大学英语作文:I have a dream我有一个梦想

大学英语作文:I have a dream我有一个梦想
大学英语作文:I have a dream我有一个梦想

大学英语作文:I have a dream我有一个梦想

I have a dream

By Mako from Class


When I was very young, I loved beautiful birds. The things I loved most were

the wings. With wings, you can fly to every to everywhere you like.

I like to

stand on soft green grass, let breeze touch my face gently and have my hair flying, dancing quietly with the wind. I love

that feeling.

I can feel the same feeling as Rose when she was standing on the

ship Titanic pretending to fly.

I have the dream of flying.

I dream I can fly up in the blue sky, where all my dreams come from. I dream of

flying to where all my dreams come from.

I want to have a rest on the clouds. They

are soft and cool. Like gas. Like water. Like ice. They’re a mixture. But they are pure in my heart.

I want to have a race with the wind to see who is the better flyer. Sometimes it’s

cool. Sometimes it’s warm. Sometime it’s cool. It often plays around me.

I want

to fly in the golden sunshine. It makes me the most beautiful colour.

I want to

make friends with all kinds of birds. I want to play with them. They teach me many many things that I haven’t known


I want to…

Then I close my



Waiting for the snow

Have the last fly, flying, dancing, with the snow

Go with it to the deepest part of the world

Be buried with the snow…


And forever.

I have a dream

By Shen Yi from Class 18

Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be

beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I’m different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of

wings. Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom.

If I have

a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful. I can fly below the blue sky with the birds. I can enjoy the music of

birds’. I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face. The feeling must be the same as that my mother

caresses me.

I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can

see all the wonderful view. But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead. I want to have a fly of my own. The

plane must be very small and light. It has to carry only one person. It can fly by wind or sunshine. It can fly for a very

long time. And the important thing is that it must be very save.

I’m sure I can

have this plane some day. And I can have fly to everywhere I want.


我有一个梦想,是中国梦 中国梦是我们守望千年渴望实现的梦, 中国梦是我们奋斗百年即将腾飞的梦。 中国梦有着长城蜿蜒的骨骼, 有着黄河奔流的脉搏, 有着黄山劲松的坚定, 有着航天精神的开拓。 中国梦是历代传承的风雅颂, 是几经磨难的钟鼎文。 中国梦是一幅幅水墨的江山图, 是一卷卷古典的线装书。 中国梦是编钟里铿铿锵锵的旋律, 是甲骨上密密麻麻的传说, 是敦煌壁画上无声的舞蹈, 是秦始皇兵马俑无言的沉默。 中国梦是一条龙,日夜盘踞在我们的心中。 中国梦,让我们和历史一起铭记, 中国梦,让我们和现实一起瞩目, 中国梦,让我们期待巨龙腾飞的那一瞬间。 中国梦,是家梦。 是父亲晚餐的一杯老酒, 聆听一首老歌,唱出的半生的滋味。 中国梦,是家梦。 是母亲从绿色园区摘回的一把新蔬,

炒出多年自然的香醇的味道。 中国梦,是家梦。 是儿子科研成功捧回的沉甸甸的奖杯, 是女儿挽着父母的臂弯快乐休闲的漫步。 中国梦,是家梦。 是家家团圆欢聚一堂的誓愿, 是户户吉祥和谐美满的欢歌。 中国梦,是国梦。 是百年前虎门销烟的壮举, 是辛亥革命跨世纪的成功, 是红军长征胜利的会师, 是百万雄师过大江的勇猛。 中国梦,是国梦。 是新中国成立天安门前的礼炮, 是改革开放唤醒中华大地的心率。 中国梦,是国梦。 是文昌地震检验出民族的凝聚力,是十八大胜利召开吹响新时期的号角。 中国梦,是强军梦。 是维护世界和平,捍卫伟大祖国神圣不可侵犯。 中国梦,是强军梦。 是国富民强实现中华民族伟大复兴的梦想。 中国梦是我们守望千年渴望实现的梦, 中国梦是我们奋斗百年即将腾飞的梦, 我的中国梦,我们的中国梦!


