Introduction Tori Invariant under an Involutorial

Introduction Tori Invariant under an Involutorial
Introduction Tori Invariant under an Involutorial

Tori Invariant under an Involutorial

Automorphism I


Department of Mathematics

North Carolina State University



Let G be a connected reductive linear algebraic group de?ned over an?eld k of characteristic not2,θ∈Aut(G)an involutional k-automorphism of G and K=Gθ={g∈G|θ(g)=g} the set of?xed points ofθ.Denote the set of k-rational points of G by G k.

In this paper we shall classify the K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori of G. This is shown to be independent of the characteristic of k and can be applied to describe all the orbits of a?ne symmetric spaces under the action of a minimal parabolic subgroup in the case that the a?ne symmetric space is of type(G,K0)(see Helminck[8]).

This paper is part of a series of papers leading towards a classi?cation of all orbits of a?ne symmetric spaces under the action of a minimal parabolic subgroup(see also[10]). The results and techniques in this paper will be used for the classi?cation in the remaining cases.

The K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori of G occur(in a slightly di?erent form)in the representation theory of real semisimple Lie,ly ifθis a Cartan involution of G as in[10,11.7],then the K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori of G correspond one to one with the G k-conjugacy classes of maximal k-tori of G.So for k=R this leads to a one to one correspondence with the conjugacy classes of Cartan subalgebras of a real simisimple Lie algebra.We give two characterizations of these conjugacy classes.The ?rst characterization relates the K0-conjugacy classes with conjugacy classes of involutions ?Partiallysupported byN.S.F.grant number DMS-8600037


2Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I of a maximalθ-split torus and the second characterization relates the K0-conjugacy classes with conjugacy classes of involutions of a maximal torus of K.The?rst characterization not only generalizes the classi?cation of the conjugacy classes of Cartan subalgebras in a real semisimple Lie algebra as in Kostant[13]and Sugiura[31],but also gives a considerable simpli?cation.Similarly the second characterization generalizes some results of Schmidt[24] on Cartan subalgebras.We also derive the diagrams of the adjacent conjugacy classes,what generalizes some results of Hirai[12]on Cartan subalgebras.

For an involutionθ∈Aut(G)we write T for the set ofθ-stable maximal tori of G and T K for the set of K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori of G.If T is aθ-stable torus of G,then we write:

T+=(T∩K)0and T?={t∈T|θ(t)=t?1}0.

The second torus is called aθ-split torus of G.Denote the set of characters,the set of roots and the Weyl group of T with respect to G by respectively,X?(T),Φ(T)and W(T).

If we?x aθ-stable maximal torus T of G,then any otherθ-stable maximal torus of G is of the form gT g?1with n=g?1θ(g)∈N G(T).Denote the image of n in W(T)by w g.Thenθ(w g)w g=id,i.e.,w g is aθ-twisted involution in W(T).The representative g of the K0-conjugacy class of gT g?1is unique up to left translations from K0and right translations from N G(T).If h=kgtw is another representative(k∈K,t∈T,w∈W(T)), then w h=w?1w gθ(w).So this leads toθ-twisted conjugacy classes ofθ-twisted involutions. In the case that T+(or T?)is maximal it is easy to show that we can choose g in such a way that w g becomes an involution(see3.4).These involutions in W(T)are calledθ-singular.From the above remarks it follows now that there is a one to one correspondence between the K0-conjugacy classes of maximal tori of G and theθ-twisted conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T).We can restrict the above correspondence to conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T):

Theorem4.5Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with maximal T?(resp.T+).Then there is a one to one correspondence between the K0-conjugacy classes of T and the W(T)-conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T).

It remains to classify the conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions of W(T).Unfortunately these are di?cult to classify for an arbitraryθ-stable maximal torus T.However in the case that T?is maximal this appears to be easy:

Theorem4.6Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with maximal T?and w∈W(T), w2=e.Then the following are equivalent:

A.G.HELMINCK3 (i)w isθ-singular


A classi?cation of the conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions of W(T)in the case that T?is a maximalθ-split torus of G,can be derived from the classi?cation of involutorial automorphisms of G in Helminck[8].

There exists a natural ordering on T K.For[T1],[T2]∈T K de?ne[T1]<[T2]if T?1?T?2 for some representatives T i of[T i](i=1,2).The corresponding diagram easily follows from the classi?cation of the conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T).

A brief summary of the contents is as follows.After some preliminaries in section1, we derive all the properties needed about involutions in section2.Section3deals with the characterization of the K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori of G in terms of conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T)in the case that either T+is a maximal torus of K or T?is a maximalθ-split torus of G.In section4we characterize the conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions and in section5we show that,in the case thatθis a Cartan involution of G as in[10],the K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori correspond bijectively with the G k-conjugacy classes of maximal k-tori of G.The ordering on T K is introduced in section6.Finally in section7we give a classi?cation of involutions in Weyl groups and use this to classify the conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions together with their diagrams.

Some of the above results were announced in[9].

1Preliminaries and recollections

1.1We use as our basic references for algebraic groups the books of Humphreys[13]and Springer[25]and we shall follow their notations and terminology.All algebraic groups considered are linear algebraic groups.

Let k denote a?eld of characteristic not2and G an algebraic k-group(i.e.,an algebraic group de?ned over k).The set of k-rational points of G is denoted by G k or G(k).For most of this paper(except in chapter5),we will assume that k is an algebraiccally closed?eld.

For any closed subgroup H of G,denote its Lie algebra by the corresponding(lower case) German letter h and write H o for the identity component.The center of H will be denoted by Z(H).

For a subtorus T of H let X?(T)denote the additively written group of rational characters of T and X?(T)the group of rational one-parameter multiplicative subgroups of T,i.e.the

4Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I group of homomorphisms(of algebraic groups):GL1→T.The group X?(T)can be put in duality with X?(T)by a pairing<·,·>de?ned as follows:ifχ∈X?(T),λ∈X?(T), thenχ(λ(t))=t<χ,λ>for all t∈F?.The torus T acts on the Lie algebra h of H by the adjoint representation.Forα∈X?(T)let hαdenote the weight space for the characterαon h and letΦ(T,H)denote the set of roots of H with respect to T,i.e.Φ(T,H)is the set of non-trivial charactersα∈X?(T)such that hα=0.Set W(T,H)=N H(T)/Z H(T),where

N H(T)={x∈H|xT x1?T},

Z H(T)={x∈H|xt=tx forall t∈T}.

If H is connected,W(T,H)is called the Weyl group of H relative to T.It is a?nite group, which acts on T,X?(T)and X?(T).Moreover the set of rootsΦ(T,H)is stable under the action of W(T,H)on X?(T).In the case H=G we shall writeΦ(T)forΦ(T,G)and W(T) for W(T,G).

If T is a torus of G such thatΦ(T)is a root system in the subspace X?(T)?Z R spanned byΦ(T)and if W(T)is the corresponding Weyl group,then for eachα∈Φ(T)the subgroup Gα=Z G((Kerα)0)is nonsolvable.If we choose now nα∈N Gα(T)?Z Gα(T)and let sαbe the element of W(T)de?ned by nα,then there exists a unique one parameter subgroup α∨∈X?(T)such that<α,α∨>=2and sα(χ)=χ?<χ,α∨>α(χ∈X?(T)).We call α∨the coroot ofαand denote the set of theseα∨in X?(T)byΦ∨(T).We have a bijection ofΦ∨(T)ontoΦ(T).

For x,y∈G denote the commutator xyx?1y?1by(x,y).If A,B are subgroups of G, the subgroup of G generated by all(x,y),x∈A,y∈B will be donoted by[A,B].

1.2Involutorial automorphisms of G

Letθ∈Aut(G)be a k-involution of G,i.e.,θis de?ned over k andθ2=id.We denote the automorphism of g,induced byθalso byθand write K=Gθ={x∈G|θ(x)=x}for the group of?xed points ofθ.This is a closed reductive k-subgroup of G(see Vust[33,§1]and [10]).If k=C,then G/K is the complexi?cation of a space G(R)/K(R)with G(R)-invariant Riemannian structure.

1.3θ-split tori

Let T be aθ-stable torus of G.(Recall that according to a result of Steinberg[27,7.5],there exists aθ-stable torus T of G.)If we write T+θ=(T∩K)0and T?θ={x∈T|θ(x)=x?1}0,

A.G.HELMINCK5 then it is easy to verify that the product map


is a separable isogeny.So in particular T=T+θT?θand T=T+θ∩T?θis a?nite group.(In fact it is an elementary abelian2-group.)If T is a torus in aθ-stable subgroup H of G,then the automorphisms ofΦ(T,H)and W(T,H)induced byθ|H will also be denoted byθ.

