

Good morning, dear teachers,

I’m number…It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching ideas with you.it is part A Let’s learn of unit 2 ,PEP primary English, book 4 for grade 4 student. The title is what time is it? I divide it into 4 parts.

Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material and students:

1, function and position of this lesson.

This class is the first period of this unit. It includes two parts: let’s learn and let’s do .To learn how to( describe sth /talk about )ask and answer questions about time is important in this class.

2, teaching aims

According to the new national English curriculum, I set three aims.

(1)Aims on Knowledge:

Students are able to listen, speak, and read the important words: lunch, music lesson, English class, breakfast, etc.

(2)Aims on Ability:

Through this course, students are able to apply the key sentence: what time is it? It is 9 o’clock .it is for lunch, and improve their abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(3)Aims on Emotion:

Students can form spirit of cooperation.

3, Teaching importance and difficulties

Those are the listening, speaking, reading about the words: such as lunch, music lesson, English class, breakfast, etc. and application of the important structure: what time is it ? it is…. It is for ….

Part 2 Teaching and studying methods

The main instructional aims of learning English in Primary School are to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So I choose CLT in my class.Ss are the center of all teaching activities. They should take an active part in learning process.

Part 3 Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warm up (5min)

(1) let Ss enjoy the song “it’s Twelve O’clock” of this unit

(2) I ‘ll have a free talk with Ss, such as “good morning, dear Ss, how are u?”

The purpose is to form a better English learning surrounding and arouse students’ interest.

Step 2 Presentations (15 min)

1, I’ll show some pictures about class and meals, and elicit the new words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, P.E class, English class. Lead Ss try to read them out, and emphasize the pronunciation.

2, set a situation related to Qs about time and answer them. Such as what time is it? It is 9 o’clock .it is time for English class. Elicit the structure and practice the new words. Then ask and answer between T--S and Ss—Ss.

3,I’ll play the tape, Ss will listen and imitate. Ask them to pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

[Purpose]: During teaching the new words, according to the pronunciation, lead the students to learn how to spell or read the words.

Step 3 Practice

1,Ss read the new words in pairs( group work) by themselves in a show, such as what time is it? It is 9 o’clock .it is time for Eng lish class to have a check.

2, play a game: Sharp eyes. Show the words quickly, and encourage the students to say the words as quickly as they can.

3, do some actions ---Let’do (have a group work ---let’s play / have a chant---let’s chant ) .play the tape .For the 1st time , Ss just listen .For the 2nd time, Ss listen and do (chant with clapping their hands).

[Purpose]: On the basis of mastering the new words, the students can remember them well after these practices.

Step 4 Production (15 min)

1, Let Ss make a survey between them using the learned words and structure.

2,A challenge for tSs:I ‘ll offer them a mini-dialogue with blanks, and ask Ss to talk in group ,then complete---三年级无。Here, I can emphasize their writing.

[Purpose]: The pupils are able to settle the real problems by using the knowledge they learned in this period.

Step 5 Summary (3min)

I ‘ll encourage Ss summarize what they have learned in this class by themselves.

Step 6 homework (1min)

I’ll give Ss assignments

1, listen to the tape twice, read and try to imitate.

2,to be a little teacher ,teach their parents what they have learned.

[Purpose]:the home work can consolidate what they have learned in this class.

Part 4 blackboard design

UNIT 2 what time is it ?Part A

New Words New structure

Lunch what time is it?

Music class It is 9 o’clock

English class It is time for lunch

That’s all my teaching ideas. Thanks for your listening.


