Cup of Coffee on the Wall

Cup of Coffee on the Wall
Cup of Coffee on the Wall

Cup of Coffee on the Wall

I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a neighbouring town of Venice, the city of lights and water. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat on an empty table beside us.

He called the waiter and placed his 1.order saying, “Two cups of coffee-one of them there on the wall”. We heard this order with rather 2.interest and observed that he was 3.served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter pasted a piece of paper on the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee”.

While we were 4.still there, two other men entered and ordered three cups of coffee, two on th e table and one on the wall. They had two cups of coffee but paid for three and left. This time also, the waiter 5.did the same; he pasted a piece of paper on the wall saying, “A Cup of Coffee”.

It seemed that this gesture was a 6.normal at this place. However, it was something unique an d perplexing for us. Since we had 7.nothing to do with the matter, we finished our coffee, paid the bill and left.

After a few days, we again had a 8.chance to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying o ur coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not 9.match the standard nor the atmosphere of this coffee shop.

Poverty was evident from the looks on his face. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall an d said, one cup of coffee 10.from the wall. The waiter served coffee to this man with the 11. customary respect and dignity.

The man had his coffee and left 12.without paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter 13.took off a piece of paper from the wall and 14.threw it in the dust bin.

Now it was no 15.surprise for us the matter was very clear. The great respect for the needy shown by the inhabitants of this town welled up our eyes with tears.









on the contrary的解析

On the contrary Onthecontrary, I have not yet begun. 正好相反,我还没有开始。, Onthecontrary, the instructions have been damaged. 反之,则说明已经损坏。, Onthecontrary, I understand all too well. 恰恰相反,我很清楚, Onthecontrary, I think this is good. ⑴我反而觉得这是好事。, Onthecontrary, I have tons of things to do 正相反,我有一大堆事要做 Provided by jukuu Is likely onthecontrary I in works for you 反倒像是我在为你们工作, Onthecontrary, or to buy the first good. 反之还是先买的好。, Onthecontrary, it is typically american. 相反,这正是典型的美国风格。 Onthecontrary, very exciting.

恰恰相反,非常刺激。, But onthecontrary, lazy. 却恰恰相反,懒洋洋的。, Onthecontrary, I hate it! 恰恰相反,我不喜欢!, Onthecontrary, the club gathers every month. 相反,俱乐部每个月都聚会。, Onthecontrary, I'm going to work harder. 我反而将更努力工作。, Onthecontrary, his demeanor is easy and nonchalant. 相反,他的举止轻松而无动于衷。, Too much nutrition onthecontrary can not be absorbed through skin. 太过营养了反而皮肤吸收不了., Onthecontrary, I would wish for it no other way. 正相反,我正希望这样 Provided by jukuu Onthecontrary most likely pathological. 反之很有可能是病理性的。, Onthecontrary, it will appear clumsy. 反之,就会显得粗笨。,


世界遗产赏析之长城 摘要 长城是中华民族智慧与汗水的结晶,无论是在古代还是现代,长城对中国都具有极其重要的意义。在古代,长城有极其重要的军事意义,长城对古代农业的发展和经济贸易、名族格局的发展有重要作用;在现代,长城更代表了一种精神与文化,成为了中华民族的民族魂的象征。 关键词:军事工程;伟大奇迹;历史见证;主要景点;价值体现;长城精神;名族象征 长城东起鸭绿江,西至甘肃嘉峪关,东至山海关。从东向西行经10个省区市,总长度为8849.842公里。长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。 长城建筑于两千多年前的春秋战国时代,现存的长城遗迹主要为建于十四世纪的明长城。长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程,是中国也是世界上修建时间最长、工程量最大的一项古代防御工程。自公元前七世纪开始,延续不断修筑了2000多年,分布于中国北部和中部的广大土地上,存世总长度逾21196.18千米,它因长达几万里,故又称作“万里长城”。,长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。它与罗马斗兽场、比萨斜塔等列为中古世界七大奇迹。1987年12月,长城被列为世界文化遗产。 以下是长城的主要景点: (一)山海关 被誉为“天下第一关”的山海关在河北省秦皇岛市东北15公里,是明代万里长城东部的一个重要关隘。明洪武十四年,朱元璋派大将军徐达在这里设山海卫,徐达见这一带“枕山襟海,实辽蓟咽喉,乃移关于此,连引长城为城之址”,次年十二月筑起了山海卫城。卫叫山海卫,关叫山海关,因它位于山海之间。山海关城是一座土筑砖包的雄伟关城,城高14米,厚7米,周长4公里,呈正方形。登上山海关城楼北望,万山重叠,万里长城如一条昂首的巨龙跃上群峰,蜿蜒起舞,景色异常壮观。往南看,乃是波澜壮阔的渤海,长城从山海关直逼海中。如果把