A torus A of G is calledθ-split ifθ(a)=a?1for every a∈A.Ifθ=id,then non-trivial θ-split tori exist(see Vust[33,§1]),so in particular there are maximal ones.The following result can be found in Vust[33,§1]:

Proposition1.4Let A be a maximalθ-split torus of G.Then:

(1)A is the uniqueθ-split torus of of Z K(A);

(2)(Z G(A),Z G(A))?K0and Z G(A)is the almost direct product of Z K(A)o and A;

(3)If T is a maximal torus of G,containing A,then T isθ-stable.

Moreover all maximalθ-split tori of G are conjugate under K0and so are all maximal tori of G containing a maximalθ-split torus of G.

Let A be a maximalθ-split torus of G and T?A a maximal torus.Take W1= {w∈W(T)|w(A)?A}and W0={w∈W(T)|w|A=id A}.The restriction map W1→W0,w→w|A induces an isomorphism of W1/W0onto W(A,G)(see Helminck[8]or Richardson[21]).The group W(A,G)is even the Weyl group of a root system.

Proposition1.5Let A be a maximalθ-split torus of G and let E0denote the vector subspace of X?(A)?Z R spanned byΦ(A).ThenΦ(A)is a root system in E0and the corresponding Weyl group is given by the restriction of W(A)to E0.Moreover every element of W(A)has a representative in N K0(A).

For a proof,see Richardson[21,4.7].

Note that if T is a maximal torus of G containing A,thenΦ(A)coincides with the set of restrictions of the elements ofΦ(T)to A.

Another important K0-conjugacy class ofθ-stable maximal tori of G is the one containing a maximal torus of K.They appear asθ-stable maximal tori in aθ-stable Borel subgroup of G.

6Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I Proposition1.6If B is aθ-stable Borel subgroup of G and T aθ-stable maximal torus of B,then B∩K0is a Borel Subgroup of K0and K0∩T is a maximal torus of K0.

All these maximal tori are conjugate under K0:

Proposition1.7If S is a maximal torus of K,then Z G(S)is a maximal torus of G.All maximal tori of G,containing a maximal torus of K0,are conjugate under K0.

For a proof of these results,see Richardson[21].

2Some properties of involutions of root systems

In the sequel we shall need various properties of involutions in Weyl groups,which commute with a?xed involutionθof the corresponding root system.We shall review these properties here.Our basic reference for root systems is Bourbaki[5].

2.1Let E be a?nite dimensional real vector space,Φ?E a(reduced)root system,(·,·) an Aut(Φ)-invariant inner product of E and X?Φa free abelian group contained in the weight lattice ofΦ.For a closed subsystemΦ1ofΦlet W(Φ1)denote the?nite subgroup of Aut(Φ)generated by the re?ections sα,α∈Φ1.We will also write W for the Weyl group W(Φ).

2.2θ-order onΦ

Letθ∈Aut(Φ)be an involution,i.e.θ2=id.Denote the eigenspace ofθfor the eigenvalue ξ,by E(θ,ξ).Similarly as in[8]we de?ne aθ-order onΦrelated to the projection of E on E(θ,?1).

Let X0(θ)={χ∈X|θ(χ)=χ}andΦ0(θ)=Φ∩X0(θ).Clearly X0(θ)andΦ0(θ)areθ-stable andΦ0(θ)is a closed subsystem ofΦ.We denote the Weyl group ofΦ0(θ)by W0(θ)and identify it with the subgroup W(Φ0(θ))of W.Let W1(θ)={w∈W|w(X0(θ))=X0(θ)}, Xθ=X/X0(θ)and letπbe the natural projection from X to Xθ.Every w∈W1(θ)induces an automorphismπ(w)of Xθandπ(w(χ))=π(w)(π(χ))(χ∈X).If Wθ={π(θ)|w∈W1(θ)},then Wθ~=W1(θ)/W0(θ).(See Satake[23,2.1.3]).This is called the restricted Weyl group with respect to the action ofθon X.It is not necessarily a Weyl group in the sense of Bourbaki[5,Ch.V,no.1].

LetΦθ=π(Φ?Φ0(θ))denote the set of restricted roots ofΦrelative toθ.Similarly as in[8]we de?ne aθ-order onΦby choosing orders on X0(θ)and Xθ.To be more precise:

A.G.HELMINCK7 De?nition2.3An order on X is called aθ-order if it has the following property:

ifχ∈X,χ 0,andχ/∈X0(θ),thenθ(χ)?0.

A basis?ofΦwith respect to aθ-order on X will be called aθ-basis ofΦ.We then write?0(θ)=?∩Φ0(θ)and?θ=π(???0(θ)).Clearly?0(θ)is a basis ofΦ0(θ)and a similar property holds for?θ(see[8,2.4]).

2.4A characterization ofθon aθ-basis ofΦ

Let?be aθ-basis ofΦ.Similarly as in[8,2.8]we can writeθ=?id·θ?·w0(θ),where w0(θ)∈W0(θ)is the longest element of W0(θ)with respect to?0(θ)andθ?∈Aut(X,Φ,?,?0(θ))= {φ∈Aut(X,Φ)|φ(?)=?,φ(?0(θ))=?0(θ)},(θ?)2=id.For more details see[8,§2].

This will be called a characterization ofθon its(+1)-eigenspace(because W0(θ)is the Weyl group ofΦ0(θ)?E(θ,+1)).

2.5.Remark:The above characterization of involutions in Aut(Φ)is useful,if one needs properties of both the involution and its restricted root system,like in[8].To characterize only the involution(without the restricted root system)it is a lot easier to work in the opposite setting and use the(?1)-eigenspace to characterize the involution,i.e.start with a basis ofΦ∩E(θ,?1)and extend it to a(?θ)-basis ofΦ.To be more precise:consider the involution?θ=?id·θ∈Aut(Φ).ThenΦ0(?θ)={α∈Φ|θ(α)=?α}and W0(?θ)=W(Φ0(?θ)).Choose a(?θ)-basis?ofΦcorresponding to a(?θ)-order onΦ. Then

θ=(?θ)?w0(?θ)(1) where w0(?θ)is the longest element of W0(?θ)with respect to?0(?θ).

Especially for dealing with involutions in W this characterization is a lot easier.But unfortunately we will also need the restricted root system.Therefore both characterizations will be used and to avoid confusion we shall use a di?erent notation for the characterizations of involutions on their(?1)-eigenspace(so related to?θ).

So if?is a(?θ)-basis ofΦ,then writeΦ(θ)forΦ0(?θ),?(θ)for?0(?θ),W(θ)for W0(?θ)and w(θ)for w0(?θ),the longest element of W0(?θ)with respect to?(θ).Note that W(θ)?W1(θ).

Remark:Instead of working with theθ-order resp.(?θ)-order onΦone can also use regular vectors in E(θ,?1)resp.E(θ,+1),like in Springer[27].

8Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I De?nition2.6Two rootsα,β∈Φare called strongly orthogonal if(α,β)=0andα±β/∈Φ.

We have the following characterization of involutions in W:

Proposition2.7Letθ∈Aut(Φ),θ2=id and let?be a(?θ)-basis ofΦ.Writeθ= (?θ)?w(θ)as in(1).Then the following are equivalent.


···sαn withα1,···,αn∈Φ(θ)strongly orthogonal





(v)The irreducible components ofΦ(θ)are of type A1,B n,C n,D2n(n≥2),E7,E8,F4 or G2

To prove this we will need the following wellknown result(see Carter[6,2.5.5]).

Lemma2.8Let v∈E and w∈W such that w(v)=v.Then w is the product of re?ections corresponding to roots orthogonal to v.

2.9Proof of Proposition2.7:(i)?(iii)is immediate from(1)and(ii)?(i)is also clear.

(i)?(ii).We use induction on rank(Φ).Ifθhas an eigenvalue1,then use induction and

(2.8).Ifθ=?id,choose a rootα∈Φ,which is a long root of some irreducible subsystem (if di?erent root lengths occur).Then sαθhas an eigenvalue1(with eigenvectorα)and is a product of re?ections commuting withα,in strongly orthogonal roots.Sinceαis a long root,the result follows.

(iv)?(ii)follows with a similar argument.Sinceθ|Φ(θ,?)=?id,(ii)?(iv)is also clear.Finally(iv)?(v)follows from[8,2.9.2],which proves the result.


