出国旅游英语汇总(doc 16页)

出国旅游英语汇总(doc 16页)
出国旅游英语汇总(doc 16页)

出国旅游英语汇总(doc 16页)



Good morning 早晨好!I don't know 我不知道

Hello 你好!I can't speak English 我不懂英文

Good evening 晚上好!Yes , Please 请

Good bye 再见!Excuse me 劳驾

See you later 再见!I am sorry 对不起

Good night 晚安! Could you do me a favor? 能够帮我忙吗?Take care 保重!Please say it again 请再说一次

How are you? 你好吗?Anyway 总之

Fine. Thank you 谢谢你,我很好!Of course 当然

Have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安!By the way 顺便提一下

my name is ----- 我叫------- if 如果,假设

May I have you name? 请问你贵姓?Besides 另外,况且

Nice to see you 很高兴认识你。Actually 实际上

Thank you very much 谢谢!May I smoke here? 能在这里吸烟吗?Thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助。May I use this phone? 能够使用电话吗?You are welcome 不用谢。May I sit here? 能够坐在这里吗?That's right 你说的对May I ask something? 我想问点事情

Yes, I think so 我也这样认。Is there a police

station here?


Where is the toilet 厕所在哪里?What time is it now? 现在几点了?Where are you from? 你是从哪里来的?I am tired 我很累

Whom should I ask to? 我应该问谁?As soon as possible 近快---

What is this for? 这是做什么的?Please help me 请帮助我

It is important 这非常重要I feel sick 我感觉不舒服I'm in a hurry 我时间很急I'm lost 我迷路了



Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?Seat number 座位号码

Immigration 入境检查duty-free items 免税品Passport control 护照检查Quarantine 检疫Outgoing passenger card 入境登记卡Residents 本国居民Ongoing passenger card 出境登记卡Non-residents 外国居民Customs declaration card 海关申报单Visa 签证Currency declaration 现金申报单Destination 目的地

A gift for my friend 送给朋友的礼物Valid (invalid) 有效(无效)Chinese medicine 中药Cash 现金Prohibited articles 违禁品Yellow card 健康卡



Where can I get my baggage? 我去哪里取行李?

Here is my claim tag 这是我的托运行李卡

Could you please check it urgently? 请抓紧时间找我的行李

How many pieces of baggage have you lost? 你丢失了几件行李?

Can you tell me the features of your baggage? 请描绘你所丢失的行李的外表特徵It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag 是一件大的皮箱,挂有我名字的标签We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to


make a lost baggage report.

How soon will I find out? 需要多长时间可以找到我的行李Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon

找到行李后,请尽快送到我的酒店。as you've located it



Your passport and declaration card, please 请出示你的护照和海关申报单

Do you have anything to declare? 你携带的东西有必须申报的吗?No. I don't 没有

Please open this bag 请打开这件行李

What are these? 这是什?东西?

These are for my personal use 这是我的个人用品

This is a souvenir that I'm taking to China 这是我带会中国的纪念品

Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? 你带有任何酒类或香烟吗?

The cameras are for my personal use 这架照相机是我自用的

You`ll have to pay duty on this 这件物品你必须交纳关税



Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币?Can you change this into Australian Dollars? 请将这些外币兑换成澳元?

What is the exchange rate ? 兑换率是多少?

Do you accept traveler's checks? 你这里接受旅行支票吗?I'd like to cash this traveler's check 请将这些旅行支票换成现金I'd like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱

May I have a statement of accounts? 请给我兑换发票

Exchange of foreign currency 外币兑换




Is there an airport bus to the city ? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?

Where is the bus stop (taxi stand) ? 巴士车站在哪里?

How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi ?

乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?How can I get to Hilton hotel ? 去希尔顿酒店怎么走?

May I have a city map ? 请给我一张市区地图?

Can I reserve a hotel here ? 我可以在这里预订酒店吗?How much is it ? 多少钱?

Keep the change, please 不用找钱了

Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这个地址

How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间?

Stop here, please 请停下来。

What time does it leave ? 几点发车?

Where can I get a ticket ? 在哪里卖票?

Could you tell me when we get there ? 请问几点能够到达那里。




租车rent (rental) car hire car

行李baggage luggage

电梯elevator lift

分配座位seat assjgnment seat allocation

长途电话long distance call trunk call

占线line is busy line is engaged

汽油gas (gasoline) petrol

超车passing overtaking

让车yield give way

公寓apartment flat

炸薯条french fry chips

一点 a little a little bit

喂,你好hello G'day

你好How do you do ? How are you going ?



Where is the railway station? 火车站在哪?

Melbourne central station, please. 墨尔本中心火车站

How much is it? 多少钱?

Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station?

有去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士吗? What station does the train for Melbourne leave from?

去墨尔本的火车是从那一站离开的 Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪?

A ticket to Melbourne, please. 一张去墨尔本的票

One way or a round trip ticket? 单程还是环程票

Second class one way, please 二等单程

Are there reserved seats on the train? 火车上设有座位预留吗?

I don’t think it’s necessary, as the train won’t be crowded.

我想没有必要,因为火车不是很挤 Can I stop over on the way? 我可以中途下车吗?

Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne, please?

一张2等票去墨尔本 Are there any discount tickets for me? 我买票有折扣吗?

May I see a timetable? 我可以看看时间表吗?

Does this train run everyday? 这天天通火车吗?

I’d like to go to Melbourne tomorrow. What time is there a train?

我想明天去墨尔本,几点的火车? Is there a train that goes any faster? 有更快的车吗?

From which station does the train leave? 火车从哪站出发?

At which window can I make a reservation? 在哪个窗口我可以做预订

I’d like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要订个座位

I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Melbourne 我想订张去墨尔本的卧铺

I’d like the upper (the lower) berth. 我想要个上层(下层)的

Are any reserved seats available? 可以预订座位吗?

I’d li ke to change my reservation 我想改变我的预订

Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?

Smoking (non-smoking) car, please 吸烟(非吸烟)车厢

How long is the ticket valid? 车票多长时间有效?

What time does the first (last/next) train to Melbourne leave? 什么时候第一辆(最后一辆/下一辆)车从墨尔本出发

Is it a direct train? 有直达车吗?

