



abbreviate to make (a word , story, etc.) shorter: 节略

abet to help in a plan, esp. a crime: 從恿; 教唆

ability power and skill ,esp. to do ,think, make, etc (尤指制作, 思考, 创造等的)能力; 才能 She has the ability to go to college, but she does n?t want to.

abrupt 1. sudden and unexpected:突然的 The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.

2. ( of behavior, character, etc.) rough, rather impolite: (行为, 性格等); 无礼的

abuse 1. to do cruel things to(a person or animal): 虐待, 凌辱(人或动物) I won?t allow you to abuse that dog.

2. to say cruel or rude things to or about (somebody or something): 骂(人或事); 讲…坏话

3. to put to wrong use ;use badly: 滥用; 妄用to abuse one?s power

academic 1. concerning teaching or studying ,esp. in a college or university:(学院或大学) 教学的; 学术的

2. concerning those subject taught to provide skills for the mind rather than for the hand: 人文研究

的; 学术上的

accelerator the piece of apparatus in a car , etc . which is used to increase speed:(汽车等的) 加速装置; 加速器access 1.a means of entering ; way in ; entrance: 进入; 通路 The only ( means of ) access to their house is

a narrow road.

2. means or right of using , reaching , or entering: 使用接近或者进入的方法权利accommodation a place to live ; room , flat , house , hotel room ,etc .住所 What sort of accommodation can you get in?

accomplishment 1.the act of accomplishing or finishing work completely and successful: 完成; 成就

2. a skill ; something in which one is accomplished: 造诣; 成就

accordance agreement: 一致 I sold the house , in accordance with your orders .

accuracy the quality of being ACCURATE : exactness or correctness :正确性; 准确性

accurate careful and exact ; exactly correct : 准确的; 确切的 Give me an accurate report of what happened . acidity the quality of being acid ; sourness: 酸性; 酸味

acquaintance 1. a person whom one knows, esp . through work or business , but who may not be a friend : (通过工作或业务) 认识的人;相识

https://www.360docs.net/doc/003626891.html,rmation or knowledge, as obtained though personal experience rather careful study:(从经验所

得的) 知识;了解 I have an/some acquaintance with the language .

acquire to gain or come to possess by one?s own work ,skill , action . etc.获得;取得; 得到 He acquired a knowledge of computers by careful study.

acquisition 1.the act of acquiring: 得到;获得.

2.something acquired: 获得物 This car is my latest acquisition .

adequate enough for the purpose , and no more :刚够的;适量的The city?s water supply is no longer adequate.

adhere to stick firmly ( to another or each other ): 粘;附着 The two surfaces adhered ( to each other ) , and we couldn?t get t hem apart.

adjudicate to act as a judge : 裁判;裁决. To adjudicate a singing competition

adjust to change slightly , esp . in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job or new condition:调整;使适合. I must adjust my watch because it?s slow.

administration the control or direction of affairs , as of a country or business :管理;行政 You would need some experience in administration.

administrative of or concerning the control and direction of affairs , as of a country of business :行政的;管理的adopt to take ( someone else?s child ) into one?s family and to take on the full responsibility in law of a parent : 收养

adoption ( an example of ) the act o adoption : 收养;采取If you can?t have children of your own ,why not consider adoption ?

adoptive having adopted ( esp . a child ) :收养的(尤指小孩子) her adoptive parents

adrenalin a chemical substance ( hormone ) made by the body during anger , fear , fear , anxiety , etc . causing quick or violent action : 肾上腺素

adult (of) a fully grown person or animal, esp. a person over an age stated by low, usu. 18 or 21: 发育成熟的(人或动物); 成年人(尤指够法定年龄者, 通常为18或21岁) This movie is for adults , not

children .

adverbial (something) like , used as , or having qualities typical of an adverb :状语; 状语的

adverse not in favor of going against ; opposing : 不利的;相反的 The judge gave us an adverse decision. aerodynamics the science that studies the forces that act on bodies moving through the air: 空气动力学;气体力学aerosol a small container from which liquid can be forced out in the form of a fine mist: 喷雾器;喷洒雾剂的小容器

aesthetics the study , science. or philosophy of beauty, esp . in art : 美学;审美观

affirmative (a word) declaring “yes”:肯定的(话);赞成的(话) an affirmative answer

afflict to cause to suffer in the body or mind ; trouble :折磨;使烦恼 afflicted with blindness

affluent having plenty of money or other possessions; wealthy:富裕的;富足的

agenda a list of the business or subject to be considered at a meeting :议程

agile able to move quickly and easily ; active :敏捷的;灵活的

agriculture the art or practice of farming , esp . of growing crops:农业

aid support ; help : 援助;帮助 He went to the aid of the hurt man.

Alluvial being , concerning , or made of soil put down by rivers , lakes , floods , etc . 冲击的;淤积的

Ally to join or unite , as by political agreement or marriage :结合;团结(政治联盟或来联姻) the small country allied itself with / to the stronger power .

Almond a fruit tree whose seeds are eaten as nuts : 杏树

Alphabet the set of letters used in writing any language, esp. when arranged in order: 字母表

Alpine of or concerning the Alps or other high mountains : 关于阿尔卑斯山脉或其他高山的Alternative (of two things) that may be used, had, done, etc. instead of another; other: 两者选一的; 其他的The returned by an alternative road.

Something, esp. a course of action that may be taken or had instead of one or more others: 抉择; 可

供选择的方案 The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.