2.10Remark:Ifα1,...,αr∈Φare pairwise orthogonal roots ofΦ,then w=sα1....sαr∈W is an involution with E(w,?1)spanned byα1,...,αr.From the above result it follows,that there areβ1,...,βr∈Φstrongly orthogonal,such that w=sβ1....sβr.

In the remainder of this section we study involutions in W,which commute withθ.An important invariant for the conjugacy class of an involution w∈W is the dimension of its (?1)-eigenspace.If it is maximal,then it is the opposition involution with respect to some basis ofΦ.

Proposition2.11Let w∈W such that w2=id and dim E(w,?1)is maximal,(i.e.if r∈W,r2=id,E(r,?1)?E(w,?1)then r=w).We have the following:

(1)There is a basis?ofΦsuch that w is the opposition involution of W with respect to


(2)All involutions w∈W with E(w,?1)maximal are conjugate.

Proof:Consider the involution?w=?id·w∈Aut(Φ).Let?be a basis ofΦsuch that ?∩E(?w,?1)is a basis forΦ(?w)={α∈Φ|w(α)=α}.

Ifα∈Φ(?w),then dim E(sαw,?1)=dim E(w,?1)+1,which contradicts the fact that E(w,?)is maximal.SoΦ(?w)=?and hence?w is a diagram automorphism of?.This proves(1).

(2)follows from the fact that all opposition involutions in W are conjugate(see Bourbaki [5]).

De?nition2.12An involution w∈W is called aθ-maximal involution of W if E(w,?1)?E(θ,?1)and w is a maximal involution of W(θ).

Corollary2.13Letθ∈Aut(Φ),θ2=id.Allθ-maximal involutions of W are conjugate under W(θ)?W1(θ).

Proof:This result follows immediately from(2.11)applied to the root systemΦ(θ). Corollary2.14Letθ∈Aut(Φ),θ2=id and w0aθ-maximal involution of W.If w∈W with E(w,?)?E(θ,?)then there exists w1∈W(θ)such that E(w1ww?11,?)?E(w0,?)?E(θ,?).

10Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I Proof:Let w be a θ-maximal involution of W (θ)with E (w ,?)?E (w,?).The result follows now from (2.13).

We will need the following result:

Lemma 2.15Let θ∈Aut(Φ),θ2=id and assume Φθis a root system with Weyl group W θ.If Φis irreducible,then Φθis irreducible.

Proof:It su?ces to prove that for any two orthogonal roots α,β∈Φ,there exists a γ∈Φsuch that (α,γ)=0and (β,γ)=0.

If αand βare contained in a subsystem Φ0of type B 2or G 2,then the result is clear.So assume ±(α±β)and ±1/2(α±β)/∈Φ.Let e 1,...,e n be a basis of E with e 1=α,e 2=β.De?ne a total ordering on E as follows:If x =x 1e 1+....+x j e j is a vector with x j =0,then x >0if and only if x j >0,and y >z if y ?z >0(y ,z ∈E ).

It is easy to verify that Φ+={λ∈Φ|λ>0}is a system of positive roots and that α,βare elements of the corresponding basis ?of Φ.

Let α1,...,αr ∈?,with α1=α,αr =β,be the shortest chain in the Dynkin diagram connecting αand β.Then γ= r ?1k =2αk ∈Φand (α,γ)=0and (β,γ)=0.This proves the result.

Conjugacy classes of involutions in W ∩W θcan be characterized as follows.

Proposition 2.16Let θbe an involution of Φsuch that Φθis a root system with Weyl group W θand let w 1,w 2∈W be involutions with E (w i ,?1)?E (θ,?1)(i =1,2).Then w 1and w 2are conjugate under W if and only if they are conjugate under W 1(θ).

Proof:The “only if”part being obvious,we assume w ∈W such that ww 1w ?1=w 2.If w 1=id ,then the statement is clear.So we assume that w i =id (i =1,2).We will use induction on the rank of Φ.

If rankΦ=1,then,since E (w i ,?1)=0(i =1,2),we have Φ=Φθand the result is clear.

Assume now that the result is proved for root systems of rank ≤n and assume that Φhas rank n +1.Since w w 1w ?1=w 2,we have w (Φ(w 1))=Φ(w 2).Let α∈Φ(w 1)(exists by (2.7))and β=w (α)∈Φ(w 2).Since E (w i ,?1)?E (θ,?1)(i =1,2),it follows that both α,β∈Φθ.Moreover,since β=w (α),both αand βare contained in one irreducible component of Φ.Hence by (2.15)in one irreducible component of Φθ.Since

W (Φθ)~=W 1(θ)/W 0(θ),it follows that there exists ?w

∈W 1(θ)such that ?w (α)=β.


Let r1=sβ?ww1?w?1,r2=sβw2,w0=w?w?1andΦβ=Φ0(sβ)={γ∈Φ|(β,γ)= 0}.Now r1(β)=r2(β)=w0(β)=β,so by(2.8)r1,r2,w0∈W(Φβ)=W0(sβ).Since w0r1w?10=r2it follows that there exists?r∈W1(θ)∩W0(sβ)such that?r r1?r?1=r2.Now r=?r?w∈W1(θ)and rw1r?1=w2,which proves the result.

Corollary2.17Letθ,Φθbe as in2.16and let w0be aθ-maximal involution of W.If w1,w2∈W are involutions such that E(w i,?1)?E(w0,?1)?E(θ,?1)(i=1,2),then w1and w2are conjugate under W1(θ)if and only if w0w1and w0w2are conjugate under W1(θ).

Proof:It su?ces to prove one side of the implication.Assume w∈W such that ww1w?1= w2.

By(2.16)we may assume that w∈W1(w0),i.e.w0w=ww0.But then w w0w1w?1= w0w2,which proves the result.

The following result is immediate from(2.16)

Corollary2.18Letθ,Φθas in(2.16)and let w0be aθ-maximal involution of W.If w1,w2∈W such that E(w i,?1)?E(w0,?1)?E(θ,?1)(i=1,2)then the following are equivalent.

(1)w1and w2are conjugate under W.

(2)w1and w2are conjugate under W1(θ).

(3)w1and w2are conjugate under W1(w0).

2.19Remark:Combining(2.14)and(2.18)it follows that we can study conjugacy classes (under W)of involutions in W(w0)instead of in W(θ).Here w0is aθ-maximal involution of W.

The following result will be needed in the sequel:

Lemma2.20Letσ,θ∈Aut(Φ)be involutions with E(σ,?)?E(θ,?).Then we have the following:


(2)There exists a basis?ofΦsuch that?(θ,?)and?(σ,?)are bases ofΦ(θ,?)and


12Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I Proof:(1)Considerφ=θσθ∈Aut(Φ).Clearlyφis an involution and E(σ,?)?E(φ,?). On the other hand,if x∈E(φ,?),thenσ(θ(x))=?θ(x).Since E(σ,?)?E(θ,?)it follows that x∈E(σ,?),hence E(σ,?)=E(φ,?).But thenφ=σandσθ=θσ.

(2)follows by choosing a(?σ)-bases forΦ(θ,?)and extending this to a(?θ)-bases for Φ.

3Characterization of the conjugacy classes

In this section we show that the K0-conjugacy classes ofθ-stable maximal tori can be characterized by conjugacy classes of involutions in a Weyl group.These results are similar to those for groups with a Cartan involution(see[10]).However in this case much stronger results can be proved.

3.1For aθ-stable torus T,we reserve the notation T+and T?for T?θand T+θrespectively. For other involutions of T we shall keep the subscript.Let T denote the set ofθ-stable maximal tori of G.

De?nition3.2For T1,T2∈T the pair(T1,T2)is called standard if T?1?T?2and T+1?T+2. In this case,we also say that T1is standard with respect to T2.

Theθ-stable maximal tori of G can be put in standard position.

Lemma3.3Let T1,T2∈T such that T+1?T+2(resp.T?1?T?2).Then there exists x∈Z K0(T+2)(resp Z K0(T?1))such that(T1,xT2x?1)is standard.In particular if T+1and T+2(resp.T?1and T?2)are K0-conjugate,so are T1and T2.

Proof:Let M=Z G(T+2).Then T?1and T?2areθ-split tori of M.Let A?M be a maximalθ-split torus with A?T?1.Since T?2is a maximalθ-split torus of M,there exists by(1.4)a x∈(M∩K)0such that xAx?1=T?2and hence xT?1x?1?T?2.

