

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.Explain the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of

language. 请解释以下语言学的定义:语言学是对语言的科学研究。

Linguistics investigates not any particular languagebut languages in general.Linguistic study is scientific because it is baxxxxsed on the systematic investigation of authentic language data.No serious linguistic conclusion is reached until after the linguist has done the following three things: observing the way language is actually usedformulating some hypothesesand testing these hypotheses against linguistic facts to prove their validity.


1.What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study?


Phonetics-How speech sounds are produced and classified


Phonology-How sounds form systems and function to convey meaning


Morphology-How morphemes are combined to form words


Sytax-How morphemes and words are combined to form sentences


Semantics-The study of meaning ( in abstraction)


Pragmatics-The study of meaning in context of use


Sociolinguistics-The study of language with reference to society


Psycholinguistics-The study of language with reference to the workings of the mind


Applied Linguistics-The application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning


1.What makes modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?


Modern linguistics is descxxxxriptive;its investigations are baxxxxsed on authenticand mainly spoken language data.


Traditional grammar is prescxxxxriptive;it is baxxxxsed on “high” written language.


1.Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic?Why?


Modern linguistics is mainly synchronicfocusing on the present-day language.Unless the various states of a language are successfully studiedit will not be possible to describe language from a diachronic point of view.


1.Which enjoys priority in modern linguisticsspeech or writing?Why?


Speech enjoys priority over writing in modern linguistic study for the following reasons:


1.Speech precedes writing in terms of evolution. 就进化而言,语言先于文字。

2.A larger amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing.


1.Speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language.


1.How is Saussure’s distinction between language and parole similar to Chomsky’s

distinction between competence and performance?


Both Saussure and Chomsky make the distinction between the abstract language system and the actual use of language.Their purpose is to single out the language system for serious study


1.What characteristics of language do you think should be included in a

goodcomprehensive definition of language? 关于语言特征,你认为好的、全面的语言定义应该包括哪些?

Language is a rule-governed system. 受规则支配的系统

Language is basically vocal. 基本上是发声的

Language is arbitrary. 任意的。

Language is used for human communication. 用于人际交往

1.What features of human language have been specified by C.Hockett to show that it is

essentially different from any animal communication system?


Arbitrariness-no logical connection between meanings and soundsto have an unlimited source of exxxxxpressionsa sign of sophistication only humans are capable of


Creativity-it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its usersThis is why they can produce and undertand an infinitely large number of sentences.Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send


Duality-(meaningless sounds can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning such as morphemes and wordsthen the units at the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences)a feature totally lacking in any animal communication


Displacement-language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.No animal can “talk” about things removed from the immediate situation


Cultural trasmission-Details of human language system are taught and learned while animals are born with the capacity to send out certain signals as a means of limited communication


Chapter 2 Phonology

1.What are the two major media of communication?of the twowhich one is primary and

why? 两种主要的传播媒介是什么?两者中,哪一个是主要的,为什么?

Speech and writing are the two major media used by natural languages as vehicles for communication.

Of the two media of languagespeech is considered primary over writing.The reasons are: Speech is prior to writing in language evolution The writing system of any language is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises.Speech plays a greater role in daily communicationand speech is the way in which people acquire their native language.




1.What are the three branches of phonetics?How do they contribute to the study of

speech sounds?


Articulatory auditory and acoustic phonetics.

Articulatory phonetics it studies the speech sounds from the speaker’s point of view. It studies how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds.

Auditory phonetics,it studies the speech sounds from the hearer’s point of view. It studies how the sounds are perceived by he hearer.

Acoustic phonetics,it studies the speech sounds by looking at the sound waves. It studies the physical means by which speech sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.




1.Where are the articulatory apparatus of a human being contained?


In the three cavities: pharyngealoralnasal. 在三个腔:咽、口、鼻。

1.What is voicing and how is it caused?

Voicing is an articulatory dimension of speech sound production.It distinguishes meaning in many languages such as English;therefore it is a phonological feature.

It is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords.



1.What is the function of the nasal cavity?How does it perform this function?


To nasalize the sounds that are produced.It does this by closing the air passage connecting the oral and nasal cavities so that the air stream can only go through the nasal cavity.


1.Describe the various parts in the oral cavity which are involved in the production of

speech sounds.

The main parts in the oral cavity are lips teeth teeth ridgehard palatesoft

palate(velum)uvulathe back and the blade of the tonguetip of tongue.

1.Explain with examples how broad transcxxxxription and narrow transcxxxxription differ. 举例说明宽式音标和严式音标有何不同。

Broad transcxxxxription-one letter symbol for one sound


Narrow transcxxxxription-diacritics are added to the one-letter symbols to show the finer differences between sounds.


1.How are the English consonants classified? 英语辅音是如何分类的?

Two ways to classify consonants: by manner of articulation and by place of articulation.


1.What criteria are used to classify the English vowels? 英语元音的分类标准是什么?

2.Position of the tonguei.e.the part of the tongue that is held highest.

3.Openness of the mouth

4.Length of the sound.

5.Shape of the lips

https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd19180228.html,xity of the glottis.






1.Give the phonetic symbol for each of the following sound descxxxxriptions:


1.Voiced palata affricate d?


1.Voiceless labiodental fricative f


1.Voiced alveolar stop d


1.Frontcloseshort i


1.Backsemi-openlong o:


1.Voicelessbilabial stop p


Give the phonetic feature of each of the following sounds:

1.[d]voiced alveolar stop 浊音齿槽音爆破音

2.[l]Alveolar liquids lateral 齿槽音流音边音

3.[t?]voiceless palatal affricates 清音上颚音破擦音

4.[w] glides bilabial 滑音双唇音

5.[u]back close short 后闭短

6.[?]front open 前开

1.How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study?


Who do you think will be more interested in the difference between say [l]and [?][p]and [ph]a phonetician or a phonologist?why?

你认为谁会更感兴趣来区别[l]and [?][p]and [ph],语言学者或音韵学者,为什么? Phonetics: descxxxxription of all speech sounds and their fine differences.

Phonology: descxxxxription of sound system of particular languages and how sounds function to distinguish meaning.

A phonetician would be more interested in such differences because such differences will not cause differences in meaning.




1.What is a phone? How is it different from a phoeme?How are allophones related to a



Phone----a speech sound a phonetic unit语音发音,语音单位

Phoneme---a collection of abstract sound featuresa phonological unit.


Allophones---actual realizations of a phoneme in different phonetic contexts.


1.What is a minimal pair and what is a minimal set?Why is it important to identify the

minimal set in a language?


Minimal pair—Two sound combinations identical in every way except in one sound element that occurs in the same position.

Minimal set—A group of sound combinations with the above feature.

By identifying the minimal pairs or the minimal set of a languagea phonologist can identify its phonemes.




1.Explain with examples the sequential rulethe assimilation ruleand the deletion rule.


Sequential rule—rule governing the combination of sounds in a particular language

For exampleif a word begins with a [l] or a [r]then the next sound must be a vowel.

Another exampleif three consonants should cluster together at the beginning of a wordthe combination should obey the following three rules:

1.the first phoneme must be [s]

2.the second phoneme must be /p/ or /t/ or /k/

3.the third phoneme must be /l/ or /r/ or /w/

words like spring[spri?] strict [strikt] splendid [splendid] square[skwe?]







如spring[spri?]strict[strikt]splendidsquare [skwe?]

Assimilation rule—rule assimilating one sound similar to the following one by copying one of its phonetic features.

For examplewhie the [i:] sound is non-nasalized in such words teapeep and flee it is nasalized in words like beangreenteamand scream.This is because in all these sound combination the [i:] sound is followed by a nasal[n] or [m].While we are pronouncing the [i:] soundwe are already getting ready to pronounce the subsequent nasal sound.

Another exampleprefix in- is not always pronouced as an alveolar nasal.

It is so in the word indiscreet because the consonat that follows iti.e.[d]is an alveolar stop.

But the[n] sound in the word incorrect is actually pronouced as a velar nasali.e. [?].

This is because the consonant that follows it is [k]which is a velar stop.






这是因为它后面的辅音是[k],这是一个velar stop软腭爆破音。

Deletion rule—rule governing the deletion of a sound in a certain phonetic context although it is represented in spelling.

For examplethere is no [g] sound in signdesignparadigmbut in their corresponding forms signaturedesignationparadigmaticthe [g] is pronounced.i.e.letter g in -gn or –gm is deleted according to the regular rule if no suffix is added.



