Multi-agent system for optimization of microgrids

Multi-agent system for optimization of microgrids
Multi-agent system for optimization of microgrids

Abstract -- Microgrids are low voltage networks usually located at the consumer end of the distribution system. It typically consists of consumer loads, energy storage and small generation systems and is capable of islanding to protect itself against grid supply interruption. With the increased awareness of clean energy power systems, renewable technologies such as solar PV, wind turbines and fuel cells are gradually emerging within the power system network, and control and management for these equipment are necessary to ensure the stable operation of microgrids. However, existing centralized control systems are unable to handle the large number of renewable components and thus, a decentralized control scheme called Multi-Agent System (MAS) is introduced to manage these components. The implementation of distributed control will include JADE as the platform for agent communications as well as developing customizable agents for specific microgrid requirements such as ancillary services, power trading and negotiation and network security.

Index Terms --Distributed intelligent control, microgrid, multi-agent system, power market.


With the increased awareness of global warming, carbon emissions and escalating fuel prices, many research activities have focused on incorporating clean and renewable energies e.g. solar, wind, hydro and fuel cells into the electrical networks thus in an effort to encourage use of renewable technologies at the consumer's level, incentives are also awarded to households which install photovoltaics (PVs) or small wind turbines [1]. By encouraging the installation of such

technologies, it can be observed that the supply of electricity is gradually shifting away from centralized generation to a more distributed, plug and play form of generation. Existing electrical networks will also see a transition from passive to a more active type of network which give rise to challenges in managing power flow and stability issues within the network [2].

Due to the anticipated increase in penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) at the microgrid level, control and management are necessary to ensure smooth and stable operation of microgrids. However, traditional centralized intelligence approaches proved to be inadequate to cope with the increasing growth of DERs due to the lack of flexibility and extensibility [3]. Moreover, centralized control was initially designed to

This research work has been supported by A*STAR under the Microgrid Energy Management System Project (Grant no. 072 133 0038).

handle large generation units. With numerous DERs appearing in the power network, it is difficult or nearly impossible to control the entire system by a single central controller adopting a tops-down approach [4, 5]. If such a controller is implemented, it would require increased cost for communication infrastructure and introduce added complexity in the centralized control supervisor. Although there are disadvantages adopting the central control scheme for microgrid applications, centralized control can offer broader observability of microgrid operations and greater knowledge for making control decisions as part of its tradeoffs [6].

To overcome this problem, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) was proposed as an alternative to centralized control because it can effectively handle multi-objective and multi-constraint complex systems by decomposing complex tasks to several simpler tasks to accomplish its goals [7]. MAS is a form of decentralized control as it uses distributed intelligence by employing software

entities or agents to communicate, negotiate and optimize microgrid operations. As opposed to centralized approach, MAS uses a bottoms-up approach to manage and optimize microgrid operations so that communications and complexity of microgrids are kept to minimal. In the following sections, we propose a framework and methodology on developing customized agents for power trading and power management within a microgrid and uses Java Agent Development (JADE) toolkit as a platform to implement the proposed control scheme.

In this paper, Section II will briefly introduce an overview of the Microgrid Energy Management System (MG-EMS) located at Laboratory for Clean Energy Research (LaCER), Nanyang Technological University (NTU). It will present our approach to implement MAS in the NTU microgrid prototype. Section III will discuss the MAS framework, concept, control architecture,

agent theory and standards for agents. Section IV will discuss the proposed methodology. It will briefly discuss optimization objectives and provide some description on JADE working environment. Section V will discuss the functions of our customized agents and display some simulation results from JADE. Section VI will conclude by providing a summary of research tasks accomplished and also provide some directions for our future research



The NTU microgrid prototype was developed in LaCER at the School of Electrical and Electronic

Multi-Agent System for Optimization of


Foo Y.S. Eddy 1 and Gooi H.B.1


School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

8th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia

May 30-June 3, 2011, The Shilla Jeju, Korea

978-1-61284-957-7/11/$26.00 ?2011 IEEE


Engineering (EEE). Within the microgrid, several electrical components ranging from programmable AC sources to renewable sources such as solar PVs, wind turbines, fuel cells, and energy storage in the form of battery banks are used to supply electrical energy to the 0.4-kV low voltage network. A web based MG-EMS server system is also used to manage these components as well as to optimize its operations [8]. MG-EMS itself consists of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Load Forecasting (LF), Unit Commitment (UC), State Estimator (SE), Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and Automatic Generation Control (AGC). Figure 1 provides an overview of how DERs are connected and controlled within the microgrid.

In terms of control architecture, the NTU microgrid can be viewed as adopting a centralized control scheme. All the control decisions and optimization are done on the central MG-EMS server by sensing real time measurements from the DERs and energy storage through the use of smart meters and intelligent energy sensors. After processing the measured data, control pulses are sent back to the DER converters and loads for execution of control and demand side management respectively.

Fig. 1. Overview of NTU microgrid

However, in the following sections, we propose another control scheme for the controlling of DERs using JADE. This control scheme is entirely coded in Java programming language and is capable of either operating as a standalone entity or working together with third party softwares such as MATLAB and LabVIEW. The main reason for adopting JADE is because JADE is an Operating System (OS) independent platform which means that the coded algorithm can be implemented on any computer as long as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is installed. In the case of LabVIEW, programmers may have to re-code their control functions from MATLAB/SIMULINK into LabVIEW compatible program code which introduces compatibility issues. JADE removes the hassle of converting the coded algorithm across different softwares and makes it portable across various types of OS thus making it very convenient and flexible.


A. MAS Concept

Adopting Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) approach to solve optimization problem and control issues are evident in [9-11]. The main objective of MAS is to decompose and distribute large complex tasks into simpler and manageable ones. In the context of microgrids, data and information are decentralized implying that failure of any control component within the microgrid will not threaten the operation of the entire microgrid [12]. MAS distributed control also has inherent properties such as its scalability and openness which makes microgrid control very flexible.

In terms of implementation costs, it is still relatively cheaper to implement MAS distributed control because the amount of information exchanged is minimal. This means cheaper communications infrastructure and computer network resulting in lower implementation costs. Figure 2 shows the two different types of control and illustrates the main difference in control architecture between central and hybrid MAS distributed control.

Fig. 2. Central and hybrid distributed control hierarchy The central control scheme has direct control interface with the DERs and energy storage and all the computations are done centrally on the main server. This means that equipment in a central control hierarchy always wait for control instructions from the main server before performing certain functions. Usually, centralized control is being used when all the DERs are under the same owner or the power pool arrangement so that that some form of cooperative strategy is achieved.

