
绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 2015年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)


2015.3 本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分。考试用时120分钟


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I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)



As the world’s population grows, so does our consumption of all kinds of materials. Scientists and environmental groups are increasingly 1.__________ about conserving two important natural resources: our fresh water and our rainforests.

Water supports every form of life. Neither plants nor animals can 2.__________ without it. It is also the most 3.__________ used resource in industry. Our quality of life, as well as life itself, depends on a continual 4.__________ of clean, fresh water.

However, clean water supplies are now decreasing rapidly. The main 5.__________ of this are overpopulation, water pollution, and deforestation. It is predicted that future water shortages could reduce global farm production by as much as twenty-five percent, leading to widespread 6.__________. Possible solutions to this problem include 7.__________ water recycling methods and limiting population growth.

Another 8.__________ but endangered resource is the world’s rainforests. The Amazon rainforest has often been called the “Lungs of the Planet”, because it 9.__________ takes in carbon dioxide and puts out oxygen, which helps keep our atmosphere 10.__________. The Amazon rainforest is home to millions of plant, animal and insect species and the only source of the raw materials used in many important medicines.

Rainforests once covered fourteen percent of the earth’s land. Now they cover only six percent, and experts believe that we may 11.__________ these rainforests completely in less than forty years. One clear solution is using 12.__________ products instead of cutting trees for wood. Another is reducing people’s consumption

of meat, since many rainforests are destroyed to 13.__________ farmland to raise animals.

We must work together to find solutions to these resource 14.__________ and develop sustainable ways of living that will 15.__________ natural resources for future generations.

1. A. curious B. optimistic C. concerned D. embarrassed

2. A. survive B. struggle C. expand D. benefit

3. A. reliably B. overly C. expensively D. widely

4. A. base B. supply C. growth D. location

5. A. cases B. results C. functions D. causes

6. A. anger B. hunger C. failure D. pollution

7. A. returning B. removing C. improving D. collecting

8. A. valuable B. forgotten C. expected D. renewable

9. A. usually B. naturally C. obviously D. unfortunately

10. A. light B. friendly C. clean D. warm

11. A. destroy B. cut C. remove D. reproduce

12. A. replaced B. reserved C. adapted D. recycled

13. A. save B. provide C. change D. reduce

14. A. problems B. demands C. discoveries D. preferences

15. A. promote B. produce C. preserve D. prevent







From children’s birthdays to that long-awaited family holiday, we all want to remember those important moments with a photograph. But if you’re one of those people who can’t stop snapping photos at an important event, beware-you could end up forgetting it all in a flash.

Experts have warned that the addiction to recording every moment of our lives could be having an adverse effect on our memories.

Maryanne Garry, a New Zealand psychology professor, has been studying how the frequent taking of photos might change childhood memories. “I think the problem is that people are forgetting to experience the moment,” she says. Parents at the park taking one photo after another of their children, for example, are actually paying less

attention to what is happening around them. The picture only captures a small party of the total experience. And because parents remember less about these important events, they become less effective in their role as the key people who help children learn how to talk about their experiences. As a result, children’s own childhood memories are reduced.

The idea that we are experiencing less as we record more got psychologist Linda Henkel thinking. She wanted to explore how photographs shape our memories.

Henkel, who researches human memory at Fairfield University in Connecticut, did an experiment by sending groups of students to the university’s art museum. The students observed some objects and photographed others. Then, back at the laboratory, they were given a memory test. Henkel found what she called a “photo-taking effect”. The students remembered fewer of the objects that they had taken photos of, and they remembered fewer details about those objects. She says her students’ memories were worse because they were relying on the camera to remember the details for them.

“As soon as you hit ‘click’on that camera, it’s as if you’ve outsourced your memory,” she says.

26. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refers to __________.

