Vol 5, Unit 3 Microsoft Word 文档

Vol 5, Unit 3 Microsoft Word 文档
Vol 5, Unit 3 Microsoft Word 文档

Lesson Three

Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.







1. Erla Zwingle

Former National Geographic editor, currently living in Venice, Italy.Her major works include The National Geographic Traveler: Venice (National Geographic Traveler Venice) and The Photographic Essay: William Albert Allard (American Photographer Master Series). 2.People have different views on what belief system will form the basis for the emerging global culture:

a. the western view of progress, with its enthusiasm for technological change and economic development and its image of a world in which the condition of life keep getting better for everybody;

b. the Marxist view of revolution and international socialism;

c. the Christian fundamentalist story about a return to a society governed on the basis of

Christian values and biblical belief;

d. the Islamic fundamentalist story about a return to a society governed on the basis of Islamic

values and beliefs from the Koran;

e. the Green story about rejecting the Myth of progress in favor of living according to

ecological values.

In reference to Anderson, Reality Isn’t What it Used to Be Harper & Row, 1990


(一) 词汇

1. agenda/?'d?end?/n.

1) matters of business to be discussed at a meeting, etc. (会议的) 议程表

—What is the next item on the agenda? 议程表上的下一项是什么?

2) subjects that everyone has heard of and is talking about人们已听说并正在谈论的事项—Environmental issues are racing up the political agenda. 环境问题已上升到政治日程。2. ambiguity / ??mb?'ɡju:?t?/n.

1) [U] presence of more than one meaning不止一种意思;歧义

—Much British humor depends on ambiguity. 英国幽默有很多是靠一语双关而得。

2) [C] instance of this模棱两可的意思

—She was quick to notice the ambiguities in the article. 她很快就察觉出了文中的那些模棱两可的意思。

3. assault/?'s?:lt/n.

1) a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy突袭

Our troop made an assault on the enemy lines yesterday. 昨天我军突袭敌军阵线。

2) sudden violent attack突然而猛烈的攻击

—The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one’s nerves. 市区车辆的喧嚣声不停地刺激着神经。

4. blast/blɑ:st/v.

1) to destroy or break apart using explosives用炸药炸开

—The village was blasted by enemy bombs. 村子被敌人炸弹炸毁。

2) to damage or destroy by light, cold, heat, etc., to cause to wither (使)枯萎;(使)凋谢

—Buds had been blasted by frost overnight. 一夜之间,幼芽已被霜摧毁。

5. booster/'bu:st?(r)/n.

1) thing that boosts令人鼓舞的事物

—Mother’s smile was my booster when I failed the exam. 考试失败时,妈妈的微笑是对我的鼓舞。

2) device for increasing power of voltage增强动力或电压的装置

6. congregation/?kɑ?ɡr??ɡe??n/n.

1) group of people who gather together for religious worship (usu. excluding the priest and choir)参加宗教礼拜式的会众(通常不包括牧师和唱诗班)

2) group of people who regularly attend a particular church, etc. 教堂会众(定期参加某教会活动等的人群)

[派生] congregational adj. 会众的

7. degradation/?degr??de??n/n.

degrading or being degraded堕落;退化

—Being sent to prison was the final degradation.堕落到最后就是被关进监狱。

[词根] degrade v. 堕落;退化

8. detached/d??t?t?t/adj.

1) not involved by emotion, interests超然的;不受他人影响的

—We should take a detached view of the event. 对这件事我们应该持超然的看法。

2) (of a house) not joined to another or either side独立的;不相连的

—a semi-detached house一栋半独立式的房子

9. dislodge/d?s'l?d?/v.

