


4-2 Sharing Practice-3




Get the skills Use the skills-1

Use the skills-2

Use the skills-3

4-4Vieving View it-1 DBACD View it-2

4-5 Role playing Note them down-1

Note them down-2

Get the skills

4-6 Presenting

Get ideas-2

4-7 Public speaking

Get the skills

4-8 More practice in listening Short conversations CABCD

Long conversation

Passages-1 ADDC Passages-2

3)be classified as

7)keeping track of

8)was still associated with News-1




4-10 Unit test


Unit 1 Traces of the past 1-1Learning objectives 1-2Sharing 1The people in the podcast mainly talk about whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night. 2I have a 1)(busy) social life. I go out most nights after work with 2)(friends). Last night, I went out for a meal with an old friend from 3)(university) – it was really good to see her. Tell me about your 4)(social life). Do you go out a lot? 3ACEDBF 4She went to a club and 1)(danced) all night. She had dinner in an Italian restaurant and enjoyed the 2)(view of the river) and lots of 3)(fun) with the family. She went to the cinema and then met some friends for a 4)(drink) in town. She went to Westfield Shopping Center in the 5)(west)of London and enjoyed a 6)(delicious meal) there. He went to a friend's 7)(house) in south London and had some fish and chips in front of the 8)(television / TV) 6Yes, I go out a lot with my friends. After a long week of study, going out at weekends can help me relax, so I can go back to study with a refreshed mind. / No, I don't go out a lot because I have no time. I'm taking many courses at college, so I have to spend most of my time studying. I like going to shopping malls. I also like going to the cinema and the theater. Sometimes I go to museums and art galleries, too. I went shopping with my best friend last weekend. After that we went to a café and had a cup of coffee. Yes, I enjoyed it because I took a break from study and I had a good time with my best friend. / No, I didn't enjoy it because there were too many people in the store. Besides, it was so noisy in the café that my friend and I could hardly hear each other. 1-3Listening 1I admire my mother most. She loves my brother and me so much that she would do everything for us. At the same time, she always encourages us to be independent and try our best to do what we like. As a teacher, she has also set a good example for me.


. 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8)TV

. Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words Viewing 2.1

. a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1)home (2)country (3)relatives (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing 2.2 (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 2.3

. 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations 一 BABDD 二 DBCD 三 DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes (2)very


Un4 1.?Yes, I think Wesley Austrey is a real hero because he showed unusual courage in times of danger. Few people would jump onto the tracks to save a stranger from a racing train. ?No, I don't think Wesley Austrey is a hero. He was behaving irresponsibly. He should have realized that he had two little children to take care of. What would his kids do if he died?! 2.? I am most impressed by Wesley talking about his own fear and what he said to the stranger. From the report we can tell that Wesley loved

his children and that he was fully aware of the danger he was facing. This further shows how caring and how courageous he was. ?I am most impressed when Wesley said, "I don't feel like I did something extraordinary; I just saw someone who needed help". This shows that Wesley is a warm-hearted and courageous person. When it is time for him to offer help, he just extends his hand. This is why when a stranger slipped off the platform, Wesley immediately jumped onto the tracks to save him, regardless of the extreme danger involved. 3.I doubt if I would be courageous enough to jump onto the tracks to save the man. I would probably shout at the man, telling him to stay between the rails, lower his body, and keep his head down. And then I would ask the subway staff for help. Reference: 1.Today both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies are described as heroes. 2.Because during a mass shooting in Tucson, Daniel Hernandez courageously ran through the danger to save one of the victims. 3. The priest meant that Dory was a hero not just because he gave his life for his wife, but also because he had been known for his remarkable spirit and love of humanity when he was alive. 4.First responders are people, such as police officers and firefighters, whose job is to rush toward danger. They are supposed to be the first to arrive at the scene of accidents and deal with emergencies. 5.In the past, heroes were those who acted courageously beyond the call of duty or great leaders, while today's heroes can be average men and women. 6.Eleanor McMahon considered many police officers to be heroes because they rush toward danger to help those in need, against the human instinct to rush toward safety and away from danger. 7.The inspiring stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, whether it is to fulfill their duties, or as part of everyday life. 8. We honor heroes by recognizing their heroism and, more importantly, by working to change the circumstances that led to their death. Reference:


2012级二级221班: Quiz details 个人测试成绩记录 试卷:Listening Test 4 编号:LT4-HR 试卷满分:100 姓名:学号:班级: 登录:2013-10-31 10:32:21 交卷:2013-10-31 11:23:16 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷:尚未批卷批卷时间: 图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. He is seeking help. B. He is offering advice. C. He is trying to look calm. D. He is having an interview. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies.