Altitude height, as of a mountain above sea level: (海拔)高度

Amalgamate to join; unite; combine: (企业, 团体, 组织等)(使)联合;(使) 合并

Amateur a person who performs, plays, takes part in sports, takes photographs, etc. for enjoyment an without being paid for it: 业余爱好者

Amber (the color of a yellowish brown hard clear substance used for jewels, decorations, ect. 琥珀Ambitious having a strong desire for success, power, riches, etc. 有雄心的; 野心勃勃的 an ambitious to succeed in politics

Ambivalent having opposing feelings towards , or opinions about , something or someone : (对人或事)有矛盾情绪(或看法)的

Ambulance a motor vehicle for carrying sick or wounded people, esp. to a hospital: 救护车

Ammonia a strong gas with a sharp smell, used in explosives, in chemical to (fertilizers) to help plants grow, etc. 氨

Amphibian an animal that is able to live both on land and in water : 水陆两栖动物(如蛙)

Amputate to cut off (part of the body), esp. for medical reasons: 切除 (身体的一部分); 截肢 He leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate it .

Analogous like or alike in someway : 类似的,相似的 Your suggestion was analogous to one that was made earlier .

Analysis ( an ) examination of something together with thoughts and judgments about it : 分析;剖析 His analysis of the accident showed what had happened .

Anatomy the scientific study of the bodies of living things, esp. by cutting up dead bodies: 解剖学

Anchor a heavy piece of metal , usu. hooked , at the end of a chain or rope , for lowering into the water to keep a ship from moving : 锚 To stop sailing and lower the anchor :停船下锚;抛锚

Anecdote a short interesting or amusing story about a particular person or event : 轶事;趣闻

Anguish very great pain and suffering, esp. of mind: (心里) 极大的痛苦 She was in anguish over her missing child .

Antenna a long thin sensitive hair like organ. usu . in pairs , on the heads of some insects and animals that live in shells , and used to feel with : 触角;触须

Anthropology the scientific study of the human race ,including its different its bodily types and its beliefs , social habits ,etc . 人类学

Antibiotic ( a medical substance , such as penicillin ) produced by living things and able to stop the growth of , or destroy , harmful bacteria that have entered the body: 抗菌素;抗生素

Anticipation the act of anticipating : 预期;期待 We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival . Anticlockwise BrE in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock :逆时针方向的

Antiquated old and not suited to present needs or conditions ; not modern ;old-fashioned: 过时的;陈旧的;老式的.

Anxiety fear and worry , esp . as caused by uncertainty about something :担忧;不安;焦虑. They felt strong anxiety ( for her safety / about her ) .

Aphorism a true or wise saying or principle expressed in a few words maxim :格言;警句

Apiece to , for , or from each person or thing ;each: 每人;每个;个 The apples cost fifty cents apiece . Apparel clothes , esp . of a fine or special sort : 服装;衣着(尤指质地优良或特制的) priestly apparel Apparent easily seen or understood ; plain : 明显的;显而易见的 Her anxiety was apparent to everyone . Appeal strong request for help , support , money , mercy : 恳求;呼吁;(帮助;支持;钱;慈悲等)

Appendix a short wormlike organ leading off the bowel , and having little or no use: 阑尾;盲肠

Appliance an apparatus , instrument , or tool for a particular purpose , esp . a machine run by electricity and used in the house : 器具; 装置(尤指家用电器) This house has several appliances such as a washing

machine and clothes dryer .

Applicable able to have an effect on : 生效的;适用的 The new law is applicable beginning next Monday. Appraise to judge he worth , quality , or condition of ; find out the value of :估价;评价 They appraised the house carefully before they bought it .

Approach the act of approaching : 靠近;接近 The approach of winter brings cold weather .

Appropriate correct or suitable : 正确的;合适的 His bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral . Approve to agree officially to : 批准; 同意;通过. The company president approved the building plans . Approximate nearly correct , but not exact :大概,大约 The approximate number of boys in the school is 300 but remember that 300 is only an approximate figure .

Aquatic living or happening in or on water : 水生的; 水中或水上的 Aquatic plants / animals

Arable 可耕的;适用于耕种的.

Arbitrate to act as a judge in (an argument), esp. at the request of both sides: 仲裁; 公断 Someone must arbitrate between them.

Arboreal concerned with , or living in trees 树林的; 有关树林的;乔木的

Archaeology the study of the buried remains of ancient times , such as houses , pots , tools, and weapons :考古学Architecture the art and science of building , including its planning , making , and ornamentation : 建筑学Argument a disagreement, esp . one that is noisy ; quarrel : 争论;争吵

Arithmetic the science of numbers ; calculation by numbers: 算术(学) ;计算

Aroma a strong usu. pleasant smell :芳香; 香气 The aroma of fresh coffee

Arouse to cause to wake ; rouse : 唤醒,叫醒 We aroused him from his deep sleep .

Arrange to set in a good or pleasing order : 布置;整理;排列 to arrange flower

Arrangement an agreement or plan ; something arranged : 安排;准备 She?s in charge of all the arrangements for the wedding .

Array to set in order : 部署,列阵 The soldiers were arrayed on the opposite hill .

Artery a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the blood :动脉

Arthritis a disease cause pain and swilling in the joints of the body : 关节炎

Ascertain to discover ( the facts of something ) ; get to know : 发现;查明;确定 I am going to ascertain the truth

Ascribe attribute to : 把…归于 He ascribe his success to skill and hand work.

Assault a sudden violent attack :突袭 He led an assault against or to which one is being sent : ( 分配的 ) 工作;任务 an assignment in India

Assist to help or support : 援助帮助 They assisted ( him ) in performing the operation

Associate ( cause to ) join as friends or business partners : ( 使) 交往, 合伙 He associate with criminals . Assortment a group of mixed things or of various example of the same type of thing ; mixture: 什锦;各式各样物品的配合. This box contains an assortment of candy .

