


Key Words and Phrases:



3.Art History

There really is no such thing as Art.There are only artists.Once these were men who took coloured earth and roughed out the forms of a bison on the wall of a cave;today some buy their paints,and design posters for hoarding;they did and do many other things.There is no harm in calling all these activities art as long as we keep in mind that such a word may mean very different things in different times and places,and as long as we realize that Art with a capital A has no existence.For Art with a capital A has come to be something of a bogey and a fetish.Y ou may crush an artist by telling him that what he has just done may be quite good in its own way,only it is not'Art'. And you may confound anyone enjoying a picture by declaring that what he liked in it was not the Art but something different.

Actually I do not think that there are any wrong reasons for liking a statue or a picture.Someone may like a landscape painting because it reminds him of home,or a portrait because it reminds him of a friend.There is nothing wrong with that,all of us, when we see a painting,are bound to be reminded of a hundred-and-one things which influence our likes and dislikes.As long as these memories help us to enjoy what we see,we need not worry.It is only when some irrelevant memory makes us prejudiced, when we instinctively turn away from a magnificent picture of an alpine scene because we dislike climbing,that we should search our mind for the reason for the aversion which spoils a pleasure we might otherwise have had.There are wrong reasons for disliking a work of art.

Most people like to see in pictures what they would also like to see in reality. This is quite a.natural preference.We all like beauty in nature,and are grateful to the artists who have preserved it in their works.Nor would these artists themselves have rebuffed us for our taste.When the great Flemish painter Rubens made a drawing of his little boy,figure l,he was surely proud of his good looks.He wanted us,too,to admire the child.But this bias for the pretty and engaging subject is apt to become a stumbling-block if it leads us to reject works which represent a less appealing subject. The great German painter Albrecht certainly drew his mother,figure2,with as much devotion and love as Rubens felt for his chubby child.His truthful study of careworn old age may give us a shock which makes us turn away from it-and yet,if we fight against our first repugnance we may be richly rewarded,for D rer's drawing in its

tremendous sincerity is a great work.In fact,we shall soon discover that the beauty of a picture does not really lie in the beauty of its subject-matter.I do not know whether the little ragamuffins whom the Spanish painter Murillo liked to paint,figure3,were strictly beautiful or not,but,as he painted them,they certainly have great charm.On the other hand,most people would call the child in Pieter de Hooch's wonderful Dutch interior,figure4,plain,but it is an attractive picture all the same.

1.Peter Paul Rubens,Portrait of his son Nicholas,c.1620.

Black and red chalks on paper,25.2x20.3cm,10x8in;Albertina,Vienna

2.Albrecht D rer,Portrait of his mother,1514Black chalk on paper,42.1x30.3

cm,16.5x12in;Kupferstichkabinett,Staatliche Museen,Berlin

3.Bartolome Esteban Murillo,Street arabs,c.1670-5

Oil on canvas,146x108cm,57.5x42.5in;Alte Pinakothek,Munich

4.Pieter de Hooch,Interior with a woman peeling apples,1663

Oil on canvas.70.5x54.3cm,27.75x2l.375in;Wallace Collection,London

The trouble about beauty is that tastes and standards of what is beautiful vary so much.Figures5and6were both painted in the fifteenth century,and both represent angels playing the lute.Many will prefer the Italian work by Melozzo da Forli,figure 5,with its appealing grace and charm,to that of his northern contemporary Hans Memling,figure6.I myself like both.It may take a little longer to discover the intrinsic beauty of Memling's angel,but once we are no longer disturbed by his faint awkwardness we may find him infinitely lovable.

5.Melozzo da Forli,Angel,c,1480Detail of a fresco;Pinacoteca,Vatican

6.Hans Memling,Angel,c.1490Detail of a panel from an altarpiece:oil on

wood;Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten,Antwerp

What is true of beauty is also true of expression.In fact,it is often the expression of a figure in the painting which makes us like or loathe the work.Some people like an expression which they can easily understand,and which therefore moves them profoundly.When the seventeenth-century Italian painter Guido Reni painted the head of Christ on the cross,figure7,he intended,no doubt,that the beholder should find in this face all the agony and all the glory of the Passion.Many people throughout subsequent centuries have drawn strength and comfort from such a representation of the Saviour.The feeling it expresses is so strong and so clear that copies of this work can be found in simple wayside shrines and remote farmhouses where people know nothing about'Art'.But even if this intense expression of feeling appeals to us we should not,for that reason,turn away from works whose expression is perhaps less easy to understand.The Italian painter of the Middle Ages who painted the crucifix,

figure8,surely felt as sincerely about the Passion as did Reni,but we must first learn to know his methods of drawing to understand his feelings.When we have come to understand these different languages,we may even prefer works of art whose expression is less obvious than Reni's.Just as some prefer people who use few words and gestures and leave something to be guessed,so some people are fond of paintings or sculptures which leave them something to guess and ponder about.In the more 'primitive'periods,when artists were not as skilled in representing human faces and human gestures as they arc now,it is often all the more moving to see how they tried nevertheless to bring out the feeling they wanted to convey.

7.Guido Reni,Christ crowned with thorns,c.1639-40.Oil on canvas,62x48cm,24.5


8.Tuscan master,Head of Christ,c.I175-1225.Detail of a crucifix;tempera on wood;


But here newcomers to art are often brought up against another difficulty.They want to admire the artist's skill in representing the things they see.What they like best are paintings which'look real'.I do not deny for a moment that this is an important consideration.The patience and skill which go into the faithful rendering of the visible world are indeed to be admired.Great artists of the past have devoted much labour to works in which every tiny detail is carefully recorded.D rer's watercolour study of a hare,figure9,is one of the most famous examples of this loving patience. But who would say that Rembrandt's drawing of an elephant,figure10,is necessarily less good because it shows fewer details?Indeed Rembrandt was such a wizard that he gave us the feel of the elephant's wrinkly skin with a few lines of his chalk.

9.Albrecht D rer,Hare,1502.Watercolour and gouache on paper,25x22.5cm,


10.Rembrandt van Rijn,Elephant,1637.Black chalk on paper,23x34cm,9x


But it is not sketchiness that mainly offends people who like their pictures to look'real'.They are even more repelled by works which they consider to be incorrectly drawn,particularly when they belong to a more modern period when the artist'ought to have known better'.As a matter of fact,there is no mystery about these distortions of nature about which we still hear complaints in discussions on modern art.Everyone who has ever seen a Disney film or a comic strip knows all about it.He knows that it is sometimes right to draw things otherwise than they look,to change and distort them in one way or another.Mickey Mouse does not look very much like a real mouse,yet people do not write indignant letters to the papers about the length of his tail.Those who enter Disney's enchanted world are not worried about Art with a capital A.They do not watch his films armed with the same prejudices they like to

take with them when going to an exhibition of modern painting.But if a modern artist draws something in his own way,he is apt to be thought a bungler who can do no better.Now,whatever we may think of modern artists,we may safely credit them with enough knowledge to draw'correctly'.If they do not do so their reasons may be very similar to those of Walt Disney.Figure11shows a plate from an illustrated Natural History by the famous pioneer of the modern movement,Picasso.Surely no one could find fault with his charming representation of a mother hen and her fluffy chicks.But in drawing a cockerel,figure12,Picasso was not content with giving a mere rendering of the bird's appearance.He wanted to bring out its aggressiveness,its cheek and its stupidity.In other words he resorted to caricature.But what a convincing caricature it is!

11.Pablo Picasso,Hen with chicks,1941-2.Etching,36x28cm,14.25x11in;

illustration to Buffon's Natural History.

