



考试科目:现代经济理论(含宏、微观经济学) 科目代码:461

1. (25’) Consider an economic model in which the production function can be written as 10 1≤+=?ββa g L K Y a a p , here g is the government spending per capita, K, L, Y are aggregate capital, population and output respectively. The government spending is financed by an income tax, i.e., Y Lg G τ==. Capital accumulation equation is K sY K δ?=. Suppose the saving rate s ,income tax rate τ,depreciation rate δand population growth rate n are given exogenously, S+τ<1.

(1)Show that if 1p βα+, then the capital stock per capita will converges

to a steady-state value k * which is positively correlated with income tax rate τ.

(2)Show that if 1=+βα, then the capital stock per capital will increase with a constant growth rate if δτ+n s f .

2. (25’) Consider an economy with identical long-lived individuals whose utility functions can be written as 10 0, ,]lnk lnc [t t 0p p f βγγβdt e t +∫?∞, her c t ,

k t are consumption and capital stock per capita in time t. Suppose the population growth rate is zero. The capital accumulation equation is 1a 0 ,p p k c Ak k a δ??=.

Solve the steady state values of consumption, capital stock and output per capita.

3. (25’) Consider an OLG model in which each individual can live two period. Individuals’ utility function can be written as 12t 1t lnc lnc ++=βt U , here c 1t and c 2t+1 are the consumptions in period t of young and old individuals respectively. Individual’s wealth constraints are

,1t t t w s c =+ )1(112+++=t t t r s c

Here w t , s t and r t+1 are wage, saving and interest rate respectively. Production function can be written as a

t t Ak y =. Suppose that the depreciation rate δ=1 and population growth rate are zero. Assumption the government levies an output tax with a constant tax rate τ.

(1) Solve the steady state values of capital stock and output per capita.

(2) Show that the relationship between the tax income of the government and tax rate can be described as a Laffer Curve, i.e., as the tax rate increase, the tax income increases when the tax rate is small and decreases when it is large enough. Solve the tax rate with the maximum tax income.

4. (25’) If preferences are locally nonsatiated, and if (x *,y *,p )is an

equilibrium with transfers, then the allocation(x *,y *)is Pareto optimal.

5. (25’) If preference i ≥ is homothetic, assume that x i (p,w i ) is differentiable, then x i (p,w i ) satisfies the uncompensated law of demand property.

6. (25’) Suppose that production set Y is convex. Then every efficient production Y y ∈is a profit-maximizing production for some nonzero price vector 0≥p .




考试科目:现代经济理论(含宏、微观经济学) 科目代码:461

1. Consider an economic model in which the production function can be written as 10 1≤+=?ββa g L K Y a a p , here g is the government spending per capita, K, L, Y are aggregate capital, population and output respectively. The government spending is financed by an income tax, i.e., Y Lg G τ==. Capital accumulation equation is K sY K δ?=. Suppose the saving rate s ,income tax rate τ,depreciation rate δand population growth rate n are given exogenously, S+τ<1.

(1) Show that if 1p βα+, then the capital stock per capita will converges

to a steady-state value k * which is positively correlated with income tax rate τ.

(2)Show that if 1=+βα,

then the capital stock per capital will increase with a constant growth rate if δτ+n s f .

2. Consider an economy with identical long-lived individuals whose utility functions can be written as 10 0, ,]lnk lnc [t t 0p p f βγγβdt e t +∫?∞, her c t , k t are

consumption and capital stock per capita in time t. Suppose the population growth rate is zero. The capital accumulation equation is 1a 0 ,p p k c Ak k a δ??=.

Solve the steady state values of consumption, capital stock and output per capita.

3. Consider an OLG model in which each individual can live two period. Individuals’ utility function can be written as 12t 1t lnc lnc ++=βt U , here c 1t and c 2t+1 are the consumptions in period t of young and old individuals respectively. Individual’s wealth constraints are

,1t t t w s c =+ )1(112+++=t t t r s c

Here w t , s t and r t+1 are wage, saving and interest rate respectively. Production function can be written as a t t Ak y =. Suppose that the depreciation rate δ=1 and population growth rate are zero. Assumption the government levies an output tax with a constant tax rate τ.

(1) Solve the steady state values of capital stock and output per capita.