一般过去式 时间状语:yesterday just now (刚刚) the day before three days ag0 a week ago in 1880 last month last year 1. I was in the classroom yesterday. I was not in the classroom yesterday. Were you in the classroom yesterday. 2. They went to see the film the day before. Did they go to see the film the day before. They did go to see the film the day before. 3. The man beat his wife yesterday. The man didn’t beat his wife yesterday. 4. I was a high student three years ago. 5. She became a teacher in 2009. 6. They began to study english a week ago 7. My mother brought a book from Canada last year. 8.My parents build a house to me four years ago . 9.He was husband ago. She was a cooker last mouth. My father was in the Xinjiang half a year ago. 10.My grandfather was a famer six years ago. 11.He burned in 1991


世界文化遗产 ——万里长城 起春秋,历秦汉,及辽金,至元明,上下两千年。数不清将帅吏,卒黎庶百工,费尽移山心力,修筑此伟大工程。坚强毅力,聪明智慧,血汗辛勤,为中华留下巍峨丰碑。 跨峻岭,穿荒原,横瀚海,经绝壁,纵横十万里。望不断长龙烽垛,雄关隘口,犹如玉带明珠,点缀成江山锦绣。起伏奔腾,飞舞盘旋,太空遥见,给世界增添壮丽奇观。《长城赞》 长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的奇迹。自秦朝开始修建。春秋战国时期,诸侯各国为了防御别国入侵,修筑烽火台,用城墙连接起来,形成最早的长城。以后历代君王大都加固增修。长城东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,全长约12600里,称作“万里长城”。 “因地形,用险制塞”是修筑长城的一条重要经验,在秦始皇的时候已经把它肯定下来,司马迁把它写入《史记》之中。以后每一个朝代修筑长城都是按照这一原则进行的。凡是修筑关城隘口都是非曲直选择在两山峡谷之间,或是河流转折之处,或是平川往来必经之地,这样既能控制险要,又可节约人力和材料,以达“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的效果。修筑城堡或烽火台也是选择在“四顾要之处”。至于修筑城墙,更是充分地利用地形,如像居庸关、八达岭的长城都是沿着山岭的脊背修筑,有的地段从城墙外侧看去非常险峻,内侧则甚是平缓,收“易守难攻”之效。在辽宁境内,明代辽东镇的长城有一种叫山险墙、劈山墙的,就是利用悬崖陡壁,稍微把崖壁劈削一下就成为长城了。还有一些地方完全利用危崖绝壁、江河湖泊作为天然屏障,真可以说是巧夺天工。长城,作为一项伟大的工程,成为中华民族的一份宝贵遗产。 长城的起止点 根据历史文献记载,长城超过5000公里的有三个朝代:一是秦始皇时修筑的西起临洮,东止辽东的万里长城;二是汉朝修筑的西起今新疆,东止辽东的内外长城和烽燧亭障,全长1万多公里;三是明朝修筑的西起嘉峪关,东到鸭绿江畔的长城,全长6350多公里。若把各个时代修筑的长城总计起来,大约在5万公里以上。这些长城的遗址分布在我国今天的新疆、甘肃、宁夏、陕西、山西、内蒙古、河北、北京、天津、辽宁、黑龙江、河南、湖北、湖南和山东等10多个省、市、自治区。其中仅内蒙古自治区境内就有遗址1.5万多公里。其次是甘肃的长城。一般人谈长城,主要指的是明长城。所称长城的长度,也指的是明长城的长度,明长城西起嘉峪关,东达鸭绿江畔。

