


(2011-08-26 10:48:39)




















































Charlie Chaplin Speaking of Chaplin, everyone will think of such a image,wearing a black hat and In small suit and big trousers ,The most characteristic is his those long leather shoes and sexy moustaches . Chaplin mainly acting in silent films. He has a lot of comedy classic.The representative figure of has also become a world of comedy. Anyone who saw his comedy, no one said that his performance is not funny. His performance on the stage give a person leave deep impression. We also have a lot of people imitate him later. Charlie Chaplin is famous all over the world, His most famous role was that of The Tramp, which he first played in the Keystone comedy Kid Auto Races at Venice in 1914. From the April 1914 one-reeler Twenty Minutes of Love onwards he was writing and directing most of his films, by 1916 he was also producing, and from 1918 composing the music. Let's miss the great comedian. 学号:201407519 姓名:杨文科

Introduction of Chaplin卓别林生平介绍英文版

Introduction of Chaplin's life In 1889, Chaplin was born in a slum area of London, his parents were music hall actors. His father had died, his mother suffers from mental illness, childhood he was homeless, He lived in the orphanage, he was to be groom and hawker. At the age of 14, Chaplin joined the mobile group, throughout the UK. At the age of 19, he became a famous actor, and with the mission to Europe, the United States and other performances. In 1913 he went to the United States, began working in the movie business, and in 1914 in the film "Venice racing down "created a tragedy "Charlotte" little people, and the special attire tramp image around the world for 70 years, enduring. Throughout his life Chaplin starred in more than 80 films, some of his representative works, such as "peace", "dog career", "the kid", "gold rush", "city lights", "modern times", "big brother" and other works, These works sympathy for the poor and ridicule the rich . His works unique style, comedy is very popular, but also makes people happy after the bitter, have sympathy for the oppressed people. Chaplin has lived in the United States for nearly 40 years, after the Second World War, due to McCarthyism's in US. In 1952 he was filled with resentment, leaving the United States returned to England with his wife and son. After then, he settled in Switzerland. a long time. December 25, 1977 morning 4 when, Charlie Chaplin humor master world famous died, at the age of 88. One of his representative works "The Great Dictator" is Chaplin's most successful film, but also his first sound film. This is the anti war theme movie he directed, shot during the Second World War, describes a suffered cruel persecution of Jews, and a rule the world dictator. Chaplin


Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth, London, England Died25 December 1977 (aged 88) Vevey,Switzerland Occupation Actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter, composer, mime Years active1895–1976 Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth, London, England Died25 December 1977 (aged 88) Vevey,Switzerland Occupation Actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter, composer, mime Years active1895–1976 Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth, London, England Died25 December 1977 (aged 88) Vevey,Switzerland Occupation Actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter, composer, mime Years active1895–1976 Early life in London(1889-1909) Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889, in East Street, Walworth, London, England. His parents were both entertainers in the music hall tradition. His father was a vocalist and an actor and his mother was a singer and an actress who went by the stage name Lilly Harley.They separated before Charlie was three. He learned singing from his parents. Chaplin's father was an alcoholic and had little contact with his son. First years in the United States (1910–1916) Chaplin first toured the United States with the Fred Karno troupe(卡尔诺哑剧剧团)from 1910 to 1912. After five months back in England, he returned to the U.S. for a second tour. In late 1913, Chaplin‘s act with the Karno Troupe was seen by Mack Sennett, Mabel Normand, Minta Durfee, and Fatty Arbuckle. Sennett hired him for his studio, the Keystone Film Company .


