








(2018白银)Everyone knows that Sandy can draw___________than any other student in our school.

A. good



D. best


【解析】根据句意可知此题考查副词的比较级结构表最高级意思,即better than any other student,故此题应选C。


()1. (2018淮安)Tomorrow is our teacher's birthday and we are going to give ________ a big surprise.

A. his

B. him

C. he

D. himself

()2. (2018荆门)—Do you know who taught ________ French?

—Nobody. He learned it by________.

A. his; himself

B. him; him

C. him; himself

D. his; him

()3. (2018北京)My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I'll meet ________ at the airport.

A. her

B. you

C. him

D. them

()4. (2018南宁)She is my friend.________ name is Betty.

A. Its

B. His

C. Her

D. My


所谓关键词(key word),就是指在题目中可以对判定答案起至关重要作用的词。只要找到题目中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口。

【例题展示】(2018天津)There are few new types of MP4 for us to choose in this department store,________?

A.are they B.aren't they C.are there D. aren't there


【解析】本题中few与there are结构是起关键词作用的。在英语中hardly, seldom, rarely,little,few等是经常用在陈述句中表达否定的意义,其反意疑问句用肯定形式;而there be句式的反意疑问结构也只能用其的疑问结构,因此本题正确答案为C。


( )1. (2018?上海中考40.)The debate on whether to keep pets_____forty minutes yesterday afternoon.



C.will last

D.ha s lasted

( )2. (2018·襄阳38.)The second C919 large passenger plane _______its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on December 17th, 2017.

A. completes

B. completed

C. has completed

D. was c ompleting

( )3.(2018·桂林35.)Tony ______ table tennis every day.

A. doesn’t play

B. doesn’t plays

C. don’t play




(2018辽宁)Tom very soon decided____________.

A. what he would do next

B. when would he leave

C. how would he spend the holiday

D. where would he live




()1. (2018重庆B卷)Taiji is my favourite and I often play it ________ healthy.

A. to keep

B. keeps

C. keeping

D. kept

()2. (2018河南)The boss asked Tim to go and ________ out if there was anyone else absent.

A. find

B. finding

C. to find

D. found

()3. (2018广东)Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting ________ an Oscar and finally he made it.

A. to win

B. winning

C. not to win

D. not winning

()4. (2018南京)—Have you read the book Jane Eyre?

—Yes. It's a famous book and really worth ________.

A. to read

B. reading

C. to be read

D. read




(2018南昌)--We are going to fly kites in the park this afternoon.Would you like to join us, Tony?

--____________ . I'm going to visit my grandparents.

A.I think so

B.I'd like to

C. No, thanks

D. My pleasure


【解析】本题主要考查would you like to do这个句型的肯定回答和否定回答格式,同时要求根据上下文来表达正确意思,A.B.D三者都表肯定,但与后面的回答意思相左,对别人的邀请,如果表示不接受时,应委婉说出,不能断然拒绝。因此应该选C。本题也适合类推法。


( )1. (2018·新疆27.) Both Mike and I _______ ready for the new high school life.

A. be

B. am

C. is.

D. are

( )2. (2018·达州30.)—Have you watched the TV pla y “In the Name of People”(人民的名义)?

—It’s the most popular play ______ our Party’s trying to struggle against corruption(反对腐败).

A.where show

B.which show

C.that shows

D.who shows



【例题展示】(2018安徽)It's not safe for teenagers to give out too much_____ about themselves on the Internet.

A.information B.questions C.ideas D. knowledge


【解析】从题干提供的too much可以明确空格内需要的是不可数名词,因此B、C两个干扰项可以马上排除。再从句意分析,本题所需的不是知识,而是information,所以A就是正确答案。


()1. (2018德阳)________ useful dictionary it is! It's very helpful for English study.

A. What a

B. What an

C. How a

D. How

()2. (2018滨州)—Jane won the first prize in the English speech contest.

— ________ big progress she has made! She used to be weak in English.

A. How

B. How a

C. What

D. What a

()3. (2018宜昌)—The firemen did all their best to put out the fire.

—________ excellent firemen!

A. What

B. What an

C. How an

D. How







首先要默读试题中的英语句子,了解空格在句中所处的位置,句子缺少什么成分,初步确定一个答案的范围。根据备选答案两者结合起来就会大致明白考查什么。中考题大多灵活多样,是对学生分析题目的能力的检验,所以要认真思考提供的全部信息,避免误人陷阱。【典例】My father is____________ university teacher. He always works very hard.