A. an important event

B. a child’s birthday

C. A valuable photograph

D. A family holiday

27. According to Garry, what will be the result of parents frequently taking photos of their children?

A. Parents will be very skillful at taking photos.

B. Children will enjoy many more beautiful pictures.

C. Parents will appreciate these important moments less.

D. Children will become more important in their parents’ eyes.

28. According to Paragraph 3, why are children’s memories reduced?

A. Flash lights are causing children to forget more things.

B. Parents are not interested in listening to children’s experiences.

C. Children are more interested in taking photos than experiencing.

D. Parents are less effective in helping children discuss their experiences.

29. How did Henkel develop her theory about the “photo-taking effect”?

A. By carrying out an experiment

B. By giving a questionnaire

C. By interviewing a group of students

D. By researching the findings of the others

30. What’s the purpose of this passage?

A. To introduce a new discovery in taking photos.

B. To discuss the effect of photo-taking on memory.

C. To explain how to use cameras in an effective way.

D. To describe the ways of remembering valuable experiences.


The human body is an amazing machine. It’s tough, and we usually recover from illness or injury on our own, without the help of a doctor. But what happens when we need medical treatment? In the past, some people went to a hospital to see a medical

doctor. Others preferred traditional treatments, such as herbal medicine or acupuncture (针灸). These two types of medicine-one modern and Western and the other ancient and Eastern-used to have nothing to do with each other.

In recent years, however, people have begun combining both modern medical science and more traditional treatments. This new kind of medicine is often called integrative medicine because it integrates, or combines, different types of medical approaches. Some of the principles of integrative medicine include preventing illness by helping people stay healthy, integrating different types of treatments according to patient needs, and considering the health of the whole person rather than concentrating on a particular illness or injury.

One health organization in America has opened its Integrative Medicine and Wellness Center. At the center, members are offered different services. Those suffering backache can try massage to relax their muscles and encourage the flow of healing energy in their body. Those with allergies are helped to develop their body’s natural resistance. And those who aren’t ill, but want to improve their strength and focus their mind, take tai chi or yogo classes.

Integrative medicine patients appreciate having an alternative to surgery or to drugs and their harmful side effects. They also enjoy activities and treatments that make them feel better even if they are not sick. And economically, preventing illness is much less expensive than a hospital stay.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, founder of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, integrative medicine combines the best parts of Western medicine with traditional therapies. And because both doctors and patients are working to prevent illness, they become partners with the same goal instead of strangers who see each other only when the patient is sick.

31. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Western medicine

B. Acupuncture and herbal medicine

C. Changes in medical education

32. By using the underlined statement “preventing illness by helping people stay healthy” in Paragraph 2, the writer wants to __________.

A. provide advice on how to stay healthy

B. describe a principle of integrative medicine

C. recommend modern medicine over traditional medicine

D. explain why some people doubt the effectiveness of new treatments

33. Which of the following is an example of integrative medicine?

A. Having a heart operation.

B. Taking a pain killer for a headache.

C. Using herbal treatments after an operation.

D. Having herbal medicine and acupuncture.

34. Which is NOT mentioned as an advantage of integrative medicine?

A. Patients take actions to avoid getting ill.

B. It costs less than medical care in hospitals.

C. Patients have more choices in terms of treatment.

D. Doctors are able to carry out more medical research.

35. According to Dr. Weil, with integrative medicine, __________.

A. the doctor gives the orders and the patient follows passively

B. doctor and patient see each other occasionally if there is a problem

C. doctor and patient work together so that the patient does not become ill

D. doctor and patient perform the same role in providing medical treatment


The old man fished alone in a small rowboat and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s patents had told him that the old man was now bad luck, and ordered the boy to join another boat, which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his boat empty and he always went down to help him carry in the fishing lines or take down the old, patched sail.

“Santiago,” the boy said to him as they dragged up the boat to the sand. “I could go with you again. I’ve made some money.” the old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him. “No,” the old man said. “You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them. You must obey your father.”“We can be lucky again too. Remember when we didn’t catch a fish for 10 days, then caught a big one each day for a month?” said the boy. “Can I offer you a beer on the balcony and then we’ll take the stuff home,” said the boy. “Why not?” the old man said.

“May I get some sardines for tomorrow? Let me get four fresh ones,” said the boy. “One,” the old man said. His hope and his confidence had never gone. But now they were freshening like a sea breeze. “Two,”the boy said. “Thank you,”the old man said. He was too simple to wonder when he had attained modesty. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride. “Tomorrow is going to be a good day with this wind,” he said. “I will row far out before it is light. There will going to be a good day with this wind,” he said. “I will row far out before it is light. There will be a big fish?” asked the boy. “I think so. And I know many tricks.”