长篇阅读10题,总分值:20分 Directions: You are going to read a passage with 10 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Proactive Strategies to Build a Social Life A) A lot of people believe that developing a social life is something that should just happen and develop naturally, without you needing to do anything. I disagree. I think that while this can happen for some folks, in certain stages of their life, it’s not always the case, which is why many of us today lack a fulfilling social life. If you’re in college where you get to hang around lots of other people and you’re naturally a social person, your social circle will develop on its own. But if you’re an accountant working in cubicle all day and you’re kind of shy and don’t go out much, your social life may be seriously deficient. B) In my view, building a social life requires the same active and strategic approach that making money or building a career requires. The approach is based on setting goals and acting on them. Coming from this angle, I want to show you some proactive (积极主动的) strategies to build a social life. C) A fulfilling social life looks differently for different people. Some of us need lots of friends and a large social circle. Some of us are more fond of having just a few friends, but who are very close to us. And some prefer a mix of the two. What is your preference Do you know Take some time to think about this and visualize what your ideal social circle would look like. D) Another aspect to think about is what kind of people you want in your social circle. Do you prefer people who are artistic, or people who are tech-oriented People who are outdoorsy or prefer to be indoors Usually, you will get along best with individuals who are similar to you. So I advise you to consider your dominant traits and consciously decide which of these traits are important for you to


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程2 答案 Unit 1 (1) Sharing (1) Listening (1) Viewing (2) Role-play (2) Conversations (3) Passage (3) Unit test (4) Unit 2 (4) Sharing (4) Listening (5) Viewing (6) Role-play (6) Presenting (7) Conversations (7) Passage (7) Unit test (8) Unit 3 (9) Sharing (9) Listening (9)

Role-play (10) Presenting (11) Conversations (11) Passage (12) Unit test (12) Unit 4 (13) Sharing (13) Listening (14) Viewing (14) Role-play (15) Presenting (15) Conversations (16) Passage (16) Unit test (16) Unit 5 (17) Sharing (17) Listening (18) Viewing (18) Role-play (19) Conversations (19) Passage (20)

Unit 6 (21) Sharing (21) Listening (21) Viewing (22) Role-play (22) Presenting (23) Conversations (23) Passage (23) Unit test (24) Unit 7 (25) Sharing (25) Listening (25) Viewing (26) Role-play (26) Presenting (27) Conversations (27) Passage (28) Unit test (28) Unit 8 (29) Sharing (29) Listening (30)


u校园新视野大学英语2第三版 Unit 1 (1) Sharing (1) Listening (1) Viewing (2) Role-play (2) Conversations (3) Passage (3) Unit test (4) Unit 2 (4) Sharing .................................................................................................................. 4 Listening (5) Viewing (6) Role-play (6) Presenting (7) Conversations (7) Passage (7) Unit test (8) Unit 3 (9) Sharing .................................................................................................................. 9 Listening (9) Viewing (10) Role-play (10) Presenting (11) Conversations (11) Passage (12) Unit test (12) Unit 4 (13) Sharing ................................................................................................................ 13 Listening . (14) Viewing (14) Role-play (15) Presenting (15) Conversations (16) 1


Part I Script Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Stocks. B. Government bonds. C. Corporate bonds. D. Stocks and corporate bonds. 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Nasdaq takes an average of all its stocks while Dow does not. B. Dow takes the average of its all its stocks while Nasdaq does not. C. Neither uses the average of its stocks. D. Both take an average of all their stocks. 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A depression is approaching. B. The stock market may crash.

U校园 新视野大学英语(第三版) 读写1 Unti 3答案

Unit 3 Digital campus 3-2 Text A: College life in the Internet age Pre-reading activities 1 1.Traditional classroom: Advantages: more direct communication between the teacher and students; a better learning atmosphere. Disadvantages: little interaction either among students or between students and the teacher; the teacher tending to dominate the class; writing on blackboard reducing efficiency Multimedia learning: Advantages: more vivid teaching materials; students better engaged in classroom learning. Disadvantages: too many distractions with too many pictures and videos in multimedia classrooms Studying online: Advantages: being able to choose when and what you want to

learn; easy access to the wide range of online information. Disadvantages: making it easier for students to copy answers from the Internet; lack of face-to-face communication between the teacher and students; the possibility for students to develop Internet addiction 2. I prefer the multimedia way of learning. A multimediaclassroom is vivid with teaching materials presented in different ways: slides, pictures, and even movies. Compared with a traditional classroom, a multimedia classroom is more interesting. To be frank, I prefer to study online. In. this way I can manage my own time. I can have my own priorities and do things at my own pace. It is simply what I want. 3. Yes. The Internet is indispensable in teaching and learning nowadays. It is hard to imagine what it would be like without the Internet. We would have no easy or quick way to learn about the latest development of teaching and learning. We would miss the many interesting online courses; we couldn't communicate


A. To finish his paper. B. To update his blog. C. To chat with his friends. D. To watch a movie. ∨展开答案 2) A. The man is always booking airline tickets online. B. The woman is always booking airline tickets online. C. The woman thinks booking airline tickets online is cheaper. D. The man is booking the airline ticket for the first time. ∨展开答案 3) A. He doesn't agree with what the woman says. B. He agrees that young people at their twenties are especially interested in th e Internet. C. He thinks the Internet is only attractive to the young people. D. He thinks young people feel happier when they are with family or friends. ∨展开答案 4) A. His ADSL is broken. B. His telephone is broken. C. His telephone bill is not pai d. D. His computer doesn't work. ∨展开答案 5)