Assume to take as a fact or as true without proof ,suppose: 假定;设想. If he?s not here in five minutes ,we will assume (that) he isn?t coming .

Assure to try to cause ( someone ) to believe or trust in something ; promise : 保证;担保 I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you .

Assured having or showing certainty of one?s own abilities : 自信的,有信心的 an assured manner Asterisk a star like mark ( * ) use : 星状标记(*)

Asthma a diseased condition which makes breathing very difficult at times : 气喘(病) ;哮喘.

Astrology the art of understanding the supposed influence on events and character of the starts and planets : 占星术,星占学

Asymmetric having sides that are not alike : 不对称的

Attach to fix ; fasten ; join : 固定住;系;连接 The picture is attached to the wall by a nail .

Attain to succeed in arriving at , esp . after effort ; reach : (尤指经过努力)获得,达到 She attained the position of director .

Attendance the act of attending :照顾;护理 There is a doctor in attendance .

Audience the people listening to or watching a performance , speech , television show , etc . 听众观众 The audience was / were very exited by the show .

Audiovisual of , for, or concerning both sight and hearing : 视听的,听觉的,视觉的 The school?s audiovisual department has lots of films and records .

Automatic able to work or move by itself without needing the operation of a person : ( 尤指机器) 自动的The heating system here has an automatic temperature control .

Auxiliary offering or giving help ; adding support : 辅助的;补助的;附属的.

Auxiliary workers / machinery

Available able to be gotten , abstained , used , seen . etc . 可得到的,可用的,可看见的 I?m sorry ,sir , those shows are not available in your size .

Average the amount found by adding together several quantities and then dividing by number of quantities : 平均数 The average of 3,8,and 10 is 7

Aware having knowledge or understanding : 意识到的;知道的 Are you aware of the difficulty / that there is

a difficulty ?

Awesome expressing or causing feelings of awe ( esp . when fear is present ) : 可怕的;令人恐惧的 an awesome account of the terrors of war

Ballot to vote or decide by secret voting ( about ) : 投票 They?ve balloted for the new chairman , but nobody knows the result yet .

A sheet of paper used to make a secret vote : 投票用纸;投票 They are counting the ballots now . Bankruptcy the quality or state of being BANKRUPT : 破产(指事例) There were many bankruptcies in the business world because it was hard to sell anything that year .

Barbecue a metal framework on which to cook meat over an open fire , usu. outdoors : 烤肉用的架子Barge a large low flat-bottomed boat used mainly for carrying heave goods on a canal or river : 大平地载货船;驳船

Barrier something placed in the way in order to prevent or control the movement of people or things : 障碍 The police put up barriers to control the crowed .

Basic more necessary than anything else ; on which everything else depends , or is built : 基本上;根本上 the basic rules of good driving

Basis that from which something is made , started , built , developed, or calculated : 基础;根据 The basis of this drink is orange juice .

Batch a quantity of material or number of things to be dealt with at one time: 需要一次处理的东西 a batch of bread /leaves

Beach a shore of an ocean , sea , or lake or the bank of a river covered by sand , smooth stones , or large pieces of rock : 海泊湖泊, 河泊

A seashore area, esp. one used for swimming and sunbathing: (游泳, 日光浴之) 海滩

Bend to ( cause to ) be forced into or out of a curve or angle : ( 使) 弯曲 to bend the wire

Beneficial ( of nonliving thing ) helpful ; useful : ( 指非生物 ) 有益的;有用的 His vacation has had a beneficial effect .

Benzene a colourless liquid, obtained chiefly from coal , that burns quickly and changes easily into a gas , it is used to make certain types of engine run and in making various chemical products : 苯( 要从煤提


Bid to offer ( a price ) whether for payment or acceptance , as at an auction : (拍卖时) 出价 She bid 10 yuan for the book .

Biodegradable able to decay or disintegrate naturally : 会腐烂的; 会自然分解的 Plastic is not biodegradable . Bizarre strange ; peculiar ; odd : ( 尤指外表或事件)奇怪;稀奇古怪

Blast to break up by explosions : ( 指岩石 ) 炸开 The road is closed because of blasting .

Blindfold to cover ( the eyes ) with a piece of material : (用东西将眼睛)蒙住

Blink to shut and open ( the eyes ) quickly , once or several times : 眨眼 She blinked ( her eyes ) as the bright light shone on her .

Bob to move ( something ) and repeatedly up and down ,as on water :上下来回的疾动 The small boat was bobbing in the rough water of the lake .

Boom to make a deep hollow sound : 隆隆作响 The guns boomed .

Boost to push up from below : 往上推 If you boost me up , I can just reach the window .

Bore to make a round hold or passage ( in something ) : 钻孔;开洞 This machine can bore through solid rock .

Botany the scientific study of plants : 植物学

Boundary the limiting or dividing line between surfaces , spaces , countries , etc. border : 边界;疆界

Bout a shout period of fierce activity or illness : ( 活动或生病) 一阵,一回 a bout of drinking ( = drinking alcohol )

Brainstorm a sudden clever idea : 突如其来的好主意 She has a brainstorm and got them all out of trouble .