篇一:小学语文说课步骤 说课步骤 1.自我介绍: 各位评委老师,上午好,我是_____号考生。 说课: 今天我说课的题目是《____________》。首先我们来进行教材分析。 2.教材分析: 本节课出自______________出版社出版的高中《________》第__册第__章第__节。 1、本节课分____个部分内容,分别是:___________________ 2、本节课贯穿了______以后的整个教学,是学生进一步顺利、快捷操作____的基础,也是形成学生合理知识链的重要环节。(这条基本上通用) 3、本节课联系了________和_________,在以后学习______具有重要意义。 4、本节课是在学习______的基础上,进一步学习___________的关键。 (以上4条,灵活运用,不用全部说上就行。可以参考序言中的句子,主要是说学习本节课的意义。)接下来说一下本节课的教学目标。 3.教学目标 知识目标:1、 2、 (只要说出本节课要讲的知识点,也是重点难点就行) 能力目标;1、通过讲练结合,培养学生处理____、解决问题的能力。 2、分组学习方式,培养学生与他人沟通交流、分工合作的能力。 3、通过设置问题情境,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。 (根据需要选择能力目标) 情感目标:1、培养学生认真、细致的学习态度。 2、通过发现问题、解决问题的过程,培养学生合作精神,增强学生的求知欲和对学习计算机的热情。 (对于教学目标,因为时间短,不一定要分成这三个目标,只要说出3点就行。)当我们对教材进行了分析并且了解了教学目标之后,就不难理解本节课的重点与难点 4.重点难点重点: 难点: (对于重点、难点,依然是说出本节课的内容就行,可以参考本节课的题目和各部分的标题)那么,究竟应该怎样来完成本节课的任务呢?下面说一下本节课的教法和学法。 5.教法: 1、范例、结合引导探索的方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2、教师精讲、学生多练,体现了以学生为主体、教师为主导的教学原则。 3、采用类比法,引导学生发现问题,自主学习,从而体验到独立获取知识的喜悦感。 4、通过“教”“学”“放”“收”突破重点和难点。 (根据需要任意选取教法。2-3个就行。根据时间自行安排。) 教学相长,本节课我所采用的学法主要有两个。 6.教学过程: 本节课在多媒体教室进行,所需教具是教师机---学生机、投影仪、黑板、等。 我将本节课分为三个部分。 用约5分钟时间进行导入部分,主要是复习和引入新课。 用约20分钟时间进行正体部分。主要是通过讲练结合的方式完成对_____ 、______、


高中英语语法“虚拟语气”的教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是结合外研社版高中英语教材选修6中有关虚拟语气的语法内容,进行高三虚拟语气的复习,教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重复习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。 二、学情分析: 在高一和高二英语学习基础上,高三学生已经掌握基本的语言结构和一定程度的听说读写能力。在高三语法复习的过程中,结合学生原有的知识掌握水平,巩固基础强化正确使用语法知识,提高学生运用语言的深度和难度.但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学重点: 1.复习的重点---语法虚拟语气的句型结构. 2.语法虚拟语气的运用 四、教学难点: 1.结合复习的语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。 2.虚拟语气在真实的生活语境中的使用。 五、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 引导学生掌握情态动词在虚拟语气之中的使用。培养学生通读,分析,理解,综合的能力,教会学生体察语境,结合上下文,附和逻辑推理和合理的想象,结合语法和题干中的语境解决高考题。在运用语言过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 2.能力目标: 利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,规范学生运用英语知识准确表达的能力,同时,发展学生综合语言运用的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生自主学习。 3.德育目标: 用情态动词和虚拟语气的句子结构表达思想感情和正确的世界观、人生观。 六、教学策略:


阅读课 Good morning,everyone! It’s a great honor for me to stand here to present my teaching plan. Today my topic is ________(板书). In order to make all of you have a good understanding of my teaching design, I divide it into 6 parts: the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I will present them one by one. Part 1. The analysis of teaching material This is an important lesson in this unit even in this book. It is the ___part in the unit. If students can learn it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Besides, today’s topic is about_____, which is closely to daily life, so it’s easy to arouse their interest. Just as everyone knows, interest is the best teacher. Based on the New Curriculum Standard, my teaching aims are as follows. 1.Knowledge aims To learn some words and language points, such as ___________ To understand the main idea and seek more information of the passage . 2.Ability aims To improve students’ reading and speaking skills. To develop students’ ability of working in pairs . 3.Emotional aims __________________________(文章主旨) Now let’s come to the key points and difficult points. Key points: To grasp the new words and language points. To understand the passage. Difficult points: To enable students to know how to read with focus. To _________________________(结合文章) Part2. The analysis of students Students of Grade____ have studied English for several years. On one hand, they have mastered some English knowledge, so they are eager to show, and eager to learn. They can cooperate with each other to finish a task. On the other hand, students’ability of using English is limited. Their abstract thinking is not fully developed and they can be easily distracted. As a result, all of these will be taken into consideration. Part3. Teaching methods According to the analysis of teaching material and students, I will use communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method and situational teaching method. Using different teaching methods can make students more active in class. Part4. Learning methods Learning methods include cooperative method and practice. Students will finish a series of activities to learn related language points. Part5. Teaching procedures OK, this is the most important part of the lesson. I will demonstrate them from the following steps.


