


1、What’s the weather like today?

2、How many people are there in your family?

3、Where are you from?

4、How old are you?

5、Do you feel cold now?/How do you feel today?

6、Can you sing a English song?

7、Do you have a pet?What’s its name?

8、Can you name some colors?

9、What’s your favorite food?

10、Do you have an English name?

11、How do you spell your English name?

12、How many fingers do you have?Do you know their names?

13、What is7plus13?

14、Who come here with you today?

15、What color are your shoes?

16、Is that your new coat?

18、Who is your best friend?

19、How do you spell...(简单单词)?

20、What’s your favorite fruit?

21、What do you like to eat on your birthday?

22、What time do you usually get up?

23、What time do you usually go to bed?

24、What time do you usually go to school?

25、How many toys do you have?

26、What time do you usually finish your school?

27、Does your mum have long hair?

28、Is your mom’s hair curly or straight?

29、Can you ride a bike?

30、What color is your bike?

31、Do you have a big bedroom?

32、Do you run fast?

33、What farm animals do you know?

34、Can a cow fly?

35、How many legs does a turtle have?

36、Is an elephant big or small?

37、What do you like for breakfast?

38、Do you drink milk every day?

39、When is your birthday?

40、Is there a clock in your bedroom?

41、What does your mother look like?

42、Does your mother like cooking?

43、Does your dad like driving?

44、What time does your father usually come home?

45、Who helps you with your homework?

46、Who reads stories for your before bed?

47、Can you swim?

48、What’s your favorite day?

49、Does your father like reading?

50、Where do you live?

51、Tell me about your house.Is it near this school?

52、Walking from this school to your house,what can you see?A park?Some shops?

53、Look out of the window.What can you see?

54、Tell me about your family.What are their jobs?

55、Tell me about your daily routine.What time do you go to school?

56、What subjects do you study at school?

57、What time does school finish?

58、What do you do in your free time?

59、What do you do with your brother/sister/parents/friends?

60、Do you like singing?Can you sing any English songs?


1、Which day do you like best in a week?

2、Do you have any aunts or uncles?

3、What do you like to do on weekends?

4、Who do you like to play with?

5、What do you love best in your family?

6、What’s your favorite subject?

7、What’s your favorite animal?Why?

8、What’s your favorite food?

9、Who cooks for you every day?

10、How do you spell...(符合发音规则的陌生单词)

11、When do you usually go to school in the morning?

12、How many students are there in your class?

13、How many boys are there in your class?

14、How many girls are there in your class?

15、How many teachers do you have?

16、How many friends do you have in your class?

17、What’s your best friend’s name?

18、How many classes do you have every day?

19、How many English classes do you have every week?

20、What do you usually do in music class?

21、Would you please say something about your favorite teacher?

22、Would you please say something about your best friend?

23、Would you please say something about yourself?

24、How long does it take you to go to school every day?

25、Who do you go to school with in the morning?

26、When do you finish you school every day?

27、Who cooks for you in the morning?

28、What do you usually eat in the morning?

29、When do you have your lunch on school days?

30、Who is taller in your family,your mom or dad?

31、Who is the tallest in your class?

32、What are you good at?

33、What do you want to be in the future?

34、What do you think is the best job?

35、What do you think is the most beautiful place?

36、Who is shorter than you in your class?

37、Which song do you like best?

38、How often do you see movies?

39、How often do you brush your teeth?

40、How often do you play computer games?

42、Is your father good at soccer?

43、What’s the weather like in summer?

44、Do elephants eat meat?

45、What is your plan for tonight?

46、When were you born?

47、What was the last movie you saw?

48、What classes did you have yesterday at school?

49、Where are you going for your summer vacation next year?

50、What do you usually do in the summer vacation?

51、Do you like animals?Why?

52、Do you like sports?Why?

53、Do you like singing?Can you sing any English songs?

54、Do you have to do homework every day?

55、How do you think of too much homework?

56、Do you often help your mother do some housework

57、Do you have a computer in your home?What can you do with the computer?

58、Have you ever made your parents angry?Tell us a story about that.

59、Can you tell us something about your hometown?

60、Do you have many good friends?Do they help you when you are in trouble?