12.Pablo Picasso,Cockerel,1938.Charcoal on paper,76x55cm.30x21.5in;private


There are two things,therefore,which we should always ask ourselves if we find fault with the accuracy of a picture.One is whether the artist may not have had his reasons for changing the appearance of what he saw.We shall hear more about such reasons as the story of art unfolds.The other is that we should never condemn a work for being incorrectly drawn unless we have made quite sure that we are right and the painter is wrong.We are all inclined to be quick with the verdict that'things do not look like that'.We have a curious habit of thinking that nature must always look like the pictures we are accustomed to.It is easy to illustrate this by an astonishing discovery which was made not very long ago.Generations have watched horses gallop,have attended horse-races and hunts,have enjoyed paintings and sporting prints showing horses charging into battle or running after hounds.Not one of these people seems to have noticed what it'really looks like'when a horse runs.Pictures and sporting prints usually showed them with outstretched legs in full flight through the air-as the great nineteenth-century French painter Theodore Gericault painted them in a famous representation of the races at Epsom,figure13.About fifty years later,when the photographic camera had been sufficiently perfected for snapshots of horses in rapid motion to be taken,these snapshots proved that both the painters and their public had been wrong all the while.No galloping horse ever moved in the way which seems so'natural'to us.As the legs come off the ground they are moved in turn for the next kick-off,figure14.If we reflect for a moment we shall realize that it could hardly get along otherwise.And yet,when painters began to apply this new discovery,and painted horses moving as they actually do,everyone complained that their pictures looked wrong.

13.Theodore Gericault,Horse-racing at Epsom,1821.Oil on canvas.92x122.5cm.


14.Eadweard Muybridge,Galloping horse in motion,1872.Photograph sequence;

Kingston-upon-Thames Museum.

This,no doubt,is an extreme example,but similar errors are by no means as rare as one might think.We are all inclined to accept conventional forms or colours as the only correct ones.Children sometimes think that stars must be star-shaped,though naturally they are not.The people who insist that in a picture the sky must be blue, and the grass green,are not very different from these children.They get indignant if they see other colours in a picture,but if we try to forget all we have heard about green grass and blue skies,and look at the world as if we had just arrived from another planet on a voyage of discovery and were seeing it for the first time,we may find that things are apt to have the most surprising colours.Now painters sometimes feel as if they were on such a voyage of discovery.They want to see the world afresh, and to discard all the accepted notions and prejudices about flesh being pink and apples yellow or red.It is not easy to get rid of these preconceived ideas,but the artists who succeed best in doing so often produce the most exciting works.It is they who teach us to see in nature new beauties of whose existence we have never dreamt. If we follow them and learn from them,even a glance out of our own window may become a thrilling adventure.

There is no greater obstacle to the enjoyment of great works of art than our unwillingness to discard habits and prejudices.A painting which represents a familiar subject in an unexpected way is often condemned for no better reason than that it does not seem right.The more often we have seen a story represented in art,the more firmly do we become convinced that it must always be represented on similar lines. About biblical subjects,in particular,feelings are apt to run high.Though we all know that the Scriptures tell us nothing about the appearance of Jesus,and that God Himself cannot be visualized in human form,and though we know that it was the artists of the past who first created the images we have become used to,some are still inclined to think that to depart from these traditional forms amounts to blasphemy.

As a matter of fact,it was usually those artists who read the Scriptures with the greatest devotion and attention who tried to build up in their minds an entirely fresh picture of the incidents of the sacred story.They tried to forget all the paintings they had seen,and to imagine what it must have been like when the Christ Child lay in the manger and the shepherds came to adore Him,or when a fisherman began to preach the gospel.It has happened time and again that such efforts of a great artist to read the old text with entirely fresh eyes have shocked and outraged thoughtless people.

A typical'scandal'of this kind flared up round Caravaggio,a very bold and revolutionary Italian painter,who worked round about1600.He was given the task of painting a picture of St Matthew for the altar of a church in Rome.The saint was to be represented writing the gospel,and,to show that the gospels were the word of God,an

angel was to be represented inspiring his writings.Caravaggio,who was a highly imaginative and uncompromising young artist,thought hard about what it must have been like when an elderly,poor,working man,a simple publican,suddenly had to sit down to write a book.And so he painted a picture of St Matthew,figure15,with a bald head and bare,dusty feet,awkwardly gripping the huge volume,anxiously wrinkling his brow under the unaccustomed strain of writing.By his side he painted a youthful angel,who seems just to have arrived from on high,and who gently guides the labourer's hand as a teacher may do to a child.When Caravaggio delivered this picture to the church where it was to be placed on the altar,people were scandalized at what they took to be a lack of respect for the saint.The painting was not accepted,and Caravaggio had to try again.This time he took no chances.He kept strictly to the conventional ideas of what an angel and a saint should look like,figure16.The outcome is still quite a good picture,for Caravaggio tried hard to make it look lively and interesting,but we feel that it is less honest and sincere than the first had been.

15.Caravaggio,Saint Matthew,1602Altar-painting;oil on canvas,223x183cm,

87.875x72.125in;destroyed;formerly Kaiser-Friedrich Museum.Berlin

16.Caravaggio,Saint Matthew1602Altar-painting;oil on canvas.296.5x195cm.

116.875x76.875in;church of S.Luigi dei Francesi.Rome

This story illustrates the harm that may be done by those who dislike and criticize works of art for wrong reasons.What is more important,it brings home to us that what we call'works of art'are not the results of some mysterious activity,but objects made by human beings for human beings.A picture looks so remote when it hangs glazed and flamed on the wall.And in our museums it is-very properly-forbidden to touch the objects on view.But originally they were made to be touched and handled,they were bargained about,quarrelled about,worried about.Let us also remember that every one of their features is the result of a decision by the artist:that he may have pondered over them and changed them many times,that he may have wondered whether to leave that tree in the background or to paint it over again,that he may have been pleased by a lucky stroke of his brush which gave a sudden unexpected brilliance to a sunlit cloud,and that he put in these figures reluctantly at the insistence of a buyer.For most of the paintings and statues which are now lined up along the walls of our museums and galleries were not meant to be displayed as Art. They were made for a definite occasion and a definite purpose which were in the artist's mind when he set to work.

Those ideas,on the other hand,that we outsiders usually worry about,ideas about beauty and expression,are rarely mentioned by artists.It was not always like that,but it was so for many centuries in the past,and it is so again now.The reason is partly that artists are often shy people who would think it embarrassing to use big words like'Beauty'.They would feel rather priggish if they were to speak about 'expressing their emotions'and to use similar catchwords.Such things they take for

granted and find it useless to discuss.That is one reason,and,it seems,a good one. But there is another.In the actual everyday worries of the artist these ideas play a much smaller part than outsiders would,I think,suspect.What an artist worries about as he plans his pictures,makes his sketches,or wonders whether he has completed his canvas,is something much more difficult to put into words.Perhaps he would say he worries about whether he has got it'right'.Now it is only when we understand what he means by that modest little word'right'that we begin to understand what artists are really after.

I think we can only hope to understand this if we draw on our own experience.Of course we are no artists,we may never have tried to paint a picture and may have no intention of ever doing so.But this need not mean that we are never confronted with problems similar to those which make up the artist's life.In fact,I am anxious to prove that there is hardly any person who has not got at least all inkling of this type of problem,be it in ever so modest a way.Anybody who has ever tried to arrange a bunch of flowers,to shuffle and shift the colours,to add a little here and take away there,has experienced this strange sensation of balancing forms and colours without being able to tell exactly what kind of harmony it is he is trying to achieve.We just feel a patch of red here may make all the difference,or this blue is all right by itself but it does not'go'with the others,and suddenly a little stem of green leaves may seem to make it come'right'.'Don't touch it any more,'we exclaim,'now it is perfect.' Not everybody,I admit,is quite so careful over the arrangement of flowers,but nearly everybody has something he wants to get'right'.It may just be a matter of finding the right belt to match a certain dress,or nothing more impressive than the worry over the right proportion of,say,pudding and cream on one's plate.In every such case, however trivial,we may feel that a shade too much or too little upsets the balance and that there is only one relationship which is as it should be.