In a hybrid distributed control, responsibilities and tasks are assigned to the clients which directly control the equipment while the main server provides basic essential communication services such as Agent Management System (AMS) and Directory Facilitator (DF) for the agents residing within clients to communicate and negotiate with each other [13]. Furthermore, the main server in a hybrid distributed control can also provide monitoring and ancillary services depending on the requirements and specifications of the microgrid. Sometimes, responsibilities assumed by the main server and clients may change depending on how the microgrid is managed [14]. Typically, a hybrid distributed control scheme is applied to the microgrid where all the connected DERs are owned by different owners. This is because DER owners may have different objectives therefore instead of cooperating with each other, a local competitive microgrid market is formed to manage these DERs having different objectives [15].

B. Autonomous Agents

It is important to understand and appreciate the underlying main principles of agent theory as they drive the main building block for MAS applications [16, 17]. MAS itself is composed of many agents interacting with one another. Each agent has its own allocated tasks and objectives. One important characteristic of such agents is the ability to have self autonomy by exhibiting intelligence. This means that it can make decisions for the assigned equipment without any intervention from a central controller. Considering a microgrid with many Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), it is advantageous to have this characteristic so that control operations will not be delayed if any DER fails to respond. Other important key attributes of agents include:

Social ability - Agents are able to communicate with one another to achieve their objectives. This is because agents have partial or no knowledge of the environment i.e. the microgrid in this context. Hence by communicating with other agents, it is able to continuously update itself with relevant information.

Reactivity - Agents are programmed such that they can respond to any changes in the environment without much delay. For example, if any DER agent within the microgrid is disconnected or offline, other agents will be notified and subsequently, make minor changes in their algorithms to ensure that the microgrid continues to operate smoothly.

Pro-activeness - Agents exhibit goal-directed behaviors in order to accomplish their objectives. This is because agents alone cannot achieve their objectives unless they take the initiative to interact with other agents. Therefore, instead of being passive, agents are considered active entities so that their goals can be achieved.

Reliability - Agents are not allowed to intentionally provide false or misleading information that can potentially corrupt the integrity of the information exchanged.

Mobility - Agents are able to migrate from one host platform to another without making much changes to the existing system. This is particularly useful when a client computer is scheduled for maintenance because the agent can migrate to another client without causing any downtime for the equipment it is currently controlling.

C. FIPA Specifications

In terms of inter-agent communications, the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agent (FIPA) standard is being used [18, 19]. FIPA is an international non-profit association of companies and organizations producing specifications for agent technologies. This set of standards is formed to achieve a high level of interoperability in complex systems.

In FIPA specifications, three essential roles were identified to describe the reference model of an agent platform. These roles are necessary for managing the platform as well as describing the agent management content language and ontology. The first role requires AMS to be set up so that supervisory control over the agent platform can be done. It is also required to maintain

a directory of residing agents and handle their life cycle.

The Agent Communication Channel (ACC) is the next

role where it is the default basic communication method offering reliable, orderly and accurate message routing services. The last role is requiring a Directory Facilitator (DF) agent to be present for providing yellow page services to agents within the platform.

Other FIPA specifications include Agent Communication Language (ACL). It is a language used

by agents to exchange messages. Since agents can be created by different developers, the FIPA-ACL standard

is used so that agents running on different platforms are

able to understand and interpret messages. This will also prevent any ambiguity and confusion arising from agent communications since a standard set of message template

is laid out following the FIPA-ACL specifications.

Some FIPA specifications not covered in this paper include agent-software integration, agent mobility, agent security, ontology service and human-agent communication. More details regarding these specifications can be found in [20].


A. Optimization Objectives

One of the main objectives of microgrid is to maintain

power balances within the network while minimizing operating costs and maximizing consumer benefits. The

power equation in (1) describes the economic dispatch problem subjected to constraints:





i gen i




∑ (1)

Subject to



n m

gen i load j loss

i j





min max


gen i gen i gen i





C is the cost function of the i th generator;


gen i

P is

the active power generated by the i th generator in



load j

P is the active power demand of the j th load in

kW; and


P is the total active distribution power loss.

Assuming that the generators use fuel to produce electricity, the typical cost function for each generator

under economic dispatch is given as:




i gen i gen i gen i gen i

C P aP bP cP

=++ (2)

where a, b and c are constants which have pre-determined values. However, when determining the cost function for

DGs such as PVs and wind turbines, the equation for

their respective cost function will be different from (2).

This is because renewable DGs have to incorporate intermittent supply of natural resource, return on investment costs, utilization factor and maintenance costs

into the cost function which is outside the scope of this

paper and will not be covered in this paper.

The above optimization problem can be solved by a

few techniques such as sequential quadratic programming, genetic algorithm programming and LaGrangian technique. Computed optimization results

will be in the form of scheduling dispatch for the respective generators. This optimization problem is relatively easy to solve for a small system but becomes increasingly more challenging when the value of i, the number of DERs, is large. In order to control many DERs, JADE will provide another intuitive way of how the mircogrid operations can be optimized based on incremental costs ($/kWh). One major difference to note between economic dispatch and JADE is how incremental costs are used in solving the optimization problem. The principle behind economic dispatch basis is that all generations have the same incremental costs while JADE consolidates different incremental costs from DERs and tries to match supply with load demand pricing.

B. JADE Architecture There are currently many research activities involved in agent development and a number of agent construction tools are used such as JADE, Zeus, Voyager, Excalibur Agent, FIPA-OS, AgentTool, AgentBuilder, Grasshopper-2 and RETSINA [21] to realize this implementation. Among these available toolkits, JADE was selected for this research because JADE complies with FIPA standards and provides a middleware where programmers can zoom straight into designing agents and their behaviors without having to fully understand how JADE actually runs in the background [22]. JADE is also a Java framework for agent development through the use of object oriented abstractions. Therefore, JADE can provide a convenient distributed platform for users to focus on developing agents for control and monitoring of power balance during microgrid operation.

Fig. 3. JADE control architecture

JADE can be described as a distributed platform consisting of main containers and peripherals containers. In Figure 3, it can be seen that when a platform is created, the main container is always the first container to be initialized in JADE. AMS and DF agents are also automatically created once the main container is initialized. Once the main container is initialized, peripheral containers can be set up on other computers which contain other agents. Thus, a distributed platform is created. When another platform intends to join existing network, another main container is initialized on the new host together with the predefined agents (AMS and DF) and other customized agents from Table 1 (e.g. Generator Agent, Load Agent, Control Agent, etc). The implementation process illustrates that JADE is an open system which supports Plug and Play capabilities and is also scalable without much modification to the control scheme. This is particularly desirable in a microgrid because new DGs can be connected conveniently without having to reconfigure and modify existing control architecture.

