


The following is part of an essay taken from Bradford Smith's book, Why We Behave Like Americans. Success as a goal and materialism, according to Smith, are among the underlying factors that make up the American character.


When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American Character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans. "All Americans are Puritans; that's what's wrong with them," says one. "They're always thinking about enjoying themselves," says another. "They spend too much time at work," a distinguished visitor tells us. "They don't know how to play." "Americans don't know what work is, " retorts another." Their machines do it all." "American women are shameless sirens." - "No, they're prudes." "The children here are wonderful - outgoing and natural." -"Natural as little beasts. They have no manners, no respect for their elders." 要是让国外来客描述美国人的性格,结果常常令美国人感到奇怪。一个人说:“所有的美国人都是清教徒;所以他们与众不同。”另一个人说:“他们总是想方设法让自己开心。”一位尊贵的客人告诉我们:“他们花在工作上的时间太多。他们不懂如何玩乐。”另一个人反驳说:“他们不懂什么是工作。因为机器替他们做了一切。”“美国女人是不知廉耻的,妖艳而危险的女人。”--“不,她们假正经。”“这里的孩子真好--外向,自然。”----“象小小的野兽一样自然。他们没礼貌,不尊敬长辈。”

There is, of course, no single pattern of American character any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character. Personality in America is further complicated by our diverse racial and cultural origins, by successive waves of immigration from all parts of the world, by our regional diversities. It is complicated by several hundred varieties of religious belief with their varying impact on the believers. It is further diversified by the generation to which the person belongs -first generation immigrant, second generation child of immigrants, and on down the line.


The temptation is strong to lump all Americans together. Yet those who look a little deeper are puzzled by the seeming contradictions in American life. It is true that Americans as a whole work hard. But they also play hard. They spend more time and money in traveling, camping, hunting, watching sports, drinking, smoking, going to movies, watching television and reading newspapers and magazines than any other people in the world. Yet they also spend more money on churches, social services, hospitals and all kinds of charities. They are always in a hurry, yet they spend more time relaxing. They are at the same time sensitive to the rights of the

individual and habitual conformist. They worship bigness yet idealize the little man, whether he be the small business man as opposed to the big one or the plain citizen as opposed to the big wheel.


Success as a Goal 成功作为目标

One thing almost everyone is agreed on, including Americans, is that they place a very high valuation upon success. Success does not necessarily mean material rewards, but recognition of some sort - preferably measurable. If the boy turns out to be a preacher instead of a business man, that's all right. But the bigger his church and congregation, the more successful he is judged to be.


A good many things contributed to this accent on success. There was the Puritan belief in the virtue of work, both for its own sake and because the rewards it brought were regarded as signs of God's love. There was the richness of opportunity in a land waiting to be settled. There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement.


There was the determination of the immigrant to gain in the new world what had been denied to him in the old, and the part of his children an urge to throw off the immigrant onus by still more success and still more rise in a fluid, classless society. Brothers did not compete within the family for the favor of the parents as in Europe, but strove for success in the outer world, along paths of their own choosing.


The English anthropologist, Geoffrey Gorer, sees the whole situation in Freudian terms. Europe is the father rejected by every immigrant who turned his back on his own culture in order to make a new life in America. The immigrant's struggle for success never ends, because there is no limit to the possible goal. The second generation child, in turn, rejects the alien parents because they cannot measure up to American standards. The only way he can soften the blow is to achieve a still greater success. All over America the lawyers, doctors, professors and politicians with Italian, Irish, German or Polish names testify to the urgency of this drive. 英国的人类学家杰弗里·戈罗尔用弗罗伊德的说法来解释这一切。欧洲是被所有的移民抛弃的父亲,移民为了在美国过上新生活,背离了自己的文化。移民为了要成功从未停止过奋斗,因为目标的内容没有限制。同样,第二代移民拒绝接受移民过来的父母,因为后者无法适应美国标准。他能减轻压力的唯一方式,就是取得更大的成功。在整个美国,有意大利人、爱尔兰人、德国人或波兰人名字的律师、医生、教授和政治家,都能证明这种成功欲望的强烈。

Not to strive, not to take advantage of the opportunities in such a world, not to succeed where success was so available - these things naturally became a sort of crime against the state. To develop the resources of a new country required energetic people, bent upon using their energies - not only for the rewards that would result to themselves, but even more important, to the community. So material success in the United States is not looked upon as selfish. Its results are seen to have communal value.



Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller built great fortunes for themselves. But they also built an economy which has brought a great deal of material well-being, higher health standards and better educational opportunities to millions of Americans. This is how it looks to us, anyway, from inside.


A society which values competition so highly is inevitably an aggressive one, even though the laws carefully limit the forms aggression may take. It has a toughness about it which is good for the muscle tone of the economy but hard on some individuals. In our pioneering days this aggressiveness was essential to survival. Now it can be a menace to society. The factory worker who reaches a dead end and sees himself stuck in the same job year after year may take out his aggressive feelings in race hatred or fighting management, or he may even turn it against himself by way of alcoholism, proneness to accident, or neurotic behavior.



Since a high regard is felt for success, the rewards are high. Money is rarely cherished for itself in America; it is rather a symbol and a tool. As a man's status rises, the demands upon him also increase. He is expected to give liberally to the hundreds of voluntary associations which nourish and minister to the community. Look at the Who's Who entry for any prominent business man, and you are likely to find him involved in an amazing number of committees and associations organized for the public good.


This striving for success and prestige, according to psychologists, is a way of overcoming fears and a sense of inner emptiness. In a mobile society an energetic person can hardly help matching himself against others and seeing how far he can go.



Such a system is fine for those who have it in them to succeed. It is not so good for the mediocre. The fear of failure, the fear of competitors, the loss of self esteem - these arouse tensions that some people cannot handle. In their turn they produce an excessive craving for love. So love and success are linked. Gorer believes that most Americans by the time they are adolescents have confused two ideas: to be successful is to be loved, and to be loved is to be successful. Mothers help to impose the pattern by showing affection and admiration when their children do well at school and by withholding affection when they fail.