the great wall教案

The Great Wall教案 一、教学目标 1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2.运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。3.学习新单词: postcard, more, thousand, kilometre, million 4.学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。 5.用景点进行说话练习。 二.教学重点 1.学会听、说句子 These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2.运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York, Beijing 情况。 三、教学难点 1.流利说一些简单的表达It ’s very big. It’s got --- . That is big That’s a lot.

2.了解关于数词的表达about eight million people , about six thousand seven hundred kilometre 四、教学用具:录音机单词卡片学生照片明信片 五、教学过程: 1. 热身复习:老师问候学生们,询问假期里都去了哪里?Where have you been in the summer holiday? I have been to (平潭,武夷山,长乐ect)建议他们通过展图片和照片介绍相关的情况,并要求使用It’s a picture of ----. It’s very---.老师从学生的图片中取几张比较典型的进行提问:“Do you know this place?”引导学生自由回答. T: “Do you know this place?” S:Yes, It’s --- T: “Can you tell me something about it? S:Yes, It’s --- 2.师拿出一张名信片说“look,a beautiful postcards”板书跟读几遍。介绍名信片(背面可以用来书写,邮寄,另一面是漂亮的图片)师出示一些名信片说“在名信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures,such as, the Great Wall, The Huangshan Mountain, 师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall. 跟读板书,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture---句子。

学生造句--Unit 1

●I wonder if it’s because I have been at school for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about going home. ●It is because she wasn’t well that she fell far behind her classmates this semester. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I took it for granted that friends should do everything for me. ●In order to make a difference to society, they spent almost all of their spare time in raising money for the charity. ●It’s no pleasure eating at school any longer because the food is not so tasty as that at home. ●He happened to be hit by a new idea when he was walking along the riverbank. ●I wonder if I can cope with stressful situations in life independently. ●It is because I take things for granted that I make so many mistakes. ●The treasure is so rare that a growing number of people are looking for it. ●He picks on the weak mn in order that we may pay attention to him. ●It’s no pleasure being disturbed whena I settle down to my work. ●I can well remember that when I was a child, I always made mistakes on purpose for fun. ●It’s no pleasure accompany her hanging out on the street on such a rainy day. ●I can well remember that there was a time when I threw my whole self into study in order to live up to my parents’ expectation and enter my dream university. ●I can well remember that she stuck with me all the time and helped me regain my confidence during my tough time five years ago. ●It is because he makes it a priority to study that he always gets good grades. ●I wonder if we should abandon this idea because there is no point in doing so. ●I wonder if it was because I ate ice-cream that I had an upset student this morning. ●It is because she refused to die that she became incredibly successful. ●She is so considerate that many of us turn to her for comfort. ●I can well remember that once I underestimated the power of words and hurt my friend. ●He works extremely hard in order to live up to his expectations. ●I happened to see a butterfly settle on the beautiful flower. ●It’s no pleasure making fun of others. ●It was the first time in the new semester that I had burned the midnight oil to study. ●It’s no pleasure taking everything into account when you long to have the relaxing life. ●I wonder if it was because he abandoned himself to despair that he was killed in a car accident when he was driving. ●Jack is always picking on younger children in order to show off his power. ●It is because he always burns the midnight oil that he oversleeps sometimes. ●I happened to find some pictures to do with my grandfather when I was going through the drawer. ●It was because I didn’t dare look at the failure face to face that I failed again. ●I tell my friend that failure is not scary in order that she can rebound from failure. ●I throw my whole self to study in order to pass the final exam. ●It was the first time that I had made a speech in public and enjoyed the thunder of applause. ●Alice happened to be on the street when a UFO landed right in front of her. ●It was the first time that I had kept myself open and talked sincerely with my parents. ●It was a beautiful sunny day. The weather was so comfortable that I settled myself into the