希望之星省预决赛培训讲义 省预决赛比赛说明: 时间:3月5日-6日 省预决赛比赛流程 1.第一环节:文章朗读(约120秒) 相关说明: a、选手现场抽取一篇文章进行朗读,准备时间约120秒(上一个选手的朗读时间即是下一个选手的准备时间)。 b、考查重点为语音、语调、理解能力、精神风貌。 温馨提示:建议选手用准确的语音语调、适当的语速、大声流利自信地把所抽取的文章表达出来。 2.第二环节:我最擅长(I’m best at)......(约120秒) 相关说明: 选手先用英语介绍自己的某个特长、爱好等,之后向评委展示此项特长(必须是与英语相关的),如:我最擅长电影配音模仿、背诵英文小说、英文脱口秀、英语说唱等。 考查重点为表演能力、语言运用能力。赛场不提供伴奏、道具、插线板、电脑、投影等物品。温馨提示:建议选手们创意十足、个性凸显地将自己最擅长的技能用英语“秀”出来,表演的(包括引人注目的服装、道具等)独特方式、新颖的创意、巧妙的构思和个性的表达将得到评委的青睐。 文章朗读环节注意事项 一.常见的拼读规则 1.CVCE words 的发音规则。 Intro:先练习读一些CVC单词:cat mop tub quit dim pin wet met IWB 讲解:silent E 发音规则。CVC单词后面加上e,e不发音,元音a e I o u 发字母本身的音。 例词:cape /tape/pete/kite/bite/hope/mope/cube/tube/move/fade/fine/hide 2字母组合(长元音)发音规则讲解。 1:oo: book look foot tooth hook 2:ee:feet teeth sneeze meet/tree 3:ay:Stay /may /say/day/play 3两个字母发一个音。 Ch/sh/th/wh:Shark/ what/show/father/ where/fish/both 4:ou/ow oi/oy:cow house boy toy Th 的清音和浊音 I would eat anything healthy for teeth. I’d rather like the weather. Think about the person you are talking with. There this that breathe brother 发音规则文章练习 1. Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight le gs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth.



“希望之星”英语风采大赛复赛即兴问答题(小低组) 1.What's your name 2.How old are you 3.How are you 4.Do you like your school 5.Do you like your teacher 6.What can you do 7.Can you jump like a rabbit Do it, please. 8.Can you sing an English song 9.What animal can fly 10.What animal can swim 11.Do you like birthday cake 12.What colour is the apple 13. Do you have a big family 14. How many people are there in your family 15. Do you have any brothers or sisters 16. Do you have a dog at home 17. Do you like your family 18. Do you like going to the zoo 19. Do you often visit your grandparents 20. What color do you like best 21. What fruit do you like

22. Do you like peaches 23. What fruit do you like best 24. Do you often go shopping with your mum 25. What fruit do you want 26 . Can you play football 27. Do you like playing soccer 28. Can you play the piano 29. What time do you get up everyday 30. Do you go to school by bus 31. Do you like to have breakfast in the morning 32.What do you eat for breakfast 33. Do you drink milk every day 34. Do you like running 35. Do you wear a skirt/T-shirt in summer 36. How much is your skirt/T-shirt 37. Do you have a bike 38. Is there a desk in your bedroom 39. Is the desk in front of your bed 40. Is there a picture in your bedroom 41. Is there a computer in your bedroom Where is it 42. What can you play 43. Can you play the guitar


《xx小低组、小高组、初中组复赛题目》xx中央电视台希望之星英语风采大赛 成都市复赛 成都市复赛比赛内容:1分钟命题演讲+现场评委问答要求: 1、选手必须在对应的组别选择一个组委会给定的题目,事先准备好自己的命题演讲稿(每位选手只选择1个题目即可)。如选手没有选择规定的题目进行演讲,将视为0分。 2、演讲时间为1分钟,请选手控制好自己的时间。 3、如选定的题目中,选手设计了一定的道具(图片、照片、头套、手偶等),可以事先准备好带到现场。(凡有背景音乐播放等,须选手自己准备便携式装备,比赛现场不额外提供电源等设备) 4、评委将在选手演讲结束后进行提问,问题在1—3个左右,问题范围不仅仅局限于选手的演讲内容。 小低组(小学1—3年级): 1、如果我是一只小动物ificouldbeacat… (选手可以任意选择一个动物) 2、如果我是老师ificouldbeateacherforaday… 3、我会做家务icandosomehousework(家务事) 4、我的家乡myhometown 5、我最喜欢的一本书myfavoritebook 6、最好的生日礼物thebestbirthdaygift小高组(小学4---6年级): 1.假如我有超能力。。。ificouldhaveanysuperpower… 2.如果我有三

