说明了对那些不能够通过他们的能力获得融资的没有影响。为了缓解这一问题,我们限制我们的样本公司有所有最近获得的债务融资和利用访问的差异信息和监测通过公共私人债务获得连续贷款的建议。我们承认,投资内部现金流敏感性可能较低获得债务融资的可能性。然而,这种可能性偏见拒绝了我们的假设。 具体来说,我们确定的数据样本证券公司有1163个采样公司(议会),通过发行资本公共债务或银团债务。我们限制我们的样本公司最近获得的债务融资持有该公司不断融资与借款。然而,在样本最近获得的债务融资的公司,也有可能是信号,在资本提供进入私人信息差异和约束他们放在管理中的行为。相关理论意味着减少公共债务持有人获取私人信息,因而减少借款有效的监测。在这些参数的基础上,我们预测,会计质量应该有一



原文题目:《评述教育会计专业》作者:迈克尔卡夫金原文出处:School of Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia 会计教育会计教育。一般来说,从业者似乎已不愿想改变 - 要离开自己的舒适区 - 慢,并已承认在与伦理,环境恶化,全球化相关的地区更广泛的社会问题所提出的问题,增加业务的复杂性和其他一些因素我写我的一些挫折(卡夫金,1981 年)和左新西兰追求我在澳大利亚的学习和职业生涯。我后来成为澳大利亚的主要会计机构教育委员会主席。在这种角色我曾与新西兰身体的教育委员会的领导组织,并得到非常积极的态度,他们与澳大利亚的机构都对促进更“圆”大学会计教育方案(其中大部分出自从业者,学者的鼓励!)。最近在新西兰旅行,我一直很失望,观察什么似乎是一个这样做的目的完全逆转; 重点放在,由新西兰的专业团体,纯粹的技术能力,他们迫使大学遵守这一点 - 复仇的bean 柜台?什么也令人失望对我来说是由学术带头人的决心明显缺乏,使专业团体的“决定”什么通行证作为会计教育法规,如会计死记硬背。我观察到有什

么事我当作一个高级学者讨好自己的专业机构,而不是促进学科发展,将在二十一世纪更广泛的社会需要的知识要点。因此,我的评论是针对试图界定什么是专业会计师 - 毫无疑问,很多人可能不同意。我的目的是展示合作的重要性,而不是怀疑和无知的需要和应具有什么样的会计专业的各个部分努力。我并不想冒犯各位同事,而是试图提供一个什么样的我的看法是会计面临的问题和强调纪律,前进的方向,通过所有这些谁认为,在解决方案协助资讯科技合作是批判极大的社会问题。从业人员有一个会计的执业类别广泛的业余爱好,所以任何评论,我所做的非常广泛的推广。传统上,从业者已被注册会计师,会计师或公共部门私营会计师,但随着业务的日益复杂和商业机构在最近的时代,这些分类的界线变得越来越模糊。即使是会计师有与大,往往跨国公司,会计师事务所有关人士,并在小企业非常不同的具体利益与每个人 - 财务顾问,财务报表编制,税务顾问或核数师。然而,有票面21,2 172 学术的角度来看,一般来说,从业者似乎是什么学术可疑。显然不是所有从业者觉得这种方式,有的已经布满学术界


会计欺诈外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 会计欺诈和机构投资者 查得·R·拉森介绍美国资本市场依赖财务报告系统来帮助有效分配资本。最近的财务报告过程中故障在许多高调公司新的人员的监管机构,会计欺诈和市场参与者的兴趣。两个重要的经验规律的文献记录极端操纵收益的决定因素和后果。首先,股票市场反应的启示会计处理显著负面。估计下降公告后的市场价值会计操作范围从20 - 40%( Palm rose、理查德森和 2003李,和马丁2007)。第二,会计操作是可预测的。文献会计操作的文档可以预测的措施准确的质量、会计性能、非金融变量声明和股市变量(如,Beneish 1999;Dechow,通用电气,拉尔森和斯隆2007)。虽然会计操作导致重大投资损失和与公司相关的特点和性能,几乎没有证据表明存在成熟的投资者是否能够避免损失与会计欺诈。 机构投资者已成为市场的重要力量在过去的几十年。上世纪八十年代初到九十年代末,机构投资者所有权翻倍,股市50%以上(龚帕斯和Metric时,2001)。机构投资者在美国市场存在的上