C. JADE Operating Environment

There are two ways to execute, manage and monitor the activities of distributed agents. First method is by executing the commands from windows command prompt shell which only displays simulation results in

text while the other method allows users to view JADE working environment graphically by calling the remote management agent (rma). The rma is a default Graphical User Interface (GUI) agent used by JADE to graphically display how agents are categorized. In Figure 4, there are other features within rma GUI such as displaying the DF catalog of registered agents in the network and the sniffer agent which displays the message flow between agents.

Fig. 4. Snapshot of JADE working environment Another important aspect of JADE is agent communication. The ACL message template used by JADE is shown in Figure 5 to illustrate how agents communicate with one another. Among the parameters within the template, only certain basic parameters such as receivers, communicative act, content and conversation id are required in order for agents to perform basic interaction. Under the receivers section, programmers are required to state which agent should receive the message. To further specify which agent should receive the outgoing message, programmers are also required to fill up the conversation id section. These two parameters are needed so that only intended agents with specified conversation id and agent class are able to receive messages and other agents under the same agent class will not receive these messages. The communicative act parameter specifies which performative the message belongs to so that the sent

messages can be easily traced when the sniffer agent is

launched in JADE. Some of these performatives include Call for Proposal (CFP), inform, request, query and refuse. The content parameter is where all the message contents are inserted. When the message is deciphered by the recipient, the message content is the only source of information agents can acquire to update their knowledge database.

Fig. 5. ACL message template


A. Scenario

To test the functionality of MAS using JADE, a simple microgrid topology is being set up as shown in Figure 6.

Fig. 6 Microgrid simulation testbed

In this microgrid, there are two generation units rated 5kW and 10kW and two load units rated 5kW and 7kW respectively. The generation units typically represent renewable technologies such as PVs and wind turbines and are connected to the main busbar through a converter which is controlled directly by a computer with the corresponding agents programmed. The load units are connected to the main busbar through an intelligent switch which is also connected to a computer containing the necessary agents. There is also an intelligent energy sensor at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) where the main computer server is connected to it. All communications between computers are done through TCP/IP. JADE also configures the communication process such that all PCs are using the same port and host. However in this paper, all the agents are located in the same computer for simulation because of simplicity and also to illustrate the functionality of MAS.

In this simulation study, six different customized agents were developed following FIPA-ACL specifications. The names and objectives of each agent are summarized in table 1. The location of where the agents reside in should also be noted. For GA and LA agents, these agents should be located directly to the units and loads where they are supposed to control. For example, GA agent should be attached directly to generation source and LA agent should directly control the loads. The remaining agents AA, MA, CA and GrA can be located in any of the available computers but usually they are consolidated and reside in the main server computer.



Agent Names Objectives

Generation Agent


Controls microsource power setting and allow owners to set selling price for trading Load Agent (LA)

Allows customer to specify the amount of

power to purchase and performs trading on

behalf of customers

Monitor Agent (MA)

Request updated information on the status of

GA and LA and display them on GUI

Aggregator Agent (AA) Request GA and LA for data and consolidate

total supply and total demand

Control Agent (CA)

Responsible for performing power exchange

between the microgrid and main grid Grid Agent (GrA)

Collects real time Grid pricing and informs

other agents about connection status of Grid The microgrid operations for supplying and buying power is being planned at every interval. The duration of the interval is selected at every hour in this study. During each interval, the agents in Table 1 will begin executing their designed objectives. The trading and negotiation process will continue until all generation and load units are matched. Any net surplus or deficit in power within the microgrid will be managed by CA. At the end of each time interval, the simulation results are displayed in the command prompt window.

B. Agent Description and GUI

Besides programming agent intelligence, every agent developed by the programmer also has a GUI agent attached to it. The role of the GUI agent is to graphically

display important status of the agent it is attached to and also allows users to perform different functions via the GUI panel. In the remaining part of this section, each of the GUI agents will be displayed and a description of the agents internal process is being discussed to provide an idea of how agents operate together with its GUI. A snapshot of the GA agent GUI is being shown in Figure 7. In this GUI, there are two parameters that can be changed by the user while the other parameters are to display updated information. GA users can specify how much energy they want to supply to the microgrid power market while stating its selling price. Once all information is inserted, the user can click on the refresh

button to refresh the status of the agent which displays the agent identifier, power available for sale, selling price, grid buying and selling price and the connection status between the microgrid and the main grid.

Fig. 7 Snapshot of Generation Agent GUI

Next, the main internal thread processes of the GA agent are described to give a glimpse of how the agent operates. The initialization for all agents begins with registering itself with the Directory Facilitor (DF) by providing it with a set of service descriptions such as setName and setType. For GA, setName is selected as generation and setType is chosen to be power selling.

Once GA is registered in DF, other agents are able to see it in the yellow pages. GA will then execute a set of custom behaviours defined by the programmer. These set of agent behaviours are classified as cyclic because they are constantly waiting for new incoming messages from other agents. For GA, the set of behaviours defined are offer request and purchase order, update aggregate and monitor agent, receive grid price and status. The offer request and purchase order behaviours are to wait for proposal messages from LA and inform successful LA agents about their offer. The update aggregate and monitor agent behaviours are reactive because once GA has processed an incoming message it will automatically update the respective agents on its status. The receiving grid price and status behaviour is to wait for GrA to inform GA on any changes regarding current grid prices and connection status so that GA users can state their selling prices competitively.

Whenever any GUI is closed by the user, the agent automatically deregisters itself from DF and terminates itself from JADE.

A snapshot of the Load Agent (LA) GUI is being shown in Figure 8. The LA agent is typically treated as a buyer because it searches the DF yellow pages for generation agents offering power supply services.

Fig. 8 Snapshot of Load Agent GUI

In this GUI, users are able to key in the amount of the power they want to buy from the power market or upstream network and specify any amount of load they want to disconnect. The previous buying price is also shown which state the price that was finalized during the previous round of trading. The buying status refers to the current buying status which can tell users whether LA is still trading or has already completed its trading. The current load connected parameter displays the current loading of that particular LA with respect to the microgrid.