1.What are suprasegmental features?How do the major suprasegmental features of

English function in conveying meaning?


Suprasegmental features –phonological features above the sound segment level.

The major suprasegmental features in English---word stresssentence stressintonation.

Stress:Depending on the context in which stress is consideredthere are two kinds of

stress:word stress and sentence stress.

When we say that a certain syllable of a word is stressedwe mean that the syllable is pronounced with greater force than the other or others.English is a language in which stress is free in that it is not fixed on any particular syllable of a wordits position varies from word to word.But the location of stress in English distinguishes meaningfor examplea shift of stress may change the part of speech of a word from a noun to a verb although its spelling remains unchanged.The noun has the stress on the first syllable and the corresponding verb has the stress on the second syllabel.

Similar alternation of stress also occurs between a compound noun and a phrase consisting of the same elements.Sentence stress refers to the relative force which is given to the words in a sentence.Some words are more important that other wordsand the more important words are pronounced with greater force and made more important.

Tones are pitch variationswhich are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.English is not a tone language.

When pitchstress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolationthey are collectively known as intonation.English has four basic types of intonation:the falling tonethe rising tonethe fall-rise toneand the rise-fall tone.

The falling tone indicates that what is said is a straight-forwardmatter-of-fact statementthe rising tone often makes a question of what is saidand the fall-rise tine often indicates that there is an implied message in what is said.










Chapter 3 Morphology 形态学

1.What does morphology study? 形态学研究什么?

The internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation.


1.What is morpheme?Dissect the following words into morphemes:

Morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of language.

De-scrip-tion under-develop-ed photo-synthe-tic ana-tomy

Radia-tion geo-graph-y phil-harmon-ic de-frost-ed

Re-fresh-ment de-mobil-iz-ed con-duct-ing sup-press-ion

Circum-spect dia-logue de-form-ed com-bina-tion

1.Describe with examples the various types of morpheme used in English.

2.Words containing only one morpheme are free morphemeswhich are independent

units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves. Such as


3.–er-endis-bio--less-symthese morphemes cannot be used by themselvesbut must be

combined with other morphemes to form words that can be used

independently.They are called bound morphemes.

4.Bound morphemes include two types: roots and affixes.

5.A root is often seen as part of a word;it can never stand by itself although it bears

cleardefinite meaning;it must be combined with another root or an affix to form a

word. For example”geo- “ bears the meaning of “the earth”“-ology” means “ a

brand of learning” . “tele- “ meaning “distantfar””-vision” meaning

“seeingsight” .”leter-“ means “words” -al is an affix used to form adjectives.

6.Affix :

According to functions we have inflectional and derivational affixes.

Inflectional affixes or inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or categories such as munberstensedegree and possessive case.

-(e)s indicating plurality of nouns;third person singular present tense of verb.

-ing indicating progressive aspect

-(e)d indicating past tense

-(e) indicating past participle

-er indicating comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs

-est indicating superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs

-‘s indicating the possessive case of nouns

Derivational affixes are added to an existing form which is called stem to creat a word. The stem can be a bound roota free morphemeor a derived form itself.

Root “ toler-“ + affix “-ate” tolerate

Free morpheme “quick”+ affix “-ly” quickly

Free morpheme “care” +affix “-less” careless

Derivative “careless” + affix “-ness” carelessness

According to its position in the new wordaffixes are divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefix modify the meaning of the stembut usually do not change the part of speech of the original word.

Dis- 表示不,否定,相反的: dislikediscontinue disagree

Un- 表示不,相反的动作: uneasy unconscious unfavorable unlock

In- 表示不,incorrect inconvenient

Mis- 表示坏,错误,否定 misinform mistake misplace

De- 表示除去,向下: devaluate decentralize deoxidize

Uni- 表示单,一 : unify unilateral unicorn

Suffixes are added to the end of stemsthey modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.

-er :表施动人 teacher writer beginner

-ician :表专业人员 electrician mathematician physician

-bility : 可能,能力, posibility solubility capability

-hood : 表示时期,状态 childhood manhood

-age: 表示地方 orphanageanchorage vicarage

-ary : 表示-的 elementary secondary

-ful : 表充满-的,有-性质 beautifuldelightfulsorrowful

-en: 使变得,使成为 weaken darken deepen

-ize: 使-化 modernize nationalize mechanize

-ly : 有-性质,以-方式: slowlyhighly dimlyjoyfully

-ward :向- forward eastward upward

1.What are the main inflectional affixes in English ? What grammatical meaning do they

convey ?

Inflectional affixes or inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or categories such as munberstensedegree and possessive case.

-(e)s indicating plurality of nouns;third person singular present tense of verb.

-ing indicating progressive aspect

-(e)d indicating past tense

-(e) indicating past participle

-er indicating comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs

-est indicating superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs

-‘s indicating the possessive case of nouns

1.Try to find out the meaning of the following roots in English and give two or three

words that contain each of them.

Hydro: water –hydraulic 液压 dehydrate 脱水 hydrant 消防栓,水龙头

Chron: time –e.g. chronicle 编年史 chronology 年表 chronic 慢性的长期的

Demo: people--- e.g. democracy 民主 demobilization 复员 demography 人口学

Dur: lasting –e.g. during 在-期间 durable 耐用 duration 持续

Agr: farming—e.g. agriculture农业 agrarian 土地的 agribusiness农业综合企业

Kilo: one thousand—e.g. kilometer kilogram kilobyte kilobaxxxxse

Nym: name –e.g. pseudonym 假名,笔名 antonym 反义词 synonym 同义词

Ped: foot---e.g. imped 顽童(脚忙) centipede 蜈蚣(脚多)

Rupt: breaking---e.g. rupture 破裂 abrupt 意外的唐突的 erupt 爆发

Gress: movement---e.g. progress 进步 digress 离题

Poly:various---e.g. polygon 多边形 polyglot 通数国语言 polymer 聚合物

Syn: identical –e.g. synonym 同义词 synchronic 共时的 sympathy 同情

1.State the morphological rules that govern the use of the given derivational affixes. Example: -er : The suffix is added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent that carries out the actione.g.write—writer

-ant : suffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent e.g.assistant

-ment: suffix added to a verb to form its corresponding noune.g.development

Sub-: prefix added to an adjective to form another adjective to indicate a lesser


-en:suffix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the acquisition of the quality denoted by the adjectivee.g.darken

En- :prefix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the aquisition of the quality denoted by the adjectivee.g.enrich

-ee:suffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the recipient of the action denoted by the verbe.g.employee

-ful:suffix added to a noun to form an adjective indicating the quality denoted by the noun e.g.plentiful

-some:suffix added to a noun to form an adjective indicating the quality denoted by the noune.g.quarrelsome

-wise:suffix added to a noun to form an adverb meaning “with regard to the area indicating by the noun “ e.g.careerwise

Un-: prefix added to an adjective to indicate the absence of quality indicated by the adjectivee.g.unemployed

1.What are the main features of the English compounds?

Orthographicallya compound can be written as one wordtwo separate words with or without a hyphen in between.

Syntacticallythe part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element. Semanticallythe meaning of a compound is idiomaticnot calculable from the meaning of all its components.

Phoneticallythe word stress of a compound usually falls on the first element.




1.Explain the formation and meaning of the following compounds:



Nightcap noun formed by combining two nounsmeaning a drink one takes before going to bed


Cat’s paw : noun formed by combining two nounsmeaning a person used by another as a tool 猫爪(傀儡):由两个名词组合而成的名词,意思是一个人被另一个人用作工具

Tablecloth: noun formed by combining two nounsmeaning a piece of cloth spread on a table to cover it


Green-eyed: adjective formed by combining an adjective and an –ed formmeaning jealous


Green horn: noun formed by combining an adjective and a nounmeaning a person not experienced for a job or occupation


Update: verb formed by combining an adverb and a verbmeaning to bring something up to date


Jet lag: noun formed by combining two nounsmeaning the feeling of fatigue caused by travelling in a jet plane crossing different time zones.

时差:由两个名词组合而成的名词,意思是乘坐喷气式飞机穿越不同时区时产生的疲劳感。Bootleg: verb(also noun) formed by combining two nounsmeaning “to make carryor sell illicit goods”


Built-in: adjective formed by combining a past participle with a prepositionmeaning “made as an integral part”


Cockpit: noun formed by joining two nounsmeaning the compartment in an air craft where the pilot or the crew sit


Good-for-nothing: adjective formed by joining an adjectivea prepositionand a pronounmeaning irresponsible or worthless.