Charlie Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in London. His father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well. His mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice. While they were by no means rich, the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living. Unfortunately happy life didn't last long. Father's alcoholism was slowly, but surely destroying his marriage. Finally it ended in divorce, but Hannah was indomitable. Without her, Charlie Chaplin would have become just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London. Somehow she not only managed to keep Charlie and his brother Syney clean and warm, clothed and fed but she conjured[3] little treats for them. She would sit at the window watching the passersby and guess at their characters from the way they looked and behaved, spinning tales to delight Charlie and Syney. Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life. Charlie's first silence film, released in February 1914, was called "Making a living". First voice movie is (1940). Charlie's famous films: Chaplin's robust health began to slowly fail in the late 1960s, after the completion of his final film A Countess from Hong Kong, and more rapidly after he received his Academy Award in 1972. By 1977, he had difficulty communicating, and was using a wheelchair. Chaplin died in his sleep in Vevey, Switzerland on 25 December 1977. Charlie Chaplin was survived by his wife, nine children and 24 grandchildren. Chaplin was interred in Corsier-Sur-Vevey Cemetery, Switzerland. On 1 March 1978, his corpse was stolen by a small group of Swiss mechanics in an attempt to extort money from his family. The plot failed; the robbers were captured, and the corpse was recovered eleven weeks later near Lake Geneva. His body was reburied under 6 feet (1.8 m) of concrete to prevent further attempts. Spouse Mildred Harris (m. 1918–1921) 1 child Lita Grey (m. 1924–1927) 2 children Paulette Goddard (m. 1936–1942) Oona O'Neill (m. 1943–1977) 8 children


生平简介 卓别林于1889年4月16日生于伦敦,1977年12月25日卒于瑞士沃韦河畔科西部。1913年,卓别林随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国巡回演出,被启斯东电影公司制片人兼导演塞纳特看中。1913年末,卓别林与启斯东公司签了为期一年的合同,从此开始了漫长的电影生涯。每周拍摄一部只有一本的喜剧片。1914年2月28日,头戴圆顶礼帽、足登大皮靴、手持条竹手杖、走路像鸭子的小流浪汉夏尔洛的形象首次在启斯东喜剧片《阵雨之间》中出现,成为独树一帜的卓别林喜剧电影的主要形象。从1919年开始独立制片,他一生共拍摄了80余部喜剧片,其中重要的有《淘金记》(1925年)、《城市之光》(1931年)、《摩登时代》(1936年)、《大独裁者》(1940年)、《凡尔杜先生》(1947年)、《舞台生涯》(1952年)等。这些影片标志着卓别林从一个普通的人道主义者到一位伟大的批判现实主义电影大师和坚强的反法西斯战士的成长过程。1972年,卓别林接受美国电影艺术与科学学院因他“在本世纪为电影艺术所作的不可估量的贡献”而授予他的艺术成就奖。1975年,英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予他爵士封号。 历史业绩 最初卓别林是在塞纳特手下拍摄一些“启斯东喜剧”,在这些实践中他迅速的熟悉了喜剧的拍摄方法,对电影表演、剪辑和结构了如指掌。在早期影片里就已经出现了经典的流浪汉造型:过分小的背心和过分肥大的裤子,大皮靴、‘八字步、圆顶礼帽和一根手杖,卓别林不断改进他的流浪汉的形象和内在品质,成为一个标志性的人物。在熟悉了喜剧的拍摄方法以后,卓别林立即超越了塞纳特银幕世界的简单和愚蠢,试图围绕着更为严肃的社会主题来构成他的影片,例如对温暖舒适的期望、对爱情和温情的渴求,或个人品格与社会习俗之问的冲突。当然在启斯东,卓别林一直都是一个粗鲁、勇敢、兴高采烈的流浪汉形象,但他的内在气质已经使他脱颖而出。 一年以后卓别林转到爱赛耐公司,拍摄了15部短片。这段时间卓别林人气直升,甚至超过了格里菲斯,他在新的工作环境里也有更好的条件在影片中表现自己的主题和风格。这段时间里卓别林拍摄了他第一部代表性的作品《流浪汉》,在影片中卓别林扮演一个自然之子,他见义勇为,保护一个漂亮的姑娘,但最后仍然不能得到美人的芳心。这以后卓别林一直延续了他的这种人物命运:一个永远不被社会承认、不能取得成功的小人物。从此,卓别林的影片一直都坚持严肃的主题和卓越的喜剧相结合。在《移民》中,卓别林以滑稽的方式重述了移民到美国的难题。《安乐街》是这批影片中最尖锐最成熟的,是他对社会现实和人的天性的理想主义的陈词滥调的讽刺性揭露。在这部影片中,卓别林以滑稽的方式表明,生活中的具体问题,例如贫困、饥饿、暴力、吸毒等,不是一句理想主义的空话可以解决的,人的生存才是最根本的问题。1922年,卓别林为了摆脱好莱坞电影商人的制约,更充分地展现自己的艺术风格,成立了自己的制片公司——查尔斯·卓别林制片公司,他后期的几乎所有的长片都是在这里生产的,代表了他的电影生涯的最高成就。这些长片包括:《巴黎一妇人》(1923年)、《淘金记》(1925年)、《大马戏团》(1928年)、《城市之光》(1931年)、《摩登时代》(1936年)、《大独裁者》(1940年)、《凡尔杜先生》(1947年)和《舞台生涯》(1952年)。1957年,卓别林在英国拍摄了《一个国王在纽约》,1967年,年近80岁的卓别林在英国拍摄了他的最后一部影片《香港女伯爵》。 其中,1925年摄制的《淘金记》是卓别林最成功的影片。这是一部具有隐喻意义的经典作品,是卓别林在无声电影时代摄制的众多杰作中最完美的一部。 对于广大的电影观众来说,卓别林就是喜剧的代名词,是让他们大笑也让他们唏嘘的神人,


