



The national flower is a national symbol used as their national flower. The national flower of the culture of a country other significance



Because the flowers are red, orange, purple, blue, white, black and colored, worthy of the rainbow said

香根鸢尾是幸福的象征.Iris florentina is a symbol of happiness

外貌宁静,和谐,大方,It looks quiet, harmonious, generous

体现了法兰西民族的自由乐观和光明磊落的精神Embodies the freedom of the French national spirit of optimism and open and aboveboard



The United States national flower after hundred years controversy, in September 23, 1986 through the house of Representatives rose flower


They think the rose is the embodiment of love, peace, friendship, courage and dedication


Americans also believe that red roses symbolize love, tendresse and courage


light pink transmit the information of praise, pink represents the elegant and noble demeanor, deep pink show the gratitude, white symbolizes purity, yellow is the symbol of celebration and joy



Signs of peony represents success, happiness and wealth,



Lily is one of the world's earliest angiosperms, the biological literature display has 100000000 5 ten million years of history, ancient Egypt, ancient India culture can be seen Lily plays role in the people's live


Lily has a special fragrance, so it has been in religion regarded as the symbol of the Holy



Lotus blossom time can be divided into two categories, with open water lily blossom day, early in the morning, afternoon and night shut; open water lily open at night, till the next morning shut


The lotus flower is pure, facing the vitality, throwing to apathy


Lily is also one of Thailand, Egypt, Bangladesh's national flower;



Jasmine in Philippines people's heart is a symbol of purity, passion, is to spend the love and friendship


In international exchanges, the long jasmine wreath on the guest on the neck down to the chest, show respect and friendship


White jasmine flowers represent love warm


Zi Moli represents the mature beauty, timid and conjecture


The jasmine flower is be courteous and accessible to Western Europe


Jasmine flowers represent pure and sincere in love, without false composition, said loyalty and respect


上海介绍 上海,位于东海之滨,长江出海口处,是中国最大的城市,也是中国对外改革开放的一个窗口。 上海是一个不断发展日渐强盛的城市,是我国最大的商业、金融中心,也是西太平洋地区重要的国际港口城市。其内外联系广泛,交通、通讯比较发达,正在吸引着越来越多注意的目光。 上海是位于长江三角洲冲积平原,因吴淞江支流上海浦而得名。春秋时属吴,战国时当地渔民创造了捕鱼工具“扈”,称这一带为沪渎,东晋时在此筑沪渎垒以防海盗,故上海简称“沪”。上海是中国的历史文化名城,被誉为“江海之通津,东南之都会”。“两千年历史看西安,一千年历史看北京,一百年历史看上海”,上海是近现代中国的“缩影”,拥有厚重的历史底蕴。作为党的诞生地,更为这座城市增添了一份独特的光彩。这里荟萃了多少风云人物,孙中山、宋庆龄、毛泽东、周恩来、鲁迅、李鸿章、蒋介石、宋子文等许多名流的足迹散落在上海各处的不同住宅建筑里,蕴含着一段段耐人寻味的往事。 上海有一种任何城市都无法比拟的气质,就是她的"洋气"。1843年上海开埠,形成了她五方杂处、中西交融的文化特色。上海的新兴的金融证券、期货交易、外汇和技术等全国性市场的建立,确立了上海作为全国资源配置中心的地位,同时也加快了上海经济与国际接轨的步伐。2001年10月,APEC会议在上海举行,上海作为新世纪国际经济、金融、贸易中心之一的地位已初步确立! 今日的上海,是一座极具现代化而又不失中国传统特色的海派文化都市。繁华的大上海处处显现着她的独特魅力,令人着迷——外滩老式的西洋建筑与浦东现代的摩天大厦交相辉映;徐家汇大教堂圣诗声声,玉佛寺香烟袅袅;过街楼下的麻将老人,弄堂里的足球少年;群众剧场的沪剧、滑稽戏,大剧院的交响乐、芭蕾舞;老饭店的本帮佳肴,杏花楼的广式粤茶,云南路的各地小吃,红房子的法国大菜,小绍兴的三黄鸡,美国的肯德基;上海老街的茶馆,衡山路的酒吧,中西合璧,新欢旧爱,各有各的精彩。夜幕降临,霓虹闪耀,夜上海粉墨登场,和平饭店的爵士乐,豫园的丝竹音乐,让人追忆上个世纪二、三十年代老上海的旧梦,而现代迪斯科的节奏,遍地开花的网吧,又把人带回了21世纪的现代文明…… 迈入21世纪的上海,繁荣与开放在这里播种,东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦、上海国际会议中心、浦东国际机场,无一不描绘着国际大都市的开阔前景,21世纪的上海,光荣与梦想在这里汇合,上海博物馆、上海大剧院、城市规划馆,无一不张扬着国际化大都市的广博情怀。新世纪的上海是现代化、国际化、时尚化的标本,她将热情地欢迎着世界各国朋友们的到来! 上海市概况 简称:沪 区号:021 邮编:200000