LA first registers itself with DF by providing load and power buyer as input parameters to setName and setType respectively. The next step is to execute a series of different behaviours. Whenever LA receives an order from GUI to buy power from the market or upstream network, it executes a requesting trade behaviour which calls for proposals from all GAs and submit a final confirmation to the GA which offered the best price. If there are no GA in the DF yellow pages, LA will execute its requesting trade behaviour every 20 seconds until its objectives are met or the interval ends with CA buying power from the grid to meet its load demand. Once power is bought, LA will automatically execute the update aggregate and monitor agent behaviour to inform the respective agents on its current status.

The Monitor Agent (MA) GUI is being shown in Figure 9. This is a simple GUI displaying the status of all GA and LA agents which are currently actively trading in the microgrid power market or upstream network.

Fig. 9 Snapshot of Monitor Agent GUI

The first two columns in the GUI show the GA identifier and status respectively while the last two columns are reserved for LA identifier and status. The GA status column reflects the current selling price and available generation and the LA status column shows the amount of load connected currently.

MA will begin initialization by providing monitor and microgrid monitoring services as inputs to setName and setType for service description to DF yellow pages. The next step is to execute behaviours for MA to function. The first behaviour is receiving GA status which only receives messages sent by the GA agent. It waits for any messages sent by GA and stores the information which is then displayed by the GUI. The receiving loading status is another behaviour which waits for messages from the LA agent informing MA to update its database whenever there are any load changes.

In Figure 10, a snapshot of the Aggregate Agent (AA) GUI is being shown. In this GUI, it displays four important information regarding the power flow within the microgrid. The AA GUI keeps track of the total net power within the microgrid which can be seen under the total untraded power parameter. The agent also aggregates the total load demand within the microgrid and is shown under the total load demand parameter. The

current grid buying and selling prices are also reflected in

the GUI to update users on current grid pricing.

Fig. 10 Snapshot of Aggregate Agent GUI

The initialization input parameter for AA are aggregation and microgrid aggregation service for setName and setType respectively. The next step in the agent's lifecycle is to execute its behaviour. Upon invoking the update status on AA GUI, the agent will request for available generation from GA and loading status from LA respectively. Receive GA status and receive LA status behaviours will then wait for replies from GA and LA. Once all information are received, AA will compute and display available generation and loading status in the GUI.

A snapshot of the Grid Agent (GrA) GUI is shown in Figure 11. This GUI allows users to change grid selling price while the grid buying price is automatically computed by the agent. Users are also allowed to toggle the connection status of the grid to study the impacts of islanding on agents. After all values are configured, the GUI will display the grid pricing and connection status to inform users that the agent is in operation.

Fig. 11 Snapshot of Grid Agent GUI

The initialization phase begins with GrA registering Grid Agent and grid status as inputs to setName and setType respectively. The main set of behaviour for GrA is receiving request from CA. This behaviour will wait for messages from CA to determine whether the microgrid needs to buy energy or sell net surplus of energy to the grid during grid connected mode. In islanding mode, GrA is unable to process messages from CA thus CA will have to implement other strategies to manage the microgrid. Other behaviours such as broadcasting grid prices and grid connection status are invoked through this GUI.

The Control Agent (CA) GUI is shown in Figure 12. In this GUI, it displays the total microgrid power generation and loading as well as computing the net microgrid power. Once the net microgrid power is computed, the agent will determine whether to buy or sell power to the grid as shown in the GUI. The grid connection status is also displayed in the GUI to verify mode of operation.

The initialization step is to provide control and microgrid control management as inputs to setName and setType.

Fig. 12 Snapshot of Control Agent GUI

There are two main behaviours for CA. The first is receiving information from aggregate agent behaviour. This behaviour waits for AA to send periodic updated information so that CA can process this information and make a trading decision with GrA. The second behaviour is initiating power exchange with GrA every hour. Once CA has decided whether to buy or sell power to grid, this behaviour is executed to perform trading with grid. After settling with GrA, CA will announce to all GA and LA to reset their power settings to zero in preparation for the next trading interval.

C. Simulation Results

One round of trading interval was simulated and the results are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14. In Figure 13, it shows the sniffer agent (default agent in JADE) tracking all message exchanges between the agents. Each arrow in the diagram represents a message sent. Users can check where and who the message originated from by tracing the number of incoming and outgoing arrows for that particular agent.

Fig. 13 Snapshot of Sniffer Agent and agent message exchange

The command prompt window in Figure 14 shows some of the major activities the agents perform during the trading interval. After trading and negotiation are completed, the final result is being reported by CA which tells users how much power is being traded with the grid and GrA announcing the end of the current trading


Fig. 14 Output window from command prompt


This paper has presented an overview of the NTU microgrid architecture and has shown how the MAS based control scheme can benefit the microgrid. In this simulation study, we have successfully developed customizable agents which can interact and make informed decisions based on the information received through message exchanges. By adopting similar agent design approach, additional agents can be introduced which makes this form of decentralized control modular.

The future research direction will be to integrate JADE with MATLAB/SIMULINK for software verification before performing hardware verification on the NTU microgrid. We will also be looking to implement the embedded algorithm into the smart meters in NTU microgrid. As such, more effort is required to successfully interface the software with the hardware setup.


The authors would like to acknowledge the generous fund support provided by A*STAR under the Microgrid Energy Management System Project (Grant no. 072 133 0038).


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package src.day01; public class ACC { //父类,以下是共有属性和方法 //卡号 protected static long id; // 名字 protected static String name; // 身份证 protected static String personId; //电子邮件 protected static String email; // 密码 protected static long password; //余额 protected static double balance; public ACC(){ } public ACC(long id,String name,String personId,String email,long password,double balance ){ = id;, = name; this.personId = personId; = email; this.password = password; this.balance = balance; } // 存款方法 public static void deposit(double money){ balance += money; System.out.println("存款成功,你存入的金额为:" + money); } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) {, = name; } public String getPersonId() {