A.a B.an C.the D./





【典例】Tom will sell___________ stamps to help the poor children in the west of China.

A. thousand of

B. two thousand of

C. two thousand

D. two thousands 【答案】C

【解析】数词hundred, thousand和million的用法是在单数形式前加基数词表示具体的量,也可以在其复数形式后加-of表模糊概念。



【典例】Would you mind my bike while I go into the shop? The underlined word means___________.

A. remember

B. take care of

C. hate

D. worry about





【典例】--I can't do the homework myself. It's too difficult.--____________.

A. You can copy mine if you like.

B. Don't do it yourself.

C.Ask others for the right answers.

D. Don't worry. I'll help you later.




()1. Our English teacher asked us to write ______ 80-word passage yesterday afternoon.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

()2. A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan ______ May 12, 2008.

A) / B) in C) at D) on

()3. About ______ students in this college will be the volunteers of the World Expo.

A) three hundred B) hundred C) hundreds of D) hundreds

()4. Nowadays people usually get ______ information from TV, newspaper and the Internet.

A) quite a few B) a number of C) a lot of D) a pair of

()5. There are two English books on the desk, but ______ of them is mine.

A) both B) neither C) all D) none

()6. –Jack, how are you feeling today?

-- Much ______. I think I can go to school tomorrow.

A) good B) better C) well D) best

()7. My sister Mary swims faster than ______ student in her class.

A) any B) any of C) any one D) any other

()8. ______ you have been to America for many times, you must know something about this country.

A) Since B) Although C) Unless D) When

()9. We’re going to Heping Cinema. You can come with us, ______ you can meet us there later.

A) and B) but C) or D) so

()10. Miss Wang asked me ______ I was busy with the test those days.

A) that B) if C) when D) what

()11. I am very hungry now. Mum, ______ will the meal be ready?

A) how soon B) how far C) who D) which

()12. Simon, you ______ do your homework today. Leave it for tomorrow.

A) needn’t to B) not need to C) don’t need D) don’t need to ()13. ______ interesting the film we saw last night is!

A) How B) What C) What a D) What an

()14. Don’t play football near the river. Why not ______ it on the playground?

A) plays B) playing C) to play D) play

()15. Nowadays it is convenient for us ______ many things on-line.

A) buy B) buying C) to buy D) buys

()16. My friends ______ some foreigners around the Century Park this time yesterday.

A) is showing B) are showing C) was showing D) were showing ()17. Mr. Ken ______ more than sixty Chinese paintings since he came to Shanghai five years ago.

A) collects B) collected C) has collected D) will collect ()18. –Where is your uncle?

-- He ______ to Hong Kong. He will come back in two weeks.

A) has been B) had been C) has gone D) went

()19. Sometimes the lion ______ “the king of the jungle(森林)” because it is very strong and


A) is called B) called C) are called D) calls

()20. Peter was here just now. Perhaps he is in the teachers’ office. The underlined part means ______.

A) in time B) a short while ago C) just then D) at the same time

()21. These days many young people are keen on Korean love TV series(韩剧). The underlined part means ______.

A) dislike B) turn to C) are proud of D) are fond of ()22. Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. The plane will ______ in ten minutes.

A) take off B) take up C) set out D) set up

()23. Yang Liwei ______ about 21 hours travelling around the earth 14 times in the spaceship.

A) took B) spent C) paid D) cost

()24. Could you tell me when ______?

A) will the scientist arrive B) the scientist would arrive

C) the scientist will arrive D) would the scientist arrive

()25. – Bill fell down from the motorcycle and hurt his leg.

– ______.

A) That’s not too bad.B) I’m sorry to hear that.

C) He should be careful. D) Really? He is too careless.

()26. –Excuse me, you’re in the way.

–I’m sorry I can’t hear you clearly. Would you pl ease pardon?

– ______.

A) That’s all right.B) OK. I’ll say it once more.

C) I’m sorry. Please go ahead.D) Excuse me, you’re in the way.

()27. Look! _______ boy in white is one of my cousins. He is so lovely.

A) A B) a C) The D) /

()28. The accident happened _______ the first Sunday in February and seven people died.

