最新山东大学 网络教育(专升本)第二学期 英语 模拟题四

最新山东大学 网络教育(专升本)第二学期 英语 模拟题四
最新山东大学 网络教育(专升本)第二学期 英语 模拟题四





1. ---Do you mind if I sit here?

--- ____A___________.

A. Not at all. There is plenty of room.

B. Of course. Do sit down, please.

C. Never mind. I’d like to have some companion.

D. Sure. I’d like to have someone to talk to

2. –Why do you always tell me what to do? To be frank, I don’t like it.

--- I know, but __C__.

A. I don’t like it either.

B. How do I do for you?

C. I just want the best for you.

D. Obviously. You are right.

3. ----That was a delicious dinner.


A. Thank you. Don’t mention it.

B. You’re welcome.

C. Not so delicious, I’m afraid.

D. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

4. --- You are most beautiful in that red sweater.

--- __C___.

A. Oh, no. It’s just an old one, and I have had it for years.

B. Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants.

C. Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago.

D. Oh, but I’m not sure if it suits me.

5. ---I missed Prof. Wang’s linguistics class again yesterday.



B.How nice you are!

C.What a pity!

D.Have a nice weekend.



Passage 1

Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total value of a country’s imports exceeds that of its exports. For example, if a country buys $25 billion of products from other countries, yet sells only $10 billion of its own products overseas, its trade deficit(贸易逆差)is $15 billion. Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position

because they lack natural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import raw materials or manufactured goods.

One effect of a trade deficit is the flow of currency out of a country. In the case of an underdeveloped nation, this can cause many financial difficulties, including failure to meet debt payments and obstacles to creation of an industrial base. Even in the case of a fully developed nation such as the United States, a large trade deficit is a reason for alarm. American products, made by well-paid workers in U.S. industries, cost more to produce than those made in places like Asia, where labor and material costs are much lower. Money spent on foreign products is money not spent on items produced by domestic industries.

6. What does the passage mainly discuss? B

A. Some worldwide economic problems.

B. The cause and consequences of trade deficit.

C. Lack of resources in underdeveloped countries.

D. High labor and material costs in developed countries

7. According to the passage, a trade imbalance occurs when __B______.

A. a country is facing serious financial problems

B. a country buys more from other countries than it sells overseas

C. the value of a country’s exports is greater than that of its imports

D. products imported are more expensive than those exported

8. Many underdeveloped countries have trade deficits because ___D_____.

A. they failed to meet debt payments

B. they export most of their natural resources to other countries

C. they borrow too much money from other countries

D. they have to import most of their manufactured products

9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible cause of a trade imbalance? D

A. The flow of currency out of the country.

B. Low labor and material costs in Asian countries.

C. Lack of natural resources.

D. An undeveloped industrial base.

10. It can be inferred from this passage that American industries ____B____.

A. do not pay their workers sufficiently

B. are hurt by a trade imbalance

C. imported labor and material from abroad

D. are able to prevent a trade deficit

Passage 2

Newspapers, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain, and give opinion. An important way for reading a large, big-city newspaper is knowing how to take it apart. Can you find these separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, classified ads? Does your paper have other sections?

News stories give facts, not the author’s opinions. Editorials do the opposite: you can expect an editorial to take sides. Some newspaper editorials have a by-line with the author’s name, but

many newspapers have unsigned editorials. These reflect the opinions of the publisher or editor.

You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper. For example, you can expect headlines to omit unnecessary words. You can expect to find the most important facts in the lead paragraph (the first paragraph) of a news story. You can expect important news items to be on the front page. You can expect less important items to be on the inside pages.

Most of all, the more you know about the current news, the more you will understand what is in the newspaper; important stories are generally presented one day and followed up on following days. So, an important way for reading newspapers is reading one frequently.

11. To read a large newspaper, a good way is __C______.

A. to read it from cover to cover

B. to do some paper-cutting

C. to find separate sections

D. to predict what is inside the newspaper

12. Which of the following statements about news stories is true? A

A. News stories tell the facts without comments.

B. News stories contain both facts and opinions.

C. News stories reflect the opinions of the editor.

D. News stories express the writer’s point of view.

13. If you want to know less important news without any details, you can read __B______.

A. the lead paragraphs of the news on the front page

B. the headlines on the inside pages

C. news stories on the front page

D. news items on the inside pages only

14. To follow the current news, the best way is to __C______.

A. read extensively and thoroughly

B. read various newspapers skillfully

C. read one newspaper frequently

D. read a large big-city newspaper carefully

15. The main idea of this passage is ____D____.

A. how to read stories and editorials

B. how to find important news stories

C. how to tell apart different news sections

D. how to read newspapers effectively


A. 词汇与结构



16. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above __C____.

