Modeling Crowd Turbulence by Many-Particle Simulations

Modeling Crowd Turbulence by Many-Particle Simulations
Modeling Crowd Turbulence by Many-Particle Simulations

a r X i v :0708.3282v 1 [p h y s i c s .s o c -p h ] 24 A u g 2007

Modeling Crowd Turbulence by Many-Particle Simulations

Wenjian Yu and Anders Johansson

Institute for Transport &Economics,Dresden University of Technology,

Andreas-Schubert Str.23,01062Dresden,Germany

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,ETH Zurich,UNO D 11Universit¨a tstrasse 41,8092Zurich,Switzerland

A recent study [D.Helbing,A.Johansson and H.Z.Al-Abideen,Phys.Rev.E 75,046109(2007)]has revealed a “turbulent”state of pedestrian ?ows,which is characterized by sudden displacements and causes the falling and trampling of people.However,turbulent crowd motion is not reproduced well by current many-particle models due to their insu?cient representation of the local interactions in areas of extreme densities.In this contribution,we extend the repulsive force term of the social force model to reproduce crowd turbulence.We perform numerical simulations of pedestrians moving through a bottleneck area with this new model.The transitions from laminar to stop-and-go and turbulent ?ows are observed.The empirical features characterizing crowd turbulence,such as the structure function and the probability density function of velocity increments are reproduced well,i.e.they are well compatible with an analysis of video data during the annual Muslim pilgrimage.


Pedestrian dynamics[1,2,3]has been described by physicists through various macroscopic and microscopic models.Macroscopic models,predominantly ?uid-dynamic models [4,5],have the advantage of describing the large-scale dynamics of crowds,especially depicting intermittent ?ows and stop-and-go ?ows.These features are basically understood as the e?ect of a hybrid continuity equation [6]with two regimes:forward pedestrian motion and backward gap propagation.Details of pedestrian interactions are neglected in these models.In contrast,microscopic models can be used to describe the details of pedestrian behavior.Previously proposed pedestrian models include many-particle force models[7,8],CA models [9,10]and others,e.g.multi-agent approaches [11],which have received an increasing attention among physicists in the past.In recent years,the interest has turned to empirical or experimental studies [12,13,14,15,16,17,18]of pedestrian ?ows based on video analysis [1,13,17,19,28].This has contributed to the calibration of current models [20,25]and the discovery of new phenomena such as crowd turbulence [1],which can help

to understand many crowd disasters.

Turbulent motion of pedestrians occurs,when the crowd is extremely compressed,and people attempt to gain space by pushing others,which leads to irregular displacements,or even the falling of people.If the fallen pedestrians do not manage to stand up quickly enough,they will become obstacles and cause others to fall as well.Such dynamics can eventually spread over a large area and result in a crowd disaster.

However,crowd turbulence is not well reproduced and understood by pedestrian models yet, which challenges current many-particle models.Their shortcoming is due to the underestimation of the local interactions triggered by high densities.In the following sections,we will extend the repulsive force of the social force model[3,7,15],which has successfully depicted many observed self-organized phenomena,such as lane formation in counter?ows and oscillatory?ows at bottle-necks[21].


Previous empirical studies[1,26]have revealed that people are involuntarily moved when they are densely packed,and as a consequence,the interactions increases in areas of extreme densities, which leads to an instability of pedestrian?ows.When the average density is increasing,sudden transitions from laminar to stop-and-go and turbulent?ows are observed.Moreover,the average ?ow does not reach zero.We will now show how the turbulent?ows can be modeled,by a small extension of the social force model[3,7,15].What we do is to add an extra term to the repulsive force,and show how this will give qualitatatively di?erent dynamics,leading to turbulent?ows.

The social force model assumes that a pedestrian i tries to move in a desired direction e i with desired speed v0i,and adapt the actual velocity v i to the desired velocity v0i e i within the relaxation timeτ.The velocity v i=d r i/dt,i.e.the temporal change of the position r i is also a?ected by repulsive forces.

The social force model is given by

d v i(t)

m i

(v0i e i? v i)+ j(=i) f ij(t).(2)


The term f ij(t)denotes the repulsive force,which represents both the attempt of pedestrian i

to keep a certain safety distance to other pedestrians j and the desire to gain more space in very crowded situations.