场景对话内容 ABCDE:Goodafternoon(morning),everybody!: Youknow,theschoolwillholdanEnglishspeechactivitytointroduceacountry. 你们知道吗,学校要举行一个英语演讲活动,围绕一个国家来介绍。BCDE:Weknow.我们知道。 A:Whichcountrytointroduce介绍哪个国家好呢 B:Iknowthatthereisaverybeautifulcountry,namedAustria我知道有个很美丽的国家,叫奥地利 TheRepublicofAustriaislocatedincentralEurope.奥地利共和国位于欧洲中部。 Austrianonlyhastheareaof83,,47percentoftheareaiscoveredwithforests.奥地利只有83858平方公里的面积。然而,百分之47的面积被森林覆盖。 Austriameans“Orientalcountry”.Theshapeofthemusiccityislikeaviolin. 奥意为“东方的国家”。音乐城的形状像一把小提琴。 C:Itisreallyabeautifulcountry,ofwhichthecapitalisVienna.确实是一个美丽的国家,它的首都是维也纳 Itisaworld-renownedculturalcity.它是一座享誉世界的文化名城。 Viennahasthenameof"theDanubegoddess".Ithasbeautifulenvironment,th echarmingscenery,warmwinter,coolsummer.维也纳有“多瑙河的女神”之说。环境优美,景色迷人,冬暖夏凉。


开封市位于黄河中下游平原东部,太行山脉东南方,地处河南省中东部Kaifeng city is located in the eastern plain of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, Taihang Mountains south-east, is located in the eastern part of Henan Province东与商丘市相连,距黄海500公里,西与省会郑州毗邻,南接许昌市和周口市,北依黄河,与新乡市隔河相望East and connected Shangqiu City, 500 kilometers away from the Yellow Sea, West and adjacent to the provincial capital of Zhengzhou, south of Xuchang city and Zhoukou City, north of the Yellow River, and Xinxiang City, across the river在中国版图上处于豫东大平原的中心部位。In the center of Yudong plain in China territory. 开封属暖温带大陆性季风气候,冬季寒冷干燥,春季干旱多风沙,夏季高温多雨,秋季天高气爽,四季分明Kaifeng is a warm temperate continental monsoon climate, winter cold and dry, spring arid multi wind, high temperature and rainy in summer, autumn is cool and windy, the four seasons Can you tell me something about your hometown do What's the weather in your hometown like