The second assertion follows with a similar argument.

A standard pair(T1,T2)ofθ-stable maximal tori of G gives rise to an involution in W(T1) (resp.W(T2)).

Lemma3.4Let(T1,T2)be a standard pair ofθ-stable maximal tori of G.Then we have the following conditions:

A.G.HELMINCK13 (i)There exists g∈Z G(T?1T+2)such that gT1g?1=T2.

(ii)If n1=θ(g)?1g and n2=θ(g)g?1,then n1∈N G(T1)and n2∈N G(T2).

(iii)Let w1and w2be the images of n1and n2in W(T1)and W(T2)respectively.Then

w21=e,w22=e and(T1)+w



=T?1T+2,which characterizes w1and w2.

Proof:Consider the group M=Z G(T?1T+2).Since T1and T2are maximal tori of M,the ?rst statement is clear.

(ii)and(iii).Consider?rst n1.Since g∈M and T1=(T?1T+2)(T+1∩g?1T?2g)it su?ces to look at T+1∩g?1T?2g.So let x∈T+1∩g?1T?2g and write x=g?1tg with t∈T?2.Then n1xn?11=θ(g?1t?1g)=θ(x)?1=x?1.It follows that


which implies that n1∈N G(T1),w21=e and(T1)+w



The assertion for n2and w2follows with a similar argument.

Remark:By(iii)of Lemma3.4,w1and w2are independent of the choice of g∈G with gT1g?1=T2.

De?nition3.5Let T1,T2,w1∈W(T1)and w2∈W(T2)be as in Lemma3.4.We call w1(resp.w2)the T2-standard involution(resp.T1-standard involution)of W(T1)(resp. W(T2)).

For aθ-stable torus T of G we write W(T,K)for N K0(T)/Z K0(T).Note that W(T,K)?{w∈W(T)|w(T?)?T?}.

In the following we?x an element T0∈T(resp.S∈T)such that T?0(resp.S+)is a maximalθ-split torus of G.(resp.a maximal torus of K).Then by[21]W(T0,K)={w∈W(T0)|w(T?0)?T?0}.

The following result is stronger than the similar result in the case of groups with a Cartan involution(see[8]).

Theorem3.6Assume that T1,T2∈T such that they are standard with respect to T0.Let w1and w2be the T1-standard and T2-standard involutions in W(T0)respectively.Then the following are equivalent:

(i)T1and T2are K0-conjugate.

14Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I (ii)w1and w2are conjugate under W(T0,K).

(iii)w1and w2are conjugate under W(T0).

Proof:(i)?(iii).Let k∈K0such that kT1k?1=T2.Then kT+1k?1=T+2,kT?1k?1= T?2.We will?rst show that T?1and T?2are conjugate under N K0(T0).

Let M=Z G(T?2).Then T?0and kT?0k?1are maximalθ-split tori of M,so by(1.4)there exists k1∈(M∩K)0such that k1kT?0k?k?11=T?0.Since k1kT+0kk?11and T+0are conjugate under(Z G(T?0)∩K)0,it follows that we may assume that k∈N K0(T0),kT1k?1=T2. But then kT?0k?1=T?0,kT?1k?1=T?2,so since(T0)+w


=T+0T?i(i=1,2),it follows that




,what proves the result.

Since(iii)?(ii)follows from(2.16)it su?ces to show(ii)?(i).Let w∈W(T0,K) such that ww1w?1=w2and let k∈N K0(T?0)be a representative.Then kT+0k?1=T+0,






=T+0T?i(i=1,2),we have kT?1k?1=T?2.The result

follows now from(3.3).

Corollary3.7Assume that T1,T2∈T such that they are standard with respect to S.Let w1and w2be the T1-standard and T2-standard involutions in W(S)respectively.Then the following are equivalent:

(i)T1and T2are K0-conjugate.

(ii)w1and w2are conjugate under W(S,K).

(iii)w1and w2are conjugate under W(S).

Proof:(i)?(ii)Let k∈K0such that kT1k?1=T2.As before kT+1k?1=T+2,kT?1k?1= T?2.Let M=Z G(T+2)and?S=kSk?1.Now S+and?S+are maximal tori of(M∩K)0, so by(1.7)there is a k1∈(M∩K)0such that k1?S+k?11=S+.Since S=Z G(S+)(see 1.7)it follows that k1k1∈N K0(S).So k1kS?k?1k?11=S?and k1kT+1k?1k?11=T+2.Since


i =S?T+i(i=1,2)it follows that k1kS+w




and k1kS?w





proves the result.

(ii)?(iii)being clear,we are left to prove(iii)?(i).For this we will transfer the involutions in S to involutions in a maximalθ-split torus and then use Theorem3.6.

Let w∈W(S)be such that ww1w?1=w2and let g∈N G(S)be a representative.For i=1,2let g i∈Z G(T+i S?)be such that T i=g i Sg?1i.Let?T i?Z G(T?i)be maximal tori such that?T?i is a maximalθ-split torus of Z G(T?i)and?T+i?T+i?S+(i=1,2).


Then T i is standard with respect to?T i(i=1,2).Let?g i∈Z G(T+i T?i)be such that ?g i T i?g?1i=?T i(i=1,2).Since?T?1and?T?2are maximalθ-split tori of Z G(S?),there exists k∈(Z G(S?)∩K)0such that k?T1k?1=?T2.

Write T=?T2and put h1=k?g1g1,h2=?g2g2.Then h i Sh?1i=T(i=1,2).

Letφ1andφ2:X?(S)?→X?(T)be the isomorphisms induced by h1and h2.Denote the corresponding isomorphisms of W(S)and W(T)also byφ1andφ2.Set?w1=φ1(w1)and ?w2=φ2(w2)∈W(T).Then:




h?11?k?g1T?1?g?11k?1?T?and T??w





In particular,since T?i=S?·g i S?w


g?1i(i=1,2)we have:






and T?2=S?h2S?w





Let g0=h2gh?11∈N G(T).Then g0T??w



,hence?w1and?w2are conjugate under


Since S is standard with respect to T,there exists a S-standard involution w0∈W(T)

such that T+w

0=T+·S?.Moreover w0?w i=?w i w0(i=1,2)and T??w




By(2.17)w0?w1and w0?w2are conjugate under W(T)so by(3.6),there exists a r∈W(T,K)such that rw0?w1r?1=w0?w2.Let h∈N K0(T)be a representative of r.

Then hT+w



,but since T+w

0?w i

=T+T?i(i=1,2)and hT+h?1=T+,it

follows that hT?1h?1=T?2.The assertion now follows from(3.3).

Remark:This characterization in terms of involutions in W(S)is more general than the one in Schmidt[24]for k=R,which deals only with the case of rank G=rank K0.

4Characterization of the standard involutions

The results in(3.6)and(3.7)provide a sound criterion when elements in T are K0-conjugate. To complete the characterization of K0-conjugacy classes of T,we need to determine those w∈W(T0)(resp.W(S))which are the T-standard involutions for some T∈T.This will be dealt with in this section.

4.1Let T∈T and w∈W(T)satisfying w2=e and wθ=θw.Set G w=Z G(T+w).Let n be the preimage of w in N G(T).Then n∈Z G(T+w)and T?w∩Z(G w)is?nite.As a consequence T?w is a maximal torus of[G w,G w].

16Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I Recall that an involutionθof a connected reductive group M is called split if there exists aθ-split maximal torus of M.

De?nition4.2Let T∈T and w∈W(T).We say that w isθ-singular if



(3)θ|[G w,G w]is split

(4)rank[G w,G w]∩K=rank[G w,G w].

A rootα∈Φ(T)is calledθ-singular if the corresponding re?ection sα∈W(T)isθ-singular.

The following result is well known:

Lemma4.3θ∈Int(G)if and only if rank G=rank K.

Proof:Assume?rst that there exists a∈G such thatθ(x)=axa?1for all x∈G.Let S be a maximal torus of K0.Sinceθ|S=id,it follows that a∈Z G(S).By(1.7),Z G(S)is a maximal torus of G.Henceθ|Z G(S)=id,so S=Z G(S).In other words rank G=rank K0.

Assume next that T is a maximal torus of K0and G.Sinceθ|T=id∈W(T),there exists t∈T such thatθ(x)=txt?1for all x∈G.(See Springer[25,11.4.3].)Soθ∈Int(G). Lemma4.4Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with maximal T?(resp.T+)and w∈W(T)θ-singular.Then we have the following conditions:

(i)(T?w)?=T?w is aθ-split maximal torus of[G w,G w](resp.(T?w)+=T?w is a maximal

torus of[G w,G w]∩K).


