a famous person I are all admire(一个我敬佩的名人)

a  famous person I are all admire(一个我敬佩的名人)
a  famous person I are all admire(一个我敬佩的名人)

the discussion of a famous person you three are all admire Team Members:YuLong Li,BingLei Guo,Jun Yan

YuLong Li:In our growth, we will admire a lot of people, some people who helped me, and some people encouraged us in our difficulties, some people are our spiritual idols. Many people give us with a deep impression, then Who do you most admire?

BingLei Guo:Ah, I most admired person is famous mathematician Chen's. He is a man Fuzhou City, Fujian province, is an ordinary farmer's son. He always hard to learn math, math fact have a great talent horizon. He was later to accomplish something in mathematics, was remembered by people at home and abroad, and to be respected.

Jun Yan:Yes, I was particularly impressed the article "he benefit issues"that he published in 1965.This is the proof "Goldbach's Conjecture"a milestone on the road to the road.His thesis mathematical community at home and abroad have a great impact,has been called "Chen Theorem."

YuLong Li:I recently read some papers,his "Goldbach's

Conjecture"and other problems of number theory research is still leading.We can not imagine the mathematician in a seven square meters of the house,completing these achievements.His perseverance and talent always worthy of our admiration and study.

BingLei Guo:Star's story has always been that we talked about.He was born in the ordinary family, was the first of nine children.His father work at the post office,his family only have a small amount of land.However, his mother often worried about his sick body.

Jun Yan:I think he takes advantage of his good family environment,during the war years read a lot of books.In boyhood,his math ematical talent has not been found.His brother recalls his childhood particularly fond of reading, which I think is worthy of our study now.

YuLong Li:His marriage also been us talked about.While in the hospital fell in love with a young doctor, and then47-year-old and 29-year-old mathematician,physician married.Age is not an obstacle may love it.


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 我自己会买东西了 [教学目标] 1、知道买东西时应该说些什么,能正确表达自己购买东西的愿望。 2、买东西时,能与售货员正确对话。 3、教育学生说话时态度要大方,语言亲切、有礼貌,听别人讲话时要认真耐心。 4、注意买东西时会出现的各种情况,灵活运用。 [教学重难点] 1、能进行买卖东西的对话并使用礼貌用语。 2、分角色对话时做到态度大方自然。 [教学准备] 1、课前,教师布置学生到商场柜台买东西,或观察别人买东西,记住买东西的过程,感知买东西的一般知识。 2、玩具人民币。 3、有放东西的柜台(课桌若干张)。 4、每个柜台准备十件以上各种东西,并贴上价格标签。 [教学过程] 一、激发兴趣,谈话入境 1、谈话导入。 同学们,平时向别人借过东西吗?你们都借过什么?是怎样借的?谁愿意说一说。 2、创设情景,熟悉对话内容。 出示多媒体课件《小红借书》,学生观看据教材插图制作的动画课件,倾

听人物对话,并思考:小红是怎样向张老师借书的? 3、师生交流,明确对话方法。 ⑴指名说说小红是怎样向张老师借书的。 ⑵师小结:通过学习这段对话,我们知道了向别人借东西时,要像小红一样;与人见面问声好,和人交谈说清楚,互相告别道再见。 二、揭题设境,尝试练习 1、谈话揭题,明确交际内容。 同学们已经知道了怎样向别人借东西了。那么,我们平常到商店买东西时,又该怎么做呢?这节课,我们要学习练习4的口语交际“买东西”(板书课题)。谁愿意说说你平时是怎样买东西的? 2、讨论交际要点。 指名学生说说购买经历,注意问好、选物、问价、付钱、告别等过程。 引导分清买东西和卖东西的人分别称“顾客”和“售货员”。(板书:售货 员顾客) 3、设置情境,师生互动交际。 师:我们学校新开了一个红领巾小商店,老师是店里的售货员欢迎大家光临本店购买东西。这儿的学习用具品种繁多,款式新颖,物美价廉。哪位同学愿意当顾客前来买学习用具呢? 4、师生评议,明确交际要求。 引导学生购买东西时,要注意从表达上是否清楚,是否文明礼貌,声音是否响亮,态度是否大方等方面等评议 三、再现情境,互动交际 1、利用自备东西,同桌演练。 师小结:我们买东西时,不仅要做个文明礼貌的小顾客,还要向售货员说清楚要买什么,把意思表达清楚。(板书:文明礼貌,表达清楚)同学们