Chapter 4 Syntax

1.Define or explain the following terms: 解释以下术语

2.Syntax: a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language.


1.Hierarchical structure: the sentence structure that groups wouds into structural

constituents and shows the syntactic category of each structural constituentsuch as



1.Syntactic category : a word or phrase that performs a particular grammatical function

such as the subject or obxxxxject.


1.Grammatical relation:the structural and logical functional relations between every

noun phrase and the verb in a sentence.


1.Phrase structure rules: a rewrite rule that allows for the possible combinations of words

to form phrases and sentences.


1.X-bar theoory: a general and highly abstract schema that collapses all phrase structure

rules into a single format: Xӈ(Specifier)X(complement)


1.S-structure: a level of syntactic representation after the operation of necessary

syntactic movement.


1.Universal grammar: a system of linguistic knowledge which consists of some general

principles and parameters about natural languages.


1.Examine each of the following sentences and indicate if it is a simplecoordinateor

complex sentence.

A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.A clause that takes a subject and finite verband at the same time stands structurally alone is known as a finite clause.


A coordinate(compound) sentence contains two clauses joined by a lixxxxnking word called coordinating conjunctionsuch as “and””but””or”.Two clauses in a coordinate sentence are structurally equal partsneither is subordinate to the otheri.e.each clause is separable from the other and can stand on its own as a structurally independent sentence.


A complex sentence contains two or more clausesone of which is incorporated or subordinate clause is normally called an emxxxxbedded clause and the clause into which it is emxxxxbedded is called matrix clause.

Firstan emxxxxbedded clause functions as a grammatical unit in its matrix clause. (subjectobxxxxjectadverbial)

Secondmost emxxxxbedded clauses require an introductory word called subordinatorsuch as “thatifforuntilafterbefore”which does not merely mark the beginning of the emxxxxbedded clause but also indicates the grammatical function of the emxxxxbedded clause in the sentence.

Thirdan emxxxxbedded clause may not function as a grammatically well-formed sentence if it stands independently as simple sentence unless its form changes.





1.Jane did it because she was asked to. complex

2.The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to expose themselves. simple

3.David was never therebut his brother was. coordinate

4.She leads a tranquil life in the country. simple

5.Unless I hear from herI won’t leave this town. Complex

https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd19180228.html,e the appropriate phrase structure rules to draw a labled constituent structure tree

diagram for each of the following sentences:


Sequential order of words in a sentence suggests that the structure of a sentence is linear. The superficial arrangement of words in a linear sequence does not entail that sentences are simply linearly-structured.They are not composed of sequence of words arranged in a simple linear order with one added onto another following a simple arithmetic logic.Sentences are organized with word of the same syntactic categorysuch as NP(noun phrase) or VP(verb phrase)grouped together.



1.A clever magician fooled the audience.

2.The tower on the hill collapsed in the wind.

3.They know that the senator would win the election.

1.For each of the following two sentencesdraw a tree diagram of its underlying structure

that will reveal the difference in the relationship between John/Many and the verb



(1)Many advised John to see the dentist.

(2)Mary promised John to see the doctor.

1.The formation of many sentences involves the operation of syntactic movement.The

following sentences are believed to have derived from their D-structure

representations.Show the D-structure for each of these sentences.


1.The leader of the majority party was severely criticized by the media.

The media severely criticized the leader of the majority party.

1.The man throw the rake away in the yard.

The man throw away the rake in the yard.

1.Will the new shop ownner hire her?

The new shop owner will hire her.

1.What can the robot do for us?

The robot can do what for us.

commonly know as the X-bar theorythis widely recognized and highly abstract X-bar schema is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basic properties shared by all phrasal categories across the language of the world.Under this approachlinguists are able to describe and explain explicitly some universal properties of natural languages


1.Draw on your linguistic knowledge of English and paraphrase each of the following

sentences in two different ways to show how syntactic rule account for the ambiguity of sentences:


1.Smoking cigarettes can be nauseating.

2.Putting tabacco in rolled-up paper and then smoking it can make one feel sick.

3.A cigarette which gives out smoke can make one feel sick.

4.Tony is a dirty street fighter.

5.Tony is a bad guy who likes to fight in the street.

6.Tony is a sanitation worker who cleans the dirty street.

7.After a two-day debatethey finally decided on the helicopter.

8.After a two-day debatethey reached a final decision while they were on the helicopter.

9.After a two-day debatethey finally decided to use the helicopter.

10.The man is too heavy to move.

11.The man is so overweight that it is difficult for him to move around by himself.

12.The man is so overweight that it is difficult for others to move hime.

13.The little girl saw the big man with the telescope.

14.The little girl saw the man through her telesope.

15.The little girl saw the big man who was carrying his telescope.

1.Because language have recursive propertiesthere is no limit to the potential length of

sentencesand the set of sentences of any language is infinite.Give two examples to

show the recursive properties of sentences.


(1)I love music.

(2)You know that I love music.

(3) Everybody knows that you know that I love music.

1.The little girl saw the man with the telescope.

2.The little girl saw the man with the telescope which was purchased at a new shop.

3.The little girl saw the man with the telescope which was purchased at the new shop

whose owner was a good friend of the little girl.

Chapter 5

1.What are the major view concerning the study of meaning? 关于意义研究的主要观点


The naming theorythe conceptualist viewthe contextualist viewand the behaviorist view.


The oldest notions concerning meaningand also a very primitive onewas the naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato.According to this theorythe linguistic forms or symbolsin other wordsthe words used in a language are taken to be labels of the obxxxxjects they stand for.


Firstthis theory seems applicable to nouns only.Besideswithiin the category on nounsthere are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world at all such as ghostdragon and unicorn.Also nouns that do not denote concrete things but abstract notions such as joy impulse.




The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct lixxxxnk between a linguistic form and what it refers to(i.e.between language and the real world)ratherin the interpretation of meaning they are lixxxxnked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.This is best illustrated by the semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested by Ogden and Richards。

In the diagramthe SYMBOL or FORM refers to the linguistic elements(wordsphrases)the REFERENT refers to the obxxxxject in the world of experienceand THOUGHT or REFERENCE resers to concept.But it is not clear what exactly is meant by "thinking of a concept".People do not actually try to see the image of something in their mind's eye every time they come across a linguistic symbol



Contextualism is baxxxxsed on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.Two kinds of contesxt are recognized : the situational context and the linguistic context.The linguistic context simetimes known as co-textis concerned with the probability of a words co-occurence or collocation with another wordwhich forms part of the meaning of the wordi.e.its collocative meaningand also with the part of text that precedes and follows a particular utterance。



Behaviorism attempted to define the meaning of a language from as the “ situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer. (Bloomfield1933)


Jill sees appleàStimulus-àresponsesaid to Jack “thirsty”.

Jack hearsàstimulus--àResponsepicking apple for Jill

1.What is sense and what is reference? How are they related?


Sense refers to the inherent meaning of a linguistic formwhich is a collection of semantic meaningsabstract and decontextualized.


Reference is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world;it is a matter of the relationship between the form and the reality.

所指是语言形式在现实世界中所指的东西,它是形式与现实之间的关系问题。Obviouslylinguistic forms having the same sense may have different reference in different situations.

I was once bitten by a dog.

Mind youthere is a dog over there.

On the other handthere are also occasionsthough less frequentwhen linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense. Venus in the east called Morning star in the west called evening star.



1.What are the major types of synonyms in English? 英语同义词的主要类型有哪些?

2.Dialectal synonyms-synonyms used in different reginal dialects.


British English “autumnliftlorryflat”American English”fallelevatortruckapartment”

1.Stylistic synonyms-synonyms differing in style or degree of formality.