A. average

B. ordinary

C. normal

D. usual

17. You are getting too old for football. You’d better _B____ tennis instead.

A. take in

B. take up

C. take for

D. take over

18. What __B____ to him is whether the job allows him to pursue his studies.

A. applies

B. matters

C. refers

D. happens

19. After the war Auntie May devoted herself _B____ 100 children at her home in Devon.

A. in fostering

B. to fostering

C. to foster

D. fostering

20. People can only make choices if they are informed ___A___ what choices are available.

A. of

B. in

C. from

D. for

B. 完型填空


People who speak or perform before the public sometimes may suffer from "Stage Fright". Stage fright makes a person nervous. In that case, it can make one's mind go lank and forget 21 one ought to say, or to act. Actors, musicians, dancers, lawyers, even radio show hosts suffered from stage fright at one time or 22 .

Diana Nichols is an expert in helping people free from stage fright at a medical center in New York City. She helps actors learn to 23 themselves. Miss Nichols says some people have always been afraid to perform before the audience. Others, she says, develop stage fright after a(n) tearful experience.

She offers them ways to control the fear. One way is to smile 24 going onto the stage. Taking two deep breaths also helps. Deep breathing helps you 25 control of your body.

Miss Nichols persuades her patients to tell themselves that their speech or performance does not have to be 26 . It's all right to make a mistake. She tells them they should not be too nervous while they are performing. It is important that they should continue to perform while she is telling them. After each performance, they discuss what happened and find out what 27 helped and what did not. As they perform more and more, they will fear less and less as much as 50%. Miss Nichols says the aim is only to reduce stage fright, not to smooth it away 28 . This is 29 a little stage fright makes a person more careful, and 30 the performance.

B 21. A. when B. what C. how D. whether

C 22. A. two B. other C. another D. the other

B 23. A. cure B. control C. hold D. protect

D 24. A. after B. while C. during D. before

C 25. A. get B. make C. take D. have

A 26. A. perfect B. fine C. good D. pleasant

B 27. A. people B. advice C. words D. measures

C 28. A. practically B. easily C. completely D. really

D 29. A. why B. that C. since D. because

B 30. A. increases B. improves C. hurts D. puts on



1. It’s not easy to keep in touch with friends when they’re far away.


2. You are the only person I can depend on to help me solve the problem


3. If the doctor had not told me to go on a diet, I could have eaten as much again.



要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Benefits of Reading

1. 阅读有很多好处,如:增长知识,开阔眼界等

2. 应如何进行阅读

Benefits of Reading 1.There are a lot of benefits of reading... but here are a few:

It expands your vocabulary. It improves your spelling. It helps you understand different ways of life. It can be fun to read new stories and find out what happens. It expands your imagination. It helps you know what other people know, so that instead of repeating their mistakes and experiments, you can expand upon them and go farther as a community. It helps you drive from one place to another. It allows you the freedom to find out what other humans have had to say over the years. It helps you know what drugs are in which bottles. It helps when you have to mute the TV because you can read the subtitles and still know what is happening. It helps you go on the internet and interact.

2. Benefits of Reading

Reading is a good way of study as well as a good life style. Reading everyday not only can increase our knowledge, but it can open the world in front of us. By reading , we can learning all kinds of knowledge on people, animals and the nature.

We should have a proper habit for reading. It consists of intensive reading and extensive reading. We should read intensively in order to study in a specific field. If we just want to know of the society around us, reading extensively such as reading newspapers 、magazines and so on Is

enough. 用基本不等式解决应用题

例1.某工厂利用辐射对食品进行灭菌消毒,现准备在该厂附近建一职工宿舍,并对宿舍进行防辐射处理,建房防辐射材料的选用与宿舍到工厂距离有关.若建造宿舍的所有费用p (万元)和宿舍与工厂的距离()x km 的关系为:(08)35

k p x x =≤≤+,若距离为1km 时,测算宿舍建造费用为100万元.为了交通方便,工厂与宿舍之间还要修一条道路,已知购置修路设备需5万元,铺设路面每公里成本为6万元,设()f x 为建造宿舍与修路费用之和.

(1)求()f x 的表达式;

(2)宿舍应建在离工厂多远处,可使总费用()f x 最小,并求最小值.

变式:某学校为了支持生物课程基地研究植物生长,计划利用学校空地建造一间室内面积为900m 2的矩形温室,在温室内划出三块全等的矩形区域,分别种植三种植物,相邻矩形

区域之间间隔1m,三块矩形区域的前、后与内墙各保留1m 宽的通道,左、右两块矩形区域分别与相邻的左右内墙保留3m 宽的通道,如图.设矩形温室的室内长为x(m),







药剂学模拟题2 一、名词解释 1.制剂防病治病用的药物在应用以前需要制成一定的形式,即剂型。某一药物按照一定的质量标准,制成某一剂型,所得的制品称为制剂。 2.增溶剂用表面活性剂增大药物在水中的溶解度并形成澄清溶液的过程称为增溶。用于增溶的表面活性剂称为增溶剂。 3.热原热原是微生物的代谢产物,是一种内毒素,它能引起一些动物与人的体温异常升高。是由磷脂、脂多糖、蛋白质组成的复合物。 4.栓剂置换价置换价是指药物的重量与同体积基质重量之比。 DV=W/(G-(M-W)) 二、写出下列物质在药剂学中的主要作用 1.卡波普表面活性剂 2.微粉硅胶片剂润滑剂 3.微晶纤维素片剂的填充剂 4.HPMC 缓控释制剂的骨架 三、填空题 1. 物理灭菌法包括—(干热灭菌法)、(湿热灭菌法)、(紫外线灭菌)、(过滤灭菌)、(其他物理灭菌法)。 2. 植物性药材的浸出过程一般包括(浸润)(溶解)(扩散)(置换)四个相互联系的阶段。 3. 防止药物氧化的常用措施有(煮沸除氧)(通入惰性气体)(加入抗氧剂)(加入金属离子螯合剂)。