A) at B) on C) in D) to

()29. Shanghai is really a nice city. We want to stay for _______ two weeks.

A) another B) other C) the other D) other’s

()30. It smells so _______. Look, the room is on fire.

A) well B) terrible C) badly D) nice




中考材料作文题目精选 以下是一些各地的中考材料作文精选,欢迎大家参考! 【?河北省仙桃等市】 三、写作(50分) 25.请以“在春光里奔跑”为题写一篇作文。 要求:文体不限;不少于600字(若写诗歌,不少于20行);文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;不得抄袭。 【?浙江省湖州市】 四、写作(50分) 21.根据要求作文。 你认真地望过一朵云吗?认真地唱过一首歌吗?认真地品过一句话吗?认真地爱过一个人吗?认真地追过一个梦吗?……认真是一种态度,认真地去做每一件事吧! 请以“认真”为题目,写一篇文章。 要求: (1)文体不限。 (2)字数不少于600字(如写成诗歌,则要求不少于l6行)。 (3)错别字满三个扣1分,不满三个不扣分,重复错误不扣分,2分扣完为止。 (4)标点使用错三处扣l分,不满三处不扣分,2分扣完为止。 1 / 14

(5)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?湖北省黄冈市】 五、写作展示(50分) 35.从下面两题中任选一题,按要求完成任务。 题一:温暖 要求:①结合个人生活经历,选取真实的生活片段,写一篇600字以上的记叙文;②文章叙事清楚,结构完整,内容充实;③恰当运用描写、抒情等表达方式,写出真情实感;④作文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名。 【?湖北省黄石市】 26.作文(50分) 请以“读你”为题写一篇600字左右的记叙文。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?山东省济宁市】 四、写作(共40分) 19.成长是一个漫长的过程,在成长的过程中有烦恼也有快乐。请以“成长的快乐”为题目,写一篇不少于600字的文章。要写出真情实感,在内容和表达上有创意者,可获得1—5分的加分。 【?湖北省荆门市】 六、作文(50分) 25.请以“那不一样的美丽”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙2 / 14


初中英语中考单项选择题专项训练250题(附答案) ( ) is ____used and ______ people are interested in it. A wide, many more B. widely, a lot more C. wide, more D. widely, much more ( )2、---- What would you like to drink ---- It doesn’t matter. ________ will do . A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything ( )3、This question is very difficult . _______ people can understand it. A. Little B. A few C. Few D. A little ( )4.、After entering the WTO, _______ foreigners will come to our country for business. A. some B. fewer C. all D. more ( )5、---- The exam was very easy, wasn’t it ---- Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it. A. somebody B. any body C. nobody D. everybody ( )6、The population of Shanghai is larger than __________ of Hangzhou. A. one B. it C. what D. that ( )7、There is only _______ walk from my home to school. A. five minutes B. five minutes’ C. five minute D. fifth minute’s ( )8、Wang Qiang is a _________ boy. A. five-year-old B. five year old C. five-years-old D. five years old ( )9、The boy was born______ the night of May 20,1999. A. at B. on C. in D. doing ( )10、I’ve been here ___ 3 o’clock. That means I have stayed here ___ an hour and a half. A. at ;since B. at; for C. since; for D. since; since ( )11、English is as _________ as Chinese. You should learn it well. A. important B. more important C. the most important D. much more important ( )12、We’ve never seen _________ flower before. A. such a beautiful B. such beautiful C. so a beautiful D. so beautiful ( )13、You must wear glasses. They can keep your eyes ________. A. save B. safe C. safely D. to save ( )14、Would you please speak _______ I still can’t follow you. A. slow B. much slow C. much slowly D. more slowly ( )15、---- What was the weather like yesterday ---- It was terrible. It rained _______. People could _______ go out. A. hard; hard B. hardly; hard C. hardly; hardly D. hard; hardly ( )16. There are few _______ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs ( )17. This room is __________. A. B ill and David’s B. Bill’s and David’s C. Bills and David’s D. Bill and David