升有意义的促使文献调查他们是否执行是有利可图的交易。文献的结果是喜忧参半。几项研究文档积极变化之间的相互关系,这些机构投资者的资产和未来的收益和回报,这表明机构通知交易员(如,柯和2005;阿里列弗,确认我也承认泰德?克里斯坦森的指导,没有它我就不会了博士学位的挑战。最后,我感谢我的家人的支持。没有这篇论文的完成并不意味着几乎一样多。 介绍美国资本市场依赖财务报告系统来帮助有效分配资本。最近的财务报告过程中故障在许多高调公司新的人员监管机构,会计欺诈和市场参与者的兴趣。两个重要的经验规律的文献记录极端操纵收益的决定因素和后果。首先,股票市场反应的启示,会计处理显著负面。估计下降公告后的市场价值会计操作范围从20 - 40%(Palm rose、理查德森和朔尔茨2003;Karpo_,李,和马丁2007)。第二,会计操作是可预测的。文献会计操作的文档可以预测的措施,合格的质量、会计性能、非金融变量声明和股市变量(如,Beneish 1999;Dechow,通用电气,拉尔森和斯隆2007)。虽然会计操作导致重大投资损失和与公司相关的特点和性能,几乎没有证据表明存在成熟的投资者是否能够避免损失与会计欺诈。 机构投资者已成为市场的重要力量在过去的几十年。从八十年代初到九十年代末,机构投资者所有权翻倍,股市50%以上(。机构投资者在美国市场存在的上升促使文献调查他们是否执行有利可图的交易。文献的结果是喜忧参半。几项研究文档积极变化之间的相互关系,这些机构投资者的资产和未来的收益和回报,这表明机构通知交易员(如。、柯和Ramalingegowda 2005;柯和Petron 2004;阿里Dutch列弗,Trembles 2004)。另一方面,一些文献表明,知情交易可能更有限,发现性能优越的共同基金很少持续(Carat 1997;布朗一个曼1995年)和交易考虑通知可能只是动量交易的结果(Bushee和古德曼,2007)。会计欺诈和大市场的可预测性与会计欺诈相关的损失表明,它是一个理想的设定检查成熟的机构投资者。如果机构投资者拥有优越的信息和复杂的会计信息的使用者对会计欺诈,他们应该在欺诈上市公司公开披露前欺诈。我的主要研究问题是机构投资者预期会计欺诈的启示和剥离的股票欺诈公司公开披露之前骗子。作为一个次要的研究问题,我检查是否机构作为有效的公司监控预防欺诈。我使用的会计、审计和执行版本(AAER)涉及欺诈和会计操作作为一个代理第一新闻文章Factiva提及会计违规的公众披露欺诈。我检查机构交易模式在322年企业,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)中标识执行行动从1982年到2005年有操纵会计收益。我的分析是在两个阶段进行。第一阶段是本文分析聚合机构公司级和欺诈检查他们的交易行为。第二阶段是一个阶段分析,利用机构投资者之间的异构性,欺诈行为检查他们的交易行为。公司的分析,我遵循Bushee(2001)组织机构分为三类根据自己的投资风格:瞬态和专用。多元化的投资组合和较低的投资组合营业额机构的特点。多样化的投资组合,投资组合交易描述瞬态高机构,和高度集中的投资组合和较低的投资组合营业额专门机构的特点。符合文学之前,我希望发现瞬态机构最有可能发起有利交易欺诈启示的预期和机构不大可能发起有利益可得交易欺诈的预期启示我没有强烈的专门机构研究预测通常找到贸易基于即将到来的未来事件。然而,欺诈是一个独特的设置可能导致专门机构剥离他们的位置。如果专门机构投资公司基于他们的信心的和意愿完整性管理、检测欺诈行为会引起专门机构剥离他们的股份。此外,由于专门机构的特点是高度的投资组合,他们可能会有更大比例的投资组合风险欺诈是否


Under the financial crisis to rebuilding accounting occupation ethics question research literature review 徐珊珊 The financial crisis has become an indisputable fact, accounting occupation morals got be pounded badly, be placed in jeopardy of accounting integrity. The accounting personnel in the country, social interests and the interests of individual units, conflicts of interest, not the interests of the temptation of forgery, alteration in accounting information or collusion, lost the basic concept of legal system, in order to meet their own selfish desires and make the non moral behavior, these are serious impact on accounting occupation and the accounting information reliability. Therefore we must strengthen the accounting occupation morals construction, establish and perfect the accounting, auditing and relevant law laws and regulations, strengthen the audit organization and the supervision of public opinion, to strengthen the accountant occupation morals education and continuing education. The financial crisis, it is to point to a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators, sharp, and ultra-short-cycle deterioration. The accounting occupation morals is the accounting occupation activities that should be followed, reflect accountant occupation characteristics of occupation code of conduct and norms. The financial crisis as catalyst, which have been faced with the serious challenge of accounting occupation morals bottom line faced collapse, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in China faces sharp decline in the volume of trade and capital shortage of the double pressure, serious influence to the environment for the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The outbreak of the financial crisis that causes, causes the enterprise market risks increase, contradiction of supply and demand increasingly outstanding, market atrophy caused by poor liquidity, appeared the phenomenon of serious run