英语作文:长城-The Great Wall

英语作文:长城-The Great Wall 英语作文:长城-The Great Wall 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的.出现。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是xx 为大家收集的英语作文:长城-The Great Wall,欢迎大家分享。 The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world. The Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the the Great Wall came into existence. Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world. 长城,像一条巨龙横亘华北地区,它穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨过山谷,由西到东蜿蜒曲折,最后到达大海。它是地球上最长的墙,也是世界奇迹之子。 长城有20xx多年的历史。它开始修建于春秋时期。秦朝时,所有的城墙联结在一起。所有工作都是用手完成的,成千上万的人在修建长城时死去。长城就是这样出现的。 目前为止,长城重修多次。现在的长城面貌一新,迎接来角全国和全世界各地的游客。 【英语作文:长城-The Great Wall】


高中英语~词性~句子成分~语法构成 第一章节:英语句子中的词性 1.名词:n. 名词是指事物的名称,在句子中主要作主语.宾语.表语.同位语。 2.形容词;adj. 形容词是指对名词进行修饰~限定~描述~的成份,主要作定语.表语.。形容词在汉语中是(的).其标志是: ous. Al .ful .ive。. 3.动词:vt. 动词是指主语发出的一个动作,一般用来作谓语。 4.副词:adv. 副词是指表示动作发生的地点. 时间. 条件. 方式. 原因. 目的. 结果.伴随让步. 一般用来修饰动词. 形容词。副词在汉语中是(地).其标志是:ly。 5.代词:pron. 代词是指用来代替名词的词,名词所能担任的作用,代词也同样.代词主要用来作主语. 宾语. 表语. 同位语。 6.介词:prep.介词是指表示动词和名次关系的词,例如:in on at of about with for to。其特征:

介词后的动词要用—ing形式。介词加代词时,代词要用宾格。例如:give up her(him)这种形式是正确的,而give up she(he)这种形式是错误的。 7.冠词:冠词是指修饰名词,表名词泛指或特指。冠词有a an the 。 8.叹词:叹词表示一种语气。例如:OH. Ya 等 9.连词:连词是指连接两个并列的成分,这两个并列的成分可以是两个词也可以是两个句子。例如:and but or so 。 10.数词:数词是指表示数量关系词,一般分为基数词和序数词 第二章节:英语句子成分 主语:动作的发出者,一般放在动词前或句首。由名词. 代词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当。 谓语:指主语发出来的动作,只能由动词充当,一般紧跟在主语后面。 宾语:指动作的承受着,一般由代词. 名词. 数词. 不定时. 动名词. 或从句充当. 介词后面的成分也叫介词宾语。 定语:只对名词起限定修饰的成分,一般由形容


M A: Has the case been closed yet? B: No, the magistrate still needs to decide the outcome. magistrate n.地方行政官,地方法官,治安官 A: I am unable to read the small print in the book. B: It seems you need to magnify it. magnify vt.1.放大,扩大;2.夸大,夸张 A: That was a terrible storm. B: Indeed, but it is too early to determine the magnitude of the damage. magnitude n.1.重要性,重大;2.巨大,广大 A: A young fair maiden like you shouldn’t be single. B: That is because I am a young fair independent maiden. maiden n.少女,年轻姑娘,未婚女子 a.首次的,初次的 A: You look majestic sitting on that high chair. B: Yes, I am pretending to be the king! majestic a.雄伟的,壮丽的,庄严的,高贵的 A: Please cook me dinner now. B: Yes, your majesty, I’m at your service. majesty n.1.[M-]陛下(对帝王,王后的尊称);2.雄伟,壮丽,庄严 A: Doctor, I traveled to Africa and I think I caught malaria. B: Did you take any medicine as a precaution? malaria n.疟疾 A: I hate you! B: Why are you so full of malice? malice n.恶意,怨恨 A: I’m afraid that the test results have come back and your lump is malignant. B: That means it’s serious, doesn’t it, doctor? malignant a.1.恶性的,致命的;2.恶意的,恶毒的 A: I’m going shopping in the mall this afternoon, want to join me? B: No, thanks, I have plans already. mall n.(由许多商店组成的)购物中心 A: That child looks very unhealthy. B: Yes, he does not have enough to eat. He is suffering from malnutrition.