全能管家多银行资金管理系统(IBS) 宣传手册 1


全能管家多银行资金管理系统( IBS系统) 系统背景 ”资金管理”——顾名思义是指企业和”钱”相关的所有活动的 一种统称。从企业资金管理发展的角度分析, 企业资金管理最初始的 目标就是加快收付款的速度、效率, 加快货币资金的流转。随着企业 的发展, 企业对资金的需求量大大增加, 这时资金管理所表现出来的主 要需求转换为对外部融资的需求, 这时合理的银企关系、财务资金成 本地控制、资产负债比率控制等演化为企业资金管理最重要的需求。 伴随着企业快速成长以及和资本市场的打通, 企业积累了大量的 财富, 同时货币市场的变幻莫测等, 将企业资金管理或者说财务管理人 员从筹集资金向如何将这些财富进行合法、合理的运用以及货币的保 值增值服务需求上转变。 为应对企业资金管理需求的变化和提升, 基于以客户需求为产品 创新源泉和动力的服务理念, 为更好地满足企业资金管理需求, 北京银 行汇聚财资管理智慧, 联合专业IT合作伙伴, 倾力奉献全能管家多银 行资金管理系统( IBS系统) , 致力于为北京银行企业客户伙伴提供一 站式资金、金融管理服务。 系统概述 全能管家多银行资金管理系统( IBS系统) 经过多银行数据服务程 序实现企业和各银行机构信息直通式处理, 实现企业多银行账户资金 的集中管控与统一划拨, 以全面、专业、便捷、灵活的系统服务, 满 3

足企业掌控多行账户信息、明晰资金流时效性、有效量化资金流、 加强风险管控等多项资金管理需求。 IBS系统主要功能包括: 统一数据服务平台、现金流管理、资金 计划管理、资金结算管理、内部银行管理、金融交易管理、投资理 财平台、综合查询系统等多个模块组成。 系统特点: ●为企业提供一站式金融服务: 北京银行IBS系统是一套整合了现代商业银行结算、信息、信 贷、理财服务以及企业资金管理各种需求的面向企业应用的专业资金 管理系统平台。 ●以企业流动性管理为核心: 北京银行IBS系统经过对企业多银行账户的统一管理实现企业对 账户资金实时监控管理的需求, 还进一步经过资金计划预算对企业未 来现金流和资金盈缺情况提供流量分析和平衡试算等功能, 方便企业 资金决策和头寸平衡。 ●先进的技术架构和部署模式: 北京银行IBS系统采用最先进的B/S系统架构, 真正做到单点部署, 多点使用, 同时客户端做到零维护, 方便企业的使用和维护。 应用价值 ●企业资金信息实时掌控 随着企业不断发展壮大, 资金需求、流量都不断加大, 如何能够透 4


燕山大学三级项目设计说明书 题目:银行储蓄管理系统 学院(系):信息学院 年级专业:教育技术学15—1 学号: 学生姓名:付叶禹 郑凯峰 李文悦 王宇晨 李晓晗 指导教师:梁顺攀 教师职称:副教授 燕山大学三级项目设计(论文)任务书 院(系):信息学院教学单位:

说明:此表一式四份,学生、指导教师、基层教学单位、系部各一份。 年月日燕山大三级项目设计评审意见表

摘要 论文阐述的是在SQL server 2008开发环境下对银行储蓄管理系统的设计。希望通过该系统的应用,能促使银行储蓄管理工作的规范化、标准化和自动化,提高管理水平和管理效率,为管理工作提供更完善的信息服务和一个成功的信息管理系统。数据库是一个非常重要的条件和关键技术,管理系统所涉及的数据库设计分为:数据库需求分析、概念设计、逻辑设计过程。 本论文叙述了数据库设计的全过程。 主要分为: 1. 系统需求分析与功能设计阶段,包括功能需求、性能需求、数据需求、系统功能框图、系统总体数据流图及分模块数据流图、数据字典。 2. 总体设计阶段,包括系统总体功能模块图、功能模块描述、输入输出及统计查询等功能模块。 3. 概念设计阶段,包括系统各个模块的ER图及系统的总ER图。 4.逻辑结构设计阶段,包括系统各个模块的ER图所转化的关系模式。 关键词:数据库设计;管理系统; SQL server 2008;

目录 摘要...................................................... 1 绪论................................... 错误!未定义书签。1.1项目背景............................. 错误!未定义书签。1.1编写目的............................. 错误!未定义书签。1.1软件定义............................. 错误!未定义书签。 1.1开发环境............................. 错误!未定义书签。 2 系统需求分析 (2) 2.1信息与功能需求 (2) 2.2业务处理需求 (2) 2.3数据流图 (3) (3) (4) 2.4安全性与完整性要求 (8) 2.5数据字典 (8) 2.5.1储户基本信息表 (8)


〖银行储蓄管理系统〗需求分析 2016年5月

目录 1 引言 (3) 1.1 编写目的 (3) 1.2 项目背景 (3) 1.3 定义 (3) 1.4 参考资料 (3) 2 任务概述 (3) 2.1 目标 (3) 2.2 运行环境 (3) 2.3 条件与限制 (3) 3 数据描述 (3) 3.1 静态数据 (3) 3.2 动态数据 (3) 3.3数据库描述 (3) 3.4数据词典 (5) 3.5数据采集 (6) 4 功能需求 (7) 4.1 功能划分 (7) 4.2 功能描述 (7) 5 性能要求 (8) 5.1 数据精确度 (8) 5.2 时间特性 (8) 5.3适应性 (8) 6 运行需求 (8) 6.1 用户界面 (8) 6.2 硬件接口 (8) 6.3 软件接口 (8) 6.4 故障处理 (8) 7 其他需求 (9)

1引言 1.1 编写目的 根据需求调研分析报告,定义系统功能和系统数据流图,通过编写需求分析规格说明书,让开发人员能够根据需求规格说明书来开发项目。 1.2 项目背景 软件名称:银行储蓄系统 委托单位:银行 开发单位:科技大学 主管:荀亚玲 1.3 定义 银行储蓄应用软件:基本元素为构成银行储蓄行为所必需的各种部分。 媒体素材:是指传播教学信息的基本才来单元,可分为五大类:文本类素材、图形(图像)类素材、音频类素材、动画类素材、视频类素材。 需求:用户解决问题或达到目标所需的条件或功能;系统或系统部件要满足合同、标准、规范或其它正式规定文档所需具有的条件或权能。 需求分析:包括提炼,分析和仔细审查已收集到的需求,以确保所有风险承担者都明其含义并找出其中的错误,遗憾或其他部族的地方。 1.4 参考资料 《软件工程导论——第5版》张海藩编著清华大学出版社 2任务概述 2.1 目标 完善目前银行储蓄系统,之智能跟上时代发展,同时通过实践来提高自己动手能力。 2.2 运行环境 操作系统:Windows XP/Windows Vista,支持环境:IIS 5.0 数据库:Microsoft SQL. Server 2000,编程环境:Microsoft visual basic 6.0中文版。 2.3 条件与限制硬件配置要求 硬什外部设备需奔腾133以上的pc机,内存需16兆以上 软件要求操作人员具有初步的相关知识 由于本系统为即时软件,刘数据蚓叫步要求较高,建议配置网络时使川叫靠性较高佝相关网络硬件设