(iii)w is the T1-standard involution in W(T)for some T1∈T.


Proof:We show the assertion for the case that T?is maximal.The result for the case that T+is maximal follows with a similar argument.

(i)Fromθw=wθit follows that T?=(T?)+w(T?)?w.Since T?is a maximalθ-split torus of G,also(T?)?w is a maximalθ-split torus of[G w,G w].But sinceθ|[G w,G w]is split, it follows that(T?)?w is a maximal torus of[G w,G w].Hence(T?)?w=T?w.

(ii)is immediate from(i)and the observation that T+w=(T+w)+(T+w)?.

(iii)Let?S be a maximal torus of[G w,G w]∩K.Then T1=?ST+w is a maximal torus of G and by(ii)(T1,T)is standard.Clearly w is the T1-standard involution in W(T).

We now have the following characterization of the K0-conjugacy classes of T. Theorem4.5Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with maximal T?(resp.T+).Then there is a one to one correspondence between the K0-conjugacy classes of T and the W(T)-conjugacy classes ofθ-singular involutions in W(T).

Proof:Consider?rst the case that T?is maximal.By Proposition(3.6)and(iii)of Lemma4.4,it su?ces to show that the standard involutions areθ-singular.Let T1∈T such that(T1,T)is standard and let w∈W(T)denote the T1-standard involution in W(T).By (iii)of Lemma3.4T+w=T?1T+.Clearly T+w isθ-stable and so wθ=θw.On the other hand T?,T+1?G w and their images in G w/Z(G w)are maximal tori of G w/Z(G w).It follows thatθ|[G w,G w]is split and rank[G w,G w]=rank([G w,G w]∩K.).So w isθ-singular.

The result for the T+maximal follows with a similar argument.

In the case that T?is maximal it is easy to determine theθ-singular involutions. Theorem4.6Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with maximal T?and w∈W(T), w2=e.Then the following are equivalent:

(i)w isθ-singular


Proof:(i)?(ii)follows immediately from Lemma4.4(i).

(ii)?(i).From2.20it follows that w andθcommute.Since T?w is aθ-split maximal torus of[G w,G w]it su?ces to show that rank[G w,G w]=rank([G w,G w]∩K).This follows from Lemma4.3and the observation thatθ|T?w=w|T?w=?id∈W(T?w,G w),hence θ|G w∈Int(G w).

18Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I Remarks:(1)This result is stronger than the equivalent result in the case of groups with

a Cartan involution[10,12.10].

(2)In the case that T+is maximal,an involution w∈W(T)with T?w?T+is not necessarily θ-singular.For example,takeθ∈Int(G)and G has noθ-split maximal torus.

Theθ-singular involutions can be characterized in terms of a product of re?ections of

θ-singular strongly orthogonal roots.First we need the following:

Lemma4.7Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G and letΨ={α1,···,αr}be a set of strongly orthogonal roots ofΦ(T).Let GΨdenote the closed subgroup of G generated by the G s






[G s


,G s



Moreover,ifα1,···,αr areθ-singular,thenθ|[GΨ,GΨ]is split and rank[GΨ,GΨ]= rank([GΨ,GΨ]∩K).

Proof:Since[G s

α,G s


]=e forα,β∈Φ(T)strongly orthogonal,the?rst assertion is clear.

Ifα1,···,αr areθ-singular,then rank([GΨ,GΨ]∩K)= r


rank([G s


,G s



rank[GΨ,GΨ].The result follows now from Lemma4.4.

Proposition4.8Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G with dim T?=r,dim T+=s. Then the following are equivalent:

(i)θ∈Int(G)andθis split.

(ii)there exist strongly orthogonal subsets{α1,···,αr}and{β1,···,βs}ofθ-singular roots ofΦ(T),such thatθ(αi)=?αi(i=1,···,r),θ(βj)=βj(j=1,···,s)and?id=

1···sαr sβ



Proof:We prove(i)?(ii)by induction in several steps.

(1)If both T+and T?are nontrivial,then the derived subgroup of Z G(T+)satis?es the conditions.Hence the induction argument works.So it su?ces to prove the result in the cases that T=T?or T=T+.

(2)Assume?rst that T=T?.Sinceθ∈Int(G),we haveθ|T=?id∈W(T).Let α1,···,αr∈Φ(T)be strongly orthogonal such that?id=sα1···sαr.By Proposition4.6 eachαi(i=1,···,r)isθ-singular.


(3)Assume next that T=T+.Let T0be aθ-split maximal torus of G.Then?id∈W(T0) and?id=sα


···sαr withα1,···αr∈Φ(T0)strongly orthogonalθ-singular roots.Let

Ψ={α1,···,αr}and GΨthe subgroup of G generated by the G sα

i (i=1,···,r).From

Lemma4.7it follows now that GΨsatis?es(i).Let S be a maximal torus of GΨ∩K. ThenΦ(S,GΨ)~=Φ(T0,GΨ)is of type A1+···+A1(r times)and each root ofΦ(S,GΨ)

isθ-singular,becauseθ|[G s

αi ,G s


]=id for(i=1,···,r).SayΦ(S,GΨ)={±γ1,···,±γr}.

Since S and T are K0-conjugate,γ1,···,γr are mapped into a set of strongly orthogonal θ-singular roots ofΦ(T),which proves the result.

(ii)?(i)follows immediately from Lemma4.4.

Corollary4.9Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G and w∈W(T)aθ-singular in-volution.Then there exists strongly orthogonal subsets{α1,···,αr}and{β1,···,βs}of θ-singular roots ofΦ(T),such thatθ(αi)=?αi(i=1,···,r),θ(βj)=βj(j=1,···,s)and


1···sαr sβ



Proof:Consider G w=Z G(T+w).Then the result follows from4.8.

Aθ-singular involution corresponds always to a K0-conjugacy class of aθ-stable maximal torus:

Corollary4.10Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G and w∈W(T)aθ-singular invo-lution.Then there exists g∈G such that gT g?1isθ-stable and n=θ(g)g?1∈N G(T)is a representative of w.

Proof:We may assume that G=G w.Then from Proposition4.8it follows thatθis split and rank G=rank Gθ.Let T0be aθ-split maximal torus of Z G(T?)and g1∈Z G(T?)such that T0=g1T g?11.Let A0=g1T+g?11?T0.Then T0=T?A0.Consider M=Z G(A0). By(4.8)rank[M,M]=rank[M,M]∩K.Let S0be a maximal torus of M∩K.Then S=Z M(S0)is a maximal torus of M(see1.7).Let g2∈M such that S=g2T0g?12.If we take g=g2g1then S=gT g?1and n=θ(g)g?1∈N G(T)is a representative of w.

For aθ-singular involution w∈W(T)and g∈G as in4.10,we will also write w T for the maximal torus gT g?1in T.Note that w T is not necessarily standard with respect to T.

4.11Remark:If k=R one uses the notion of real and imaginary roots(see[7]or[34]). This corresponds to the following:Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G andα∈Φ(T)θ-singular.Thenθ(α)=±α.Ifθ(α)=?αwe callαa real root.Ifθ(α)=αwe callα

20Tori Invariant under an Involutorial Automorphism I an imaginary singular root.Ifθ(α)=αandαis notθ-singular,thenαis called a compact imaginary root.We have now the following:

Proposition4.12Let T be aθ-stable maximal torus of G.Then we have the following: (i)T+is maximal if and only ifΦ(T)has no real roots.

(ii)T?is maximal if and only ifΦ(T)has no imaginary singular roots.

(iii)Ifα∈Φ(T)withθ(α)=?α,thenαis real.

Proof:The assertions(i)and(ii)are immediate from(4.6)and(4.8).

(iii).Letα∈Φ(T)withθ(α)=?α.Thenθ|[G s

α,G s


]=id.If([G s


,G s



{e},then by Richardson[21],it follows that[G sα,G sα]is a torus,which is impossible.So

([G s

α,G s


]∩K)0={e}and[G sα,G sα]∩K contains a non-zero torus of rank1.Soαis


From the classi?cation of involutions in[8]and the above results4.5and4.6we get the following result:

Proposition4.13The set of K0-conjugacy classes in T is independent of the characteristic of the?eld k,if char k=2.

