

(1)夜是安静的,The night was serene but full of life. The dogs, becoming active, ran silently along the courtyard wall to defend their masters dutifully. They stopped now and then, pricking their ears up for any sound near and far. The rats, growing busy, ran hither and thither not to miss any chance to drag to their home any food those careless people left around, trying their their best not to make any sound, while the crouching cats, getting vigilant with their eyes and ears alert, were waiting patiently for the chance to catch these night thieves.(2)可爱的南京Nanjing the Beloved City南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their genius and virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as HongXiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe;men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, GuKaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like YangTingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have their splendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization.南京,她自新中国建立以来发生的巨大而深刻的变化更加使人欢欣鼓舞。

The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded are even more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the late Chairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23, 1949 has it:The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories;In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned.Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common people came to be the genuine masters. The night marish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigor into

this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urban construction, a booming tertiary industry, a varied and colorful cultural life, all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance and features of an ancient capital. The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that“Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true.南京,这座古老而年轻的历史文化名城,是多么的可爱!Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth-how lovely she is!

(3)艰难的国运与雄健的国民(李大钊)历史的道路,不会是坦平的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界. National Crisis vs Heroic Nation Li Dazhao

The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them.

A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise.

The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure.

The Chinese nation is now confronted with a rugged and dangerous section of its historical course. Nevertheless, there is also in this section a spectacle of enormous magnificence that inspires in us passers-by a delightful sensation of splendor. And this delightful sensation, however, can only be shared by those with a heroic spirit. The Yangtse River and the Yellow River are both symbolic of our national spirit the two mighty rivers negotiate deserts and gorges until their turbid torrents surge forward with irresistible force. The present national crisis can never obstruct the advance of our national life. Let us brace up our spirits and march through this rugged, dangerous road to the tune of our solemn, stirring songs. The greatest joy of life, mind you, is to build up our country during its most difficult days.

(4)我可能是天津人I Might Have Come from Tianjin(侯宝林)Hou Baolin

还是从火车上说起吧!大约在我四岁多的时候,Let me begin with my trip on the train. When I was about four years old I had traveled by train.The man I traveled with was my uncle Zhang Quanbin. I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed - in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a skull capon the head. In those days it was good enough for small kids to be dressed like that. However,it was my only experience to boast about in my childhood. As I had never traveled by train or met anyone outside my family before, I felt everything on the train was new to me. Probably in childhood, one always needs some comfort. Sitting in my uncle's lap, being humored all the way, I was very happy. We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing. With the hints mentioned above I assume I might have come from Tianjin. Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is blurry. As for what my family name was and where my parents came from, I really don't know. I only remember my birthday and my infant name. I was told about my birthday by my foster-parents when I grew up. I was born in the “you" period (between 5-7 p.m.), 15th of the 10th lunar month. So I was named You. Prefixed with xiao-young, and suffixed with a diminutive er--an intimate way of addressing young and small things by Beijingers, my name, therefore, became Xiao You'r. This is all I know about my childhood and beyond that I do not remember much else.

(5)Dear Sirs,

We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire.

At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile please quote us your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment.

Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.

We trust you will give us an early reply.

Yours faithfully,








We are interested in your Giant Brand bicycle for men, women and children.

Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the estimate sheet enclosed, giving your lowest possible C.I.F. San Franciso prices. Will you please also state your earliest shipping time, terms of payment and discounts for regular purchases?

If the quality of your bicycles is satisfactory and the prices are attractive, we expect to place regular order for fairly large numbers. We look forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours,





(7)在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义,We should not be so romantic about interpersonal relations. It is quite amusing that the first impressions we have of a person usually fall on his or her merits. This is quite similar to our experience of dining at a restaurant. The first dish, most frequently a cold one, tastes extremely good and delights us, followed by two dishes of the main course of which a high praise is usually sung. However, when more are served, we begin to find fault with these dishes. Finally, gladness is replaced by anger, admiration by reproach, and "yes" by "no". Where lie the causes then? First, when we begin to eat something, we are so hungry that even chaff may taste sweeter than honey. Nevertheless, it is the other way around when we eat our fill. Second, it is the freshness that works. Hence we have the "freshness effect".

(8)在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet

receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends. On such occasions, strangers may get to know each other. If they are Asians, they will, very respectfully and with both hands, present their calling cards to their interlocutors before any conversation starts. This seems to be the required courtesy on their part. The French, however, usually are not so ready with such a formality. Both sides will greet each other, and even chat casually about any topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they find they like each other and hope to further the relationship will they exchange cards. It will seem very unnatural to do so before any real conversation gets under way.