Formal casual neutral

Old man daddy male parent


1.下面对宪法内涵的理解,正确的有(ABCD ) A.宪法是国家的根本法 B.宪法是公民权利的保障书 C.宪法是民主事实法律化的基本形式 D.宪法是调整国家和公民关系的基本法律 2.我国现行宪法第44条规定,( BC )保障退休人员的生活 A.国家劳动机关 B.社会 C.国家 D.所在单位 3.在全国人大代表选举过程中,下列哪些组织可以联合或单独推荐代表候选人?(A C ) A.各政党 B.各企事业单位 C.各人民团体 D.各国家机关 4、建设项目中防治污染的设施,应当与主体工程( ABC )。防治污染的设施应当符合经批准的环境影响评价文件的要求,不得擅自拆除或者闲置。A 、同时设计 B 、同时施工C 、同时投产使用 D 、同时 5、国家建立跨行政区域的重点区域、流域环境污染和生态破坏联合防治协调机制,实行( ABCD )。A 、统一规划 B 、统一标准C 、统一监测 D 、统一的防治措施 6、某市土地管理部门发现某县A 公司存在违反《土地管理法》的行为,某县土地管理局却不给予行政处罚,作为某县土地管理局的上级部门,某市土地管理部门可采取下列哪些措施? (ABC ) A . 直接对A 公司进行行政处罚 B . 责令某县土地管理局作出行政处罚决定 C . 给予某县土地管理局的负责人行政处分 D . 向某市人民政府的行政监察部门作出行政处分建议书,建议对某县土地管理局的负责人予以行政处分 7、根据《土地管理法》等法律法规的规定,以下(ABCDE)种土地违法行为应给予行政处、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


Linux思考题5 1.fork()和clone()二者之间的区别是什么? 答:fork创建一个进程时,子进程只是完全复制父进程的资源,复制出来的子进程有自己的task_struct结构和pid,但却复制父进程其它所有的资源。 通过fork创建子进程,需要将上面描述的每种资源都复制一个副本。fork()调用执行一次返回两个值,对于父进程,fork函数返回子程序的进程号,而对于子程序,fork函数则返回零,这就是一个函数返回两次的本质。在fork 之后,子进程和父进程都会继续执行fork调用之后的指令。 系统调用fork()和vfork()是无参数的,而clone()则带有参数。fork()是全部复制,vfork()是共享内存,而clone()是则可以将父进程资源有选择地复制给子进程,而没有复制的数据结构则通过指针的复制让子进程共享,具体要复制哪些资源给子进程,由参数列表中的clone_flags来决定。另外,clone()返回的是子进程的pid。 2.什么是进程?什么是线程?Linux系统中的进程有那些状态?如何获取系统 中各进程的状态? 答:进程是指在系统中正在运行的一个应用程序;线程是系统分配处理器时间资源的基本单元,或者说进程之内独立执行的一个单元。对于操作系统而言,其调度单元是线程。一个进程至少包括一个线程,通常将该线程称为主线程。一个进程从主线程的执行开始进而创建一个或多个附加线程,就是所谓基于多线程的多任务。 Linux系统中的进程状态有:TASK_RUNNING(运行状态),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE(可中断睡眠状态),TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE(不可中断的睡眠状态),TASK_STOPPED(暂停状态),TASK_NONINTERACTIVE(不可交互睡眠状态),TASK_DEAD(死亡状态),EXIT_ZOMBIE(僵死进程),EXIT_DEAD(僵死撤销状态) ps 查看静态的进程信息 可以使用man 来查看 ps 的使用参数以下是几个常使用到得, a 显示当前终端的所有进程信息 u 使用以用户为主的格式输出进程信息 x 显示当前用户在所有终端下的进程信息 -e 显示系统内的所有进程 # ps 只显示当前用户打开的进程 ]# ps aux 显示系统中所有进程信息 3.Linux系统中进程有哪两种模式?各有何特点? 答:用户进程和系统进程, 用户进程就是用户自己打开的应用程序,可有可无。 系统进程即是内核进程,是维持操作系统正常工作自动生成的,关闭系统进程会产生不可预知的结果。 4.Linux系统中进程控制块的作用是什么?它进程有何关系?


第五章 一、单项选择题 1.抽样推断的目的在于() A.对样本进行全面调查 B.了解样本的基本情况 C.了解总体的基本情况 D.推断总体指标 2.在重复抽样条件下纯随机抽样的平均误差取决于() A.样本单位数 B.总体方差 C.抽样比例 D.样本单位数和总体方差 3.根据重复抽样的资料,一年级优秀生比重为10%,二年级为20%,若抽样人数相等时,优秀生比重的抽样误差() A.一年级较大 B.二年级较大 C.误差相同 D.无法判断 4.用重复抽样的抽样平均误差公式计算不重复抽样的抽样平均误差结果将()A.高估误差 B.低估误差 C.恰好相等 D.高估或低估 5.在其他条件不变的情况下,如果允许误差缩小为原来的1/2,则样本容量()A.扩大到原来的2倍 B.扩大到原来的4倍 C.缩小到原来的1/4 D.缩小到原来的1/2 6.当总体单位不很多且差异较小时宜采用() A.整群抽样 B.纯随机抽样 C.分层抽样 D.等距抽样 7.在分层抽样中影响抽样平均误差的方差是() A.层间方差 B.层内方差 C.总方差 D.允许误差 二、多项选择题 1.抽样推断的特点有() A.建立在随机抽样原则基础上 B.深入研究复杂的专门问题 C.用样本指标来推断总体指标 D.抽样误差可以事先计算 E.抽样误差可以事先控制 2.影响抽样误差的因素有() A.样本容量的大小 B.是有限总体还是无限总体 C.总体单位的标志变动度 D.抽样方法 E.抽样组织方式 3.抽样方法根据取样的方式不同分为() A.重复抽样 B.等距抽样 C.整群抽样 D.分层抽样 E.不重复抽样 4.抽样推断的优良标准是() A.无偏性 B.同质性 C.一致性 D.随机性 E.有效性 5.影响必要样本容量的主要因素有() A.总体方差的大小 B.抽样方法


一、幼儿园课程试题库参考答案 二、单项选择题 1. B 2.D 3.A 4. C 5.D 6. C 7. A 8.D 9. A 10.C 11. A 12.C 13. B 14. C 15.D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20.B 21. B 22. D 23. A 2 4. C 25.A 26.C 2 7. D 28. A 29.C 30.B 31. B 32.D 33. C 34.A 35.D 36. B 37.D 38. A 39. C 40.D 41.A 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.D 59.B 60.C 61.B 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.D 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.B 70.C 二.多项选择题 71.AC 72.BD 73.AC 74.AB 75.CD 76.ABC 77.AB 78.ABCD 79.ABCD 80.ABD 81.BCD 82.ABCD 83.BC 84.AB 85BCD 86.AB 87.AB 88.ABCD 89.ABCD 90.ABCD 91.ACD 92.ABC 93.BCD 94.ABC 95.ABCD 96.ABD 97.ABCD 98.ABD 99.AB 100.CD 101.CD 102.ABC 103.ABCD 104.ABD 105.ABC 106.ABC 107.ABCD 108.ABCD 109.ABCD 110.ABCD 111.AB 112.BD 113.ABC 114.ABC 115.BCD 116.ABC 117.BC 118.AB 119.CD 120.ABCD 121.ABCD 122.ABD 123.BCD 124.AD 125.ABCD 126.ABCD 127.ABCD 128.ABD 129.AD 130.BC 131.ABCD 132.ABCD 133.ABCD 134.AB 135.BCD 136.ABCD 137.ABC 138.ABCD 139.ABCD 140.ABD


单选 Ch1 1、下述说法中正确的是(D) A.网络层的协议是网络层内部处理数据的规定 B.接口实现的是人与计算机之间的交互 C.在应用层与网络层直接的接口上交换的是包 D.上一层的协议数据单元就是下一层的服务数据单元 2、在OSI参考模型中,第n层与它之上的第n+1层的关系是(A) A.第n层为第n+1层提供服务 B.第n+1层为从第n层接收的报文添加一个报头 C.第n层使用第n+1提供的服务 D.第n层和第n+1层相互没有影响 3、在OSI参考模型中,自下而上第一个提供端到端服务的层次是(B) A.数据链路层 B.传输层 C.会话层 D.应用层 4、下列选项中,不属于网络体系结构中所描述的内容是(C) A.网络层次 B.每一层使用的协议 C.协议的内容实现细节 D.每一层必须完成的功能 5、下列说法正确的是(D) A.在较小范围内布置的一定是局域网,而在较大范围内布置的一定是广域网 B.城域网是连接广域网而覆盖园区的网络 C.城域网是为淘汰局域网和广域网而提出的一种网络技术 D.局域网是基于广播技术发展起来的网络,广域网是基于交换技术发展起来的网络 Ch2 1、在图所示的采用“存储-转发”方式分组的交换网络中,所有链路的数据传输速度为100Mbps,分组大小为1000B,其中分组头大小为20B,若主机H1向主机H2发送一个大小为980000B的文件,则在不考虑分组拆装时间和传播延迟的情况下,从H1发送到H2接收完为止,需要的时间至少是(C)。(2010年全国考研题) A 80ms B 80.08ms C 80.16ms D 80.24ms