Brash rudely disrespectful and proud : 傲气的;粗鲁的;无礼的

Brass a very hard bright yellow metal ,a mixture of copper : 黄铜

Breadwinner the person who works to apply a family with food and money : 养家者

Breakthrough the action of forcing a way through the enemy : 打破敌人防线 a military breakthrough made at night. The action of making a discovery ( often suddenly and after earlier failures ) that will lead to

other discoveries : 突破

Brewery a place where beer is made : 啤酒厂;酿酒厂

Bronchitis an illness of the bronchial tubes : 支气管炎

Bubble a hollow ball of liquid containing air or gas : 气泡;水泡.bubbles on a boiling liquid

Bucket an open of how to arrange private or public income or spending : (个人或公共) 预算

Buffalo a large wild cowlike animal formerly very common in north America and Europe with a very long curved horns and shoulders covered with lots of hair : 野牛

Bugbear a cause of concern , perhaps without reason : 担心;烦恼 The national bugbear of rising prices . Bulk great size, shape , mass, or quantity:体积大;大量

Bulletin a short public usu. Official notice or n共ews report intended to be made pubic without delay: 告示;

公告Here is the latest bulletin about the president?s health.

Bunch a number of things fastened, held, or growing together at one point: 一束;一串 a bunch of flowers Bungalow a type of house which is all on one level: 平房

Buzzword a word or phrase that sounds exact but lacks exact meaning; often used in politics and professions: 流言; 传言

Calculate to work out or find out ( something) by using numbers: 计算; 核算 Have you calculated (that) we would arrive to 6:00 p.m.

Calculator a small machine which can carry out number operations and which usu. Has a memory : 计算器Calendar a list showing the days and months of the year:日历 I used the calendar to count how many days I have been here .

Calibrate to make degrees and dividing points on ( the scale of a measuring instrument ); 标定 ( 量器) 刻度;


Calorie a measure used when stating the amount of heat : 卡路里(食物所产生的热和能量单位) One thin piece of bread has 90 calories .

Campus the grounds of a university , college , or school : 校园

Canal a waterway dug in the ground , esp . to allow ships or boats to travel along it : 运河 ; 水道 The Panama canal joins two oceans .

Cancel to give up or call off ( a planned activity , idea , etc .) : 放弃或取消(计划的活动,想法等 ) She canceled her trip to New York because she felt ill .

Cancer diseased growth in the body, which may cause death:癌;毒瘤 He?s got a cancer in his throat. Candidate a person who wants, or whom others want, to be chosen for a position, esp. in an election:候选人;

应征人 Jean was the best candidate for the job.

Candle round stick of wax containing a length of string:蜡烛

Candy to preserve ( food ) by cooking in sugar : 蜜饯(食物)以便保存 candied fruit

Canteen a place in a factory, military camp, etc. where people may buy and eat food, meals, drinks, etc.

(工厂或军营内部的) 食堂;小卖部

Capacity the amount that something can hold or produce: 容量;生产量

The seating capacity of this theatre is 500.

Capillary a very fine hair like tube, e.g. one of the smaller blood vessels in the body:毛细管;微血管Capital punishable by death:可处以死刑的

Murder can be a capital offense.

Capitulate to yield to the enemy, usu. On agreed conditions:在协议的条件下投降

Carbohydrate any of various types of substances, such as sugar, which consist of oxygen. Hydrogen. And carbon which provide the body with heat and power (energy) and if eaten in quantity make one fat:


Cardinal most important; chief; main:最重要的;首要的 a cardinal idea

Carnivore a flesh eating animal:食肉动物Lions are carnivores; rabbits are not.

Carousel a circular moving belt on which bags , cases , etc . from a plan are placed of collection by passengers : ( 美) 旋转式行李输送带

Carp to find fault and complain continuously and unnecessarily :挑剔 Please stop carping about the way

I dress .

Carpentry the art or work of a carpenter : 木匠工艺;木工活

Cartilage ( a piece of ) strong elastic substance found instead of bone in young animal and , esp. around the joints , in order animal : 软骨 There is a cartilage in the nose

Cartography the science or art of making maps : 制图;制图学

Casting metal or plastic object shaped by having been CAST : 铸件

Casualty a person hurt in an accident :(事故中的) 受伤者 There were ten serious casualty in the train crash .

Catalog a list of places , names , goods , etc (often with information about them) put in a special order so that they can be found easily :(地名 , 人名 , 货物等的 ) 目录

Catalyst a substance which , without itself changing , causes chemical activity to quicken : 触媒;催化剂Cataract a large waterfall : 大瀑布

Catastrophe a sudden . unexpected , and terrible event that causes great suffering , misfortune , or ruin : 大灾祸 The war was a terrible catstrophe in which many people died .

Categorize to put in a category :分门别类

Category a division or class in a system for dividing objects into groups according to their nature : 门类,种类

Cater to provide and serve food and drinks , usu . for payment , at a public or private party rather than

a restaurant : ( 指在餐馆以外的地方) 承办酒席 Who?s catering ( at ) your daughter?s wedding ? Caterpillar a small long many-legged wormlike creature : 毛虫,(蝴蝶等的)幼虫

Caustic ( any of various types of ) chemical substance able to burn or destroy (corrode ) by chemical action : 苛性碱;腐蚀剂

Caution great care ; the act of paying attention or of taking care : 小心;谨慎

To ware : 警告;告诫 The policeman said : I must caution you that anything you say may be used against you at your trial .

Cease to stop ( esp . an activity ) 停止 ; 终止(尤指一项活动)

Cellar an underground room , usu . used for storing goods : 地窖;地下室

Cell a small room in a prison for one person or a small number of people : (监狱的)小房间( 住一个人或几个)

Cellular consisting of cells : 细胞的;细胞质的

Cellulose the material from which the walls of plants are made , used in marking paper ,plastic , many man-made materials , ect . 纤维素;细胞膜素(造纸塑料等用)

Centrifugal tending to move in a direction away from the center : 离心的;离心力的

Ceramics the art or practice of making bricks , pots , etc . by shaping piece of clay and baking until hard : 瓷制品;陶器

Cereal ( a plan which is grown to produce ) grain for food , such as wheat , rice , etc . 谷类;谷类职务;如小麦,稻米

Ceremony a formal solemn and well-establish action or set of action used for marking important event : 典礼;


Certificate an official sheet of paper ( document ) which is written or printed a statement made by an official person that a fact or facts are true : 证书;证明书 a birth / marriage / death certificate

Cervix a narrow neck-like opening into an organ of body , esp . into the womb : 颈部;子宫颈

Chaos a state of complete and thorough disorder and confusing : 无秩序;混乱 After the power failure , the city was in chaos.