Since there are no limits of class, inherited occupation or education to hold a child back, there are, in theory, no limits to what he can achieve. Consequently there is no point at which he can say: " There, I've done it. From now on all I have to do is to hold on." Since any boy can, in theory, become President, striving is a moral obligation. Achievement, not class, is the standard by which men are

judged. There is little or no glory attached to being born wealthy or privileged; the real test is how far you climb from where you started.


Americans love work. It is meat and drink to them. In recent years they have learned how to play, but they make work of that too. If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse. If it's a vacation, they travel five or six hundred miles a day, take in the sights at sixty miles an hour, pause only long enough to snap pictures, and then discover what it was they went to see when they get home and look at the photographs.


Until very recently there has always been a great deal of work to do in this country, a great deal that needed doing. At the beginning men of all sorts and conditions had to pitch in. The preacher had to fell trees and plough fields. The teacher,

the doctor and the magistrate had to shoulder guns for the common defense. The farmer made his own tools, harness, household equipment. He was blacksmith, carpenter, tinsmith, brewer and veterinary all rolled into one, as his wife was spinster, weaver and doctor.


Americans still like to be handy at all things. College professors go in for making furniture or remodeling an old house in the country. Bankers don aprons and become expert barbecue chefs. Nearly everyone knows how to use tools, make simple repairs to plumbing or electrical fixtures, refinish furniture or paint a wall. Far from being thought a disgrace if he performs these "menial" tasks, a man is thought ridiculous if he does not know how to perform them.


Along with this urge to be jack-of-all-trades goes a willingness to change from one occupation to another. It surprises no one in America when the banker's son

becomes a farmer or vice versa. Or when a college professor shifts into industry, or a young man who starts out with a truck purchased on credit ends up running an enterprise with fleets of trucks spanning several states. President Truman was a farmer, an operator of a haberdashery and an army officer before he turned to law and politics. James Bryant Conant, first a chemist, then President of Harvard University, resigned this highest post in the academic world to become High Commissioner and then Ambassador to Germany.


"For a European," writes Andre Maurois, "life is a career; for an American, it is a succession of hazards."


A single individual can be at once an intellectual, a Boy Scout leader, a business man, a sportsman, a dabbler in music or painting, a nature-lover, and one who does many of his own household chores. An employer, he may go hunting with his own or

someone else's employees. A shopkeeper, he may run for local office and be on familiar terms with professional men and government officials. He will live on several levels which in other countries might be separated by class distinctions. 一个人可以同时是知识分子,童子军首领,商人,运动健将,音乐绘画的爱好者,热爱大自然的人,做大部分家务的人。当老板的也许会和自己的或别人的雇员一起打猎。经营商店的可能会竞选当地的政府职位,熟悉专业人士和政府官员。他可以同时位于别的国家也许会用等级的概念来划分的不同社会阶层。

The emphasis on success and achievement, coupled as it is with a desire to be loved and admired, leads to a critical dilemma of personality. To succeed one must be aggressive; to be liked, one must be easy-going and friendly.


One way out of the difficulty is to acquire groups of friends - lodge brothers, members of the same church, a veteran's organization - towards whom you are pledged in friendship. Having thus acquired assured friends, you can practice your aggression on those who don't belong. This pattern explains to some extent the suspicion or hostility towards those of other races or religions.



Materialism 物质享乐主义

The men and women who staked everything on America were for the most part poor. They struggled hard, went without, and saved in order to build up a business or buy a farm of their own. The freedom to own rather than the freedom to vote was the magnet that drew the majority of them across oceans. Naturally enough they put a high value upon the land or the business they acquired through their own efforts. 把赌注都押在美国的男男女女绝大多数是穷人。他们努力挣扎,忍气吞声,努力存钱,目的就是做点买卖,买个属于自己的农场。像磁铁一般吸引着他们大多数人远涉重洋的,是拥有财产的自由而不是投票的自由。所以他们很看重靠自己的努力得来的土地和做的买卖。

In contrast with this natural acquisitiveness of the new arrivals, the American attitude toward money is quite different. As the German psychologist Hugo Munsterberg observed, the American "prizes the gold he gets primarily as an indication of his ability.... It is, therefore, fundamentally false to stigmatize the American as a materialist, and to deny his idealism.... The American merchant works for money in exactly the sense that a great painter works for money -" as a mark of appreciation for his work.



The acquisition of money is important as the clearest proof of success, though there are other acceptable proofs - prominence, public notice, good works, fame. But the retention of money is not important at all. Indeed, it may be frowned upon if it keeps the owner from living well, subscribing generously to a long list of charities, and providing for members of the family who may have been less fortunate. 获得金钱是重要的,因为钱最能证明成功。当然还有人们可以接受的其他的证明---卓越,公众瞩目,工作优秀,名声,等等。但是存钱并不重要。事实上,钱的主人留着钱,不过好日子,不慷慨地捐款给大串的慈善机构,不接济家里没钱的人,人们也会不喜欢。

So the materialism that strikes a visitor to America is not that of loving and hoarding wealth; it is a love of making and consuming wealth. It is probably a middle-class rather than a distinctively American phenomenon, for most Americans are middle-class.


America has been blessed with a rich supply of raw materials. It learned during the depression that even a rich country can become impoverished if it fails to use its wealth to benefit the majority. And it does not propose to make that error again.

A sizable portion of what it produces goes overseas, including agricultural and industrial machinery sent with the hope that standards of production and consumption can be raised in other parts of the world too.


There is no denying the fact that the high level of production does lead to a high level of material comfort, and that Americans are mighty fond of having things that are new, shine, softly padded, conveniently arranged, efficient, and so far as may be, effortless. The bread comes already sliced so that the housewife need not exert herself to slice it. It used to be that when she put the bread in the toaster, she had to turn it once to toast both sides. Then came the toaster which did both sides at once, then the toaster which popped the toast out when it was done, so that she did not have to turn a handle to raise it. Soon, no doubt, there will be a toaster which butters the toast, cuts it in quarters, and puts it on a plate. Perhaps there is one even now.