外研版英语八上试题Module7 A famous story单元练习

Module7 A famous story单元练习 一、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 1. I saw Jeff in the park. He on the grass and reading a book. A. sits B. sat C. is sitting D. was sitting 2. --- I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. --- Oh, I am sorry I dinner at my friend's home. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had 3. She a lot of noise with the pans and did not hear anything unusual. A. is making B. was making C. will make D. have made 4. The reporter said that the UFO east to west when he saw it. A. travels B. traveled C. was traveling D. has traveled 5. He TV when I called him last night. A. watches B. watched C. will watch D. was watching 6. --- Why didn't Mary see me wave(挥手)to her? --- She in the other direction. A. looked B. has looked C. was looking D. is looking 7. --- Why did the car hit the boy? --- Because the driver on the phone at that time. A. talk B. is talking C. was talking D. have talked 8. --- What's that noise? --- Bob and his sister computer games. A. have played B. are playing C. played D. will play 9. Traveling to space is no longer just a dream. Russia the first hotel in space in the near future. A. builds B. will build C. built D. has built 10. Tony football every weekend when he was young. A. plays B. played C. is playing D. has played 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共8小题;共8分) 11. After the boy reached the final(终点), he s raised his arms(手臂). 12. You speak too fast. I can't f you. Can you speak more slowly? 13. Autumn is coming, and the g is full of leaves. 14. I told her about it t , once yesterday, and again this morning. 15. Some farmers were working in the f when it rained yesterday. 16. There is a h in the wall and just a cat goes and comes. 17. It's d in the desert. 18. The hole is d . Don't be close to it; it's dangerous. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共8小题;共8分) 19. I (跟随) him to see what he is going to do.


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small

外研版八年级上Module 7 A famous story单元测试D卷

外研版八年级上Module 7 A famous story单元测试D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、听句子, 选择与其匹配的图片。 (共1题;共5分) 1. (5分)根据听力描述,选择与其相符的图片,其中有一幅是多余的。 A. B. C. D. E. F. ⑴________ ⑵________ ⑶________ ⑷________ ⑸________ 二、听句子, 选择正确答案。 (共5题;共10分) 2. (2分)听句子,选出作为其恰当反应的最佳选项() A . I have two. B . These are books. C . They're mine. 3. (2分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . With my friends. B . At home. C . I had a good time. 4. (2分)听录音,选出最恰当的答语() A . Good morning. B . Come on. C . Glad to hear that. 5. (2分)听句子,选出正确的答语() A . Yes, I can. B . P-E-N-C-I-L.

C . It is a pencil. 6. (2分)选择最佳应答语() A . Yes, he is. B . Yes, I am. C . Yes, she is. 三、听对话, 选择正确的答案。 (共1题;共6分) 7. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答小题。 (1)What will happen if they turn on too many lights? A . They will waste a lot of power. B . The electricity will be cut off. C . Their washing machine will stop working. (2)Why did the woman go to the Smiths' for help? A . The lights in her home went off. B . Something was wrong with her washing machine. C . She wanted to borrow some money to buy some wires(线). (3)What did Smith advise the woman to do? A . To use more lights. B . Not to use her washing machine too often. C . To change the electric wires for better ones. 四、听短文, 完成表格。 (共1题;共5分) 8. (5分)听填信息,你将听到一段小短文。请根据所听的短文内容在每个空格上填上一个单词 His radio is on the ________. His ________ is under the chair. His model plane is on the ________. Her books are in the ________. Her pencil box and ________ are in her schoolbag. 五、单项选择。 (共15题;共30分) 9. (2分)Li Na is good playing tennis.