5Conjugacy classes of maximal k-tori in groups with

a Cartan involution

In this section we consider the conjugacy of maximal k-tori in groups with a Cartan invo-lution,as in[10].This includes all reductive groups de?ned over R.It will be shown that these conjugacy classes are independent of the k-structure and correspond bijectively with the K0-conjugacy classes in T as in(4.5)

5.1In this section let k be a?eld of characteristic not two,G a connected linear reductive k-group andθa Cartan k-involution of G,as in[10,11.8].The following result follows from [10,2.4]:

Lemma5.2Let T be a maximal k-torus of G.Then T is G k-conjugate with aθ-stable maximal k-torus.


1.Traveling alone Please talk about traveling alone according to the following hints 1) Describing traveling alone 2) Advantages of traveling alone 3) How to prepare for a solo travel Nowadays,traveling alone is not uncommon, most people love traveling alone becaus e of the feeling on their roads.Traveling alone can open you up to unique personal ex perience in new place. If you love freedom,Traveling alone is your best choice.When you are traveling alone, your time and budget(预 算) are your own! It's all up to you how much time to spend someplace, what your daily modes(方 式) of travelwill be! And it's easier to make friends with the locals. Solo travel can be a great opportunity for reflection and moving at an individual pace. Traveling by y ourself, you only have to please yourself. But you should prepare for your solo travel ,too.Without a thoughtful preparation,your traveling won’t be so successfully. You ha ve to prepare all your need before setting off.Like medicine,ID card,passport,camera and so on.A solo travel means you may be lonely and bored,so bring some interesting magizines to make your travel more funny. And the last,do what you want! Teacher’s Questions: 1)Would you like to travel in a group or alone? (Why or Why not?) Yes.Because it’s an unusual experience for me to learn how to be more independent,and I also enj oy the unconstraint. 2) What places are your ideal destinations if you are traveling solo? Why do you t hink so? HaiNan island.Because the scenery there is very charming and I can eat bananas and coconut as many as I can. 2. Staying Healthy The following are ways some people try to stay healthy. Please offer your comments. 1) Regular exercise 2) Balanced diet 3) Good living habit Health is the most precious(珍贵 的) wealth we have,so it is important to take good care of our health,here are some advice to help you to stay healthy. There is an old saying says:An apple a day keep doctor away.A balance diet is import


如何指导学生书写正确规范的汉字 陈舒郭沫若先生说:“培养中小学生写好字不一定要人人都成为书法家,总要把字写得合乎规格,比较端正、干净,容易认。指导学生把汉字写好,不仅是学生在校完成各项书面作业的需要,也为今后学习和工作打下良好的书写基础。这样养成习惯,能够使人细心,容易集中意志,善于体贴人。草草了事,粗枝大叶,独行专横,这容易误事的。练习写字可以逐渐免除这些毛病。”组织开展规范汉字书写的教育,小学语文教学任重而道远。 学好、写好汉字是我们对中华民族传统优秀文化的继承和发展。但随着现代科学的发展,电脑打字的普遍应用,书写已经开始慢慢淡化了。有不少小学生写字坐的姿势不正确和执笔不规范,书写水平有所下降,写字不规范、卷面不整洁,马虎潦草,甚至错别字还不少,学生写出来的汉字根本谈不上外形美。结合本人多年的练字经历和写字教学体会来谈一谈,怎样才能指导学生用钢笔(含铅笔)写出一手规范化汉字呢? 一、正确的思想认识 学生字体的好坏与教师的思想认识是有一定关系的,有些教师由于课程多,作业多,为了赶进度,在布置作业时往往不考虑学生的实际情况,无论学习优差统一一样的作业量,有些学生基础较差,因作业量较大但又怕完不成作业挨批,就干脆支差应付作业草草完成,字体的好坏就根本不在考虑范围内,更不要说规范端正了。有些教师看

到学生作业潦草再看看孩子那么小不忍心让孩子撕了作业重写,就将就这能看清楚对错即可,这样得想导致学生的字体只会越来越不好。这就说,教师是低年级孩子的引路人,在某种程度上,教师的话在学生心中就是圣旨,所以教师在写好规范字上一定要端正自己的思想,让孩子从幼小的心灵里就懂得必须写规范字。 一、正确的坐姿 学习正确、规范书写汉字,养成良好的写字习惯,是小学生语文学习的基本任务之一。要想写好好汉字,必须关注学生写字的姿势是否正确,没有正确的书写姿势,写好汉子简直是难上加难。我认为正确的书写姿势是:写字前组织学生:身坐正,肩放平,两脚微微分。做到“三个一”:手离笔尖一寸,胸离桌子一拳,眼离书本一尺;这些基本的做法只要做到了才是做到了写好汉字的基本功。 二、正确的方法 1.向学生详细讲解执笔的指位、高低和角度,并且为学生做示范,指导学生掌握正确的执笔姿势。 2.及时检查并进行个别指导。学生错误的执笔姿势表现多样,教师在教学过程中要及时检查,对个别学生要进行指导,及时纠正错误。 3.各学科教师和家长要共同对学生进行监督。学生在写作业时,各学科教师都要做好监督和指导工作,发现问题及时纠正。教师还要与家长共同合作,及时对学生的书写过程进行监督和指导。教师在做好指导的同时,还要教学生做手指手腕操,及时缓解学生书写疲劳。


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


安靖小学微型课题 《如何指导学生规范书写》课题方案 一、指导思想 写字是对历史的尊重,是中华文明的传承。写字不仅仅可以巩固识字,也不仅仅是一项技能训练,它是一个接受文化熏陶、形成良好习惯、培养高尚品质的过程,是…个磨练意志、陶冶情操、学习做人的过程。“让学生写好字,其意义远远超出写字本身。”为深入贯彻新课程改革中提出的教育“以人为本”的发展思路,落实新课程标准中提出的“使学生养成良好的写字习惯,正确的写字姿势,并有一定的写字速度,具备正确书写汉字的能力”,特制定本方案。 二、活动目标 通过对教师、学生有计划、分步骤的系统训练和培养,使教师和学生共同成长,形成正确的写字观、养成良好的写字习惯。 1、提高教师写字能力。首先,在教师中形成写好字的良好风气,使每位教师从书法中找到乐趣,并使书写质量不断提高。 2、锻炼学生写字能力。使学生自觉纠正不良写字习惯,逐步养成正确的写字姿势。养成在写字前观察、思考和写规范字的习惯,克服在作业中依赖橡皮的毛病,把''写出一手好字”当成自己的一项技能,养成“提笔即练字”的习惯。逐渐提高写字速度和质量,努力使学生的写字水平上一个新的台阶。 3、陶冶学生情操。让学生从小掌握汉字的写字技法提高写字技能,从写字

中发现美,进而去创造美,在创造美中体验成功的快乐,在快 乐中修身养性,陶冶情操。 三、组织保障 组长:李新梅 成员:彭燕、王香兰、钟洁 三、实施步骤 第一阶段:调查分析,制定计划 班主任、语文教师和各科任教师协助,对学生“写”的现状进行调查分析,对坐姿、握笔方法、书写要求等进行指导。班级确立阶段目标,制定班级小学生良好书写习惯养成教育工作计划。组织学生学习计划,明确目标。向学生提出正确的导向,引导学生确定自己的阶段奋斗目标,各学科渗透良好写字习惯养成教育活动。 第二阶段:针对“现状”开展活动。 1、学生练习。每天进行书写练习。班长将学生练习的作品准时上交教导处,进行量化评比。 2、教师练习。学校提供练习用纸,教师每周练习五张,周五下午第一节下课时上交作品,每交一张计一分,期末进行总评,计入教师量化。 第三阶段:学校及各班总结表彰 四、具体措施 (-)师生共同努力,整体提高写字能力。 (%1)教师的示范板书、作业批改及评语书写等均要求字迹工整、清楚、端正,一丝不苟,做学生的表率,并对学生的作业进行“作业完成质量”

外贸英语口语对话Unit 5:placing an order发出订单

外贸英语口语对话Unit 5:placing an order发出订 单 Unit 5 placing an order 发出订单 Mr Wise is a buyer from overseas,visiting the offices of an import and export corporation in Shanghai.Mr Joe is the manager of the corporation with Miss Li as his secretary. A: Mr Wise is to see you,Mr Joe.Shall I bring him in? B:Yes ,please.And bring me the car’s bundance in the last quotation we set him.Oh,just remind me,Miss Li ,do we offer subjects on sold? A:No, we offered firm. B: Thank you. A: Mr Wise. B:Good morning,Mr wise,you have a good shape,haven’t you? A:Yes.Very good journey,thank you.We’ve had your offer and are very much interested in it. B: I wonder if you have found that our specification meet your requirements.I’m sure the prices submit ted are comoetitive.