听说课说课稿 Hello, everyone. My number is 1. Today I’m very pleased to have anchance to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is animals, period17, taken from Unit 5 in book seven. My speech is made up of seven parts. Part One: Analysis of the teaching materials This is an important lesson in this unit even in this book. This lesson is the first one of Unit 5. It’s a typical listening lesson. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. In this lesson, the Ss learn many names of animals. Such a topic is related tightly/closely to their likes and dislikes and can raise effectively their learning interests. So learning it well can improve their listening ability and spoken English. Part two: Analysis of the students As we all know, students of grade seven school haven’t learned English yet and have mastered a small number of vocabularies. What’s more, they haven’t formed some scientific learning methods and learning habits. students in GuLin are poor in learning English; especially they are afraid to speak English in public occasion. But the students have strong thirst for knowledge and like to be challenged and praised. So the teachers should try their best to guide and encourage the students to speak English loudly in class. (so the teacher should pay


小学语文优秀说课稿汇总 《坐井观天》 一、说教材 《坐井观天》是九年义务教育六年制小学语文第三册第四单元第十二课。这是一篇寓言故事,讲的是青蛙和小鸟争论天的大小,告诉我们像青蛙这样目光狭小,所见有限,还自以为是,是不对的,《坐井观天》位于本单元四篇课文中的第三篇,上承《捞月亮》、《狐狸和乌鸦》下跟《小马过河》。它处于由知识的学习向知识的运用转化的过渡位置,因此,它是本单元从感性认识上升到理性认识阶段中的一步棋子,是从掌握知识逐步向能力转换的一架桥梁。 教学目标 根据《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》,结合教材特点和学生实际,拟定以下教学目标: 1 、学会7个生字和由这些生字组成的词语,着重理解“坐井观天”、“大话”、“无边无际”等词的意思。 2、理解课文内容。懂得“坐井观天”这个成语的比喻意思。 3、正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 教学重点、难点 课文四至七自然段青蛙和小鸟的对话是教学的重点。理解“坐井观天”的寓意是教学的难点。 创新点 为突破教学难点,让学生创造性地学习,可采用以下方式来培养学生自主探索的能力:(1)图文结合,理解词意,学生模仿动作,理解词意;(2)做实验,体验“观天”。学生用纸圈成筒体会青蛙之所以认为“天只有井口大”,是因为高高的井壁挡住了它的视线,从而揭示寓意;(3)借助情境,动画演示小鸟漫游,体会小鸟见多识广;(4)设计“跳出井口”,启迪学生创造性地想象,深化认识。 二、说教法 根据寓言故事的特点及本课的语言特色,教学中,以青蛙与小鸟的三次对话为线索,以读代讲,以读促学,让学生在读中悟情明理。引导自由阅读,自由表达,打好自主学习语文的基础。再有,低年级学生喜欢直观、形象、生动的画面,为贴近学生实际,可采用简笔画、录像、动片演示等手段,激发学生学习兴趣。依据新课标的精神,我运用了谈话法、对比法、表演法、实践法等教学方法,激励学生全面参与,主动学习,培养创新能力和实践能力。 三、说学法