XX集团资金管理中心设立方案 (试行) 索引 一、设立主体 二、设立目标 三、管理模式及主要职能 四、机构及人员设置 五、参与集团资金统管的公司及纳入监管的银行账户 六、资金流转方案 七、网银权限设置 八、内部账户及账号设置 九、内部存贷款利率设置 十、会计核算科目设置 十一、业务操作内容、流程及会计核算办法 十二、现有银行贷款事项及内部往来的后续处理 十三、注意事项 十四、附件

根据XX集团管理现状及未来发展要求,设立集团资金管理中心。设立方案如下: 一、设立主体 资金管理中心设立在XX集团有限公司。 资金管理中心作为XX集团公司的一个职能部门(利润中心),其所有业务受到XX集团董事长、总经理及财务总监的安排与指导。其所有经济业务设立独立账套核算,同时其涉及到XX集团公司、各下属企业的业务也纳入XX集团有限公司账套、下属企业账套进行核算。并且各账套之间有对应关系。 办公地点设立在XX集团办公室。 二、设立目标 1、实施高度集中控制的资金管理体系,加强集团资金管理与控制 2、资金实现事前计划、实时控制与分析,加快资金周转,提高资金使用效益 3、降低集团财务风险 三、管理模式及主要职能 将银行机制引入企业内部,建立集财务管理、金融管理和企业管理三位一体的现代企业管理模式。身兼银行和财会两种职能,承担企业外部资金结算、资金内部调剂、对外融资等业务。资金管理中心实时掌握集团资金的流量、流向、存量,随时监控子公司的资金使用,同时可以灵活调配“沉淀”存量资金,提高资金利用效率。 1、账户分散、资金集中的管理模式 集团的资金管理采取账户分散、资金集中管理的模式。即各下属企业在外部商业银行的现有账户不变,保持现有的资金业务处理及会计核算流程不变;资金管理中心将各下属企业的外部银行账户加以记录,资金管理中心开立内部账户对应各下属企业的外部银行账户;同时将下属企业的闲散资金每日归集到资金管理中心,作为下属企业的“内部存款”,资金管理中心会计、出纳按照资金计划进行支付单据的审批、拨付;各下属企业依据集团的审批处理资金业


第一部分SystemView及其操作简介 美国ELANIX公司于1995年开始推出SystemView软件工具,最早的1.8版为16bit教学版,自1.9版开始升为32bit专业版,目前已推出了3.0版。SystemView是在Windows95/98环境下运行的用于系统仿真分析的软件工具,它为用户提供了一个完整的动态系统设计、仿真与分析的可视化软件环境,能进行模拟、数字、数模混合系统、线性和非线性系统的分析设计,可对线性系统进行拉氏变换和Z变换分析。 1.1 SystemView的基本特点 SystemView基本属于一个系统级工具平台,可进行包括数字信号处理(DSP)系统、模拟与数字通信系统、信号处理系统和控制系统的仿真分析,并配置了大量图符块(Token)库,用户很容易构造出所需要的仿真系统,只要调出有关图符块并设置好参数,完成图符块间的连线后运行仿真操作,最终以时域波形、眼图、功率谱、星座图和各类曲线形式给出系统的仿真分析结果。SystemView的库资源十分丰富,主要包括:含若干图符库的主库(Main Library)、通信库(Communications Library)、信号处理库(DSP Library)、逻辑库(Logic Library)、射频/模拟库(RF Analog Library)和用户代码库(User Code Library)。 1.2 SystemView系统视窗 1.2.1 主菜单功能 进入SystemView后,屏幕上首先出现该工具的系统视窗,如图1-2-1所示。 系统视窗最上边一行为主菜单栏,包括:文件(File)、编辑(Edit)、参数优选(Preferences)、视窗观察(View)、便笺(NotePads)、连接(Connetions)、编译器(Compiler)、系统(System)、图符块(Tokens)、工具(Tools)和帮助(Help)共11项功能菜单。与最初的SystemView1.8相比,SystemView3.0的操作界面和对话框布局有所改变。 执行菜单命令操作较简单,例如,用户需要清除系统时,可单击“File”菜单,出现一个下拉菜单,单击其中的“Newsystem”工具条即可。为说明问题简单起见,将上述操作命令记作:File>>Newsystem,以下类同。各菜单下的工具条及其功能如下表所示: 表1-2-1 SystemView3.0各菜单下的工具条及其功能 菜单工具条命令各工具条的功能简述 File菜单 File>>Newsystem 清除当前系统 File>>Open Recent System 打开最新的SystemView文件 File>>Open Existing System 打开已存在的SystemView文件 File>>Open System in Safe Mode 以安全模式打开系统 File>>Save System 用已存在的文件名存储当前系统内容 File>> Save System As 将当前系统内容另存为一个文件 File>> Save Selected Metasystem 存储选择的亚系统文件 File>>System File Information 系统文件信息 File>>Print System: Text Tokens 打印屏幕内容,图符块用文字代替 File>>Print System: Symbolic Tokens 如实打印屏幕内容,包括图符块 File>>Print System Summary 打印系统摘要,即图符块表 图1-2-1 系统视窗 1


通信系统仿真实验课程设计 题目银行储蓄管理平台开发设计 学院 2010222111 专业班级通信104 学生姓名霍守斌 指导教师大彬 哥 2013年 6月 15日 摘要 近几年来,随着科技的发展和社会的进步,尤其是计算机大范围的普及,计算机应用逐渐由大规模科学计算的海量数据处理转向大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理,这就产生了以台式计算机为核心,以数据库管理系统为开发环境的管理信息系统在大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理等方面的应用,特别是在银行储蓄管理之中的应用日益引起人们的关注。本文基于Visual C++数据库编程技术,以可视化的集成开发环境Visual studio 2008为开发工具, Access 2007为后台数据库实现了一个小型的银行储蓄管理系统,该系统主要功能包括用户注册、销户、存款、取款、查询历史记录、用户修改信息等功能。从而满足了广大人民群众的需要同时也实现了银行储蓄管理的系统化、规范化、自动化和智能化,提高了银行管理的效率。 关键字:Visual C++;Access 2007;银行储蓄管理系统