Food comes ready-cooked and frozen, vegetables already washed. Floor wax must be self-polishing, pens write for years without having to be filled. Storm windows change to summer screens at a touch. Heat is thoroughly automatic, and air conditioning keeps the house equally comfortable in summer. Automation now promises to put a final end to all drudgery, even to building in the controls which will keep the machines from making mistakes.


Why is it that, having created a world in which he could live without raising a hand or taking a step, the American habitually seeks ways of letting off steam? His towns are full of bowling alleys, golf clubs, tennis courts, clubs, lodges, churches and associations into which he pours energy both physical and mental. The labor-saving gadgets, the love of comfort turn out to be ways of saving his time and energy for something else.



文化是思维的源泉;而价值观是文化的凝聚。以下为你介绍美国人最主要的“六种核心价值观念”,让你能从文化的深度去比较中美观念和思维方式的不同,训练起自己思维差异的敏感性。 1、“个性自由” 在英语中叫做"individual freedom",它是美国人的价值观念中最重要的一个。它起源于美国祖先追求宗教信仰自由的传统。目前,它已演变成追求个性的自由、解放。在语言上的体现为,美国人经常爱用“I think..... I believe.... My opinion is...”这样带有强烈个性色彩的开头语来表达自己的观点。即便是美国国务卿在代表美国政府讲话时,也会用这样个性色彩强烈的词汇。这与我们汉语的习惯有差别,我们总是在引用别人的东西,很怕把自己暴露出来,俗话说“枪打出头鸟”,所以从汉语中很少能体现出个性。有一次,我去美国朋友家做客,到晚上11:00,已经很晚了,于是我就按中国人的方式向美国朋友告别:“Mr. Steve,it is too late, you should have a rest, I bother you so much, i am sorry for that。”当我说完这些客气话后,美国朋友非常不高兴,说:“No,come on, I don’t think you are bothering me,we talk so good.Listen,if you want to go,it is because you want to go, not because of me”。我起初十分不理解他,我是好意,但这正是价值观的差异。在美国人的头脑中,一个人只要对他自己负责好了,不要去替别人说话。 2、“自力更生” 在英语中叫做“self-reliance”,这是美国人获得individual freedom的必要心理素质。美国人认为每一个人生下来就是自由的,但要真正享受自由就必须要rely on yourself。这种观念体现在语言上就是在与美国人交谈时,他们很少通过炫耀自己的家庭或社会关系来抬高自己;如果你要那么做了只能让别人觉得你是个kid,他们会毫不客气地问你:Ok,we know your father is great person,if we want to do somthing, I am gonna find him.So, what are you? what kind of experience do you have?在美国人的头脑中,一个没有自己生活的人永远只能是个孩子。 3、“机会平等” 在英语中叫做“equality of oppotunities”,美国人的祖先多来自于中世纪英国中下层的统治下,是没有和贵族阶级一样的平等机会。所以,在美洲大陆,祖先们把“平等的观念”写进了宪法。这体现在语言上是,美国人永远愿意倾听别人的意见,给别人机会;一个人在一方面犯了错误,并不剥夺他在其他方面出色的权利。 4、“竞争意识” 在英语中叫做“competition”,美国人认为竞争是永恒的,也是一个人证明他在社会中地位的手段,但同时他也许要与同事的合作。但请注意,美国人所理解的“竞争”中的胜利并不是“惟我独尊”,而是得到别人的理解和认可;另外,美国人清楚的认识到依次的胜利只能说明过去,明天会有更多的挑战,要乐观的面对挑战,参加竞争。 5、“追求财富” 在英语中叫做“seeking the wealth”,我们前面提到过,美国人的祖先大多来自于贫民,追求财富,改善生活成为绝大多数移民的梦想。时至今日现在的美国人对于财富的理解远远超出了他们的祖先,时间、健康、能力、信息等都超出了纸币本身的价值,金钱成为了一种代表符号。总而言之,在美国人看来,一个人要有expectation,这是你个人前进的动力。


Basic American Values and Beliefs 基本的美国价值观和信仰 Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance 个人自由和自力更生 The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments,priests and churches,noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent,they succeeded. In 1776 the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation,the United States of America. In so doing,they overthrew the king of England and declared that the power to govern would lie in the hands of the people. They were now free from the power of the king. In 1789,when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation,they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. Also,in writing the Constitution they expressly forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop. There would be no ruling class of noblemen in the new nation. 最早的定居者来到北美大陆建立殖民地是自由的控制存在于欧洲社会。他们想逃避国王和政府的控制他们的生活,牧师和教会、贵族和贵族中流行。在很大程度上,他们成功了。1776年,英国殖民定居者宣布脱离英国独立,建立了一个新国家,美利坚合众国。这样做,他们推翻了英格兰国王,宣布权力治理将躺在人民的手中。他们现在没有国王的力量。在1789年,当


美国人的传统价值观 曹斯烨106150047 对于价值观,人类学家、社会学家、历史学家等都有各自的定义。美国社会学家塔考克?帕森斯(Talcott Parsons)是这样定义价值观的:“价值观是社会中人们一致接受的象征系统(文化系统)中的一个因素,是社会里各种选择或行动目标的标准。”一般来说,价值观包含以下几个因素:其一,价值观是一种抽象的思想观念,是生活经验的总结,是人们判断自己或他人言行的标准;其二,价值观是人们欣赏鉴别的标准;其三,价值观是选择行动的标准,但不是行动的目的,它是无形的不成文规范性规则。每一个社会、每一个民族都有自己传统的价值观,美国也是。 作为一个有着多人种、多元文化的一名国家,美国的传统价值观即继承了欧洲传统价值观中的部分内容,又通过200多年以来人民的不断打拼创造、不同民族文化的相互作用、相互融合得到了很大的发展,最终形成了极具有美国特色的,并导致了美国的快速发展的独特的价值观。 美国人的价值观可以从7个方面来阐述: 1、个人主义; 2、注重改变; 3、重视时间; 4、重视平等; 5、强烈的竞争意识; 6、注重效率和实际; 7、个性自由。 一、个人主义 个人主义是美国人的核心价值观。美国人的个人主义与生活在集体主义社会中的人眼中的个人主义并不相同,后者的个人主义被认为是自私自利、为了个人利益不惜牺牲集体利益。而美国人心目中的个人主义是独立和自立。大多数美国人认为个人主义是指“independent”和“self-reliance”,即“each one doing his own thing”.个人即是自己命运的主宰,由自己确立自己的目标,然后自行决定为达到这个目标而采取的办法、付出的努力。个人的生活和工


