
Spencer: So talking about clothes, Curtis, do you spent a lot of money on clothes?
Curtis: I don't really spend a lot of money on clothes. I think the clothes that I buy last for a long time. And I have a lot of them but I only add to them very slowly over the years. Some of my t-shirts I've had since high school. And so even dress shirts for work, every once in a while something will get worn out but not very often. So I have a lot of clothes but I don't have to spend much money on them. I would like to maybe this year or next year buy a nice three piece suit though, that might be a little bit expensive, but I've always wanted one of those.
Spencer: Yeah. I'm the same, I don't like to spend a lot of money on clothes, but every now and then it is nice to splurge on something that looks really good, yeah. No, there's some great shops like TJ Maxx and Target and yeah, they're, you know, half price and not as expensive. But you can still find some great looking things.
斯宾塞:嗯。我也是一样,我不喜欢在衣服上花太多钱,不过偶尔在漂亮衣服上挥霍一下也是不错的。TJ Maxx和Target等不错的卖场会有半价折扣,价格不太贵,而且还能找到好看的衣服。
Curtis: Right. Yeah. And I think by adding to the collection that I already have, I can wear different styles on different days. And so I don't feel like I need to spend a lot of money to replace my whole collection because of that, like you said, you can splurge and maybe spend a little bit more on a really nice item that you want because you're able to keep recycling everything else that you have already.
Spencer: That's true.
Curtis: Do you think you have too many clothes by chance, do you feel like you need to get rid of any of your clothes?
Spencer: Right now I have way too many shoes actually. I kind of feel like I have a pair of sneakers that I use for sports and tennis, I have a pair of like nice cute shoes that I wear for when I when go out and dress up and then I have a pair of kind of everyd

ay flipflops that I walk around in all the time. But there's three other only things I need but in my closet right now I have about like probably 12 pairs of shoes and it's ridiculous like you know I don't need exactly three pairs of black shoes, one that's heels, one that's not, one that's sandals. So I have way too many shoes for one. Shirts, I have maybe too many t-shirts, they tend to accumulate, if you go to certain events a lot of times you'll get free t-shirts. I run in a lot of marathons and one of the things they give you is a t-shirt. So they've kind of accumulated and I have a lot, a lot of t-shirts. What about you?
Curtis: Yeah, I think I have some shirts that I need to get rid of, a few t-shirts that are from events that don't really look so nice. I never wear them but I have them, I always feel like, oh, just in case, maybe if I haven't done laundry for a while I'll need a t-shirt some day. But they take up a lot of space in my drawers. So I think I need to get rid of some of those. And as far as shirts for work, I have a few shirts that I first bought just when I started working after college, and they're nice shirts but I tend to select other shirts before them so they never really get worn. So what I've decided to do is turn all of the hangers around on my ... where I have my hangers for my dress shirts. And after six months anything that hasn't been turned forward, which means I've worn it at least once, if I haven't worn it in six months I can probably get rid of it.
Spencer: That's a great idea.

Curtis: That way I can monitor myself and see what I'm wearing or what I'm not, and if I'm not wearing then I can donate it to a shop or give it a way or send it to a recycle shop or Salvation Army or something like that.
Spencer: I have a terrible habit of when I find something that fits me well and I think looks good, I'll buy several of the same thing, just in different colors, so I'm wearing the same thing all the time just with different colors. Yeah, I love hats, I tend to wear a hat whenever I go outside in the summer, when I play tennis, when I go to the beach, all the time. And they get so worn, I need more of them.
Curtis: Yeah, I have a few hats. I don't wear them very often, for me a hat is like a last ditch effort to save a bad hair day, like I woke up late, I have to go or I'll miss the bus, okay here's a hat.
Spencer: I do that all the time. Oh, I don't have enough time to shower this morning, just throw on a hat.
Curtis. Yeah.
Spencer: Nobody will ever know, yeah, it's good.
Paul: So have you seen all these freakish weather events on the news all around the world?
Amy: Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to pay attention, yeah. It's been pretty bad in some places. I think, it's been the wettest January on record in the UK at the moment.
Paul: Right, right, right. So do you think it's kind of indicative of climate change? Are you a climate change believer or a climate change denier?
Amy: I think it's hard to deny really. I think what humans do to the planet is going to have some effect and science is science, you know. It's backed up by evidence and facts and scientists don't tend to say