个愿望ifihadthreewishes…3.假如植物能说话,他们会聊什么呢…ifallkindsofplantscouldtalk,theywouldsay…4.宠物是我们的好朋友petsarejustasgoodasfriends5.教室里的行为规则therulesinourclassroom6.朋友能帮助我myfriendscanhelpme初中组: 1、ififoundatreasure map… 2、beingpolitetostrangersis… 3、theeffectofmusicinmovies. 4、theinfluenceoftvshowsonyoungpeople 5、howtohandleadifficultperson 6、lyingisn’talwayswrong 内容仅供参考


希望之星小低组问题 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

“希望之星”英语风采大赛复赛即兴问答题(小低组) 's your name old are you? are you? you like your school? you like your teacher? can you do you jump like a rabbit Do it, please. you sing an English song animal can fly animal can swim you like birthday cake colour is the apple 13. Do you have a big family

14. How many people are there in your family 15. Do you have any brothers or sisters 16. Do you have a dog at home 17. Do you like your family 18. Do you like going to the zoo? 19. Do you often visit your grandparents 20. What color do you like best 21. What fruit do you like 22. Do you like peaches 23. What fruit do you like best 24. Do you often go shopping with your mum


小学生三好学生主要事迹材料,三好学生事迹材料范文 篇一我从XX年9月进入吉林市第一实验小学以来,自觉遵守《中小学生守则》和《小学生日常行为规范》。四年级往常一直担任班级的班长职务,进入五年级以后担任学校的副大队长职务至今,每学期都被评为校三好学生或优秀干部。在老师、父母和同学们的教导和关心下,我在德智体美劳等各方面都得到了全面进展。 我从四岁开始学习英语,从小的梦想就是当外交官。几年来,我靠自己的勤奋努力和非凡的毅力,通过七年的学习历程,学完了高中英语课程。近几年,我分不获得了XX年、XX 年吉林市江城青年儿童才艺大赛英语一等奖,XX年第二届“盖伦杯”全国青年英语大赛学前组全国总冠军,XX年第二届盖伦全国青年希望之星金奖,XX年吉林市第四届英语风采大赛小学低年组一等奖,XX年吉林市第五届英语风采大赛小学低年组一等奖,XX年青春中国—青青年英语口语大赛吉林省金奖,2011年“盖伦杯”吉林市小学生英语口语大赛一等奖。我利用自己的英语特长,从XX年的9月开始,在班级里组建了“呱呱英语乐园”,这是一实验有史以来第一个由我们学生自发组织的“英语角”,在班主任老师和英语专科老师的指导下,带领全班同学开发了一片欢乐英语的天空,带动了全班同学学习英语的兴趣。 在老师的谆谆教导和父母的关怀下,我养成了良好的学习习惯,学习成绩在学年里始终名列前茅。我不但酷爱英语,而且我还十分喜爱文学和数学的学习,几年来我的文章曾经发表在中国青年英语报、吉林市江城晚报、盖伦英语校刊《概论时空》和一实验的校刊《心桥》等报纸和杂志上,《一次有意义的远足》和《奶奶的心》两片文章荣获第三届“全国青青年冰心文学大赛”散文类银奖,我依旧吉林市江城晚报的小记者。我的数学连续几年都被学校定为期末免试科目。 我热爱体育运动,争做一名全面进展的好小孩,我是吉林市年龄最小的轮滑协会会员,曾经在XX年吉林市首届轮滑竞赛中获得小学低年级女生300米和500米速滑的第二名,XX 年轮滑速滑竞赛女生1500米吉林市第四名。 在学校里,我热爱学习、团结同学,努力当好同学们的带头兵和老师的小助手,为此一直受到老师们和同学们的好评。入学以来,获得了学校的“魅力学生”、“读书小博士”、“学习之星”、“团结之星”、“校园小雷锋”等光荣称号,XX年还被评为吉林市优秀少先队员,XX 年在吉林市“红领巾风采展示”活动中被评为少先队之星,2011年被评为吉林市十佳少先队员,同年当选为第十四届吉林国际雾凇冰雪节形象大使。 生活中我是一个心地善良、乐于助人的小孩。几年前,在概论英语学校组织的向西藏希望小学捐款的活动中,我坚决果断地捐出了预备给妈妈买生日礼物的50元钞票。去年我又自发地带领同学们为白血病患儿胡杨募捐。胡杨两岁时被确认患白血病,到去年差不多同病魔抗争了6年,闻名歌手任静和付笛声都曾经为他捐款。一个偶然的机会,我认识了那个悲伤的小孩。我把自己的零花都钞票捐给了胡杨,同时在自己的博客上和新浪吉林网上,为胡杨建立了爱心专线,通过网络为胡杨募捐。在学校,在班主任老师的支持下,还组织了一个以“爱的奉献”为主题的班会,号召同学和家长为胡杨捐款。这次专门的班会还特邀了江城日报、江城晚报、吉林市电视台、吉林市广播电台和吉林市红十字会的记者和领导。这次以“爱的奉献”为主题的班会,在一实验乃至吉林市都产生了积极的阻碍。 我是一名一般的学生,假如讲自己在学习的道路上取得了一些成绩的话,我想这些成绩的取得和老师辛勤的培育、父母无私的关怀和同学们的关心分不开的。我将以此作为我人一辈子的新的起点,不骄不躁,勤奋努力,做一个合格的优秀的新时代的小学生。 篇二xx同学,今年13岁,是xx市xx小学五(1)班的学生。她在学校团结同学,乐于助人,关怀班级,爱护公物;在学习上认真刻苦,各科成绩优异;在班级工作中,能出色地完成老师交给的各项任务,并多次受到学校的表彰。他时刻注意自己的言行,在德、智、体、美、劳等方面都有突出表现,是同学们学习的好榜样,是老师的得力小助手。