The Personality of Americans Most Americans are energetic and passionate . They would rather be self-disciplined than be restricted by others. They are proud of being able to act independently and rightful to make their own decisions. They take an active way to solve problems without any hesitation, even though it is risky. They are courageous thusthey will not give in easily. In the meanwhile, they are willing to go to anywhere to do any job, as long as they’re employed all the time.(简洁化)They are averse to receive “Special care”given by(from)the government. Generally speaking, an American is likely to change his job for about nine or ten times in his life. Americans are warm and friendly. Which Their friendliness is more real than we imagined.(反义词翻译) People hold the belief that Americans are emotional. Sentimental)When they see the National flag of United State in a ceremony or join(attend a parade in celebrate of(celebrating the glorious history of America, there are probably tears in their eyes. Besides, (倒名词)they will be fairly excited when they get together with friends and relatives. They dress appropriately(decently, even if to do so is to show off. They are fond of boasting themselves, however, on most occasions, it is just saying. Sometimes they can will laugh at themselves and their motherland , and they feel extremely self-reproach critical) ,while but they always have a strong patriotism. They have a great command of the things surrounded, and they’re deeply concerning


美国人的价值观念 ——浅谈美国人价值观中的个人主义 美国只是一个230多年历史的新兴国家,没有过于悠久的历史文化,没有过于辉煌的历史古迹,虽然像一叶漂游于水中的浮萍一样没有根基,但同时也就意味着它没有历史的包袱。所以,不管何时,它都可以轻装上阵。 或许由于它是这样一个特殊的国家,所以在我的印象当中,我一直觉得美国是一个有个性的国家,美国人是一群有个性的生物体,虽然我没有去过美国。它的多元文化、消费方式、种族主义等等,都有着自己个性的印迹和特色。 在这里,我更想谈谈美国人的价值观念。 什么是价值观?人类学家克拉克洪(Clyde Kluckhohn)从个人与社会的行为模式、方式和目的等方面对价值观这样定义说,价值观是“个人或群体所特有的一种显型或隐型的认为什么是可取的观念,这一观念影响人们从现有的种种行动、方式和目的中做出选择。”美国社会学家Samovar和Porter则都认为:“价值观是规定性的,告诫人们什么是好的和坏的,什么是正确的和错误的,什么是真实的和虚假的,什么是正面的和反面的,等等。”价值观念包括很多方面,比如个人主义观念、物质观念、竞争观念等。 个人主义是美国人价值观当中最具有代表性的一个组成部分。荷兰人类学家Geert Hofstede曾就五十几个国家和地区的个人主义取向程度做过调查和比较, 调查结果表明美国社会中的个人主义占第一位。 “个人主义”(individualism)这个词最先是由法国政治学家、思想家托克维尔使用的。在19世纪40年代,他在考察了美国多个月之后写下了《论美国的民主》一书。托克维尔在这本书中最先提出了“个人主义”这一概念,并对它作了详细系统的阐释。他说“美国人不是把个人主义看作一个缺点而是看作一个近乎完美的品德, 它代表创造性、开拓性、积极进取精神以及不向权威屈服的自豪因此个人主义通常产生骄傲感,美国人认为它是美国文明独特的、最吸引人的地方”。 在英语单词的书写过程中, “我”字无论何时何地都要求大写, 而“我们”、“你们”、“他们”、“你”、“他” , 则不必大写。所以,从这个小小的侧面也可以看出, 在美国“我”比“我们”、“你们”、“他们”等其他任何人的地位都要重要。 在美国,每一个美国人都深信:每个人都有同等的价值,没有一个人生来就比别人高贵,每个人都有成功的机会。人们并不会因为你是总统就得仰视你,并不会因为你是富豪就得巴结你。父母的大名帮不了什么忙,没有人会来买账,总统的孩子一样可以去加油站擦汽车,去餐馆端盘子。 对美国人来讲,个人奋斗有着独特的内涵和渊源,因为个人主义是美国文化模式的重要内容。


第八章中美价值观的差异及原因 价值观作为一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人!事!物)的意义!重要性的 总评价和总看法,是人们对社会存在的反映"它支配和调节一切社会行为,涉及 社会生活的各个领域"价值观具有相对的稳定性和持久性,即在特定的时间!地 点!条件下,人们的价值观总是相对稳定和持久的"价值观不仅可以影响个人的 行为,还会影响到群体行为"由于价值观的不同,即使在同样的客观条件下,人 们在对于同一个客观事物也会产生不同的评价" 价值观是人们后天习得而来的,不同的社会环境和文化背景使人们形成了截 然不同的价值观,因此价值观反映的也正是时代精神"价值观也会随着社会生活的变化而变化" 不同的国家和民族各有其不同的价值观"当跨文化交际发生时,价值观的差 异必然会带来文化冲突,中美两国作为东西方文化的代表,由于历史发展的道路和地理条件等方面的差异,各自的价值观在本质上存在着极大差异"而我们知道, 价值观构成了文化的核心与社会结构的基干,人们可以通过了解价值观的不同, 加深对跨文化交际的理解" 第一节中国文化中的价值观及原因 中国半封闭的大陆型地理环境和小农经济对中国文化产生了巨大的影响"由 于古代生产力低下,以集体农耕为主,人们很少迁徙,产生了氏族制度,并慢慢 产生了封建家族制度"血缘关系在人们的生活中起着重要作用,家庭成员居住得比较集中,三代甚至四世同堂的大家庭是最常见的家庭结构"因此中国文化是建立在家庭制度之上,以/家0为基础"在几千年的中国封建社会历史中,家庭是 封建社会的最基本结构"/古代农业生产的一个显著特点,就是离不开日积月累 的生产经验,,有没有丰富的农时农事经验,对于农业收成的丰欠多寡,起着十 分关键的作用,,所以,在农业社会,老人既是德的楷模,更是智的化身"后 辈敬重和爱戴具有丰富经验的前辈长者,年轻者服从!侍奉老年人,乃是顺理成 章的事,对有生产经验的长者的尊从,对父亲!曾祖父的服从,内化为心理情感 第二节美国文化中的价值观及原因 美国开放性的海洋型地理环境和航海业!工商业的发展对美国文化产生了很 大的影响"新的个体生产取代了原始的集体协作生产,商业的发展促进了人们的法治公平意识,人们迅速摆脱了血缘关系的束缚,家庭成员居住得比较分散,家 庭结构多为核心家庭,人们更强调个体存在的价值和意义" 从历史来看,美国人民原本来自世界各地,是许多不同的文化!种族和宗教 在长期的共存中逐渐融合而成的"17世纪以前,美国的原著民多为印第安人, 但在经历了百余年的移民之后,这里己成为来自欧洲各国人民的新家园,最主要的是英国人建立的13州殖民地"后来为脱离英王的殖民统治而进行的独立战争(1754一1784)结束后,美国人民组成了新政府,以立法形式表达了他们的政治 观念,采用立法!行政!司法三种权力相互调和!制衡而防止中央权力过大"19 世纪初期,为寻求更好的生活,开拓者们向西扩张(1820一-1949)"之后,经历 了南北冲突(1850一1%9)的美国全国各地不再实行奴隶制度,,美国工业化与改革(1870一1916)开始,美国由一个农村化的国家变成了城市化的国家,机器代 替了手工,工商业经营扩大"#美国因为没有经历过封建社会,所以也就没有什么君主!等级!效忠概念,文化中的个人意识相对强烈,占据了文化的主流"