(9)The heart, which is a muscular pump, beats about 72 times a minute through a continuous and automatic process of muscular contraction and relaxation. It is about the size of a fist, weighs about 9 – 11 ounces and is placed snugly between the lungs, a little more to the left than to the right. A partition runs down the center of the heart, dividing it into left and right sections which work at the same time but deal with two different types of blood. Each section is again divided into upper and lower parts, the auricles and ventricles. The blood is pumped through all four chambers in turn in the course of being circulated through all parts of the body.

The heart’s first purpose is to supply a steady flow of oxygen to all the body cells and to return carbon dioxide to the lungs. On its journey the blood distributes dissolved foods and carries away wastes.

The heart beats about 100,000 times every 24 hours and pushes several quarts of blood through miles of arteries, veins and capillaries. A healthy heart keeps this for a lifetime without faltering.


(10)专门用于汽车大赛的汽车如,夏夫来(Safari)或蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo),The cars which are used in rallies like the Safari or the Monte Carlo look the same as ordinary cars which have been bought from a garage. In

fact, they are not the same; they are cars which have been specially prepared. Firstly, only components which have been rigorously tested are used. Secondly, the components which are chosen are put together much more carefully. In other words, the cars which are driven in rallies are in effect cars that have been built by hand.

(11)(11)《虞美人》春花秋月何时了,往事知多少Beauty Yu by liyu When Flowers of spring and moon of autumn were over, How much remembrance of things past did we have?

Last night the east wind blew the attic once again, In the moon my collapsed kingdom haunted about in my mind.

Carved fences and jades on the wall should still exist, Yet their colors had been changed.

If ask me how much sorrow I had just see the water of river, flowing to the east.

(12) 西湖(13)珠江(14)万里长城(15)颐和园(16)比基尼(17)荷塘月色(18)几篇英文


(2010)49.The Smiths have a Cute girl,and she is the apple of their eye. A.眼睛B.眼珠C.眼中的苹果D.掌上明珠 (2010)50.Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a happy reunion of people from all over the world.A.再联合B.再相聚C.聚会D.会议 (2011)49. The first question was difficult, but the rest were pretty easy. A. 休息 B. 安定 C.其余的 D.停止 (2011)50. —I lost my pet pig, but it came back yesterday. —As the saying goes: an old horse knew the way. A. 塞翁失马 B. 老马识途 C. 马失前蹄 D.马到成功(2012)39. ---- Are you going to Tibet this summer holiday? ---- I have to sleep on it. I’ll tell you tomorrow. A. 我不得不睡在它的上面B.我必须睡觉了 C. 我睡过头了 D. 我得想想再做决定 (2012)40. “I’m over the moon. This is so important to me.” Said Adele, a famous British singer, after her winning the best British album. A.我超过了月亮 B.我欣喜若狂 C. 我在月亮之上 D. 我要去月球(2014)39. ----The final exams are coming soon. ----Yes, I have ants in my pants. A. 我有热锅上的蚂蚁B.有很多蚂蚁爬在我的裤子上 C. 我养了一些蚂蚁 D. 我很焦虑 (2014)40. ----- Are you still mad at Lana? -----No, it’s water under the bridge. I’ve forgotten it. A. 这是桥下的水 B. 这是水中的桥 C.过去的,就让它过去吧 D. 蚂蚁过不去的坎 (2013)21. My new mobile phone is different from Jennifer’s. A. not the same as B. all the same as C. worse than D. difficult to (2013)22. Jack will arrive in Kunming tomorrow, and we are going to meet him at the airport. A. drive to B. get to C. come in D. return to (2013)23. A strong earthquake hit Ya’an, Sichuan on April 20, and many people lost their lives. A. ran B. cried C. were hurt D. were killed (2013)24. She can’t help you today because she has her hands full. She has to go shopping, pick up her son and then cook dinner. A. is very worried B. is very angry C. is very busy D. is on business (2013)25. You should do more and talk less. Actions speak louder than words. A. What you do isn’t important. B. What you do is as important as what you say. C. What you do is more important than what you say. D. What you do is less important than what you say.