小学B组问答题 1.If you have RMB 100 yuan, how do you spend it? 谢谢你的提问,我会买一些书和笔给灾区的同学。 Thank you for your question, I will buy some books and pens for the students in Sichuan. 2.If you can’t see anything, what will you do? 谢谢你的提问,我会用我的耳朵听大自然的声音。 Thank you for your question, I will use my ears to listen to the voice of nature. 3.If you can’t sleep, what should you do? 谢谢你的提问,我会看书学习知识。 Thank you for your question, I will read to learn knowledge. 4.Which is the best season? Why? 谢谢你的提问,我认为是春天,因为春天是最美丽的季节。 Thank you for your question, I think it is spring because it is the most beautiful season. 5.If you can’t pass an exam, what will you do? 谢谢你的提问,我会向父母道歉,然后努力学习。 Thank you for your question, I will apologize to the parents, and then study hard. 6.If it is your birthday today, what present do you want? Why? 谢谢你的提问,我想要一本书在我生日那天,因为书可以增长我的知


湖南交通工程职业技术学院(东区) 第三届“希望之星”英语口语大赛 策 划 书

目录 一、活动简介 (1) 二、活动目的及意义 (2) 三、可行性分析 (2) 四、活动流程 (2) 五、宣传方案 (3) 六、赛前准备工作分配及时间安排 (4) 七、资金预算 (6) 八、注意事项 (6)