Is there a connection to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的联运吗?

Do I have to change train? 我还需要换车吗?

Will the train leave on schedule? 火车准时出发吗?

What time does the train arrive in Melbourne? 火车几点到墨尔本

Are there any express train? 有特快列车吗?

Where does the train go to? 这辆车是去哪的?

Does the train split up? 列车会分离吗?

Is there a dining (sleeping) car on the train? 这有餐车(卧铺)车厢吗?

Does this train stop at Melbourne? 火车在墨尔本停吗?

Is there a direct train to Melbourne? 有直达去墨尔本的火车吗?

Where do I change trains? 我在哪换车?

How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 多长时间能到墨尔本?

What platform does the train leave from? 火车从哪个站台出发

Is this the right platform for the train to


How long does it take to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本需要多长时间?

Do I have to change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本我需要换车吗?

Can you help me with these bags? 你能帮我看一下包吗?

Does the train to Melbourne shop at this


How many more minutes will it take for the


train to arrive?

Is this the train to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的火车吗?

Excuse me. May I get by?打扰一下,我能过去吗?

Is this seat taken? 这座有人吗?

May I sit here? 我可以座这吗?

I think this is my seat 我想这是我的座位。

May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗?

Do I need a reservation for the dining car? 我需要订餐厅的座位吗?

Could I reserve a table at 7 o’clock?我可以在7点订桌吗?

Can I stop over with this ticket? 我可以中途下车吗?

This car does to Melbourne, doesn’t it?这是去墨尔本的车,对吗?

Does this car go to Melbourne? 这车去墨尔本吗?

May I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?

What is the next stop? 下一站是什么?

How long does this train stop there? 车在这停多长时间?

Could you let me know before we get to


What time do we get to Melbourne? 我们什么时间到墨尔本?

What station is this? 这站是哪里?

Where is the sleeping car? 卧铺在哪里?

Where is my berth? 我的床铺在哪里?

Could you make up my berth? 可以整理一下我的床铺吗?

Coul d you make me up at 7 o’c lock tomorrow


I lost my ticket. What should I do? 我丢了我的票,我该怎么办?

Can I cancel this ticket? 我能取消这张票吗?

I’d like to change this ticket to the first 我想换成头等票


I missed my station. 我找不到火车站拉

I missed my train. 我找不到火车拉

I left something on the train. 我忘了些东西在火车上

Please validate my pass 请确认我的通行证

I’d like to start using this pass for 45 days

我开始用这张通行证在45天之间from the day after tomorrow.

Can I get on this train with this ticket? 我可以用这张票上车吗?

Where is ABC office? ABC 办公室在哪?

Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?

I have an Apass 我有A票

Could you issue the supplement coupons 你们发行增刊的优待券吗?

Where is the bus depot for the ABC buses? ABC线路的巴士站在哪里?

Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪里?

To Melbourne, please 到墨尔本,谢谢

Can I get a ticket on the bus? 我能上车买票吗?

What time does the bus for Melbourne leave? 墨尔本出发的巴士是几点?

How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多长时间?

Do I have to transfer? 我还得换车吗?

Where can I check my baggage? 在哪里可以检查我的行李

Could I keep this baggage? 我能带者这些行李吗?

Which gate does the bus for Melbourne leave


Which bus goes to Melbourne? 哪辆车去墨尔本

What time does next bus leave? 下一辆车什么时候出发?

Is this seat taken? 这个座有人吗?

May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁边吗?

Where should I put my baggage? 我的行李应该放在哪里?

What time does this bus leave? 巴士什么时候离开?

Where is the rest room? 洗手间在哪里?

How long does the bus stop here? 巴士在这挺多久?

I’ll get off here我在这里下车

I’ll take the next bus.我要坐下辆车

May I have a bus route map? 可以给我张巴士线路图吗?

May I see the time table? 我可以看一下时刻表吗?

Is there a bus to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的巴士吗?

Where should I transfer? 我应该在哪转站?

Where can I buy a ticket? 我在哪能买着票?

How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行去那里需要多长时间?

Which bus goes to the airport? 哪辆车去飞机场?

Does this bus go to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的巴士吗?

How much is it to Melbourne? 去墨尔本多少钱?

Transfer ticket, please 换车票

How many stops to Melbourne? 去墨尔本要停多少站?

I’d like to get off at Melbourne 我在墨尔本站下车

Could you tell me when to get off? 能告诉我什么时候下车吗?

How can I get the bus to stop? 我怎么能让巴士停下来?

I’ll get o ff at the cathedral. 在教堂前我要下车

I’ll get off here我在这下车

May I have a subway map? 我可以看一下地铁线路图吗?

Which line should I change trains to go to


Which exit should I take for Melbourne central


Is the next station Melbourne central station? 下一站是墨尔本中心火车站吗?

Where is the taxi stand? 哪有出租车站台?

Could you call a taxi for me? 你能为我叫辆出租车吗?

Where can I catch a taxi? 我在哪能赶上出租车?

Where to? 去哪里?

How much does it cost to zoo? 去动物园多少钱?

Could you take me to Melbourne and bring me


Could you turn on the heating



Could you help me carry my baggage? 你能帮我搬行李吗?

To this place, please 去这里

I’m in a hurry我有急事

Could you give me a brief tour of the city,


Would you wait for me? 可以等我吗?

Could you drive more slowly 可以开的慢点吗?

Please turn to the right (left) 请右(左)转

Shop here, please 停这里

How much is it? 多少钱?

The fare is different from the meter. 收费和仪表盘上的不一样

Thank you。 Keep the change. 谢谢,不用找拉。

What kind of excursion cruises are there on the



How many cruises are there each day? 这里一天有多少游览船?

Where can I board the ship? 我在哪里上船?

How long does it take to there and come back? 来回需要多长时间?

What time does the next ship leave? 下一班船什么时候出发?

Is there a moonlight cruise tonight? 有夜间的游览船吗?

Does the fare include meal? 费用包括吃的吗?

What time do we board? 我们什么时候上船?

What time does the ship leave? 这艘船什么时候出发?