36. When did the boy stop working with the old man?

A. 40 days ago.

B. 44 days ago.

C. 80 days ago.

D. 84 days ago

37. Why was the boy forced to stop working for the old man?

A. It was too dangerous to continue fishing.

C. The old man was thought to be a poor teacher.

D. The boy couldn’t earn enough money with the old man.

38. In paragraph 2, the boy probably mentioned their past fishing experiences in order to __________.

A. convince the old man that he should not retire

B. explain why he had to stop working for the old man

C. persuade the old man to let him return as his assistant

D. warn the old man about the danger of fishing in the deep sea

39. Which of the following did the boy NOT do for the old man?

A. Buy him a beer.

B. Repair the sail.

C. Drag up the boat.

D. Take in the fishing equipment.

40. What can we lean about the old man from the last paragraph?

A. He remained optimistic about catching fish.

B. He was the most skillful fisherman in the village.

C. He would stay out longer than any other fisherman.

D. He would usually go out further than any other boat.


America’s movie industry began life in New York; but by 1910, movie-makers were moving to Los Angeles. In New York, everything was too expensive: workers, land, taxes. Moreover, it was difficult to make movies in winter, because it was too cold.

The Los Angeles region, on the other hand, was full of advantages. In California, they could make films all through the year; and everything was cheaper. In particular, there was lots of land for sale, especially in the Los Angeles suburb called Hollywood.

Movies quickly became very popular, and this popularity exploded after “talkies”first appeared in 1925. Nevertheless, movies were expensive to produce, and film companies needed money-lots of it. For this reason, Hollywood rapidly became controlled by a small number of big companies such as MGM, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. and Paramount.

Since then, the big companies’ fortunes have ebbed and flowed, but most of them are still there. Some old names have disappeared, but some new ones have appeared, companies like Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg’s company Amblin. Today the biggest studios belong to huge international firms. For instance, News Corporation, which now owns Fox, also owns newspapers on three continents, and TV networks in America, Europe and Asia.

Once Hollywood mad films just for America; today it makes them for the world. It’s the center of a global dream-machine. Perhaps we dreamed differently in the past. Today, thanks in part to Hollywood, people everywhere have similar dreams.

We now live in the age of global culture. Hollywood did not invent this culture-but for better or for worse, it has become one of the most powerful elements in it. Like it or not, we all now live on planet Hollywood.

41. What attracted the film industry to Los Angeles?

A. Cheaper costs and pleasant weather.

B. More talented actors and mild climate.

C. More skilled workers and plentiful land.

D. Large movie companies and lower wages.

42. Why did a few companies come to control the American film industry?

A. They were already experienced in film production.

B. They were able to employ the most creative people.

C. These companies were the first to make talkie films.

D. Small companies could not afford the film production costs.

43. The underlined “ebbed and flowed”in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to __________.

A. improved rapidly

B. gone up and down

C. remained very stable

D. worsened gradually

44. Which of the following is true about the Hollywood movie companies?

B. They produce expensive movies far less often than in the past.

C. The same companies have controlled the industry for almost 100 years.

D. There are many large companies competing against each other for success.

45. What does the writer think about the international influence of Hollywood?

A. It has encouraged people to dream like Americans.

B. It has made foreigners love American people more.

C. It has become a driving force in shaping global culture.

D. It has damaged the local film industry in other countries.




Adams Cave

This damp cave system has a constant, year-round temperature of around 8℃. A large lake at the cave’s base, some 250 metres underground, supports a huge number of insects.

Relto Mountain Reserve

Overlooking the Atlas desert, this rocky mountain range has spectacular views and wildlife, such as mountain goats and eagles. It is only open to visitors in the wet winter season.

Sun Valley

The valley is one of the driest and hottest places on earth. With such an extreme climate, few can survive in its sandy soil, besides cactus plants and insects.

Ocean Mouth River

It is the country’s longest salt-water river and home to an incredible range of fish, birds and animals. One of the most popular destinations for tourists all year round.