第三届“希望之星”英语口语大赛策划书 英语作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,在国际的交流中起着至关重要的作用。英语口头表达,历来是学生英语学习的一个不可缺少的环节,是检测一个学生英语综合水平的试金石。国际交流的多元化更需要高素质的综合人才,提高英语口语表达能力是学生在学习阶段的一个十分重要的任务。因此交工院铁道运输系学生会现面向全系同学举办“第三届希望之星英语口语大赛”,提供一个展现自我的舞台,借此提高同学们的英语口语水平,加强我系同学的竞争意识。让我们翱翔在英语的天空,舞蹈在英语的世界,我们期待着您的参与,期待着您的精彩! 一、活动简介: 1、活动名称:第三届“希望之星”英语口语大赛 2、活动类型:英语口语能力展示,舞台文艺表演 3、活动对象:铁道运输系全体同学 4、主办单位:湖南交通工程职业技术学院铁道运输系 5、承办单位:系学生会学习部 6、负责人: 总项目负责人:曹妍、骆英华 项目负责人:唐京伟、黎钦前 7、计划时间:2011年4月7日—4月27日 8、计划场所:初赛: 工会活动室(4月14日下午4:10) 决赛: 工会活动室(4月27日下午4:10) 二、活动目的及意义:

促进和提高我系大学生的英语口语水平、营造良好学习氛围、活跃校园文化生活、发现优秀的口语后备人才、提高大学生的综合素质。通过竞赛选拔的形式,提高我们大学生英语口语表达与应用能力,激发我们学习英语的积极性,为大家创造良好的学习英语平台。 三、可行性分析: 在社会竞争日益激烈的今天,同学们期待着展示自己的才华,期待着证明自己,期待着提高自己的个人能力,期待着认识更多的朋友!在这么多期待之下,英语口语大赛让他们的期待,成为现实! 本活动以下几个亮点可以增加同学们的参与度: 1.本次活动是我校第三次举办,其比赛形式新颖而简单,必然吸引广大学生报名参与。 2.本次活动所需的设备均由我们主办方提供,大大减轻参赛选手的负担与不便。3.抽取幸运观众(观众以投票的方式选出最有可能夺冠的选手,再从投他票的观众中,抽出5名幸运观众)。 四、活动流程: (一)初赛 在工会活动室选拔,选手进行自我介绍,(不必拘于简单的自我介绍,为提升自己人气,可以加入歌曲、名言、幽默等),并且准备朗诵一篇英语短文,时间在2分钟以内,文段自选(请选手将原稿给一份给评委)。 (二)决赛: 1、主持人介绍来宾 2、铁道运输系党总支书记徐友良致开幕词,宣布比赛开始


“希望之星”英语风采大赛问题汇编 1.问候Greetings 1)How are you today? How do you feel? 2)How's your day? 3)What's the day/date? 4) What’s the weather like in winter/ in Ningbo…? 2.个人信息交流Myself 1)How old are you? 2)What's your (English)name? 3)Where are you from?/ Where do you live?/ Where were you born? 4)How do you think of your hometown? 5)What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you have a dream? What is it? 6)What's your favourite food/fruit/color/sports/class/song/film...? Why? 7)Who's your favourite teacher/singer/movie star/athlete...? Why? 8)How does he/she like? 9)What kind of book/music/job... do you like? Why? 10)What do you usually do on Sundays/ Saturdays/ weekends/ holidays? 11)Are you helpful at home? How? 12)When is your birthday?/ When were you born? 13)What do you do on your birthday? 14)What would you like for your birthday? Why? 15) Do you like traveling? Where have you been so far? 3.学校信息交流Our school 1)How many classes/teachers/students are there in your school? 2)How is your school? 3)How do you go to school? 4)Which class are you in? 5)How many boys/girls in your class? 6)Which floor is your classroom on? 7)What do you think of your school/class/teachers? 8)Who is your math/Chinese/English teacher?/What’s her/his name? 9)What is she/he like?/How does she/he like? 10)What does she/he like? 11)What subject/class do you like best?/What is your favourite subject?


“希望之星”英语风采大赛复赛即兴问答题(小低组) 1.What's your name? 2.How old are you? 3.How are you? 4.Do you like your school? 5.Do you like your teacher? 6.What can you do? 7.Can you jump like a rabbit? Do it, please. 8.Can you sing an English song? 9.What animal can fly? 10.What animal can swim? 11.Do you like birthday cake? 12.What colour is the apple? 13. Do you have a big family? 14. How many people are there in your family? 15. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 16. Do you have a dog at home? 17. Do you like your family? 18. Do you like going to the zoo? 19. Do you often visit your grandparents? 20. What color do you like best?