口语交际:情景对话 (设计者:毛长波审订者:徐丽明2010 年9 月)【考题浏览】 09齐市9.家里的老人过生日,你刚定完了一个巧克力水果蛋糕,爸爸说“松鹤延年”的图案好,让你马上去改定一下,你该怎么和店员阿姨说?(2 分)09 牡丹江市6.根据所给情境,按要求表达。(5分) (1)公共汽车上,手拎一个大提包的你,想要往里面走,你会对过道上的其他乘客说些什么?(2 分) (2)在车上,你见到了小学同学兰兰,她的妈妈是你小学时的班主任王老师,你怎样跟兰兰打招呼,并委托她转达对王老师的问候?(3 分)09绥化?近年来,全球范围的大规模传染病引起了人们对卫生、健康、安全问题高度关注。根据所给情境按要求表达。 7. 教室里,小明擦完黑板,从书包里掏出苹果就往嘴里送。见此情景,你该如何劝说他?(2 分) 【考点透视】“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交流,发展合作精神。”“能注意对象和场合,学习文明得体地进行交流。”情景对话类的口语交际试题注重生活化、实用化,贴近学生学习、生活、交往,命题者根据时代的特征,生活中的实践与现象创设生活情景,让考生在这些社会生活中进行口语交际,不仅提高学生的口语交际能力,而且还培养了学生健康的情感,正确的价值观和崇高的人生态度,为培养学生人际和谐交往,学会生存奠定了基础。 【方法点津】首先看清题目要求,明白和谁交际;其次领会意图,明确交往的目的;再次确定交际类型;最后注意语言的得体、简洁、委婉、连贯。

如:绥化卷就是属于劝说类型,此题考查学生在特定的生活情况下的说话能力和应变 能力,考查语言的简明、连贯得体,生活性强,具有一定的实用价值和人文价值。解这类题,首先是称呼,再谈自己劝说的意图,并说明理由,理由要充分。说话时还要避免绝对化。 答案示例:小明(称呼),病从口入,应洗完手再吃苹果,养成良好的卫生习惯可减少疾病的发生,让你更健康(劝说的理由)(用语亲切、委婉、得体)。 又如齐市卷,首先明白与店员阿姨交际,其次要知道交往的目的是改蛋糕的图案为“松鹤延年”,再次是判断此题为“请求类”,此类题要有称呼,有明确的请求的内容或理由,以及礼貌用语和商量式的语气。 答案示例:阿姨(称呼),您好!请您帮个忙,把我刚才定的巧克力水果蛋糕改成“松鹤延年”图案的(请求的内容)。麻烦您了!谢谢阿姨(礼貌用语)!再如牡丹江卷第二道口语交际试题,此题交往对象是兰兰,交往的目的打招呼并委托转达问候,表意要清楚。 答案示例:嗨,兰兰,这么巧碰到你(称谓及打招呼),王老师身体好吗?麻烦你代我向他问好(委托转达问候),有时间我一定去看望她。 口语交际试题如同素雅的菊花,中考是载体,如同素玉杯,命题者独具匠心如 同清水,三者有机融合就会散发着淡淡的清香。 真题链接】 1. 下面是《红楼梦》第三回中林黛玉谢绝邀请的一段话。请仔细揣摩黛玉的回话,从委婉、得体的角度作简要分析。 邢夫人苦留吃过晚饭去,黛玉笑回道:“舅母爱惜赐饭,原不应辞,只是还要过去拜见二舅舅,恐领了赐去不恭,异日再领,未为不可。望舅母容谅。”邢夫人听说,笑道:“这倒是了。”于是黛玉告辞。(2006 年山东省日照市中考试题)


A: Hello! I haven’t seen you for a long time, what are you doing every day? B: Oh, I am very busy, I have so many things to deal with, I have to sit in front of the computer every day, I think I am going to crazy. But I feel I am fortunate, I can eat KFC and McDonald’s as am working in the office. A: Oh, Oh, Oh, wait, slow down. Excuse me, I have some words to say, you said you eat snacks every day just now? Oh, it’s no wonder that you look so fit. Listen to me, I am a fitness specialist, I suggest you should change your life-style, it is not healthy for your body. Look me, I like playing sports, I have been running every morning for many years, and I never eat snacks, they are junk food. B: Oh, Oh, Oh, yes, yes. I agree with you, but… A: You need, listen to me, you do need more sports. B: Okay, I think I can have a try. A: Yes, yes, yes. I believe you will be very strong. B: Thank you, but I need your help, can you help me? A: Sure, I am happy to do that.