(2) Show that the relationship between the tax income of the government and tax rate can be described as a Laffer Curve, i.e., as the tax rate increase, the tax income increases when the tax rate is small and decreases when it is large enough. Solve the tax rate with the maximum tax income.

4. If preferences are locally nonsatiated, and if (x *,y *,p )is

an equilibrium with transfers, then the allocation(x *,y *)is Pareto optimal.

5. If preference i ≥ is homothetic, assume that x i (p,w i ) is differentiable, then x i (p,w i ) satisfies the uncompensated law of demand property.

6. Suppose that production set Y is convex. Then every efficient production Y y ∈is a profit-maximizing production for some nonzero price vector 0≥p .


动力与机械学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业 本科人才培养方案 一、专业代码、专业名称 专业代码:080301 专业名称:机械设计制造及其自动化(Mechanical Design , Manufacturing and Automation) 二、专业培养目标 本专业培养具备机械设计、机械制造、机械自动化的基础理论和应用能力,能在工业生产第一线从事机械设备制造及其自动化领域内的设计、制造、科技开发、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售等方面工作的高级工程技术和管理人才。 三、专业特色和培养要求 现代机械工程是跨机械、材料、控制、电子、计算机、信息、管理、经济等多学科的综合性应用学科。本专业特色是以现代生产过程机械装备为主线,以机为主,机电结合,突出自动化技术与计算机技术在现代机械装备设计、制造、运行、维护与管理中的应用。 要求学生具有本专业必需的自然科学基础知识,具有扎实而宽厚的力学、机械设计、机械制造、测控、计算机等专业基础知识,有一定的人文社科知识,具备本专业必需的设计、计算、绘图、实验、测试和计算机应用等技能,掌握现代机械工程的设计制造方法。通过理论、实验和实践各环节的综合培养,使学生受到科学研究方法的系统性训练,具备一定的分析和解决工程实际问题的能力。 四、学制和学分要求 学制:四年;学分要求:150学分。 五、学位授予 授予工学学士学位。 六、专业主干(核心)课程 工科平台课程:大学物理、工程数学、工程力学、机械制图、电工电子、工程经济与管理。 学科基础(平台)课程:机械工程材料、互换性与技术测量、机械原理、机械设计、控制原理、测试技术。 专业主干课程:CAD技术、机械优化及可靠性设计、制造工艺学、数控技术、工程机械、生产计划与控制。 七、双语课程 产品数据管理原理及应用(Principle and Application of Product Data Management) 八、主要实验和实践性教学要求 主要实验包括电工电子、齿轮范成、机械动平衡、创新机构、控制原理、技术测量、测试与信号分析、机电传动、液压与气压传动、计算机控制、计算机辅助制造、数控加工等实验。 要求学生必须参加军训、生产劳动、工程训练、生产过程认识实习、专业基础实验、专业综合实验、机械创新实践、机械制造工艺实习、毕业实习、毕业论文(设计)等实践性教学环节。 九、毕业生条件及其它必要的说明 学生修满规定的学分,成绩合格,准予毕业;符合武汉大学学士学位条例者授予工学学士学位。

武汉大学英文介绍 Overview of Wuhan University

O v e r v i e w o f W H U Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project"universities with full support in the construction and development from the central and local government of China. The history of Wuhan University can be traced back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Hubei Province and Hunan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of development and evolution, the institute changed its name several times before it was finally named Wuhan National University in 1928. It is one of the earliest comprehensive national universities in modern China. By the end of 1946, the university had established 6 colleges, the colleges of liberal art, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. In 2000, an amalgamation of the former Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University was announced, which ushered in a new era in its 100-odd years of development. For the past century, Wuhan University has built an elegant palatial architectural complex of primitive simplicity which blends perfectly the eastern architectural style with that of the west. It is honored as the "Most Beautiful University in China." Furthermore, Wuhan University's centennial humanistic accumulation boils down to its succinct motto, that is, "Self-improvement, Perseverance, Truth-seeking & Innovation." Since its establishment, Wuhan University has cultivated more than 300 thousand professional talents in various occupations, among whom there are over 100 members of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. They have made great contribution to the national construction and social advancement. The remarkable achievements of Wuhan University have won itself an extensive international reputation. In 1999, the world renowned journalSciencelisted Wuhan University as one of the most prominent institutions of higher education in China. Burgeoning are the international exchanges and cooperation of Wuhan University in recent years. It has established cooperative relationship with more than 400 universities and research institutes in over 70 countries and regions. Now Wuhan University is endeavoring to shape itself into a world-class comprehensive research university domestically and internationally. Wuhan University


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.