中考英语单项选择题 部分知识点讲解

中考英语单项选择相关讲解 几组近义动词和动词词组辨析 1.几个“花费”:spend, take, pay, cost. (1)spend多用人作主语,后接金钱或时间。spend …on sth / (in)doing sth, 例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book. (2)take常用于"It takes sb. some time to do sth" 句型中,例如:It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (3)pay常与for连用,表“付给……款”。例如: I paid 15 Yuan for this new book. (4)cost常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”,例如: This new book cost me 15 Yuan. 2.几个“看”:look, see, watch, read, find (1)look 看,表动作,look at。例如:P lease don’t loo k out of the window. (2)see 看见,表结果;也可说看电影“see a film”。例如: His father saw him sitting on some eggs. (3)watch 观看比赛、演出、电视等。 (4)read读书看报等文字材料。例如:My father is reading newspaper now. 3.几个与“看”有关的词或词组:look for, find, find out, look after, take care of, look over, look forward to, (1)look for寻找,表过程;find发现,找到,表结果;find out 找出,查明。例如: I looked for my lost pen everywhere, but couldn’t find it anywhere. (2)look after, take care of 均表示“照看,照顾”。 (3)look over 检查身体等。 (4)look forward to盼望……,期待……。例如: I am looking forward to your letter. She looks forward to going to visit her grandparents in Dalian. 4.几个“说”:say, speak, talk, tell (1)say接说话的内容,作及物动词。say sth to sb. 对某人说某事。例如: Did you say goodbye to your granny? (2)speak常指能说某种语言,打电话时常用它表示说话,也有“演讲”的意思,不强调说话的内容。例如: We can speak Chinese and English. May I speak to Henry? He will speak at the meeting tonight. (3)talk多是不及物动词,指交谈、谈论;做名词时有演讲、报告之意。例如: They are talking about their friends now. I will talk to your father about your health next time. Mr. Zhang is going to give us a talk at the meeting. (4)tell的意思是“告诉某人……;讲述……;吩咐某人做……”。多为及物动词,后面多接两个宾语。例如: I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back tomorrow. Granny often tells me funny stories. The policeman told us not to play football in the street again.


2010年全国各地中考语文作文题目集锦 1、北京燕山 题目:“有叫” 四年,弹指一挥间。初中生活即将你青春岁月永远的记忆。 回首走过的时光,有等待叫希望,有叫执著,有感动叫分享,有感觉叫幸福…… 你的思考和认识,在横线上填加的词语将题目补充完整, 一篇600字的文章。 2、北京怀柔 作文题:感恩 阳光,就温暖;水源,就生命;父母,就 ;亲情、友情和爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗…… 浅显的道理,人不懂。亲爱的同学们,当你们在生活中理所当然地享受着切的,你过感恩吗?你对感恩是怎么看的?请写下你那次感恩的经历和的感受,或者写下你对感恩的思考,写成一篇600字左右的文章。 要求: 1.将作文题目抄写在稿纸首行正中。 2.感情,观点,文体不限。 3.文中的校名或姓名。

3、浙江省杭州市 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。 《孤独之旅》中的少年杜小康在生活的艰难和精神的孤独中锤炼了的身心,他被“长大了,坚强了”而感动。每个人在成长的道路上,或多或少地都曾被的一份成熟、进步、一次超越……感动。被感动,是美丽的起点;被感动,是精神的升华。 请以“被感动”为题目,写一篇600字至800字的文章。立意 自定,文体自选。文中你所在学校的校名,教职工、同学和本人的姓名。 4、浙江京华 在紧张的学习环境中,保留的一份兴趣和爱好,的生活会更美好;在寻常的家庭生活中,营造温馨的,的生活会更美好;在人生的旅途中,拥有一份快乐的心情,的生活会更美好……请以“___________,让生活更美好”为题目,写一篇文章。 要求: (1)请的理解把题目补充完整,如“爱”、“阅读”、“拥有快乐”…… (2)除诗歌外,文体不限,不少于600字。 (3)文中的姓名、校名、地名。 5、浙江义乌


2016年中考英语单项选择专题练习《形容词》 1.掌握形容词在句中的位置及作用,形容词在句中可用作表语、定语、宾语补足语等; 2.掌握形容词比较级、最高级的构成及常用句型。 ( )1.(2015·南京) Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital.But after a week 's rest,she felt much and went back to schoo1. A.good B.better C.bad D.worse ( )2.(2015·凉山) —The fish tastes .We have eaten it up. —It is certain that she cooked it . A.good;well B.well;good C.well;well D.good;good ( )3.(2015·温州) A person who is does not tell lies or cheat people. A.careless B.stupid C.honest D.humorous ( )4.(2015·广州) The boy looked because he didn’t pass his maths exam. A.sad B.sadness C.saddest D.sadly ( )5.(2015·泰安) —How are you getting along with your English study? —Much better.I don 't feel it as as before. A.interesting B.much C.difficult D.easy ( )6.(2015·重庆A) He has arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. A.weakest B.weaker C.strongest D.stronger ( )7.(2015·安徽)