1) to force or knock sth. out of its position移出;取出[同义] move

—There’s something between my teeth and I can’t dislodge it. 我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。

2) to make sb. leave a place or lose a position of power将某人逐出来;移开[同义] drive;


… She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her. 她于1982年获得冠军,至今还没有人能把她从冠军宝座上拉下来。

[派生] dislodgement n. 移出;取出

10. dynamic/da??n?m?k/

1) force that produces change, action, or effects产生变化、行动或影响的力量

—There are so many factors in the inner dynamic of a social movement. 有许多内部因素影响社会运动。

2) adj. of power or forces that produce movement动力的

[派生] dynamically. adj. 动力地;精力充沛地

11. fanatic/f??n?t?k/

1) n. person filled with excessive enthusiasm狂热者

—food fanatics偏食者

2) adj. excessively enthusiastic狂热的

—fanatic beliefs狂热的信仰

[派生] fanaticism n. 狂热;盲信

12. inconsistency/??nk?n's?st?ns?/n.

1) [U] changes in someone’s behavior or reactions that make their ideas, wishes, etc. unclear


—Inconsistency in management creates unnecessary anxieties among the workforce. 管理上的不一致在工人间会引起不必要的焦虑。

2) [C] two statements that cannot be both true不一致的事物、行为或话语

—There are several inconsistencies in his report. 他的报告里有几处说法相互矛盾。13. intone/?n't??n/v.

1) to recite (a prayer, psalm, etc.) in a singing tone吟诵;吟唱(祈祷文、赞美诗等)

—The teacher asked the students to intone the poem tomorrow. 老师让同学们明天吟诵诗歌。

2) to say (sth.) in a solemn voice用庄重的语调说话

—The priest intoned the final prayer. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

[派生] intonation n.吟诵;吟唱

14. jostle/'d??sl/v.

1) to push roughly against (sb.), usu. in a crowd推;挤(某人) (通常在人群中)

—The youths jostled (against) an old lady on the pavement. 那些青年人在人行道上推推搡搡挤着了一个老太太。

2) to compete with other people in a forceful manner in order to gain sth. 与他人争夺某物;


—Advertisers jostle with each other for the public’s attention. 广告客户竞相吸引公众的注意力。

15. orthodox / ??:θ?d?ks/adj.

1) (having beliefs opinions, etc. that are) generally accepted or approved规范的;公认的

—Her ideas are very orthodox. 她的思想非常合乎规范。

2) following the order, more traditional, practices strictly正统的;传统的

—He is an orthodox Jews. 他是个正统的犹太教徒。

[派生] orthodoxy n. 规范性;正统性

16. ostensible/??stens?bl / adj.

concealing the real; apparent假装的;表面的

—The ostensible purpose of the war was to liberate a small nation from tyranny. 那场战争


17. penitence/?pen?t?ns/n.

sorrow or regret for having done sth. wrong悔过;悔罪

—He is showing penitence for his sins to the priest. 他正在向牧师忏悔他的罪过。

18. plunge/pl?nd?/v.

1) to extend far down in a revealing way (女衣领口)开得很低

—Clothes with plunging necklines are popular again. 低领的女式服装现在又流行了。

2) to put into (sth.) or go suddenly and with force投入(某物);使陷入;突入

—The latest scandal has plunged the Administration into controversy. 最新丑闻使内阁引起了争议。

19. pocket / 'p?k?t / n.

1) small isolated group or area孤立的小的群体或范围

—Pockets of opposition to the new regime still remained. 反对新政权的某些势力仍然存在。

2) small bag sewn into or onto a garment and forming part of it, for carrying things in (衣服上

的) 口袋,袋子,兜儿;衣袋

—He stood under a tree with his hands in his pockets. 他双手插在口袋里站在树下。

20. populate/'p?pj?le?t/v.

1) to live in (an area) and form its population居住于(某地区)

—nomadic tribesmen populated by the deserts游牧部落居住的沙漠地区

2) to move to (an area) and fill it with people落户于,移居于(某地区);向(某地区)移民

—The islands were gradually populated by settlers from Europe. 岛上逐渐迁入很多欧洲移民。

21. potential/p??ten?l/n.

1) possibility of being developed or used潜在性;可能性

—She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 她意识到所采用的方法中可能出错。

2) qualities that exist and can be developed潜力;潜能

—She has artistic potential as an artist. 她有做艺术家的潜质。

22. predominant/pr??d?m?n?nt/adj.