Hood Forest National Park

The park’s huge forest area supports a large variety of wildlife. There are also many kinds of fish in the fast-flowing, fresh-water Hood River, which passes through the middle of the park.

Mirror Lake Park

It contains the largest fish-water lake in the country, and is home to many plants, fish and birds. The lake got its name because its waters are so still that it’s almost like looking into mirror..


III 写作(共两节,满分40分)









A walk in your shoes

For those taking part, the programme not only offers the chance to live out a fantasy, but provides some valuable life lessons. Participants come to more fully value what they already have: their families, their friends and the opportunities and benefits their own lives provide. They also learn to better appreciate the situation of others; to not only think about things from their own points of view, and to understand that other people have problems too.

And one thing most participants eventually realize is that the grass is not always greener on the other side.














2021年广东省广州市白云区中考一模英语试题(图片版含答案) 2021届初三综合测试(一)参考答案 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1-15 CACBCADBCBCDACD 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)16-25 ABDCCDAACC 三、阅读(共两节;满分35分) 第一节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)26-40 DBCDCBABCDCBCAD 第二节阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)41-45 DBECA 四、写作(共三节;满分30分) 第一节语篇填词(共5空;每空1分,满分5分) 46.spent

47.pick 48.fantastic 49.hospitals 50.news 第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 51.get off。before。s 52.It’XXX 53.was bought 54.What a nice day it is! 55.if he can/will XXX 第三节书面表达(共1小题;满分15分) Dear schoolmates。 Do you think XXX。Nowadays。XXX practical skills。such as doing housework。We often spend our free time on entertainment and leisure activities。XXX.

XXX。XXX。regardless of gender or age。It not only helps us develop practical skills。but also XXX。we learn to take care of ourselves and others。XXX. Therefore。XXX。XXX well-rounded individuals. Best regards。 Your Name] In fact。XXX health and independence。It can help us build stronger bodies and develop self-XXX。XXX Furthermore。XXX help to our parents。who may be exhausted from work but still have to take care of us。By assisting them with household chores。we can show our XXX。XXX understanding of the hard work that our parents do。In our free time。we can also XXX。 XXX。


2021年广州市第二中学高三英语一模试题及参考答案 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A It’s the time of year when we start hiking. As you pack, remember to bring your smartphone. Whether you’re going on a short walk or a long trip, there are a handful of apps that can help. MapMyHike This app tracks where you're hiking so you have a mapof your route at the end of the hike. It can also track other fitness information like the distance traveled, speed, pace, and even calories burned. You can save the data for your hike, so you can always access the route you look as well as track improvements to your workout. GaiaGPS You don't always have cellphone service when hiking, but you always want to know where you are. The GaiaGPS app provides that information. Download maps of different parts of the world, and access the GaiaGPS app in the middle of even the most remote trails. The GPS function makes using the maps simple, and the app will also point to areas of interest. Backpacking Checklist One of the worst things is being way out on a trail only to discover you left behind something important. That's why checklists are the best. This checklist app helps you build a customized(定制的) list of things to take with you. Organize different lists based on trail lengths or requirements. Track all your essential items by weight and where you can find them. WildObs Using WildObs, you can record your observations of plants and animals and add them to the database. You can ask the community to help you identify something and keep track of everything you've met, and most importantly, you can become a citizen scientist. By recording what you've seen with this app, you're helping scientists keep track of what's happening to the natural world. 1. What can you do with MapMyHike? A. Record your walking speed. B. Design a suitable hiking route. C. Locate popular tourist attractions. D. Store the data of your daily activities. 2. What is WildObs intended to do?

2021年广东省广州市一模英语试题(word版 含答案)