4. 气雾剂 由耐压容器 阀门系统 抛射剂 药物和附加剂四部分组成。 四、简答题 1. 在药物制剂设计研究时,防止氧化可采取哪些措施? 答:防止药物氧化的常用措施有煮沸除氧、加抗氧剂、加金属离子螯合剂、通惰性气体、调节pH 、避光等。 2. 写出湿法制粒压片的工艺流程? 混合 润湿剂或粘合剂 答 药物、辅料粉碎过筛----物料--------------- 制粒 干燥 软材----湿颗粒----干颗粒----整粒----压片 3. 写出Stokes 定律公式,根据Stokes 定律分析,增加混悬液稳定性可采取哪些措施? 答 Stokes 定律 η ρρ9)(2212g r V -= 由Stokes 定律可看出,增加混悬剂稳定性的措施有:减少微粒粒径,增加介质粘度,调节介质密度以降低密度差。 五、计算题 1.计算下列处方是否等渗?应如何处理? 处方: 氯霉素 5.0g 硼砂 3.0 g 硼酸 15.0 g 蒸馏水加至 1000ml


模拟题二 模拟题二第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话是未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. ---Would you like to have dinner with us this evening ---___C_____. A. Ok, but I have to go to a meeting now. B. No, I can’t C. Sorry, this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents. D. I don't know. 2. --- Please help yourself to some fish. ---___B____. A. Thanks, but I don't like fish B. Sorry, I can't help C. Well, fish don't suit me D. No, I don’t want to do that 3. ---It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now. ---OK. ____D__. A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you 4. ---Could I ask you a rather personal question ---_____B____ A. Yes, don’t worry. B. Of course, go ahead. C. Yes, help yourself. D. Of course, why not 5. ---Well done. Congratulations on your success. --- _____A______. A. Thank you very much B. Oh, no, no C. No, I didn’t do well D. Sorry, I couldn’t do any better 模拟题二第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Television has opened windows in everybody’s life. Young men will never again go to war as they did in 1914. Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle. And the result has been a general dislike of war, and perhaps more interest in helping those who suffer from all the terrible things that have been shown on the screen. Television has also changed politics. The most distant areas can now follow state affairs, see and hear the politicians before an election. Better informed, people are more likely to vote, and so to make their opinion count. Unfortunately, television’s influence has been extremely harmful to the y oung. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that TV advertisements lie to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. All educators ag ree that the “television generations”


一、单选题练习 1.完整的计算机系统由(C)组成。 A.运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备 B.主机和外部设备 C.硬件系统和软件系统 D.主机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机 2.以下软件中,(D)不是操作系统软件。 A.Windows xp B.unix C.linux D.microsoft office 3.用一个字节最多能编出( D )不同的码。 A. 8 个 B. 16个 C. 128 个 D. 256个 4.任何程序都必须加载到( C )中才能被CPU执行。 A. 磁盘 B. 硬盘 C. 内存 D. 外存 5.下列设备中,属于输出设备的是(A)。 A.显示器 B.键盘 C.鼠标 D.手字板 6.计算机信息计量单位中的K代表( B )。 A. 102 B. 210 C. 103 D. 28 7.RAM代表的是( C )。 A. 只读存储器 B. 高速缓存器 C. 随机存储器 D. 软盘存储器 8.组成计算机的CPU的两大部件是( A )。 A.运算器和控制器 B. 控制器和寄存器 C.运算器和内存 D. 控制器和内存 9.在描述信息传输中bps表示的是(D)。

A. 每秒传输的字节数 B.每秒传输的指令数 C.每秒传输的字数 D.每秒传输的位数 10.微型计算机的内存容量主要指( A )的容量。 A. RAM B. ROM C. CMOS D. Cache 11.十进制数27对应的二进制数为( D )。 A.1011 B. 1100 C. 10111 D. 11011 12.Windows的目录结构采用的是(A)。 A.树形结构 B.线形结构 C.层次结构 D.网状结构 13.将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到(D)。 A.桌面上 B.“我的文档”中 C.内存中 D.被删除的位置 14.在Windows 的窗口菜单中,若某命令项后面有向右的黑三角,则表示该命令项( A )。 A. 有下级子菜单 B.单击鼠标可直接执行 C.双击鼠标可直接执行 D.右击鼠标可直接执行 15.计算机的三类总线中,不包括( C )。 A. 控制总线 B.地址总线 C.传输总线 D.数据总线 16.操作系统按其功能关系分为系统层、管理层和(D)三个层次。 A. 数据层 B.逻辑层 C.用户层 D.应用层 17.汉字的拼音输入码属于汉字的(A)。 A. 外码 B. 内码 C.ASCII 码 D.标准码 18.Windows的剪贴板是用于临时存放信息的( C )。 A.一个窗口 B.一个文件夹 C.一块内存区间 D.一块磁盘区间