中国的世界文化遗产长城说明文400字5篇 大家对长城的了解有多少呢?长城建筑于两千多年前的春秋战国时代,现存的长城遗迹主要为建于十四世纪的明长城。下面小编整理中国的世界文化遗产长城说明文,欢迎阅读。 中国的世界文化遗产长城说明文1今年八月,我和舞蹈班的同学一起去北京参加国际文化艺术交流活动。活动第二天,老师带我们一起去爬长城,我们兴奋极了。早上五点半,我们就起床洗漱。经过两个小时的车程,我们来到了长城脚下。幸运的是,那天没有烈日炎炎,没有人山人海,我们可以尽情欣赏长城的美了。抬头向远处看,一望无际的山峦,连绵不断,山上郁郁葱葱。长城宛如一条巨龙盘旋在起伏的群山之间,气势磅礴,雄伟壮观。开始爬了,我们一个个劲头很足,纷纷跑了起来。跑到台阶处,向上一看,啊,这么长,这么陡,我们都得手脚并用了。幸好有栏杆,要不然,我们还真得变成爬行动物了。刚爬完一个坡,我们便气喘吁吁,累得不行了。老师看了,不禁大声说:“不到长城非好汉,加油,相信你们都能成为好汉!”于是,我们又互相鼓励,一步一步往上爬。爬了许久,我发现城墙每隔三四十米或一两百米,就筑有一个堡垒式堡台。我知道这是传递信息的高台,是古代为了防止敌人侵入而建的。我用手摸了摸沿途的墙壁,虽然粗糙,却很坚固,我仿佛穿越到了遥远的过去:老百姓用自己那一双双勤劳的双手铸成了如今奇迹般的长城,甚至很多人为此奉献了自己生命……这时,同伴的呼唤把我拉回到了现实。我们扶着栏杆,一步步迈向高低不平、却凝聚着中华民族古老的智慧的阶梯。当我们登上长城的顶端向远处望,真有“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的感觉,心中一股敬佩之情油然而生。啊,巨龙般的长城,你是中华民族的灵魂,你是中华文明的见证,你是中国的骄傲!老师给我们每个人都拍了一张美照,我要保留这段美好的记忆,从此以后,我就是“好汉”了,干什么事情都不服输!中国的世界文化遗产长城说明文2光阴似箭,又一个暑假来到了,我和妈妈跟团旅游来到了首都北京。我们看了升国旗,参观了天安门广场,人民大会堂,游览了天坛、故宫、慈禧水道、颐和园、中央电视塔、明十三陵中的定陵、海底世界、北海公园等等,但令我最难忘的是爬长城——我的梦想。不到长城非好汉,我可算见识到了。我们第一天爬长城,时间是一个半小时,很紧张,可是行动却是自由的。那么陡、那么长、那么险、那么雄伟。

base on的例句

意见应以事实为根据. 3 来自辞典例句 192. The bombers swooped ( down ) onthe air base. 轰炸机 突袭 空军基地. 来自辞典例句 193. He mounted their engines on a rubber base. 他把他们的发动机装在一个橡胶垫座上. 14 来自辞典例句 194. The column stands on a narrow base. 柱子竖立在狭窄的地基上. 14 来自辞典例句 195. When one stretched it, it looked like grey flakes on the carvas base. 你要是把它摊直, 看上去就象好一些灰色的粉片落在帆布底子上. 18 来自辞典例句 196. Economic growth and human well - being depend on the natural resource base that supports all living systems. 经济增长和人类的福利依赖于支持所有生命系统的自然资源. 12 1 来自辞典例句 197. The base was just a smudge onthe untouched hundred - mile coast of Manila Bay. 那基地只是马尼拉湾一百英里长安然无恙的海岸线上一个硝烟滚滚的污点. 6 来自辞典例句 198. You can't base an operation on the presumption that miracles are going to happen. 你不能把行动计划建筑在可能出现奇迹的假想基础上.