2021年广东省广州市一模英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、完型填空 In 2002, Yao Ming decided to enter the NBA draft(NBA选秀) and was drafted to the Houston Rockets in June. He was 1 first international player without US college experience to be the Number One 2 in the NBA draft. He soon grew to be a great player. In December of the same year, he 3 Rookie of the Month. In 2004, Yao scored a career high of forty-one points in one game. In 2005, Yao Ming 4 the most votes in the NBA All-Star voting, 5 broke the record held by Michael Jordan. Despite all Yao Ming’s achievements, he had a 6 start. He had to deal with cultural differences and language difficulties 7 with his teammates. But his personality and hard work helped him to win his teammates’ and his fans’ respect. He worked 8 and was always trying to improve. The training paid off for 9 , and for his fans. Although Yao Ming has achieved 10 , he has remained modest (谦虚)and has always valued his team members. After 11 games, he always told the media that his teammates were great and he was proud to be one of the team. Yao Ming is also known 12 his charity work. He founded The Yao Ming Foundation in 2008, and he has built five schools in Sichuan and 13 areas. Yao Ming has won the hearts of people all around the world. 14 he decided to retire in 2011, Yao Ming will always be thought of as one of the world’s best s ports 15 , not only for his basketball skills but also for his spirit. 1.A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.A.choice B.choose C.chosen D.chose 3.A.named B.was named C.would name D.will be named 4.A.get B.getting C.gets D.got 5.A.which B.that C.who D.what 6.A.challenged B.challenging C.more challenged D.most challenging 7.A.communicate B.communicated C.communicating D.to communicate 8.A.hard B.hardly C.harder D.more hard 9.A.he B.his C.him D.himself


广州市八区2021届初三中考一模英语试卷分类汇编 写作 (含答案) 【越秀区】 四、写作(共三节11小题,满分30分) 第一节语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文大意及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空限填一词) Chemistry is everywhere in our daily life. Sometimes it’s easy to see. At other times, it can be very 46. h_____ to see the everyday chemistry at work, but nearly everything you touch has some chemicals (化学物质) in it. Chemistry helps to make products for use. Something as simple as toothpaste has at least three chemicals that keep your teeth clean. Other things in your daily life are created by chemistry, such as hair products and soap. 47. W______ chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes. Chemistry plays an important role in food preparation. Cooking food causes it to go through a chemical 48. c______. That is the reason why cooked food often tastes different from uncooked food. Too much or too little of any chemical material makes a 49. d______ to the result of baking (烘焙). For example, the cake can be too soft or too hard. Chemistry isn’t something that just lives in a laboratory; it’s something that you meet hundreds of times in life. 50. L______ about how chemistry works will give you a greater understanding of the life. 第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子(每格限填一词) 51. 如今,传统汉服在年轻人中越来越流行。 Nowadays, traditional “Hanfu” is getting _____ _____ _____ _____ with young people. 52. 根据新规定,学生不被允许携带个人手机进入课室。 According to the new rule, students _____ _____ _____ _____ bring personal mobile phones into the classrooms. 53. 这份报告解释了为什么我们有必要种植更多的树木。 The report explains _____ _____ _____ _____ for us to plant more trees. 54. 到目前为止,《美丽中国》是我看过的最好的电视节目之一。 _____ _____, Amazing China is one of the best TV programs that I _ ever _. 55.“一带一路”把中国和世界连接在一起。它是一项多么重要的战略啊! The Belt and Road brings China and the world together. _____ _____ _____ strategy it _____!


2021届广州市第一中学高中部高三英语一模试卷及答案解析 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A Theatre and film fans will be excited about what's on stage and on screen. THEATRE ☆Take in a Broadway show at Mirvish Venues. The Grand Theatre hosts plays and musicals in London, Ontario. The building dates back to 1901 and starts a rare architectural feature. ☆In the heart of Ontario's bread-basket, treat yourself to uniquely Canadian modern productions at the Blyth Festival in Goderich. ☆Ontario becomes popular on the stage as theatre festivals. The Stratford Festival produces classic productions mainly on Shakespeare in Stratford. Works by Bernard Shaw, the founder of social realism in English literature enrich the stage at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake. FILM ☆Expand your mind with great modem, independent film during the Reel Asian FilmFestival or visit the TIFF Bell Lightbox for exhibitions related to film and theatre. ☆Making productions that don't reach half an hour by new filmmakers, the Breakthroughs Film Festival provides some of the most video movies. ☆Five amazing programs feature films from across the globe during the Durham Region International Film Festival. ☆One of the top film festivals in the world, the 'Toronto International Film Festival features everything from mainstream Hollywood productions to international cinema. COMEDY ☆For a laugh, head to a comedy club. Absolute Comedy, Second City and Yuks Yuks all specialize in finding your funny bone. ☆The Toronto Alliance for the Peforming Arts will keep you up to date on what 's playing on Toronto's stages; you can look through their “TOnight” for on-the-go performing arts tickets, reviews and searches on your mobile. 1. Where should those preferring realistic dramas go?