一.选择。 1.You should ________ the new words that you don’t know how to spell. A. look for B. look after C. look up D. look down 2. I _________ lots of time playing with my pet dog. A. pay B. take C. spend D. cost 3. ----Would you tell me ________ this camera? ----Yes. It’s very easy. A. where to use B. when to use C. what to use D. how to use 4. Ice can change ________ water. A. to B. into C. in D. from 5. Yesterday evening I was playing the piano ________ the doorbell rang. A. when B. before C. while D. after 6. Bob had ________ for supper. A. two bowl rice B. two bowl of rice C. two bowls of rice D. two bowls of rices 7. Would you like ________ orange juice? A. a B. an C. some D. any 8. Lee often helps Tom _________ his English. A. in B. on C. with D. to 9. The boss _________ the man work ten hours a day. A. made B. asked C. told D. wanted 10. Walt Disney __________ Disneyland in 1954. A. found B. founded C. find D. finded 11. Too much work always makes her ________ very tired. A. to feel B feels C. feel D. feeling 12. Sam enjoys _________ stamps. A. to collect B. collected C. collects D. collecting 13. The little girl was born _________ a warm spring morning. A. in B. on C. at D. / 14. ----How was your day off? ----Pretty good1 We ________ the history museum. A. visit B. visited C. are visiting D. will visit 15. ________ woman in a red coat is my English teacher. A. A B. The C. / D. An 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. These sheep ________ (be) white. 2. There _________ (be) a pen and two books on the desk. 3. I can see a boy _________ (cry) there. 4. Are those _________ (mouse) in the picture? 5. This watch is _________ (cheap) than that one. 6. Jim spent two years ________ (learn) Chinese before he came to China. 7. _________(hundred) of people took part in the party last night. 8. Thank you for _________ (tell) me the story about dinosaurs.


英语口语考试题目及答案 1.Introduce yourself or your partner. I’ll introduce myself briefly to all of you. My name is Jia Caixia, and my English name is Jelena. I come from YULIN and I love my hometown very much. My family has five people, including my parents, my sister, my brother and I. But both of them have married last year and have their own baby now, I love them very much. In my spare time, I am fond of playing tennis, listening to music. In fact, I like playing basketball too, but I can’t play it well. My advantage is I can control myself well, and my disadvantage is I’m not very confident. But now I’m trying to overcome it. I am easygoing and I want to make friends with all of you. That’s on, thank you. 2.Does it matter if a wife earns more money than a husband? As for this question, I’ll declare myself briefly. In modern society, women are equal to men, and women become more and more independent. Many women are competent to high-paying job. And husband also can do housework. So I think who earns more money is doesn’t matter. As long as we have a good division of labor, we’ll have a wonderful life. 3.If you were given 100000 RMB to save, spend or invest, what would you do? I’ll buy a big house and go to the country I like. I’ll also donate some money to hope project. For the rest I’ll give it to my parents, then they can do what they want to do and invest to earn more money. https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a1153171.html,plete the sentences to make them true for you: If I'd been born in a different country, I would like to born in Ireland .It’s a beautiful country .Known as the garden of Europe. I would have different friends and communicate in English .IF so, I think I would come to China,traveling more city,tasting Chinese food and get to know