中考英语单项选择易错题精选 1.What do you think ______solve the problem ? A .you can do B.can you do C .you can do to D.can you do to 2 .In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. A. to cry; to cry B. cry; cry C .to cry; cry D .cry; to cry 3 .The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east. A .rises B .rose C .raises D .raised 4 .He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees. A. there B. where C .that D .which 5. He _________ Alice for ten years. A. married to B .has married to C. has married D.has been married to 6 .We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job. A .but B .except C. as well D .besides 7 .They won`t allow us ________ at this beach. A .swimming B. to swim C .swam D .swim 8 .Is this factory ______you visited last week? A. that B. where C .the one D. in which 9 .The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way. A .that; because B .why; that C. that; that D. for; that 10 .Is the river_____ through that town very large? A .which flows B. flows C. that flowing D.whose flows 11 .The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now. A .playing B. to be playing C .play D .to play 12. The red rose is the only one _____I real like. A. which B .who C .that D. whom 13 .All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs. A .those B. which C. what D. that 14 .Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League. A .when B .that C .at which D .where


中考英语单选精选300 题 1 .Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most 2. Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet. I think it?ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. More 3 ---I?m sorry to have kept you waiting long. ---Never mind. I ____ here for only a few minutes. A. have been B. have come C. have arrived D. waited 4 .The teacher told the children, “it is very important___ careful ___fire.‖ A.to be; with B. is; with C. being; with D. to be; to 5 . She saw ____ boy playing with his dog A eight-year-old B.An eight-years-old C.An eight-year-old D.A eight-years-old 6 .The story sounds___ . A.interestingly B. interesting C. interested D. Danger 7. John told me to __ the pictures __ tomorrow. A. take; here B. bring; there C. taking; there D. bring; here 8. There __ a lot of __ in the kitchen and it was very__. A. was; smoke; hot B. were; smokes; hot C. was; smoke; hotter D. were; smoke; hotter 9. Do you __ drive on the left in England? A. have to B. must C. should D. May 10. It is very hot today, please keep the window__. A. opening B. open C. opens D. to open 11. --May I play with my dog? --I am afraid not. You can’t play with it __ you finish your homework A.when B. until C.after D. Because 12. I am afraid I won’t __ finish reading the book in two days A. can B. could C. be able to D. May 13. They have ___. A. enough food to eat B. food enough eat C. enough food eating D. food enough eating