Where is my cabin? 我的船室在哪?

How long does it take to south bank? 去南岸需要多长时间?

At which port do we stop? 我们在哪个码头停靠?

Can I reserve a deck chair? 我可以预订一张甲板上的椅子吗? From what time can I have breakfast? 什么时候可以吃早餐?

How long do we stop here? 我们在这里停靠多久?

I’d like to do some sightseeing while the ship is in port

当船靠港的时候,我想看看周围的景色 I’m seasick, may I have some medicine? 能给我些药吗,我晕船

Could you call a doctor, please? 能帮我找个医生吗?

I’d like to rent a car, please 我想要租一辆汽车。

Where can I rent a car? 在哪里我可以租到车?

I have a reservation. 我做了预订。

This is my voucher. 这是我的凭证。

What kind of cars do you have? 你们有什么样的车?

I’d like a n automatic (a compact/a sports) car

我想要辆自动档(轻便/运动)车 May I see the rate list? 我可以看下费用单吗?

I’d like to see the car before I rent it. 我想在租之前看下车

I’d like to rent this type of car for 3 days. 我想租这种车3天

Do you have any special rates? 你们有特价吗?

What is the rate per day (week)? 每天(周)怎么收费?

How much does it cost for 3 days? 3天的费用是多少?

Is the mileage free? 公里数是免费的吗?

Does it include gas? 包括汽油吗?

No. Fill the gas when you return the car. 不。 还车的时候请加满油

Does the price include insurance? 保险在这费用中吗?

Can I drive a car with my Chinese driving license?

我可以用中国的驾照开车吗? Do you want insurance? 你想要保险吗?

I’d like full insurance. 我想要全额保险

This is my international driving permit. 这是我的国际驾照。

Please write down your home address 请写下你的家庭住址

Where are you staying? 你在哪里暂住?

Please send the car to Boston Hotel tomorrow morning

明天早上请把车送到波士顿酒店。 When do I have to return the car? 什么时候我还车?

Can I drop it off at my destination? 我能把车放在我的目的地吗?

Can I drop it off in Melbourne? 我能把车放在墨尔本吗?

How much do you charge for dropping off the car?

你们取车需要收费多少? Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要支付押金吗?

Please tell me some places to call in case of trouble. 请告诉我一旦发生紧急情况我应该给谁打电话

May I have a road map? 能给我张道路地图吗?

Is there a gas station around here? 这附近有加油站吗?

Fill it up, please 请加满油

Ten dollars of gas, please 10圆钱

How can I use this gasoline pump? 如何使用这个油泵啊?

Could you check the battery (brake fluid)? 你能检查一下电池(刹车油)?

The clutch isn’t working right离合器片没有正常工作

The car makes a strange noise. 车发出奇怪的声音

I have a flat tire. 我有一个瘪胎

My car has broken down. 我的车抛锚拉

Could you show me on the map where I am? 能告诉我在地图上的什么位置吗?

Where is the nearest motel around here? 这里最近的旅店在哪?

Where can I park? 我可以停在这吗?

Please call the police. 请叫警察

Please call an ambulance. 请叫救护车

Where is the nearest telephone? 最近的电话在哪?



Can I reserve a hotel room here? 我能预订一个房间吗?

I’d like to reserve a hotel room for


Do you have a hotel guide? 你有酒店指南吗?

Can you recommend a hotel which is not too


Is there a hotel which costs under 50

这有一个低于每晚50圆的酒店吗?dollars a night?

Could you recommend a hotel in the city


I’d like to stay at a hotel near the


I’d like a room with bath我想要一间有浴室的房间。

How much is the room charge? 这间房间收费多少?

How much is a single room with a bath? 带浴室的单人间收费多少?

I’d like a room with a shower.我想要一个可以冲凉的房间。

I’d like a twin room我想要一个双人间

I’ll take that room我想要那间房

I’d like to stay f or 2 nights. 我要住两晚

How much is it per night? 每晚多少钱?

Does it include tax and service charge? 这包括税和服务费吗?

Is breakfast included? 包括早餐吗?

Do you need a deposit? 需要押金吗?

Is there a discount for staying several



Can you recommend another hotel? 你能推荐另一间酒店吗?

Do you know any cheaper hotels? 你知道有便宜点的酒店吗?

Where is the hotel? 这个酒店在哪里?

How can I get there? 我怎么到那里?

How long does it take on foot? 步行需要多长时间?

Is there a youth hotel here? 这有青年旅社吗?

Can I have a youth hotel list? 能给我一张青年旅社的清单吗?

I’ll ar rive late, but please keep my


Check in, please 登记

I made a reservation in Tokyo 我在东京做了预订

My name is ABC 我是ABC

Here is my confirmation slip. 这是我的确认信

I’d like a quiet room.我想要一个安静的房间

I’d like a room on the upper level. 我想住在上层的房间

I’d like a room with a nice view( a



Is there a TV set? 这个有电视吗?

Is hot water available any time? 全天提供热水吗?

May I see the room? 我可以看看房间吗?

Do you have any bigger (better/cheaper)? 你有间更大的(更好的,更便宜的)吗?

Could you give me a larger room? 你能给我间大房吗?

I’ll take this room.我想要这间房

Would you fill in this registration form? 你能填一下这个注册表吗?

I’ll stay three nights我要住3个晚上

Do you accept credit card (traveler’s


Can I get a room for tonight? 我想要今天晚上的房间

Do you have a shared bath (shower)? 你们有公用浴室吗?

May I have the key, please? 能给我钥匙吗?

Would you have my baggage sent up? 你们收到我的行李了吗?

Can you keep my valuables? 你能帮我保管贵重物品吗?

Where is dining room? 餐厅在哪里?

Is there also a cafeteria? 这里有自助餐厅吗?

What time does the dining room open? 餐厅几点开门?

What time can I have breakfast? 早餐几点开放?

Can I have breakfast in my room? 我可以在房间吃早餐吗?

Is there a beauty salon (barbershop) 这里有美容院(理发店吗)?

Does someone here speak Chinese? 这里有人说中文吗?

Could you keep this baggage until 4



May I have my baggage back? 我可以取走我的行李吗?