《请你帮个忙》说课稿 一、理论依据 《义务教育语文课程标准》对第一学段的口语交际要求是:能认真听别人讲话,努力了解讲话的内容。与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。口语交际是在真实的交际状态下发展学生听和说的能力,是为了达到与人交往的需要。一年级进行口语交际教学时,要在交际话题下,创设真实的交际情境,激发学生的交际兴趣,根据话题和情境交际应对。要重视培养学生的口语交际意识和交际习惯。 二、教材分析 《请你帮个忙》是一年级下册第三单元“伙伴”这一主题下的口语交际,也是本册书的第二次口语交际活动,是一次交流类话题。书中通过三幅情境图:问路、借笔、请别人拿球,引导学生在真实的情境中进行交际,从不同角度引导学生如何请求别人的帮助。交际情境贴近学生真实生活,这样有实际意义的交际任务,能够激发学生的交际兴趣。插图右下方提示的礼貌用语,明确了交际习惯:请求别人的帮助时要使用礼貌用语。 三、学情分析 一年级学生正处于口语交际的起步阶段,他们喜欢表达,但表达不够规范,有时不能清楚准确地说出自己的要求。在交际时,出现比较多的情况是“一问一答”或者“你说我说”之后就结束了,交际过程不够顺畅。部分学生表达时不够大方、自信。需要在老师的引导下,在真实的交际情境中,学习怎样有礼貌地应对。 学生虽然在一上的口语交际活动中已经学习过“要注意听别人说话”“跟别人沟通时要看着对方的眼睛”等交际习惯,但要养成良好的交际习惯还需在真实的交际情境中反复提醒,迁移运用于学习活动和日常交际活动中,使学生在潜移默化中养成良好的交际习惯。 四、教学目标 依据本次口语交际内容和学生实际,我制定的教学目标是: 1.懂得当自己遇到困难时,可以寻求别人的帮助。 2.学会请别人帮忙时使用合适的礼貌用语。 3.请别人帮忙时说清楚要求,看着对方的眼睛,态度诚恳。 其中,请别人帮忙时使用合适的礼貌用语,把要求说清楚,是本课的教学重难点。 五、教学过程 在这堂课上,我根据交际内容,创设不同类型的交际语境,注意联系学生的生活,使学生带着真实的情感与浓厚的兴趣,积极主动地进行交际互动,落实教学目标。 (一)故事导入,引出主题 (二)再现情境,探究方法 (三)创设情境,牛刀小试

M7 A famous story教案

本单元教材分析 题目:Module 7 A famous story 内容:本模块以童话故事为主题,把语法与故事结合起来,采用隐性教育的方式让学生在了解故事的同时掌握过去进行时的结构和用法。Around the world 部分主要是让学生了解一些和冒险经历有关的英文名著。 重点: suddenly, rabbit, party, fall, hole, strange, carry, tired, nothing, once, pink, by, pocket, across, field, under, storm, outside, jump, during, noon, bookshop, wear, clap, cheer, gold, ring, hall, stop 难点:Saying what you were doing at a specific time Yesterday evening my father was watching TV. Were you reading a story? What were you doing last night? I was reading an English book. 易错点:the past continuous tense: were/ was doing. 突破方法:Interactive approach, co-operating approach task-based approach 结构和课时分配: Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1) Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2) Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3)


英语口语考试备考内容 话题分为两个部分 1、自我介绍:包括姓名;专业、个人爱好/性格自述、梦想(毕业后想做的事情)。 2、自选话题: 1) Do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill? 2) What do you think is the most important factor that leads you to buy something: price, quality or brand name? 3) What is the role of mobile phone in your life? 4) How can college students use money properly? 5) If you could choose, would you prefer to be famous or ordinary? 6) What does the sentence “A friend in need is a friend indeed” mean to you? 7) What does t he sentence “It's never too late to learn.” mean to you? 8) Tell us what is your ideal lifestyle? 9) Do you think it is necessary for Chinese students to spend so much time on English? 10) If you were an animal, what would you choose to be?


教 学 论 文 学科:语文 论文题目: 《在创设情境中进行口语交际训练》作者姓名:覃春叶 所在学校:大化县实验小学 撰写时间: 2015 年 12月 28 日

在创设情境中进行口语交际训练 河池市大化县实验小学覃春叶 现代语言认为,口语交际就是交际双方为了特定的目的,运用口头语言和适当的表达方式进行的思维情感的交流。口语交际并不是简单地等于听话加说话,听话说话往往是单方面的活动,而口语交际则是双向互动的。新的语文课程标准指出:“交际是听说双方的互动过程,教学活动主要在具体的交际情境中进行。”所以,在活动中我们教师应积极创设出能够激发学生的表达能力,使学生乐于交际,善于交际即学生在情境中产生交际的动机,激活交际活力,从而达到培养口语交际的能力,提高口语交际的水平的目的。在语文教学过程中,我一直努力创设让学生爱说、练说、会说的情境,为全面提高学生的口语交际水平做了有益的尝试。 一、利用语文教学环节,积极主动创设想象讲述情境,让学生爱说。 爱因斯坦曾说过:“想象力比知识本身更重要。”在教学中,我努力挖掘教材中的一些空白处,让学生展开想象的翅膀进行口语交际训练。前苏联教育家赞可夫也曾说过:“成功的教学需要的不是限制,而是激发学生兴趣。”兴趣是最好的老师,是获取知识的直接动力,是培养能力必不可少的前提。学生一旦对某件事情、某个话题或某个事物产生了兴趣,他们就会积极主动地并全身心地投入到这件事情去。在这种情境下进行的教学,其效果是可想而遇的。如教学《坐井观天》一课时,可根据课文最后一段:小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你弄错了。不信,你跳出井口来看看吧。”设计相关训练,让学生顺着