2008年全国中考作文题目汇总大全 1.2008年山东威海中考作文试题: 半命题作文:___________的肩膀 2.2008年广州中考作文试题: 阅读下面文字,按要求作文。 春回大地,原野上、道路旁、房前屋后,那一棵棵、一排排的树,高的、矮的、直的、弯的、立的、倒的……无论是被凛冽寒风刮得一叶不剩的秃枝,还是依然挂着绿叶的繁枝,都又悄悄地吐出了新芽,嫩嫩的,翠翠的,或浅黄,或浅绿,或微微露出点粉色…… 请以“又见枝头吐新芽”为标题写一篇文章。要求:1、体裁不限(诗歌除外);2、不少于600字。 3. 2008年福建中考作文试题: 选题作文(二选一):一、以“滴水之恩”为话题写一篇记叙文。二、以“做一个有责任心的人”写一篇议论文。 4. 2008年温州中考作文试题:命题作文:下雨天真好 5.2008年浙江金华中考作文试题: 一颗雄心,是高飞的翅膀;一颗爱心,是挡风的屏障。坚强的心能高过大山,纯洁的心能宽过海洋。感恩之心可以获取真情,宽容之心可以赢得尊敬,奉献之心可以温暖人间。一颗心,是一束光;万众一心能把整个世界照亮…… 请以“心”为话题,写一篇作文。 要求:⑴题目自拟,文体不限;⑵字数不少于600;⑶文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名、地名。 6. 2008年湖州中考作文试题:命题作文:再小的力量也是支持 7. 2008年淄博中考作文试题:半命题作文:___________其实很快乐 8. 2008年临沂中考作文试题: 素质教育要求提升人们的综合素质,我们不能只从课本上、课堂上学知识,而应该从生活中、社会中广泛的学习知识,应该思考学什么,怎么学的问题。 陶行知在创办晓庄师范学院时,即提出“生活即教育,社会即教育”的观点,我们应该从社会中、生活中学习知识,从自然生活中学习(一草一木等),从社会万象(一人一事等)中学习,从人生百态(喜怒哀乐等)中学习,我们应该走近自然,师法自然;走进社会,认识社会;观察生活,感悟生活3COME文档频道。在你的成长历程中,无论是学习中,生活中还是社会中,你学习到了什么,请将题目补充完整,然后写一篇600字左右的作文。 《从__________中学习_________》 作文要求:1、不得超出所材料所提示的范围;2、叙真事,说真话,抒真情;3、不得出现与自己相关的真实的地名、校名、人名9. 2008年济宁中考作文试题: 以“成长的脚印”为话题或题目作文。 9. 2008年宁波中考作文试题: 选题作文(二选一):一、命题作文:“留在心底的风景” 二、以"致XX的一封信"为副标题写一封书信 10. 2008年枣庄中考作文试题:半命题作文:______在细微处 11. 2008年四川内江中考作文试题:命题作文:仰望蓝天 12. 2008年南通中考作文试题:命题作文:一道风景线 13. 2008年绍兴中考作文试题:写一封信,学生要给地震灾区捐款,动员父母多捐钱。 14. 2008扬州中考作文 以"回家"为话题写一篇不少于600字的作文,文体不限. 15. 2008衢州中考命题作文:我们这帮人 16. 2008年济宁中考作文题:以“成长的脚印”为话题或题目作文


中考英语100道单项选择题专题训练附答案第1部分 (D)1. He was born in Germany,but he has made China his________. A.family B.address C.house D.home (B)2. It’s cold today.Take your ________with you when you go out. A.knife B.coat C.brush D.key (C)3.—It’s useless to regret what has been done.Don’t make those mistakes again.—I won’t.That’s a(n)________ A.order B.decision C.promise D.agreement (B)4.—Kids often feel better in a happy family. —That’s true.A happy family provides a loving ________ for its children. A.expression B.environment C.encouragement D.development (C)5.—I’m so hungry now. —I think you can eat ________ and two cakes. A.two breads B.two piece of bread C.two pieces of bread D.two pieces of breads (D)6.—The best ________ to come to Yichang is spring. —I think so.The green water and green mountains are unforgettable. A.environment B.journey C.temperature D.season (C)7.Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your ________,you must keep moving. A.promise B.position C.balance D.ability (C) 8. Some old people need a ________ because they feel lonely. A.gift B.stick C.pet D.watch (C) 9.—Why do you stand a stone monkey in front of the park? —Because it’s the ________of our city.It’s said that the monkeys have ever helped us a lot.




初中英语单项选择题汇总(附答案) 第一部分初中中考英语单选题真题练习 第一章冠词 真题 1. —What would you like for afternoon tea? (09广州,16) —Tow pieces of bread and cup of coffee, please. A. an; a B. 不填; a C. at; the D. 不填; the 2. old man behind Mary is university teacher. (09广东省,29) A. An; an B. A; the C. The; a D. The; an 3. —How do you go to work? (09深圳,1) —I usually take bus. A. the; a B. /; a C. a; a D. the; / 4. After Lucy and Lily, Tony is now student to win the game in our class. (09佛山,23) A. the third B. a third C. the second 5. —Are you good at playing basketball or playing piano? (08深圳,21) —Both. A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the 6. When you make a mistake, don't always make excuse for yourself. (08佛山, 29) A. an B. the C. / 7. —Do you like a blue bike for your birthday? (07佛山,31) —But I prefer green one. A. the B. / C. a 8. He is university student and he comes from island in England. (07广东省,26) A. an; an B. an; a C. a; an D. a; a 巩固练习 1.There's 800-metre-long road behind hospital. (09甘肃兰州) A. an; an B. a; a C. an; the D. a; the 2.I really like book you lent me yesterday. (09河北) A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 3.Jimmy bought car yesterday, but it’s used one. (09山东威海) A. a; a B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an 4.What exciting news it is! Is news true? (09山东烟台) A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a 5.—I just have cup of milk for breakfast. (09四川成都) —That’s not enough. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; 不填 6.Sandy often takes her dog for walk around the lake after supper. (09江苏南京)