院系初等教育系专业英语班级08英语姓名张萍学号06 普通话口语技艺——学科知识解说竞赛(考核)文稿 学科(领域):小学英语 年级:四年级 学期:上学期 解说人:小教英语班张萍 题目:Around the world ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around the world(英国国花rose) 作为英语的学习者,我们就应该了解英国、了解常识,今天我就来介绍一下英国国花的来历。 对于蔷薇、月季、玫瑰这三种花来说,人们总把它搞混,它们虽同科同属,但却并不完全相同,但人们似乎比较偏爱玫瑰这个词,所以把这三种花统称为玫瑰了。 在英国及欧美许多国家,都把玫瑰(月季)定为国花,以表示亲爱,又因茎上有刺,表示严肃。基督教中,相传耶稣被出卖后,被钉在十字架上,鲜血滴在泥土中,十字架下便生长出玫瑰花。 英国以玫瑰花作为国花,是有历史因素的。十五世纪时,整整打了30年的玫瑰战争,这场战争使英国的封建制度完全崩溃,代之而崛起君王立宪制王朝。这个王朝由于领导上的开明作风,给英国带来经济和文化各方面的兴盛。 在这战争中,双方分别以红、白玫瑰作为标帜。英国人为了纪念这个事迹,就以玫瑰作为国花了。玫瑰色泽艳丽,一年四季都会开花。象征高贵与恒久,所以,英国人又把它当作皇室的徽帜。 而如今到英国去欣赏玫瑰也是很不错的一个选择,玛丽皇后玫瑰园拥有400多个名贵的玫瑰品种,展示出各种玫瑰,吸引了世界各国的爱好者。


中国魅力城市英文简介 Beijing If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t’ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it’s taking the r est of China with it. The spinsterish Beijing of old is having a facelift and the cityscape is changing daily. Within the city, however, you’ll still find some of China’s most stunning sights: the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven Park, the Lama Temple and the Great Wall, to name just a few. Hong Kong Hong Kong has the big city specials like smog, odour, 14 million elbows and an insane love of clatter. But it’s also efficient, hushed and peaceful: the transport network is excellent, the shopping centres are sublime, and the temples and quiet corners of parks are contemplative oases. Hong Kong has enough towering urbanity, electric streetscapes, enigmatic temples, mercial fervour and cultural idiosyncrasies to utterly swamp the senses of a visitor, and enough spontaneous, unexpected possibilities to make a plete mockery of any attempt at a strictly organised itinerary. Macau Macau may be firmly back in China’s orbit, but the Portuguese patina on this Sino-Lusitanian Las Vegas makes it a most unusual Asian destination. It has always been overshadowed by its glitzy near-neighbour Hong Kong - which is precisely why it’s so attractive. Macau’s dual cultural heritage is a boon for travellers, who can take their pick from traditional Chinese temples, a spectacular ruined cathedral, pastel villas, old forts and islands that once harboured pirates. A slew of musuems will tell you how it all came about. Shanghai Although the lights have been out for quite some time, Shanghai once


* 世界各国的国花 editor: MAO music: Chen Yin 选美国电影黄昏恋插曲中国国花――牡丹 & 梅花(未定)邀勒春风不早开,众芳飘后上楼台。数苞仙艳火中出,一片异香天上来。……已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。俄罗斯、秘鲁国花――向日葵前苏联人民热爱向日葵,并将它定为国花, 现在俄罗斯把国花仍定为向日葵。“更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾。”向日葵乃是向往光明之花,给人带来美好希望之花;同时它全身是宝,把自己无私地奉献给人类。美国、卢森堡、保加利亚国花――山植花玫瑰美国国花经百年争论,于1986年9月23日国会众议院通过玫瑰为国花。他们认为玫瑰是爱情、和平、友谊、勇气和献身精神的化身。美国人还认为红色月季花象征爱、爱情和勇气。淡粉色传递赞同或赞美的信息,粉色代表忧雅和高贵的风度,深粉色表示感谢,白色象征纯洁,黄色象征喜庆和快乐。英国国花――玫瑰英国及欧美许多国家,都把玫瑰(月季)定为国花,以表示相亲相爱;又因茎上有刺,又表示严肃。在基督教中,相传耶稣被出卖后被钉在十字架上,鲜血滴在泥土中,十字架下便生长出红玫瑰。红玫瑰象征着爱情,这是世界通用的花语。相传爱神为了救她的情人而跑得太匆忙,玫瑰的刺划破了她的手脚,鲜血染红了玫瑰花,红玫瑰因此成了爱情的信物。法国国花――鸢尾鸢尾是一种草本开花植物。它的花由6个花瓣状的叶片构成包膜,3个或6个雄蕊和由花蒂包着的子房组成。鸢尾花呈蓝紫色,在五月鸢尾花开的季节,