中美文化价值观差异 文化是一种社会范畴, 是指一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、性格、思维方式等的总模式, 是一个社会的整个生活方式, 一个民族的全部活动方式。它为一个语言社会的全体成员所共有, 也为这个语言社会所独有[ 1] 。中华民族和美利坚民族, 是世界上两个伟大的民族, 有各自文化体系。下面主要总结一下:中美文化差异的具体体现;中美文化差异形成的原因。 中美文化差异的具体体现 (1)中美民族性格的差异。 中华民族和美利坚民族, 是世界上两个伟大的民族, 他们的共同特点都是勤劳、勇敢、热情而又积极进取。然而中美民族性格上是有差异的, 它是中美文化差异的一个重要组成部分。中国人看重的是群体意识, 注重整体价值。个人应为家庭和社会做贡献, 个人利益服从群体利益, 群体利益高于个体利益, 因此, 便形成了传统的公私义利的观念。美国人强调的是个人意识, 注重个人价值。美国的个人主义表现在:追求个人自由、个人自立、自由思考和选择自己想做的事情, 只要不超出法律范围, 就不会有人去干涉, 即使父母、兄长也无权干涉。这一点有其明显优越性, 它使美国家庭比中国家庭民主、平等得多, 父母很少为孩子决定什么事情, 而是与其协商或让孩子自己做决定。 (2)中美思维方式的差异。 傅雷曾经说过:“中国人和西方人之思维有基本分歧, 我人重综合, 重归纳, 重暗示, 重含蓄;而西方人重分析, 细微曲折的挖掘惟恐不尽, 描写惟恐不周”。中国人的思维模式是形象的、直观的、综合的, 美国人的思维模式是个体的、抽象的、独特的。 中美文化差异形成的原因 (1)自然环境和劳动方式的影响。 中国人的“天人合一”和“内向性主体精神”与美国人的“征服欲望”和“外显性客体精神”是由不同的自然环境孕育而成的。中国文化基于农业社会, 这种社会是一个复杂的等级社会, 强调等级与和谐;而美国不完全依赖于农业, 他们对工商业的依赖较大, 这些产业对个人特征的要求更高, 所以与此相适应, 美国人的思维取向是个人式的, 与中国人人际式的取向不同。 (2)民族历史的影响。 中国历朝历代推行的是一种“重农抑商”的政策, 农业经济增长缓慢, 不像商品经济下的财富积累暴起暴落, 因而人与人之间的分化和差异不那么显著。人们之间的连结容易趋于稳定, 再加上小农生产的特点, 形成了个人对于群体的依存关系, 这些都与中国人的群体意识的形成不无关系。与此相反, 美国人看重的则是个体的人。另外, 美国是一个以商品经济为主的社会, 人口流动性比较大, 人与人之间在生存、生活方面的依赖性逐渐削弱。 (3)传统思想的影响。 中国文化是建立在儒家思想上的内陆文化, 主张简约、和谐、中庸、对称与平衡。孔子主张“允执其中”,“过犹不及”。美国文化是建立在古希腊传统之上的海洋文化, 在思维方式上以亚里士多德的逻辑思维和分析思维为特征, 强调个人特性和自由, 是一种以个人主义