People who worry like this over flowers,dresses or food,we may call fussy, because we may feel these things do not warrant so much attention.But what may sometimes be a bad habit in daily life and is often,therefore,suppressed or concealed, comes into its own in the realm of art.When it is a matter of matching forms or arranging colours an artist must always be'fussy'or rather fastidious to the extreme. He may see differences in shades and texture which we should hardly notice. Moreover,his task is infinitely more complex than any of those we may experience in ordinary life.He has not only to balance two or three colours,shapes or tastes,but to juggle with any number.He has,on his canvas,perhaps hundreds of shades and forms which he must balance till they look'right'.A patch of green may suddenly look too yellow because it was brought into too close proximity with a strong blue-he may feel that all is spoiled,that there is a jarring note in the picture and that he must begin it all over again.He may suffer agonies over this problem.He may ponder about it in sleepless nights;he may stand in front of his picture all day trying to add a touch of colour here or there and rubbing it out again,though you and I might not have noticed the difference either way.But once he has succeeded we all feel that he has achieved

something to which nothing could be added,something which is right-an example of perfection in our very imperfect world.

Take one of Raphael's famous Madonnas:the'Virgin in the meadow',for instance, figure17.It is beautiful,no doubt,and engaging;the figures are admirably drawn,and the expression of the Holy Virgin as she looks down on the two children is quite unforgettable.But if we look at Raphael's sketches for the picture,figure18,we begin to realize that these were not the things he took most trouble about.These be took for granted.What he tried again and again to get was the right balance between the figures,the right relationship which would make the most harmonious whole.In the rapid sketch in the left-band corner,he thought of letting the Christ Child walk away looking back and up at His mother.And he tried different positions of the mother's head to answer the movement of the Child.Then he decided to turn the Child round and to let Him look up at her.He tried another way,this time introducing the little St John-but,instead of letting the Christ Child look at him,made him turn out of the picture.Then he made another attempt,and apparently became impatient,trying the head of the Child in many different positions.There were several leaves of this kind in this sketch-book,in which he searched again and again to find how best to balance these three figures.But if we now look back at the final picture we see that he did get it right in the end.Everything in the picture seems in its proper place,and the pose and harmony Raphael has achieved by his hard work seem so natural and effortless that we hardly notice them.Yet it is just this harmony which makes the beauty of the Madonna more beautiful and the sweetness of the children more sweet.

17.Raphael,Virgin in the meadow,1505-6Oil on wood,113x88cm44.5x34.625

in;Kunsthistorisches Museum,Vienna.

18.Raphael,Four studies for the'Virgin in the meadow',1505-6.Leaf from a

sketchbook;pen and ink on paper,36.2x24.5cm,14.25x9.625in;Albertina, Vienna.

It is fascinating to watch an artist thus striving to achieve the right balance,but if we were to ask him why he did this or changed that,he might not be able to tell us.He does not follow any fixed rules.He just feels his way.It is true that some artists or critics in certain periods have tried to formulate laws of their art;but it always turned out that poor artists did not achieve anything when trying to apply these laws,while great masters could break them and yet achieve a new kind of harmony no one had thought of before.When the great English painter Sir Joshua Reynolds explained to his students in the Royal Academy that blue should not be put into the foreground of paintings but should be reserved for the distant backgrounds,for the fading hills on the horizon,his rival Gainsborough-so the story goes-wanted to prove that such academic rules are usually nonsense.He painted the famous'Blue boy',whose blue costume,in the central foreground of the picture,stands out triumphantly against the warm brown of the background.

The truth is that it is impossible to lay down rules of this kind because one can never know in advance what effect the artist may wish to achieve.He may even want a shrill,jarring note if he happens to feel that that would be right.As there are no rules to tell us when a picture or statue is right it is usually impossible to explain in words exactly why we feel that it is a great work of art.But that does not mean that one work is just as good as any other,or that one cannot discuss matters of taste.If they do nothing else,such discussions make us look at pictures,and the more we look at them the more we notice points which have escaped us before.We begin to develop a feeling for the kind of harmony each generation of artists has tried to achieve.The greater our feeling for these harmonies the more we shall enjoy them,and that,after all,is what matters.The old proverb that you cannot argue about matters of taste may well be true,but that should not conceal the fact that taste can be developed.This is again a matter of common experience which everybody can test in a modest held.To people who are not used to drinking tea one blend may taste exactly like another.But if they have the leisure,will and opportunity to search out such refinements as there may be,they may develop into true'connoisseurs'who can distinguish exactly what type and mixture they prefer,and their greater knowledge is bound to add to their enjoyment of the choicest blends.

Admittedly,taste in art is something infinitely more complex than taste in food and drink.It is not only a matter of discovering various subtle flavours;it is something more serious and more important.After all,the great masters have given their all in these works,they have suffered for them,sweated blood over them,and the least they have a right to ask of us is that we try to understand what they wanted to do.

One never finishes learning about art.There are always new things to discover. Great works of art seem to look different every time one stands before them.They seem to be as inexhaustible and unpredictable as real human beings.It is an exciting world of its own with its own strange laws and its own adventures.Nobody should think be knows all about it,for nobody does.Nothing,perhaps,is more important than just this:that to enjoy these works we must have a fresh mind,one which is ready to catch every hint and to respond to every hidden harmony:a mind,most of all,not cluttered up with long high-sounding words and ready-made phrases.It is infinitely better not to know anything about art than to have the kind of half-knowledge which makes for snobbishness.The danger is very real.There are people,for instance,who have picked up the simple points I have tried to make in this chapter,and who understand that there are great works of art which have none of the obvious qualities of beauty of expression or correct draughtsmanship,but who become so proud of their knowledge that they pretend to like only those works which are neither beautiful nor correctly drawn.They are always haunted by the fear that they might be considered uneducated if they confessed to liking a work which seems too obviously pleasant or moving.They end by being snobs who lose their true enjoyment of art and who call everything'very interesting'which they really find somewhat repulsive.I should hate

to be responsible for any similar misunderstanding.I would rather not be believed at all than be believed in such an uncritical way.

In the chapters which follow I shall discuss the history of art,that is the history of buildings,of picture-making and of statue-making.I think that knowing something of this history helps us to understand why artists worked in a particular way,or why they aimed at certain effects.Most of all it is a good way of sharpening our eyes for the particular characteristics of works of art,and of thereby increasing our sensitivity to the finer shades of difference.Perhaps it is the only way of learning to enjoy them in their own right.But no way is without its dangers.One sometimes sees people walking through a gallery,catalogue in hand.Every time they stop in front of a picture they eagerly search for its number.We can watch them thumbing through their books,and as soon as they have found the title or the name they walk on.They might just as well have stayed at home,for they have hardly looked at the painting.They have only checked the catalogue.It is a kind of mental short circuit which has nothing to do with enjoying a picture.