Chap a man or boy : 家伙;小伙子

Characteristic typical ; representing a person?s or thing?s usual character : 典型的;有特色的.

Chime to make music bell-like sounds ; show ( the time ) in this way : ( 使 ) 奏出钟似的音乐

Chimney a hollow passage often rising above the roof of a building , which allows and gases to pass from a fire : 烟囱 The factory chimney poured smoke into the air.

Chip a small piece of brick , wood , paint , etc .broken off something :(砖,木, 养料等 ) 小块;碎片Choral of , related to , or sung by a choir or chorus : 唱诗班的;由唱诗班唱的;合唱的 a choral group / society / choral music

Chromosome a threadlike body found in all living cells, which passes on and controls the nature , character , etc .

of a young plant , animal , or cell : 染色体

Chronic ( of a disease ) continual ; lasting a long time :(指疾病) 慢性的;长期的 a chronic cough Chronological arrange according to the order of time : 按时间顺序排列的;按年代先后的 We?ll make a list of the cause of the war in chronological of the events of last year

Chunk a short thick piece or lump that is bigger than the pieces into which something is usually cut : ( 大于平常所切的 ) 一厚片 ; 一大片

Civic of a city or its citizens : 城市的 ; 市民的 The president?s visit to the city was the most important civic event of the way government works .

Civilian ( a person ) not of the armed force : ( 人 ) 平民 ; 老百姓 civilian government

Clam a small soft-bodied sea animal with a double shell , that lives in sand or mud and is eaten : 蛤;蚌Clamor a loud continuous usu . confused noise or shouting , esp . of people complaining :吵闹 ; 抱怨 a clamor of voices

Clarity clearness : 清楚 ; 明了 clarity of thinking / speed

Classify to arrange or place ( animals , plants , books , etc . ) into classes or groups ; divide according to class : 给 ( 动物 , 植物 , 书籍等 ) 分类 ; 归类 People who work in libraries spend a lot of time

classifying books .

Clatter a number of rapid short knocking sounds as when a number of things fall to the ground : 急促的敲击声

Clay heavy firm earth , soft when wet , becoming hard when baked at a high temperature , and from which bricks , pots , earthenware , etc . are made : 粘土 ( 制砖 , 钵 , 陶器等的材料 )

Client a person who pays a professional person , esp . a lawyer , for help and advice : ( 尤指律师的 ) 当事人 ; 委托人 .

Climactic of or forming a climax : 顶点的 ; 高潮的

Cling to held tightly ; stick firmly ; refuse to let go : 紧紧抓住 ; 牢牢地黏住 , 不放开 The wet shirt clung to his body .

Clinging tight fitting ; sticking tightly and closely to the body : ( 尤指衣服 )紧身;贴身

Clinic a building or part of a hospital where usu . specialize medical treatment and advice is given : 诊所;

门诊部 The clinic is near the station .

Clinical of or connected with a clinic or hospital : 诊所的; 医院的

Coarse not fine or smooth ; lumpy ; rough : 粗糙的; 为精炼的; 不光滑的 ; 粗的 a coarse woolen garment . Coax to persuade ( someone ) by gentle kindness or patience : 温和和耐心的劝导 ; 哄

Coherent naturally or reasonably connected ; easily understood : 连贯的 ; 易于了解的 .

Collide to meet and strike ( together ) violently 碰撞 ; 冲撞 Many people were hurt when the two buses collided .

Cohesion the art or state of sticking together tightly 凝聚 ; 紧密团结 We need more cohesion in the party if we?re going to win the next election .

Collaborate to work together or with someone else , esp . for a special purpose : 协作; 合作 The police and the army collaborate to catch the terrorists .

Collapse to ( cause to ) fall down or inwards suddenly : (使) 倒塌 ; 崩溃 The weight of snow collapse the roof

A ( of an object ) to fold into a shape that takes up less space : 折叠 This table collapse , so I can

store it easily when I?m using it .

Colloquial ( of words , phrases , style , etc . ) of or familiar conversation : ( 词, 短语 , 文体等 ) 口语的, 通俗的, 会话的.

Colonialism the having or keeping of colonies : 殖民主义 , 殖民政策

Colonnade a row of pillars with equal between usu . supporting a roof or row of arches : 柱廊 ; 列柱

Combat to fight or struggle against : 与…战斗 ; 与…斗争 to combat evil

Combination the art of combining or state of being combined : 联合体 ; 结合体 The club is supported or united in a common purpose .

Combine come together , unite , act together , or join together : ( 使) 化合 ; 混合 What chemicals combine together to make water ?

Combustible that can catch fire and burn easily : 易燃的 ; 容易着火的 ( 物品 ) Petrol is highly combustible to don?t smoke while you?re handling it .

Combustion the art of catch fire and burning : 燃烧 ; 着火

Commentate to give a commentary : 评论 ; 评述

Commercialize to make ( something ) a matter of profit : 使商业化; 使成为有利润的事 Do you agree that Christmas is too commercialize these days ?