mydreamjob高中生作文 【篇一:英语作文my dream job】 my dream job my dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. i want to be an accountant because i love mathematics and business so much. also, i major in finance during at my college. and being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. i need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. first, i have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college. then i might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the cpa exam. with the cpa license, i have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm. sometimes i can find my job in job agency. finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, i can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there. being an accountant is a best job for me. because i will work for 45 hours a week. it is not a long time job, i can do my interested things during weekend. accountant always work in a office, so i will be not too tired. and it has a good work environment. some people think that accountant is not a good job because it can not work with other people. however, it has about only 31.13 stress level. it is not too much, i do not like too much stress. but it has a low income, about $59,173 a year. in my opinion, i will be very happy because i can do my dream job. 【篇二:中考英语作文范文我梦想的工作my dream job】 中考英语作文范文我梦想的工作my dream job since i was an innocent child, i had the idea to be a doctor in the future. i always see the people died in the tv, i feels


DREAM——A word that has changed the world Hello, everybody! It is my great honor to be here to share my idea with you. Today, I will talk something about DREAM——A word that has changed the world. “What do you think is the word that has really changed our w orld ?” When I was asked about this question for the first time ,without thinking it too much , a word flash into my mind ——DREAM , D-R-E-A-M. People more or less dream about different things,to be a teacher ,a doctor ,a scientist ,a businessman and so on .All these people who have dreams should be respected, because Dreams make the world go around. We grow great by our dreams. All big men are great dreamers in their youth. Everyone has a dream, and everything starts as one’s daydream. Martin Luther king had a dream. He desired for a future where blacks and whites would coexist harmoniously as equals. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, and he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations. He pushed forward the pace of American black society towards the racial equality. Thomas Edison had a dream. He dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality! And today, his dream lights up the world at night.


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p


我有一个梦想作文(一) 我有一个梦想,深深扎根于我的心中。那就是长大后,我要成为一个科学家。 尽管我没有过人的才智,没有严密的思维,也没有特别准确的判断力,但是我仍不会放弃努力。尽管这个梦想距我很遥远,但我仍不会停止追求。尽管在实现梦想的过程中,会有很多挫折和无数的磨难,但我仍不会灰心丧气。因为我相信,只有经历地狱般的磨练,才能练出创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱;只有经历困难和挫折,才能实现自己的梦想。 以前,每当我看到科学家们令人瞩目的成就时,总会感到羡慕和敬佩。是他们,推动了社会的发展;是他们,使人民生活水平得到提高;更是他们,为祖国的发展赢来了一个崭新的明天。 因此,我想成为一个科学家,成为一个对国家有贡献的人,成为这个国家的栋梁。每当我看到浪费时间的人时,我会为他们感到惋惜;每当我看到灰心丧气的人时,会为他们感到悲哀;每当我看到不务正业的人时,我会感到愤恨。因为他们没有看到自己的价值,没有属于自己的梦想。这样的人生,是没有意义的人生。 而我,至少有一个梦想,一个目标。有了这个梦想,我就会一直努力下去,永不放弃。有了这个梦想,就等于把握了自己的人生航向,不会再迷失方向。有了这个梦想,就好象一盏明灯,照亮了我前进的道路。一直通往胜利的顶峰。 为了这个梦想,我会努力奋斗。也希望人人能向着自己的梦想奋进,寻找属于自己的明天! 我有一个梦想作文(二) “安得广夏千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜” 梦想是美丽的,有梦想的人生更是绚丽多彩的。 是杜甫的梦想:“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”是陆游的梦想:“撑一支长篙,向青草更青处漫溯:满载一船星辉,在星辉斑斓里放歌”是徐志摩的梦想有一位黑人,在一次20多万人的集会上,作了“我有一个梦想”的演讲,成了20世纪最为惊心动魄的声音之一,穿过了半个世纪的时光隧道,人们仍能感受到其中的大悲悯和大悲痛。 梦想就像夜里大海里的塔灯,可以为迷失方向的渔船,照亮回港湾的路。 每个人都有梦想,有的人为了自己的这个梦想,奋斗终身,却没有什么结果。而有的人,却满载而归,这只是机缘的问题。真正的问题在于自己是否为了这个梦想而去努力过。()如果你为了你的这个梦想去奋斗过,就算没有什么好的结果,你也不会后悔。但是,你不去努力,每天都过的浑浑噩噩,那么你的这个梦想,只会永远是一个梦,而不会成为现实。当你有天突然醒过来的时候,为时已晚,会发现现在再去说努力奋斗,一切都只是空谈去梦想的这条路上,很坎坷,很颠簸,一不注意会让你摔个大跟头。所以有时候,我们长辈们的指点,能让我们少摔几个跟头,所以长辈和我们讲的话,要时时牢记心中。 我也有梦想,我的梦想是考上一个理想大学,然后把专业学好,回到家乡,同儿时的玩伴一起创办大型娱乐公司。虽然这个梦想看起来那么遥不可及,但是我相信,只要我们去努力,总有那么一天,这个看似荒唐的儿时的梦,总会有一个不会让我们后悔的结果。所以我一定会努力的去实现它,让它从梦想变为现实。 梦想和经典一样,永远不会随着时间的流逝而褪色,反而更显珍贵。 我有一个梦想作文(三) 梦想,是每个人心中一盏不灭的灯,自从我来到这个世界上,它就一直照亮我前方的路,梦想,给予我勇气和力量,在每一次跌倒或失败后总让我挺起胸膛。 我,一个对优秀灵魂有着特殊感情的人,想说:“我有一个梦想,穿越时空的隧道,去感受那优秀灵魂所铸造的美丽风景,让美丽成为你、我、他拥有优秀灵魂的人生航标!”我见到了您,屈原,您是位对国家对生命有着极深感情的人,在您政治失意时,把自己化为江畔