1) having more power or influence than others有势力的;占优势的

—The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament. 在上届同会中社会党人占优势。

2) most noticeable; prevailing极其显著的;盛行的

—Her predominant characteristic is honesty. 她最为突出的特点是诚实。

[派生] predominance n. 优势

23. resilient/r?'z?l??nt/adj.

1) (of an object or material) springing back to its original form after being bent, stretched,

crushed, etc. (指物体与材料) 能复原的;弹性的;有弹力的

—The ball becomes resilient slowly after being beaten. 球在被击打之后又慢慢复原了。

2) (of a person or character) quickly recovering from shock or depression(指人或性格)能迅速


—She is very resilient to change. 她对变化有很强的适应力。

24. resourceful/r??s?:sfl/adj.

clever at finding ways of doing things随机应变的

[派生] resourcefully adv. 随机应变地resourcefulness n. 随机应变

25. respondent/r??sp?nd?nt/n.

1) someone who answers questions (民意测验等的)调查对象;答卷人

—Most of the respondents of the survey are teenagers. 这次参加问卷调查的人大多数都是青少年。

2) (1aw) defendant, esp. in a divorce case (法律)被告(尤指离婚案的)

26. salubrious/s??lu:bri?s/adj.

(esp. of the climate) health-giving (尤指气候)有益健康的

—We should breathe more salubrious mountain air. 我们应该多呼吸一些有益健康的山间空气。

[派生] salubriousness adv. 有益健康

27. seedy/'si:d?/adj.

1) shabby, run-down破旧的;衣衫褴褛的

—a seedy boarding-house破旧的寄宿舍

2) (infml) unwell (口)不舒服的;不适的

[派生] seedily adv. 破旧地;不舒服地seediness n. 破旧;不舒服

28. throes/θr??z/n.

severe pains剧痛

—Seeing her mother’s death throes, the little girl can’t help crying. 看到妈妈临终时的痛苦,小女孩禁不住哭起来。

29. unleash/?n'li:?/v.

1) to set sth. free from a leash or restraint解开带子或去掉限制以放开(某事物)

—The solider unleashed the guard dogs. 士兵解开带子放开了警犬。

2) (fig) to set sth. free from control; to release sth. in a powerful attack (on sb./sth.) 使某物

不受控制;放出某物对(某人/某物) 进行强有力的攻击

—He unleashed a torrent of abuse against the unfortunate shop assistant. 他对那倒霉的店员骂不绝口。


1. an assortment of

collection of different things or of different types of the same thing; mixture各类物品或同类物品的聚集;混合物

2. to aspire to

to have arnbition for sth. 对某事物有雄心或野心

—He aspired to become an author when he was a child. 很小的时候,他就热望成为作家。

3. to hang out

to visit a place often; to have one’s home常去某处;居住

—Where does he hang out these days?他这些日子里都在什么地方来着?

4. to have/get/struggle for the upper hand (over)

to have/get/struggle for the advantage or control (over) 胜过;占优势;占上风

— Police have got the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area. 警察控制了当地的毒贩子。

5. to have the eye

to have a special knack or intuition有眼光;有鉴赏力

—He has the eye of a painter. 他有画家的鉴赏力。

6. in place of sb./sth.

instead of sb./sth. 代替某人/某事物

—In place of our advertised program, we will be showing a film. 我们要播映一部电影来取代已公告的节目。

7. in the throes of doing sth.

struggling with the task of sth./of doing sth. 为完成某事而拼搏;苦干

—At the beginning of new terms, students are in the throes of moving house. 新学期伊始,同学们都在为搬家而辛劳。

8. shot through with sth.

containing much of (a quality); suffused with sth. 很有(某特质);充满着

—a conversation shot through with humor富于幽默的交谈

9. to take sb. in hand

to take control of sb. in order to improve his behavior管教某人

—Those dreadful children need to be taken in hand. 那些讨厌的孩子需要加以管教。


1. In place of the old wants we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes… (Para 1)

Instead of the traditional needs, we find new needs, demanding goods from distant and far-off places to meet these felt needs.

2. Their statement now describes an ordinary fact of life. (Para 1)

Their statement describes what is happening now.