浅谈美国电影文化 [摘要]美国是一个年轻的国家.她虽没有悠久的历史,但有着自己独特的文化体系.并且随着时代发展美国文化越来越显示出其生命力,研究美国文化特性对于我国建没与繁荣我国文化具有一定的借鉴性。比尔·盖茨有句名言:“在因特网时代,谁买下了文化,谁就控制了时代。”诸如“花木兰”式的中国传奇故事被跨国公司西方化和全球化的过程,也是美国文化为实现自身利益而改造其他文化、蚕食其他文化、主导世界文化,并据为己有、创造巨额利润的过程。临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网.美国式电影文化的发展已为我们指明了一条发展的道路:我们期待贴有中国标签的中国文化早日走下文化圣坛,走入民众日常生活、走向世每个角落。 [关键词]美国电影;好莱坞;文化特征; 电影作为一门视听艺术,它通过艺术形象的展示,表达一定的思想情感,反映不同社会文化,体现时代和民族精神。电影作为人类文化生活的组成部分,直接反映了一个民族的文化。美国电影也是美国文化在银幕上的重要表达方式之一。美国具有全球视野的电影文化观念和形态决定了美国电影能在世界范围内取得比其他国家的电影更为优越的地位,正是由于这种多元性和包容性的文化形态,才使美国电影有了在世界范围继续发展的态势。美国电影基本主题都是爱、正义、家庭、亲情等等,而这些既是美国作为一个国家所乐意标榜的完美价值观,也是全人类所共同关注的主题。美国电影为全球观众接受,除了好莱坞擅长讲故事以及它强大的商业运作之外,美国电影完整的叙事结构成熟地体现了人们对合理秩序的普遍需求。 一美国电影中自我为中心的个人主义和英雄主义的文化 美国人有着强烈的自我中心观念,信奉个人主义,并使追求个人幸福成为一种社会的共识,而美国公民鼎立膜拜这种个人英雄,他们崇尚个人奋斗,冒险,因此,美国电影极力宣扬以自我为中心的个人主义和英雄主义,希望以此鼓励自己民族,勇于承担自身责任, 并为社会做出贡献。《2012》里那位黑人总统,在人类大难临头之际,他放弃了登上逃生船的机会,留下了这样一句台词:“一个年轻的科学家,要胜过二十个老政客。”这是一种什么境界?这是一种以人类未来为己任的英雄主义境界!《蝙蝠侠》、《夜魔侠》(超胆侠)、《钢铁侠》、《绿巨人》中,男主角都以个人超凡的能力拯救社会,惩罚罪恶。而这类的孤胆英雄在电影的开始往往只是平凡人,体现了平凡的公民也能在这个社会中找到自己的责任。他们无论面对何种危机,苦难,无论收到何种致命的打击,从来不相信失败,英雄们总是用无比清醒的理性的头脑,快速做出完美的布局,瞬间做出绝对正确的判断,总能抓住那只有百分之一的获胜机会,并获得胜利,典型的例子如《勇闯恶魔导》,《极限特工》,《辛德勒的名单》,《阿甘正传》等等,在电影中广泛制造完美英雄的个体力量,将此力量无限 夸大,神化,从而赋予了这些英雄人物以极端个人主义的价值取向。 二美国电影中永恒爱情和家庭亲情 爱情是电影永恒的主题,有着无可取代的地位,无论是哪部电影,都或多或少的描述爱情的完美与永恒。家庭是美国人最为重要的部分,911后美国彻底改变了人生活观念:家庭最温暖亲情最可贵。所以反映爱情和家庭亲情的美国电影用着神起的力量,仿佛人与人之间


美国人的价值观 So you're going to visit the United States? Great! But be prepared: the values Americans live by may seem strange to you. As a result, you might find their actions confusing, even unbelievable. Individualism/ Independence Americans view themselves as highly individualistic in their thoughts and actions. They resist being thought of as representatives of any homogeneous group. When they do join groups, they believe they are special—Just a little different from other members of the same group. In the U.S. you will find people freely expressing a variety of opinions anywhere and anytime. Individualism leads to privacy, which Americans see as desirable. It is not uncommon for Americans to say, and almost to believe: "If I don't have half an hour a day to myself, I go stark-raving mad!" Personal Control over the Environment Americans do not believe in the power of fate. They think that everyone should have control over whatever in the environment might potentially affect him or her. The problems of one's life are not seen as having resulted from bad luck as much as having come from one's laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility in pursuing a better life. Time and Its Control Time is of utmost importance to most Americans. It is something to be on, kept, saved, used, spent, wasted, lost, gained, planned, given, even killed. Americans are more concerned with getting things accomplished on time than they are with developing interpersonal relations. Their lives seem controlled by the little machines they wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off abruptly to make their next appointment on time. Equality/ Fairness Equality is so cherished in the U.S. that it is seen as having a religious basis. Americans believe that all people are created equal and that all should have an equal opportunity to succeed. This concept of equality is strange to seven-eighths of the world which views status and authority as desirable, even if they happen to be near the bottom of the social order. Self-help Initiative


浅谈美国文化侵略 现在我们谈论最多就是美国,世界第一强国,综合国力最强的国家,人才最多的国家,拍科幻电影最好的国家……为了以文化战的方式推销美国的意识形态改变中国一代的思想价值观,在中国社会底层植入西方的信仰体系,始终是美式文化战争的两大主攻方向。 文化冲击,这有讲到了接受先进文化,还是保持传统文化,我不想在这个问题纠缠,现在各国都遇到这个问题,美国文化的冲击实在太大了,他从什么地方来输出他们的文化呢?美国大片,电影,歌曲,通过的途径是凭借他经济优势和语言优势。看看美国的大片,很科幻,男孩子都喜欢,对我们来说,美国的文化是另一个世界,我们渴望看到另一个世界,开阔眼界,不过我们也不要被一些表现蒙蔽了事实,美国没有农村么?不是的。美国没有穷人吗?不是的。外国的月亮不必家乡的圆,只不过我们到不了美国去,相信大家都听过一句话,得不到的永远是最好的,我们现在就是这种状态。 半个多世纪前,美国中央情报局局长尼克松就露骨的说:“我们要从青少年抓起,要把主要的赌注押在青年身上,要让它变质、发霉、腐烂。我们要把他们变成无耻之徒、庸人和世界主义者。我们一定要做到。”尼克松也曾直白的表述:进入21世纪采用武力侵略的代价将会更加高昂而经济力量和意识形态的号召力将成为决定性的因素,通过文化扩张和渗透,播下思想的种子,这些种子有朝一日会结成和平演变的花蕾。 克林顿执政期间,美国中央情报局曾将其行动手册中针对中国部分加以充实完善和实用化,内部代号为【十条戒令】其主要内容包括:尽量用物质引诱和败坏他们的青年,鼓励他们蔑视、鄙视并进一步公开反对他们原来的思想教育、特别是共产主义思想。利用一切资源来破坏中国的传统价值观念,毁灭他们的道德人心,摧毁他们的自尊、自信,打击他们的吃苦耐劳精神。尽一切可能做好宣传工作,包括电影、书籍、电视,只要他们向往我们的衣食住行、娱乐和教育方式,就成功了一半。一定要把青年的注意力引向体育表演、色情书籍、享乐、游戏、犯罪性电影。任何时间,任何地点都要发动民主运动。 这难道还不足以引起我们的警惕? 美国大片就是一种文化入侵。是美国人希望通过电影潜意识的向我们灌输诸