Instead of introducing an additional force term,one may re?ect the desire to gain more space under crowded conditions,by a local interaction range in the repulsive pedestrian force f ij ,which is proposed as follows,

f ij =F Θ(?ij )exp[?d ij /D 0+(D 1/d ij )k ]

e ij ,(3)

where F is the maximum repulsive force (assuming there is no overlapping/compression );d ij is the distance between center of masses of pedestrians;k ,D 0,and D 1are constants; e ij is the normalized vector pointing from pedestrian j to pedestrian i ,?ij is the angle between e ji and the desired walking direction e i of pedestrian i ,i.e.cos(?ij )= e i · e ji .

In normal situations,the function Θ(?ij )re?ects the fact that pedestrians react much stronger to what happens in front of them,and it has been suggested [21]to have the form,




In our simulations,the desired speeds v0are assumed to be Gaussian distributed with the mean value v0=1.34m/s and the standard deviation0.26m/s[22,23,24].The relaxation time,τis set to0.5s.The average mass of a pedestrian is set to60kg with a standard deviation of10kg. Assuming that pedestrians have a strong desire to gain more space in dense areas,the maximum repulsive force F is set to160N.Note that,when pedestrians are compressed,the maximum force can be signi?cantly larger than F.The other parameters are set to,λ=0.25,k=2,D0=0.31 and D1=0.45.

The bottleneck area(see Fig.1)contains two pedestrian sources,A and B,where A denotes those walking from left to right,while B represents those walking from the bottom,and then turn right to join those coming from left.These two sources give an increasing number of pedestrians in time,since we use both pedestrian sorces as well as periodic boundary conditions.With this scheme we can see how the transition from laminar to turbulent?ow occur when the density is growing.The whole area is40m×20m.The reason for this setup,is to get a situation that is comparable to the one in the empirical study[1].

The preferred direction is de?ned as follows:

If the vertical position of a pedestrian is above


the corner,he/she will walk in the right direction.Otherwise,he/she will?rst walk upwards until he/she is above the corner,and then turn to the right and keep walking straight ahead.

Note that interactions increase greatly when those two crowds intersect,especially in high density situations.

The“Crowd pressure”[1],re?ecting the irregular/chaotic motion of people,is given by

p=ρi Var( v i),(5) where Var( v i)is the local velocity variance.The local densityρi,

ρi= j1

FIG.1:(Color online)The bottleneck area of the simulation.Two groups of people set out respectively from A and B,and intersect,causing pedestrians to be highly compressed,which eventually results in turbulent ?ows.

FIG.2:(Color online)The crowd pressure as a function of local density.The turbulence starts when the pressure exceeds a value of0.02/s2[1].

If the?ow is reduced to zero,which means all the people stop moving,then there is no turbulence. Therefore it is essential to have nonvanishing?ow for high densities.This is compatible with the empirical study[1].Note that,at this point,the?ow is no longer laminar.Therefore,the strong interactions between pedestrians are potentially more dangerous for the crowd.The motion of

pedestrians become turbulent,and people are pushed into all possible directions.As people are pushed by those behind,the fallen people will be trampled,if they do not get back on their feet quickly enough.However,in our simulations,we assume that pedestrians will never fall,since we are focussing on the dynamics of the crowd during a high level of crowdedness.These conditions can potentially lead to an accident,but we do not focus on the dynamics of the accident itself.

FIG.3:(Color online)The average of the local?ow[1]as a function of the local density.The empirical data is represented by stars and the simulation results are represented by circles connected by a solid line. The dashed line shows the fundamental diagram,from the original social force model.

With the increment of density,the pedestrian?ow suddenly turns into stop-and-go?ow(see Fig.4),which is characterized by temporarily interrupted and longitudinally unstable?ow.This phenomenon is also predicted by a recent theoretical approach[6],which suggests that intermittent ?ows at bottlenecks can be triggered when the in?ow exceeds the out?ow.

Further increment of the density will lead to turbulent?ows.Figure5(a)shows a typical trajectory of the turbulent motion from our simulations.We can see that,?rst,the curve is smooth, which represents a laminar?ow,then suddenly,vibrations occur due to the turbulence.Also,note that the pedestrian is sometimes even pushed backwards.The turbulent motion does not vanish until an individual walks out of the extremely dense central area,where the two streams intersect. Figure5(b)is an example of the temporal evolution of an individual’s velocity components v y and v x.One can clearly see the irregular motion into all directions.Although no large eddies are observed,as in turbulent?uids,there is still an analogy to the turbulence of the currency exchange market[27].This can be characterized by the probability density function of velocity increments

FIG.4:(Color online)Simulation results.During high crowd densities,the smooth,laminar?ow will turn into stop-and-go?ow.Here the average density is4.3/m2.

and the so-called structure function,Eq.8.