可以看见一只只蓝色蝴蝶飞舞于绿叶之间,仿佛要将春的消息传到远方去。 法国人视鸢尾花为国花,它是光明和自由的象征。相传法兰西王国第一个王朝的国王克洛维在受洗礼时,上帝送给他一件礼物,就是鸢尾。德国国花――矢车菊普鲁士皇帝威廉一世的母亲路易斯王后,在一次内战中被迫离开柏林。逃难途中车子坏了,她和两个孩子停在路边等待之时,发现路边盛开着蓝色的矢车菊,她就用这种花编成花环,戴在九岁的威廉胸前。后来威廉一世加冕成了德意志皇帝,仍然十分喜爱矢车菊,认为它是吉祥之花。矢车菊也启示人们小心谨慎与虚心学习。意大利国花――雏菊雏菊又名延命菊,是菊科多年生草本植物,原产欧洲。雏菊密集矮生,颜色碧翠,它的叶为匙形丛生呈莲座状。从叶间抽出花葶,一葶一花,错落排列,外观古朴,花朵娇小玲珑,色彩和谐。早春开花,生气盎然,具有君子的风度和天真烂漫的风采,深得意大利人的喜爱,因而把它推举为国花。荷兰、土耳其、匈牙利国花――郁金香在荷兰,郁金香是美好、庄严、华贵和成功的象征,郁金香为热爱它的人们带来了多姿多彩的幸福生活。虽说荷兰的郁金香誉满全球,其实郁金香的故土在土耳其,土耳其人更钟爱郁金香,郁金香成为土耳其的国花比荷兰还早。郁金香的生物学名是 Tulipa,来自土耳其语TUber1d,含义是郁金香花象包着头巾的伊斯兰少女一样美丽。西班牙国花――石榴在西班牙的国徽上有一个红色的石榴,正是西班牙的国花。在西班牙50万平方公里的土地上,不论高原山地、


Taiyuan has a complete urban road system.The length of the urban road is 1268 kilometers .the road surface 16.41 million square meters and the average acreage of road per person is 6. 68 square meters. 太原拥有完备的城市道路系统。城市道路长度1 268公里,面积1 641万平方米,人均6. 68平方米。 Taiyuan's city infrastructure consummates day by day. Electricity for the daily use of the inhabitants of both the city and countryside is sufficient;the productivity of gas per day is 860 000 cubic meters;the length of gas pipes is ! 475 kilometers.Taiyuan has 29 parks. The length of streets where trees are planted is 615.5 kilometers,and the afforestation area of the city is 5 968 hectares. 太原的城市基础设施日趋完善。城乡居民生活用电充足,煤气日生产能力为86万立方米,煤气管道长度1 475公里。太原拥有公园29个,道路植树长度615.5公里,城市绿化面积5 968公顷。 In recent years,foreign trade of Taiyuan area has developed rapidly,and the scales of opening to foreign countries and exchanges have been expanding. The investment environment of the city has been further improved,bringing about remarkable achievement in attracting foreign capital. 近年来,太原地区对外贸易发展迅速,对外开放和对外交流继续扩大。投资环境进一步改善,引进外资成效显著。 As one of the traffic and transportation hinges in North China,Taiyuan Airport has opened over 50 international and domestic airlines to the large and medium cities of the country and Hong Kong as well at present. Besides,railways and highways extend in all directions,making a criss-crossed network. 作为华北地区的交通枢纽之一,太原机场目前已开通国际国内航线50余条,飞往全国及香港等大中城市和地区。铁路、公路四通八达,纵横交错。 更多英语学习:企业英语https://www.360docs.net/doc/fe10998986.html,/