从美国人的消费文化窥探美国人的价值观 □刘璐 【摘要】美国是一个消费大国,美国人喜欢超前消费、借贷消费,他们已经习惯了这种消费方式,并且已经形成了一种消费文化,这在某种程度上反映了美国人的价值观,讲究自由和物质增长,注重效率和实用主义,看重物质享受等。本文依据美国人的消费文化对其价值观进行了探索。 【关键词】美国;消费文化;价值观 【作者简介】刘璐,女,九江职业大学助教,江西师范大学硕士在读;研究方向:英语教学 一、美国消费文化的特点 美国人的生活方式,曾被美国媒体形容为“只要太阳一升起,消费者就开始购物”,美国人消费的主要特征是超前消费、借贷消费,即寅吃卯粮。美国是一个消费大国,美国的个人消费总值占到国内消费总值的三分之二,据2006年的数据统计,美国人收入的90%用来消费,13%用来偿还贷款,这意味着他们必须依靠借款才能维持生活,在这个长期靠经济拉动消费的国家,他们已经习惯了借钱过日子。超前消费、放松物欲是美国人生活方式的基本特征,美国是消费未来资本的一个模板,它是一个超级大国,其GDP占全球总量的三分之一,经济实力相当雄厚。美国消耗的石油占全球石油总量的四分之一,人均石油消耗量达3.1吨。据美国地理学会的调查报告显示,美国人大多不喜欢乘坐公共交通工具或骑自行车,仅汽车消费就使美国消耗了全球四分之一的石油。美国消费文化的主要特征是超前消费,由于政府消费政策的鼓励和社会风气的影响,美国人提倡超前消费,为了维持高消费的生活水平,疯狂工作已经不能满足他们的需要,他们开始向着借贷出发。实际上,美国消费文化的产生和发展已经有很长的历史,借贷消费也曾经受过伦理的谴责和社会的挑战,但慢慢的这一消费文化逐渐被人们所接受,这种消费文化曾经给美国经济的发展做出贡献,但是随着美国经济监管的不力,这种消费方式已经转变为抑制美国经济发展的瓶颈。美国人信仰超前消费,并因此而自豪。美国大多数居民利用房屋抵押贷款的再融资来获得更多的贷款,以此维持自己的生活。 美国人这种消费方式和他们的消费水平是离不开的,例如,在中国很多名牌产品卖得很贵,而在美国却很低廉,在美国的市场地位却很低下,这时,我们必须考虑为什么美国的消费水平为何日次之高?首先我们必须了解美国人的经济状况,人均GDP是衡量国家经济状况的重要标准。据2004年世界银行人均GDP数据统计,美国人均GDP排世界第四,如果乘以美国三亿的人口基数,其经济实力是相当惊人的。2003年全球拥有百万资产的人数是770万人,而美国就有227万,由此可见,美国人的经济实力是相当雄厚的,这也就决定了其有较高的消费水平。其次,美国的物价普遍较低,这在某种程度上也促进了人们的消费。美国的食物是很便宜的,普通二人家庭的月消费折合成人民币也就200元左右,而这在中国几乎是不可能的。现在汽车已经成为人们出行的首选,在中国购买一辆汽车要几十万左右,而在美国,相同的产品,价格要低几倍。相比之下,美国的物价较低,这说明美国的经济很发达,为其消费提供了动力。 二、美国消费文化的形成 美国消费文化的形成经历着长期的变革,美国发展成为一个经济强国,历史上有很多人物做出了巨大的贡献,比如汽车大亨———福特,他首次将大众消费和大规模生产结合起来,缓解了供过于求的矛盾,使美国的经济发展从以生产拉动经济为主转变为以消费刺激消费为主。随着西方国家工业革命的完成,美国的消费文化已经基本形成,企业对消费的倡导和鼓励达到了前所未有的高度,美国政府更是鼓励人们大肆消费,住豪华的别墅,因此,刺激消费成为美国经济发展的一个重要支柱,消费甚至被当做一种爱国的行为。即使没有钱,他们也可以借助借贷抵押或分期付款的方式来消费,美国人纷纷消费,极大的促进了美国经济的发展。 三、从美国消费文化渗透出的价值观 (一)物质享乐主义。德国心理学家修格·艾斯特伯格曾经说过:“美国人很看重挖到的金子,主要是因为金子是他们能力的体现,所以,把他们定义为物质享乐主义而否认其理想主义,是错误的。”获得金钱是重要的,因为其能代表成功,但是对美国人来说,储蓄并不重要,因为人们把钱存起来,不去享受,不去帮助那些需要帮助的人,人们是不会喜欢的。所以,物质享乐主义就成为美国人消费的一大特色,他们既喜欢赚钱,又喜欢花钱。美国拥有丰富的自然资源,但是经济萧条让美国人懂得了,如果只是把财富据为己有,即使再富有也会遭受贫困。美国的技术发达,经济实力雄厚,毋庸置疑,高水平的物质生产一定会带来高水平的物质享受。所以,美国人喜欢把日常生活用品做的简单而方便,这样他们就有更多的时间来享受生活。食物买回来都是加工好的,蔬菜都是洗干净的,钢笔用几年都不用上墨水,暖气是自动的。美国人创造了一个简单舒适的世界,他们处处都有享受的场所,保龄球馆、网球馆、俱乐部、教堂等,他们制造简单的器 · 861 ·

american values(美国的价值观)

As for values, my first thought about changes in America's values is that we are all much more materialistic than when I grew up, and making money seems so much more important to both individuals and to businesses. But I also think this is a value change that seems to be going on world wide, including China. Do you agree? Obviously I don't know what it is like in China, but the Chinese who live here have strong beliefs in both being well educated - and accumulating lots of wealth. And they tend to be very wealthy, at least in this part of the country. Lately the real estate market here has been booming, raising values, but the newspapers have all sorts of stories about how a lot of the buyers are wealthy Chinese buyers, both from here and from China. They are either buying here for investment reasons, or buying here to provide their children with homes. Frequently, they are paying all cash, which has not been that usual here, considering how expensive real estate is in this area. The other change in American values, and I have no idea if this is happening in China, is our focus on children. Families seem to revolve around their children's needs, buying them lots of toys, clothes, etc., even if they do not have a lot of money. In fact, a few years back, I read a study that when families go to restaurants, 80%