《规范汉字书写的要求》教案 商丘市睢阳区郭村镇初级中学X X X 教学目标: 1、明确规范汉字书写的要求。 2、指导学生练习,使学生规范、端正地书写汉字。 教学过程: 一、导入: 二、规范汉字书写的要求 (一)、执笔姿势 怎样掌握正确的执笔姿势呢? 首先,在执笔的手上找准四个与笔的接触点,第一点在拇指指尖;第二点在食指指根骨节凸起处;第三点在食指指尖;第四点在中指第一关节与指甲边中间的位置。 然后,把拇指及食指合成蟹钳形状,拇指和食指把笔杆钳合起来,当中指稍用力向上顶,拇指和食指向下压,笔杆便可锁紧,做到指实掌虚。(二)、笔顺规则 笔顺规则大致有这样几种: 一般规则: 1、先撇后捺:人八入 2、先横后竖:十王干 3、从上到下:三竟音 4、从左到右:理利礼明湖

5、先外后里:问同司 6、先外后里再封口:国圆园圈 7、先中间后两边:小水承 补充规则: 1、点在上部或左上,先写点:衣立为 2、点在右上或在字里,后写点:发瓦我 3、上右和上左包围结构的字,先外后里:厅座司 4、左下包围结构的字,先里后外:远建廷 5、左下右包围结构的字,也先里后外:凶画 6、左上右包围结构的字,先外后里:同用风 7、上左下包围结构的字,先上后里再左下:医巨匠 (三)、笔画 在写字教学中,很多学生学习基本笔画时,会按照最标准的基本笔画形态一遍遍地反复,却不知一个字中如果有两个及两个以上相同的笔画,得有长短、轻重、正斜、俯仰、收放等变化;如果有两个及两个以上相同部分组成的字,则应分清主次、大小、强弱等,要力戒雷同,以达到参差错落,变化有致。 1、点的变化 小尽心江兴点 这类字书写时要注意点的形态,有左侧点、右侧点、竖点、长点等等,笔法到位,相互间顾盼呼应。 2、横的变化


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


《商务英语口语900句》 出版发行:广东世界图书出版公司 ISBN 7-5062-6878-7/H.0471 中国加入WTO以后,急需培养一大批既懂得国际经贸知识,又熟练掌握商务英语的人才。为了让更多的经贸人员尽快适应我国对外贸易迅速发展的经济形势,我们编写了《商务英语口语900句》一书。 本书市作者对自己多年商贸英语教学实践和商务世纪现场谈判经验的总结,涉及范围全面,内容充实,语言规范、景点,适用面广,实用性强,可以说不但是一本理想的商务口语培训教材,也是一本非常实用的对外经贸业务人员的必备工作手册。 本书共由30各单元组成,每个单元设计了20-40个句子不等,其中有30或40 个句子的单元又分成了两个部分,以减轻学员在学习时的心理负担。 本书同时配有长期在中国从事英语口语教学的美国口语教师配音的cd,以便学院边听边学,帮助他们尽快掌握商务英语会话的各种技巧,同时也可以提高自己的语音语调水平。 目录: Unit 1 希望与要求 Unit 2 产品介绍 Unit 3 业务范围介绍 Unit 4 承诺 Unit 5 询盘 Unit 6 报盘 Unit 7 还盘 Unit 8 对还盘的反应 Unit 9 要求优惠 Unit 10 给予优惠 Unit 11 双方让步 Unit 12 订货及确认 Unit 13 请求代理并说明代理理由和代理能力 Unit 14 对代理请求的回应 Unit 15 代理条件和要求 Unit 16 合同 Unit 17 卖方对支付方式的要求 Unit 18 买方的支付方式 Unit 19 保险 Unit 20 对包装的建议及要求 Unit 21 告知客户包装所用材料、方式及其质量保证 Unit 22 货运通知 Unit 23 货运要求及答复


英文论文Introduction的写作技巧 —as a "hook" to attract the readers 学术论文中的引言(Introduction)是对全文内容和结构的总体勾画(The purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the reader’s interest and to provide pertinent background information necessary to understand the rest of the paper.Without an introduction it is sometimes very difficult for your audience to figure out what you are trying to say. There needs to be a thread of an idea that they will follow through your paper)。The introduction section shows the questions that shoul d be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”. 1 引言的内容与结构布局 引言的主要任务是向读者勾勒出全文的基本内容和轮廓。它可以包括以下五项内容中的全部或其中几项: 1)介绍某研究领域的背景、意义、发展状况、目前的水平等; 2)对相关领域的文献进行回顾和综述,包括前人的研究成果,已经解决的问题,并适当加以评价或比较; 3)指出前人尚未解决的问题,留下的技术空白,也可以提出新问题、解决这些新问题的新方法、新思路,从而引出自己研究课题的动机与意义; 4)说明自己研究课题的目的; 5)概括论文的主要内容,或勾勒其大体轮廓。 如何合理安排以上这些内容,将它们有条有理地给读者描绘清楚,并非容易之事。经验告诉我们,引言其实是全文最难写的—部分。这是因为作者对有关学科领域的熟悉程度,作者的知识是渊博、还是贫乏,研究的意义何在、价值如何等问题,都在引言的字里行间得以充分体现。 我们可以将引言的内容分为三到四个层次来安排。第一层由研究背景、意义、发展状况等内容组成,其中还包括某一研究领域的文献综述;第二层提出目前尚未解决的问题或急需解决的问题,从而引出自己的研究动机与意义;第三层说明自己研究的具体目的与内容;最后是引言的结尾,可以介绍一下论文的组成部分。 第一层:1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and p resent level of development……2) Reviewing previous researc h in this area……… 第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant


1.Shared Bikes in Foshan 佛山共享单车 My name is Zhong Jian. I’m from Big Data Class 2,Group 5.I like playing basketball and listening to music.Thank you. That’s my introduction.Now ,let’s welcome our next presenter. What do you think of going to the park by bike? As far as I am concerned, the development of Shared bikes in Foshan is very good. We can see Shared bikes everywhere on the street, we can use them easily, and the price is right. I think it is for this reason that Shared bikes have developed so quickly. Of course, the development and widespread use of Shared bikes has also facilitated our daily life. Do you think bike sharing is convenient? 2.Celebrating birthdays 庆祝生日 In my opinion, celebrating birthdays is a very common thing. This is because this day is the day we come to this beautiful world, so that we can have a mother's Day of course. When we celebrate our birthdays, we should also be grateful to our mothers for taking care of us. 就我看来,庆祝生日是一件很常见的事情。这是因为这一天是我们来到这个美丽世界的一天,让我们可以拥有眼前的一切。当然也是母亲的受难日,在我们庆祝自己生日的时候,我们也要感恩我们的母亲,感谢母亲对我们的照顾。 3.Business negotiation 商务谈判 For me, I think business negotiation is to exchange for their own interests. People on both sides want the other side to give in, not to give in. Business interests make everyone hope to get the result they want. However, the result is generally a compromise between the two sides. 对我来说,我认为商务谈判就是为了各自的利益而交流。两边的人都希望对方可以让步,而不希望自己让步。商业利益让大家都希望从中可以获得自己所想要的结局。可是,结果一般都是需要双方让步。 你认为商务谈判的主要意义是什么? What do you think is the main significance of business negotiation? 4.Globalization 全球化 In my opinion, globalization is an inevitable trend, and no one can reverse it. Every country or country is the beneficiary or victim of globalization. The key is how to deal with the trend of globalization. I believe that only by taking the initiative to meet globalization can we benefit from it. 就我看来,全球化是一个必然的趋势,任何人都没有办法去逆转全球化。每一个或者每一个国家都是全球化的受益者,当然也可能是受害者,其中的关键是我们需要处理好如何去面对全球化这一趋势。我相信,只有积极主动去迎接全球化,才能够从中获利。 全球化中谁获得的利益最大? Who gains the most in globalization? 5.Anti-smoking in Foshan 佛山禁烟 In my opinion, it is a good thing to ban smoking in Foshan. Of course, banning smoking is not only a good thing in Foshan, but also a good thing all over the world. Because smoking is harmful to health, second-hand smoke makes many innocent people die, which is the reality we have to face. If we see these facts, we will know that banning smoking is a good thing.