Commission ( an amount of ) money , usu . relation to the value of goods sold , paid to the salesman who sold them : 佣金 ; 酬劳金 He gets 10% commission so if he sells goods worth $100 his

commission is $ 10 .

Commissioner ( in some countries ) an official in charge of a certain government department : 专员 ; 委员Commissioner Addo is responsible for education .

Committee a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties : 委员会 He?s on a lot of committees .

Commitment a responsibility or promise to follow certain beliefs or a certain course of action : 诺言 ; 许诺Commonwealth an organization of independent states which were formerly parts of the British empire , established to encourage trade and friendly relations among its members : 英联邦Communication the various ways of traveling , moving goods and people , and sending information between two places or in an area ; roads , railway , radio , telephone , television etc . 交通 ( 泛指通讯 , 传播 ,

运输等工具或媒介 ) All communications with France was stopped when the enemy gained control

of the sea .

Communal shared by or used by members of a group or a community : 公社的 ; 公有的

Communicate to make ( news , opinions , feeling , etc . ) known : 传达 ( 消息 , 意见 , 感受等 ) I don?t think the teacher communicates his ideas clearly .

Community a group of people living together and / or united by shared interests , religion nationality , etc .

居住在一起 , 而且有共同的兴趣 , 宗教 , 国籍等联结的一群人 ; 社团 The Puerto Rican

community in New York wants to keep its language and way of life alive .

Commute a person who commutes : 使用长期票上下班者

Comparison the act of comparing : 比较

Compensation something given to compensation : 补偿物; 补偿金 She received $ 10000 in compensation for her husband?s death .

Compile to make ( a report , book , etc .) from facts and information found in various places : 编辑 ; 汇集 ( 报告 , 书籍等 ) It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary .

Complement something that completes or makes perfect : 补充物 A fine wine is a complement to a good meal .

Complex consisting of many closely related or connected parts : 复杂的 ; 错综的 There is a complex network of roads connecting Glasgow and Edinburgh .

Comply to act in according with a demand , order , rule , etc . 遵照 ; 遵守 People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished .

Composition the act of composing : 组成 ; 构成 A piece of music of her own composition . Comprehensive thorough ; broad ; including much : 彻底的 ; 广泛的 ; 包罗广的 The government gave a very comprehensive explanation of its plan for industrial development .

Comprise to consist of ; include ; be made up of : 包括 ; 包含 ; 由…组成. The United Kingdom comprise England . Wales , Scotland , and Northern Ireland .

Compulsory put into force by the law , orders , etc . 义务的 ; 强制的 Education is compulsory for all children in Britain .

Concave curved inward , like the inside surface of a hollow ball : 凹的 ; 凹面的 a concave mirror Concede to admit as true , just , or proper , often unwillingly : ( 勉强) 承认 The government concede defeat as soon as the election results were known .

Conceivable that can be thought of or believed ; imaginable : 可以想到的 ; 可以相信的 ; 可以想象的 It is conceivable that there will be a third world war , but I hope it won?t happen .

Concentric having the same center : 同心的 ; 同轴的

Concern to be a bout : 关于 This story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned .

Concession the art of yielding , esp . after a disagreement : 让步 ( 在不同意见后 ) The company …s promise to increase our pay was concession to union demands .

Concrete existing as something real or solid ; actual : 具体的 ; 实在的 Coal is a concrete object ; heat is not .

Conclusive putting an end to doubt or uncertainty : 决定性的 ; 结论性的 conclusive proof that he was the murderer

Condense to put into a smaller or shortened form : 缩短 ; 压缩 a condensed report

Conduct to direct or lead : 管理; 引导 She conducts her business very successfully .

Confer to give ( a gift , title , honour , favour , etc . ) 授予; 赠予 ( 礼物 , 头衔等 ) The queen conferred

a noble title on her faithful minister .

To talk together ; compare opinions : 商讨 ; 交换意见 The minister are still conferring on this matter .

Confession ( an example of ) the act of admitting one?s crimes , serious faults , etc . 承认 ; 坦白Confidential in secret ; to be kept secret: 秘密的; 机密的 ; 应保密的 confidential information Confluence the flowing together of two or more streams : 河流 ; 汇流 The city was established at the confluence of the Rhine and the Moslem .

Confront to face boldly or threateningly : 大胆或要挟地面对 When I left the restaurant , I was confronted by two man who asked me for money .

Congested ( of a street , city , narrow place , etc . ) very full or blocked , esp . because of traffic : ( 街道 , 城市 , 狭窄地方等由于交通量达而 ) 拥堵 ; 堵塞 . Fifth avenue is always very congested . Congregate to gather together : 使聚集 ; 集合 The crowds congregated in the town square it hear the President .

Conjunction a word such as : “but “ or “ and “ that connects parts of sentences , phrases , etc . 连结词Connect to join , unite , link : 连结 ; 结合 They hires 2 rooms with connecting doors .

Connection the act of connecting : 连接 ; 接合 The connection of the house pipes to the water supply .

Consciousness the condition of being able to think , feel , understand what is happening etc . 意识 ; 知觉Roger lost consciousness at four o?clock in the afternoon and died in the night .

Consensus a general agreement ; the opinion of a group : 意见一致 ; 一群人的意见 What is the consensus of opinion ?

Conservation the act of conserving ( conserve ) ; preservation : 保护 ; 保存

Consideration carefully thought : attention : 细心考虑 ; 关注 We?ll give your request our careful

consideration .

Consist of to be made up of : 包括 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland . Consistent ( of a person . behavior , beliefs , ect .) keeping to the same principles ,line of reasoning , or course of action : ( 人 , 行为 , 信念等 ) 一贯的 , 一致的 This statement is not consistent with what

you said yesterday .