2、在无噪声情况下,若某通信链路的带宽为3KHz,采用4个相位、每个相位有4种振幅的QAM调制技术,则该通信链路的最大数据传输速率是(B)。(2009年全国考研题) A 12Kbps B 24Kbps C 48Kbps D 96Kbps 3、将1路模拟信号分别编码为数字信号后,和另外7路数字信号采用同步TDM方式复用到一条通信线路上。1路模拟信号的频率变化范围为0~1KHz,每个样值采用PCM方式编码为4位的二进制数,7路数字信号的数据率均为7.2Kbps。复用线路需要的最小通信能力是(C)。 A 7.2Kbps B 8Kbps C 64Kbps D 512Kbps 4、在一个CDMA移动通信系统中,A、B、C站分配的地址码分别是(-1-1-1+1+1-1+1+1)、(-1-1+1-1+1+1+1-1)和(-1+1-1+1+1+1-1-1),某一时刻A发送数据位0,B发送数据1,C 未发送,则接收C站信息的接收者收到的信号是(A)。 A (0 0 +2-2 0 +2 0 -2) B (0 +2 +2 -2 0 +2 0 -2) C (+2 0 +2 -2 0 +2 0 -2) D (0 0 +2 -2 0 +2 0 0) 5、利用一根同轴电缆互连主机构建以太网,则主机间的通信方式为(B)。 A 全双工 B 半双工 C 单工 D 不确定 6、图是二进制序列的曼彻斯特编码,码元1是前低后高,试画出该二进制序列的差分曼彻斯特编码。如果以100Mbps数据率发送该二进制序列,则所需要的信道带宽至少为多少?



第五章课后习题答案 二、计算题 1.(1)该会计混淆了资本的5天使用成本与一年的使用成本。这两个成本是不可比的,必须将时间长度转化一致才可比较。 (2)%94.14610 15360%21%2=-?- (3)如果公司决定不获得现金折扣,在到 期日之前支付是毫无道理的。若是购货后30天付款,而非15天付款,则年利息成本可下降至 %73.3610 30360%21%2=-?- 2.放弃10天内付款的现金折扣成本=%7.3610 30360%21%2=-?- 放弃20天内付款的现金折扣成本=%4.3620 30360%11%1=-?- (1)因为银行的贷款利率为15%,低于放弃现金折扣成本,所以该公司不应放弃现金折扣,并且放弃10天内付款的现金折扣成本大于放弃20天内付款的成本,所以应在第10天付款。 (2)因为短期投资收益率比放弃折扣的代价高,所以应在第30天付款。

3.(1)外购: TC=3600×9.8+1440=36720(元) 自制: TC=825+10×3600=36825(元) 不考虑缺货的情况下,自制成本高,外购成本低。 (2)外购的经济订货批量 每年订货次数=3600/360=10(次) 交货期内的平均每天需要量=3600/360=10(件) 如果延迟交货1天,则交货期为10+1=11(天),交货期内的需要量=11×10=110(件),概率为0.25 如果延迟交货2天,则交货期为10+2=12(天),交货期内的需要量=12×10=120(件),概率为0.1 如果延迟交货3天,则交货期为10+3=13(天),交货期内的需要量=13×10=130(件),概率为0.05 ①保险储备B=0时, 再订货点R=10×10=100(件) S=(110-100)×0.25+(120-100)×


第5章习题参考答案 1.请在括号内填入适当答案。在CPU中: (1)保存当前正在执行的指令的寄存器是(IR ); (2)保存当前正在执行的指令地址的寄存器是(AR ) (3)算术逻辑运算结果通常放在(DR )和(通用寄存器)。2.参见图5.15的数据通路。画出存数指令“STO Rl,(R2)”的指令周期流程图,其含义是将寄存器Rl的内容传送至(R2)为地址的主存单元中。标出各微操作信号序列。 解: STO R1, (R2)的指令流程图及为操作信号序列如下:

STO R1, (R2) R/W=R DR O, G, IR i R2O, G, AR i R1O, G, DR i R/W=W 3.参见图5.15的数据通路,画出取数指令“LAD (R3),R0”的指令周期流程图,其含义是将(R3)为地址主存单元的内容取至寄存器R2中,标出各微操作控制信号序列。 解: LAD R3, (R0)的指令流程图及为操作信号序列如下:

PC O , G, AR i R/W=R DR O , G, IR i R 3O , G, AR i DR O , G, R 0i R/W=R LAD (R3), R0 4.假设主脉冲源频率为10MHz ,要求产生5个等间隔的节拍脉冲,试画出时序产生器的逻辑图。 解:

5.如果在一个CPU 周期中要产生3个节拍脉冲;T l =200ns ,T 2=400ns ,T 3=200ns ,试画出时序产生器逻辑图。 解:取节拍脉冲T l 、T 2、T 3的宽度为时钟周期或者是时钟周期的倍数即可。所以取时钟源提供的时钟周期为200ns ,即,其频率为5MHz.;由于要输出3个节拍脉冲信号,而T 3的宽度为2个时钟周期,也就是一个节拍电位的时间是4个时钟周期,所以除了C 4外,还需要3个触发器——C l 、C 2、C 3;并令 211C C T *=;321C C T *=;313C C T =,由此可画出逻辑电路图如下:


《小学语文教学论》题库及答案 一、单项选择题 1.“大课程——小教学观”认为()。 A.课程不仅包含教学活动,还包含丰富的内容,课程是内容与过程的统一 B. 课程与教学具有各自相对独立的实践活动内容与指涉对象 C. 课程只是教学活动的内容与对象,即教学内容 D. 教学活动的外延相对而言宽广地多 2.下列不属于“语言文化”说的观点的是()。 A.语言学习、语文课程离不开文化的学习,人的语言能力中包含着一定的文化素质 B. 语言与文化构成了一个民族存在的象征,语言是文化的物质载体,文化才是语言的实质性内容 C. 语文教学是对学生进行文学教学,语言只是文学的内容与实质而已 D.语文教学应该是“语文教育”,是一种“大语文观” 3. 教会学生规范、准确、流畅、流利地与人交流,教会学生善于用书面语言来表达自己的思想、认识、立场与感情,是小学生()的重要组成部分。 A.基本语文知识学习 B. 基本语言能力训练 C. 语言思维能力训练 D. 基本人文素养教育 4. 有效教学的核心构成要素是()。 A.教学目标 B. 教学方式 C. 教学评价 D. 教学效果 5. 我国现行《大纲》或《标准》把小学阶段的识字量确定为()字左右。 A. 1700 B. 2000 C. 2500 D.3000 6. 以下哪一项不是我国小学语文教学改革的趋势?() A.语文化 B. 一体化 C. 整合化 D. 简单化 7.德国教育家瓦·根舍因的创造的教学进程设计策略是()。 A. 问题——探究式教学设计 B.传递──接受式教学设计、 C. 自学──辅导式教学设计 D.范例式教学设计 8.下列哪项不是立体多维的知识结构?() A. 教什么的知识 B. 教给谁的指使 C. 如何教的知识 D. 工具性知识/实践性知识和背景性知识 9.小学生口语交际活动顺利进行的前提条件是()。 A. 听话能力 B. 说话能力 C. 表达方式的选择 D. 表达愿望与信心 10.某教师就中央电视台的“焦点访谈”、“实话实说”等节目中所涉及的话题对学生进行口语训练,这种教学法是()。 A. 教学内容延伸法 B.看图说话法 C. 主题会话法 D.情景创设法 11.狭义上讲,小学语文教材是指()。


2020年度国库知识测试多选题库及答 案(共120题) 1、各兑付单位收缴的假券由收缴单位加盖“假券”戳记后入库保管,并应于()日内送缴人民银行当地分支机构国库部门。 A、3日 B、5日 C、10日 D、15日 正确答案:C 2、根据《关于零余额账户管理有关事项的通知》,零余额账户包括()。 A、财政部门零余额账户 B、预算单位零余额账户 C、财政汇缴零余额账户 D、事业单位零余额专户 E、国有企业零余额专户正确答案、ABC 3、根据《关于零余额账户管理有关事项的通知》,()的用款额度具有与人民币存款相同的支付结算功能。 A、财政部门零余额账户 B、预算单位零余额账户 C、财政汇缴零余额账户 D、事业单位零余额专户 E、国有企业零余额账户正确答案、AB 4、根据《关于零余额账户管理有关事项的通知》,预算单位零余额账户可办理()等支付结算业务。 A、转账 B、汇兑 C、委托收款 D、透支 E、提取现金 正确答案、ABCE 125、根据《关于零余额账户管理有关事项的通知》,零余额账户的()须经同级财政部门批准,并按照财政国库管理制度规定的程序和要求执行。