Can I have a card with the hotel address? 能给我一张有酒店地址的名片吗?

Can I get a ticket for the sightseeing bus



Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地铁站在哪里?

How long does it take to go to the airport 从这里乘出租车到飞机场需要多长时间?

by taxi?

Can you find me a baby-sitter? 能给我个婴儿座椅吗?

Could you make reservations for a

restaurant (tour/musical) for me?

你能帮我预订个餐馆(观光/音乐会)?Cab I use a typewriter? 我可以用打字机吗?

Do you have facsimile (photocopier)? 你有传真(复印机)吗?

What time do you close the front door? 你们几点关前门?

I’ll be back late tonight我今晚会晚回来

Are there any letters (massages) for me? 这有给我的信(口信)吗?

Please send this letter by air (sea) mail. 请空运(水运)这个邮件

I’d like to send this parcel to China.我想将这个包裹寄回中国

Could you pack it for me? 你能帮我做下包装吗?

Can I have a box for packing? 能给我个盒子作包装吗?

Could you page Mr. Ford here? 你在这能写上FORD先生吗?

He must be somewhere in the hotel 他一定是在酒店的某个地方

Just a minute, please. 请等一下

Come in 进来

Please bring me a pot of coffee. 请给我一壶咖啡

This is room 316. I’d like a blanket,



I’d like a wake-up call, please. 请给我一个起床提醒

What time? 几点?

7 o’clock tomorrow morning明早7点

Your room number, please 你的房间号码

Do you have room service? 你有房间服务吗?

I’d like a pot of boiled water 我想要壶开水

Please bring me some ice cubes and water 请给我一些冰块和水

Hoe long does it take? 需要多长时间?

As soon as possible, please. 越快越好

I’d like shampoo (hair conditioner/a

drier/a bath towel/a match)

我想要洗发液(护发素/吹风机/浴巾/火材)I’d like to order breakfast for to morrow 我想订明早的早餐

What would you like to have for breakfast? 你早餐想要点什么?

I’d like orange juice, two eggs, over easy, with ham and French fries, and Coffee, please 我想要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡

About what time shall we bring it? 大约几点我给你送去?

My breakfast still ha sn’t arrived. Please

bring it right away


Good morning. Here’s a menu, sir早上好,这是菜单,先生

I’d like some rolls, scrambled eggs,

hashed potatoes and tea, please.

我想要一些卷,搅过的鸡蛋,土豆泥和茶Would you like some bacon or ham with your



Bacon, please. 煎肉,谢谢

Would you like some lemon slices with your



No. with cream, please. 不,加奶油,谢谢

Would you like your tea, now? 你现在就要你的茶吗?

Yes, please. 是的



Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 你能推荐附近的一个好点的餐馆


I’d like a restaurant not too expensive我想找一个不是很贵的餐馆

I’d like a quiet restaurant.我想要一个安静的餐馆

I’d like a restaurant with a cheerful atmosphere 我想要一个有着愉快气氛的餐馆Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 你能推荐几个餐馆吗?

Where is main area for restaurants? 餐馆主要集中在什么地方?

Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 这附近有中国餐馆吗?

Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 这附近有高档餐馆吗?

Do you know of any restaurant open now? 你知道有现在开门的餐馆吗?

I’d like to have some local food.我想吃些当地食品

Where is the nearest Italian restaurant? 哪有最近的意大利餐馆

Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?

Could you make a reservation for me? 你能帮我预订一下吗?

I’d like to reserve a table for three 我想订3人的桌子

We are a group of six 我们6个人一组

We’d like to have a table tighter我们想并桌

We’ll come at eight o’clock我们8点到

What time can we reserve a table? 什么时候我们可以订桌?

How late is it open? 开门最晚到几点?

How can I get there? 我怎么到那里

Hello. This is ABC restaurant. 你好,这里是ABC 餐馆


I’d like to reserve a table for two at seven


I am sorry. We have so many guests this evening. 很抱歉,今晚客人太多拉

How long is the wait? 需要等多长时间?

We can wait till late hours 我们可以等的晚些

Nine o’clock shoul d be ok 9点可以

Could we have a table on the garden? 我们可以要张在园子里的桌子吗?It’s ok. Your name, please没问题,姓名?

What do you have for today’s special?你们今天有特价吗?

Do you have a dress code? 你有衣服编号吗?

Should I dress a coat and tie? 我需要系领带吗?

Should the ladies wear formal dresses? 女士需要穿正式服装吗

No jeans, please 请不要穿牛仔裤

I’m sorry, but I want to cancel my reservation.对不起,我要取消预订

Do you have a table for three? 你有3人的桌子吗?

Can we have a table in the corner? 我们可以要张角落的桌子吗?I’d like a table by the window我想要张靠窗的桌子

Please wait to be seated 请等候如座

Good evening. Do you have a table for two? 晚上好,有两人的桌子吗?Sure, this way, please 当然,这边请

Our tables are full now. Could you wait for a while? 我们坐满拉,请等一下

I guess we can offer a table in 30 minutes. 我想30分钟后会有空位

All right. We’ll wait好,我们等会

May I have a menu, please? 我可以看看菜单吗?

Do you have a menu in Chinese? 你有中文菜单吗?

Would you like something to drink before dinner? 饭前想喝些什么吗?

What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif? 想喝什么样的开胃酒?

Do you have some local beer? 你有当地啤酒吗?

May I have another one? 能给我另一个吗?

May I see the wine list? 我可以看看酒单吗?

May I order a glass of wine? 可以给我一杯葡萄酒吗?What kind of wine do you have? 你想要什么样的葡萄酒

I’d like to have some local wine.我想要当地的葡萄酒

I’d like to have French red wine我想要法国红酒

Could you recommend some good wine? 你能给我推荐些葡萄酒吗?May I order, please? 我可以订了吗?

Can we have separate checks? 我们可以分开付帐吗?

What is the specialty of the house? 有什么特别料理吗?

Do you have today’s special?有今天的特价吗

I’d like to have something special.我想要一些特别的

Do you have local dishes? 你有当地菜吗?

What do you recommend? 你有什么推荐?