小学期测试参考答案(题目次序可能不一致,请看清题目和答案) 一、单项选择题 1、学生在校期间各门专业基础课、专业课平均成绩()分以上(含),毕业生论文(毕业设计或综合考试)成绩优良,并通过学位英语考试者,可申请学士学位。B.70 2、考试时翻看抄袭书本、笔记、资料、小抄或他人试卷者;接收纸条互相传递者;以某方式示意或核对答案者;不按规定关闭手机、机等通讯工具或利用通讯工具传递信息者,给予()处分B、记过 3、在实时课堂上,利用系统进行辅导学习时,如果在老师讲解过程中有问题需要交流,便可选择()的方式B、使用页面右下角处的学习交流框 4、下列哪种情况不能授予学士学位()D、在校学习期间所有考试成绩未一次通过者,有补考课程 5、网上非实时辅导是网络学习的重要环节。学生在个人工作室,进入某一课程的学习界面后,即可实现与教师的非实时辅导答疑功能。下列有关非实时辅导答疑的说法错误的是:C、非实时辅导只是学习的辅助,可做可不做。 6、学生在个人工作室,进入某一课程的学习界面后,可以看到非实时辅导的各项功能,应至少()一次登录查看教师发布的辅导内容。A、每周 7、入学后国家统考科目是()A、大学英语和计算机应用基础 8、统考模拟练习系统的登录方式是什么?B、学号和教学平台登录密码(2010年5月份) 9、学位英语考试报名一般在()月份进行A、一月 10、考试时翻看抄袭书本、笔记、资料、小抄或他人试卷者;接收纸条互相传递者;以某方式示意或核对答案者;不按规定关闭手机、机等通讯工具或利用通讯工具传递信息者,给予()处分B、记过处分 11、期末考试开始30分钟后,学生停止进入考场(听力考试一旦开始,学生即停止进入考场),开考()分钟后,学生方可交卷离开考场。B、30 12、高起专、专升本各专业总学分不低于()学分B、80学分 13、学生必须修完教学计划规定的全部课程。但对确已学过并达到教学计划要求的部分课程,可申请免修免试。学生免修、免试课程不得超过教学计划规定课程的()。C、1/2 14、毕业论文(设计)的写作时间安排在第()学期初进行,毕业论文的总的写作时间为()。B、五4个月 15、2009年起,我校开展了网上有奖征文活动,有关有奖征文活动以下说法错误的是():


英语(一) 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成得对话,针对每个对话就是未完成得部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上得相应字母涂黑。 1、— Hello! May I talk to the manager about the price? — A 、 A、Sorry, he is out at the moment B、No, you can’t C、Sorry, you can’t D、I don’t know 2、—I’m terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty、 —_____A_、 A、Never mind B、Don’t mention it C、That’s right D、Sorry 3、― Do you mind if I open the window? ―___B___ I feel a bit cold、 A、Of course not、 B、I’d rather you didn’t、 C、Go ahead、 D、Why not? 4、— Excuse me, sir、Where is Dr、Smith’s office? — D 、 A、You can’t ask me B、Good question C、Please don’t say so D、Sorry I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there 5、— Good morning, sir、May I help you? — C 、 A、No, I don’t buy anything B、No, I don’t need your help C、Yes, I need some salt D、Oh, no、That’s Ok 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后得A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上得相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives、We do it every day to get to work, to school or to friends' houses、 Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems、Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient and decide just to drive right through it、If another car is ing from the other direction, there might be a terrible accident、Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that driver cuts off someone else、Pretty soon everybody is angry, and impatient、


模拟题三 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. –Hello! I want to make a person-to-person call to Toronto, Canada. The number is 932-0806. --___B_____. A. But I don’t know whom do you want to call. B. What’s the name of the party you’re calling? C. What’s the address of the person you’re calling? D. What’s the extension number you’re calling? 2. ---Have you ever been to the Temple of Heaven in Beijing? -- ___B__. A. No, but I have no time. B. No, but I’d like to. C. Yes. I was too busy then. D. Yes. I couldn’t do it right now. 3. –Is everyone always so helpful to you in your office? --- __D___. A. Yes. What can I do for you now? B. Yes, there is a hotel nearby. C. Yes. Can I help you? D. Yes. It’s a great place to work. 4. ---It’s a beautiful day today! How about a little trip out into the country? --- ___A______. A. That sounds great. What should I do for the preparation? B. I don’t know. I really haven’t thought about what we’d do. C. Well, would you like me to pack picnic or to buy something? D. It’s all right. Thank you. 5. –Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway station? --- ___C____. A. Any time. It’s next to the post office. B. All right. Do you want me to go with you? C. No problem. With pleasure. D. Of course not. Go down this street and turn right. 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century world probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, opportunity and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by household appliances and convenience foods. The important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic p osition. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity, and most of them took a full-time job.