(C ) 主矢不为零,而主矩为零 (D ) 主矢为零,而主矩不为零 2、已知点M 的运动方程为ct b s +=,其中b 、c 均为常数,则( C )。 (A ) 点M 的轨迹必为直线 (B ) 点M 必作匀速直线运动 (C ) 点M 必作匀速运动 (D ) 点M 的加速度必定等于零 3、如图所示若尖劈两侧与槽之间的摩擦角均为m ? 角 应为( C ) (A ) θ≤m ? (B ) θ≥m ? (C ) θ≤2m ? (D ) θ≥2m ? 4、直管AB 以匀角速度ω绕过点O 且垂直于管子轴线的定轴转动,小球M 在管内相对于管子以匀速度r v 运动,在

三、均质杆AD 重P ,与长为2l 的铅直杆BE 的中心D 铰接,如图所示。柔绳的下端吊有重为G 的物体M 。假设杆BE 、滑轮和柔绳的重量都忽略不计,连线AB 以及柔绳的CH 段都处于水平位置,求固定铰链支座A 的约束反力。(本题共20分) 解:(1)分别选整体和杆AD 为研究对象(2分) (2)分别画出它们的受力图(8分) (3)分别列平衡方程 整体: 由 ()0B M =∑F ,有 o o 2cos30(2)cos300Ay HC F l G r F l r P l -?-? --+?= (4分) 杆AD : 由 ()0D M =∑F ,有 o o o 2sin30 2cos30cos300Ax Ay F l F l P l -?-?+?= (4分) 其中HC F G =。联立求解,可得 2Ax F G = ,2Ay P F =- (2分) 四、如图所示,曲柄OA 长20cm ,绕轴O 以匀角速度010/rad s ω=转动。此曲柄借助连杆AB 带动滑块B 沿铅垂方向运动,连杆长100cm 。求当曲柄与连杆 相互垂直并与水平线各成o 45α=与o 45β=时,连杆的角速度、角加速度和滑块B 的加速度。 (本题共20分) 第 4 页 解:(1)由A v 和B v 的速度方向可知P 点为杆AB 的速度瞬心。故连杆的角速度为 0o 2010 2(/)tan 45100 A A B OA v rad s PA AB ωω??= === (6分) (2)由n n B A BA BA τ=++a a a a 作B 点的加 速度合成图。 (5分) 列投影方程,n BA a 方向的投影方程,有 o cos45n B BA a a -= (3分) 而2 222100400(/)n BA AB a AB cm s ω=?=?=,故有 o 2/cos 45566(/)n B BA a a cm s =-=-=- (1分) Dx F B P n A a


武大樱花英文导游词 在武汉许多自然风光和宗教圣地都依山傍水而建,而作为我们武汉当之无愧的最高学府,地处珞珈山下,东湖之畔,蕴育在山水之间,武汉大学无疑是世上最美的校园之一。接下来是为您整理的武大樱花英文导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 Dear friends, we travel today is to go to Wuhan University to see cherry blossoms, so before I first introduce the Wuhan University and the prestigious Wuda sakura. It has already been mentioned to you that Wuhan is a city of water and mountains and rivers. In Wuhan, many natural scenery and religious shrines are built, and as the highest institution of our Wuhan fully deserve, located in Luojia mountain, East Lake lake, breeds in the landscape, the campus of Wuhan University is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world. Apart from the whole scenery, the school itself is also a landscape, which is rarely seen in China. It is first decided by the first class characters. The predecessor of Wuhan University was founded in 1893 the viceroy Zhang Zhidong Ziqiang institute. Renamed as dialect school in 1902, after the revolution of 1911, the northern government established the national Wuchang higher normal school on the basis of dialect school in 1913. Renamed as the national