Do you have anything ready quickly? 有没有快点的菜

Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以要和那个一样的菜吗?I’ll have it就是它了

I’ll have whatever you recommend.就要你推荐的

I’d like appetizers and meat (fish) dish.我要开胃菜和肉(鱼)类

I’d like to have dinner for less than 30 dollars

我想要30圆以下包括酒水的including drinks.

Can I have it right away? 我可以现在就要吗?

What is this? 这是什么?

What kind of dish is this? 这是什么菜?

I’d like this这个不错

I’m on a diet我正在减肥

I have to avoid food containing fat (salt/sugar) 我不要有脂肪(盐/糖)的食物Do you have vegetarian dishes? 你有素菜吗?

Can you make it mild? 能做的清淡吗?

How do you like your steak? 你想怎么吃牛扒

Well done (medium/rare), please 全熟(中等/生)的

Could you tell how you to eat this? 你吃的怎么样?

Could you pass me the salt (pepper)? 你能把盐(胡椒)给我吗?

I’d like a glass of wa ter, please 我想来杯水

May I have a bottle of mineral water? 给我一杯矿泉水

Uncarbonated mineral water, please. 不含碳酸的矿泉水

May I have some more bread, please? 能再给我些面包吗?

I dropped my knife (fork) 我的刀(叉)掉了

Is everything all right? 一切还好?

This is very good 非常好

I’d li ke a dessert, please 一份甜点

What do you have for a dessert? 什么样的甜点?

我想要些清淡的,奶酪或蛋糕都行I’d like something light, just some cheese or cake,


May I have some cheese? 来些奶酪

What kind of cheese is this? 这是什么奶酪?

May I have just a little of it? 我就要一点点

Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert? 我可以要些水果代替甜点

What kind of food do you have? 你有什么样的食物?

Is coffee included in this meal? 咖啡包括在菜里吗?

May I smoke? 我可以吸烟吗?


出国旅游常用英语口语有哪些出国旅游常用英语口语有哪些一 装备相关的旅游句子 1.Are you all set? 行李收拾好了吗? 2.In case of rain,umbrella should be taken. 以防万一,还是带伞吧。 3.It is better if you put a name tag on your suitcase. 你最好在你的行李上贴上名牌。 4.You should check your list to see whether you have something left. 你最好检查一下行李,看是不是落下了什么。 5.Why are you taking such a heavy suitcase with you? 为什么你要带这么重的行李呢? 6.Wait a second.I want to check my memo. 稍等一下,我要检查一下我的备忘录。 7.For your own sakes,you shoould wear sunscreen. 为了自己,最好带防晒霜。 8.What kind of clothes shold I wear? 我该带些什么衣服呢? 9.Sunglasses are necessary.

墨镜必不可少。 10.It is recommended that you take some medicine with you. 建议你拿点药之类的。 11.I am ready to go. 一切就绪。 出国旅游常用英语口语有哪些二 与出行方式相关的旅游句子 1.What type of transportation are you planning to use? 你打算以何种交通方式出行呢? 2.I think subway is the most convenient options in China. 我觉得在中国乘地铁最方便。 3.Where is the nearest underground station? 离这最近的地铁口在哪里? 4.I would like to buy one sleeping train ticket to Haikou. 我想买一张去海口的卧铺票。 5.Would you mind an upper berth in your train? 你介意是上铺的票吗? 6.Do I need to transfer to another train? 我需要中途转乘别的车吗? 7.Excuse me.The plane is taking off.Please turn off your mobile phone. 你好,飞机马上起飞,请把手机关闭。

出国旅游 常用英语

红色字体为必须注意,其他可以忽略 境外常用英语 常用单词 出站(出港、离开) departures 登机手续办理 check-in 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 机场候机楼 airport terminal 移民局 immigration 国际候机楼 international terminal 正常航班 regular flight 非正常航班non-scheduled flight 行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港 international departure 国内航班出站 domestic departure 中转 transfers 中转旅客 transfer passengers 控制台control tower 登机道jetway 旅客桥 air-bridge 迎送平台visitors terrace 中央大厅concourse 机场内来往班车 shuttle bus 候机室至飞机的连接通路 loading bridge 汽车服务airline coach service 出口 exit; out; way out 过境 transit 进站(进港、到 达) arrivals 报关物品 goods to declare 不需报关 nothing to declare 海关 customs 登机口 gate; departure gate 航班号 FLT No (flight number) 来 自…… arriving from公用电话 public phone; telephone 延误 delayed 登机 boarding 免税店 duty-free shop 行李牌 luggage tag 登机 口 Gate luggage/baggage 行李 registered/checked luggage 托运行李 light luggage 轻便行李 baggage elevator 行李电梯 baggage receipt 行李收据 trolley 手 推车 入境常用英语 移民官:What’s the purpose of your visit旅行的目的为何 客人: Just for sightseeing/travel.观光/旅行。 移民官: Do you have a return ticket to China是否有回程机票 客人: Yes, here it is.有的,这就是回程机票。 移民官: How long will you be staying in the Maldives预计在马尔代夫停留多久 客人: five 天。 移民官: How much money do you have with you你随身携带多少现金 客人: I have ** dollars.大约**元。(多于30美元) Immigration 入境检查 duty-free items 免税品


去国外旅游常用英语对话 我建议你乘巴士去那里。 走到那里有点远。 T:Which bus should I take?我应该乘哪路公交呢?S:Tour 2.游2路。 T:What time does the museum open?博物馆几点开门呢?S:It opens at 9:00 from April to October.从4到10月都是9点开门的。 T:Thanks a billion.非常感谢。 去国外旅游常用英语对话2A:We are on our way. I think our first stop is Buckingham Palace.B:That's right. I can already see the Palace Garden on the left.A:And here is Buckingham Palace! Look, isn't it beautiful? It is much bigger than I imagined.B:The bus is turning right to Buckingham Gate. And now we are joining Victoria Street.A:Yes we are going towards Westminster Abbey. I can see it now! Look to your right.B:I can see it. The bus is stopping. I think we will be able to go inside.A:This is amazing. I'm glad we decided to take this bus tour. So where next?B:I guess we should see Big Ben soon.A:Yes. It is just round the corner. Oh, can you see the London Eye? Look straight and to your right.B:Look at this bridge. We will soon be crossing the Thames.A:This is Lambeth Bridge. We will then loop back and cross the river again on Westminster Bridge.B:Wonderful.去国外旅游常用英语对话3A:Excuse me.打扰一下。 B:Yes?什么事?A:Do you have any information about the city sights?