中小学规范汉字书写的培训方案 ——《规范汉字书写指南》研修模式 汉字是人类智慧和文明的结晶,规范汉字书写对于个人而言是技能和修养的体现;对于一个民族来说,它还是文化传承的重要载体。在计算机日益普及的今天,随着信息技术的广泛应用和“无纸化办公”的普及,教师和学生的书写水平正在日益下降。“汉字健忘症”“电脑失写症”日趋蔓延。弘扬和传承经典的中华书法文化,教育学生周周正正写字,端端正正为人,既具有现实意义,又有深远的历史意义。为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》和《教育部关于在中小学加强写字教学的若干意见》精神,积极推动规范汉字书写教育工作,促进学校写字教学,提高师生规范汉字书写水平,养成良好的写字习惯,特制定本方案: 本书特点 热爱祖国文字,养成良好的写字习惯,需要从中小学生抓起。要提高学生的书写水平,首先要从写好规范字做起。专家认为,字要规范,主要是笔画本身的形态不能错,笔画的关系不能错。而如今,人们在汉字书写过程中,却经常出现书写错误现象,并且随着电脑、手机的普及应用,人们的写字能力出现弱化的趋势。因此,明确规范汉字书写的要求、培养良好的规范汉字书写习惯、提高规范汉字书写的技能和审美品位,已成为当务之急。《规范汉字书写指南》一书正是为了落实上述要求、满足广大师生的需求而编写的。具有以下特点: 1. 指导性强 本书厘清了书法与规范汉字书写、规范汉字与非规范汉字、印刷体与手写体、印刷宋体与楷体的关系,提出规范汉字书写既要依据印刷楷体字形,又要继承汉字书写传统的规范汉字书写原则。这使得教师和学生在平常教学当中能以此为标准和原则,规范书写。 2. 理论与实例结合 本书分析规范汉字字形规范的各个方面,包括笔画、笔画的组合关系,部

关于商务英语对话材料精选 日常商务英语口语对话

关于商务英语对话材料精选日常商务英语 口语对话 商务英语是一门新兴的学科,商务英语翻译既是该学科中的关键一环,又是教学考的难点。X整理了关于商务英语对话材料,欢迎阅读! 关于商务英语对话材料一 哈里: Ok quiet down people, I wish to xxmence this meeting. First order of the summary meeting is a progress report from the sales team. 好的.诸位.请安静.我希望开始会议.本次总结会议的第一项议程是销售团队的一份进度报告. 萨姆: So far things couldn`t have gone any better. The team has finally xxe together and is performing as a single entity. It`s incredible to see. 目前为止事态再好不过了.该团队终于做到了齐心协力.正作为一个单一的整体运作.这实在是令人难以置信. 哈里: Really? Could you elaborate on their progress? 真的吗?你能详细说明他们的进展吗? 萨姆: Sure, so far our actual sales figure is 150% above our forecasted level of sales. The Team has further subdivided into smaller teams to concentrate

their focus more. 当然可以.迄今.我们的实际销售额高出预期水平的150%.该团队并且进一步细分为各个小组来更好地集中致力于各自的任务. 哈里: What result has braking down the team into smaller groups had? 团队划分成各个小组后产生了什么样的结果? 萨姆: It enables them to focus much more intensely on their intended sales target. This has resulted in far more effective sales strategies. 它使得他们能够更加强烈地锁定他们预定的销售目标.这导致了更有效的销售策略. 哈里: But has there been any overlapping or breakdowns in xxmunication? Smaller groups often result in more inefficiency if anything. 但是出现了工作重叠或者沟通障碍问题吗?别的不说.更小的分组往往会导致低效率问题的加重. 萨姆: True, but with constant and tightly controlled overall management, I have managed to keep it together. 没错.但是凭借持续不断和紧密控制的整体管理.我成功地使他们团结协作.


2014-2015学年下学期期末英语口语考试材料 zzqXQiang专用 1.It is said that a tough childhood might drive people to remarkable achievement and success. Do you agree with it or not? Why? 你同意“艰苦的童年也许能使人获得卓越成就”吗? Yes, I agree. It’s true that difficul t childhoods do leave some people wounded and disadvantaged. But for others, a tough childhood actually drives them to remarkable achievement and success, because the tough childhood make them realize their full potential. So, hardships do not have to lead to failure and “well-being” is not always an advantage for us. All in all, i t’s the positive attitude towards life that really matters.是的,我同意。的确,这是真的,艰难的童年也让某些人受伤 也对他们不利(弱势群体)。但对另一些人来说,一个艰难的童年真正驱使他们非凡的成就和成功,因为艰难的童年使他们意识到他们的全部潜力。所以,困难没有导致失败,“幸福”是对我们来说不是一个优势。总之,积极的生活态度,真的很重要。 2.How much do you know about Anna Eleanor Roosevelt? 你对安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福有何了解? She was a former US “First Lady”. She lost her parents at the age of 10, and had a very unpleasant childhood, but she always kept a positive attitude towards life. After becoming the First Lady, she helped her husband manage the White House and raised 6 children. After her husband’s death, she spent the remainder of her life as a highly respected American spokesperson to the US. 她是美国前“第一夫人”。她10岁时失去了父母,过了一个很不愉快的童年,但她始终保持着积极的生活态度。在成为第一夫人,她帮助她的丈夫管理白宫和抚养6个孩子。在她丈夫死后,她将生命中剩下的时间都花在了美国,作为一个备受尊敬的美国发言人。 3.What has happened to the British pubs nowadays? Why? 如今英国的酒吧发生了怎样的变化?


如何指导学生书写正确 规范的汉字 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

如何指导学生书写正确规范的汉字 陈舒 郭沫若先生说:“培养中小学生写好字不一定要人人都成为书法家,总要把字写得合乎规格,比较端正、干净,容易认。指导学生把汉字写好,不仅是学生在校完成各项书面作业的需要,也为今后学习和工作打下良好的书写基础。这样养成习惯,能够使人细心,容易集中意志,善于体贴人。草草了事,粗枝大叶,独行专横,这容易误事的。练习写字可以逐渐免除这些毛病。”组织开展规范汉字书写的教育,小学语文教学任重而道远。 学好、写好汉字是我们对中华民族传统优秀文化的继承和发展。但随着现代科学的发展,电脑打字的普遍应用,书写已经开始慢慢淡化了。有不少小学生写字坐的姿势不正确和执笔不规范,书写水平有所下降,写字不规范、卷面不整洁,马虎潦草,甚至错别字还不少,学生写出来的汉字根本谈不上外形美。结合本人多年的练字经历和写字教学体会来谈一谈,怎样才能指导学生用钢笔(含铅笔)写出一手规范化汉字呢 一、正确的思想认识 学生字体的好坏与教师的思想认识是有一定关系的,有些教师由于课程多,作业多,为了赶进度,在布置作业时往往不考虑学生的实际情况,无论学习优差统一一样的作业量,有些学生基础较差,因作业量较大但又怕完不成作业挨批,就干脆支差应付作业草草完成,字体的好坏就根本不在考虑范围内,更不要说规范端正了。有些教师看到学生作业潦草再看看孩子那么小不忍心让孩子撕了作业重写,就将就这能看清楚对错即可,这样得想导致学生的字体只会越来越不好。这就说,教师是低年级孩子的引路人,在某种程度上,教师的话在学生心中就是圣旨,所以教师在写好规范字上一定要端正自己的思想,让孩子从幼小的心灵里就懂得必须写规范字。 一、正确的坐姿


商务英语口语对话 商务英语实用口语对话 在商务交谈的`时候,有哪些是实用的对话呢?以下内容由应届毕业生为大家的商务英语实用口语对话,希望能帮助到您! 我从广告上得知你们生产打印机。 I see from the advertisement that you arc making printers. 可否报G21型的价格? Would it be possible to give us the prices to your model G21 ? * Can you give me the offer for your model Ci21 ? * Can you make me the offer for your model Ci21 ? * Can you quote the price for your model G21 ? 请告知您要的数量。 May I know your quantity? * What’s your quantity?

请报100台的价格。 Please give me the quotation based on 100 sets. * Please quote me the price for 100 sets. * Please otter me the price for 1 00 sets. 要FOB价,CFR价,还是VIF价? Do you want FOB price. CFR price or CIF price? 请报纽约海运价。 Please quote the price based on CIF New York by sea freight. * Please offer us CIF price to New York by sea freight. 好的。可是现在我.们外销经理不在,请,您留下电话、姓名,他一回来,我就马上.报价给您。 OK. Since our Export Manager is not in the office now would you please leave your name and telephone number? We’ll offer you as soon as he es back.