The shape of the probability density function of velocity increment is a typical indicator for turbulence,if the time shiftτ′is small enough,and is given by

vτ′x=v x( r,t+τ′)?v x( r,t).(7) The structure function,

S(△ r)= v( r+△ r,t)? v( r) 2 r,t,(8) re?ects the dependence of the relative speed on the distance.

We?nd that the probability functions of velocity increment is sharply peaked for turbulence, while it is parabolic-like for laminar?ow(see Fig.6),when the time shiftτ′is small enough.The structure function has a slope of2.0,when the distance is small,while at large steps,the slope turns to0.18due to the increased interactions in crowded regions.Both of the functions are compatible to the analysis of the video recordings of the Jamarat Bridge[1].


In summary,an added social force component,re?ecting the strong interactions in the extremely crowded areas is proposed for the simulation of crowd turbulence,which questions current many-particle models.The transition from laminar to stop-and-go and turbulent?ows is observed in the

FIG.5:(Color online)(a)A representative pedestrian trajectory in laminar and turbulent?ow.(b)An example of velocity components in the turbulent motion.Here the average density is9.0/m2.

simulations.The fundamental diagram is reproduced and demonstrates the e?ects of the extended repulsive forces at highly dense situations,i.e.the average local?ow is not reduced to zero.A typical turbulent trajectory and velocity components are presented.Functions like the probability density function of velocity increment and the structure function,characterizing the features of turbulence are simulated,and the results are compatible to the empirical studies.

FIG.6:(Color online)(a)the probability density function of the velocity increment in the laminar and the turbulent region,determined over many locations r for R=


The authors are grateful to the German Research Foundation for funding(DFG project He 2789/7-1).

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[29]Supplementary videos are avaliable at,/turbulence_sim.


七年级上册英语单词 Unit1. 主格代词宾格代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词I yourself him her its them yourselves meet 中文词性同音词 question 中文词性反义词 boy 中文词性反义词复数 one 中文词性同音词序数词four 中文词性序数词 fourteen 中文词性序数词 forty 中文词性序数词 two 中文词性序数词 three 中文词性序数词 five 中文词性序数词 eight 中文词性序数词 nine 中文词性序数词 Unit 2 dictionary 中文词性复数 watch 中文词性复数 spell 中文词性过去式过去分词 lose 中文词性过去式过去分词find 中文词性过去式过去分词 Unit 3 father 中文词性同音词 this 中文词性复数 that 中文词性复数 photo 中文词性复数 Unit 4

where 中文词性同音词 know 中文词性同音词 video 中文词性复数 bring 中文词性过去式过去分词 Unit 5 Have 中文词性三单过去式过去分词good 中文词性反义词副词 many 中文词性比较级最高级 much 中文词性比较级最高级 little 中文词性比较级最高级 few 中文词性比较级最高级 interesting 中文词性名词形容词 boring 中文词性形容词 fun 中文词性形容词 difficult 中文词性名词 relaxing 中文词性动词形容词 Unit 6 tomato 中文词性复数 potato 中文词性复数 hero 中文词性复数 strawberry 中文词性复数 eat 中文词性过去式过去分词 run 中文词性过去式过去分词healthy 中文词性比较级名词 Unit 7 sale 中文词性动词 shoe 中文词性复数 big 中文词性反义词 short 中文词性反义词 buy 中文词性过去式过去分词 afford 中文词性 offer 中文词性 Unit 8 birthday 中文词性复数


初中英语词性转换归纳汇总动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就 advertise --- advertisement 广告 agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献 compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展 disgree --- disagreement 不赞同 department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材

govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- description描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力