A、变更 B、合并 C、撤销 D、业务处理 E、账簿登记 正确答案、ABC 6、中国人民银行分支机构对商业银行提交的国库集中收付代理银行资格申请材料进行审查时,定性指标应当考虑申请银行的()等情况。 A、信息系统建设情况 B、代理国库业务的经验 C、机构网点覆盖 D、服务承诺 E、外部评价 正确答案、ABDE 7、中国人民银行分支机构对商业银行提交的国库集中收付代理银行资格申请材料进行审查时,定量指标应当考虑申请银行的()等情况。 A、信息系统建设情况 B、资金安全性 C、流动性 D、效益性 E、机构网点覆盖正确答案、BCDE 8、中国人民银行分支机构成立地方国库集中收付代理银行资格认定专家评审组,成员由()等行内相关部门人员组成。 A、国库部门 B、会计部门 C、法律事务部门 D、事后监督部门 E、营业部正确答案、AC 9、我们国家实行的是一级政府一级预算,分别是()五级预算。 A.中央 B.省、自治区、直辖市 C.设区的市、自治州 D.县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区 E.乡、民族乡、镇预算。 正确答案:ABCDE 10、一般公共预算是对以税收为主体的财政收入,安排用于()等方面的收支预算。


习题五 一. 思考题 ⒈半导体存储器主要分为哪几类?简述它们的用途和区别。 答:按照存取方式分,半导体存储器主要分为随机存取存储器RAM(包括静态RAM和动态RAM)和只读存储器ROM(包括掩膜只读存储器,可编程只读存储器,可擦除只读存储器和电可擦除只读存储器)。 RAM在程序执行过程中,能够通过指令随机地对其中每个存储单元进行读\写操作。一般来说,RAM中存储的信息在断电后会丢失,是一种易失性存储器;但目前也有一些RAM 芯片,由于内部带有电池,断电后信息不会丢失,具有非易失性。RAM的用途主要是用来存放原始数据,中间结果或程序,与CPU或外部设备交换信息。 而ROM在微机系统运行过程中,只能对其进行读操作,不能随机地进行写操作。断电后ROM中的信息不会消失,具有非易失性。ROM通常用来存放相对固定不变的程序、汉字字型库、字符及图形符号等。 根据制造工艺的不同,随机读写存储器RAM主要有双极型和MOS型两类。双极型存储器具有存取速度快、集成度较低、功耗较大、成本较高等特点,适用于对速度要求较高的高速缓冲存储器;MOS型存储器具有集成度高、功耗低、价格便宜等特点,适用于内存储器。 ⒉存储芯片结构由哪几部分组成?简述各部分的主要功能。 答:存储芯片通常由存储体、地址寄存器、地址译码器、数据寄存器、读\写驱动电路及控制电路等部分组成。 存储体是存储器芯片的核心,它由多个基本存储单元组成,每个基本存储单元可存储一位二进制信息,具有0和1两种状态。每个存储单元有一个唯一的地址,供CPU访问。 地址寄存器用来存放CPU访问的存储单元地址,该地址经地址译码器译码后选中芯片内某个指定的存储单元。通常在微机中,访问地址由地址锁存器提供,存储单元地址由地址锁存器输出后,经地址总线送到存储器芯片内直接进行译码。 地址译码器的作用就是用来接收CPU送来的地址信号并对它进行存储芯片内部的“译码”,选择与此地址相对应的存储单元,以便对该单元进行读\写操作。 读\写控制电路产生并提供片选和读\写控制逻辑信号,用来完成对被选中单元中各数据位的读\写操作。


华中师范大学网络教育学 《幼儿园课程》练习测试题库及答案 一、单项选择题 ( D )1.将课程看作是学习者获得的直接经验的学者是。 A.皮亚杰 B.斯宾赛 C.克伯屈 D.杜威 ( A )2.从计划的维度来定义课程的学者有。 A.塔巴 B.博比特 C.弗洛伊德 D.坎贝尔 ( C )3. 美国著名教育家杜威将和课程的本质联系起来。 A.学科知识 B.活动过程 C.儿童经验 D.教学计划 ( B )4. 与课程是学校组织的活动的观念同一渊源的课程观是。 A.学科课程观 B.经验课程观 C.活动课程观 D.目标课程观 (A)5.强调知识学习的课程是。 A.分科课程 B.综合课程 C.核心课程 D.广域课程 (A)6.强调儿童经验的丰富的课程是。 A.分科课程 B.综合课程 C.核心课程 D.广域课程 ( A )7.强调课程必须适合幼儿的身心特点和发展规律,这是幼儿园课程的。 A.适宜性 B.活动性 C.基础性 D.文化性 ( B)8.幼儿园课程不具有强制性,这是其。 A.游戏性 B.非义务性 C.基础性 D.文化性 ( A )9.在研究幼儿时将幼儿当做一个人分析他们的生存和发展需要,这种研究角度是。 A.哲学 B.心理学 C.社会学 D.教育学 ( B )10. 研究他们内在的发展需要,在学习和生活中的兴趣,研究儿童学习能力上的年龄特征,这种研究角度是。

A.哲学 B.心理学 C.社会学 D.教育学 ( D )11.蒙台梭利的早期教育课程注重儿童的。 A.智力 B.动作 C.艺术 D.感知觉 ( C )12. 是瑞吉欧教育体系中课程的主要特征。 A.知识学习 B.动作训练 C.方案教学 D.感知觉训练 ( A )13.我国的幼儿园教育家先生提倡在幼儿园实施“单元教学”。 A.陈鹤琴 B.张雪门 C.张宗麟 D.戴自俺 ( C )14.美国课程学者认为目标是课程编制的核心,被叫做“行为目标之父”。 A.杜威 B.斯宾赛 C.泰勒 D.坎贝尔 ( C)15. 是指在教育过程中生成的课程目标。 A.总体目标 B.中期目标 C.生成性目标 D.预成性目标 ( B )16. 是指以适应儿童的心理特点的方式来组织课程内容而形成的内容顺序。 A.逻辑顺序 B.心理顺序 C.内容顺序 D.学科顺序 ( C )17.幼儿园课程的主要特点是由决定的。 A.文化 B.经济发展 C.幼儿的身心特征 D.环境 ( A )18. 早期教育方案强调“整个儿童”的培养。 A.认知学派 B.蒙台梭利 C.结构主义 D.班克街(Bank street) ( C )19. 是瑞吉欧教育体系的倡导者和领导者。 A.杜威 B.蒙台梭利 C.马拉古兹 D.维果斯基 ( B )20.我国第一个《幼稚园课程标准》的颁布是在年。 .1932 C (C )21.首先将“学前教学”引进教育学的人是。 A.杜威 B.张雪门 C.乌索娃 D.维果斯基 ( B )22.英国课程学者提出了课程编制的过程模式。 A.艾宾浩斯 B.特纳 C.斯坦豪斯 D.斯波代克 ( D )23. 是课程设计者在教育活动开始之前预设的教育目标。


第一章 一、单项选择题 1、被认为提出现代社会调查研究方法起源的分析的方法和逻辑的方法的是(C )。 A.中国人 B.古印度人 C.古希腊人 D.古罗马人 2、社会研究就是社会科学对社会中的人以及各种社会现象进行的以(B.经验研究)为主的活动。 A.案例研究 B.经验研究 C.理论研究 D.方法研究 3、下面哪种方式是社会研究的主要方式?(D.社会调查研究) A.方法论研究 B.文献研究 C.实验研究 D.社会调查研究 4、(C.文献研究)是依靠第二手的资料对社会现象进行分析。 A.社会调查研究 B.实验研究 C.文献研究 D.案例研究 5、(A.社会调查研究)注重通过对第一手的信息的分析达到认识社会的目的。 A.社会调查研究 B.实验研究 C.文献研究 D.方法论研究 6、社会研究的(A方法论)是社会研究的一般方法,是社会研究方法的指导思想。 A.方法论 B.社会研究的方式 C.社会研究的目的 D.社会研究的具体方法和研究技术 7、(B.马克思主义哲学方法论)是社会研究方法体系的基础。 A.恩格斯主义哲学方法论 B.马克思主义哲学方法论 C.社会科学的学科方法论 D.逻辑方法 8、社会科学学科方法论主要是指(B B.社会科学理论)在社会研究中的指导地位和作用。 A.社会科学方法 B.社会科学理论 C.社会科学思想 D.社会科学体系 9、普查是一种为了解对象的总的情况而对(B.社会科学理论)进行的调查。 A.全体调查对象逐一 B.全体调查对象部分 C.部分调查对象逐一 D.部分调查对象抽样 二、多项选择题 1. 社会研究的三种主要方式包括(BCD )。 A.方法论研究 B.社会调查研究 C.实验研究 D.文献研究 E.问卷研究 2. 社会研究的特殊性主要是由于(ABCDE )导致的。 A.人的特殊性 B.社会现象的复杂多变性 C.偶然性 D.主观性 E.干扰性 3. 社会研究方法的重要性包括( ABDE)。 A.正确地认识和了解社会 B.描述社会的客观状况 C.提高人们的素质 D.解释社会现象产生、