2021年广州市白云区人和第一中学高三英语一模试卷及参考答案 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone’s life? If yes, don’t care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you’ll make it! Position:Volunteer Social Care Assistant (No Pay with Free Meals) Place:Manchester Hours:Part Time We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Don’t miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others! Role: You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives. You will help them to develop new skills. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued. Skills and Experience Required: You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient. You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you’ll have to help those people with different learning disabilities. Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you. 1.The text is meant to_________. A.carry an ad B.send an invitation C.present a document D.leave a note 2.The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities__________. A.to learn new living skills B.to get some financial support C.to properly protect themselves D.to realize their own importance 3.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer? A.The one who can drive a car. B.The one who can speak English fluently. C.The one who has relevant work experience.


秘密★启用前试卷类型:A 2021年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一) 英语 本试卷共10页,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、试室号和座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型 (A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上,并在答题卡相应位置上填涂考生号。因笔试不考听力,试卷从第二部 分开始,试题序号从“21”开始。 2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置 上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Exercising regularly not only helps you keep slim, but also improves your overall health and well-being. Different exercises produce different results, as they focus on alternate parts of the body. There are four broad exercise categories: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Many people often only focus on one exercise type, but including all four in your workout will produce better results and reduce your risk of injury. Endurance Endurance exercises increase your breathing and heart rate. By doing endurance exercises, you are working to keep your heart, lungs, and blood-flow system healthy while improving your total fitness. Over time these activities will make everyday activities seem easier. Strength If you want to build up your muscles, then strength exercises, which are also known as “resistance training”, are right for you. Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference in your ability to carry out daily tasks. Developing strong muscles also reduces your risk of weak bones. Flexibility Flexibility exercises help stretch your body’s muscles. This allows for more freedom of movement for other exercises and can also improve your range of motion, posture, ability to breathe deeply, and blood flow. Also, it reduces the muscle tension caused by stress. Balance Balance exercises help prevent falls and are especially important to older adults, helping them stay independent.


2021广州一模英语试题及答案 第I卷(共60分) I、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.She lives in a house,but she never feels. A.alone,lonely B.lonely,alone C.alone,alone D.lonely,lonely ()2.I forgot to take the map.So I had difficulty ______the way.We had to ask the policeman for help. A.find B.to find C.finding D.found ()3.We will go climbing as soon as the rain ________. A.stops B.will stop C.is stopping D.stopped ()4.—May I ________ your CD player? —Sure.But you can only _____it for a week. A.borrow;keep B.borrow;lend C.lend;keep D.keep;borrow ()5.I met a good friend of mine while I _____ on the street. A.walks B.walk C.was walking D.an walking ()6.—Dear students,please read every sentence carefully. —_________you are,______mistakes you’ll make. A.The more carefully;the fewer B.The more careful;the less C.The more carefully;the less D.The more careful;the fewer ()7.We didn’t learn __________in this lesson. A.something new B.new something C.anything new D.new