大学英语一级口语考试题型及样题 1、试卷构成 大学英语一级口语考试由四个部分构成: Part I Read aloud (20%) Part II Describe pictures (20%) Part III State opinions (30%) Part IV Answer questions (30%) 2、试卷各部分所考核的内容、答题方式及评分标准 1)Read aloud 第一部分的内容共5句话,其中3句话选自一级综合教程《新视野大学英语读写教程》,2句话涉及英语绕口令与名人名言,总长度为100个词左右。要求学生用正确的语音语调流利地进行朗读。评分标准为:语音占5%;语调占5%;流利程度占10%。 2)Describe pictures 第二部分给考生1分钟思考所给图片的内容,然后在2分钟内描述该图片。主要考查学生《新视野大学英语听说教程》与《Inside out》教材中某一单元的内容掌握情况,鼓励学生将所学内容运用于实践。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%。 3)State opinions (30%) 第三部分要求学生基于所提供的关键词,就某个话题阐述自己的观点。要求学生的回答能围绕关键词,表达完整,观点明晰。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。4)Answer questions (30%) 第四部分的内容选自听说教程的某一单元,或某几个单元。就这(些)单元的主题提出问题供学生回答。学生的回答必须切题、清楚、具有逻辑性。评分标准为:词汇结构占5%;语言连贯占5%;内容完整占10%,观点明晰占10%。


Unit2 1.The rainforest in Brazil ___________ the binggest on remaining in the world. 2.they __________ all the old buildings to make way for the road. 3.the sent several policemen to _________the meeting room 4.The government has tried dorens of approaches to prevent the old city from_________ 5.Through science we’ve got the idea of_____________ progress with research 6.This king of cooking is__________to southwest China 7.Walkays, flowerbeds and grassland ____________ in the neighbourhood. 8.He___________ as the highest authority on Enhlish literature there 9.In the 18th century many writers_________ the lauguager of Shakespeare 10.Can you________ how she felt when she knew she had failed 1.Our country has grown richer because of growing (commercial)___________ with other nations 2.Among those(presence)________at the meeting were some foreign experts 3.It is really surprising that his (imitate)_________ of that singer could be almost pergect 4.In most Middle East countries,politics has close(associate)_________with religion 5.Though only a college student then,Nicholson was filled with the (ambitious)________to because famous one day 6.He was absorbed in the (glory)_______memories of his championship-winning days 7.My father wanted me to because a(profession)_________ doctor,but he felt disappointed in the end 8.People agreed that Kublai was one of the most outstanding(empire)_______in ancient China 9.Long before I whent there,Africa was alive in my(imagine)___________ 10.During our visit to the US, we had a(wonder)_________ time in the Disney World Unit3 1.Many people there were ________to treatment for the still unknown disease 2.The universe seems_________ 3.He has__________breaking the window 4.Such an unkind__________was not called for 5.The_________for independence was not called for 6.The government___________ to pressure and dropped the proposal 7.It’s bound to___________ trouble sonner or later 8.There are__________ colors to choose from 9.There are _________colors to choose from 10.The fruit should be carefully _________ in the refrigerator 1It’s family(traditional)__________ to get together and have a grand meal on the NewYear’sEve 2.Sticking to the time(allot)___________is crucial to the success of this project 3. A textile(trade)_________lost 1000 dollars after theieves broke into his shop last night 4.It’s such a(delight)___________ surprise to see you here! 5.some scientists are trying to help these sportsmen reach(excellent)_________in a match 6.More and more factories are closed for lack of(powerful)___________ 7.She is going to (seeker)_________jobs after graduation next month 8.After such a long wait ,it’s still difficult to say who will(ultimate)__________with the game