喜剧大师查理·卓别林和他的电影 在电影史上靠拍悲剧成为大师的人数不胜数,但靠喜剧片成为大师的人却是少之又少,这足以证明喜剧是一门多么难的艺术,喜剧要让人发笑的同时还要给人强烈的震撼,这比悲剧要难上一百倍。但卓别林做到了,百年来只此一人。脚登大皮鞋、手拿细手杖,迈着企鹅步的流浪汉形象,给一代又一代的观众带来了无尽的欢笑。这欢笑背后隐藏着人生的孤独与凄凉。这套DVD收录了卓别林10部长片,加上两张短片集锦,代表了卓别林一生最主要的成就,最令人高兴的是,其中最重要的电影如《城市之光》、《淘金记》、《摩登时代》等都是数码修复版,画质比原来清晰了不少,作为收藏是上佳的选择。 头戴一顶大礼帽,脚登一双尖头鞋,鼻子下留着一撮乌黑的小胡子,紧绷的上衣与肥大的裤子别扭地穿在身上,手里舞着一只手仗,鸭子般地出现银幕上——这就是卓别林为我们创造的绅士流浪汉形象。查理·卓别林是好莱坞默片时代的巨星,他和他所创造的夏尔洛形象一起被人们永远铭记。无论是流浪汉夏尔洛的善良、风趣、不幸,还是大独裁者的刚愎自用、自高自大,这些都成了世界电影史上的经典造型。 卓别林1889年4月16日生于英国伦敦,父亲和母亲都游艺场的歌唱演员。1岁时父母分居,幼年卓别林便随母亲四处周游,并登台表演。5岁时,因母亲嗓子沙哑,结束了演出生涯,卓别林遂独自登台从艺。6岁时父亲去世,母亲病倒,卓别林与同母异父的哥哥流浪街头卖艺、乞讨,一度被送进孤儿院。后来两兄弟在游艺场和巡回剧团里演唱、跳舞和干各种杂活。 1913年,卓别林随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国巡回演出,被一位电影公司的制片人兼导演看中,签订了为期1年、周薪150美元的合同,从此,卓别林开始了他漫长的电影生涯。 1914年1月,卓别林拍摄了第1部影片《谋生》。同年2月18日,流浪汉夏尔洛的形象首次在喜剧电影《阵雨之间》里出现,这一形象后来就成为卓别林电影的主要银幕造型。1年后,卓别林在美国成了被人们广泛热爱的演员。 1915年,卓别林的《流浪汉》等影片获得了巨大成功,卓别林也身价倍增。当他转投其他电影公司时,年薪已高达67万美元。


