

( ) ( ) ( )


( ) ( )

A.go for a walk D. go shopping

B. take a dancing class

E.clean my room

C.go swimming


一、找出不同类的单词。(10 分)


( ) 1. A. summer B. season C. spring

( ) 2. A. swim B. snow C. sleep

( ) 3. A. winter B. warm C. windy

( ) 4. A. pretty B. beautiful C. vacation

( ) 5. A. picnic B. paint C. pick

( )6. A. sometimes B. always C. sports

()7.A.breakfast B.dinner C.shopping

()8.A.take B.morning C.eat

()9.A.shopping B.dancing C.have

()10.A.when B..are C.what

二、根据图片选择正确的选项。(10 分)


A.go on a picnic

B. plant trees

C.fly a kite

D. make a snowman

E.pick apples

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、选出翻译正确的一项。(5 分)

()1. When do you finish class in the morning ?

A. 你们早上什么时间上课?


()2. When do you go back to school after lunch?

A. 你午餐后什么时间回学校?

B. 你午餐后什么时间离开学校?

()3. I often go shopping with my father on the weekend.

A. 周末我通常跟我爸爸一起去购物。

B. 周末我通常跟我妈妈一起跳舞。

()4. That ’s too late!

A. 太迟了!

B. 那真是太好了!

()5.Let ’s eat breakfast.

我们一起吃午饭吧。 B. 我们一起吃早饭吧。

四、情景交际题(5 分)


A. W hen do you get up?

B.At 7 o ’clock

C.When do you go to school


A.I’m OK.

B.He usually clean his room

C.I often go shoping

( )3.当别人问你为什么喜欢冬天时,你可以说:

A.I like winter best.

B.I can make a snowman

C.I can go swimming

( )4.Amy 画了一幅很漂亮的画,你要称赞好,可以怎么说

A. Good job!


C.Nice to meet you.

( )5.当你问别人照片在哪里时,可以怎样问?

A.Why do you like your photo?

B.Where is your photo?

C.Who ’s that.

六、选择正确的应答句。(10 分)


()1.What do you do on the weekend? A.I go to school at 7 o ’clock.

()2.When do you go to school? B.I go to bed at 9:00 p.m..

()3.Do you often wash your clothes? C.I often clean my room,wash my clothes

and do my homework.

()4.When do you go to bed? D.I can sing an English song.

( ) 5.What can you do? E.Yes,I do.


( )1. What would you like to eat? A. Because there are beautiful flowers. ( )2. Which season do you like best? B. Because I can sleep all day

( )3.I like winter best. C. At 3o ’clock.

( )4. When do you take a dancing class? D. I ’ d like some beef noodles. ( )5. Why do you like spring? E. Summer.

六、根据英语书写规则,认真书下列单词或词组。(10 分)

When do you finish class in the morning?

I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.

Which season do you like best,Mike?

Because I like summer vacation!

What do you do on the weekend?