假设你选择的是国外航空公司,同时该公司没有中文服务人员。这时候该怎么办呢?快点储备一些出国旅游实用句型吧~ 1. 托运行李 - 递给对方护照和机票,对方可能会问: How many luggages are you checking in? (有多少件托运行李?) Do you have a carry on? (有手提行李没?) Can you place your baggage up here? (请把行李放上来(传送带/小盒子)) - 出票前可能会问: Do you prefer window or aisle? (想靠窗还是靠走廊)如果对方不问你,但 是你想找个靠窗座位,可以说 Can I have a seat closest to the window? - 最后,对方给你登机牌,会告诉你登机门号和时间: Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you." * 如果你行李超重,对方会说 your luggage is overweight. 以上问题回答都 是yes, no的就不写了 2. 飞行过程中的英语 - 其实没什么好说的,无非是让你选餐时,你选chicken还是beef此类的.....你就说 Chicken please 一切OK. 如果想要东西时,句型很简单,就是 Excuse me, Could I have a cup of orange juice, please 这种. * 如果冷想多要一个毯子可以说 Could I get another blanket, please, I'm a little cold. * 如果要在飞机上填入境表,没有笔可以说: Could you lend me a pen to fill out this immigration form? * 如果要找个人换座,可以说:Would it be possible to change seats with someone? * 如果有人坐在你椅子上了,可以说: I'm sorry, I think you are in my seat. * 机场广播一般.....不用听懂.....空乘可能会提醒你的就是: Please fasten your seat belt (请系紧安全带)这类。 3. 在境外转机 转机时,先看机票上的航班号,然后从机场的航班指示屏幕上找到该航班在那个GATE登机,最后顺着机场标示走到这个GATE就好,不需要说话。但特殊情况可能是,你到了后,发现屏幕上有你要转的航班号,但是后面的GATE是空的,这 时候你可以向机场工作人员确认下 hello, could you tell me which gate is for the flight XXX(航班号) please,一般他们都会回答这个飞机delay了,或者在maintain , 需要再等待一下。


去美国旅游,或出国旅游,英语不精没关系, 词汇量不多也没关系,但有一些实用的口语 定要学会哟 ~ 酒店住宿常用英文 I would like to have a morning Call at8:00 in the morning. 我要早上 8: 00 设定电话 叫醒。 I'd like to order room service, please. 我要食物送到房间的服务。 I'd like a room of one. 我要单人房。 I'd like a room for two with separate beds. 我要两张床的房间。 I'd like as extra bed for room 702. 我要在 702 房多加一张床。 When is check out time 退房的适合时间? I am interested in booking a room. 我想订房。 Could I book a double room for 3 days from ...( 日期 )..to ( 日期 ). 我要订一间双人房 从 .. How much is a double room for 1 night 双人床一晚多少呢? Your booking is confirmed. 你的订房已经生效了。 Do you have a bus service from the airport 有饭店的 bus 在机场接送吗? Could you fax me a map of how to get to the hotel 请你传真路线图给我,我想知道如 何到你们饭店。 Could you show me my room 你可以带我到我的房间吗? What time does the dining room open 餐厅几点开始营业? What time can I have breakfast 早餐几点开始供应? Could you keep my valuables 是否可代为保管贵重物品? I'd like to check out. My bill, please. 我要退房。请给我帐单。 Please bring me some ice cubes and water. 请送给我一些冰块和水。 The air-conditioner (T.V. set 、 light ) doesn't work. 冷气 (电视、灯 ) 无法开启。 餐厅用餐常用英文 Hi, we n eed a table for two, please. 你好,我们有两位。 May we have a table by the win dow, please 请给我们一个靠窗的桌子好吗? We prefer to sit by the window, please. 我们想坐在靠窗的位子。 Can I take this seat 我可以坐这个位子吗? This table would be great. Thank you. 这个位子很好,谢谢。 May I have a menu, please 请给我菜单。 Do you have a menu in chinese 是否有中文菜单? What's your special today 你们今天有什么特餐? What kind of dish is most popular here 这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢? I'd like to have some local food. 我想尝试一下当地食物。 I cannot tolerate spicy food, could your chef make my dishes mild 我受不了辣的菜 Where is the emergency exit and staircase Please send another blanket to my room. The sheets are dirty. 床单很脏。 There's no running hot water in my room. I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 房间。 I'd like a room with a nice view (abalcony ). 紧急出口和楼梯在那里? 请再送一条毯子到我房间。 我房间没有热水。 我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的 我想要一间视野好 (有阳台 )的房间。

《出国旅游必备英语口语》之 点餐篇

《出国旅游必备英语口语》之点餐篇 ●我可以再多等会吗?Could I have a few more minutes? ●请给我菜单好吗?May I have a menu,please? ●是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese? ●可否让我看看酒单?May I see the wine list? ●餐厅有那几类酒?What kind of wine do you have? ●是否可建议一些不错的酒? Could you recommend some good wine? ●我想点当地出产的酒。I'd like to have some local wine. ●餐厅有些什麼餐前酒? What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif? ●我想要喝法国红酒。I'd like to have Frence red wine. ●我可以点餐了吗?May I order,please? ●餐厅有今日特餐吗?Do you have today's special? ●我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?Can I have the same dish as that?

●餐厅是否有供应素食餐?Do you have vegetarian dishs? ●我是素食主义者,请给我一份豌豆和花菜。 I’m a vegetarian ,give me a peas and cauliflower,please. ●牛排要七分熟。Steak medium well. ●餐厅招牌菜是什麼? What is the specialty of the restaurant? ●就这些了。That's it. / That's all. ●请拿账单来,好吗?Could I have the bill, please? ●请问您怎样付款?How would you like to pay?●把你们的经理叫过来Called your manager.