Consolation ( a person or thing that gives ) comfort during a time of sadness or disappointment : 安慰 ; 慰籍

I got many letters of consolation when my mother died .

Consonant any of the speech sounds made by partly or completely stopping the flow of air as it goes through the mouth : 辅音

( to , with ) being in agreement : 一致 ; 和谐 Your actions do not appear to be consonant with your principles .

Conspiracy ( the act of making ) a secret plan by two or more people to do something unlawful : 阴谋 ; 密谋the generals? conspiracy to seize control of the government

Constable a police officer of the lowest rank : ( 最低级) 警官

Constabulary the police force of a particular area or country : ( 特定地区或国家的 ) 警察

Constrain to make ( someone ) do something by force or by strongly persuading : 强迫 ; 强制 I felt

constrained to do what he told me .

Construction the business or work of building : 建筑业 ; 建造

I work in construction / a construction

Consultant a high ranking hospital doctor who give specialist advice in addition to that given by an

ordinary doctor : 高级医生或专家

A person who gives specialist professional advice to other : 顾问

Consultation a meeting held to exchange opinions and ideas : 商量; 协商 The doctors held a consultation concerning the new patient .

Consumer a person who buys and uses goods and services : 消费者 ; 用户

Contaminate to make impure or bad by mixing with dirty or poisonous matter : 污染 ; 玷污 ; 染毒 Don?t eat this food : it?s been contaminated by flies .

Contemplate to consider or look at with continued attention ; think about : 沉思, 仔细考虑 The doctor

contemplated the difficult operation he had to perform .

Contestant someone competing in a contest : 竞争者 ; 争论者 There are 50 contestants in this

competition .

Contradict to declare ( a person , opinion , something written or spoken ) to be wrong or untruthful : 反驳 ;

驳斥 ; 否认 ; 顶嘴 Young children should never contadict what their parents say .

To be opposite in nature or character to ( a statement , action , fact , etc . ) : 抵触;矛盾 Your actions contradict your declared moral principle .

Contribute to join with others in giving ( money , help , etc . ) 捐助;贡献 Everybody contributed towards Jane?s present when she left the office .

Controversial causing much argument or disagreement : 有争议的;引起争论的 a controversial speech / decision / person / book

Convene to meet or gather : 集会;聚集

Conventional following accepted customs and standards , sometimes too closely : 拘礼的;习惯的;保守的Converge to come together towards a common point : 会合;集中;聚集 The roads converge just before the station .

Converse opposite : 相反的 I hold the converse opinion .

Convert to ( cause to ) change into another form , substance , or state , or from one purpose , system , etc .

to another : 改变;转换;兑换 Coal can be converted to gas .

Convey to take or carry from one place to another : 传送;运送 to convey electricity from power stations to house .

Convict to find ( someone ) guilty of a crime in a court of law : 判罪;证明…有罪 The criminal was convicted of murder .

Coordinate to work together , esp . to increase effectiveness : 使协调 We need to coordinate our efforts . Copyright the right in the law to be the only produce of seller of a book , play , movie , record , etc . for a fixed period of time : (书籍,剧本,电影,录音等在一定时期内的)版权;著作权 Who

has the copy right of /on/for your book ?

Coral a white , pink , or reddish stone-like or horn-like substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals : 珊瑚 Coral is often used for making jewelry .

Core the hard or solid central part containing the seeds of certain fruits , such as the apple : 含籽的水水果果心;果核

Corporate of , belonging to , or shared by all the members of a group ; collective : 共同的;集体的Correlation a share relationship or causal connection : 相互关系;关系 a high correlation between

unemployment and crime

Correspondence agreement between particular things ; likeness : 符合;相似

Corruption the act of correction : 腐败;败坏

Cosmetic a face-cream , body-powder , etc . intended to make the skin or hair more beautiful : 化妆品

Of , related to ,or causing increased beauty of the skin or hair : 化妆用的;美容的

Cosmic of or related to the whole universe : 宇宙的

Cosmopolitan consisting of people from many different part of the world : 有世界各地的 New York is a very cosmopolitan city

Cosmos the universe considered as an ordered system : 宇宙

Cosset to pay a great deal of attention to making comfortable and contented ; treat very kindly :疼爱;


Council a group of people appointed or elected to make laws or decisions , for a town , church , etc . or to give advice : 理事会;委员会 The housing council advised us to build apartment for old


Counselor an adviser : 顾问 a marriage guidance counselor

Cram to force ( a person or thing ) into a small space : 塞入;填入 to cram people into a railroad car Cramp a severe pain from the sudden tightening of a muscle , which makes movement difficult : 抽筋;

痉挛 The swimming goes a cramp in his leg and had to be lifted out of the water .

Craze to make very excited , angry , or mad : 使疯狂;生气 The climber was crazed by the many hours he?d spent in the freezing cold . a very popular fashion . use for a

very short time : 时尚;流行 This new toy is the latest craze in America.

Credit to place ( an amount of money ) in an account : 记账 ( 账户) Please credit $200 to my account . Creep to move slowly and quietly , esp . with the body close to the ground : 爬行;蠕动 The cat crept silently towards the mouse .

Crevice a narrow crack or opening , esp. in rock : ( 尤指石头上的) 裂缝;缺口

Crew all the people working on a ship , plane , etc . ( 船上 , 飞机上的 ) 全体乘务员 The crew is waiting for instructions from the ship?s owner .

Cricket a type of small brown insect , the male of which makes loud short noises by rubbing leathery wings together : 蟋蟀

An outdoor game played with a ball , BAT , and wickets , by two teams of 11 players each : 板球运动

Criterion an establish rule , standard , or principle , on which a judgment is based : 标准 ; 准则What criteria do you use when judging a student?s work ?