初中英语单词词性转换规律及单词记忆背诵技巧 01 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve —— achievement 成就 advertise —— advertisement 广告 agree —— agreement 同意 amuse——amusement 娱乐 commit —— commitment 奉献 develop —— development 发展 disagree —— disagreement 不赞同 equip 装备—— equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—— government 政府 manage——management 经营,管理 argue —— argument 争吵 2.V+ ion 结尾 attract —— attraction 吸引 discuss —— discussion 讨论 express ——-expression 词语;表达 instruct —— instruction 指导,介绍 invent—— invention 发明 predict ——prediction 预言

impress —— impression 印象 suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate —— education 教育 graduate —— graduation 毕业 operate —— operation 操作,动手术illustrate —— illustration 阐明,举例说明pollute —— pollution 污染 introduce ——introduction 介绍organize ——organization组织 imagine —— imagination 想象力inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的invite —— invitation 邀请 compete —— competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音 admit —— admission 承认 permit —— permission 允许 conclude —— conclusion 结论 decide —— decision 决定 describe —— description描写,描绘resolve —— resolution 决心 solve ——solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow —— allowance 允许


八年级英语下册词汇拓展 Units 1----2 1.foot (n.) →(pl.) 2.lie (v.) →(过去式.) 3.breathe (v.) →(n.) 4.knife (n.) →(pl.) 5.mean (v.) →(n.) 6.importance (n.) →(adj.) 7.decision (n.) →(v.) 8.death (n.) →(v.) →(adj.) 9.satisfaction (n.) →(v.) 10.owner (n.) →(v.) 11.difficulty (n.) →(adj.) 12.train (v.) →(n.) 13.kindness (n.) →(adj.) 14.understand (v.) →(过去式.) Units 3----4 1.hate (v.) →(反义词.) 2.develop (v.) →(n.) 3.fair (adj.) →(n.) →(反义词.),munication (n.) →(v.) 5.argue (v.) →(n.) (n.) →(adj.),pete (v.) →(n.) 8.opinion (v.) →(同义词.) 9.push (v.) →(反义词.),ual (adj.) →(反义词.) →(adv.) Units 5----6 1.suddenly (adv.) →(adj.) 2.strange (adj.) →(n.) 3.wind (n.) →(adj.) 4.asleep (adj.) →(v.) 5.icy (adj.) →(n.),pletely (adv.) →(adj.& v.) 7.silence (n.) →(adj.) 8.recently (adv.) →(adj.) 9.truth (n.) →(adj.) →(adv.) 10.weak (adj.) →(反义词.) 11.wife (n.) →(对应词.) 12.lead (v.) →(n.) →(过去式.) 13.heavy (adj.) → (adv.) Units 7----8 1.tour (v. & n.) →(n.) 2.achievement (n.) →(v.) 3.thick (adj.) →(反义词.) 4.include (v.) →(prep.) 5.succeed (v.) →(n.) →(adj.) 6.nature(n.) →(adj.)


59. Mike believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the __________floor. (ten) 60. How can I get rid of this ____________visitor? (welcome) 61.“Take care of yourself,” the mother said ____________ to her son. (gentle) 62.The weather in Shanghai _____________ greatly in the early spring, doesn’t it? (variety) 63. In Western countries many young people still keep up the ____________ that women will get married in a long white dress.(traditional) 64. Tom’s answer was ____________. The teacher nodded with a smile. ( satisfy ) 65. This is the _____________ plan. Please go over it. ( change ) 66. Much of this waste does a lot of ____________ to the plants. ( harm ) 59. Mary bought two ________ of fruit from the supermarket yesterday.(box) 60. Lucy said the blue bag on the chair was Tom’s, not .(she) 61. Mrs. Brown has bought a new flat in this building and it’s on the ________ floor.(eight) 62. Jack found the map because he couldn’t find the place anywhere.(use) 63. We all know that cigarette smoking can damage our health.(serious) 64. This story tells us that sometimes money doesn’t bring to us.(happy) 65. David was able to the math problem with the help of his classmates.(solution) 66. Jason is too busy , so it’s for him to go to the concert with us tonight.(possible) 59. Those common people who do good deeds are real __________. (hero) 60. This is not my pocket calculator. It is __________. (he) 61. The organizing Committee is in Room 805 on the__________floor. Let’s take the elevator. (eight) 62. Obama is a good__________,that’s why he could beat his partner in American election.(speak) 63. Miss Elizabeth has never been to __________from birth. (English) 64. The teachers are correcting our exercises __________ in the office. (busy) 65. Could you tell me who __________the first lift in 1853? (invention) 66. The old bridge can no longer be used because it was _________damaged yesterday. (serious) 59. The government spent a lot of money building schools and ________. (church ) 60. _________ hutongs have a very special and important place in the rich history of