英语翻译模拟试题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage) 3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 5.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 6.尽管遭受如重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 【答案】 1.It’s time for us to play basketball. 2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart. 【解析】 1.考查time的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth “该到某人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It’s time for us to play basketball。2.考查manage的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth“设法做某事”为固定短语。in time“ 及时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time。 3.考查possible的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is possible for sb to do sth “ 某人做某事是可能的”,it作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.考查encourage的用法。encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语according to(按照)和strong points(长处,特长)。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points。 5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为I ,谓语为find, find oneself done表示“发现自己被…”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about的


期末考试复习题 2010.6 Translation 1. Because of the noise outside, Nancy had great difficulty___________ (集中注意力在实验上). focusing/concentrating on the experiment 2. The manager never laughed; neither_________ (她也从来没有发过脾气) did she ever lose her temper 3. We look forward to _________(被邀请出席开幕式). being invited to attend the opening ceremony 4. It is suggested that the air conditioner __(要安装在窗户旁). be installed next to the window 5. The 16-year-old girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite________________(她父母的强烈反对). her parents’ strong objection/ opposition 2009.12 1. You would not have failed if you __________(按照我的指令去做). had followed my directions/orders 2. Despite the hardship he encountered, Mark never _____________________(放弃对知识的追求). gave up/ abandoned the pursuit of knowledge 3. Scientists agree that it will be a long time before______________(我们找到治愈癌症的方法).

实用综合教程 2 Unit 5 课后词形变化题选择题和翻译题(含答案)

Unit 5 1. What prevented (prevention) you from joining us last night? 2. They are busy doing scientific (scientist) experiments. 3. Acting before thinking always results (result) in failure. 4. The production (produce) of computers has doubled in the last few weeks. 5. What is the latest development (develop)? 6. When and where will it suit your convenience (convenient) for our next meeting? 7. This lake supplies (supply) the whole town with water. 8. Good nutrition (nutritional) is essential for growing children. 1.Louis Brail didn’t give up studying ___B_____ he became blind by accident at the age of three. A. as though B. even though() C. even D. if 2. The wound isn’t serious, but it may ___A_____ some discomfort. A. cause B. result from C. affect D. led to 3. A healthy diet creates a body ____B____ to disease. A. insistent B. resistant C. rejective D. infective 4. When he came for the interview, Tom felt ___A_____ at first, but soon calmed down. A. nervous B. exciting C. curious D. anxiously 5. The flowers ___C____ sweet. B. were smelt C. smelt D. smells 6. I made an __D______ mistake in my speech. A. embarrassed B. embarrassment C. embarrass D. embarrassing 7. Jim was made ___B_____ very hard. A. work B. to work C. working 8. This big stone ___A_____ at least a ton. A. weighs B. is weighed C. had weighed D. had been weighed 1.是否克隆人类是个道德问题而不是技术问题。(clone) Whether to clone human beings is a moral question rather than a technical one. 2.做这项实验需要很大的耐心。(patience) You need great patience to do this experiment. / It requires great patience to do this experiment. 3.转基因食物应该贴上标签。(label) Genetically modified foods should be labeled. 4.基因研究能够帮助人类预防某些疾病。(genetic research) Genetic research could help human beings prevent some diseases. 5 他们的研究项目遇到了麻烦。(get into trouble) Their research project got into trouble. 1


全国2011年4月自学考试英语翻译试题 课程代码:00087 I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best translation of the original statement in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (Please write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.) 1. A nation's greatest wealth is the industry of its people.(A) A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。 2. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil.(D) A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。

英汉翻译期末考试题 样卷

样卷 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院 《英汉笔译》2011-2012学年上学期期末考试试卷(A) 考核方式:开卷 考核对象:国际商务英语学院法律英语系2009级考试时间:120分钟姓名______________ 班级________ 学号____________________ 分数___________ PART I. LEGAL TERMS (20%, one point for each) 1.outstanding liabilities 2.without prejudice to PART II. Translation Improvement (30%) Directions: There may be one or more errors or inappropriate treatment in each of the following TRANSLATED VERSIONS. Please underline it (or them) and then correct it (or them) in the corresponding space provided on the ANSWER SHEET. If you believe the whole translation is wrong or inappropriate, you are advised to underline the whole translation. Marks will be given if you have identified and properly marked the error(s). (2 points for each save as specified otherwise) 21.His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. 原译:他的反驳是带着强烈的醋意发出的。 改译: 22.The new father wore a proud smile. 原译:那位新父亲面带得意笑容。 改译: PART III. SENTENCES (30%) Directions: Translate the following sentences. Employ the translation skill suggested in the brackets where appropriate. (3 points for each save as specified otherwise) https://www.360docs.net/doc/f88201036.html,mission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. (Amplification) 32.We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years. (Conversion) PART IV. PASSAGE (20%) Translate the underlined part of the following passage. 1