场景对话内容 ABCDE : Goodafternoon (morning ) ,everybody!lamA.IamB」amC.IamD」amE. A: Youknow, ?theschoolwillhold ?anEnglishspeech ?activitytointroducea ?co un try?.你们知道吗,学校要举行一个英语演讲活动,围绕一个国家来介 绍。 BCDE : Weknow.我们知道。 A: Which ?countrytointroduce 介绍哪个国家好呢? B: Iknowthatthereis ?averybeautifulcountry,named ?Austria我知道有个很美丽的国家,叫奥地利 奥地利共和国位于欧洲中TheRepublicofAustriaislocated incen tralEurope. 部。 Austria nonl yhastheareaof83,858squarekilometers.However,47perce ntoft heareaiscoveredwithforests.奥地利只有83858平方公里的面积。然而,百分之47的面积被森林覆盖。 Austriameans “Orientalcountry ” .Theshapeofthemusiccityislikeaviolin. 奥意为东方的国家”。音乐城的形状像一把小提琴。 C: It?isreallyabeautifulcountry,ofwhichthecapitalisVienna. 确实是一个美丽的

国家,它的首都是维也纳 It?isaworld-re now nedculturalcity.它是一座享誉世界的文化名城。 Vie nn ahasthe nameof'theDa nu begoddess".lthasbeautifule nviro nmen t,th echarmingscenery,warmwinter,coolsummer. 维也纟纳有多瑙河的女神”之说。环境优美,景色迷人,冬暖夏凉。 Force nturies,musichasbee nalwaysconn ectedwithVie nna. 几个世纪以来,音乐一直都离不开维也纳,与它紧密相连。 D: ?I?wanttodancethewaltzassoonasIhearyou ?talkaboutAustria,. 听你们说起奥地利,我就想跳华尔兹了 Waltzisorigi natedi ntheAustria nfolk,whichisalsocalledro un dda nce,a namus edanee.华尔兹起源于奥地利民间,也被称为圆的舞蹈,逗舞 Nowma nypeopleloveWaltz.ltisalsoverypopulari ncampus. 现在,许多人喜爱华尔兹,在校园里也很受欢迎。 E: Doyouknowthat?thereis?thebiggestAustria'smost?beautifulholiday 大家知道奥地利有一个最大最美丽的节日吗? ABCD : Idon'tknow. E: It?isthe?Narcissus?Festival,?annually?heldinMay,? Elected?the"Narcissus?Pri ncess"?duri ngtheholidayseas onan dheld?float s,sight-see in g?parade.?


西安--丝绸之路的起点,世界历史名城,华夏精神故乡 1.简介 Xi'an, the historical city, was called Chang'an in ancient times, and is now the capital of Shaanxi province. Xi'an is situated in the center of Weihe Plain with the towering and verdant Mt. Qinling in the south, with the meandering and rolling Beishan mountain system in the north and eight rivers around it, all of which are at Guang Zhong Plain (the center of 2.标志性建筑 古城墙 The City Wall of Xi'an is one of oldest existing

Chinese city wall. It is based in Xi'an, an ancient capital of China. 钟楼 China's largest and most magnificent building, the best preserved Ming Dynasty architecture. 大雁塔 As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers miles) from the downtown of the city. Standing in the Da Ci'en Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its simple but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the


xx xx国花--xx(未定) xx国花--xxxx(xx来) xx国花--xx xx国花--樱花、菊花 xx国花--鸡蛋花 xx国花--龙船花 xx国花--素馨、睡莲 xx国花--xx xx国花--xx茉莉 xx国花--xx xx国花--xx茉莉 xx国花--荷花、菩提树 xx国花--xx xx国花--蓝花xx xx花--睡莲 斯里兰卡国花--睡莲 xx国花--xx xx国花--素馨 xx国花--大马士革月季 伊拉克国花--月季(红)