关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文

关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文 每个人都有梦想,那么你的有什么梦想呢,下面为大家分享几篇关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文,欢迎阅读 关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文Dream Dream is strength. The strength can bring us wherever we want to get to and it can bring us a lot of wonders on our way to the place in our dreams. Dream is beauty. Maybe you can see the things full of magic and maybe you will be moved by your own dream. Have you dreamed of being a princess? Have you dreamed of being a successful person? Oh, you can understand clearly that all the things in your dreams is unrealistic. The world is so real that all the dreams seem weak. But should we have our life without dreams? Of course not. The truth never fails to tell you: no dream, no hope. If nobody had dreamed of flying like a bird, we should never have known that a machine called plane could bring us to the places in the air. And we would never have got the chance of development any more. Some people have



大学英语作文及翻译 【篇一:大学生活_英语作文】 我的大学生活英语作文 the bright and dark sides of my university life every coin has two sides. on the one hand, i am quite satisfied with my university life. on the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. here is the bright side of my university life: firstly, equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. there is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. so we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university. secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. we can learn much knowledge that is interesting. thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing par ties provide opportunities to make friends. what’s more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. dormitory life is an important part of my university life. on the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. on the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together. this is the dark side of my university life: firstly, there is only one dining room in my university. so we often need to wait in a long line, which waste much time. everyday is always fixed cuisine types, which make our appetites depressed. secondly, self-study room is not enough. now we will soon take final exam. so it is difficult to find a self-study room. what’s more, network of my university is very unstable. it is difficult to search