博士研究生英语教学 一.教学目的及目标 以感受语言,认识语言,应用语言为主导,以提高学生的实际应用能力为目标。在反思语言习得的过程中,探索一种全新的教学模式(源于且高于单一语言层面的教学,即基于语篇层面的文本结构,在语篇层面上对文本进行三位一体的诠释,了解英美族人的思维方式),增强论文和学术研究中的批判性思维的意识,培养批判性思维的习惯(通过洞察力达到更深层次的知识和理解),强化创造性技能(区别于侧重于以听力和阅读为主导的接受性技能),即提高学生交际和写作的能力,使之符合清晰性、准确性、精确性、相关性、深度、广度、逻辑和意义的评价标准(限于课时,故侧重于理念教学,本源教学,形态教学,方法论教学,从认识论的角度培养学生的解构能力)。 二.教学理念 从传统的侧重于语言层面的教学观念转移到以思维层面为主导,兼顾语言层面的全新的教学观念,即了解英美族人怎么想、怎么组织思想、怎么表达的思维层面,从而实现正确的交际目的(怎么用),完善学习的对象(学以致用),而不只停留在单一的体现语法与词汇的语句即语言层面。语言是表达思想的物质载体, 是逻辑思维的工具, 是思维过程的再现;而思维对世界的反映是借助于语言来实现的。 三.教学定位

以思维模式为切入点(显著区别于本科生,即通过纯粹的联想或死记硬背以及练习来完成的低阶段的学习;硕士生,即大量的知识积累却缺乏知识自身的相关逻辑;以及其他兄弟院校的英语教学,具有武汉大学特色的博士研究生英语教学),提高学生的综合分析能力,倡导英语学习的方法论,以期突破英语学习的瓶颈问题。知其然更力求知其所以然,强化实践过程中的批判性思维能力(分析性、逻辑性、系统化)。 四.教学手段/方法 以三位一体(角度的界定,文献的摘录,功能的区分)的训练方法完成对文本的解构,运用批判性思维的分析能力,以期了解英美族人的思维方式即what to write,组织布局即how to write和结构功能即why to write。如下所示: 五.教学内容及计划 在一学期的课堂教学实践中,重点比较,解析不同文章(分别为不同风格的书籍、评论及演讲的体裁,以及兼顾文理学科的有关计算机、经济与哲学的不同题材),通过异同点的比较,


2015年武汉大学考博英语真题及详解 Part ⅠReading Comprehension (2×20=40分) Directions: In this part for the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form of equality, we find in its earlier expressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Old Testament is the expression “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”That is, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offence against society. T o make up for his offence, society must get even. This can be done only by doing an equal injury to him. This conception of retributive justice is reflected in many parts of the legal documents and procedures of modern times. It is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who had committed murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the German idealist Hegel. He believed that society owed it to the criminal to give a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that will counteract


物理科学与技术学院物理学基地班 本科人才培养方案 一、专业代码、专业名称 专业代码:070201、080402 专业名称:物理学基地班 Physics 材料科学与技术试验班材料物理Materials Physics 二、专业培养目标 坚持以学生为本的“创造、创新、创业”(“三创”)教育理念,贯彻“加强基础、分类培养、通专融合、个性发展”的方针,充分发挥学校人文底蕴深厚、学科门类齐全,多学科交叉培养人才的办学优势,培养适应经济和社会发展需要的“厚基础、宽口径、高素质、强能力”,具有“三创”精神和能力的复合型人才、拔尖创新人才和行业领军人才。 培养学生掌握物理学的基本理论与方法,具有系统的较宽的物理学、化学和材料科学的理论基础、理论知识和熟练的实验技能,获得基础研究或应用研究的初步训练,能运用物理知识和方法进行科学研究和技术开发,具有较强的知识创新能力和较广泛的科学适应能力,能在物理学或材料等相关的科学技术领域中从事科研、教学、技术开发和相关的管理工作的高级专门人才。 三、专业特色和培养要求 本专业除要求学生具有扎实、宽厚的物理学、数学基础理论知识和必需的化学基础理论知识外,还要求对物理学的新发展、近代物理学在高新技术和生产中的应用,以及与物理学密切相关的交叉学科和新技术的发展有所了解。本基地班实行导师全程指导制。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: (1)系统地掌握物理学的基本理论、基本知识、基本实验方法和技能,具有基础扎实、适应性强的特点和自学新知识、新技术的能力;具有运用物理学的理论和方法进 行科学研究、应用研究、教学和相应管理工作的能力。 (2)掌握系统的数学、计算机等方面的基本原理、基本知识。 (3)较熟练地掌握一门外国语,能够阅读本专业的外文书刊。 (4)了解相近专业以及应用领域的一般原理和知识。 (5)了解物理学的理论前沿、应用前景和最新发展动态以及相关高新技术的发展状况。 (6)掌握资料查询、文献检索及运用现代信息技术获得最新参考文献的基本方法;具有