21. What fruit do you like? 22. Do you like peaches? 23. What fruit do you like best? 24. Do you often go shopping with your mum? 25. What fruit do you want ? 26 . Can you play football? 27. Do you like playing soccer? 28. Can you play the piano? 29. What time do you get up everyday? 30. Do you go to school by bus? 31. Do you like to have breakfast in the morning? 32.What do you eat for breakfast? 33. Do you drink milk every day? 34. Do you like running? 35. Do you wear a skirt/T-shirt in summer? 36. How much is your skirt/T-shirt? 37. Do you have a bike? 38. Is there a desk in your bedroom? 39. Is the desk in front of your bed? 40. Is there a picture in your bedroom? 41. Is there a computer in your bedroom? Where is it? 42. What can you play?


2012年“希望之星”英语风采大赛复赛即兴问答题小低组 特殊疑问句 1.What's your name?My name is…. 2.Who gave it to you?谁给你的东西?My fatherMy mother. 3.I'm very glad to meet you.I’m glad to meet you too. 4.Good morning.Good morning . 5.What can you do?I can play football./ 6.What can fly? What can swim?Bird can fly.Fish can swim。 7.What do you want to have in your birthday?Birthday cake、 8.How many people are there in your family?Three \four 9.How old are you?I am 8." 1 0."What fruit do you like?l like apple. 1 1."What sports do you like?I like playing football. 1 2."What time do you get up everyday?I get up at 7." 1

3."When do you go to school?I go to school at 7:30 1 4."What do you eat for breakfast?Eggs and milk. 1 5."What do you do after school?Do my homework. 1 6."What color is your schoolbag?It’s blue. 1 7."What do you have in your schoolbag?Books Pencil. and eraser and pencil case. 1 8."Where do you live?I live in weifang. 1 2 0."What's your favorite color?Pink. 2 1."How many colors are in the rainbow? What are they? 7." 7xx。 2 2."What color clothes do you like to wear?Red. 2 3."What animals are you afraid of?snake.


2019-2020年度希望之星小低组文章朗读1-5篇 小低组文章朗读(一) “Come to bed, Jack.”said mum. “Look at my red car, mum.”said Jack. “My car can go up and down.”said Jack. “Come on.”said mum, “Come to bed.” “Look at me, mum.”said Billy, “I am in bed.” “Mum, mum, come here.”said Billy, “Here is my book.” Mum and Billy are looking at the book. Jack is looking at mum and Billy. Look at Jack. Jack is going to bed. Jack, mum and Billy are looking at the book. 参考译文: 妈妈:杰克,上床睡觉吧。 杰克:妈妈,看看我的红车,它能开上开下呢。 妈妈:快点睡觉啦。 比利:妈妈你看我,我在床上啦。妈妈来我这吧,这是我(要看)的书。 妈妈和比利在看书。 杰克看着妈妈和比利。 (现在)看看杰克,杰克要上床睡觉了。 杰克、妈妈和比利看起了书。 小低组文章朗读(二) Kitty Cat ran into the red leaves. Fat Cat looked down at Kitty Cat. “Go away, Kitty Cat.”Said Fat Cat, “I am looking for a mouse.” Fat cat’s tail went up and down, up and down. “Here comes a mouse.”Said Fat Cat. Fat Cat looked at the mouse. Kitty Cat ran up to Fat Cat’s tail. “Meow!”Said Kitty Cat, “Meow!”Said Fat Cat. The mouse ran away. “Meow!”Said Fat Cat, “Here I come, Kitty Cat.” Kitty Cat ran. Fat Cat ran, too. Kitty Cat ran for home. Kitty Cat went in the little door. 参考译文: 小猫钻进了红色树丛中。胖猫低头看见了小猫。 胖猫:小猫你快走开,我正抓老鼠呢。 胖猫的尾巴上下摇动。 胖猫:老鼠来了。胖猫看着这只老鼠。 小猫走到了胖猫的尾巴旁。 小猫:喵! 胖猫:喵!! 老鼠逃走了。 胖猫:喵呜,你等着,(你这个)小猫!