People who have acquired some knowledge of art history are sometimes in danger of falling into a similar trap.When they see a work of art they do not stay to look at it,but rather search their memory for the appropriate label.They may have heard that Rembrandt was famous for his chiaroscuro-which is the Italian technical term for light and shade-so they nod wisely when they see a Rembrandt,mumble 'wonderful chiaroscuro',and wander on to the next picture.I want to be quite frank about this danger of half-knowledge and snobbery,for we are all apt to succumb to such temptations,and a book like this could increase them.I should like to help to open eyes,not to loosen tongues.To talk cleverly about art is not very difficult, because the words critics use have been employed in so many different contexts that they have lost all precision.But to look at a picture with fresh eyes and to venture on a voyage of discovery into it is a far more difficult but also a much more rewarding task.There is no telling what one might bring home from such a journey.


华南师范大学 2004年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:数学分析与高等代数 使用专业:数学基础、应用数学、计算数学 运筹控制学与教学论,课程与教学论(数学) 1、(12分)设1(1) n n a n =+ ,1,2,n = 证明数列n a 严格单调增加且收敛。 证明:令1()(1)x f x x =+,0x >,111()(1) (ln(1)), (1) x f x x x x '=++ - + 令2 11111()(ln(1)),()( )0 (1) (1) (1) g x g x x x x x x '=+- =- + <+++,()()0g x g >+∞=,则 ()0f x '>,()f x 严格单调增加,故1(1) n n a n =+ 严格单调增加, 2 1(1)1 (1)11 (1) 112! ! n n n n n n n a n n n n --=+ =++ ++ 111111112! ! 12 (1) n n n ≤++ ++ ≤++ ++ ?- 3<, 由单调有界原理n a 收敛。 2、(12分)求函数 21, 000 sin (),x x x x x f ≠=??=??? 的导函数,并讨论导函数的连续性。 2 10 sin (0)lim 0x x x f x →'==, 112,0 00cos sin (),x x x x x x f +≠=?-?=??? ', 112) cos sin lim (x x x x +→-不存在,故导函数在0x =处不连续。 3、(12分)求幂级数2(1)1()2 1 n n n n x n n ?? +-???? - =∑ 的收敛半径和收敛域。 ____ lim 3 n →,收敛半径为13 ρ= ,当112 3 x - = ,级数为2(1)1()3 1 n n n n n n ?? +-???? ==∑ 分散, 212(1)3111[()32121 1 ]n n n n n n n n n n -??+-? ???? ? +-=== ∑ ∑ 发散,


华南师大学 333教育综合历年考研真题 2011年 一、名词解析 1.广义教育 2.教学 3.经典条件反射 4.多元智力理论 5.教育制度 6.教育的社会流动功能 二、简答题 1.我国教育目的的基本精神 2.孔子有教无类思想的价值 3.教学过程中有哪些原则? 4.斯巴达教育的特点 三、论述题 1.教育的社会流动功能及其意义 2.中体西用的历史意义和局限性 3.杜威教育思想的影响 4.如何培养和激发学习动机

一、名词解析 1.学校管理 2.学校教育 3.心理发展 4.人的发展 5.课程 6.学习动机 二、简答题 1.教师劳动的特点 2.简述教育的社会制约性 3.简述人文主义教育的特征 4.简述科举制度的影响 三、论述题 1.中国古代书院的特点 2.赫尔巴特的道德教育理论 3.学生品德不良的成因分析 4.如何推进“依法治校”的工作

一、名词解析 1.受教育者 2.道德教育 3.学习策略 4.心理健康 5.教学方法 6.教育目的 二、简答题 1.长善救失原则及其要求 2.蔡元培的教育独立思想 3.现代教育的特点 4.基督教教育的特点 三、论述题 1.我国基础教育课程改革的目标 2.行知的“生活教育”理论体系 3.《在危急中》的改革建议 4.人格和行为上的性别差异

一、名词解析 1.设计教学法 2.人的全面发展 3.贝尔·兰喀斯特制 4.心理健康 5.社会规学习 6.教育制度 二、简答题 1.简述德育的教育影响一致性和连贯性原则及要求。 2.简述“朱子读书法”的主要容 3.奥伯尔关于有意义的学习的实质和条件的主要观点。 4.简述创造性的心理结构 三、论述题 1.试述教育的相对独立性原理的基本容,并在此基础上对“教育的 发展应先于经济的发展”(即“教育先行”)观点进行分析。 2.试述教育的特征及其在人的身心发展中的作用。 3.试比较杜威与赫尔巴特的教学过程理论。 4.试述科举制在我国产生的主要影响。


华南师范大学考研数学分 析试题汇总 LELE was finally revised on the morning of December 16, 2020

2000年华南师范大学数学分析 一、填空题(3*10=30分) 1.设_______lim _______,lim ,,2,1,4 sin )1(===+-=∞→∞→n n n n n n a a n n a 则 π ; 2.设处连续; 在则为无理数为有理数 ____)(, , ,)(=∈? ??-=x x f R x x x x x x f 3._____;1lim 1 0=+?∞→dx x x n n 4._________;)cos (sin lim 10 =+→x x x x 5.方程)(032为实常数c c x x =+-在区间[0,1]中至多有_________个根; 6._______; __________),1()(1122=>+=++? n n n n I I n n a x dx I 的递推公式,写出为自然数设7.设_;__________)(,)(),(cos sin 0 ==? +du t f dt t f y x u y x 是可微函数,则 8.),(y x f 设在P 0(2,0)处可微,且在P 0处指向P 1(2,2)的方向导数是1,指向原点的方向导数是-3,则在P 0处指向P 2(1,2)的方向导数是_____________; 9.写出函数在x=0处的幂级数展开式:____;____________________sin 2=x 10.曲线π20,sin ,cos 33≤≤==t t a y t a x 的弧长s=___________________. 二、(12分)设f(x)在[0,+∞)上连续,)(lim x f x +∞ →存在,证明:f(x)在[0,+∞)上可取 得最大值或最小值. 三、(12分)设函数z=z(x,y),由方程)(222y z yf z y x =++所确定,其中f 是可微函 数,试证:


自然地理学(2002) 1 概念 平推断层地面净辐射径流模数丰水年组原生黄土和次生黄土草甸与草原长日照植物包气带生物阻限 2 填空 逆温根据成因不同可以分为那三种----- ----- -------- 气象学中 A表示--------------气团 E-----------气团在气候类型中 A代表什么气候E 代表----------气候 距今约6亿年古生代的--------------------纪认为是地球--------大爆发的时代 新月型沙丘属于-----------向沙丘,沙丘走向一般与风向----------. 在多风向作用下往往形成--------------沙丘 黄土虽然缺乏水平-----------理但是垂直--------理却极为发育 生物海岸有------------和-----------------两种 植物群落的演替按发展方向分为---------------演替和--------------- 3 简答 发现中间凹陷周围隆起的环状地貌形态是否可以判断为火山口地貌? 流水对物质搬运有那些形式 动物扩散的3种途径 水位过程线和水位立时曲线的不同 4论述 论全球气温年内变化的4种基本类型 全球降水量年内变化的4种基本类型 土壤资源损失和破坏主要表现在那些方面 南半球雪线低于北原因 自然地理(2003) 1 名词 假整合地堑大陆岛和海洋岛河漫滩二元结构峰丛逆温层土壤田间持水量指示植物生物量和生产量辐射适应 2 简答