2. vent— inventor(人)-- invention(物) 3. use—useful-used 4. teach—teacher 5. conduct— conductor 6. care—careful--carefully 7. play— player 8. visit—visitor9. careless—carelessly—carelessness 10. clean—cleaner 11. inspect- inspector 12. wake--awake 13. speak-- speaker 14. piano—pianist15. sleep—asleep 16. cook—cook(人)—cooker(物)17. science— scientist 18. miss—missing 19. dance— dancer 20. art—artist21. fish--fishing 22. drive- driver 23. tour-tourist24. kind-kindness 25. farm-farmer 26. joural- jouralist 27. nature--natural 28. mange-manger 29. library- librarian 30. cover-discover 31. foreign- foreigner 32. music--musician33. feather--feathered 34. help-helper 35. busy-business-- businessman 36. follow--following 37. read-reader 38. post- postman/postwoman 39. enter-entrance 40. write- writer 41. sit--seat42. danger--dangerous 43. run- runner 44. wool--woollen45. serve--service 46. win-47. lose--lost48. pride--proud


初中英语词性转换归纳 1 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve --- achievement 成就advertise --- advertisement 广告agree --- agreement 同意 apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue --- argument 争吵 commit --- commitment 奉献compliment 称赞,恭维 develop --- development 发展disgree --- disagreement 不赞同department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾 admit --- admission 承认 attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论 educate --- education 教育 decide --- decision 决定 describe --- deion描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业 operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organization imagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍 instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请 inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染 predict ---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心 impress --- impression 印象 permit --- permission 允许


上海牛津版7A词性转换专项复习(三) (一) 1. Paris is a modern and_______ (nation) city. 2. When I was walking on the street, I found a_______ (home) dog. 3. A lot of_______ (America) come to China each year. 4. _______ (Mixture) the flour, milk and sugar together. 5. The scones come from_______. (English). Keys:1. international 2. homeless 3. Americans 4. Mix 5. England (二) 5. All of us hope (see) you again. Keys:1. to buy 2. are leaving/are going to leave 3. will have 4. sold 5. to see (三) 1. I think we should_______ (bakery) it for 20 minutes. 2. Hello, this is Kelly_______ (speak). 3. — What do I need to buy? — Let's make a_______ (shop) list. 4. Are you_______ (freedom) this Sunday afternoon?

5. _______ (final), wait for the cake to cool and eat it. Keys:1. bake 2. speaking 3. shopping 4. free 5. Finally (四) 1. I'm looking forward_______ (visit) you soon. 2. He would rather_______ (have) some tea instead of soft drinks. 3. What ingredients do we need_______ (buy) to make a chocolate cake? 4. We_______ (plan) to have a party for Kitty now. 5. Let's_______ (spread) the icing on top of the cake. Keys: 1. to visiting 2. have 3. to buy 4. are planning 5. spread (五) 1. I'm looking forward(visit) you soon. 2. He would rather__________________ (have) some tea instead of soft drinks. 3. What ingredients do we need_______________ (buy) to make a chocolate cake? 4. We _________________ (plan) to have a party for Kitty now. 5. Let's___________________ (spread) the icing on top of the cake. 6. Alice prefers to do some___________. (shop) 7. Mary is my ___________ sister and she is 2 years ___________ than I. (old) 8. Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean) Keys:1. to visiting 2. have 3. to buy 4. are planning 5. spread 6. shopping 7.elder…older 8. meaning (六) 1. ___________ read and green together and they will become yellow. (mixture )