Charlie Chaplin was an English comic actor and filmmaker who is considered one of the most crucial figures of the film industry. He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between. I think it is extremely for him to work as an actor and filmmaker. Firstly, he has incomparable acting talent and varied body language. His parents were both poor music hall performers. Having been influenced by his parents, Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. When he was only 11 years old, he starred in a comedy and drew applause by his subtle acting. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humor, became one of the most popular child actors in England. Secondly, he is minded and has desire of expression. He continued to criticize social reality and preserve the interest of those who at the lowest rung of the social ladder. For example, he obviously criticized capitalist by a story of a worker Charlie in his master work Modern Time. In addition, he delivered a good deal of speeches in public to counteract Nazi’s rule and maintain world’s peace. Lastly, Charlie was good at dealing with each details in the film. In the film called Gold Rush , Charlie acts as a gold digger. He is hungry that he try boiling a pair of leather shoes for dinner, Charlie cuts off the leather top of the shoes as if it were the finest steak. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted. The outstanding ability make him became one of the famous actor and filmmaker. The other person I will introduce is my mother. She used to be a math teacher, while she is a civil servant now. I don’t think the job as a civil servant suits her. Firstly, she is a person who thinks rationally. She was majored in Math in the university. The daily work of a civil servant which is similar to an office clerk, like writing a report or an speech is hard for her. She is usually nervous about writing. Secondly, she isn’t a sociable person. The People who work as a civil servant should handle the relationships with leaders and colleagues. But teachers just need to teach students responsibly. Although, the job as a civil servant doesn’t suit my mom, she has to adapt because of the cushy work. I think finding an appropriate job is more important, but different people have different pursuits. All are decided by you.


电影摩登时代简介 电影摩登时代基本信息 《摩登时代》(Modern Times),是查理卓别林(Charles Chaplin)导演并主演的一部经典喜剧电影,于1936年上映。 本片故事发生在美国20世纪30年代经济萧条时期,工人查理(卓别林饰)在工厂干活、发疯、进入精神病院,这一切都是与当时的经济危机给人们带来的生存危机有着密切的联系。而在艰难的生活中,查理和孤女相濡以沫,场面温馨感人焕发着人性的光辉。 这部《摩登时代》被认为是美国电影史上最伟大的电影之一,也是查理卓别林最著名的作品之一。 电影摩登时代剧情简介 影片的故事发生在20世纪30年代的美国,时值美国经济大萧条的高峰期,社会中的每一个人都在自己的生活中苦苦挣扎。查理是一个普通的工人,生活在社会的最底层。每天的生活就是日复一日发疯般地工作,以期能够获得填饱肚子的可怜工资。虽然生活昏暗无比,但查理还是努力地奋斗着。不过面对时代的萧条大潮,查理依然无法保证自己的生活,那怕是最低的要求。 而此时工厂的管理层们开始疯狂地压榨员工,昏天黑地的工作使人们开始麻木。查理自然也成为了其中的一员,他成天挣扎在生产流水线上的,由于他的任务是扭紧六角螺帽,结果最后在他的眼睛里唯一能看到的的东西就是一个个转瞬即过的六角螺帽。结果在查理的生活中一切六角形的东西都遭了殃,因为只要看见六角形的东西查理就会情不自禁地去扭。大街上一位裙子上带有六角形纽扣的女人就惨遭查理的毒手。但工厂老板可不会停手,他甚至认为工人吃饭的时间都过长,于是美其名曰为了提高工人的工作效率,又引进了全新的吃饭机。这种吃饭机可以在最短的时间内喂工人吃完饭,这样自然而然就可以省下大量的