Unit 3 Digital CamPUS 3-2 TeXt A: COIlege Iife in the Internet age Pre-reading activities 1 Uraditional ClaSSrOOm: AdVantages: more ClireCt COmmUniCatiOn between the teacher and students; a better Iearning atmosphere. DiSadVantages: Iittle i∩teraction either among StUdentS Or between StUdentS and the teacher; the teacher tending to dominate the class; Writing On blackboard reducing efficiency MUltimedia Iearning: AdVantages: more ViViCl teaching materials; StUdentS better engaged in ClaSSrOOm Ieaming. DiSadVantages: too many CliStraCtiOnS With too many PiCtUreS and VideOS in multimedia ClaSSrOOmS StUdying online: AdVantages: being able to ChOOSe When and What you Want to

Iearri; easy access to the Wide range Of Online information. DiSadVantages: making it easier for StUdentS to COPy answers from the Internet; IaCk Of face-to-face COmmUniCatiOn between the teacher and students; the POSSibiIity for StUdentS to develop Internet addiction 2.I Prefer the multimedia Way Of Iearning ? A multimediaclassroom is ViVid With teaching materials PreSented in different ways: SlideS Z PiCtUreS Z and even movies. COmPared With a traditional ClaSSrOOm Z a multimedia ClaSSrOOm is more interesting ? TO be frank z I Prefer to StUdy online. In. this Way I Carl manage my OWn time. I Can HaVe my OWn PriOritieS and do things at my OWn PaCe? It is SimPly What I Want 3.YeS?The Internet is indispensable in teaching and Iearning nowadays. It is hard to imagine What it WOUld be Iike WithOUt the Internet We WOUld HaVe no easy Or quick Way to Iearn about the IateSt development Of teaching and Iearning. We WOUId miss the many interesting OnIine courses; We COUId∩,t COmmUniCate effectively With teachers after S ) ClaSS? WejUSt can't afford to IOSe the Internet.


Quiz 6 Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A TOEFL examination. B. Any English language examination. C. Good luck. D. Ill luck. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. To keep evil away. B. To wish for more money. C. To show friendliness. D. To treat a wound. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will paint it brown.


Dialog Girl 1: Girl 2: Girl 1: Girl 2: Girl 1: Girl 2: What do you think of this miniskirt, Amy? Pretty hot stuff, eh? Wow - it ' s pretty short. My mom would never let me wear something like that. My mom s cool. She lets me make my own decisions about clothes. Not my mom. She ' d be mad if I came home in a skirt like that. Let ' s both got one; then maybe your mom wouldn ' t be so upset if we both wore the same skirt. Well …maybe. 1.D 2. The first girl(The girl who suggests wearing the short skirt.) Dialog 2 Mother: Lily, where did you get that skirt? You can ' t wear that. It ' s much too short! What will others think? Lily: You don ' t understand fashion. It ' s what everyone is wearing. I think it looks very attractive. Mother: Nonsense, it ' s only suitable for a supermodel on the catwalk. It ' s not meant for ordinary people like us. Your dad is sure to say the skirt is far too revealing! Lily: But it ' s really in high fashion; everyone is wearing clothes like this. Mother: Not everyone. Your friend Amy would never wear a skirt like that! [Amy comes in, wearing the same style of short skirt!] Lily: Look, Amy has come. She ' s wearing the same skirt! Mother: My God, I give up. 1. B 2. No, she hasn ' t. III. Listening In Task 1: A Woman Lily: Mother: Lily: Mother: Lily: Mother: Lily: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 's Funny Dress Mom, look at that woman. Her dress looks funny. I wouldn ' t say that, Lily. It looks fine to me. Are you kidding? She ' s out of fashion. That Oh, come one, as long as it looks good on her. Wow, you ' re really as out-dated as she is. You' re right. I ' m out of date. So what? What No wonder you never buy me new dresses. looks funny looks fine to her is behind the times went out looks good on her out-dated keeping herself in style no wonder 's last year ' s style. 's the point of following the fashion? Task 2: How is fashion decided? Fashion designers design and make fashionable clothes Paris has been the traditional center of world fashion, in setting new styles, and so have certain designers in the United States and Italy. French designers guard the secrets of their new designs until their collections are shown to the public. Then pictures of the styles are published in newspapers and magazines all over the world. People from many countries travel to Paris to buy the clothes and copy the newest ideas. In January they go to see the spring clothes; and in July, to see the autumn designs. Many dress manufacturers from other countries buy the original clothes of the famous French designers. They then take them back to their own sewing rooms, where the clothes are copied and made up in great numbers. That ' s why you may be able to buy in your town the clothing that is in the latest style without paying a very high price for it. Other manufacturers use the Paris styles simply as a starting point for others may adapt only a part of the French design into their own styles. 1. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F Fashion designers design fashionable clothes , begin trends and new styles, and their work is copied all over the world. is the center of the world fashion, where the secrets of the until they are shown to the public come to Paris to buy and copy new clothes, in January and are copied and made up in large numbers, for which one does price . for men and women. They deign trends and create new styles. though recently British designers have had great influence their own ideas. Still Paris People and manufacturers new designs are guarded July . Then the clothes not have to pay a high