英语造句大全English sentence 在句子中,更好的记忆单词! 1、(1)、able adj. 能 句子:We are able to live under the sea in the future. (2)、ability n. 能力 句子:Most school care for children of different abilities. (3)、enable v. 使。。。能句子:This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains. 2、(1)、accurate adj. 精确的句子:We must have the accurate calculation. (2)、accurately adv. 精确地 句子:His calculation is accurately. 3、(1)、act v. 扮演 句子:He act the interesting character. (2)、actor n. 演员 句子:He was a famous actor. (3)、actress n. 女演员 句子:She was a famous actress. (4)、active adj. 积极的 句子:He is an active boy. 4、add v. 加 句子:He adds a little sugar in the milk. 5、advantage n. 优势 句子:His advantage is fight. 6、age 年龄n. 句子:His age is 15. 7、amusing 娱人的adj. 句子:This story is amusing. 8、angry 生气的adj. 句子:He is angry. 9、America 美国n.


主语+谓语 1. 理解主谓结构 1) The students arrived. The students arrived at the park. 2) They are listening. They are listening to the music. 3) The disaster happened. 2.体会状语的位置 1) Tom always works hard. 2) Sometimes I go to the park at weekends.. 3) The girl cries very often. 4) We seldom come here. The disaster happened to the poor family. 3. 多个状语的排列次序 1) He works. 2) He works hard. 3) He always works hard. 4) He always works hard in the company. 5) He always works hard in the company recently. 6) He always works hard in the company recently because he wants to get promoted. 4. 写作常用不及物动词 1. ache My head aches. I’m aching all over. 2. agree agree with sb. about sth. agree to do sth. 3. apologize to sb. for sth. 4. appear (at the meeting, on the screen) 5. arrive at / in 6. belong to 7. chat with sb. about sth. 8. come (to …) 9. cry 10. dance 11. depend on /upon 12. die 13. fall 14. go to … 15. graduate from 16. … happen 17. laugh 18. listen to... 19. live 20. rise 21. sit 22. smile 23. swim 24. stay (at home / in a hotel) 25. work 26. wait for 汉译英: 1.昨天我去了电影院。 2.我能用英语跟外国人自由交谈。 3.晚上7点我们到达了机场。 4.暑假就要到了。 5.现在很多老人独自居住。 6.老师同意了。 7.刚才发生了一场车祸。 8.课上我们应该认真听讲。9. 我们的态度很重要。 10. 能否成功取决于你的态度。 11. 能取得多大进步取决于你付出多少努力。 12. 这个木桶能盛多少水取决于最短的一块板子的长度。


中国的世界文化遗产长城作文优秀范文五篇 历史悠悠,我品古代风味;文化绵绵,我读千秋万载,中华五千年悠久绵长的历史长河淘洗了不尽的文化遗产。以下是 ___网的给大家的关于中国的世界文化遗产长城作文范文,希望能帮助到大家!想要获取更多文章,敬请关注 ___网,谢谢大家! 它是旷世的奇观,是血与泪的青史,是妄自尊大的枷锁,也是向一切开放的象征。它是它们的全部,乃至更多! 立于长城之上,吸一口从战国吹来的残风,拂一抹秦时留落的沧尘,人便缩成了一个质点,由时空的原点往负半轴平移了2000多个年的单位。 “塞门风稍急,长城水正寒。雪暗鸣珂重,山长喷玉难。不辞横绝漠,流血几时干?”迷惘的江山,热血的缨枪,帝王的新衣,战士的胸膛!谁甘心扛着谁的欲望流连塞上?本来“只应澶漫归田里”,却无奈“万里低昂任生死”。 丰功伟绩,吞并六国大一统;焚书坑儒,百万劳力筑长城;赫赫有名的秦始皇;听天由命的老百姓。叩问 ___天平,孰重孰轻?