查理 卓别林

3 Chaplin arrived in Los Angeles, home of the Keystone studio, in early December 1913.[68] His boss was Mack Sennett, who initially expressed concern that the 24-year-old looked too young. Chaplin reassured him, "I can make up as old as you like."[69] He was not used in a picture until late January, during which time the comedian attempted to learn the processes of filmmaking.[70] Making a Living marked his film debut, released 2 February 1914. Chaplin strongly disliked the picture, but one review picked him out as "a comedian of the first water."[71]For his second appearance in front of cameras, Chaplin selected the costume with which he became identified. He described the process in his autobiography: 5 Modern Times was announced by Chaplin as "a satire on certain phases of our industrial life."[208] Featuring the Tramp and Goddard as endurers of the Great Depression, it took ten and a half months to film.[209] Chaplin prepared to use spoken dialogue, but upon rehearsal changed his mind. Like its predecessor, Modern Times employed sound effects but almost no speaking.[210]Chaplin's performance of a gibberish song did, however, give the Tramp a voice for the only time on film.[211]After recording the music, Chaplin released Modern Times in February 1936.[212]Charles J. Maland notes that it was his first feature in 15 years to adopt political references and social realism.[213]The film received considerable press coverage for this reason, although Chaplin tried to downplay the issue.[214] It earned less at the box office than his previous features and received mixed reviews; some viewers were displeased with Chaplin's politicising.[215] Today, the film is seen by the British Film Institute as one of Chaplin's "great features,"[193] while David Robinson says it shows the star at "his unrivalled peak as a creator of visual comedy."[216] 6 City Lights By the time The Circus was released, Hollywood had witnessed the introduction of sound films. Chaplin was cynical about this new medium and the technical shortcomings it presented, believing that "talkies" lacked the artistry of silent films.[181] He was also hesitant to change the formula that had brought him such success,[182] and feared that giving the Tramp a voice would limit his international appeal.[183] He therefore rejected the new Hollywood craze and proceeded to develop a silent film. Chaplin was nonetheless anxious about this decision, and would remain so throughout its production.[183] The movie in question was to become City Lights. When filming began at the end of 1928, Chaplin had been working on the story for almost a year.[184]City Lights followed the Tramp's love for a blind flower girl and his efforts to raise money for her sight-saving operation. It was a challenging production that lasted 21 months,[185]with Chaplin later confessing that he "had worked himself into a neurotic state


卓别林的时代背景,简介,后世对他的评价简介:查理?卓别林(Charlie Chaplin 1889.4.16—1977.12.25),英国电影演员、导演、制片人,无声电影时期最富创造力和影响力的喜剧大师。早在一次大战前,卓别林便以表演才华征服了世界影坛,正如萧伯纳所评价的,“卓别林是电影工业时代独一无二的天才”。从童年时踏上维多利亚舞台和英国音乐堂,直到88岁生命终结那一刻,卓别林的舞台生涯持续了75年光阴,他一生共拍摄了80余部喜剧片,代表作有《淘金记》、《城市之光》、《摩登时代》、《大独裁者》、《凡尔杜先生》、《舞台生涯》等。这些影片反映了卓别林从一个普通的人道主义者到一位伟大的批判现实主义艺术大师的过程。卓别林以其精湛的表演艺术,对下层劳动者寄予深切同情,对资本主义社会的种种弊端进行辛辣的讽刺。同时,卓别林高调的公共形象与私人生活饱受谄媚与争议。50年代麦卡锡时期,卓别林因左翼倾向被迫移居欧洲。60年代晚期,卓别林完成最后一部影片《香港女伯爵》,健康状况逐渐下降。1972年,卓别林获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。1977年的圣诞节,定居瑞士Vevey的卓别林在熟睡中悄然离世。 卓别林的时代背景:出生在伦敦,父母是游艺团的歌唱演员。幼年曾在街头流浪卖艺乞讨。五岁时第一次等台演出,八岁和哥哥加入了弗雷德.卡诺滑稽剧团。在美国的巡回表演期间,被制片人麦克.山内特相中,与吉斯通公司签约。那个穿着肥大裤子、大号鞋子、紧绷上衣,头戴圆顶礼帽的小胡子《流浪汉》面对生活中的任何不幸总能用最乐观积极的态度面对,这同时也是他的人生写照。《大独裁者》中勇敢地将矛头指向纳粹希特勒,体现了他的人道主义精神。 他的《马戏团》在第一届奥斯卡上赢得了“集编剧、表演、导演和制作于一身的多才多艺天才”特别大奖。