药物分析模拟题1 一、A型题(最佳选择题)每题的备选答案中只有一个最佳答案。 E 1. 我国现行的中国药典为 A.1995版 B.1990版 C.1985版 D.2000版 E.2005版 B 2. 中国药典的英文缩写为 A. BP B. CP C. JP D. ChP E. USP C 3. 相对标准差表示的应是 A.准确度 B.回收率 C.精密度 D.纯精度 E.限度 C 4. 滴定液的浓度系指 A.%(g/g) B.%(ml/ml) C.mol/L D.g/100ml E.g/100g C 5. 用20ml移液管量取的20ml溶液,应记为 A.20ml B.20.0ml C.20.00ml D.20.000ml E.20±1ml A 6. 注射液含量测定结果的表示方法 A.主要的% B.相当于标示量的% C.相当于重量的% D.g/100ml E.g/100g E 7. 恒重系指供试品连续两次干燥或炽灼后的重量差为 A.0.6mg B.0.5mg C.0.4mg D.0.3mg E.0.2mg C 8. 阿斯匹林中检查的特殊杂质是 A.水杨醛 B.砷盐 C.水杨酸 D.苯甲酸 E.苯酚 E 9. 以下哪种药物中检查对氨基苯甲酸 A.盐酸普鲁卡因 B.盐酸普鲁卡因胺 C.盐酸普鲁卡因片 D.注射用盐酸普鲁卡因 E.盐酸普鲁卡因注射液 E 10. 药品检验工作的基本程序 A.鉴别、检查、写出报告 B.鉴别、检查、含量测定、写出报告 C.检查、含量测定、写出报告 D.取样、检查、含量测定、写出报告 E.取样、鉴别、检查、含量测定、写出报告 C 11.含锑药物的砷盐检查方法为 A.古蔡法 B.碘量法 C.白田道夫法 D.Ag-DDC E.契列夫法 E 12. 药物中杂质的限量是指 A.杂质是否存在 B.杂质的合适含量 C.杂质的最低量


SHANDONG UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this section. For each of the questions, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question. 1. Her _________ of the truth kept her from going deeper into the affair. A. information B. recognition C. deception D. knowledge 2. The tailor told him that his ________ will be kept for future use. A. judgment B. government C. deployment D. measurement 3. People’s ________ about the loud noise there forced the government to close that factory. A. struggle B. complaint C. hatred D. irritation 4. His parents didn’t consent to his ______ with Mary. A. marriage B. dependence C. reliance D. charge 5. There is no limit to the ______ of knowledge. A. look B. consumption C. employ D. pursuit 6. His _________ led to his final failure. A. ignorance B. information C. achievement D. knowledge 7. The mankind has done many __________ things to nature in its course of civilization. A. destructive B. instructive C. progressive D. sensitive 8. Plants raised in greenhouses are tended methodically in an attempt to create the best possible conditions for their growth. A. systematically B. naturally C. personally D. lovingly 9. Some botanists fear that the worldwide transfer of plant species is threatening the Earth’s biological diversity. A. accidental B. rapid C. illegal D. global 10. The type and degree of molecular motion of a substance depend on the amount of thermal energy present. A. are determined by B. limit C. radiate D. are supported by 11. The young, especially, have no _________ about hot weather. A. complaint B. irritation C. trouble D. doubt 12. In summer, motoring can be anything but a _________. A. impression B. pleasure C. pressure D. expression 13. He compared the girl a flower. A. to B. with C. in D. for 14. In spite of the problem, the engineers are going to carry on the project. A. with B. for C. in D. at 15. I’ve had enough this weather. A. at B. with C. of D. from 16. She added that if he had telephoned her before lunch, she ____ ____ the book there. A. took B. would have taken C. would take D. would be taking 17. Some hotel staff speak _________ English. A. little B. small C. few D. scarcely 18. It’s no use ________ to get a bargain these days. A. to expect B. expecting C. looking forward to D. you expect 19. We played the game _ _______ the rule. A. on account of B. ahead of C. according to D. apart from 20. When I applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send a ________ photograph. A. fresh B. late C. modern D. recent