Abstract In recent years, as technology development and social progress, in particular, the popularity of a wide range of computers, computer application gradually from large-scale scientific computing shift large-scale mass data processing and workflow transaction management, which resulted in of the desktop computer as the core database management system for the development of environmental management information system in large-scale transaction processing and management, workflow applications, especially in the management of bank savings into the application has attracted much attention. Based on the Visual C + + database programming techniques to visualize the integrated development environment, Visual studio 2008 as development tool, Access 2007 database for the background to achieve a small bank savings management system, which mainly features include user registration, cancel the account, deposit , withdrawals, query history, user modify the information and other functions. To meet the needs of the masses but also to achieve the systematic management of bank savings, standardization, automation and intelligence to improve the efficiency of bank management. Key word: visual c + +; Visual studio 2008; Access 2007; Bank savings management 目录 摘要 I Abstract II


《数据库系统原理》 课程设计 2011年12月31日

目录 一、概述------------------------------------------------- 3 1.1 课程设计的目的---------------------------------------------- 3 1.2 课程设计的内容---------------------------------------------- 3 1.3 课程设计的要求---------------------------------------------- 3 二、需求分析--------------------------------------------- 3 2.1 系统需求---------------------------------------------------- 3 2.2 数据字典---------------------------------------------------- 3 三、系统总体设计----------------------------------------- 3 3.1系统总体设计思路--------------------------------------------- 3 3.2 概念模型设计----------------------------------------- 3 3.2.1 局部E-R图------------------------------------------------ 3 3.2.2 全局E-R图------------------------------------------------ 3 3.3 逻辑结构设计------------------------------------------------ 3 3.4 数据库建立实施--------------------------------------- 3 3.4.1 建立数据库------------------------------------------------ 3 3.4.2 建立关系表------------------------------------------------ 3 四、系统实现--------------------------------------------- 3 五、系统评价--------------------------------------------- 3 六、课程设计心得、总结----------------------------------- 3参考文献:----------------------------------------------- 3致谢--------------------------------------------------- 3附录--------------------------------------------------- 3


SystemView及其操作简介 美国ELANIX公司于1995年开始推出SystemView软件工具,最早的1.8版为16bit教学版,自1.9版开始升为32bit专业版,目前我们见到的是4.5版。SystemView是在Windows95/98环境下运行的用于系统仿真分析的软件工具,它为用户提供了一个完整的动态系统设计、仿真与分析的可视化系统软件环境,能进行模拟、数字、数模混合系统、线性和非线性系统的分析设计,可对线性系统进行拉氏变换和Z变换分析。 一、SystemView的基本特点 SystemView基本属于一个系统级工具平台,可进行包括数字信号处理(DSP)系统、模拟与数字通信系统、信号处理系统和控制系统的仿真,并配置了大量图符块(Token)库,用户很容易构造出所需要的仿真系统,只要调出有关图符块并设置好参数,完成图符块间的连线后,运行仿真操作,最终以时域波形、眼图、功率谱、星座图和各类曲线形式给出系统的仿真分析结果。SystemView的库资源十分丰富,主要包括:含有若干图符库的主库(MainLibrary)、通信库(Communications Library)、信号处理库(DSP Library)、逻辑库(LogicLibrary)、射频/模拟库(RF Analog Library)、Matlab连接库(M-Link Library)和用户代码库(Costum Library)。 二、SystemView系统视窗 1、主菜单功能 图1 系统视窗 遵循以下步骤进入SystemView系统视窗: (1)双击SystemView图标,开始启动系统。

(2)首先会出现SystemView License Manager窗口,可用来选择附加库。本实验中选择Selectall再左键单击OK结束选择。 (3)然后会出现Recent SystemView Files窗口,可用来方便的选择所需打开的文件。在本实验中,左键单击Close结束选择。 完成以上操作,即可进入SystemView系统视窗。如图1所示。 系统视窗最上边一行为主菜单栏,包括:文件(File)、编辑(Edit)、参数优选(Preferences)、视窗观察(View)、便签(NotePads)、连接(Connections)、编译器(Compiler)、系统(System)、图符块(Tokens)、工具(Tool)和帮助(Help)等11项功能菜单。 执行菜单命令操作较简单,例如,用户需要清除系统时,可单击“File”菜单,出现一个下拉菜单,单击其中的“Newsystem”工具条即可。为说明问题简单起见,将上述操作命令记作:File>>Newsystem,以下类同。各菜单下的工具条及其功能如下表所示:


精心整理软 银行储蓄管理系统 可行性分析 目录

一、引言 1.1 编写目的 经过对该银行储蓄系统项目进行详细调查研究,初拟系统实现报告,对软件开发中将要面临的问题及其解决方案进行可行性分析。明确开发风险及其所带来的经济效益。本报告经审核后,交由软件经理审查。 1.2 背景 项目名称:银行计算机储蓄系统 用户:××银行 说明:现在的银行储蓄系统工作效率低,不能满足广大人民群众的要,人们希望能更方便更省时地办理储蓄业务。 在这样的背景下,切需要建立一个新的、高效的、方便的计算机储蓄系统。 1.3 参考资料 ·《软件工程导论(第五版)》张海藩编着清华大学出版社出版 ·《软件工程》任胜兵邢琳编着北京邮电大学出版社 二、可行性研究的前提 2.1 基本要求 2.1.1 功能要求 此系统所要完成的主要功能有两方面: 储户填写存款单或取款单交给业务员键入系统,如果是存款,系统记录存款人姓名、住址、存款类型、存款日期、利率等信息,完成后由系统打印存款单给储户。 如果是取款,业务员把取款金额输入系统并要求储户输入密码以确认身份,核对密码正确无误后系统计算利息并印出利息清单给储户 2.1.2 性能要求 为了满足储户的要求,系统必须要有高的运作速度,储户填写的表单输入到系统,系统必须能快速及时作出响应,迅速处理各项数据、信息,显示出所有必需信息并打印出各项清单,所以要求很高的信息量速度和大的主存容量; 由于要存贮大量的数据和信息,也要有足够大的磁盘容量;另外,银行计算机储蓄系统必须有可靠的安全措施,以保证储户的存储安全。