大家知道,现在的中考英语试题总体不难,只要不放弃英语学习的学生都可以考及格以上,但欲考接近满分却并非易事。因为为了适当拉开学生距离,命题老师往往也会出一两个所谓的压轴题,以把那些真正的英语尖子生选拔出来。有时候我们学生与重点高中失之交臂,就是失分在下面我精选的难题上。 ( ) 1. ________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. weather是不可数名词,前面不能有不定冠词。英语中经常考查的不可数名词有work, news, adivice, information等。 ( ) 2. Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 解析:选A. 此题极易误选B, C, D. 英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意 a man teacher→two men teachers。 ( ) 3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them。 A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 解析:选A. 此题容易误选B. class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择A。 ( ) 4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam。 A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 解析:选择B 此题容易误选C, D. 在英语中数词中间用连字符号加名词单数,构成符合名词,在句中只能作定语,如果选择C, 需要把逗号放s后面。 ( ) 5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table。 A. place B. room C. floor D. ground


中考作文题目集锦 1、请以“在的影响下”为题,写一篇文章,文体不限,不少于600字。 写作导引:我们每个人的成长,都会受到某些事物的影响,也许是你的父母老师,也许是你的同窗好友,也许是文学作品中一个虚构的人物形象,也许是生活中的一件小事,也许只是平平常常的一句话,也许……。只要他或她或它在你的心灵深处留下烙印,让你的思想情感发生了变化,就值得你把它记录下来,对吗? 2、著名作家王蒙曾经在他的《青春万岁序诗》中写到: “是转眼过去了的日子,也是充满遐想的日子 纷纷的心愿迷离,像春天的雨 我们有时间,有力量,有燃烧的信念 我们渴望生活,渴望在天上飞 是单纯的日子,也是多变的日子 浩大的世界,样样叫我们好惊奇 从来都兴高采烈,从来不淡漠 眼泪,欢笑,沉思,全是第一次” 请选择诗中让你感受最深的一点,写一篇文章。 要求:○1选择你最擅长的文体抒发真情实感○2不少于600字。 写作导引:青春是美好的,它拥有最多的梦想,最纯的情感,最强

烈的求知欲,最真的人生态度。在你青春的记忆中,肯定有很多让你难以忘怀的画面吧!诗歌其实给了我们很多的话题:梦想与渴望、拼搏与奋斗、体验与尝试……在欢笑和眼泪中,在成功和失败中,我们懂得了什么是珍惜,什么是成长。 3、沟通是打开心门的钥匙,沟通是增进理解的桥梁,沟通能使亲情更暖,友情更真,沟通能让你发现一个更广阔的世界。请以“沟通”为话题,写一篇文章,文体不限,不少于600字。 写作导引:在我们的生活中,沟通无处不在。当爸爸妈妈不理解你的时候;当你和好友发生误解的时候;当你和远方的笔友通信的时候;当你和网友聊天的时候…… 你最需要的就是沟通。我们每个人在学会沟通前,首先得学会尊重、学会团结、学会关爱,这样,我们的世界就会更和谐、更融洽、更美好! 3.请以《生动的一刻》写一篇600字左右的记叙文。 例1: 以“噢!原来这样”这题,写一篇文章。 注意:①表达方式不限;②不少于600字;③文中不得出现真实的校名、人名。 例2: 我们是初升的太阳;我们是风华正茂的中学生。校园里,我们生机勃勃;校园外,我们热情奔放…… 以“我们是初升的太阳”为题作文。