3. How people feel about this depends a great deal on where they live and how much money they have. (Para 2)

The attitude of the people toward globalization is to a great extent determined by whether they are in the developed countries or not and whether they are among the haves or the have-nots.

4. Yet globalization, as one report stated, “is a reality, not a choice”. (Para 2)

However, globalization, as one report stated, is not something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.

5. Humans have been weaving commercial and cultural connections since before the first camel caravan ventured afield. (Para 2)

People in the world have been making commercial and cultural contacts long before merchants on camelbacks took the risk to travel to places far away from home.

6. Telegraph, telephone, radio, and television tied tighter and more intricate knots between individuals and the wider world. Now computers, the Internet, cellular phones, cable TV, and cheaper jet transportation have accelerated and complicated these connections. (Para 2) Telegraph, telephone, radio, and television made the connection between individuals and the outside world closer but at the same time the connection was more complex, less direct, not so easy to see or detect. Now computers, the Internet, cellular phones, cable TV, and cheaper jet transportation have quickened and complicated these connections.

7. Some Western social scientists and anthropologists, and not a few foreign politicians, believe that a sort of cultural cloning will result from what they regard as the “cultural assault” of McDonald?s, Coca-Cola, Disney, Nike, MTV, and the English language itself —

more than a fifth of all the people in the world now speak English to some degree. (Para 4) Some Western scientists and anthropologists, and many foreign politicians, believe that a kind of cultural imitation will appear from what they regard as the “cultural assault”of McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Disney, Nike, MTV, and the English language itself —more than a fifth of all the people in the world now speak English to some degree.

8. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Western —often equated with American —influences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms it, one big “McWorld”. (Para 4)

No matter what their backgrounds and programs are, these critics are convinced that Western —often equated with American — influences will overwhelm all other non-western cultures, make them lose their own unique characteristics and in the end there exists only one westernized or Americanized world or culture.

9. Popular factions sprout to exploit nationalist anxieties. (Para 5)

Political groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign “cultural assault”.

10. In China, where xenophobia and economic ambition have often struggled for the upper hand, a recent book called China Can Say No became a best-seller by attacking what it considers the Chinese willingness to believe blindly in foreign things, advising Chinese travelers not to fly on a Boeing 777 and suggesting that Hollywood be burned. (Para 5)

In China, where the two trends of closed-door and open-door policies have long been struggling for dominance, a recent book called China Can Say No became a best-seller by attacking what it considers the Chinese willingness to believe blindly in foreign things, advising Chinese travelers not to fly on a Boeing 777 and suggesting that Hollywood movies be burned.

11. Those people out there should continue to live in a museum which we will have showers that work. (Para 6)

The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.

12. Westernization, I discovered over months of study and travel, is a phenomenon shot through with inconsistencies and populated by very strange bedfellows. (Para 7)

After months of research and travel, I found that Westernization is a concept full of self- contradiction and held by people of very different backgrounds or views.

inconsistencies: not uniform, inharmonious or self-contradictory factors

bedfellows: an associate, ally, confederate. etc.

13. Critics of Western culture blast Coke and Hollywood but not organ transplants and computers. Boosters of Western culture can point to increased efforts to preserve and protect the environment. Yet they make no mention of some less salubrious aspects of Western culture, such as cigarettes and automobiles, which, even as they are being eagerly adopted in the developing world, are having disastrous effects. (Para 7)

Critics of Western culture attack sharply Coke and Hollywood but they do not attack organ transplants and computers. Enthusiastic supporters of Western culture emphasize environmental protection but make no mention of cigarettes and automobiles, which bring damage to health and the environment and are being earnestly adopted in the developing world.

14. Apparently westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either. (Para 7) Obviously westernization is neither terribly bad nor extremely good.

15. In Los Angeles, the ostensible fountainhead of world cultural degradation, I saw more diversity than I could ever have supposed —at Hollywood High School the student body represents 32 different languages. (Para 8)

In Los Angeles, the city which, many people consider as a source of devaluing world cultures, I saw more variety than l could ever supposed —in the place where Hollywood is located I found

a school with 32 languages spoken.