2.1.3 接口要求 业务员键入储户的资料要全部一直显示在屏幕上;储户键入密码到系统以核对;计算机与打印机有高速传输的连接接口,最后以纸张的形式打印出清单给储户。 2.1.4 输入要求 业务员从存取款表单输入数据,要迅速精确,适当调整输入时间,不能让客户等太久,但也不能让业务员太过忙碌以免影响正确率,造成用户损失。 2.1.5 输出要求 要求快速准确地打印出存款或取款清单给客户。 2.2 开发目标 近期目标: 第一年内在一个银行建立一个银行内部计算机储蓄系统,初步实现银行储蓄系统计算机化,并保证该银行能够按期望顺利完成工作。 长期目标: 希望在三至四年内,在国内银行中建立该计算机储蓄系统,促进银行间的互联合作,实现银行储蓄系统的计算机管理体制,提高银行储蓄系统的整体水平;并实现银行储蓄系统的高效性、方便性、实用性、互联性,给储蓄用户带来方便和益处,从而提高银行的信用度,提高银行公司的经济效益和社会效益。 2.3 限制条件 2.3.1 开发时间 ( 只限于近期目标 ) 预定为半年。 2.3.2 运行环境 Windowsxp 及以上操作系统、数据库:MicrosoftSQLServer2000。MicrosoftVisualBasic6.0中文版. 2.3.3 使用寿命 该系统至少使用四年以上。 2.3.4 进行可行性研究的方法 采用调查方法:通过对银行业务员和客户的调查以获得第一手资料,确定客户和实际应用中的需求;然后经过座谈



多银行资金管理系统 多银行资金管理系统(Multi-bank System,简称MBS),是中信银行在专业分工、合作共赢的全新商业理念的指导下,联手专业软件厂商,根据国内集团企业的实际资金管理情况而打造出的多银行资金管理系统,不但融合了银行金融服务和软件厂商技术服务优势,创造了一种专业、可持续的服务模式,更以一种开放的心态进行系统研发,使得MBS的全新合作模式不排他。 功能完善的多银行资金管理系统 中信银行MBS在研发过程中吸收了银行和软件厂商两方面的先进经验,不但能够实现与银行产品服务的快速对接,同时能够更多地体现企业在资金预算、结算和内部财务控制等方面的管理需求,既可以为集团企业提供传统的现金管理服务,还能作为全面的企业内部资金管理系统,为企业提供多银行账户管理、资金结算划拨、计划预算管控和资金流量分析四大业务平台。 通过多银行账户管理平台企业可以自主设定和维护需要管理的所有银行账户,并按照自身的组织架构来定义账户结构,并可以在总部层面实时查询和掌握所有成员机构在各银行的资金余额和交易状况,所有信息按层级分别显示,余额自动汇总,整体资金情况一目了然。 通过资金结算划拨平台企业能够对各银行账户进行收付结算处理,支持企业根据自身财务制度灵活设置各种资金交易的审批流程。资金交易可以通过手动或自动方式发起,系统及时反馈交易信息。如果与ERP相连,还可以联动记账,生成财务凭证。同时所有资金交易均支持单笔录入或批量导入,支付时可以受企业预算控制,并提供多种控制方式。此外,企业还可通过特殊对账码实现自动对账,并生成余额调节表,减少人工操作。 通过计划预算管控平台企业可以建立全面的资金计划管理体系,包括制定统一的资金计划政策和模版,资金计划审批、执行、调整和控制等。企业也可以根据实际收支情况,自动提交计划执行情况,实现资金计划考核和资金风险防范。


System View 仿真软件简介及实例

目录 第一部分S YSTEM V IEW简介 (2) 1.1 SystemView的基本特点 (2) 1.2 SystemView各专业库简介 (2) 1.3 System View的基本操作 (5) 第二部分通信原理实验 (7) 2.1 标准调幅 (7) 2.2 双边带调制(DSB) (10) 2.3 单边带调制(SSB) (12) 2.4 窄带角度调制(NBFM、NBPM) (14) 2.5 幅移键控ASK (17)

第一部分SystemView简介 SystemView是由美国ELANIX公司推出的基于PC的系统设计和仿真分析的软件工具,它为用户提供了一个完整的开发设计数字信号处理(DSP)系统,通信系统,控制系统以及构造通用数字系统模型的可视化软件环境。 1.1 SystemView的基本特点 1.动态系统设计与仿真 (1)多速率系统和并行系统: SYSTEMVIEW允许合并多种数据速率输入系统,简化 FIR FILTER的执行。 (2)设计的组织结构图: 通过使用METASYSTEM(子系统)对象的无限制分层结 构,SYSTEMVIEW能很容易地建立复杂的系统。 (3)SYSTEMVIEW的功能块: SYSTEMVIEW的图标库包括几百种信号源,接收端, 操作符和功能块,提供从DSP,通讯信号处理,控制直到构造通用数学模型的应用 使用。信号源和接收端图标允许在SYSTEMVIEW内部生成和分析信号以及供 外部处理的各种文件格式的输入/输出数据。 (4)广泛的滤波和线性系统设计: SYSTEMVIEW的操作符库包含一个功能强大的 很容易使用图形模板设计模拟和数字以及离散和连续时间系统的环境,还包含 大量的FIR/IIR滤波类型和FFT类型。 2.信号分析和块处理 SYSTEMVIEW分析窗口是一个能够提供系统波形详细检查的交互式可视环境。分析窗口还提供一个完成系统仿真生成数据的先进的块处理操作的接收端计算器。 接收端计算器块处理功能:应用DSP窗口,余切,自动关联,平均值,复杂的FFT,常量窗口,卷积,余弦,交叉关联,习惯显示,十进制,微分,除窗口,眼模式,FUNCTION SCALE,柱状图,积分,对数基底,数量,相,MAX,MIN,乘波形,乘窗口,非,覆盖图,覆盖统计,解相,谱,分布图,正弦,平滑,谱密度,平方,平方根,减窗口,和波形,和窗口,正切,层叠,窗口常数。 1.2 SystemView各专业库简介 SystemView的环境包括一套可选的用于增加核心库功能以满足特殊应用的库,包括通信库、DSP库、射频/模拟库和逻辑库,以及可通过用户代码库来加载的其他一些扩展库。


软件工程课程设计 项目计划书 项目名称:银行管理系统 学院:计算机科学与技术学院 专业:计算机科学与技术专业 班级: 姓名: 指导教师:

2011 年11 月03 日

目录 1 系统主题................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 引言............................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 背景/选题动机/目的................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 系统与“创新杯”的主题关系(2)......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 市场调查过程和结论(3) ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 2 需求分析................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 概要............................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 使用场景..................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 可行性分析报告......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 应用领域/实用性分析............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 未来发展方向............................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3 团队组成和分工..................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4 系统功能概述......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 功能需求分析............................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 系统性能要求 ................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 功能点列表................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 性能点列表................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 数据描述..................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 5 系统设计概要......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 实现系统所采用的技术方案和技术亮点 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 系统构架..................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 功能模块描述............................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 E-R图 ........................................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 用例图......................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 概念数据模型图......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 业务模型..................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 界面 ........................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6 系统环境................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 开发平台..................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Client运行环境......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