第五章习题参考答案 5.1 题5.1的图所示的是三相四线制电路,电源线电压l U =380V 。三个电阻性负载接成星形,其电阻为1R =11Ω,2R =3R =22Ω。 (1)试求负载相电压、相电流及中性线电流,并作出它们的相量图;(2)如无中性线,求负载相电压及中性点电压;(3)如无中性线,当L1相短路时求各相电压和电流,并作出它们的相量图;(4)如无中性线,当L3相断路时求另外两相的电压和电流;(5)在(3),(4)中如有中性线,则又如何? 1 L 2 L 3 L N 题5.1的图 解: ○1各相负载两端电压都等于电源相电压,其值为:V V U U l P 2203 380 3===。各负载相电流分别为: ()()A I I I I I I A R U I A R U I A R U I N P P P 1030cos 30cos 30sin 30sin 10,10,202 2321323 32211=?-?++?-?-= ====== 相量图如图(b )所示。 ○ 2因为三相电源对称,而三相负载不对称时,由于无中性线,将使电源和负载中点之间的电位差不为零,而产生中性点位移。 设 V U U ?∠=01 1& ()()() V V U U U V V U U U V V U U U V V R R R R U R U R U U N N N N N N N N ?∠=?∠-?∠=-=?-∠=?∠-?-∠=-=?∠=?∠-?∠=-=?∠=++? ∠+?-∠+?∠=++++=1312520551202201312520551202200165055022005522 1 2211112212022022120220110220111''''3'32'21 '1 3213322 11&&&&&&&&&&&&&


幼儿园课程试题库参考答案 一、单项选择题 1. B 4. C 6. C 7. A 9. A 11. A 13. B 14. C 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 21. B 22. D 23. A 2 4. C 2 7. D 28. A 31. B 33. C 36. B 38. A 39. C 二.多项选择题 85BCD 三、名词解释 141.课程——课程的本质就是教育工作者根据社会发展和学习者个人成长的需要,在一定的教育理论指导下,为促进学习者有效地学习或实现可期望的身心发展而计划、选择和组织的教学活动的总和。在各种教育机构中,课程是由一系列的教育教学活动目标、内容和方式方法以及评价构成的教育教学活动的体系。 142.幼儿园课程——幼儿园课程是教育工作者为了促进幼儿身心的全面和谐发展而计划的,

在幼儿园的教育情景中组织和实施的,以幼儿为主体的各种形式的学习活动的总和。 143. 分科课程——以有组织的学科内容为课程组织的基础。是根据各级各类学校培养目标和科学发展的水平,从各门学科中选择出适合一定年龄阶段的学生发展水平的知识,组成各种不同的教学科目而形成的课程。 144.活动课程——活动课程有多种称谓,如“儿童中心课程”、“生活课程、”“经验课程”等等。它与分科课程相对,是打破学科之间的逻辑界限以学生的兴趣、需要和能力为基础,通过学生自己组织的一系列的活动而实施的课程。 145.综合课程——综合课程又称为“广域课程”、“统合课程”和“合成课程”。它是指以特定的方式将若干门相关学科的知识内容融合、组织在一起进行教学的一种课程。 146.核心课程——是指一种独特的课程类型,即以儿童的某一重要的生活问题,或者是人类社会的某种基本活动为核心来选择和组织教学内容和教学方式方法的课程。这种核心课程也被称作“问题中心课程”。 147.国家课程——国家课程也称为“国家统一课程”,是指由中央政府负责编制、实施和评价的课程。 148校本课程——是由学生所在学校的教师编制、实施和评价的课程。 149.显性课程——显性课程又被称作“正规课程”,是指学校按计划开设的、由专门的教师负责组织实施课程。 150.隐性课程——隐性课程又称为“隐蔽课程”、“潜在课程”、“无形课程”、“自发课程”等。它是在学校情境中以间接的、内隐的方式呈现给学生的课程,具体来说,隐性课程指的是那些在学校政策和课程计划中没有明确规定的,但却实实在在构成了学生在学校学习经验中常规、有效部分的教育内容和结果。 151.课程目标——课程目标是在学校教师指导下,学生某种学习活动的具体的行为变化的表现和阶段性、特殊性的学习结果。 152.课程内容——课程内容肯定是在学习者还没有掌握之前就已经存在于人类的科学和文化之中的,能供儿童学习,而且对儿童的发展有意义、有价值的各种形式的素材,它们是人类智慧的结晶。 153.课程实施——人们一般认为,课程实施就是将静态的课程方案转化为动态的课程实践的过程,即是将设计好的课程方案付诸于实践的过程。 154.项目活动——项目活动是根据儿童的生活经验和兴趣确定活动的主题,并以该主题为中心加以扩散,编制主题网络,将概念予以分化、放大,让儿童通过自己的学习,探索概念的


全国计算机一级考试选择题题库 一选择题: 1.微型计算机硬件系统中最核心的部件是( 。答案:B A、主板 B、CPU C、内存储器 D、I/O设备 2.下列术语中,属于显示器性能指标的是( 。答案:C A、速度 B、可靠性 C、分辨率 D、精度 3.配置高速缓冲存储器(Cache是为了解决( 。答案:C A、内存与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题 B、CPU与辅助存储器之间速度不匹配问题 C、CPU与内存储器之间速度不匹配问题 D、主机与外设之间速度不匹配问题 4.计算机病毒是一种( 。答案:C A、特殊的计算机部件

B、游戏软件 C、人为编制的特殊程序 D、能传染的生物病毒 5.微型计算机存储系统中,PROM是( 。答案:D A、可读写存储器 B、动态随机存取存储器 C、只读存储器 D、可编程只读存储器 6.在计算机领域中通常用MIPS来描述( 。答案:A A、计算机的运算速度 B、计算机的可靠性 C、计算机的可运行性 D、计算机的可扩充性 7.在Word的编辑状态,单击文档窗口标题栏右侧的按钮后,会( 。答案:D A、将窗口关闭 B、打开一个空白窗口 C、使文档窗口独占屏幕 D、使当前窗口缩小

8.在Word的编辑状态,当前编辑的文档是C盘中的d1.doc文档,要将该文档拷贝到软盘,应当使用( 。答案:A A、"文件"菜单中的"另存为"命令 B、"文件"菜单中的"保存"命令 C、"文件"菜单中的"新建"命令 D、"插入"菜单中的命令 9.在Word的编辑状态,文档窗口显示出水平标尺,则当前的视图方式( 。答案:A A、一定是普通视图或页面视图方式 B、一定是页面视图或大纲视图方式 C、一定是全屏显示视图方式 D、一定是全屏显示视图或大纲视图方式 10.在Word的编辑状态,为文档设置页码,可以使用( 。答案:D A、"工具"菜单中的命令 B、"编辑"菜单中的命令 C、"格式"菜单中的命令 D、"插入"菜单中的命令 11.在Word的编辑状态,当前编辑文档中的字体全是宋体字,选择了一段文字使之成反显状,先设定了楷体,又设定了仿宋体,则( 。 答案:C