《操作系统原理》模拟卷一, 选择题 1.关于操作系统的叙述( D )是不正确的. A."管理资源的程序" B."管理用户程序执行的程序" C."能使系统资源提高效率的程序" D."能方便用户编程的程序" 2.操作系统的发展过程是( A ) A.设备驱动程序组成的原始操作系统,管理程序,操作系统 B.原始操作系统,操作系统,管理程序 C.管理程序,原始操作系统,操作系统 D.管理程序,操作系统,原始操作系统 3.用户程序中的输入,输出操作实际上是由( C )完成. A.程序设计语言 B.编译系统 C.操作系统 D.标准库程序 4.计算机系统中判别是否有中断事件发生应是在( B ) A.进程切换时 B.执行完一条指令后 C.执行P操作后 D.由用户态转入核心态时 5.设计批处理多道系统时,首先要考虑的是( B ) A.灵活性和可适应性 B.系统效率和吞吐量 C.交互性和响应时间 D.实时性和可靠性 6.若当前进程因时间片用完而让出处理机时,该进程应转变为( A )状态. A.就绪 B.等待 C.运行 D.完成 7.支持程序浮动的地址转换机制是( D )

A.页式地址转换 B.段式地址转换 C.静态重定位 D.动态重定位 二,多项选择题在每小题列出的五个选项中有二至五个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.多选,少选,错选均无分. 1.对于辅助存储器,( BE )的提法是正确的. A."不是一种永久性的存储设备" B."能永久地保存信息" C."可被中央处理器直接访问" D."是CPU与主存之间的缓冲存贮器" E."是文件的主要存储介质" 2.存储管理中的地址转换仅需在CPU中设置一个控制寄存器的是( ACD )管理. A.单个分区 B.多个固定分区 C.页式 D.段式 E.多个可变分区 3.有关设备的管理中,( ADE )是正确的. A."计算机系统为每台设备确定一个绝对号" B."每台设备都应该有一个惟一的相对号" C."申请设备时指定绝对号可提高设备的使用率" D."申请设备时指定设备相对号使设备分配的灵活性强" E."启动设备时应指出设备的绝对号" 三, 填空题 1.操作系统的主要设计目标是_方便用户使用或界面友好___和___系统能高效工作或效率利用率高_____. 2.当一个进程完成了特定的任务后,系统收回这个进程所占的_工作区或主存空间或资源____和取消该进程的_进程控制块(PCB)_就撤消了该进程. 3.单个分区存储管理仅适用于__个人计算机(单用户)___和__专用计算机(单道,单作业)__系统. 4.每个索引文件都必须有一张____索引______表,其中每个登记项用来指出一个逻辑记录的__存放地址或指针或首地址___. 5.实现SPOOL系统时必须在磁盘上辟出称为__输入井___和__输出井___的专门区域,以存放作业信息和作业执行结果. 四, 简答题


药物化学模拟卷3 一.写出下列结构的药物名称和主要药理作用 OH C CH O O 2N C CCH 2 OH OH 2 1 2 1、炔雌醇:与孕激素合用,具有抑制排卵的协同作用,可用于避孕药,也可用于闭经和更年期综合症。 2、氯霉素:对革兰氏阴性及阳性细菌都有抑制作用,但对前者的效力强于后者,临床上主要用于治疗伤寒。副伤寒。斑疹伤寒等。 O O CH 3 O O CH 3 O CH 3 4 3盐酸金刚烷胺:可抑制病毒颗粒穿入宿主细胞,也可抑制病毒早期复制和阻断病毒基因的脱壳及核酸向宿主细胞的入侵。 4青蒿素:高效、速效的抗疟药,主要对间日疟、恶性疟及抢救脑型疟效果良好,但复发率稍高。 CH 3O N CO CH 3 CH 2COOH Cl N S (H 2N)2C=N S NH 2NSO 2NH 2 5 6 5吲哚美辛:主要治疗类风湿性关节炎、强直性脊柱炎、骨关节炎。

6法莫替丁:H2受体拮抗剂,剂量小,选择性强,能持久抑制胃酸分泌,抑制作用较西咪替丁、雷尼替丁强,并且对胃黏膜有保护作用。 N NH S H2NO2S Cl O O H N N Cl CH2OH NH N N N 7 8 7氢氯噻嗪:用于各种类型的水肿,对心脏性水肿如充血性心力衰竭引起的水肿很有效。 8氯沙坦:是非肽血管紧张素Ⅱ拮抗剂。 二.写出下列药物的化学结构及主要药理作用 1.三唑仑2、咖啡因 N N N N Cl Cl N N N N O O CH3 3 CH3 镇静催眠药中枢兴奋药 3、盐酸吗啡 4、硫酸阿托品 3 HCl CH2OH 2 H2SO4 镇痛药解痉药

5、肾上腺素 6、马来酸氯苯那敏 N CH 3 OH HO HO H N N CH 3 Cl CH 3C COOH H H 抗休克 抗过敏 7、盐酸普鲁卡因 8、硝苯地平 H 2N COOCH 2CH 2N(C 2H 5)2 HCl N O O O O NO 2 H 局麻药 钙拮抗剂 三.写出下列药物活性形式的化学结构,并说明主要药理作用 O O HO CH 3 CH 3 OCOCHCH 2CH 3 CH 3 1. N=N SO 2NH 2 H 2N NH 2 2