我有一个梦想高中作文【五篇】 【篇一】 人人都有自己的梦想,有的是当一名科学家,有的是当一名医生,有的是当一名警察……而我的梦想是当一 位着名的服装设计师。 每一次经过商场时,总能看见商店橱窗里那些漂亮的、样式各异的新衣裳,我想:如果这些衣服是我设计的,那该多好啊!如果人们能穿上我设计的衣服,我该多自豪啊!从此,着名服装设计师这个梦想,就在我心 中萌芽了。 说起“着名”二字,我觉得就有些压力了,因为听爸爸说,当服装设计师必须要有绘画的功底,独特的想法 和眼光,还要设计出来的服装既漂亮又舒适。所以,我每个假期都去学画画,没事做的时候自己画一画,设计 设计,或者是缝缝补补。我也知道以我现在的能力是绝对赶不上那些设计师,但这并不代表我以后也不能超过 他们。因此,我现在要好好学习,从小训练自己的思维和绘画能力。 五年前的一天,我看着妈妈给我买的新裙子,那裙子仿佛在对我说:“如果你想把我改了,就随你的愿吧! 我没关系的!”我想了一会儿,点了点头,笑着大声说了一句话“开工了!”我把那裙子拆啊,缝啊,粘啊,贴啊。两个小时之后,我起先以为妈妈一定不会给我好评的,可妈妈却说:“改得真好!我女儿还有这方面的天赋啊!”妈妈的鼓励,犹如给我心中原有的那粒种子施了肥,那粒种子已经萌芽了! “有志者,事竟成。”我一直用这句名言激励着自己,为这个梦想而努力奋斗,我相信,经过不懈的努力, 当“服装设计师”的梦想一定会实现的。 【篇二】 每个人都有梦想,它是人人所向往的。而没有梦想的人的人生将是空虚的。但梦想总是随着思想的前进而 改变的。 开始记事的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望我有钱,大人问:“小伙子,这可是个了不起的梦想,有了钱你要 去干什么呢?”“我要去买巧克力”“如果你有很多钱呢?”“我会去买很多巧克力”“如果你有用不完的钱呢?”“我会 把做巧克力的工厂买下来。”的确小时侯的我们,天真无邪,有着一颗善良的童心,幸福与快乐是一曲不变的乐章。 小时候,我有一个梦想。我希望自己能变成一只风筝,飘荡在蓝天中,然后慢慢的落下来。那时喜欢在青 青的草地上与同伴嬉戏,经常去追逐蓝天白云,让欢笑随之飘动,整天做着斑斓五彩的梦。


mydreamjob英语作文翻译 my dream job英语作文篇一 My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. I need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First I have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the CPA exam. With the CPA lisence I have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm. Finally with my experience in the accounting firm I can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there! 翻译: 我梦想的工作将工作在一个的国际会计公司当会计。 我想成为一名会计师因为我非常喜欢数学和商业。同时作为一个 会计能协助我去探索我的商业知识提供我一个板范围的网络在商业世界。

my dream英语作文80词带翻译

my dream英语作文80词带翻译 Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream. 不同的人有不同的梦想。有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸 福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等。但我的 梦想是和他们不一样的。知道我的梦想后也许你会很惊讶。 I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, I'm nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think I'm an Indian. Some people regard I'm a Pakistan. And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard. 在我心中有一个美丽的梦想。那就是说一口流利的英语。因为对我来 说英语就是我的一切。英语是我的朋友。英语是我的灵魂。英语给予 我力量。没有英语,我什么都没有。什么都没有。现在,我能够用英 语的方式思考,用英语说话,用英语书写。有些人以为我是印第安人。有些人以为我是巴基斯坦人。有些人甚至认为我是埃及人。但如果我 能说英语能像美国人说的那么好,我的未来会很美好。所以我很努力 学习。


十句作文范文背诵 原因篇 作文要求考生对某社会现象或社会问题进行解释。 Sample 1: Why College Students Take a Part-Time Job 1.最近几年越来越多的大学生加入打工的队伍 2. 为什么大学生要打工 3. 大学生打工 的意义 (1) According to a recent survey, about 25 percent of Chinese college students now hold a part-time or temporary job, compared with nearly none 10 years ago, and this figure increases to 72 percent during summer vacation. (2) College students are seen waiting on tables, clerking in stores, advertising in streets, teaching in families and doing whatever work they can find. (3) Why do they want odd jobs – jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge? (4) The primary reason, I think, is money. (5) Feeling the pressure of soaring inflation as books, movies and bus fares have all gone up in price, there is scarcely a young boy or girl who does not want to earn a little money to help cover the increasingly higher college costs, and at best save enough to go travelling or buy things they have long desired. (6) In this way they hope to be economically independent and avoid the indignity of having to ask for money again and again. (7) Besides they want to gain some experience in the ways of society. (8) Students growing up from nursery school to college only know about books and have trouble dealing with realities. (9) Working on a part-time basis can provide them with a rare opportunity to know the outside world and prepare them for a future career. (10) The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience: It will broaden their outlook and exert a profound influence on their personality and life. 理由篇 叙述理由和分析原因是属于同一类型的英语议论文。所不同的是后者是解释某一社会现象或社会问题,而前者则解释写作者——我,为什么要干某事或不干某事。 Sample 1: The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Knew 1. 我生活中最难以忘怀的人是…… 2. 为什么他(或她)一直在我心中 3. 结论 (1) In my life I have met many people who are really worth recalling. (2) But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher. (3) What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. (4) First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. (5) I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs. (6) Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer – an awakening of a passion for learning. (7) He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. (8) Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us. (9) As he treated us like friends rather than students, we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for academic advice.