成本核算过程中的问题及策略 1.成本核算过程中存在的问题 1.1成本核算不精确 成本核算就是把产品的成本数据提供给企业的决策层,让决策层根据现实的真实情况进行分析定位,假设成本核算出现了较严重的错误,可想而知,将对企业未来的收益会产生致命的打击。但是,现实情况是,一些企业在进行成本核算很模糊,在没有保证企业的预期收益时就对产品进行了不合理的市场定价。 2.企业对成本核算没有足够的重视 成本核算对企业经营利润有着重要影响。在企业的正常经营情况下,企业的财务对成本核算出现错误的概率越小,对企业利润核算越精确。但是,企业要进行成本核算的工作量大、流程复杂;技术性较强,要求也比较苛刻;所以,企业财务人员在进行成本核算的过程中,牵涉的人比较多,这些诸多因素都使成本核算成为一项不太简单的实践操作工作。在企业的成本核算中,很多企业的财务人员对企业的成本核算不太重视,在核算过程中,出现了微小的误差,觉得没有太大的关系,造成企业利润核算的不正确。 1.3没有采用适合企业自身发展的成本核算方法 在市场经济条件下,每个企业都有每个企业独特的特点,应该针对各个企业的生产经营特点,选择合适的成本核算方法。但是,现阶段,一部分企业在明确成本核算对象之后没有选择一个科学的、切合企业实际的成本核算方法对企业成本进行科学核算。这种现象在中小型企业尤其普遍。 2.加强企业成本核算管理途径 2.1提高企业管理者的成本管理意识 在现代的经济形势下,只有企业的领导者和全体员工对成本控制有了足够的重视,才可以使成本核算的工作在企业顺利全面展开。但是在当今知识经济时代,企业财务管理者没有意识到成本核算和控制在企业经济管理中的重要性,只进行简单的算账、报账,对支出的成本详细计算,对自身成本不进行认真核算;只重视产品售后的核算,不重视产品售出和售出中的控制;只依靠会计人员的数据报表,不关注市场的发展动态;那么只会导致他们对成本核算方法改进的忽视,让企业的成本核算管理工作越来越差。因此,要提高企业全体人员的成本意识,改


附录2:外文翻译 Robust Analysis of Feature Spaces: Color Image Segmentation Abstract A general technique for the recovery of significant image features is presented. The technique is based on the mean shift algorithm, a simple nonparametric procedure for estimating density gradients. Drawbacks of the current methods (including robust clustering) are avoided. Feature space of any nature can be processed, and as an example, color image segmentation is discussed. The segmentation is completely autonomous, only its class is chosen by the user. Thus, the same program can produce a high quality edge image, or provide, by extracting all the significant colors, a preprocessor for content-based query systems. A 512 512 color image is analyzed in less than 10 seconds on a standard workstation. Gray level images are handled as color images having only the lightness coordinate. Keywords: robust pattern analysis, low-level vision, content-based indexing


中英文翻译 战略财务会计在中小企业 摘要:随着社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,中国的企业在一个充满机会和危险的阶段。介绍了安全会计的含义和意义战略财务会计中存在的问题,阐述了财务策略进行小中型企业一起,最后提出了一些对策和原因。 关键词:中小企业的战略财务会计、问题、对策 一个企业的不确定性的金融环境其财务活动充满风险。除了机会,有许多的危险从时间,以时间,其财务会计。因此,它已经成为了成功的关键一个企业的财务会计是否能跟踪的趋势变化什么是有用的吸收。应当拒绝接受什么是有害的。战略会计思想是非常重要的在企业的财务会计,因为我们必须努力去分析和把握一般环境和发展一个企业的发展趋势,从而提高适应能力、可变性和适用性的金融中心会计不确定环境。目前,中小企业在100年通过了工商登记、以企业总数的90%。因此,其战略财务会计是特别重要的,这也是本论文的主题。 1 简介 战略性的财务会计是财务会计理论,根据该融资应该的在最适当的方式进行,采集到的资本必须利用和会计的最有效的方式虽然企业和决策和利润分配应该最合理。根据其内涵,总结三个主要内容的战略财务会计,包括融资策略,投资战略和利润分配决策策略。详情如下: 融资策略 高度发达的现代企业具有的销售急剧增长。当面对这样一种局势,企业倾向于有很大的要求从股票和应收账款是资本的提升。更大的为销售增长的张力,但更大的资本要求。因此,在融资策略都具有十分重要的意义战略会计财务。融资策略的