中美著名大学《热力学与统计物理学》课程比较与分析 张立彬(教育部南开大学外国教材中心,天津300071) 徐皓、刘学文(南开大学物理科学学院,天津300071) 内容摘要:根据中美高校物理学排名,笔者搜集了美国12所顶尖高校与中国10所著名大学的热力学与统计物理学课程及其教材等信息,在此基础上,比较了中美著名大学热力学与统计物理学课程的内容、教材与参考书使用情况、培养目标、教学方式、师资力量等。通过比较发现了美国热力学与统计物理教学的特点和国内教学的不足,本文可为国内热力学与统计物理学课程教学的改善提供一定的启示与借鉴。 关键词:热力学与统计物理;美国大学;中国高校;课程特点;课程比较;物理教材 热力学与统计物理是“四大力学”的物理基础课程之一。对于各高校的物理专业是必不可少的必修课程。我们在日常生活中所接触的宏观物体是由大量微观粒子构成的。这些微观粒子不停地进行着无规则运动。人们把这大量微观粒子的无规运动称为物质的热运动。热运动有其固有的规律性。热运动的存在必然影响到物质的各种宏观性质。例如,物质的力学性质、电磁性质、聚集状态,乃至化学反应进行的方向和限度等等。热力学和统计物理的任务是研究热运动的规律及热运动对物理宏观性质的影响。 为了深入了解热力学与统计物理的教学情况,我们调研收集了美国物理学排名前十二的高校的课程情况、教材使用等信息,通过分析美国高校的培养目标、课程内容、学时、教学方式等来了解他们的热力学与统计物理课程的特点,并与国内进行了比较分析。研究的结果可为国内热力学与统计物理的教学给予启示。 文章收集了美国十二所顶尖大学(位列全美物理学排名前十二名)的热力学与统计物理课程信息,包括了课程主讲内容、使用教材及参考书等。这些学校有:麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)、哈佛大学(Harvard University)、普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)、加州大学伯克利分校(University of California Berkley)康奈尔大学(Cornell University)、芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)、加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(University of California Santa Barbara)、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University )、耶鲁大学(Yale University)。 一、中美著名大学《热力学与统计物理学》课程的比较 1.课程内容方面 从课程内容上面来看,国内的《热力学与统计物理学》课程主要包括热力学的基本规律,均匀物质的热力学特性,单元系的相变,多元系的复相平衡和化学平衡,近独立粒子的最概然分布、玻耳兹曼统计、玻色统计和费米统计、系综理论、涨落理论、非平衡态的统计理论等10个章节的内容。我国的热力学部分和统计物理部分是合为一门课讲授的,前半部分为热力学,后半部分为统计物理。其中热力学是热运动的宏观理论,主要研究手段是对热现象的观测、实验和分析,总结出热力学四大定律:热力学第零定律、热力学第一定律、热力学第二定律和热力学第三定律。这些定律是无数观测和实验的总结,适用于宏观的一切热力学系统。而热力学就是通过从这几个最基本的定律出发,运用数学方法,通过逻辑演绎的方式,得到宏观物质的各种性质和物理过程发生的方向和限度。这些结论具有较高的普遍性。热力学的一大优点就是普遍性,能够研究与物质热性质有关的所有规律,并且只要没有其他的限制,所得到的结果和数据的精确度和可靠性很高。然而热力学的研究所得到的结论与物质的具体结构并无关系,因此在使用热力学时不可能研究所有的问题。而且研究过程中在很大程度上依赖于实验数据的测量,才能得到可用的结果。另外,热力学将系统视作连续体,使用的是连续函数来表征物质的性质,因此不能解释宏观现象的涨落问题,这也是热力学的缺点