A 地质年代中第四纪分为哪几个世 B 根据成因和沉积结构的不同,沉积岩可以哪四种类型 C 大气对流层的三个主要特点是 D 为什么热带气旋 73%以上发生在北半求 E 柯本的温暖多雨气候带包括哪三气候类型 F 流水的线状侵蚀作用有哪三种形式 G 植物群落中种群个数的水平分布方式有那些? H 海洋动物群落划分有哪几个生态带 I 土壤资源丧失和退化的主要途径 J 以知某流域的径流模数是100000M/KM.年问该流域的年平均径流深度是多少毫米? 论述 1 看图说明该河流水量补给可能有那些类型? 2北半球山地南坡雪线一般高于北坡但西拉吗呀山却相反原因何在? 3简述地球板快边界类型和特点 4分析城市气候的各种岛效应 自然地理(2004) 一,名词解释 1,单斜山与方山 2,地面有效辐射 3,喀斯特漏斗 4,先锋群落(植被) 5,多度与盖度(植被) 6,径流系数(水文) 7,变差系数(水文) 8,凋萎系数(土壤) 9,淀积层(土壤) 10,孔道 二,判断 1,片岩是沉淀岩中的一种类型 2,花岗岩属于中性的岩浆岩


2000年华南师范大学数学分析 一、填空题(3*10=30分) 1.设_______lim _______,lim ,,2,1,4 sin )1(===+-=∞→∞→n n n n n n a a n n a 则 π; 2.设处连续;在则为无理数为有理数____)(, , ,)(=∈? ??-=x x f R x x x x x x f 3._____;1lim 1 0=+?∞→dx x x n n 4._________;)cos (sin lim 10=+→x x x x 5.方程)(032为实常数c c x x =+-在区间[0,1]中至多有_________个根; 6._______; __________),1()(1122=>+=++?n n n n I I n n a x dx I 的递推公式,写出为自然数设7.设_;__________)(,)(),(cos sin 0==?+du t f dt t f y x u y x 是可微函数,则 8.),(y x f 设在P 0(2,0)处可微,且在P 0处指向P 1(2,2)的方向导数是1,指向原点的方向导数是-3,则在P 0处指向P 2(1,2)的方向导数是_____________; 9.写出函数在x=0处的幂级数展开式:____;____________________sin 2 =x 10.曲线π20,sin ,cos 33≤≤==t t a y t a x 的弧长s=___________________. 二、(12分)设f(x)在[0,+∞)上连续,)(lim x f x +∞→存在,证明:f(x)在[0,+∞)上可取得最大值或最小值. 三、(12分)设函数z=z(x,y),由方程)(222y z yf z y x =++所确定,其中f 是可微函数,试证:


我是18年考研的,现被华南师大历史学科教学拟录取。事情忙完了,终于有时间来写帖子了。作为过来人,我知道考研的艰辛,知道有些人买考研真题、复习资料被骗的。所以我在此分享自己的考研心得,顺便分享考研资料,希望得到帮助的人能将此项工作继续下去,帮助更多的人。 初试 政治:不要相信学长学姐说的政治等到9月再开始复习也不迟,除非你记忆力非常好。政治每年都要更新,自己买新书,不要用旧的,用肖秀荣的五件套就行。书买回来后先把每本书前面的介绍看一下,知道这书该怎么利用。我直到最后都没怎么用过其中的两本书,实在是浪费,就是刚开始时没弄清楚书的用法。如果新书已经上市了,赶紧买回来,制定计划,决定每天看几页。如果你觉得现在复习政治为时过早,那你可以每天花20-30分钟看一下政治。看完相应的部分就做相关的题目,把错题标出来,以用于后期复习。政治最容易拉开分数的是选择题,尤其是多项选择题,政治知识点多且容易混淆,记不住,所以这就是为什么政治要早点开始复习的原因。政治主观题不用担心,后期会有肖秀荣八套卷和四套卷,把它背熟就差不多了,几乎每年都猜中题,肖爷爷很厉害。马原在看书时要整理哲学原理和方法论,毛概、思修、中近就整理一些容易混淆的知识点就行。《风中劲草》内容是政治的浓缩精华,差不多到10、11月才出新的,所以你有去年的,平时吃完饭可以念个一两页,不用背,增加熟悉感,知道考点。出新书了,再买新的,这时你可以背这本书,若时间紧,也可不背,每天读一读就行。后期政治还会出关于时政的书,到时记得买就行。这书也不用背,看看熟悉就行。个人觉得政治不用报班,可以在网上找资源看看别人的讲解视频,最好找权威一点的,因为发生过老师讲错题导致考生做错题的事情。选肖秀荣的视频有保障,买他的正版书,会带有视频,可以看看。如果你基础差,到时报一个冲刺班就行,让老师帮你整理一下知识点和思路。不过,说实话,你能把精讲精练看懂、理解,并不需要报班。政治就马原较难理解,并且知识点每年变化小,不懂的看看以前的视频就行啦。 英语:英语二的题较少,所以前期要做英语一的题目,做2000年以后的题目,不用做完型、新题型和作文,因为和英语二不同,所以别浪费时间做。先做一份英语一的阅读题目,然后去看新东方唐迟老师的阅读,做好笔记,然后不断练习阅读。做完10套真题的阅读题目后,接着做一套翻译,然后看新东方宋逸轩老师的翻译视频,零基础的也能看懂,真的很好。做完10套真题的翻译,接着做一套英语二的翻译(英语一的完型不同于英语二,所以不用英语一的真题),然后看宋逸轩的完型视频,接着也是练习英语二10套真题。然后练习新题型,做英语二的题目,它很简单,在新东方找个视频看就行。至于作文,我看的是蒋军虎的视频。平时练习,作文要按照考试规定的时间内完成,并把范文背下来。11月开始,每天背一篇范文。买一本作文书,要适合英语二的,把各种类型的范文背一篇。英语二推荐用蒋军虎的书,里面的真题讲解很详细,个人感觉比张剑的书好,毕竟蒋军虎是专门研究英语二题目的。英语一就用张剑的黄皮书就行。所以,英语按模块来练习,阅读-翻译-完型-新题型-作文,按此顺序,攻克完一个模块,接着下一模块。所有模块攻克完后,一套题可分为三天完成,第一天完型+2阅读,第二天1阅读+翻译+小作文,第三天1阅读+新题型+大作文。做完题要认真对答案、看解析,把真题中的单词、词组、句型弄懂,要把英语二的真题吃透。如果时间紧,就不做英语一的题目,直接做英语二的。英语一真题做一遍就行,英语二真题可以多做几遍,真题买回来就复印一两份,或是上网找真题打印也行。题你能刷几遍,什么时候能做完,就看你的计划了。从一开始就要做好计划,心中要有数,别到时英语二的题做不完。单词用红宝书就行,不喜欢的话可以用手机软件百词斩背单词,但是要克制自己玩手机。时间不够的话,可以背从真题里摘抄的你不懂的单词、短语。单词是每天都要背的,不能懈怠。


华南师范大学考研经验心得 考研的经历让我一生都受益匪浅,回味这段生活,获得的感悟其实很简单:奋斗、专注、自信、坚持再加上辅导班老师周密的考研计划。这里给大家分享一些关于考研经验心得,供大家参考。 考研经验心得1 考研路是漫长的,是艰辛的,也是成功的——不论是不是能考上,你都收获的了不同的成功,当你感觉无论如何努力也不见丝毫进展,当你心神气燥时,当你无论如何都不能收束心神安心学习时,一如爬山的历程,当你走在崎岖的山道上,当你感到筋疲力尽的时候向上仰望,看到的是仍是山的时候,这时候,我们学要的是坚持,坚持,再坚持!我自己就有这种感觉,那时候,我真的是六神无主,心浮气燥,急的上火,但是我的理智始终能战胜我的情感,于是我用我自己特有的发泄方法,骑上自行车,一直骑到很远很远的地方,远离都市的喧嚣与浮躁,到荒郊野外去独自享受那无人的荒凉,去感受野外的魅力与大自然的魔力,你可以大吼大叫,可以尽情的歌唱,而不必担心有人会笑你疯子,什么都不用想,把一切都交给自然。回来后,我会感觉心境也平和了,精力也更充沛了,于是新的历程又开始了。