初三英语强化复习试题精选---词性转换专项练习(4) 1.Celine Dion is a famous ___________(sing) 2.It rained __________ last night.(heavy) 3.I went to bed after I finished ________(do) my homework . 4.Who will teach _______(we) chemistry? I think Mrs. Yang will. 5.I met a friend of __________(I ) on my way to school. 6.Today is Thursday. It is the _______(five) day of the week. 7.What bad weather! It’s ___________ (cloud) again. 8.— How many times do you brush your ___________ (tooth) every day, Beibei? — Twice. 9.There are too many new words in the ___________ (eleven) lesson in Book Ⅳ. It’s difficult to remember all of them. 10.My brother runs very ___________ (fast), though he is fat. 11.Most people usually do some ___________ (shop) at weekends. 12.John and his sister went for a picnic with a cousin of__________ (their). 13.Father’s Day is the _________ (three) Sunday of June. 14.“________ (open) your books and turn to Page 5, please.” the teacher said. 15.— Hi! Why were you late for school?—Oh, it was my _______ (luck) day. My bike broke down half way to school. 16.I am a new _______ (come). Let me introduce myself to you. 17.I’m sorry that I have missed all the ________ (lesson) this morning. 18.The wife told her husband _________ (drive) too fast. 19.Celine Dion sings so _____________ (beautiful) that many people like her. 20.Fire is the __________ (dangerous) to forests. 21.— How long can I stay in your house?—As ________ (longer) as you like while you are in Shanghai. 22.Who are the ______(write) of the dictionary? 23.Most people who live in those ________(develop) countries are quite poor. 24.My mother has just had her ______(fifty) birthday. 25.Xiao Ming won the first prize in our city maths competition, so he is the ______ (proud) of our school. 26.Mary did ______(badly) in the exam than Jack. 27.Did Wei Ming jump _____ than any other boy in the sports meeting? (far) 28.The radio says it will be _____ this afternoon. (fog) 29.Many college students have decided to work in the _____ part of China.(west) 30.I have two _____ in my pencil-box.(knife) 31.Which is _____, English or Chinese?(interest) 32.It was _________ of the old man to show us the way to the station.(kindness) 33.Richard Clayderman is one of the most famous ________. (piano) 34.Zhang Guorong’s _________ shocked me. (die) 35.I don’t like thrille r, because it is __________.(frighten) 36.Raining and cold again! How I wish to have a _________ and warm day! (sun) 37.Help ______________________ to some more shrimps, children. (you) 38.She writes very ______________________ and fast. (care) 39.R and B (rhythm and blues)music was very popular with black ________. (America) 40.Please keep ___________________ ! the teacher said angrily. ( silence) 41.He looks __________ . (worry) What’s the matter with him? 42.This is the first time for those ___________ students to come to Shanghai.(home) 43.The weather is very __________ these days. You’d better take an umbrella with you.( change) 44.People will remember his ________ deeds forever.( hero) 45.Zhangyimou is one of the most famous __________ in China. (direct) 46.We have a _________ turkey for our dinner on Christmas Eve.(tradition) 47.The government has to give the ____________ to the pollution problem.(solve) 48.The English dictionary is too __________ for me to buy. (expense) 49.Most ____________ like pop music and many adults like classic music.(teenage) 50.It happened on the ________ of December. ( twenty) 51.It is Bill’s _______ job, and he likes it very much.(one) 52.I don’t like the flat here. It is too __________(noise)


第19 讲期末冲刺 重点单词及其变换 Unit 1 How can we become good learners 1. n.发音,读音,→ v.发音 2. adj.有耐心的→ n.耐心 3. n.表情,表示,表达方式→ v.表达 4. n.能力,才能→ adj. 能够的,能干的 5. v.创造,创建→ n.创造,创造力→ n.创造者→ adj.有创造力的 6. adj.活跃的,积极的→ n.活动 7. v.(使)连接,与……有联系→ n.联系 8. adj.明智的,聪明的→ adv. 明智地,聪明地 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 1. n.陌生人→ adj.奇怪的,陌生的 2. v.偷,窃取→(过去式)→(过去分词) 3. v.放置,下蛋→(过去式)→(过去分词)→(现在分词) 4. v.平躺,处于→(过去式)→(过去分词)→(现在分词) 5. adj.死的,失去生命的→ v. 死→ n.死亡

6. n.生意,商业→ adj.忙碌的 7. v.处罚,惩罚→ n.处罚,惩罚 8. n.温暖,暖和→ adj.温暖的 9. v.传播,展开→(过去式)→(过去分词) Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are 1. n.建议,提议→ v.建议,提议 2. adj.中心的,中央的→ n.中心,中央 3. n.东方,东部→ adj.东方的,东部的 4. adj.便利的,方便的→ n.便利,方便 5. adj.有礼貌的,客气的→ adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的→ adv.礼貌地,客气地→ adv.不礼貌地,不客气地 6. adj.直接的,直率的v.指引,指导→ adj.间接的→ adv.直接地→adv.间接地→ n.导演→ n.方向 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 1. adj.幽默的→ n.幽默 2. adj.沉默的→ n.沉默 3. adj.有用的,有帮助的→ n./v.帮助 4. adj.亚洲的,亚洲人→ n.亚洲 5. n.欧洲→ adj.欧洲的,欧洲人的