生理学 B 一、单项选择题 1.引起组织发生反应的环境变化称为 A.刺激 B.反射 C.反馈 D.兴奋 2.寒冷引起甲状腺激素分泌增多,是属于 A.神经调节 B.体液调节 C.局部调节 D. 自身调节 3.心室肌收缩期及舒张早期相当于兴奋性的 A.低常期 B.相对不应期 C.有效不应期 D. 超常期 4.肾上腺素对受体的结合力是 A.都很强 B.对α强,弱 C.对β强,α弱 D.只对α 5.使细胞去极化达阈电位的刺激是 A.阈刺激 B.刺激阈 C.阈下刺激 D.阈强度 6.细胞膜主动转运的特点是 A.转运脂溶性物质 B.耗能 C.靠通道协同 D.顺电-化学梯度7.细胞膜内外存在的电位差通称为 A.动作电位 B.静息电位 C.跨膜电位 D. 局部电位 8.房室瓣关闭与动脉瓣开放间的时间相当 A.快速射血期 B.射血期 C.室缩期 D. 心室等容收缩期 9.下列哪种情况可使心输出量增加 A.刺激迷走神经 B.由卧位转为站立位 C.心率>180次 D. 颈动脉窦内压降低 10.静脉回心血量增多时,可引起 A.心室后负荷减少 B.心室舒张期延长 C. 心室前负荷增加 D.充盈期缩短 11.血浆pH值主要通过下列哪条途径维持的? A.血液B.消化道C.肾D.皮肤 12.呼吸频率从12次/分增加到24次/分,潮气量从500ml减少到250ml,则: A.肺通气量增加B.肺泡通气量增加 C.肺泡通气量不变D.肺泡通气量减少 13.在下列哪一时相中,肺内压等于大气压? A.吸气和呼气初B.吸气末和呼气初 C.呼气初和呼气末D.呼气末和吸气末 14.使胰蛋白酶原活化的最主要的物质是: A.盐酸B.组织液C.肠致活D.糜蛋白酶 15.促胰液素能促进胰腺分泌的特点是: A.大量的水分和碳酸氢盐,而胰酶含量很少 B.少量的水分和碳酸氢盐,而胰酶含量也很少 C.少量的水分和碳酸氢盐,而胰酶含量很丰富 D.大量的水分,而碳酸氢盐和胰酶含量很少 16.滤过分数是指: A.肾血流量/ 心输出量B.肾血浆流量/ 肾血流量 C.肾血流量/ 肾血浆流量D.肾小球滤过率/ 肾血浆流量


人力资源管理模拟题 1、人力资源的特点是主动性、时效性、可再生性。 2、根据时间跨度来划分,人力资源计划可以分为长期计划、中期计划、短期计划。 3、工作分析的步骤分为准备阶段、调查阶段、分析阶段、完成阶段四个阶段 4、面试文件主要有面试记录、面试评估表。 5、影响人际吸引力的因素有态度的相似性、需要的互补性、兴趣爱好的一致性。 二、选择题:(下列题中有一个或多个正确答案,把正确的答案写在括号里,选错或少选不得分) 1、下面哪些人不属于人力资源统计的范围( D ) A、学生 B、家庭妇女 C、服役军人 D、丧失劳动能力者 2、( BC )是工作分析的方法 A、排序法 B、问卷法 C、访问法 D、因素分析法 3、( AC )是绩效评中的行为法 A、典型事例法 B、书面法 C、固定行为等价法 D、图示评估法 4、( BD )是非量化的工作评价方法 A、因素比较法 B、工作排序法 C、海氏法 D、分类法 5、职务形状是上山型的有( C ) A、办公室职员 B、工程师 C、销售经理 6、( A )是不变薪酬 A、基本薪金 B、绩效薪金 C、红利 D、股票期权 7、用海氏法进行工作评价时属于诀窍的构成因素是( AB ) A、人际关系的技巧 B、管理诀窍 C、思维环境 D、职务责任 8、属于有益——实质性冲突的是( A ) A、两个技术人员在产品设计时发生矛盾后使各自在设计时考虑得更周到 B、人力资源部两个负责人为制定一项新的人事政策而争执不下结果制定的制度未得到真正的贯彻落实 C、财务经理与采购经理的关系不好财务经理从帐目中查出采购经理的违法行为 D、员工因个人对上级不满而故意拖延生产导致交货延期 9、人的需要的基本特征有( ABCD ) A、多样性 B、结构性 C、社会性 D、发展性 10、在进行薪酬设计时应遵循的原则是( ABCD ) A、公平性 B、激励性 C、竞争性 D、合理性 三、名词解释: 人力资源:推动社会发展和经济运转的人的劳动能力 终身就业制:从各类学校毕业的求职者,一经企业正式录用直到退休始终在同一企业供职,除非出于劳动者自身的责任,企业主避免解雇员工的雇佣习惯 招聘:员工招聘是指组织根据人力资源计划,按照一定的程序和方法,募集、挑选、录用具备资格条件的求职者担任一定职位工作的系列活动 沟通:是指将某一信息(或意思)传递给客体或对象,以期获得客体作出相应反应的过程 股票期权计划:企业给予其核心人才在一定期限内按照某个限定的价格购买一定数量的企业股票的一种权利参考答案: 1、这种说法不正确 因为组织在选聘人员时应遵循的原则之一就是适人适位,选择高于职位要求的可能留不住,低于职位要求的又不能胜任。而最优秀的人才不一定是最合适的。因而组织在选聘人员时应该选择最适合岗位要求的。 2、这种说法不正确 因为组织中冲突的存在是客观的,是不可避免的。对于冲突对组织影响应该一分为二的看,如果能把冲突处理好就会把冲突给组织带来的弊转化成利,否则反之。但并不能说组织中的冲突越少对组织越有利,因为这种情况有可能是大家对组织已经失去了信心,都采取漠视不关心的态度而形成的表面没有矛盾实际却存在潜在的危机,这对组织发展是不利的。