也许考研路上我们会错过很多风景,然而我们不能到达顶峰,就永远也不能领会“会当凌绝顶,一揽众山小的”气概,永远不会有那种气吞山河、舍我其谁的豪气!远登绝顶,看东方日出,观波澜壮阔,望茫茫原野,赏山花烂漫,心胸不由不开阔万分,于是,一路上的汗水辛劳,痛苦挣扎都觉得物所值,觉得一切和现在的感觉相比都算不了什么!为考研而奋斗的日日夜夜,每天发现此时此刻只有天上的星星在陪伴我的时候,我并不觉得有什么亏,相反觉得很充实,对明天充满激情与自信。由失败通往胜利的征途上有道河,那道河叫放弃,由失败通往胜利的征途上有座桥,那座桥叫努力。 考研前一天,我决定不去了,没一点把握,朋友说你都看了半年了,好歹去考场转转,为明年做准备。第二天,我参加了考试,总体感觉数学和专业课考的不错,英语还感觉不错,但政治没一点低。我是没抱多大希望,可是心里还是很在意,很想知道结果。 结果出来了,同学帮我查得:数学__英语__政治__专业课__,总分__。考试结果和我预料的刚好相反。我觉得我的数学和专业课都可能上120,只是担心英语和政治不过线,现在终于松了一口气。不过这样更好,不用担心政治不过线了。 这就是我的考研经历,那段很是苦闷的日子。在我断断续续的考研历程中,我最大的感悟就是相信自己能行,这样想你就一


华南师范大学课程与教学论考研经验贴 这是我考研前一晚在酒店复习的时候拍的,那时我依旧在背书背英语模板,还特意订了一个安静的房间,很有纪念意义。 我本科双非,是一所普通师范院校。从小怀有成为一名优秀教师的抱负。大三上学期开始有了考研的想法,本科是英语专业,但是由于自己一直以来都对教育更感兴趣,同时希望英语成为自己的优势,所以选择了课程与教学论这个专业。这个专业很火,不好考,特别对我这样跨考的学生来说,其实难度挺大的。后来偶然的机会吧,我考研的决心就订下来了。华师离家里近,也是211院校,地理位置也比较优越,就这样,我的学校,专业就确定了。 3、报班备考: 有很多人可能都会纠结要不要报班,毕竟在经济上也不是一笔小数目。在各类辅导机构丛生的今天,许多人也害怕被骗。我也有过这样的担忧。我报了高分VIP-A班,费用不小,跟父母说的时候,爸妈也担心这是不是骗人的。但是老师让我感觉很放心,他也主动联系了我爸爸,还给出了一些勤思工作的图片,也就消除了我们一些疑虑。再加上网上也搜集了一些资料,了解到勤思有很多年的教育学辅导经验,最后决定报班。 在这里得说明一下,有些同学会问,报班是不是就是走后门,会有一些内部资料?答案绝对是否定的。报班其实就跟你交学费学习是一样的,只不过他是一种额外的辅导。但是走后门,有内幕这种绝对是无稽之谈。任何事情得得靠自己的努力,辅导班是很好的学习渠道,但是不是保障。如果你能利用好,报班就会让你受益颇多;如果你只想着交钱就能成功,那是不太可能的。 4、考研经历和复习经验: 一.初试 1. 公共课: A. 英语:由于我本科是英语专业,所以我对英语还是比较有信心的,但是我今年新题型10分全错了,大家这一题还是要多训练,毕竟这种题目错一个就是错一堆啊,下面是我的一些英语复习安排: 早上7点-8点记单词 下午2点-5点做英语真题


华南师范大学全日制教育硕士考研学制 两年 如果有人利用你的柔软攻击你,利用你的善良欺负你,利用你的宽容践踏你,请不要哭泣。你的柔软善良宽容是你值得拥有更好生活的资本,也是你立于这世界真实的支撑。凯程华南师范大学全日制教育硕士老师给大家详细讲解。凯程就是王牌的教育硕士考研机构! 一、华南师范大学全日制教育硕士专业方向介绍 2015年华南师范大学全日制教育硕士学费共计1.8万元,其中教育管理、学科教学(英语)、学科教学(语文)学费共计2万元,学制两年。 华南师范大学全日制教育硕士专业方向及初试科目如下: 教育管理招生人数20人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④900教育管理学 现代教育技术招生人数30人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④913现代教育技术 小学教育招生人数20人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④914小学教育学原理 心理健康教育招生人数15人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④915心理学原理与方法 学前教育招生人数20人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④919学前教育学 学科教学(语文) 招生人数35人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④902语文课程与教学论 学科教学(英语) 招生人数30人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④907综合英语 学科教学(历史) 招生人数35人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④908中国近现代史 学科教学(数学) 招生人数31人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④903初等数学研究 学科教学(物理) 招生人数20人 ①101思想政治理论②204英语二 ③333教育综合④904物理教学论 学科教学(化学) 招生人数21人


《华南师范大学考研613数学分析复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)》由鸿知华师考研网依托多年丰富的教学与辅导经验,与该专业课优秀研究生合作汇编而成。全书内容紧凑权威细致,编排结构科学合理,为参加华南师范大学考研的考生量身定做的必备专业课资料。 《华南师范大学考研613数学分析复习全析(含真题答案)》全书编排根据: 华东师范大学数学系《数学分析》 名校经典教材《数学分析》 ===往年华南师范大学考研参考书目=== 刘名生等编《数学分析(一)》、《数学分析(二)》;耿堤等编《数学分析(三)》,科学出版社 结合提供的往年华师考研真题内容与答案解析,帮助报考华南师范大学硕士研究生的同学通过华师教材章节框架分解、配套的习题讲解及相关985、211名校考研真题与解答,帮助考生梳理指定教材的各章节内容,深入理解核心重难点知识,把握考试要求与考题命题特征。 通过研读演练本书,达到把握教材重点知识点、适应多样化的专业课考研命题方式、提高备考针对性、提升复习效率与答题技巧的目的。同时,透过测试演练,以便查缺补漏,为初试高分奠定坚实基础。 适用范围 适用院系: 数学科学学院:基础数学、计算数学、概率论与数理统计、应用数学、运筹学与控制论、数学教育 适用科目: 613数学分析 内容详情 本书包括以下几个部分内容: 一、考试解读: part 1 学院专业考试概况 ①学院专业分析:含学院基本概况、考研专业课科目:613数学分析的考试情况; ②科目对应专业历年录取统计表:含华南师范大学数学学院各专业的历年录取人数与分数线情况; ③历年考研真题特点:含华南师范大学考研专业课613数学分析各部分的命题规律及出题风格。 part 2 历年题型分析及对应解题技巧