Criticism the art of forming judgments about the good or bad qualities of anything, esp. artistic work; work of

a critic : 批评 ; 评论性的文章 ; 文艺批评理论 The students gave constructive criticism .

Critical finding the fault ; judging severely : 苛求的 ; 最受批评的 If you really understood the difficulties facing the government you wouldn?t be so critical of its spending reduction .

Croissant a piece of buttery bread like pastry : 新月形小面包

Crucial of the greatest importance 重要关头 ; 关键时刻 at a crucial moment

Cruise to sail in an unhurried way :巡航 ; 游览

Crust the hard usu. brown outer surface of baked bread : 面包片 ; 干面包片 .

Crutch a stick with a piece that fits under the arm , for supporting a person who has difficulty in walking : 拐杖 When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches .

Crystal a transparent natural mineral that looks like pure ice : 水晶

Cuff the end of a sleeve nearest the hand : 袖口; 袖头

Cuisine a style of cooking : 烹饪法 French cuisine

Culprit the person guilty of a crime or offense : 罪犯 ; 犯人

cultivate to prepare (land) for the growing of crops:耕种

cultural of or related to culture:文化上的;文化的

current belonging to the present time;of the present day:现实的;


cushion a bag filled with a soft substance on which a person can lie, sit,

or rest comfortably:坐垫;垫子;靠垫

cyanide a very strong poison:氯化氢(一种很厉害的毒物)

cycle a number of related events happening in a regularly order:循


cyclic happening in cycles:周期的;循环的

cylinder a hollow or solid body with a circular base and straight


cynic a person who thinks that people act only in their own interests,

who sees little or no good in anything, and who shows this by

making unkind remarks about people and things:愤世嫉俗


dangle to hang or swing loosely:悬挂;摇晃

keys dangling from a chain

deadline a date or time before which something must be done:最后期


I hope we can finish this before the deadline.

debtor a person who owes money:债务人;欠债的人

decade a period of 10 years:十年

decentralize to move from one big place to several smaller places:


decline to move from a better to a worse position or from higher to


decode to discover the meaning of (something written in a code):解


decoration the act or art of decorating; the state of being decorated:装


deficiency (a case of) the quality or state of being deficient;lack:缺


definition 1.the act or action of defining:确定;界定;限定

2.an exact statement of the meaning, nature, or limits of


deform to spoil the form or appearance of:损坏形象;毁容

a face deformed by disease / anger

defy to show no fear of nor respect for:违抗;不服从;蔑视

These criminals are defying the law.

degrade to bring down in the opinion of others, in self-respect, or in


degree any of various measures:量度;度数

deliberate intentional; on purpose:有意的;故意的;蓄意的

The car crash wasn’t an accident; it was a deliberate attempt

to kill him.

delight to cause great satisfaction, enjoyment, or joy:使欣喜;使愉

a book that is certain to delight

delta the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet:希腊字母表上的第


democratic 1.of, related to, or favouring DEMOCRACY:民主政权的;


2.of, related to, or intended to please the broad masses of the


demography the study of information in figures (STATISTICS) the

population of an area or country and how these figures vary

with time:人口统计;人口学

demolish to destroy; tear down:摧毁;推翻;拆除

demolition the action of demolishing:破坏;毁坏;拆除demonstrate to show clearly:示范;说明

Please demonstrate how the machine works. demonstrative showing feelings openly:感情外露的;露骨的

a demonstrative person / action

denote 1.to be a name of:…之名称;代表

The word “lion” denotes a certain kind of animal “Lion”.

2.to be a mark of or that:为…之父好;表示

dental of or related to the teeth:牙齿的

deplete 1.to lessen greatly in quantity, contents, power, or value:使


The cost of this journey has depleted our small store of money.

2.rate to empty of something important:耗尽;用尽deposit to put down (usu. in a stated place):放下;放置

Where can I deposit this load of sand?

derive from to obtain from:从…得到;由…派生成的

He derives a lot of pleasure from meeting new people.

designate to point out or call by a special name:支出;指明

These x-marks on the drawing designate all the entrances to

the building.

desperate ready for and wild act because of loss of hope:不顾一切


determine 1.to form a firm intention in the mind:决心;下决心

He determined to go at once / that he would go at once.

2.to decide:决定

device 1.an instrument, esp. one that is cleverly thought out:(精巧


a device for sharpening pencils

2.something (such as a special phrase or group of words)

which is intended to produce a particular artistic effect in a

work of literature:精警之词句

dessert sweet food served at the end of a meal:饭后甜食

We had cake for dessert.

destructive causing destruction:破坏的;毁坏的

a destructive storm

detail a small point or fact:细节;细目

Everything in her story is correct (down) to the smallest detail. detain to keep (a person) somewhere for a certain time:拘留;扣

The police have detained two men for questioning at the

police station.

deter to prevent from action. esp. by the threat of something

unpleasant; dissuade:使不散;威慑;阻碍

The storm clouds deterred them from going out.

detergent a chemical product used for cleaning esp. clothing and


determine to decide; find out:决定;确定

to determine the rights and wrongs of the case

deteriorate to become worse:变化;恶化

his deteriorating health

detract to take something away from; make less the value of:取


All the decoration detracts from the beauty of the building’s


devastate to destroy completely; make impossible to live in:毁坏;破


devour a statement which is the result of diagnosing:诊断

The two doctors made / gave different diagnoses of my


diagram a plan or figure dawn to explain an idea; drawing which

shows how something works:图表;图解