年白云区一模考试 一、语法选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) Nowadays many people enjoy 1 things, especially young people. In the school, waste can 2 everywhere. Some students ask for 3 food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights 4 they leave the classroom. Waste can bring a lot of problems. Someone 5 China is rich in some resources, such as coal, oil, trees and so on. They even say “ 6 rich our country is!” But actually, we 7 no coal or oil to use in 100 years if we go on wasting. We really feel 8 about what we can use in the future. I don’t know 9 we can go on living without these resources. Think about it 10 . I think we should say “no” to the students 11 waste things every day. And we should help do something good to the environment. In our daily life, we can do things 12 waste from happening, for example, we should turn off taps after using it. Don’t throw the used paper 13 we can recycle it. Let’s start out small from now on. Little 14 little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day if we do 15 best. The nature will be more harmonious and our country will become more and more beautiful. 1.A. waste B. wasting C. to waste D. to wasting 2.A. be seeing B. are seen C. see D. be seen 3.A. more B. many C. much D. most 4.A. after B. before C. since D. whether 5.A. say B. be said C. says D. is saying 6.A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 7.A. have B. has C. had D. will have 8.A. worry B. worries C. worried D. worriedly 9.A. what B. when C. that D. how 10. A. care B. carefulness C. carefully D. careful 11. A. who B. what C. where D. which 12. A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped 13. A. because B. although C. Until D. if 14. A. in B. on C. by D. with 15. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 二、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) When I was 14 years old, I made some friends in school but they turned out to be bad. They were some boys who stole 16 and sold them. Whenever we were stealing a bike, a boy named John would break the lock while two other boys were watching out. Then one of us would17 the bike to a cave. The next day, we would meet there and repaint the bike. When we stole four or five bikes, we would sell them for a few h undred dollars. One 18 afternoon, we went to an apartment in Bukit Batok. We found a bike on the fifth floor and started to work on the 19 . It was hard to break. We spent 10 minutes 20 it. We were about to escape with the bike when the owner of the bike came out of the elevator. “My bike!” he shouted We ran away 20 , but two policemen nearby caught us. Our parents were 22 and our teachers were told what had happened. The police took down what we had done. The next day, a bright Sunday, I was sent o the Boys’ Home. Life in the Boys’ Home was very hard but it 23 me a very important lesson. I learnt that


广东省广州市黄埔区2021届初中毕业班综合测试(一模) 英语试题 一、语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1 --15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng is the person I really appreciate. He has become thefirst Chinese ___1___ into space for the third time, as he was chosen to be thecommander(指挥长) of Shenzhou-1l. Jing ___2___with Chen Dong, a new and youngastronaut, and went to China’s Tiangong-2 space lab ___3___Oct.17, 2016, where theylived and worked for 30 days. Jing joined in the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008. In 2012, he was ___4___thecommander of Shenzhou-9. ___5___50-year-old astronaut set another two records: Flyingmore than 45 days of spaceflight, made him ___6___ Chinese astronaut to have travelled inspace for this length of time. He and Chen flew higher than ___7___Chinese astronaut, astheir meeting with Tiangong-2 was around 393 kilometers above ground level. On his third time in space, Jing said he was just as ___8___ as before. But actuallyafter two missions and 18 years of training, he fell calmer this time.“I truly love ___9___ I do. I have had different dreams in different periods of ___10___life. A person ___11___ has a dream should never stop ___12___,” he said. Jing was born in a village in the northern province of Shanxi. He first showed an interestin aviation (航空) ___13___he was a child and told his father that he wanted to be a pilot. Jing entered an aviation exam in 1984 but failed ___14___physical reasons. But thisdid not stop him. Finally, in 1998, le was picked outto be one of China’s first astronauts,and ___15___in 2005 for the Shenzhou-6 mission. 1. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes 2. A. work B. working C. worked D. to work 3. A. in B. at C. on D. of 4. A. tooB also C. cither D. neither 5. A. An B. A C. The D. / 6. A. the one B. one C. the first D. first 7. A. any other B. the other C. others D. another 8. A. excite B. exciting C. excitedly D. excited 9. A. how B. why C. that D. what


初三英语一模试题 (满分:110分;考试时间:120分钟) 笔试部分 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读短文,按照句子的语法结构和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。 Spending two or three hours _____ 1 outdoors each day can reduce a child ' s chance of 2 __ s hort-sighted(近视),a research shows. It challenges the belief that short-sightedness ___ 3 by computer use, watching TV or reading in weak light. The Australian government researchers believe ______ 4__ sunlight is good for people's eyes. They compared the vision and habits of 100 _____ 5 children in Singapore and Australia. In all, 30% of the Singaporean children were short-sighted—this rate was ten times _______ 6 __ than Australian children. 7 __ groups spent a similar amount of time reading, watching television and playing computer games. ____ 8, the Australian children spent an average of two hours a day outdoors 一90 minutes more than the Singaporean children. Professor Ian Morgan, ____ 9 __ is from the Australian Research Council's Vision Centre, said, “Humans are ____ 10 long-sighted, but when people begin to go to school and spend