初中英语语法课教案设计 初中英语语法课教案设计 一、牛津版初中英语教材与人教版教材语法内容的异同 牛津版初中英语教材在内容上更加贴近现实生活,在语法知识上也有所改变,增加了间接引语这一知识点。这就要求老师要对教材 的语法知识进行深入地分析和研究,准确把握语法重点和难点,找 到最合适学生学习的方法,提升学生的英语语法学习兴趣,使学生 扎实掌握英语语法。 二、牛津版初中英语教材与人教版教材语法的具体差异 (一)牛津版教材更强调现在时语法 牛津版初中英语教材的“现在进行时”与“一般现在时”出现的先后顺序有所调整,而且没有“过去将来时”这一语法点。这一顺 序的调整不会对学生的学习产生较大影响,“过去将来时”可以在 学生学习“过去完成时”时提出。“现在进行时”与“一般现在时”主要是让学生掌握区分助动词形式:do/does/is/are;区分动词形式:read/reads/reading。 (二)牛津版教材被动语态出现较早 被动语态出现的时间比较早,学生比较难以理解,例如学生对“Englishisspokenbylotsofpeopleintheworld.”这句话的理解就 容易产生困难。因此教师在教学时就要使学生回顾过去学过的几种 基本时态,通过基本时态反过来理解被动语态,这样就可以起到融 汇贯通的作用。 (三)牛津版教材新增间接引语语法 间接引语是牛津版英语教材中新增的内容,学生之前从来没有接触过,学生在学习时就会产生障碍,不容易理解。

“HeaskedmeifIhadanypaper.”这句话是如何体现间接引语的语法 特征的以及如何将直接引语转化为间接引语学生都是第一次接触, 教师在设计教案时要抓住宾语从句作为间接引语的教学重点。从宾 语从句入手,讲解间接引语的语法特点和直接引语转化为间接引语 的方法,深入浅出,这样就会使学生更容易理解间接引语的语法特点,及时掌握间接引语的转换方式,提升学生英语语法的基础水平。 三、语法课教案设计措施 教案是教师开展教学的重要手段,教案好坏直接关系到教学质量。合格的教案能最大程度地体现教师的教学水平,能够激发学生的学 习兴趣,使学生在短时间内有效地接受新知识。 (一)教案要有针对性 教师在设计教案时要有针对性。一是要针对学生的`学习特点和 身心发展的特点,掌握学生之间学习水平的差异,这样就可以合理 安排教学环节和教学进程。教师在设计教案时,要制定有层次性的 学习目标,设置不同难度的问题,根据学生的学习特点设置提问环节,使学生都能够在课堂上有所收获,能够体会到学习过程中的成 就感,激发学生的学习兴趣,提升语法教学质量。二是要针对教学 内容准确把握各类语法的重难点,将重点知识传授给学生,如在讲 间接引语时要着重讲解宾语从句的语法特点。这样就可以事半功倍,使学生更有针对性地开展学习活动,有助于提升学生的英语成绩。 (二)教案要有创新性 教师在设计教案时,要充分调动自身的能力,对教材内容进行深入剖析,对学生心理进行深入解读。初中阶段,学生的好奇心、好 胜心较强,教师在设计教案时要充分尊重学生的这些特点。不断创 新教学形式,开展合作学习和探究式学习,引导学生进入到教师创 设的教学情境中,激发学生的想象力和创造力,充分调动学生的积 极性。在教案中最好设计小组竞技教学活动内容,打破传统灌输式 教育模式,提升学生的学习兴趣,保证良好的教学效果。 教案中还要注意提问的技巧,提问要注重知识点的迁移,促使学生能够积极思考。例如在提问被动语态的特点时,学生可能不太了


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 初中英语阅读课说课稿模板完整版初中英语阅读课说课稿模板完整版英语说课模板English lesson plan presentation Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. I have been ready to begin this presentation with five parts: analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.Part 1 Teaching Material The content of my lesson is the reading part of ____________. As we all know, reading belongs to the input, and the input has a great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. If the students can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Therefore, this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit.Part 2 Teaching aims Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen thefollowing as the teaching aims of my lesson: 1. Knowledge aims The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions.1/6 1/ 6