华南师范大学全日制教育硕士小学教育专业考研经验——普通二本到华南师大 文|陈YC/凯程网课学员 华南师范大学全日制教育硕士小学教育专业 刚刚赶完论文定稿,现在才来得及写经验贴。综合排名第二成功考取华南师范大学小学教育专业。我本科是双非院校,省属师范大学,小学教育专业。 一、写在前面 考研的各位宝宝,在考研面前,一定要有一颗在选择前无比认真的脸和一颗选择后绝不改变的心。 考研这件事对于我来说,是一次历练。在大三之前其实从来没有想过考研,甚至是我们班主任吓唬我们说不考研不让毕业的时候,我都很坚定:绝不考研。可是,当我真的走到这一天,身边的人都选择考研时,我最终抱着试一试,至少试过了不后悔的心态选择了考研,只是当时对于报考华南一直有犹豫。 因为,那时候真的压力很大,还在为实习和论文开题的事情奔波。择校的那两个月里我一直很摇摆,因为自己本科是双非的普通二本院校,而且自己本科没什么拿得出手的荣誉,怎么去和对手竞争。摇摆过后,就决定了要为自己勇敢的拼一次。 比较幸运的是,我的室友们这时候也决定要考研,于是我们欣然成为研友。决定好之后,我花了比较长的时间陆续买好了复习资料,开始一点点啃。但是,进度太慢,而且平时上课外加各种考试,所以,要认真算起来,我是在暑假这个时间才全身心投入考研复习的。 暑假期间,我们全宿舍申请留校了,每天五点四十起床,跑跑步到图书馆门口等开门,我一直深深的记得早上六点大爷一开门,大家全力冲刺跑进阅览室抢位置,那时候的图书馆,七点一过,几乎抢不到位置。 然后就开始了每天早出晚归的考研复习之路。所幸两个月的艰苦努力为自己后期的学习打下了比较好的基础。所以,九月份实习一个月归来,在接着背诵复习还没有全忘光。但是,回校后的很长一段时间,我的学习状态都没有很好的调回来,总是有点懒散,效率也不如以前高,但是最终还是尽快调整好好状态一路熬过来了。 考试的时候,其实我还没有完全准备好。其实333我并没有背的很熟,但是题目也没有太偏,至少大部分题我是见过的。考914的时候,虽然背了好几遍,但是今年考的很活,书上的知识点似乎一个没来,当时特别紧张,考场上甚至有人还哭了,我赶紧冷静下来,尽可能把相关知识点,结合自己的理解写上去,所幸也考了一个不错的分数。


一、填空题(3*10=30分) 1.设_______lim _______,lim ,,2,1,4 sin )1(===+-=∞→∞→n n n n n n a a n n a 则 π ; 2.设处连续; 在则为无理数 为有理数 ____)(, , ,)(=∈?? ?-=x x f R x x x x x x f 3._____;1lim 1 0=+?∞→dx x x n n 4._________;)cos (sin lim 1 =+→x x x x 5.方程)(032 为实常数c c x x =+-在区间[0,1]中至多有_________个根; 6._______; __________),1()(1122=>+= ++?n n n n I I n n a x dx I 的递推公式,写出为自然数设7.设_;__________)(,)(),(cos sin 0 == ? +du t f dt t f y x u y x 是可微函数,则 8.),(y x f 设在P 0(2,0)处可微,且在P 0处指向P 1(2,2)的方向导数是1,指向原点的方向导数是-3,则在P 0处指向P 2(1,2)的方向导数是_____________; 9.写出函数在x=0处的幂级数展开式:____;____________________sin 2 =x 10.曲线π20,sin ,cos 3 3 ≤≤==t t a y t a x 的弧长s=___________________. 二、(12分)设f(x)在[0,+∞)上连续,)(lim x f x +∞ →存在,证明:f(x)在[0,+∞)上可取得最大值或 最小值. 三、(12分)设函数z=z(x,y),由方程)(2 2 2 y z yf z y x =++所确定,其中f 是可微函数,试证: xz y z xy x z z y x 22) (222=??+??--.


华南师范大学考研复试应该注意些什么 一、仪容: (一)发型: 发型能最直接地反映考生的精神面貌,也能看出考生的品味和对细节的关注程度。一个凌乱不堪的发型,是无法给考官留下好印象的。考生头发的长度是有讲究的,头发也不能五颜六色。 男性的发型发式,一般要求干净利落、整洁自然;不宜过长,但最好也不要剃光头;基本的要求是“前发不覆额,侧发不掩耳,后发不过领”。女性发型总体要求是轻爽利落、美观大方,不要披头散发、发饰过多。女性可以烫发,但要给人稳重感,不要太前卫或轻浮。 (二)面容: 面容的总体要求是端正庄重、修饰避人、整洁干净、简约朴实、得体自然。男性应养成每天修面的好习惯,保持干净整洁,不蓄胡须、鼻毛不外现,口无异味。女性在面试场合应以裸妆为宜,保持清新、自然、柔和、淡雅、突出眼唇,建议考生面试时不要使用香水。

(三)指甲: 考生在面试时应保持手部清洁,不蓄长指甲,不使用醒目的甲彩。 二、着装: (一)服装: 面试着装的总体要求是端庄得体、干练精明、朴素大方、温文尔雅。由于是研究生考试,所以考生在穿着方面主要表现出稳重、大方、富有涵养的形象即可。 (二)鞋袜: 在面试场合,建议考生不要选择尼龙袜和白色袜子。男性如果要着西装,应注意鞋袜与西服的搭配,皮鞋要清洁(黑色为首选),袜子应与裤子、皮鞋颜色的颜色相同或其他较深颜色,而不能是浅色或者白色。女性穿套裙时宜穿皮鞋,根据套裙颜色配肉色或深色长统袜或连裤袜,不能穿黑色或镂花的丝袜;女性在面试场合不能穿凉鞋、凉拖等前露脚趾后露脚跟的鞋。 (三)配饰: 饰物与配件的佩戴最重要的是要与服装构成一个有机的整体,在考生面试中女性


2018华南师范大学各专业考研参考书目大汇总2018考研陆续开始,为方便考研华南师范大学的学子收集资料,聚英考研网特意为大家分享华南师范大学各学院的专业考研参考书目以及相关专业课资料,帮助考研学子们复习,顺利考上理想学院。 详情:https://www.360docs.net/doc/f9769172.html,/school/scnu/shumu-0 华南师范大学文学院考研资料推荐: 《2018华南师范大学311教育学专业基础综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学311教育学专业基础综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)

《2018华南师范大学902语文课程与教学论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学902语文课程与教学论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学808中国文学史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学808中国文学史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学708汉语基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学708汉语基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学445汉语国际教育基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学445汉语国际教育基础考研专业课复习全书》 详情:https://www.360docs.net/doc/f9769172.html,/ziliao/all-scnu-7213 教育信息技术学院考研资料推荐 《2018华南师范大学810传播业务考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学810传播业务考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学610传播史论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学610传播史论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学440新闻与传播专业基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学440新闻与传播专业基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)


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华南师范大学数学科学学院的数学专业研究生招生考试没有考试大纲,以下是本人根据近3-5年的考试题目的一个自我总结,希望能对报考该校的师弟师妹有所帮助,如有帮助,实乃万幸!! 高等代数(北大版王萼芳石生明) 第一章 一般考察一道题:应该是整除,最大公因式的题!!最大公因式的可能性大,整除时可能会用到一点不可约多项式,本原多项式。 第二章 一般考察一题:,就是考察一个行列式的基本运算。 第三章 一般考一题,这个题几乎年年考。 一般考的就是4个未知数的,也就是4阶的行列式。 第四章 这一章一般会考一题,一般不会单独出题,常常放在线性变换中考察。第五章 这章的知识点比较单一,就是化标准型和合同。不过可以与特征值一起考察,这部分容易出考题。 第六章 这章主要会考察的知识就是基变换与直和分解,一般考试也就一题。第七章