功能在于明确的指导方针融资、铺设融资目标下,建立整体规模、融资渠道和方法,安排战略资本结构优化方案,从各方面对此作了相应的对策,以达到融资目标,最后预测和收集的大量资金的企业的需要。 投资策略 为核心的战略财务会计,这种策略决定一个企业只能分配它的首都资源合理而有效的方法。投资策略包括确认投资固定资产的方向、公司规模和资本规模、投资选择相关的外部扩张或内部扩张,改革旧的产品或开发新的、独立或联合操作,自有资金投资决定或贷款之间的百分比固定资产、流动资产、投资策略和风险和那些在通货膨胀。 利润分配决策策略 这个策略,包括会计资本收益和设立股份奖金分配制度,主要的交易一个企业比例,搁在长期底图在扩大规模、提高员工福利和自身的生活水平。利润分配决策战略旨在满足需求,对于资产资本的发展和改进企业的核心竞争力根据相关的投资策略和融资策略。与此同时,在实行这个策略,企业建立以人为本预计分配政策的有效方法,积极探索运用那些重要的要素,如知识、技术、专利、会计利润分配决策课程。 2 我国中小企业战略财务会计的问题 目前,一些常见的问题包括: 2.1 缺乏科学规范的财务策略 不少企业在追求只有一个大的规模,或购买大量的土地而忽略资产结构配置,或没有合理安排其资本。他们没有财务策略,不要去提到实施。至于其他的影响,分析了其战略财务会计是很大的影响由于他们的科学和不规则的策略,并具有以下特点:第一,他们的战略企业财务目标的总体离开他们的财务策略;第二,被认为相当于金融计划,因此忽视的综合性金融策略;第三,金融方案不是根据他们的企业的长期目标,因此有很大的随机性。 2.2 忽视战略环境分析,并有不合理的战略性的财务目标 战略环境分析既是财务策略的基础和保障实施。它包括内部和外部环境分析与前者的存在内部基础和实施依据建立的财务策略。目前,很多中小企业没有实现战略环境的重要性,建立和推行的金融战略和因此未能有适当的分析,特别是其战略


Evolution and Thinking of the Accounting Supervision Mode of China’s State-owned Enterprises Guo Yaxiong School of Accountancy, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, P.R.C, 330013 4. COUNTERMEASURES 4.1. IMPLEMENT MODE COMBINATION MANAGEMENT Accounting supervision modes of state-owned enterprises are various. Full implementation of these modes would be a waste of resources, increase the difficulty of accounting management. It’s necessary to targeted select two or more accounting supervision modes to implement accounting supervision according to operation characteristics of the supervised state-owned enterprises. The author believes that, generally, the internal audit system is a conventional system. If you want to select systems among the assigned accountant system, assignment board of supervisors system and outside director system, the number of systems chosen is better no more than two. At the same time, it’s no need to implement assigning accountants system and dispatching board of supervisors system in the same enterprise, and it’s inappropriate to promote outside director system in a large scale. 4.2. Improve the efficiency of accounting supervision. Asymmetric information theory suggests that private information possessed by agents is unobservable, hidden action is unverifiable, thus the biggest problem brought is the opportunistic behavior. Therefore, it’s not necessary to emphasize the diversified forms of accounting supervision of state-owned enterprises, but necessary to emphasize the actual results, the efficiency of the accounting supervision, and limit opportunistic behavior of agents. Firstly, the appointment and assignment personnel should quickly master financial information of the enterprise such as financial results, operating results and cash flow, and be familiar with production and business activities of the enterprise. Secondly, the responsibilities must be assigned to individuals, safeguard mechanisms for implementation should be established, and someone should be assigned to track, supervise, inspect and evaluate the implementation of the system .Thirdly, establish a national accounting supervision expert’s database of state-owned enterprises, strengthen job training, and build a professional team of high-level and rich experience in business management. Finally, the information acquired in implementation of a variety of accounting supervision modes should be shared. State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission should organize a variety of communication meetings, on-site meetings and seminars which can attract a lot of appointment and assignment personnel to participate in, to consult problems appearing in accounting supervision and communicate measures against the problems. 4.3. Make clear the limits of accounting supervision In the case of separation of ownership and management, insider control theory tells us


会计外文翻译 Master's thesis, University of London Information technology and accounting management with the use is the relevant value of information analysis and use, and various factors of production based on the value creation of corporate accounting and management contributions to the study of accounting will be the main content. No use of information technology, there is any enterprise information and accounting information to promote the implementation of value chain management will lose technical support, there is no theory of innovation value chain management, accounting, and information technology development, there is no power. In this paper, the meaning of information to start, leads to the meaning of accounting information, accounting information describes the development process, the second part of the analysis of the status quo of accounting information, analysis of its use in the problems, the third part of the proposed accounting information on the implementation of the strategic analysis. Keywords: accounting, information technology strategy