Book 5,Unit 4 词汇课说课稿

Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news Period 1 Words and expressions in Reading 教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是“新闻”,阅读材料的内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点,仔细阅读材料就会发现本篇文章的词汇可以分为三大类:和新闻有关的人物名词、和新闻有关的动词或短语、一些固定搭配。将词汇进行分类和组织,便于学生辨认、记忆、掌握和使用。 1. Nouns related to newspaper: an assistant __________; an _________to an experienced journalist; a professional ____________;interviewee; a scoop 2. Verb phrases related to newspaper (v. +n.): go out on a story;cover a story;______the article; take ___________;______________ photography; ________ all the information;have a good nose for a story;________themselves of the missing parts of the story; get the facts straight;______your journalist of getting the wrong end of the stick; stop us __________; 3. Other useful expressions: eager to ______you; take an ________ course; depend on ; _________damages; This is a trick of the trade. 学生分析: 高二学生虽然已经有了一定的语言基础,但普遍而言,学生的词汇量很小,绝大多数学生仍然无法适应高中英语词汇量大的要求,课本里的单词记不住,记住了的又不会用,遇到新单词不会应对,成为扩大阅读量的主要障碍。 教学目标(Teaching aims): 1.To learn the words related to newspaper; 2.To develop Ss’ strategies in learning vocabulary; 3.To motivate Ss to be active in learning English words 教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points): Develop Ss’ strategies in learning vocabulary and use the words and expressions in writing. Teaching aids: Multi-media Teaching time: 40 minutes Teaching procedures:


小学语文说课稿模板精选 小学语文的说课稿怎么写?以下是模板! 各位尊敬的评委老师,大家(上午、下午)好。 首先,我要向各位评委老师道一声:"辛苦了!",因为你们历经了几个小时,为我们 这些竞聘的老师进行指导。(站着)我是语文-号,我今天说课的题目是-(板书:课题),下 面我将从说教材、说教法和学法、说教学过程、说板书设计四个方面来对本课进行说明。 一、说教材《》是人教版小学语文年级下/上册第-单元的第-篇课文,该单元以"-"为 主题展开。《》是(文章体裁),主要写了(主要内容),表达了(中心思想),"写作特点"(一 般是:语言简炼、层次清晰;描写生动、细致充满诗情)"是本文最大的写作特色。 结合单元教学要求和本课特点,我将本课的教学目标确定为: 1.能认识个生字,会写个生字,能正确读写"卓有成效"等词语。 2.能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3.能够理解文本,主人公--的美好品质/激发学生热爱祖国---的思想感情/培养学生-- 的习惯/培养学生---的兴趣。 二、说教法和学法(教学重点、难点突破的设计)科学合理的教学方法能使教学效果事 半功倍,达到教与学的和谐完美统一。基于此,我准备采用的教法是讲授法,点拨法来突破本文的教学重点。讲授法教师可以系统的传授知识,充分发挥教师的主导作用。学法上,我贯彻的指导思想是把"学习的主动权还给学生",倡导"自主、合作、探究"的学习方式, 具体的学法是讨论法、朗读法和勾画圈点法,让学生养成不动笔墨不读书的良好阅读习惯。此外我准备用多媒体手段辅助教学 三、说教学过程为了完成教学目标,解决教学重点,突破教学难点,课堂教学我准备按以下五个环节展开。 环节1导入新课,我设计的导语是()此导语以师生对话的方式展开,消除了学生上课 伊始的紧张感,激发学生的阅读兴趣。 环节2初读课文,整体感知首先,教师请学生借助注释和工具书解决字词问题,教 师有针对性的对某些容易读错写错的生字词进行指导,例如()。这为学生阅读文本扫清了 障碍,也体现了语科工具性的特征。


教师招聘英语语法课说课稿 Good afternoon, My dear judges!I am the third competitor. My topic is Unit 5 attributive clause (prep+which/whom).It’s my pleasure to stand here sharing my teaching plan with you. My plan is composed of several parts. First of all, I’ll talk about analysis of teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material: My lesson is from New Senior English for China Book_2 Unit5 Grammar part. The main topic is friends and Friend ship, while the grammar is attributive clause(prep+which/whom).By studying this class, Students will understand the grammar points clearly and use them to in daily life. Secondly, I’d like to state the analysis of students. Part 2 Students Students of this period have learned English for a long time,hence they acquire basic grammar knowledge. However,they think grammar learning is abstract and I will take special activities to help them. According to the new curriculum standard,I set aims as follows . Part 3 Teaching Aim objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题) The Ss can master attributive clause(prep+which/whom)in prep which or prep whom form. objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写) SS can apply the grammars into their daily life. objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野) SS will be more interesting in grammar learning Part 4 the Key and Difficult Points Next,I put forward the key points and difficult key points is to master the usage of attributive clause(prep+which/whom). The difficult points is how to use grammars correctly. Part 5 Teaching and Studying methods In this class, I will use inductive method and cooperative method. Part 7 Teaching Procedure Now Let’s come into the most important part -Teaching consists of six parts.