1. Explain the definition of translation and the concept of “formal correspondence” in the view of Catford. ⑴Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). The use of the term “textual material” underlines the fact that in normal conditions it is not the entirety of a SL text which is translated, that is, replaced by TL equivalents. But at one or more levels of language there may be simple replacement, by non-equivalent TL material. Moreover, at one or more levels there may be no replacement at all, but simple transference of SL material into the TL text. The term “equivalent” is clearly a key term. The central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalents. A central task of translation theory is that of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalents. ⑵A formal correspondent is any TL category (unit, class, structure, etc.) which may be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the “same” place in the economy of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the SL.Formal correspondence can be only approximate, and can only be established ultimately on the basis of textual equivalence at some point. 3. What’s your understanding of “the nature of translation” in the light of Nida? According to Nida, the nature of translating is: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. Explanation of the Nature of the Translation (pp12-14) 1. Translating must aim primarily at “reproducing the message”.To do anything else is


3页II. Listening Skills 二世。听力技巧 1. M: Why don?t we go to the concert today? 1。M:今天我们为什么不去听音乐会吗? W: I?ll go get the keys. W:我会去拿钥匙。 Q: What does the woman imply? BBBB 问:女人意味着什么? (A) She's too busy to go to the concert. (一)她太忙着去听音乐会。 (B) She'll go with the man soon. (B),她会很快的人。 (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (C)她喜欢去看电影。 (D) She'll go with the man next time. (D)下次她去的男人。 2. W: I can?t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it. 2。W:我找不到我的钱包。歌剧的门票。 M: Have you checked in the car? M:你在车上了吗? Q: What does the man imply? BBBBB 问:男人意味着什么? (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (一)之前应该检查在车里的那个人是太迟了。 (B) The purse might be in the car. (B)钱包可能在车里。 (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (C)周围的女性可能会发现钱包的车。 (D) It is too late to look for the purse. (D)为时已晚找钱包。 3. M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD? 3。M:你打算买盗版光盘吗?


英语翻译题库 Translation. Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English to Chinese. Each of the 10 sentences is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer. 1. When exporting goods, it is essential to arrange insurance cover in case the goods are lost or damaged in transit. A.为了促进货物出口, 减少货物的丢失或者损坏, 必须发展保险业. B.出口时, 货物基本上都会上保险, 这样货物就避免了丢失或损坏. C.出口货物时必须办理保险, 以防货物在运输过程中丢失或者损坏. D.出口前货物一般都会上保险, 以便在货物遗失或损坏后得到赔偿. 2. If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action. A.如果本月底我们还收不到付款, 我们将会采取除申诉以外的一切行动. B.如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款, 我们别无选择, 只能采取法律行动. C.如果本月底我们还收不到订货, 我们就不得不采取其他办法了. D.如果本月底我们还收不到订购的货物, 我们就不得不拒绝付款. 3. Party B has the right to a written notice to Party A under the following conditions. A.乙方在下述情况下有权以书面通知甲方取消合同. B.乙方有义务在下述条件下通知甲方签定书面合同. C.乙方在下列条件下有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同. D.乙方在下列情况下才得有权与甲方终止书面合同. 4. I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime. A.我已下达指示, 首先要承担这项任务, 并且从事该项工作的工程师们必须加 班. B.我已做了说明, 从事该项工作并肯加班的工程人员具有优先权来参与这项 任务. C.我已经下达指令, 涉及该项工作的人员应首先接受该项任务, 并且要加班工 作. D.我已做了解释, 首先必须有工程师们愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项 任务. 5. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. A.尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。 B.有许多优点的电子计算机也不能代替人类去做创造性工作。

英语专业期末翻译考试试题(1) 汉译英

2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题 班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.覆水难收 ___________________________________________________________ 2.指鹿为马 ___________________________________________________________ 3. 爱屋及乌 ___________________________________________________________ 4条条道路通罗马 ___________________________________________________________ 5有钱能使鬼推磨 ___________________________________________________________ ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1.我年轻的日子已经一去不返。 ___________________________________________________________ 2.你别狗咬吕洞宾——不识好人心。 ___________________________________________________________ 3.世界上只有海水取之不尽,用之不竭。 ___________________________________________________________ 4.我们是新雇员,得注意自己的一举一动。 ___________________________________________________________ 5.人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。 ___________________________________________________________ 6.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 ___________________________________________________________ ⅢTranslate the following passages into English(10point*2=20point) 1)当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水平。为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产水平;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的社会主义国家。 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2)秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的;可是啊,北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。我的不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛,更要从青岛赶上北平来的理由,也不过想饱尝一尝这“秋”,这故都的秋味。 __________________________________________________________


2015年1月翻译试题 Part I E-C Translation. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese by using the designated translating methods. (1题2分,共10分) 1.Foreign competition has taken the wind out of the sails of the U.S. automobile industry. (引申法) 2.In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique. (增词法) 3. The United Nations Organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world set on it.(正反译法)4.Presumably, he needed to feel cornered①so he could outperform everyone, almost as though he enjoyed overcoming adversity and showing off his brilliance and subtlety②. (拆分法) (Note: ①forced into a difficult position ②the quality of being clever ) 5. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyse and synthesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which are within his range of competence and understanding. (句序重组法)