16. In India, where there ale mole than 400 languages and several very strict religions, McDonald?s serves mutton instead of beef and offers a vegetarian menu acceptable to even the most orthodox Hindu. (Para 8)

In India, where there are more than 400 languages and several very strict religions, McDonald’s serves mutton instead of beef and offers a vegetarian menu which can be accepted even by the most rigid Hindu. Beef can’t be eaten in India by those who believe in Hinduism because the religion regards the cow as sacred.

17. But I do know that rap music, which sprang from the inner-city ghettos, began making big money only when rebellious white teenagers started buying it. (Para 9)

But I do know that rap music, which developed from the place where the blacks lived, began making big profit only when rebellious white teenagers started accepting it and buying it.

rap music:a style of black popular music with a pronounced beat to which words are recited rather than sung说唱乐

18. “The funny thing about my work is that you don?t have to be cool to do it,” she says. “You just have to have the eye.” (Para 10)

“In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you do not need to he fashionable yourself.”“She says. All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need to be on the alert, to be observant. That is the interesting point of my work.”

19. We go to a smallish? 50s-style diner in a slightly seedy pocket east of Hollywood that has just become trendy. (Para 11)

We go to a small restaurant built in the style of the 1950s in a somewhat run clown area east of Hollywood which has just become a fashionable area.

20. “If it?s not going to be affordable,”Amanda remarks, “it?s never going to catch on.”(Para 11)

“If the trend is too expensive and cannot be followed by people, it will not become popular.”

21. This being America, he has found a way to marry these two passions and sell the result. (Para 14)

Since this is America, an open and technologically advanced country with a large market for unusual things, Tom Sloper found the necessary conditions to design a software program combining computer technology with the rules of mah-jongg. And he was able to sell his product. this being America: an independent element, functioning as an adverbial clause of cause Metaphor is used in the sentence, comparing the combination of two passions to a marriage. 22. This ancient Chinese game involves both strategy and luck, and it is still played all over Asia in small rooms that are full of smoke and the ceaseless click of the chunky plastic tiles and the fierce concentration of the players. It is also played by rich society women at country clubs in Beverly Hills and in apartments on Manhattan?s Upper West Side. (Para 14)

The author uses several rhetorical devices in these sentences: contrast, onomatopoeia and antonomasia [换称: 英语修辞中的换称(Antonomasia)宗教历史文学中的换称 (Antonomasia):

一个专有名词,如果具有某些家喻户晓的特点,它就可以成为某种象征。] . The small rooms in Asia stand for lower-middle-class people in Asia while the country clubs in Beverly Hills stand for rich people in the United States. A country club admits only members of the club. It is expensive and exclusive. Click, a slight and sharp sound, is used as an onomatopoeia which imitates the natural sound associated with the object or action involved. The author here contrasts a number of things: Asia vs. the U.S., lower-middle-class people vs. upper-class people-, men vs. society women.

By mentioning the country clubs in Beverly Hills and apartments on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the author wants to show that mah jongg is played by rich ladies at social gatherings as well as at home.

23. Actually, he only appeared to be alone. (Para 15)

Tom was alone in the office building but he was playing a game with three other people in three different places. In that sense, he was not alone.

24. “I?ve learned about 11 different styles of mah-jongg,”he told me with that detached friendliness of those whose true connection is with machines. (Para 16)

… he told me in a friendly way but this friendliness lacks emotion because his interest is in the computer, in those people who are connected with him through computer.

detached: not involved by emotion, interests, etc.

25. He, an American playing a Chinese game with people in Germany, Wales, Ohio, and Minnesota, was up in the cybersphere far above the level of time zones. (Para 19)

He was moving around, playing a game through the internet, with people living in different time zones, thus their activity on the computer broke down time zone limit.

26. It is a realm populated by individuals he?s never met who may be more real to him than the people who live next door. (Para 19)

It is a region inhabited by individuals he has never met personally, but he knows them well. They are more real to him than his neighbors are because he carries conversations with them by typing short comments to them.