城墙,关口,烽火台,万里千山牢牢接壤,“用险制塞”,“易守难攻”,围着一个古老的国度,抵御外患,牢不可破!抛不下的丰碑,冲不开蒙昧。圈养着固步自封、唯我独尊的'轻狂,像井底之蛙一般漠视外部世界,在养尊处优处被时代狠狠甩下。 江山易代,岁月悠悠。作为民族生存的依托,城墙凛然矗立并逶迤蜿蜒成神州大地的主动脉,涌动着血色的遗风古韵,在铭记与忘记的边缘搏动。它昭示着远古文化的璀璨,熔铸着战时的腥风血雨,也呼唤着现代精神的崛起。 风霜雨雪中,老墙或许坚挺着身躯,或许坍塌下去,这就是历史。在时间的隧道中,有形之墙与无形之墙,永远都处在或阻隔或崩塌的矛盾位置。而长城,恰恰就是这么一个多义的矛盾综合体。 雨后的霓虹,落寞的长龙。 ___尺度上,它的身躯到底有多长,值得用千年的时光去细读它的刻度? 倘若把对长城的思考置于古往今来宏大的背景之中,也许,关于它的设问,永远都说不完。 五千年华夏大地,五十六种艳丽花葩,五彩缤纷的中华文化;悠悠千载,多少人用他们的汗水与智慧铸就了一个个雄伟的大厦,多少

the Great Wall

The Great Wall 1 No discussion about Chinese culture is complete without mention of the Great Wall.Through more than 2,000 years from the seventh century BC to the 16th century AD, 19 dynasties built parts of the Great Wall, adding up to over 100,000 kilometers.Three major renovations (修复) of the Great Wall took place in the Qin (221-206 BC),Han (206 BC-AD 220), and Ming dynasties. The Great Wall of today is mainly the legacy of the Ming-dynasty renovations. It meanders (蜿蜒) for 6,700 kilometers from Jiayu Pass in the western desert to Shanhai Pass on the eastern seashore. With many gaps along the Wall, the 600-kilometer-long section in the northern outskirts (市郊)Beijing is the best preserved. Aspiration for Peace 2 The Great Wall is unparalleled in the world in its scale and span of construction, as well as for the great quantities of labor and the degree of difficulty involved. During the First Emperor of Qin, one out of every 20 people took part in the project.Why did Chinese build the Great Wall? There must be a reason for this ancient nation to build such a wall over a time span of more than 2,000 years. 3 The earliest parts of the Great Wall were built amid incessant (持续不断的) wars.Suffering from the devastating (毁灭性的) damage of wars, people realized that building a wall to protect lives was better than burying the dead in trenches (深沟).Building walls was extremely hard labor, sometimes even at the cost of life itself. Compared with bloody wars, however, people would rather choose the former. Thus the Great Wall was built with the basic goal of safeguarding peace. It represented people's longing for a peaceful life. 4 The Great Wall played a significant role in history. It certainly served the purposes of military defense in the age of cold steel, especially in preventing northern peoples on horseback from attacking people in the south who were mostly engaged in farming. It provided the cultivators with a sense of security as well as actual protection, so they could till their lands and harvest their crops in peace. Separation and Integration 5 The geographic structure and climatic patterns of China has led to the developmentof two distinct cultures from ancient times. The south, with arable (可耕的) land and a warm climate, was suited for agriculture. The north, with pastoral (畜牧的) land and a cold climate, was suited for animal husbandry (饲养业). The south had a relatively developed agricultural civilization, while the north was in a relatively less developed state. Stability was important for an agricultural population. The northern peoples, on the other hand, were highly mobile due to the nature of pastoral life. The limited and unstable output of animal husbandry made it necessary for the northern peoples to