武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。唐代大诗人李白的一句“黄鹤楼中吹玉笛,江城五月落梅花”,使这座中国腹地的特大中心城市自古有着“江城”的美誉。全市现辖13 个区、3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面积8494 平方公里,常住人口858 万人。 武汉的城市文明历史可追溯到3500 年前的盘龙城。这是长江流域发掘出的最古老的城池,被学者认为是长江流域文明和黄河流域文明融合的突破口。3500 年间,因水运发达,物产丰富,这里从来就是兵家必争之地,并由军事中心进而发展为区域性政治商贸中心,武汉也因此拥有融汇多元文化的优势和特质。辛亥革命的首义文化铸就了武汉人敢为天下先的人文精神。 武汉是一座典型的山水园林城市。上百座大小山峦遍布三镇,近两百个湖泊座落其间,水域面积占到全市国土面积的四分之一,居全国大城市之首。其中东湖水域面积33 平方公里,是中国最大的城中湖。 武汉历来被称为"九省通衢"之地,是中国内陆最大的水陆空交通枢纽.它距离北京,上海,广州,成都,西安等中国大城市都在1000公里左右,是中国经济地理的"心脏",具有承东启西、沟通南北、维系四方的作用。巨大的区位交通优势推动了武汉现代物流业的快速发展。以建设国家级物流枢纽城市为目标,合理规划布局以现代物流园区、物流中心、配送中心为节点的现代物流体系,武汉作为联结国内外两个市场和促进中国东、中、西部互动的桥梁纽带功能逐步显现 武汉是中国重要的工业基地。现已形成门类比较齐全、配套能力较强的工业体系。武汉正在大力发展现代制造业,着力推进产业技术升级、集群发展。重点发展钢铁、汽车及机械装备、电子信息、石油化工、环保、烟草及食品、家电、纺织服装、医药、造纸及包装印刷十大主导产业。同时运用产业政策,引导企业向园区集中。重点发展钢铁化工及环保产业聚集区、汽车及机电产业聚集区、光电子及生物医药产业聚集区、食品工业聚集区、都市工业聚集区。一批年销售收入过百亿元的大型企业,以及一批拥有核心技术的“武汉制造”知名品牌正在涌现。 武汉是国家重要的科教基地之一,科教综合实力居全国大城市第三位。拥有包括武汉大学、华中科技大学等52 所普通高校,70 万在校大学生。成人高校在校学生近12 万人。各类科研机构106 所,国家实验室1 个,国家级重点实验室13 个,在汉中国科学院与工程院院士47 名。智力资源和人力资源十分丰富,“武汉·中国光谷”所在地武汉东湖地区是我国第二大智力密集区,在光通讯、生物工程、激光、微电子技术和新型材料等领域,科技开发实力处于全国领先地位。 Located in central China , Wuhan , the capital of Hubei Province , serves as the political, economic and cultural center of the province. The Yangtze, World's third longest river and its largest tributary Hanshui meet in Wuhan and cut the city into three parts of Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang, namely, Three towns of Wuhan . As a line by Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty goes, “In the Yellow Crane Tower the jade flute is being played while in the River City of Wuhan plum blossoms are dropping in May.” This biggest metropolis in hinterland China was hence reputed as a River City . With an area of 8494 k ㎡and a population of 8.58 million, Wuhan administers 13 districts and 3 state – level development zones (Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone and Wujiashan Taiwan-investment Area). With a history of 3500 years,Wuhan's urban civilization dates back to Panlong Town which is the oldest city ever unearthed in the Yangtze River basin.Scholars deemed it a breakthrough proof of the fusion of Yangtze Civilization and Yellow River Civilization.Over the past 3500 year,thanks


2008年武汉大学博士研究生入学英语试题 及详解

2008年武汉大学博士研究生入学英语试题及详解 Part I Reading Comprehension (40%, 1=2 points) Directions: There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the following passage: Auctions are public sales of goods, conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-room to make offers, or "bids", for the various items on sale. He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods. This is called "knocking down" the goods, for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a table at which he stands. This is often set on a raised platform called a rostrum. (definition)→ what The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin Autcio, meaning "increase". The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war; these sales were called sub hasta, meaning "under the spear", a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, goods were often sold "by the candle": a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.(history)→ how Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, hides, skins, wool, tea, cocoa, furs, spices, fruit and vegetables and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, antique furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art. The auction-rooms as Christie's and Sotheby's in London and New York are world-famous. (goods/items)→ how An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by prospective buyers. I f the advertisement cannot give full details, catalogues are printed, and each group of goods