2011年度中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛 2011 CCTV “Star of Outlook ” English Talent Competition 初赛笔试题(小学低年级组) 一、 看图选词。看图片,选出正确的单词,把正确单词的序号写入括号内。(共10分,每小题1分) ( )1、 A. desk B. chair C. door ( )2、 A. bike B . bus C. car ( )3、 A. dog B. pig C. cat ( )4、 A. car B. bike C. bus ( )5、 A. say B. listen C. read ( )6、 A. tree B. grass C. flower ( )7、 A. bread B. cake C. noodle ( )8、 A. lion B. horse C. elephant ( )9、 A. bus B. train C. plane

( )10、 A. sit B. stand C. run 二、选词填空。找出各组单词中不同类的一个词,把它的序号写入题前的括 号内。(共20分,每小题2分) ( )11. A. rice B.noodles C.banana ( )12. A. plane B. dog C.cat ( )13. A. knife B.rice C.fork ( )14. A. pen B. duck C. bike ( )15. A. apple B. book C. pear ( )16. A. name B. two C.one ( )17. A.you B. I C.pig ( )18. A.new B. morning C. big ( )19. A black B. white C. bye ( )20. A.fox B. bag C. bird 三、单项选择(共40分,每小题2分) ( )21. Oh, it’s ______ nice TV. A. a B. an C. / ( )22. Is that Mrs________? No, she isn’t. A. hen B. Hen C. a hen ( )23. Are you a girl? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I’m a girl. ( )24. What’s your name? _________________. A. an elephant. B. Elephant. C. elephant. ( )25. Can you do it? Yes, I ________. A. am B. do C. can ( )26. Let’s _________home A. goes B. go C. going ( )27. It ________my bag. A. are B. not C. is ( )28. It’s ________ big egg. A. a B. an C. / ( )29. _______ are you?I am at home. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )30. Sue is _______ mother. A. you B. his C. I ( )31. How old are you? _________________. A. I’m nine. B.Fine,thank you. C. OK. ( )32. Is this Mr. Duck? Yes, ________ is. A. she B. his C. he ( )33. Look! It’s _________ room. A. my B. I C. me ( )34. Nice ______ meet you. A. too B. for C. to ( )35. A bird is ______ the tree.


希望之星英语风采大赛小学组评委即兴问答题库(附参考回答) 1.Which school do you study in Which subject do you like bestWhy? 2.I study in …School. I like…best. I’m good at …Because my father/mother is a/an…I want to be a/an …in the future, just like my mother/father... 3.How many people are there in your family Can you tell us a story that happened in your family? 4.There are three/five…people in my family. They’re my grandmother/mother, …and me. My father is a businessman/an English teacher…My mother is working at school/in the hospital/in the…company. Last winter/summer holiday, I went to Shanghai/Beijing/Hangzhou…with my family. We vistied the Science Museum/the Tiananmen Square/the Fordden City/the West Lake…It’s very famous and interesting. We had a lot of fun together. 5.Who is your best friend Why he or she is your best friend? 6.My best friend is …She’s/He’s kind/funny/active/quiet/lovely/cute/serious/helpful…She/He has big shining eyes and long wavy/straight/curly hair…I often play games/do homework/have lunch/go shopping…with my friend. We help each other. We always do sports/play badminton/jump ropes/read books…together. 7.Who is your English teacher Do you like her (him) Why? 8.Miss…/Mrs…is my English teacher. She’s/He’s funny/serious…She/He is wearing glasses. She/He often wears yellow dress/white T-shirt with blue jeans…I like her/him/my English teacher. Because She’s/He’s kind to me. She/He always plays English games in the class. She/He often tells me, “Come on baby, you can do it.” 9.Do you have to do homework everyday How do you think of too much homework? 10.Yes, I do. Sometimes I do my homework at school. Sometimes after I finish my writing lesson or badminton lesson, I do my homework at home. I think too much homework is not good or useful for students, because we