xx花--xx、百日草 也门国花--咖啡 xx国花--月季 xx国花--xx xx国花--xx、油橄榄 xx国花--xxxx xx国花--xxxx xx国花--xx白蜡 xx国花--xx xx国花--xx xx国花--向日葵 xx国花--三色堇 xx国花--椴树 xx国花--矢车菊 南斯拉夫国花--洋李、xx xx国花--天竺葵 xx国花--狗蔷薇 xx国花--玫瑰、突厥蔷薇xx国花--狗蔷薇 xx国花--白车轴草 xx国花--鸢尾

xx国花--xx xx国花--xx、xx xx国花--月季 xx国花--xx xx国花--xx xx国花--xx、薰衣草 xx国花--火绒草 xx国花--火绒草 xx国花--雏菊、月季 圣马利诺国花--仙客来xx国花--矢车菊 xx国花--油橄榄、老鼠xx xx国花--糖槭 xx国花--月季 xx国花--xx、仙人掌 xx国花--xx木棉 萨尔瓦多国花--丝兰 xx国花--xx xx国花--百合(xx黄色)xx国花--xx

xx国花--xx、百合 xx国花--愈疮木 海地国花--刺葵 xx国花--桃花心木 xx xx国花--xx、咖啡 厄瓜多尔国花--xx xx国花--xx、向日葵 xx国花--向日葵 xx国花--xx xx国花--野百合 xxxx国花--刺桐 xx国花--商陆、山楂xx xx国花--xx、桉树 xx国花--桫椤、四翅xx xx国花--xx xx xx国花--睡莲 xx国花--石榴 xx国花--素馨


世界各国国花 目录:亚洲大洋洲非洲欧洲美洲 一、亚洲各国国花 中国未定(民间有牡丹的说法) 阿富汗Triticum sativum小麦花(禾本科)。 缅甸Ixora coccinea龙船花(茜草科)。 柬埔寨Oryza sativa稻花(禾本科)。 印度Nelumbo nucifera莲花(睡莲科)菩提树。 印度尼西亚Jasminum gracillimum马拉丁素馨(木犀科)西谷米(硕莪)。 伊朗Rosa sp黄色蔓蔷薇(蔷薇科)郁金香。 伊拉克Rosa sp红玫瑰(蔷薇科)枣椰子。 以色列Olea europaea油橄榄(木犀科)。 日本Prunus jamasakura樱花(蔷薇科)。菊花(菊科) 韩国、朝鲜Hibiscus syriacus木槿花(锦葵科)。 老挝Plumeria sp塔树花(夹竹桃科)菩提树。 黎巴嫩Cedrus Iibam黎巴嫩雪松(松科)。 马来西亚Hibiscus rosa-sinensis朱槿(锦葵科)椰子。 孟加拉Platanus sp.悬铃木(悬铃木科)黄麻。 尼泊尔Rhododendron arboreum喜马拉雅山杜鹃(杜鹃科)莲花。 巴基斯坦Jasminum sambac茉莉(木犀科)玫瑰。 菲律宾Jasminum sambac茉莉(木犀科)兰花、西谷米。 沙特阿拉伯Rosa sp.乌丹玫瑰(蔷薇科)海枣树、素方花。 斯里兰卡Nelumbo nucifera莲花(睡莲科)大棕榈、石斛。 叙利亚Anemone coronaria五叶银莲花(毛莨科)杏花。 泰国Oryza sativa稻花(禾本科)柑桔、莲花、茉莉。 土耳其Tulipa sp.郁金香(百合科)玫瑰。 也门Coffea arbica咖啡(茜草科)。 新加坡Rislya sp.万代兰(兰科)。 阿拉伯联合酉长国Tagetes patula孔雀草(菊科)百日草、西番菊、红黄草。编辑本段大洋洲 澳大利亚Acacia farnesiana金合欢(含羞草科)蓝桉 二、大洋洲各国国花 新西兰Cyathea dealbata银白树蕨(蕨科)四翅槐、贝壳杉 斐济Broussonetia PaPyrifera扶桑(锦葵科) 编辑本段非洲 刚果Enpandrophragma sp.香桃花心木(楝科)猴面包树 三、非洲各国国花 埃及Nymphaea caerulea睡莲(睡莲科)草棉 埃塞俄比亚Zantedeschia aethiopica马蹄莲(天南星科)咖啡 加蓬Spathodea campanulata苞萼木(紫葳科) 加纳Phoenix dactylifera海枣(棕榈科)可可、非洲鹅掌楸 利比亚Punica granatum石榴(安石榴科) 利比里亚Piper nigrum胡椒(胡椒科)油椰、香草果 马达加斯加Ravenalamadagascariensis旅人蕉(旅人蕉科) 摩洛哥Qeurcus suber栓皮储(壳斗科)