药物分析模拟题3 一、A型题(最佳选择题)每题的备选答案中只有一个最佳答案。 D 1. 中国药典正确的表达为 A. Ch.P B.中国药典 C. C.P (2005) D. 中国药典(2005年版) E. 中华人民共和国药典 A 2. 四氮唑比色法可用于哪个药物的含量测定 A.氢化可的松乳膏 B.甲基睾丸素片 C.雌二醇凝胶 D.黄体酮注射液 E.炔诺酮片 E 3. 以下哪种药物中检查对氨基酚 A. 盐酸普鲁卡因 B. 盐酸普鲁卡因胺 C. 阿司匹林 D. 对乙酰氨基酚 E. 对氨基水杨酸钠 E 4. 药物中的亚硫酸氢钠对下列哪种含量测定方法有干扰 A. 非水溶液滴定法 B. 紫外分光光度法 C. 酸碱滴定法 D. 汞量法 E. 碘量法 B 5. 有氧化产物存在时,吩噻嗪类药物的鉴别或含量测定方法可选择 A. 非水溶液滴定法 B. 紫外分光光度法 C. 荧光分光光度法 D. 钯离子比色法 E. 酸碱滴定法 C 6. 在碱性溶液中被铁氰化钾氧化生成硫色素的药物是 A. 维生素A B. 维生素E C. 维生素B1 D. 维生素C E. 维生素D B 7. 片剂含量均匀度检查中,含量均匀度符合规定是指 A. A+1.80S>15.0 B. A+1.80S≤15.0 C. A+S>15.0 D. A+1.80<15.0 E. A+1.80=15.0 C 8. 检查硫酸阿托品中莨菪碱时,应采用 A. 色谱法 B. 红外分光法 C. 旋光度法 D. 显色法 E. 直接检查法 E 9. 酸碱溶液滴定法测定乙酰水杨酸原料药含量时,所用的溶剂为:

A. 水 B. 氯仿 C. 乙醚 D. 无水乙醇 E. 中性乙醇 D 10. 坂口反应用以鉴别哪种药物 A. 红霉素 B. 硫酸庆大霉素 C. 盐酸氯丙嗪 D. 硫酸链霉素 E. 青霉素钠 E 11. 杂质限量是指 A. 杂质的最小量 B. 杂质的合适含量 C. 杂质的最低量 D. 杂质检查量 E. 杂质的最大允许量 D 12. 中国药典(2005年版)采用以下哪种方法测定维生素E的含量? A. 酸碱滴定法 B. 氧化还原法 C. 紫外分光光度法 D. 气相色谱法 E. 非水滴定法 B 13. 双相滴定法可适用的药物为 A. 阿司匹林 B. 对乙酰氨基酚 C. 水杨酸 D. 苯甲酸 E. 苯甲酸钠 B 14. 硫喷妥钠与铜盐的鉴别反应生成物为 A. 紫色 B. 绿色 C. 蓝色 D. 黄色 E.紫茧色 B 15. 精密度是指 A. 测得的测量值与真实值接近的程度 B. 测得的一组测量值彼此符合的程度 C. 表示该法测量的正确性 D. 在各种正常试验条件下,对同一样品分析所得结果的准确程度 E. 对供试物准确而专属的测定能力 C 16. 在紫外分光光度法中,供试品溶液的浓度应使吸收度的范围在 A. 0.1-0.3 B. 0.3-0.5 C. 0.3-0.7 D. 0.5-0.9 E. 0.1-0.9 二、B型题(配伍选择题)备选答案在前面,试题在后。每组题均对应同一组备选答案,每题只有一个正确答案。每个备选答案可重复选用,也可不选用。问题1~5 可用于检查的杂质为 A. 氯化物 B. 砷盐 C. 铁盐 D. 硫酸盐 E. 重金属 D 1. 在酸性溶液中与氯化钡生成浑浊液的方法 C 2. 在酸性溶液中与硫氰酸盐生成红色的方法 E 3. 在实验条件下与硫代乙酰胺形成均匀混悬溶液的方法 E 4. Ag-DDC法