这章是重点!! 线性变换的定义,线性变换的矩阵,特征值与特征向量,值域与核,不变子空间都是重点,随便拿出来一个都可以出题。 第八章 我估计这章基本是不会考的,华师大本科的学生都没有学。 第九章 主要考察一个就是定义,一个就是施密特正交化。 后面的都不考!! 代数一般是7~8题 第一题问答:5个概念或定理 下面全部是大题 数学分析(华东师大版) 1,没有考题 2.3数列极限和函数极限这两章会考一个题。 4.函数的连续性一般会考一个题。 5.这章面试的时候会问问题,考题的可能性不大。 第六章是重点。中值定理太重要了,好多考题都会用到这里面的知识点。一般来说这章只需要看前5节就可以了。 7.8这两章一般没有考题。 第九章;考就考了,不考就不考了。定积分就是一道题,应该在可积


华南师范大学英语学科考研经验 先简单自我介绍一下,我考的是13年华南师范大学英语学科教学专业,总分393,专业排名第四,今年的复试分数线330(往年350-360)。 从九月份开始备考到一月初开考,若称这四个月为“考研之路”,不如称之为“纠结之路”。对于考研的感受感想,网上飞天漫舞的很多。视角不同,感受也大相径庭。我想每个考研人也都有自己独特的学习方法,因此很难千篇一律的谈某个技巧。那从我个人角度,考研究竟有多纠结,考研之路决胜的关键点是什么?鄙人不才,且看下文分解。 一、我认为考研之路最重要的几点: 首先是信息搜索的能力。 网络信息化时代,有效获取信息的能力非常重要。丰富的网络资源中,几乎可以搜索到你所需要的绝大部分资料。比如考研聚宝盆就在考研论坛里,里面有以学校分块的或以科目分类的各种资源,有你很需要的战友,优秀前辈,备考经验谈,学习方法等等。另一个网站是凯程考研网,里面是各类报考信息。还有一个就是报考学校官网啦。如果焦虑的您对什么是考研还很迷茫的话,建议赶紧去考研论坛里扫扫盲。找到你所报学校的板块,横扫最白痴的问题,如"我不知道报什么学校",到最晦涩的专业学习问题,如“现阶段以那一块专业知识为主攻重点”等等。建议不要如无头苍蝇般,碰到一个考研人就如抓到救命稻草一样狂问一番,有人已经问了N遍的问题,再好心的前辈也是会烦躁滴。那不如自己勤动手,多翻帖子,丰衣足食! 其次,独处的能力。 这个对情绪动物女生来说尤为重要。当然不管男生女生,面对战线长压力大前途不可知的考研路,还是会一丝微风便起万丈波澜。话说唐僧取经他还知道如来佛一定在西天等着他,我们哪儿知道录取通知一定等着我们,你说压力能不大嘛!要你一天两天集中精力每天看十个小时以上的书可能不是难题,但如果要你十天二十天天天保持这样的高效率,你是否能做得到?我想是人都很难做到,当然有些“非人”除外。这时候,什么疲倦啊,想放松啊,困啊等等情绪统统都来了,一边是紧张的备考进度一边是各路情绪,非把你折腾个半死不活不可!所以备考时自我情绪调节很重要,如果有个学习认真意志坚定的研友就再好不过了。漫漫长路是很需要一个研友在你孤独时陪伴你,泄气时鼓励你,迷惑时指正你!我那个时候是在区图书馆看的书,身边都是一些随时流动的人,直到最后也没碰上个可以“扶持到老”的战友。我的所有情绪都靠一个千里爱心热线——我男友。真的很感谢他对我的支持与帮助! 言归正传,我指的独处能力还意味着考研是单独作战。不像高考,老师就是我们的军师,同学就是我们的战友,考研时大家都埋头各看各书,各找各妈。自个儿的学习方法对不对,进度有没有落后,重考点把握准不准确等等,只有自个儿去发现和调节。再也没有老师像爹妈一样唠叨"你要看书嘞,再不看就考不上大学嘞bra……"伤心了,自我安抚慰一下;烦躁了,自我平息一下;遇到难题了,还是自我解救下。好心态很重要!很喜欢的一句话分享下:


【温馨提示】现在很多小机构虚假宣传,育明教育咨询部建议考生一定要实地考察,并一定要查看其营业执照,或者登录工商局网站查看企业信息。 目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师. 华南师范大学基础数学考研复试分数线、 复试科目:在常微分方程、复变函数、近世代数、点集拓扑、数值计算方法、组合数学、概率论中任选一门。 复试参考书: 01.华东师范大学编,《数学分析》,高等教育出版社02.北京大学编,《高等代数》,高等教育出版社03.王高雄等编,《常微分方程》,高等教育出版社04.余家荣编,《复变函数》,高等教育出版社05.吴品三编,《近世代数》,高等教育出版社06.熊金城编,《点集拓扑》,高等教育出版社07.白峰杉编,《数值计算引论》,高等教育出版社08.曹汝成编,《组合数学》,华南理工大学出版社09.茆诗松等编,《概率论与数理统计》,高等教育出版社 2014年全国硕士研究生招生考试考生进入复试的初试成绩基本要求(学术学位类) 学科门类(专业) A类考生*B类考生* 备注总 分 单科 (满分 单科 (满分 总 分 单科 (满分 单科 (满分

名称=100 分)>100分) =100分)>100分)哲学2904060 2803756*A 类考生:报考地处一区招生单位的考生。*B 类考生:报考地处二区招生单位的考生。一区系北京、天津、河北、山西、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、重庆、四川、陕西等21省(市);二区系内蒙古、广西、海南、贵州、云南、西藏、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆等10省(区)。*工学照顾专业:力学[0801]、冶金工程[0806]、动力工程及工程热物理[0807]、水利工程[0815]、地质资源与地质工程[0818]、矿业工程[0819]、船舶与海洋工程[0824]、航空宇航科学与技术[0825]、兵器科学与技术[0826]、核科学与技术[0827]、农业工程[0828]。*中医类照顾专业:中医学[1005]、中西医结合[1006]。*享受少数民族政策的考生:①报考地处二区招生单位,且毕业后在国务院公布的民族区域自治地方就业的少数民族普通高校应届本科毕业生考生;或者②工作单位在国务院公布的民族区域自治地方,且定向就业原单位的少数民族在职人员考生。经济学3304568 3204263法学 31544663054162教育 学(不 含体 育学) 3154212630539117文学 35055833405278历史 学 3104212630039117理学 28538572753553工学 (不含 工学 照顾 专业) 28538572753553农学 25534512453147医学 (不含 中医 类照 顾专 业) 2853811427535105军事 学 29038572803553管理 学 33548723254568艺术 学 32534513153147体育 学 265341022553193工学 照顾 专业* 27537562653451中医2803711127034102


2018华南师范大学各专业历年考研分数线大汇总2018考研陆续开始,为方便考研华南师范大学的学子收集资料,聚英考研网特意为大家分享华南师范大学各学院的专业考研历年分数线、参考书以及相关专业课资料,帮助考研学子们复习,顺利考上理想学院。 华南师范大学2010-2017历年考研分数线大汇总: 详情:https://www.360docs.net/doc/f9769172.html,/school/scnu/fenshu-0 华南师范大学文学院考研资料推荐: 《2018华南师范大学311教育学专业基础综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学311教育学专业基础综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学902语文课程与教学论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》

《2018华南师范大学902语文课程与教学论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学808中国文学史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学808中国文学史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学708汉语基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学708汉语基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学445汉语国际教育基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学445汉语国际教育基础考研专业课复习全书》 详情:https://www.360docs.net/doc/f9769172.html,/ziliao/all-scnu-7213 教育信息技术学院考研资料推荐 《2018华南师范大学810传播业务考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学810传播业务考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学610传播史论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018华南师范大学610传播史论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学440新闻与传播专业基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学440新闻与传播专业基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》 《2018华南师范大学334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018华南师范大学333教育综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》