英语高考满分作文介绍一座城市中英文互译 【 - 高考英语作文】 Our city is a new and developing city, and was builtat the beginning of 1980s. The infrastructure for water, gas, electricity and other energy in thisarea is complete and sufficient. From here one can travel to any place by sea, by air or by land.And there is a highway leading to the capital, Beijing. Besides there are many other advantagesfor the investors to work here. For example, the areas around this city are rich in naturalresources. The public order is very nice and so on. The most impor ant. thing is that thegovernment of this city supports foreign investors in many respects. In a sentence, this city isfilled with enthusiasm and vigor. It is a good place for investors. 我们的城市是一座新兴的发展中城市,始建于20世纪80年代。这个地区的基础设施(如水、气、电和其它能源)齐全并且充足。这里的海陆空交通便利,又有一条高速公路通往首都北京。除此之外,投资者在这里工作还有许多其他优势,例如,城市周围地区的自然资源丰富,公共秩序良好等等。最重要的是这个城市的政府多方面支持外国投资者。总而言之,这个城市充满激情和活力,是投资者的乐园。


城市介绍英文版 Seattle is located between an inlet of the Pacific Ocean to the west called Puget Sound and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliott Bay, is an inlet of the Sound. West beyond the Sound are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; east beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's waters flow out through the Lake Washington Ship canal, a series of two man-made canals and Lake Union, to the Hiram C. Chittenden Locks at Salmon Bay, to Shilshole Bay, which is part of Puget Sound. The sea, rivers, forests, lakes, and fields were once rich enough to support one of the world's few sedentary hunter-gatherer societies. Areas lending themselves well to sailing, skiing, bicycling, camping, and hiking may be reached almost year-round.[ 西雅图(Seattle)是美国太平洋西北地区的最大城市,它位于华盛顿州普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间的国王县,距离加美边境约154公里。西雅图建于1869年,是美国太平洋西北部商业,文化和高科技的中心,也是贯穿太平洋及欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛的主要旅游及贸易港口城市。大西雅图地区常年被青山绿水环绕,而远处,就是美国最高的火山——雷尼尔山


世界各国国花 亚洲、 1、中国国花--牡丹(未定) 2、朝鲜国花--朝鲜杜鹃(金达来) 3、韩国国花--木槿 4、日本国花--樱花、菊花 5、老挝国花--鸡蛋花(又名塔树花) 6、缅甸国花--龙船花 7、泰国国花--素馨、金莲花8、马来西亚国花--扶桑 9、印度尼西亚国花--毛茉莉 10、新加坡国花--万带兰11、菲律宾国花--毛茉莉 12、印度国花--荷花、菩提树 13、尼泊尔国花--杜鹃花14、不丹国花--蓝花绿绒蒿15、孟加拉国花--睡莲 16、斯里兰卡国花--睡莲17、阿富汁国花--郁金香小麦花18、巴基斯坦国花--素馨 19、伊朗国花--马士革月季20、伊拉克国花--月季(红) 21、土耳其国花--郁金香 22、也门国花--咖啡23、叙利亚国花--月季 24、黎巴嫩国花--雪松 25、巴林国花--杜鹃花26、柬埔寨国花--水仙槟榔27、文莱国花--康定杜鹃 28、越南国花--莲花(木棉)29、沙特阿拉伯国花--乌丹玫瑰30、哈萨克斯坦国花--郁金香