动词变名词1.v+ment结尾 achieve---achievement成就advertise---advertisement广告agree---agreement同意 apartment公寓 amusement娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit---commitment奉献compliment称赞,恭维 develop---development发展 disgree---disagreement不赞同department局,部 experiment实验,试验 equip装备---equipment装备,器材govern统治---government政府manage---management经营管理 2.V+tion结尾 admit---admission承认 attract---attraction吸引

conclude---conclusion结论compete---competition竞争,比赛discuss---discussion讨论 educate---education教育 decide---decision决定 describe---description描写,描绘express----expression词语;表达graduate---graduation毕业 operate---operation操作,动手术organize---organization imagine---imagination想象力introduce---introduction介绍instruct---instruction指导,介绍invent---inventor/invention发明illustrate---illustration阐明,举例说明invite---invitation邀请 inspire---inspiration灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute---pollution污染 predict---prediction预言pronounce---pronunciation resolve---resolution决心 impress---impression印象


初中英语词性转换 1.v-n 1.clean— 2. cook— 3. dance-- 4. drive— 5. jump-- 6. lead— 7. own-- 8. play—— 11.sell-- 12.sing— 13.speak-- 14.swim— 15.teach--—17.wait-- 18.wash—— 21.write-- 22.act— 24.invent—25.visit-- 26.act—,municate-- 28.introduce—29.produce—30.pronounce—31.suggest-- 32.agree—33.develop-- 34.discuss—35.decide-- 37.begin—38.breathe--—40.cross-- 41.feel—

45.park--— 47.skate-- 48.train— 49.turn-- 50.turn— 51.advise-- 52.enter—53.serve-- 54.know— 56.die—57.succeed--—59.please-- 60. sit—61.thank-- 62.marry—63.weigh— 2.v-adj 1.close-- 2. excite— 3. interest-- 4. follow— 5. miss-- 6.please— 7.surprise-- 8.relax—,e-- 10.sleep-- 11.worry—12.wake-- 13.die—14.worry-- 15.wake—16.break-- 17.enjoy—18.lose— 3. n-adj


(一)用所给词的正确形式填空 A 1. The Greens are _____ (happy) to live in this _____(noise) street. They have decided to move to another place. 2. The panda has been ______ (die) for about two months. 3. I like her dress. It looks very ______ (beauty). 4. Don’t feel ______ (worry) about your child. The whole class would be ______ (friend) to the new classmate. 5. The ______ (finally) exams usually take place at the end of June. 6. It’s _____ (possible) for an ordinary plane to fly to the moon. 7. It’s a _____ (please) trip for all of us. 8. The children in China are living a _____ (color) life. 9. It was an _____ (amaze) match. It amazed us. 10.He felt very _____ (sleep) and fell ____ (sleep) soon when he lay in bed. 11.We all had a very _____ (enjoy) time at the party. B 1.I don’t like him and it would be ______________ of me to do the opposite. (honest) 2.Our holidays in Thailand were really ______________ and unforgettable. (enjoy) 3.The government is doing everything possible to help those ______________ people after the earthquake. (home) 4.Put on the glasses so that you can see the word on the blackboard ______________. (clear) 5.The war made millions of people ______________. (home) 6.What is the most ______________ animal in the forest? (power) 7.It is ______________ to travel by train than by air. (cheap) 8.It is ______________ for him to finish the job in two hours. He is so slow. (possible) 9._________, over 28,000 civilians (平民) lost their lives during the three-year war in Iraq. (sad) 10.I feel quite comfortable at home when it is raining ______________ outside. (heavy) 11.Jack is such a ______________ fellow, for he always leaves this or that at the office. (forget) 12.It is not ______________ to eat food with Sudan I (苏丹红1号). (safely) 13.Lily is ______________ enough to get the prize in the 2006 Shanghai Junior High School English Contest. (luck) 14.We’d better drive our cars ______________ on rainy days. (slow) 15.One starry night, when the seven little dwarfs went back home from work, they found something ______________ at once. (usual)