出国旅游英语情景对话 出国旅游英语情景对话一 A:I hear you are planning to travel abroad. A:我听说你要到国外去旅行。 B: Yes. I m going to the Untied States for travel. What places do you recommend? B:是的,我要去美国旅游。有什么可以推荐的? A: In my opinion, there are several places you mustn t miss, like Washington D.C, Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles. A:我看,有几个地方你绝不能不去,像华盛顿特区、拉斯维加斯、纽约和洛杉矶。 B: Someone suggests that I should go to Seattle and Hawaii. B:有人建议我去西雅图和夏威夷。 A: Yes, you may consider those two places also. Seattle, for example, is worth visiting and there s a very famous museum called Museum of Flight. A:是啊,你也可以考虑这两个地方。比方说,西雅图就很值得参观,有一个很有名的博物馆叫做航宁博物馆。 B: And Seattle is the home of Microsoft and Boeing. That must be a great place.I can t miss it. B:西雅图也是微软和波音的所在地,一定是个了不起的地方,我不能不去。 出国旅游英语情景对话二 A: Judy, have you ever made out how much moneyshall we spend?


出国旅行常用英语口语对话 出国旅行常用英语口语对话:我把钥匙落在房间里了 M:I can t get into my room. I mean I left my room key inside. W:I see, sir. Those two ladies in front of your room did the same thing twenty minutes ago. M:Oh,did they? Well, would you give us an extra key to the room? W:I am afraid we have no extra key. So I will send somebody to your room. M:By the way, what should I do with the key when I go out? W:Please drop it at the front desk when you leave the hotel. 出国旅行常用英语口语对话:The red lamp on the phone is going on and off W:Hello, this is room 1205. Our message lamp is flashing. M:Hold on a minute, please. W:Thank you. M:I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Mr. Johns needs a telephone call from you. W:Would you bring the message to my room. M:I m afraid we have nobody available at the moment. W:Then I ll come down and pick up the message immediately. M:OK, we wait for you. 出国旅行常用英语口语对话:My suitcase hasn t been delivered yet


出国旅行常用英语一览表 一、办理入境有关用语 请问哪里是移民局办事处? Where is the immigration? 这是我的护照和入境申请表。 Here is my passport and entry form. 我是跟考察团来的。 I am in a technical visit delegation. 我将在这里停留3天(星期、个月) I will stay here for 3days (weeks, months) 我打算住在宾馆里,这是旅馆的地址。 I am going to stay at hotel, this is the hotel address. 二、过海关用语 请问海关在哪里? Where is the custom? 我有东西要申报 I have something to declare. 这是我的关税申报单。 Here is my declaration. 我要缴纳税金吗? Do I have to pay duty on this? 三、在邮局的有关用语 我想要买些明信片以及寄到中国的邮票 I want to buy these postcards and some stamps to China, please. 请帮我把这些信(明信片)发出好吗? Would you please send these letters (postcards) for me? 请帮我接通到中国的电话,这是电话号码。 Please connect me to China, here is the phone number. 四、货币兑换有关用语


一个人用英语去旅行:实用旅游英语口语系列[D O C格式]

旅游英语:预订机票情景对话及常用句型 目前,越来越多的人都选择以飞机为出行方式。但是如何用一口流利的英语订机票呢?这里我们替你总结了一些情景对话,还有一些常用的句型。大家都来学一学吧~ A:Good morning. The United Airlines. What can I do for you? 早上好。美国联合航空公司。我能为您做些什嘛? B:Yes, I'd like to make a to Boston next week. 是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票。 A:When do you want to fly? 您想何时去? B:Monday, september 12. 周一,9月12日。 A:We have Flight 802 on monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day. 我们有周一802次航班。请稍等。让我查一下那天是否有座。非常抱歉802次航班机票已订完。 B:Then, any alternatives? 那还有别的吗?

A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat? 有一次航班在九月13日周二上午9:30起飞。我要为您订个座位吗?B:Er... it is a direct flight, isn't it? 哦......是直航对吗? A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach? 是的。您愿意订头等舱还是经济舱的机票? B:I prefer first class, what about the fare? 我想订头等舱的机票。多少钱? A:One way is $176. 单程是176美元。 B:Ok I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday. 好的我要订周二9:30的机票。 A:A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir? 一张807次航班周二早晨9:30飞往波斯顿的机票,对吗先生? B:Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th? 对。你能把我放到12号等候名单中吗? A:Certainly. May I have your name and telephone number? 当然可以。请您告诉您的名字和联系方式。 B:My name is Lorus Anderson. You can reach me at 52378651.


以下是出国旅游必须掌握的100句常用的英语口语,掌握了这些英语口语会令您在国外旅游更顺利。当然,如果您是报团旅游,那另当别论,有领队和导游帮您解决英语语言沟通问题。 您如果一下子记不住,那么把下面的常用出国旅游英语口语100词打印出来,让需要用的时候,拿出来,中英文对照给老外看,他们一看即懂。 1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开( 放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行 25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进

32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U Turn 禁止掉头 45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号 48、Hands Wanted 招聘 49、Staff Only 本处职工专用 50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸 52、Keep Silence 保持安静 53、On Sale 削价出售 54、No Bills 不准张贴 55、Not for Sale 恕不出售 56、Pub 酒店 57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆 58、Bar 酒巴 59、Laundry 洗衣店 60、Travel Agency 旅行社 61、In Shade 置于阴凉处 62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存 63、Poison 有毒/毒品 64、Guard against Damp 防潮 65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手 66、Complaint Box 意见箱 67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用