things until they know it's true or as true as it can be. So yeah, I'm definitely a believer in climate change, I think. We are affecting things on the planet. How about you?
Paul: I've read quite a lot about it. And yes, there is a science to support it but there's also a lot of science to — not to deny it but there's definitely a lot of questions that aren't answered yet. It's a very sort of complex issue. I mean, these global systems of weather and you've got all these like organic processes going on that we just don't really understand. And then trying to explain all these complex events by saying it's climate change, it's...I mean, what worries me is that by denying it, it seems to also be a sort of justification for us to continue living the way we are, which worries me a lot. Whether it's true or not, I think we need to be thinking about how we can live better. And that means, living in ways that are less, sort of, damaging on our environment.
Amy: Yeah, I agree. I agree. I've also read a bit about weather systems that are perhaps not—because of climate of change, every planet has weather systems that come and go. And I understand that part but I also fully agree that we have to stop being so destructive. I think it's pretty clear. You can't continue cutting down acres and acres and acres of really valuable resources like the rainforest. I mean, we need that to breathe, so it just doesn't make sense. Yeah, I think we definitely have to stop being so destructive.
Amy: So speaking of climate chang

e, what do you think are three things that we can do to try and personally help climate change—well, prevent climate change in our lives? What do you think?
Paul: Obviously, the big concern with climate change is the carbon emissions. So that would like lead me to look at my usage of fuel because that's a huge source of carbon emissions. So probably, I'd say, number one, reduce my car usage or transport usage.
Amy: Right.
Paul: I don't personally have a car and I always take the bus to work.
Amy: That's a good start then, isn't it?
Paul: Yeah. I'm not doing it trying to reduce the effects of carbon base; it's just that—yeah. Secondly, I think trying to source your foods locally. I think that would be a huge help too because it reduces the transportation of food. And I think in reality, I think we could produce a lot of what we need locally, you know. I don't think we should be eating strawberries in the middle of winter. I don't think we should be. I think we should try and eat seasonally as well, what's available to us. But we've become so used to being able to get what we want when we want it, and it's having a huge impact on our environment. How about you, Amy? Do you have any ideas about how we can perhaps challenge—how we can perhaps address the problem?
Amy: It's interesting you mentioned about the carbon emissions. Obviously, it's really important to reduce those. And I do have a car and I need it to get places as most people do. And currently, I also live really, really far away from where I was born and raised so to travel to see my family, I need to take long-haul air flights. And I guess reducing those, it's the flights I think that contribute more towards carbon emissions than perhaps driving my car. So it's about making that balance, I think. Seeing your family versus being green, I think. But it was an interesting point you said about also sourcing our food. I think that's

something that we can definitely do. I agree with that and locally sourced food, I think will help reduce carbon emissions. Small things as well like, if we're going food shopping. If we have to go food shopping, then, you know, taking your own bag. Stop using all the excess packaging, things like that. Where I live right now is a country that uses a lot of packaging and it makes me sad. I think the first thing I learnt to say in the language of that country was I don't need that bag, thank you. So, I mean, it's a very, very small step but I think if everybody tried to do it a bit more, it would help in a small way.
Paul: Yeah, I agree. Yeah. I tried to—it drives me crazy how much plastic we use. And if you think about how much energy is going into producing that plastic, you know—yeah. I mean, people talk about cars and stuff but this production of plastic—I mean, I had a banana the other day and it was wrapped in plastic.
Amy: Oh no.
Paul: A banana. I mean, it's perfectly wrapped by nature yet they felt some reason to put it in plastic. I couldn't believe it. I almost wanted to—I almost had to laugh hysterically or cry. Yeah, a lot of it is crazy, you know.
Michael: So Ana, you're from Portugal. Can you tell me a little bit about your country?
Ana: Yes, sure. Portugal is a really small country actually. It's right by Spain in Europe and we have really nice weather there. It's really sunny most of t