美观的文化价值观及其在广告中的体现 美国的文化价值观通常被归纳为以下几种: (1)个性自由。它是美国人的价值观念中最重要的一个。它起源于美国祖先追求宗教信仰自由的传统。目前,它已演变成追求个性的自由和解放。 (2)自力更生。美国人认为每一个人生下来就是自由的,但要真正享受自由就必须要靠自己。这种观念体现在语言上就是在与美国人交谈时,他们很少通过炫耀自己的家庭或社会关系来抬高自己;如果你要那么做了只能让别人觉得你是个kid,在美国人的头脑中,一个没有自己生活的人永远只能是个孩子。所以美国的孩子也都大多早熟,上学期间不论家庭情况好坏,他们都会有自己的一部分收入,自己赚钱养活自己已成一种社会风气。 (3)机会平等。美国人的祖先多来自于中世纪英国中下层的统治下,是没有和贵族阶级一样的平等机会。所以,在美洲大陆,祖先们把“平等的观念”写进了宪法。这体现在语言上是,美国人永远愿意倾听别人的意见,给别人机会;一个人在一方面犯了错误,并不剥夺他在其他方面出色的权利。随着个人主义的向前推进,男女职业角色的传统划分已被打破,带有性别和种族歧视的招聘、工作都会遭到控告,因此每家公司都会及其小心的避免有歧视的嫌疑。 (4)竞争意识。美国人认为竞争是永恒的,也是一个人证明他在社会中地位的手段,但同时他也许要与同事的合作。但请注意,美国人所理解的“竞争”中的胜利并不是“惟我独尊”,而是得到别人的理解和认可;另外,美国人清楚的认识到依次的胜利只能说明过去,明天会有更多的挑战,要乐观的面对挑战,参加竞争。 (5)追求财富。因为美国人的祖先大多来自于贫民,追求财富,改善生活成为绝大多数移民的梦想。时至今日现在的美国人对于财富的理解远远超出了他们的祖先,时间、健康、能力、信息等都超出了纸币本身的价值,金钱成为了一种代表符号。总而言之,在美国人看来,一个人要有expectation,这是你个人前进的动力。 (6)敬业进取。在英语中统一的叫做“hard work”,多数美国人都会把“敬业、进取”当作自己获得财富和保持财富的手段。在美国的各大商场里,有一种“DIY”的商品最为畅销。很多美国人已经把工作,当成一种人生的乐趣。在竞争面前,只有敬业并不断进取,才能保持自己在竞争中不败! (7)时间观念。美国人认为时间是一项有限的资源,所以他们试着去爱惜时间且加以管理。美国人经常参加有关时间管理的研习会或阅读这方面的书籍,他们似乎都希望能把自己的时间安排得更好。专业人士随身带着口袋型记事本,有些甚至是电子的记事本,好随时留意所订的约会与工作截止日期。人们想尽办法要在有限的时间内挤出更多的时间来。早期的美国英雄班哲明?富兰克林将这种想法表达得最淋漓尽致:“你爱生命吗?如果爱就不要浪费时间,因为生命即是由时间组成的。”对美国人来说,守时是一种尊重他人时间的表现。通常若约会迟到超过10分钟,就应该向对方道歉或解释原因。知道自己会迟到的人往往会先打个电话,让对方知道自己会晚一点到。 寻找一个最基础也是最能体现美国文化价值观的广告就是耐克的”just do it”,1972年,耐克公司成立,1976年,耐克公司销售额为1400万美元,而到1983年已超过9亿美元。经过短短的30年努力,公司2000年的销售额大约是1972年的5000倍。耐克公司总裁菲尔:奈特说,我们拥有与上帝对话的神奇工具---耐克广告。 确实,在对耐克品牌迅速崛起并雄踞榜首的成功经历分析中,我们不难看出,耐克品牌的营销策略十分注重利用广告对品牌精神和运动精神全方位的诠释,而正是广告对品牌精神的演绎成为了耐克产品的灵魂。有了灵魂的耐克是强大的,不可战胜的。耐克广告是耐克神话的缔造者。

美国价值观评价英文作文-The Self-reliance Value in The USA

The Self-reliance Value in The USA A famous quote by Benjamin Franklin expresses this idea well: "God helps those who help themselves." Starting and going on with their own life by helping themselves just means, self-reliance. After a brief understanding of American culture, the self-reliance value is the most impressive word for me. Because, you know, in China, some are accustomed to depending on their relatives especially parents not only in childhood but the adult stage. But in America, it is completely a different scene. How comes the self-reliance? What is its accurate meaning? First of all, just let us explore the history of America. The earliest settlers came to the North America continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European countries, such as the controls from kings, government, priests, church, noblemen and aristocrats. After their consistent struggle and fighting, America finally declared their independence from European setters and establish a totally new polity ----democratic public. In the new-born country, everybody had individual freedom,which is the wellhead of any other human right. By freedom, American citizens began to operate the rudder of their life. That means, they can control their own destiny without any interfering from dark powers, without any bound by traditional thinking, just following their heart to find their true world. As a consequence, a value of self-reliance gradually spread. In addition, we should not ignore the Western Development that formed an important part in American history. As American settlers moved west in the early and mid-19th century, they had to depend on themselves to create a new world in the completely unfamiliar and strange West. There were many new problems and difficulties waiting for them to overcome. There were countless resources and opportunities for them to discover and take advantage of. For them, the West was like a blank paper to write words. In the case of no comforts from their homes back East , Americans gradually developed a value similar with self-reliance. It means, they can do anything as long as they dare to challenge and work hard by themselves. It is an optimistic and brave attitude towards future and life. Furthermore, we cannot neglect the development in thinking and literature. From my point of view, the most popular content and type of book in specific period can reflect what value matters most in that period. Meanwhile, the book and thinking can take effects on values. So if we want to explore the history of the self-reliance value