31、马尔代夫国花--粉色玫瑰32、以色列国国花--银莲花、油橄榄33、锡金国花--素方花 34、阿拉伯联合酋长国花--百日草孔雀草(又名小万寿菊、)(以下16国还没有确定国花。) 35、约旦36、亚美尼亚37、哈萨克斯坦38、科威特39、阿塞拜疆 40、蒙古41、塞浦路斯42、阿曼 43、卡塔尔44、格鲁吉亚 45、吉尔吉斯坦46、塔吉克斯坦47、土库曼斯坦48、乌兹别克斯坦49、巴勒斯坦 50、东帝汶(待续欧洲) (请看首页图片播放器,共29张照片。若被更新可去图片栏看专辑。) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 欧洲 1、挪威国花--欧石楠 2、瑞典国花--铃兰 3、芬兰国花--铃兰 4、丹麦国花--木春菊 5、俄罗斯国花--向日葵 6、波兰国花--三色堇 7、捷克斯洛伐克国花--椴树8、德国国花--矢车菊 9、南斯拉夫国花--桃花、铃兰 10、匈牙利国花--天竺葵11、11罗马尼亚国花--玫瑰

各国国花(the national flower)

各国国花(the national flower) 各国国花(the national flower) They put the cherry blossoms as a symbol of diligence, bravery and wisdom. Japan has "Cherry seven" saying, is that a very short flowering period. So the Japanese family is generally not a cherry blossom, think of the family is not the continuation of the prosperity. Holland - - Tulip Holland, the European garden, flowers of the country, brought in Holland, can not but say its flower - tulip. Holland tulip history began, a man named J Lucius horticulturist. In sixteenth Century, the Vienna royal garden gardener J Lucius, from Austria to Turkey in the embassies are native to Asia, beautiful tulips, and with tulip arrived in Holland, the flower quickly throughout Holland, once a tulip mania. At first, the tulip value increases exponentially, many people crazy tulips, even someone with a garden villa in exchange for a precious varieties. By 1637, the tulip prices, the market crisis, for the government to rectify, returned to normal. Now the Holland tulip is one of the main export commodities. In Holland, the tulip is a symbol of beauty, solemn, luxurious and successful. Although the Holland tulip world famous, in fact, the tulip homeland in Turkey. The Turks prefer tulips. The tulip biological name is Tulipa, from Turkish TUber1d, meaning the tulip flowers like turbaned Islamic girl so beautiful. The tulip as the flower of Turkey earlier than Holland. Tulip brings colorful happy life for the


Guangzhou is located in the center of Guangdong province. She is not only the capital of Guangdong, but also the central city with strong attraction and influence in South China. She has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 2 county-grade cities. They are Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Baiyun, Huangpu, Huadu, Panyu, Luogang, Nansha Districts, and Conghua, Zengcheng Cities. Guangzhou covers an area of 7434.4 km2 and has a total population of some 10,000,000. Affected by the subtropical marine monsoon climate, Guangzhou is green and has flowers all the year around, and is known as “the Flower City”. Guangzhou is one of the first 24 national historic cultural cities of China. She has a history of over 2200 years, and is the cradle of the South Five Ridge Culture. There is a folklore about Guangzhou’s another name, “Goat City” and “Spike City”. Long long ago, five immortals, riding five goats holding spikes in their mouth, arrived in Guangzhou and presented the spikes to the people. They also wished the people no more famine. And then the five goats became five goat-shaped stones. Guangzhou was known as one of the starts of the ancient Marine Silk Road of China and one of the sources of modern China revolution. Now she has become the frontline of the reform and opening-up of China. She has been making brilliant achievements in developing economy and improving urban aspects. Guangzhou, one of the important ports of foreign trade and financial centers, has become the focus of foreign