27. If it seems that life in the West has become a fast-forward blur, consider China. (Para 20) If it seems that life in the West has moved so fast that we cannot see it clearly, then have a look at China.

fast-forward blur: moving so fast into the future that outlines are blurred as if a video tape being played on fast forward

28. Potential: This is largely a Western concept. (Para 25)

Potential is a concept used in physics and electricity which are subjects first studied in the West. potential: the capacity for use or development

29. … it?s clear that the truly great leap forward here is at the level of ideas. (Para 25)

… it is clear that the real progress, the progress that matters most, lies in the change of ideas.

30. Early on I realized that I was going to need some type of compass to guide me through the wilds of global culture. (Para 29)

From the very beginning I knew I need some theory or guideline to help me in my study of global culture or globalization, to guide me through such a great variety of cultural phenomena. Metaphors are used in the sentence, comparing some theory or guideline to compass, and a great variety of cultural phenomena to wilds.

wilds: a wilderness or wasteland

31. We now know that order grows out of chaos. (Para 30)

We now know that significant changes come as a result of conflict.

32. “…Not conflicts between East and West, or North and South, but …wave?conflicts between industrially dominant countries and predominantly agrarian countries, or conflicts within countries making a transition from one to the other.” (Para 30)

“The current conflicts are not conflicts between East and West, nor North and South but between dominantly industrial countries and dominantly agrarian countries plus internal conflicts within countries that are partly one and partly the other.”

Toffler hold that the present world order is a trisection order. According to him, the agrarian nations are at the bottom, knowledge-based economics on the top, with industrialized countries in between.

33. For the Japanese, this is an entirely new way of thinking. (Para 35)

We can induce from the statement the old way of thinking of the Japanese. The Japanese are very traditional in their thinking. That is why you find lifelong service in one Japanese firm and the employees are proud of such an agreement. Loyalty to the firm is constantly stressed. The idea that one’s fate is in one’s own hands is alien to Japanese corporate culture, but appropriate to American culture with its emphasis on individualism.

34. The late philosopher Isaiah Berlin believed that, rather than aspire to some utopian ideal,

a society should strive for something else… (Para 36)

The late philosopher Isaiah Berlin thought that a society should not pursue certain unrealistic good but should aim at achieving something more practical, more down-to-earth.

Isaiah Berlin was pointing out that we should not pursue uniformity but we should cultivate tolerance towards diversity.

35. The penitence may have been Jewish, but the aspiration was universal. (Para 39)

The way of showing repentance might be peculiar to the Jews, but the strong desire of gaining forgiveness from God is common, shared by all.

36. Linking is humanity?s natural impulse, its common destiny. (Para 40)

Linking is a natural desire of mankind, and a fate shared by all.






































39.庄严的礼拜仪式在继续,经过几千年和上百种外国文化的影响都未曾改变。他吟诵:“啊,上帝啊! 给我一颗纯净的心,恢复我健康的心灵!”我既不是犹太人也不是中国人,但坐在这里我一点都不觉得陌生,感觉就像在家里一样。忏悔可能具有犹太特色,但是渴望得到上帝的原谅却是普遍的。



I. Vocabulary

A. Look up the following words and phrases. Select the meaning that best suits the sentence in which each appears.

1. in the act of struggling with (a problem, decision, task, ete.)

2. a force producing motion or change

3. program of things to be done

4. have a lot of, as if full of holes after a shotgun blast

5. a large number of young people who are decisive

6. to spend much of one’s time; frequent

7. to control someone, as to show him how to behave or act

8. an isolated area of a specified type

9. to became popular

10. extending far down in a revealing way

Ⅳ. Questions on Appreciation

A. Organization

1. The author begins the article with the statement “Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reforma tion of cultures” which is called globalization. Here the author points out that globalization is a world movement and a movement of reformation of cultures. She does not say merging of cultures but reformation of cultures, indicating the cultures in the world will continue to exist but they will not be the same. She quotes Marx and Engels to prove her point. According to polls, Marx and Engels are rated among most important people in the past thousand years. The author’s intention is two-fold: on one hand she wants to show that globalization is the result of modern industry and world market, on the other hand she wants to stress that it is a process and a historical process at that.