【英语】英语翻译试题类型及其解题技巧 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。(play) 2.由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。(owing) 3.每位设计师都希望自己的作品能经受时间的考验。(stand) 4.能否抵御网络游戏的诱惑是摆在中学生面前的一道难题。(It) 5.在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate) 【答案】 1.She began to play the violin five years ago. 2.Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours. 3.Every designer hopes that his work can stand the test of time. 4.It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games. 5.At the exhibition, the company’s sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys (which/that) children were looking forward to. 【解析】 1.根据“五年前”确实时态,可知用一般过去时,注意短语play the violin。 【考点定位】考查动词时态、习语及表达能力。 2.根据提示词可知,由于译为:owing to ,此处to是介词。注意用被动语态,因为航班被推迟。 【考点定位】考查介词短语及被动语态。 3.此句希望(hope)是谓语动词,后接宾语从句。时态用一般现在时。 【考点定位】考查宾语从句及时态。 4.此句it是形式主语,whether引导主语从句,时态一般现在时。短语:抵御诱惑resist the temptation。 【考点定位】考查主语从句及形式主语it的用法。 5.注意句子结构的安排,“孩子们翘首以盼的”应译为定语从句。时态用一般过去时。 【考点定位】考查定语从句及相关短语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 96.今年除夕你计划在哪里过?(plan) 97.下雨天上海的道路总是比平时更拥堵。(than) 98.是一个外国人不顾自己的安危救了那个轻生的男子。(It) 99.那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。(No sooner) 100.无论谁想要成功必先明白这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”。(Whoever)


1.多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。Mr. Doherty and his family are engaged in autumn harvest on the farm. 2.我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。We can’t underestimate enemies, they have been equipped with the most advanced weapons. 3.菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。Phil is becoming more and more desperate, because she has been out of work for 3months. 4.作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。As a manager of project, Sam is decisive in action ,efficient in work, and accurate in judgment. 5.既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。Since it has been proved that this chemistry factory is the source of pollution, the village neighborhood committee decides to close it at the cost of one hundred jobs. 1.空气中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。There was an unnatural silence in the air, only with the cannon undering far off. 2.在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。The expansion of cities in some African countries has caused a considerable in living standard and increase in social problems. 3.研究表明大气中的二氧化碳的含量与全球温度密切相关。Studies have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels correlate with global temperature. 4.最近公共汽车的车辆行驶频率已有改善,从15分钟缩短到12分钟一班。Recently, the frequency of bus service has been improved, reduced from 15minutes to12minutes every run. 5.那位跳水运动员立在跳水板边沿,只等教练发出信号便会立刻跳下。That driver standing on the edge of the diving board, and is poised to dive as soon as the coach sends out the signal. 1.尽管在此次紧急迫降中,飞机跑道不够长,但经验老到的飞行员还是让飞机滑行了一段时间后就停了下来。Although the airstrip is not long enough in the urgent landing, the veteran pilot still stopped the plane after it slipped for some time. 2.在记者反复追问下,该影星终于说漏了嘴,承认自己做过两次整容手术。Grilled by the reporters, the movie star blurted that she had took plastic surgeries twice. 3.我们有技术,我们的合伙人有资金。一起干,我们就掌握了未来。We have technology our partner own funds. The future is in our hands if we work together. 4.要是我事先知道你会带这么多朋友回家,我会好好准备的。你看,我现有的食品和饮料连小吃一顿都不大够。If I knew you would bring so many friends home beforehand, I’d make full preparation .You see, the foods and drinks I have now is not enough even for a snack. 5.当人们得知地震灾区将要建造结构更牢固的新校舍时,纷纷慷慨解囊。When people knew that new school dormitories would be soiled built in the earthquake-stricken area, they donated money generously. 1.因为约翰不看好欧洲经济,所以把资产转移到了欧洲以外的其他地方.Due to his pessimistic outlook on European economy, John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere. 2.我喜欢雇用年轻人。他们愿意学习,而且忠于职守。I like hiring young people. They are earnest learners and committed to work. 3.玛丽和她那些以自己孩子为中心的女友们不同,更在意个人成长。Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children. Mary center more about her personal growth. 4.有一大批同事和你意见不合,这是怎么回事?Why is that a considerable number of colleagues are at odds with you ? 5.中国政府出台了一系列政策以加强同发展中国家的合作。The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.