广东省汕尾红校中考英语模拟试题及答案三 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. We’d better get ready for the dinner now because _________ Greens are coming to visit us tonight. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. The plane will take off _________ three hours. I must get to the airport right now. A. in B. for C. on D. at ( )3. They _________ play football last Friday because Simon forgot to bring his football here. A. could B. couldn’t C. can’t D. can ( )4. You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _________ like me to cheer you up. A. no one B. none C. someone D. everyone ( )5. That film was so _________ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night. A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing ( )6. —_________ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present. —I’m glad you like it. A. What a B. What C. How a D. How ( )7. It’s said that smoking won’t be _________ in indoor public places or workplaces in China soon. A. attacked B. admired C. attracted D. allowed ( )8. A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing _________ he has a map or a guide. A. if B. because C. unless D. when ( )9. —We have finished watering all the trees, Miss Li. —_________! Boys and girls, let’s have a drink. A. Good luck B. Well done C. Good idea D. Best wishes ( )10. —The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places? —Yes. Also, we _________ to the Great Wall. A. have gone B. have been C. had gone D. had been ( )11. The Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾)is being polluted seriously. That has affected _________ several hundred kinds of sea animals there. A. at least B. at once C. at birth D. at times ( )12. Mr Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students _________ in class. A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting C. alive; interested D. lively; interested ( )13. —Jerry, do you mind my pointing out your mistakes? —_________. Your advice is of great value to me. A. Not at all B. You’d better not C. Of course D. It’s my pleasure ( )14. The girl _________ won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.


全国中考作文题目汇总大全 1.XXXX年山东威海中考作文试题:半命题作文:___________的肩膀 2.XXXX年广州中考作文试题:阅读下面文字,按要求作文。 春回大地,原野上、道路旁、房前屋后,那一棵棵、一排排的树,高的、矮的、直的、弯的、立的、倒的……无论是被凛冽寒风刮得一叶不剩的秃枝,还是依然挂着绿叶的繁枝,都又悄悄地吐出了新芽,嫩嫩的,翠翠的,或浅黄,或浅绿,或微微露出点粉色…… 请以“又见枝头吐新芽”为标题写一篇文章。要求:1、体裁不限(诗歌除外);2、不少于600字。 3. XXXX年福建中考作文试题:选题作文(二选一):一、以“滴水之恩”为话题写一篇记叙文。二、以“做一个有责任心的人”写一篇议论文。 4. XXXX年温州中考作文试题:命题作文:下雨天真好 5.XXXX年浙江金华中考作文试题:一颗雄心,是高飞的翅膀;一颗爱心,是挡风的屏障。坚强的心能高过大山,纯洁的心能宽过海洋。感恩之心可以获取真情,宽容之心可以赢得尊敬,奉献之心可以温暖人间。一颗心,是一束光;万众一心能把整个世界照亮…… 请以“心”为话题,写一篇作文。 要求:⑴题目自拟,文体不限;⑵字数不少于600;⑶文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名、地名。 6. XXXX年湖州中考作文试题:命题作文:再小的力量也是支持 7. XXXX年淄博中考作文试题:半命题作文:___________其实很快乐 8. XXXX年临沂中考作文试题:素质教育要求提升人们的综合素质,我们不

能只从课本上、课堂上学知识,而应该从生活中、社会中广泛的学习知识,应该思考学什么,怎么学的问题。 陶行知在创办晓庄师范学院时,即提出“生活即教育,社会即教育”的观点,我们应该从社会中、生活中学习知识,从自然生活中学习(一草一木等),从社会万象(一人一事等)中学习,从人生百态(喜怒哀乐等)中学习,我们应该走近自然,师法自然;走进社会,认识社会;观察生活,感悟生活3COME文档频道。 在你的成长历程中,无论是学习中,生活中还是社会中,你学习到了什么,请将题目补充完整,然后写一篇600字左右的作文。 《从__________中学习_________》作文要求:1、不得超出所材料所提示的范围;2、叙真事,说真话,抒真情;3、不得出现与自己相关的真实的地名、校名、人名9. XXXX年济宁中考作文试题:以“成长的脚印”为话题或题目作文。 9. XXXX年宁波中考作文试题:选题作文(二选一):一、命题作文:“留在心底的风景” 二、以"致XX的一封信"为副标题写一封书信 10. XXXX年枣庄中考作文试题:半命题作文:______在细微处 11. XXXX年四川内江中考作文试题:命题作文:仰望蓝天 12. XXXX年南通中考作文试题:命题作文:一道风景线 13. XXXX年绍兴中考作文试题:写一封信,学生要给地震灾区捐款,动员父母多捐钱。 14. XXXX扬州中考作文以"回家"为话题写一篇不少于600字的作文,文体不限。