初中英语说课稿(阅读篇) Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am Zhang Hong-ling, from Hunan Institute of Technology. It is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts. Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of ____, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests. My teaching objectives include the following parts. 1st The knowledge objective: by the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases: _________and master the usage of _____________(某个语法点) 其他参考活动:Debate----当话题有矛盾的双面Discussion——当话题是讨论解决问题Do a survey——调查Understand the main idea of the article; 2nd The Ability objective: 1. Skim for the main idea of the article; 2. Scan for the specific information; 3. Predict some information and understand the whole article; 4. Enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from the Internet, write a report of the topic, etc. 3rd The emotional objective: 1. to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion; 2. arouse Ss’ interest in English learning 4th The Cultural awareness 5th The Important points: 1.to get an overall understanding of the whole text, 2.to develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..…(具体课型用具体例子阐述) 3.master the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型) The Difficult Points: Are the Ss enable to use the new words and phrases to express their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning. master the usage of _______________________( 语法或句型) (根据教学过程设计的内容来决定) Part 2 The analysis of students The Ss have learned English for some years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere. Part 3 Teaching methods In this lesson, my teaching methods include audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods. Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, a projector are needed as the teaching aids.


英语词汇教学说课稿 八年级下Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. 茹荷镇初级中学齐爱军 要学好一种语言,词汇是关键。掌握一定量的词汇有助于提高听说读写能力。词汇教学时英语教学的重要组成部分。有些学生因为记不住单词而失去了对英语的学习兴趣。因此,在课堂上我们要进行词汇的有效课堂教学。下面我从以下几个方面来展开话题。 一.说课标 英语课程标准对五级词汇教学提出了明确的要求:了解英语词汇,包括单词,词组,习惯用语和固定搭配形式。理解和领悟词语的基本含义及在特定语境中的意义,运用词汇描述事物,行为和特征,说明概念等。学会使用下列单词和短语:have a great time organize take away clean-up flower agent around the world make a living against charity chance all the time injured sincerely lawyer tonight mobile phone 二.说问题 1.八年级词汇量增加,教材突出音标教学,对学生语音能力要 求很高。 2.学生基础差别也很大,有的学生小学底子薄,无形中学习词 汇困难。也有的学生记忆单词死记硬背,这种被动的记忆方 法不会印象深刻,甚至会挫伤孩子学习单词的积极性。 3.教师在词汇教学方面方法单调,不能激发学生学习的积极

性。这会造成理解和记忆负担过重,不利于发展学生的语言 运用能力。 三.说建议 1.利用实物和图片记忆单词。 2.注重语音教学,提高学生拼读能力。 3.在游戏中学习单词。 4.运用联想来进行词汇教学。 5.指导学生记忆策略,变被动为主动。 总之,老师在词汇教学上注意方法的多样性,调动学生的积极性。 四.说教学过程 (一)热身活动(包括组织教学与复习) 1. 2.师生之间打招呼 2. 以优美的曲子进入新的词汇教学。 (二)呈现与操练 1.第一组flower, agent, charity ,injured ,lawyer , mobile phone用词卡展示生词并领读。对单词进行听说认读的操练。 2.第二组against, chance, sincerely, tonight 使用“寻宝”游戏学习生词。使用“快听快指”和“快听快说”的方式操练。对单词进行听