CCTV希望之星英语风采大赛绵阳赛区复赛比赛题型 比赛时间:4月25日、26日比赛地点:绵阳市电视台参赛费:80 比赛内容: 一、小低组 (1)、命题演讲(时间限定:1分半钟) 题型说明:选手在以下六个选题当中任选其一进行命题演讲。 1、Somewhere I love going 2、My favourite toy 3、How to stay healthy 4、Something I love doing 5、How to be a good student 6、My favourite animal (2)、看图说词 题型说明:根据现场评委老师给出的图片,说出图片上的事物的英语单词。 二、小高组 (1)、命题演讲(时间限定:1分半钟) 题型说明:选手在以下六个选题当中任选其一进行命题演讲。 1、How to study better 2、My favourite sport 3、When mum is angry, I will… 4、What I want to do when I’m older 5、Something I find difficult 6、A place I want to visit (2)、看图书句子 题型说明:根据现场评委老师给出的图片,说出图片上的事物的英语句子。 三、初中组 (1)、命题演讲(演讲时间1分半钟) 题型说明:选手在以下六个选题当中任选其一进行命题演讲。

1、The job I want in the future 2、The best way to study well 3、If I were the principal of my school 4、How to have a healthy life 5、The most interesting period of history 6、How to be a good friend to others (2)、即兴问答(时间限定:30秒) 题型说明:根据评委提问进行回答,回答时间不超过30秒


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 学校领导在中低年级家长会的讲话稿 尊敬的各位家长: 大家好! 我姓周,分管学校教学工作。很高兴今天能和大家坐在一起,共同关心我们的孩子。学校的 在悠悠的大柳河畔旁,雄伟的红旗山下,镶嵌着一颗璀璨的明珠,这就是富有“小奉天”美誉的全国重点镇——**镇。小镇凝聚着红旗山的灵秀和大柳河的清纯。在这块人杰地灵的土地上,孕育着一所有着73年人文历史和优良传统的学校——**镇中心校。**镇中心校始建于1936年,现有34个教学班,1658名学生,在职教职工90人,专任教师84人,它承载着半个世纪的积淀蕴蓄,经历了七十余载的辉煌岁月。多年来,学校坚持贯彻党的教育方针,树立以德治校、以德育人的思想,以为办学宗旨,秉承“追求内涵发展,创建和谐校园”的办学理念,坚持环境文化——无声胜有声;课堂文化——润物细无声;党团队文化——精彩分呈锦上添花;校本课程文化——横看成岭侧成峰的做法。制定了以“修德、启智、健体、育能”为目标,倡导“严谨、爱生、钻研、创新”的教风,“诚信、好学、务实、求索”的学风。 第一篇:环境育人——满园春色尽芳菲 1 / 7

2008年是**镇中心校不平凡的一年,它翻开了教育发展的新篇章,实现了历史上的重大跨越。2008年10月,在市教育局的正确领导,在**镇党委、政府的大力支持,学校由原校址搬迁到原市二中的校址。二年来,学校进行了全方位的维修和改建,合理地美化绿化了校园环境,成为了一所名副其实的花园式学校。走进校园,你就会感到这里是孩子们幸福童年和成功开始的地方。醒目的标语“孩子的笑脸是校园的阳光,桃李的芬芳是园丁的希望”富有生机,憧憬未来。大型雕塑“希望之星”更能焕发出学生奋发学习、报效祖国的决心和信心。一块块富有人文气息的标语,耐人寻味、意味深长。笔直宽阔的甬路、阿娜多姿的树木、葱绿宜人的草坪、绚丽多彩的鲜花,真的是绿树成荫吐新翠,鸟语花香溢芬芳。 走进教室,墙面上的爱国篇、学习篇、理想篇名人名言,让学生每日记一句,享用一生。师生们共同精心布置的文化墙生动有趣,突出班级特色。整齐的书柜、丰富的藏书,洋溢着浓郁的文化气息。“快乐识字、成语加油站、阅读直通车、我的英语吧、数学七巧板、说画脸谱、小书签大智慧”一张张生动活泼、图文并茂的特色作业,闪烁着无限智慧的光芒,记录着学生成长的足迹。让每面墙壁都说话、让每片土地都传情、让每块草地都育人、让每方园地都富有生命力,这里步步是景、步步育人,德育气息充满整个校园。 字幕:滴滴雨露绽开满园春色,校园德育风景这边独好。 第二篇:管理育人——为有源头活水来 目前,学校设有校长、副校长、党支部、工会、少先队、政教处、教