SYB 知识H 卷 第1页 共 2 页 广州市职业技能鉴定统一试卷 SYB 知识部分试卷( 卷) 专业工种号 99155 (考试时间:60分钟) 注 意 事 项 1、请首先按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号和所在单位的名称。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定的位置填写您的答案。 3、不要在试卷上乱写乱画,不要在标封区填写无关内容。 一、单选题(将唯一正确的答案写在括号内,2.5分/题,共20题) 1、 顾客需求调查方式不包括( )。 A 、利用行业渠道获取信息 B 、制定价格 C 、抽样访问你选定的那部分顾客 D 、情况推测 2、促销是指把你企业的( )传递给顾客,吸引他们来购买你的产品。 A 、服务信息 B 、销售信息 C 、生产信息 D 、产品信息 3、( )是劳动者与企业签订的确立劳动关系、明确双方权利和义务的协议。 A 、合约 B 、公约 C 、商业合同 D 、劳动合同 4、创业者应有哪些特质,下面表述不正确的是( )。 A 、是否具有坚忍不拔的精神 B 、是否具有冒险的勇气 C 、是否具有把握时机的能力 D 、是否成长在具有创业氛围的家庭 5、现金流量计划中不包括( )。 A 、当月收到现金的销售 B 、折旧费 C 、贷款利息 D 、贷款本金 6、国家对分配环节征收的税种称为( )。 A 、流转税 B 、增值税 C 、教育费附加 D 、所得税 7、( )从事商品的买卖活动,它们从制造商或批发商处购买商品,再把商品 卖给顾客和其他企业。 A 、零售业 B 、制造企业 C 、服务企业 D 、农业 8、目前我国的社会保险主要有( )。 A 、养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险、住院保险、商业保险 B 、养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、商业保险 C 、养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、基本医疗保险 D 、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、基本医疗保险、商业保险 9、企业构思是否可行,常用SWOT 分析法进行检验,其结果有以下几种,你认 为不正确的是( )。 A 、坚持自己的企业构思并进行全面的可行性研究 B 、修改原来的企业构思 C 、完全放弃这个企业构思 D 、让老师或专家做出最终判断 10、合同的订立必须采用( )。 A 、口头形式 B 、书面形式 C 、双方约定形式 D 、行为默示形式 11、企业得以生存的基础是( )。 A 、生产 B 、质量 C 、顾客 D 、产品 12、制定市场营销计划的一种方法是( ),通常称为“4P 方法”。 A 、产品、价格、地点、广告 B 、产品、价格、地点、促销 C 、产品、价格、促销、广告 D 、产品、促销、地点、广告 13、( )显示每个月预计会有多少现金流入和流出企业。 A 、现金流量计划 B 、销售和成本计划 C 、价格计划 D 、预测销售收入计划 14、从纳税角度看,个体工商户的经营利润也就是业主的收入,( )企业所得 税,由业主交个人所得税。 A 、要交 B 、不交 C 、多交 D 、少交 15、通过制定( ),可以看出企业是在赚钱还是在亏本。 A 、销售价格 B 、预测销售收入 C 、销售和成本计划 D 、现金流量计划 16、企业要赢利,流入企业的资金应( )流出的资金。 A 、等于 B 、大于 C 、小于 D 、不确定 17、广州市小额贷款期限一般为两年,到期应贷款申请人提出延期且反担保措施 继续落实,融资中心同意继续提供担保的,经银行同意可延期一次,延期期 限为( )。 A 、一年 B 、两年 C 、三年 D 、四年 18、市场调查的方法多种多样,做顾客需求调查的方式有( )。 A 、了解产品质量 B 、抽样访问你选定的那部份顾客 C 、制定产品价格 D 、打折促销 19、微小企业规模不大,一般由下列人员组成:( )。 A 、业主、员工、企业顾问 B 、企业合伙人、员工 C 、业主、员工 D 、业主、企业合伙人、员工、企业顾问 20、某一般纳税人企业增值税率17%,某产品含增值税出厂价10元,不含增值 税出厂单价为( )。 A 、8.3元 B 、11.70元 C 、8.55元 D 、9.43元 分,2分/题,共10题) 1、制定现金流量计划绝非易事,下列因素会给制定现金流量计划带来困难:( )。 A 、销售赊帐 B 、采购赊帐 C 、设备折旧 D 、工资 2、你的创业计划一定要写得详尽,它应该包括以下几部分:( )。 A 、概要 B 、企业构思 C 、市场评估 D 、企业组织和财务 3、制定价格时需考虑的主要因素有( )。 A 、 产品成本 B 、顾客愿意支付的价格