第5章 习题解答 5-1 由与非门组成的基本RS 触发器的d d S ,R 之间为什么要有约束?当违反约束条件时,输出端Q 、Q 会出现什么情况?试举例说明。 解:由与非门组成的基本RS 触发器的d R 和d S 之间的约束条件是:不允许d R 和d S 同时为0。当违反约束条件即当d R =d S =0时,Q 、Q 端将同时为1,作为基本存储单元来说,这既不是0状态,又不是1状态,没有意义。 5-2 试列出或非门组成的基本RS 触发器的真值表,它的输入端R d 和S d 之间是否也要有约束?为什么? 解:真值表如右表所示、 Rd 、Sd 之同也要有约束条件,即不允许Rd=Sd=1, 否则Q 、Q 端会同时出现低电平。 5-3 画出图5-33由与非门组成的基本RS 触发器输出端Q 、Q 的电压波形,输入端 D D S R 、的电压波形如图中所示。 图5-33 解:见下图: 5-4 画出图5-34由或非门组成的基本RS 触发器输出端Q 、Q 的电压波形,输入端S D 、R D 的电压波形如图中所示。

图5-34 解:见下图: 5-5 图5-35所示为一个防抖动输出的开关电路。当拨动开关S时,由于开关触点接R S、的电压波形如图中所示。试画出Q、Q端对应的电压波形。 通瞬间发生振颤,D D 图5-35 解:见下图:

5-6 在图5-36电路中、若CP、S、R的电压波形如图中所示,试画出Q、Q端与之对应的电压波形。假定触发器的初始状态为Q=0。 图5-36 解:见下图: 5-7 在图5-37(a)所示的主从RS触发器中,CP、R、S的波形如图5-37(b)所示,试画Q、Q和Q的波形图。 出相应的Q m、 m 图5-37 解:主从RS触发器的工作过程是:在CP=l期间主触发器接收输入信号,但输出端并不改变状态,只有当CP下降沿到来时从触发器甚才翻转,称为下降沿触发。根据主从RS 触发器状态转换图可画出波形图如下图所示。


第五章练习题参考答案 1、下面表是一张关于短期生产函数),(K L f Q 的产量表: (1) 在表1中填空 (2) 根据(1)。在一张坐标图上作出TPL 曲线,在另一张坐标图上作出APL 曲线和MPL 曲线。 (3) 根据(1),并假定劳动的价格ω=200,完成下面的相应的短期成本表2。 (4) 根据表2,在一张坐标图上作出TVC 曲线,在另一张坐标图上作出AVC 曲线和MC 曲线。 (5) 根据(2)和(4),说明短期生产曲线和短期成本曲线之间的关系。 解:(1)短期生产的产量表(表1) (2) (3)短期生产的成本表(表2)

(4)边际产量和边际成本的关系,边际MC和边际产量MPL两者的变动方向是相反的。 总产量和总成本之间也存在着对应关系:当总产量TPL下凸时,总成本TC曲线和总可变成本TVC是下凹的;当总产量曲线存在一个拐点时, 总成本TC曲线和总可变成本TVC也各存在一个拐点。平均可变成本和平均产量两者的变动方向是相反的。MC曲线和AVC曲线的交点与MPL曲线和APL曲线的交点是对应的。 2、下图是一张某厂商的LAC曲线和LMC曲线图。请分别在Q1和Q2的产量上画出代表最优生产规模的SAC曲线和SMC曲线。 解:在产量Q1和Q2上,代表最优生产规模的SAC曲线和SMC曲线是SAC1和SAC2以及SMC1和SMC2。 SAC1和SAC2分别相切于LAC的A和B,SMC1和SMC2则分别相交于LMC的A1和

B 1。 3、假定某企业的短期成本函数是TC(Q)=Q 3 -5Q 2 +15Q+66: (1) 指出该短期成本函数中的可变成本部分和不变成本部分; (2) 写出下列相应的函数:TVC(Q) AC(Q) AVC(Q) AFC(Q)和MC(Q)。 解(1)可变成本部分: Q 3 -5Q 2 +15Q 不可变成本部分:66 (2)TVC(Q)= Q 3 -5Q 2 +15Q AC(Q)=Q 2 -5Q+15+66/Q AVC(Q)= Q 2-5Q+15 AFC(Q)=66/Q MC(Q)= 3Q 2-10Q+15 4、已知某企业的短期总成本函数是STC(Q)=0.04 Q 3 -0.8Q 2 +10Q+5,求最小的平均可变成本值。 解: TVC(Q)=0.04Q 3 -0.8Q 2 +10Q AVC(Q)= 0.04Q 2 -0.8Q+10 令08.008.0=-='Q C AV 得Q=10 又因为008.0>=''C AV


工程力学课程试题库及参考答案 一、判断题: 1.力对点之矩与矩心位置有关,而力偶矩则与矩心位置无关。 [ ] 2.轴向拉压时无论杆件产生多大的变形,正应力与正应变成正比。 [ ] 3.纯弯曲的梁,横截面上只有剪力,没有弯矩。 [ ] 4.弯曲正应力在横截面上是均匀分布的。 [ ] 5.集中力所在截面上,剪力图在该位置有突变,且突变的大小等于该集中力。 [ ] 6.构件只要具有足够的强度,就可以安全、可靠的工作。 [ ] 7.施加载荷使低碳钢试件超过屈服阶段后再卸载,材料的比例极限将会提高。 [ ] 8.在集中力偶所在截面上,剪力图在该位置有突变。 [ ] 9.小柔度杆应按强度问题处理。 [ ] 10.应用平面任意力系的二矩式方程解平衡问题时,两矩心位置均可任意选择,无任何限制。 [ ] 11.纯弯曲梁横截面上任一点,既有正应力也有剪应力。 [ ] 12.最大切应力作用面上无正应力。 [ ] 13.平面平行力系有3个独立的平衡方程。 [ ] 14.低碳钢试件在拉断时的应力为其强度极限。 [ ] 15.若在一段梁上作用着均布载荷,则该段梁的弯矩图为倾斜直线。 [ ] 16.仅靠静力学平衡方程,无法求得静不定问题中的全部未知量。 [ ] 17.无论杆件产生多大的变形,胡克定律都成立。 [ ] 18.在集中力所在截面上,弯矩图将出现突变。 [ ] 二、单项选择题: 1.图1所示杆件受力,1-1、2-2、3-3截面上轴力分别是 [ ] 图1 ,4F,3F B.-4F,4F,3F,F,0 ,4F,3F

2.图2所示板和铆钉为同一材料,已知bs []2[]στ=。为充分提高材料利用率,则铆钉的直径应该是 [ ] 图2 A.2d δ= B.4d δ= C.4d δ π= D.8d δ π= 3.光滑支承面对物体的约束力作用于接触点,其方向沿接触面的公法线 [ ] A.指向受力物体,为压力 B.指向受力物体,为拉力 C.背离受力物体,为压力 D.背离受力物体,为拉力 4.一等直拉杆在两端承受轴向拉力作用,若其一半为钢,另一半为铝,则两段的 [ ] A.应力相同,变形相同 B.应力相同,变形不同 C.应力不同,变形相同 D.应力不同,变形不同 5.铸铁试件扭转破坏是 [ ] A.沿横截面拉断 B.沿45o 螺旋面拉断 C.沿横截面剪断 D.沿45o 螺旋面剪断 6.图2跨度为l 的简支梁,整个梁承受均布载荷q 时,梁中点挠度是45384C ql w EI =,图示简支梁跨中 挠度是 [ ] 图2 A.45768ql EI B.45192ql EI C.451536ql EI D.4 5384ql EI 7.塑性材料冷作硬化后,材料的力学性能变化的是 [ ] A.比例极限提高,弹性模量降低 B.比例极限提高,塑性降低 C.比例极限不变,弹性模量不变 D.比例极限不变,塑性不变 8.铸铁试件轴向拉伸破坏是 [ ] A.沿横截面拉断 B.沿45o 斜截面拉断 C.沿横截面剪断 D.沿45o 斜截面剪断 9.各向同性假设认为,材料沿各个方向具有相同的 [ ] A.外力 B.变形 C.位移 D.力学性质 10.材料不同的两根受扭圆轴,其直径和长度均相同,在扭矩相同的情况下,它们的最大切应力 和相对扭转角之间的关系正确的是 [ ] A.最大切应力相等,相对扭转角相等 B.最大切应力相等,相对扭转角不相等 C.最大切应力不相等,相对扭转角相等 D.最大切应力不相等,相对扭转角不相等 11.低碳钢试件扭转破坏是 [ ] A.沿横截面拉断 B.沿45o 螺旋面拉断 C.沿横截面剪断 D.沿45o 螺旋面剪断 12.整根承受均布载荷的简支梁,在跨度中间处 [ ] A.剪力最大,弯矩等于零 B.剪力等于零,弯矩也等于零 C.剪力等于零,弯矩为最大 D.剪力最大,弯矩也最大