Charlie Chaplin

Biography of Chalie Chaplin Born on April 16, 1889, in London, England, Charlie Chaplin worked with a children's dance troupe before making a huge mark on the big screen. His character "The Tramp" relied on pantomime and quirky movements to become an iconic figure of the silent-film era. Chaplin went on to become a director, making films like City Lights and Modern Times, and co-founded the United Artists Corporation. He died in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland, on December 25, 1977. "I want to see the return of decency and kindness. I'm just a human being who wants to see this country a real democracy." – Charlie Chaplin "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot" - Charlie Chaplin Early Life Famous for his character "The Tramp," the sweet little man with a bowler hat, mustache and cane, Charlie Chaplin was an iconic figure of the silent-film era and one of film's first superstars, elevating the industry in a way few could have ever imagined. Born Charles Spencer Chaplin in London, England, on April 16, 1889, Charlie Chaplin's rise to fame is a true rags-to-riches story. His father, a notorious drinker, abandoned Chaplin, his mother and his older half-brother, Sydney, not long after Chaplin's birth. That left Chaplin and his brother in the hands of their mother, a vaudevillian and music hall singer who went by the stage name Lily Harley. Chaplin's mother, who would later suffer severe mental issues and have to be committed to an asylum, was able to support her family for a few years. But in a performance that would introduce her youngest boy to the world of performance, Hannah inexplicably lost her voice in the middle of a show, prompting the stage manager to push the five-year-old Chaplin, whom he'd heard sing, onto the stage to replace her. Chaplin lit up the audience, wowing them with his natural presence and comedic angle (at one point he imitated his mother's cracking voice). But the episode meant the end for Hannah. Her singing voice never returned and she eventually ran out of money. For a time, Charlie and Sydney had to make a new, temporary home for themselves in London's tough workhouses.


好莱坞位于美国西海岸加利福尼亚州洛杉矶郊外的好莱坞,这是一个依山傍水,景色宜人的地方。最早是由摄影师寻找外景地所发现的,大约在20世纪初,这里便吸引了许多拍摄者,而后是一些为了逃避专利公司控制的小公司和独立制片商们纷纷涌来,逐渐形成了一个电影中心。在第一次世界大战之前以及之后的一段时间内,格里菲斯和卓别林等一些电影大师们为美国赢得了世界名誉,华尔街的大财团插手电影业,好莱坞电影城迅速兴起,恰恰适应了美国在这一时期的经济飞速发展的需要,电影也进一步纳入经济机制,成为谋取利润的一部分。资本的雄厚,影片产量的增多,保证了美国电影市场在世界上的倾销,洛杉矶郊外的小村庄最终成为一个庞大的电影城,好莱坞也在无形中成为美国电影的代名词。 Hollywood is located in the outskirts of Los Angeles, California, United States West Coast, this is a yard, a scenic place. Was first found by photographers looking for a location to about the beginning of the 20th century, where they attracted a lot of photographers, and then coming in order to evade(逃避) the patent(专利)control of small companies and independent producers(独立制片商)who have gradually formed a film center. Within a period of time before and after the First World War, Griffith and Chaplin film masters for the United States won the World Emeritus(世界名誉), Wall Street's big financial groups to intervene(插手)in the film industry, the rapid rise of Hollywood City, precisely adapted the United States in this period of rapid economic development needs, movies and further into economic mechanism(机制)has become a part of making a profit. Strong capital increase in the production of film, to ensure that the dumping(倾销)of the American film market in the world, the small village eventually became a huge film city on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Hollywood also has virtually become(在无形中成为)synonymous(代名词)with the American movie. 1853年,当时的好莱坞只有一栋房子。到1870年,这里已成为一片兴旺的农田。1886年,房地产商哈维·威尔考克斯在洛杉矶郊区买下了一块了0.6平方公里的地。韦尔考克斯的夫人一次旅行时听到她旁边的一个人说她来自俄亥俄州的一个叫做好莱坞的地方,她很喜欢这个名字,回到加州后,她将苏格兰运来的大批冬青树栽在这里,将她丈夫的农庄改称为“好莱坞”,于是有了好莱坞这个名字。在英语中这个词是冬青树林的意思。 In 1853, Hollywood was only one house. 1870, has become a thriving farmland.1886 Harvey Wilcox, real estate agents in suburban Los Angeles to buy a piece of 0.6 square kilometers of land. Mrs. Wilcox a trip to hear a man next to her said she was from Ohio, a place called Hollywood, and she liked the name, returned to California, her Scottish shipped a large number of holly tree planted here, her husband's farm was renamed the "Hollywood", so with a Hollywood name. In English the word means holly woods.