he year and really hot in summer. It can get really cold and really rainy in winter. But yeah, overall, it's a really nice country to live in.
Michael: And I've heard you have nice beaches in Portugal.
Ana: Yes, we do. I used to go to the beach everyday with my family in summer. It was really great. But the beaches can get really crowded. Lots of people, so you might want to be a bit careful when you choose where to go.
Michael: All right, I see. And where do you live in Portugal?
Ana: I live in a small village actually. You probably don't know it. It's called Palmela. But it's south of Lisbon and it's by the coast, so it's really nice. We get a nice view of the mountains and of the rivers. So I really enjoy living there. It's really quiet. Not a lot of people. A lot of wine farms actually and really nice food. You should come and visit sometime.
Michael: I like wine. And so you have good wine in Portugal. What sort of food do you eat in Portugal?
Ana: Let's see. We get a lot of fish because we're by the sea. And so codfish is a traditional and sardines and mackerels.
Michael: Oh, I like sardines.
Ana: Yeah. It's really good. And we also have really good desserts. So for example, coffee cake, yogurt cake. We've got pastel de nata which is kind of an egg tart thing. So I really recommend you try that with our coffee when you go there.?安娜:嗯,我们的沙丁鱼非常不错。我们还有非常好吃的甜点。比如咖啡糕和酸奶蛋糕。还有葡式蛋挞。你去葡萄牙的话,我建议你喝咖啡时搭配葡式蛋挞享用。
Michael: All right. And you speak Portuguese as your first language.
Ana: Yes, I do. I speak Portuguese. It's not the same as Brazilian Portuguese

but it's really close and we can understand each other. So that's really great.
Michael: All right. And can you understand Spanish as well?
Ana: Yeah. I can understand a little bit of Spanish but there are some differences between Portuguese and Spanish.
Michael: How do you say hello in Portuguese?
Ana: Oh, you can say, "Ola."
Michael: Ola.
Ana: Yeah, it's fun. You should learn some Portuguese.
Michael: Oh, I'd love to.
迈克尔:哦, 我很想学。
Michael: So Ana, you're from Portugal, right?
Ana: Yeah, right.
Michael: Okay, because I'm actually thinking of going to visit Europe this summer, and I thought Portugal would be a great place to visit.
Ana: Oh yeah, Portugal is great especially in the summer. It will be really warm and you can go to lots of places in Portugal. You can go to the North where we have a lot of mountains and you can do all kinds of activities like archery and horse riding.
Michael: Oh wow, that's interesting. Well, actually, I was thinking of going to the beach. Can you give me some advise for what's the best time of year to go. And perhaps there are not too many tourists are on.
Ana: Oh yeah, if you want to avoid tourists, you should definitely not come in August. August is really crowded and there are just so many people in the South of Portugal. You can try to come in June.
Michael: All right.
Ana: June is already warm but there are not too many people. So it will be easier for you to find accommodation. There are some really nice hotels and hostels around. So what kind of place were you thinking of staying in?

Michael: Well, actually, I don't really mind too much. I think I'd like to see what it's like for normal people in Portugal, what it would be like to go on a holiday and have an authentic Portuguese experience. So maybe — I don't really want to stay in a big international hotel. What's a typical Portuguese place to stay and is nice for a summer holiday?
Ana: That's interesting, yeah. In that case, you should definitely avoid the big hotels or any hostels. There are some apartments that you can rent. So you can just live in an apartment by the beach.
Michael: All right.
Ana: Yeah, they're just in a normal building with other Portuguese people but you can rent it and stay there and it's really close to the beach. It's like a one-minute walk. So it will be really convenient for you.
Michael: And this is by the Atlantic Ocean.
Ana: Yes. Yes, it is.
Michael: All right. That sounds like a very good idea staying at an apartment. How much should I budget for that?
Ana: Hmm, I am not really sure. It will probably be a bit more expensive than a hotel.
Michael: Really?
Ana: Not in the long term. You can pay about EUR 30 per night, I think.
Michael: Well, that's huge.
Ana: For a nice location, yeah. If you come with friends though, you can also rent a villa. We have some villas also by the beach.
Michael: Does it have a swimming pool?
Ana: It does have a swimming pool. And they have plenty of room. So if you want to come with a big group, that's definitely a better option.
Michael: That sounds like a great idea. I can invite my colleagues along. So do you have any final tips for me, for my holiday in Portugal?

Ana: Well, I mean, if you want to stay in the South, in the Algarve, then I definitely recommend you check out the nightlife. It can be really lively in there in night markets where you can buy lots of souvenirs and people just hang around. So I definitely recommend that.
Michael: Okay, and what was the name again? The Algarve?
Ana: The Algarve, yeah. That's the southern part of Portugal, so you can't miss it.
Michael: Oh, I got to remember that. Thank you very much.