小学语文说课稿(经典获奖3篇) 读中感悟 ——《可贵的沉默》说课设计 第二实验小学三年级语文教研组王丽华 一、说教材 1、教材简析 《可贵的沉默》是六年制小学人教版课标实验教材第六册第五单元中的课文,这是一篇精读课文。课文以课堂教学进程为线索,以师生对话交流为主要形式,以孩子们情绪变化为描写的主要内容:由兴奋、快乐到沉默,又从沉默渐渐回到热闹。 学习这篇课文的目的是在深入领会课文内容的基础上,受到关心父母、回报父母之爱的教育,学会关心别人,积累课文中的优美词语,精彩句段,培养语感,同时为综合性实践活动的开展奠定基础。 2、教学目标 (1)会认9个生字,会写14个生字,正确读写本课词语。 (2)正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 (3)体会抓住人物的神态、动作进行生动描写的方法,抄写自己喜欢词语、句子。 3、教学重难点: 教学重点:理解孩子们的情绪变化,懂得关心别人。 教学难点:理解体会为什么说这种沉默是可贵的。 二、说教法和学法 培养学生良好的人文素养,语文素养以及合作探究精神,创新精神,新课程标准的重要理念,为了实现这一目标,同时也为体现新课程标准中知识与能力、情感与态度,过程与方法三个维度的统一,充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,构建开放而有活力的语文课堂。教学时我采取引导法,以课文题目为切入点引导学生质疑,然后组织学生探究并体验,最后结合实际进行拓展延伸,从而体现教师的主导性和学生的主体地位,体现语文课的开放性和语文课与社会、与人生相结合的特点。 三、说教学过程 我的课堂结构是:检查预习(字词)——质疑导向——探究体验——学习升华——拓展延伸。 检查预习情况,了解学生对本课生字、词的掌握程度,为学习课文奠定基础。 爱因斯坦说过:“问题的提出往往比解答问题更重要。”由于文章题目发人深省,所以上课伊始,我就引导学生从题目入手质疑,提问:读了课题,你想知道什么?这时学生会提出:“为什么说沉默是可贵的?谁沉默?在什么情况下沉默?沉默之后又是一个什么样的景象。”我针对学生提出的问题,概括为三个方面:热闹——沉默——热闹 确定好了文章的基本框架后,学生进行自生探究,这样就为理解和探究作好铺垫,使探究确定了方向。 接着进入教学的第二阶段——探究体验。 探究定向后,我用信任而又带鼓励性的语言引导学生反复读文,学生在寻找答案的过程中难免有些片面,这时,我再让学生合作探究,学生由自主探究转为合作探究。 学生通过读文自主探究,合作探究后明白了,沉默前的热闹是爸爸妈妈给他们过生日,他们感受到了父母的爱在沉默中孩子们知错了,在沉默中孩子们在思考;在沉默中孩子们在想办法弥补。而沉默后的热闹是孩子们懂得了不仅要感受父母的爱,更重要的是回报父母的爱。 在合作探究中突破教学难点:在沉默中,孩子感受到了父母的爱;在沉默中孩子们反省了自己,只知道被爱而没想到回报;在沉默中,思索应该怎样回报父母的爱;在沉默中,孩子们懂得了接受爱的同时还要回报爱的道理。


Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Zhou Yan. I’m an English teacher from Experimental School of Suqian. Now I’ll say Sample A of Lesson Six in Book One. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts. Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) STATUS AND FUNCTION is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To start listing “Word Bank” and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material. lesson is the first one of Unit if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. (二)ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS The Ss has learned English for about one month so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now. (三)TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS The teaching aim's basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus' provision. objects (1) To make the Ss know how to use the affirmative sentence “This is. . . .” and the negative sentence “This is not….”Everyday expressions for “Apologies”“I\'m sorry”“That\'s all right”. (2) To study the new words “six, hey, sorry, it’s, that’s”, etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson. (3) To finish some exercises. objects (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs. (3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of c ommunication by learning the useful structures. objects (1) To enable the Ss to be polite and love life. (2) To enable the Ss to look after their things well. (四)TEACHING KEY AND DIFFICULT POINTS The teaching key and difficult points’ basis is establ ished according to Sample A of Lesson Six in the teaching material\'s position and function. points: (1).To help the Ss to communicate with each other.