我有一个梦想初三作文800字三篇 篇一 每个人都有一个梦想,在我心中,有一个梦想正在萌芽,那就是:我长大以后要当个画家。 尽管这个梦想距离我很遥远,但我不会停止追求的脚步;尽管在实现梦想的过程中,会有很多挫折和无数 的磨难,但我不会灰心丧气,因此而放弃。因为我相信,只有经历地狱般的磨练,才能创造出天堂的美丽;只 有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱。不经历风雨,又怎能见到彩虹?唯有经历困难和挫折,才能实现自己 的梦想。 记得看过这样一个小故事:有一架飞机发生空难了,在失事前,空乘人员要每一位乘客写下留言,在惊慌 失措的人群中,有一位乘客表现出了无比的镇静,他什么都没写,只是对空姐说:我希望没事,我在生命的最 后一刻还是不想放弃这个梦想。我不知道这个故事的真假,但是我想他说得没错,每个人都该拥有梦想,而且 要坚持到生命的最后一刻。 当画家是我一直以来的梦想。读着《神笔马良》的故事,好希望自己就是故事中的主人公马良,通过自己的不懈努力,掌握好绘画的技能,用手中的笔帮助穷苦的老百姓实现他们的生活梦想,用手中的笔惩恶扬善。每 当我看到画家们的那些栩栩如生的作品,我都会露出的仰慕与敬佩的神情。是他们,画出了生活的美与丑,善 与恶;是他们,描绘了祖国的青山绿水;是他们,创造了人间艺术,并把它传播到地球的各个角落。 因此,我要当一名画家。我知道实现梦想最重要的是努力学习,除了坚持每个星期跟老师学习素描以外, 每当空闲的时候,我总会看一些绘画的书,照着上面的画画下来,我也会把好看的图片剪下来收藏,每天都在 练习画画。除了掌握好绘画的技巧,我还要努力学习文化知识,因为只有拥有扎实的文化基础,才能画出想像 丰富的画,才会成为一名真正的画家。 每当我看到浪费时间的人时,我会为他们感到惋惜;每当我看到灰心丧气的人时,会为他们感到悲哀;每 当我看到不务正业的人时,我会感到愤怒。因为他们没有看到自己的价值,没有属于自己的梦想。这样的人生,是没有意义的人生。

my dream英语作文带翻译.doc

my dream英语作文带翻译 Everyone has their own dreams, so do I. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this is I have been looking for! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it not only should have bright color, also want to have dark color, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, I will treasure these bleak colors! Isn't it, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. Maybe you will think of having a beautiful road is not very smooth, but I don't think so. If a person lives flat then what is the meaning? Life is only decades, when I asked him to go to the last, every memories about fulfilling! 每个人都有自己的梦想,我也一样。但是我的梦想不是律师,不是医生,不是演员,甚至不是一种行业!我的梦想也许大人们会觉得可笑,但是,这是我一直追寻的!


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century(生活在21世纪的优缺点) Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment. To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance. Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time. Thirdly, modern conveniences such as radio, TV, internet, various vehicles and labour-saving machines in the home, all greatly facilitate human communication, transportation and housework as well. Nevertheless, living in the 21st century also has its disadvantages. The most serious one is the increasingly polluted environment; air is filled with smog and water is contaminated by iehemicals from factories.Another main disadvantage is the personalization of human relattonships which mostly result from people’s ever-increasing contact with machines and numbers. Still one more disadvantage