出国旅游必备英语口语50句 一、登机篇 1.请问1号登机口在哪? Excuse me, where is boarding gate one? 2.请问航班CZ623(航班号)在哪换登机牌? Hi, where can I get the boarding pass for flight CZ623? 3.我在何处可取得行李? Where can I get my baggage/luggage? 4.这些是我私人使用的东西。 These are for personal use. 5.旅游咨询中心在那里? Where is tourist information? 6.是否可建议一间较为廉价的旅馆? Can you recommend an economical hotel? 7.是否有机场巴士可到市区? Is there a bus to the city? 8.是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店? Is there a hotel that costs under 50 dollars a

night? 9.巴士站牌(出租车招呼站)在那里? Where is the bus stop(taxi stand)? 10.是否可建议一家位于市中心的旅馆? Could you recommend a hotel in center city? 二、住宿篇 1.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。 I would like to have a morning call at 8:00 in the morning. 2.我要食物送到房间的服务。 I'd like to order room service, please. 3.我要单人房。 I'd like a single room. 4.我要两张床的房间。 I'd like a double room. 5.我要在702房多加一张床。 I'd like an extra bed for room 702. 6.退房的适合时间? What is the time for check-out? 7.我想订房。


出国旅游购物时常用英 语口语 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

出国旅游购物时常用英语口语Whereistheshoppingareainthistown? 购物区在城镇的什么地方? Whereisthebiggestshoppingcenter? 哪有最大的购物中心? Isthereadepartmentstorearoundhere? 附近哪有百货商店? Isitfarfromhere? 离这远吗? Couldyoutellmehowtogetthere? 能告诉我怎么到那吗? Whereisthenearestsupermarketfromhere? 最近的超市在哪? WherecanIbuyarolloffilm?

在哪能买到胶卷? I’ dliketobuyaleatherjacket.Couldyourecommendagoo dshop? 我要买一件皮衣。能介绍个好的商店吗? Arethereanyunusualthingsproducedinthistown? 这个镇有什么特产吗? WherecanIbuyit? 我在哪里能买到 Isthereaduty-freeshop? 这有免税店吗? Whattimedostoresopen? 什么时候商店开始营业? I’dliketobuykitchenware 我想买厨房用具 Whichshophasthebestrangeofgoods?

哪个商店有最好的商品 Couldyourecommendaboutiquewhichispopularamongy oungpeople? 你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗? WherecanIbuycloth? 在哪能买到布料 Whatdoyousellonthesecondfloor? 你们在2楼卖什么? Excuseme.Canyouhelpme? 打扰一下。能帮我一下吗? I’dliketobuyaswimsuit.WherecanIfindit? 我想买件泳衣。在哪能找到? Doyouhavesomethingspecialinthisarea? 在这有什么特别的吗? I’mlookingforsomethingformymother.


美式论文、报告写作技巧 编者按:美式教育的特点即是课程内容强调学生参与及创新运用,因此,报告便成了常见的考核学生学习成果的方式,比如实验报告、学期报告、专题报告、研究报告及论文(含毕业论文)等。研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。如何完成报告、论文同时得到良好的成绩,是本文提供给有志留学的有心人参考的目的。 美国大学生由於自小已养成自动寻找答案习惯,在启发式的教育环境下,写报告、论文对他们来说比较不陌生,虽然专业知识上美国学生不见得比外籍学生强,但是表达能力由於自小培养,加上英语能力的优势,常比外籍学生在报告、论文方面有较隹的利基。反之中国学生比较缺乏报告写作的训练,因此如果在留学过程中无法适应美式教育会比较辛苦,其实论文、报告的写作要领其实不难,只要把握技巧就可水到渠成。 通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下: (一) 篇首: 封面(Title) 序言(Preface) 谢词(Acknowledge) 提要(Summary) 目录(Tables and Appendixes) (二) 本文: 引言(Introduction) 主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes) (三)参考资料: 参考书目(References or Bibliography) 附录资料(Appendix)。 进行论文或报告写作之前,先要确定想要表达的主题,主题确定后,将其具体表达,即为题目。题目可以提供研究者: 一.研究的方向 二.研究的范围 三.资料搜集的范围 四.预期研究成果 通常在确定题目之後就开始找资料从事研究,建议在找资料之前最好去问教授有哪些参考资


目录 1、你有什么计划吗? (1) 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 (2) 3、英文问路指路 (2) 4、这位子有人坐吗? (3) 5、打电话预定餐厅位子 (5) 6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式 (6) 7、At Breakfast 吃早餐 (8) 8、如何用英语买火车票 (9) 9、谈薪水必备英语口语 (11) 10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上 (13) 11、Asking Favors 求助 (14) 12、Making an Appointment 预约 (15) 13、Saying Goodbye 告别 (16) 14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢 (17) 15、Saying Thank You 道谢 (18) 16、介绍和开场白 (19) 17、Finding a Room 找住房 (21) 18、At a Hotel 在旅馆 (22) 19、The weather 天气 (23) 20、这里停车每小时多少钱? (24) 21、为什么突然要辞职呢? (25) 1、你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好! Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗? Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢?

Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊? Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。 John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。 John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。 3、英文问路指路 A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map? B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.


出国旅游常用英语 一 如何描述亚洲之旅 第一句:Have you ever visited Korea 您游览过韩国吗 A: Have you ever visited Korea 您游览过韩国吗 B: Several times. Its a beautiful country. 游览过好几次了,它是一个美丽的国家。 A: What part of the visits e_cited you most 参观过程中最令您感兴趣的是什么 B: The biggest island of Korea~Jizhou Island. 韩国最大的岛屿济洲岛。 第二句:Ive just e back from India. 我刚从印度回来 A: Hi, where have you been I havent seen you for weeks. 甲:嗨,您去哪儿啦几个星期没见到您了。 B: Ive just e back from India. 我刚刚从印度回来。 A: Oh, did you go by yourself

哦,您是一个人去的吗 B: No, I went with a group. 不,我是跟一个旅游团去的。 其他表达法: Lets enjoy the wonderful view of Taihu Lake. 我们来欣赏太湖的绮丽风光吧! We can see a fine view of the West Lake from the hill top. 从山顶我们可以把西湖的美丽景色尽收眼底。 its not bad to tour the island during this season. 这个季节环岛一游真不销。 二 第一句:Can you give us some information about Washington Monument, Mr.White 您能为我们介绍一下华盛顿纪念塔吗,怀特先生 A: Can you give us some information about Washington Monument, Mr. White 您能为我们介绍一下华盛顿纪念塔吗,怀特先生 B: With pleasure. The Washington Monument was started in 1848. 当然乐意。华盛顿纪念塔于1848年开始建造。 第二句:How high is it