2. The author uses Tom Sloper and mah-jongg as an example to illustrate the mixing of cultures. It

is a typical example because it is a fusion of computers, a Western high technology, and mah-jongg, a traditional Chinese game — a fusion of East and West, of technology and entertainment. In short, a fusion of things previously unrelated.

3. English has become a universal language. If you go on the Internet, the overwhelming amount of information is in English. In international business, the prevalent means of communication is English. That’s why these critics include the English language as part of the “cu lt ural assault”.

4. This is an example the author uses to illustrate the transformation of cultures. She wants to use the incident to prove different cultures can coexist and learn from each other while maintaining their own identity. A Jewish gathering on the eve of Yon Kipper, a Jewish Holy Day, in Shanghai, a Chinese city is evidence of cultural coexistence. That the author, neither Chinese nor Jewish, felt at home at the Jewish gathering is another example. The author’s conclusion is: there are things in one culture which are shared by other cultures. In other words, there are things in common in all cultures. This is the basis for mutual understanding and co-existence.

5. In Para 4, the author puts “xenophobia” and “economic ambition” as a pair in contrast. In Para 7, the author first contrasts the critics and the boosters. Then she contrasts the inconsistencies with each group. The critics blast Coke and Hollywood but not organ transplant and computers, indicating their critique is selective. The boosters emphasize environmental protection but make no mention of cigarettes and automobiles, indicating that they deliberately overlook those things that bring damage to health and the environment. In Para 14, the author contrasts a number of things: Asia vs. the U. S., lower-middle class people vs. upper-class people, men vs. society women. In Para 22, the author contrasts “old Shanghai’’ and “new Shanghai”.

6. In the conclusion remark, the author makes clear her view of globalization. She points out the reason why globalization is inevitable linking is humanity’s natural impulse. Here two words are worthy of our attention. The author is not talking about merging or fusion but linking and she says linking is a natural human desire. In other words, it is not something imposed on humanity. From this careful choice of words we get to know that there will not be a McWorld but a coexistence of transformed cultures, and these cultures are brought together not just by technology or business but more importantly by common aspiration and shared values. The concluding paragraph is short, consisting of four sentences. But they bring out important ideas which, in turn, are linked with the Shanghai experience. Therefore, the development of ideas and the conclusion emerge naturally and logically.

7. Th e writer’s argument is effective because she cites facts from historical perspective. She uses the inductive approach in this journalistic writing. She argues from facts, along with personal opinions and appeals to common knowledge. The essay is informal and subjective in tone. The writer also makes full use of the rhetorical devices of metaphor and contrast.

B. Comment on the style of writing of the following statements, paying special attention to structure, diction, tone, rhetorical devices, etc.

1. tectonic: metaphor

2. cloning: metaphor

3. fountainhead: metaphor

4. pocket: is used figuratively

5. marry: metaphor

6. The rhetorical device of antonomasia is used here. The small rooms in Asia stand for

lower-middle-class people in Asia.

7. Metonymy is used in the sentence. The place names stand for social and economic status.

8. A contrast is made between old Shanghai and Shanghai in the 1990s.

9. compass and wilds: metaphor

V. Explain the following in your own words, bringing out any implied meanings.

1. Yet globalization is not something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.

2. Political groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign “cultural assault”.

3. … in China, the two trends of closed-door and open-door policies have long been struggling for dominance.

4. The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.

5. …westernization is a concept full of self-contradiction and held by people of very different backgrounds or views.

6. In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you do not need to be fashionable yourself. All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need to be on the alert, to be observant.

7. He was moving around, playing a game through the Internet, with people living in different time zones, thus their activity on the computer broke down time zone limit.

8. The Gucci store did not expect that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai business could be so good.

9. From the very beginning I know I need some theory as guideline to help me in my study of global culture as globalization, to guide me through such a great variety of cultural phenomena.

10. The way of showing repentance might be peculiar to the Jews, but the strong desire of gaining

forgiveness from God is common, shared by all.

VI. Translate the following into Chinese.








