Passage 80 John Brown

Passage 80 John Brown
Passage 80 John Brown

Passage 80 John Brown (B)

Brown finally agreed to let the train pass over the bridge

and continue on to Baltimore.The train left at sunrise.

By this time, word of Brown's attack had spread to Charles Town

more than twelve kilometers away.

Officials called out the militia, ordering the men of Charles Town

to get ready to go to the aid of Harper's Ferry.

Soon after sunrise, men began arriving at Harper's Ferry

from other towns in the area.

They took positions above the armory and started shooting at it.

The militia from Charles Town arrived

at the Maryland end of the Potomac Bridge.

They charged across,forcing Brown's men on the bridge to flee to the armory Only one of Brown's man was hit.

He was killed instantly.

Brown saw that he was surrounded.

His only hope was to try to negotiate a cease-fire

and offer to release his thirty hostages,

if the militia would let him and his men go free.

Brown sent out one of his men and one of the prisoners with a white flag.

The excited crowd refused to recognize the White flag.

They seized Brown's man and carried him away.

Brown moved his men and the most important of his hostages

into a small brick building at the armory.

Then he sent out two more of his men with a prisoner

to try to negotiate a cease-fire.

One of them was his son, Watson.

This time,the crowd opened fire.

Watson and the other raider were wounded.

Their prisoner escaped to safety.

Watson was able to crawl back to the armory.

One of the youngest of Brown's men,William Leeann, tried to escape.

He ran from the armory and jumped into the Potomac planning to swim across the river. He did not get far.

A group of militia saw him and began shooting.

Leeann was forced to hide behind a rock in the middle of the river.

Two men went out to the rock with guns and shot him.

His body lay in the river for two days.

Later,more people were killed.

One was the mayor of Harper's Ferry,Fontana Buckram.

After the mayor's death, a mob went to the hotel

where one of Brown's men had been held

since he was seized earlier in the day.

They pulled him from the hotel and took him to the bridge over the river

Several members of the mob put guns to his head and fired.

They pushed his body off the bridge and into the water.

Across town,three of Brown's men were in trouble at the gun factory.

The factory was built on an island in the Shenandoah River.

the island was now surrounded Militia

Forty of the soldiers attacked the factory from three sides.

They pushed the three raiders back to a small building next to the river.

The three men fought as long as possible.

Then they jumped through a window into the river.

They tried to swim to safety.

Men with guns were waiting for them.

Bullets fell around the three like rain.

One man was hit.

He died instantly.

Another was wounded.

He was pulled to land and left to die.

The third man escaped death.

He was captured and held for trial.

All through the afternoon and evening,

Brown's men at the armory continued to exchange shot with the militia.

Several more on both sides were killed or wounded.

One of those was another of Brown's sons,Oliver

He was shot and seriously wounded.

Night fell.Then,a militia officer,Captain Sinn,

walked up to the small building held by Brown.

He shouted to the men inside that he wished to talk.

Brown opened the door and let him in.

For almost an hour, the two men talked.

They talked about slavery and the right to rebel against the government

Brown was furious that the crowd outside had refused to honor his white flag of truce earlier in the day.

He told Sinn that his men could have killed unarmed men and women but did not do so.

"That is not quite correct,"Captain Sinn said.

"Mayor Buckram had no gun when he was shot."

"Then I can only say I am most sad to hear it,"said Brown.

"Men who take up guns against the government," said Sinn, must expect to be shot down like dogs."

In Washington, President Buchanan and Secretary of WarLohn Floyd did not learn of the rebellion at Harper's Ferry until after ten o'clock that morning.The president wanted immediate action.


Unit1. The ability to predict what the writer is going/ about/ trying to say next is both an aid to understanding and a sign of it. A prediction begins from the moment you read the title and from expectations of what he book is likely to contain. Even if the expectations/predictions are contradicted, they are useful because they have started you thinking about the topic and made you actively involved. If you formulate your predictions as questions which you think the text may answer, you are preparing yourself to read for a purpose: to see which of your questions are in fact dealt with and what answers are offered. If your reading is more purposeful you are likely to understand better. Naturally your predictions/expectations will not always be correct. This does not matter at all as long as you recognize when they are wrong, and why. In fact mistaken predictions can tell you the source of misunderstanding and help you to avoid certain false assumptions. Prediction is possible at a number of levels. From the title of the book you can know/foretell the topic and the possibly something about the treatment. From the beginning of the sentences, you can often predict how the sentence will end. Between these extremes, you can predict what will happen next in a story, or how a writer will develop/present his argument, or what methods will be used to test a hypothesis. Because prediction ensures the reader’s active involvement, it is worth training. Unit2. Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children just/only for the purpose of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. In many modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that, by free education for all, one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in some/many countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they think to be "low" work, and, in fact, work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to see/know/understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can

高中英语专项突破和能力巩固 完形填空 句间逻辑推理能力

高中新课程完形填空的技能考查 技能考查简介 普通高中课程改革英语学科教学指导意见指出:高中英课程的总目标之一是培养学生的综合语言运用能力;语言技能和语言知识是综合语言运用能力的基础。并因此而着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力。 高中英语考试说明的命题要求明确指出:“完形填空考查学生的阅读理解能力和词汇的综合运用能力,所选语言材料要有利于考生进行语篇分析,要保证本大题有较好的区分度。” 因此,高考完形填空题这种题型的设置是检验课程实施效果的方法之一。该题型要求高中生必须具备快速阅读理解一篇抽去相当数量词汇文章的内容领悟能力和分析推断能力,综合运用所学语法知识、词汇辨析能力,常识和逻辑推理能力,和具有一定的跨文化交际意识和能力。具体考查技能如下: 逻辑推理能力:完形填空对篇章逻辑推理能力的考查主要表现在考生能否根据句中,句间甚至是整篇文章的逻辑关系,比如因果、转折、并列等关系,选出正确选项。主要包括以下几个方面: (一)句中逻辑推理能力 (二)句间逻辑推理能力 (三)篇章逻辑推理能力 (四)篇章原词重现 (一)句中逻辑推理能力 句间逻辑推理能力:根据文中前后句子间的逻辑关系,判断推理出正确选项。 e.g. Lisa was one of the mobile children, 39 from house to house in childhood. She longs for a sense of 40 , and so we have come to Nova Scotia where my husband and I were born and where our ancestors 41 for 200 years. 39. A. passed B. raised C. moved D. sent 40. A. home B. duty C. reality D. relief 41. A. built B. lived C. remained D. explored 【解析】考查句间的逻辑推理能力。前句的关键词the mobile children, 和from house to house,体现了原因:Lisa 从小居无定所,得出结论:渴望有家的感觉,根据这两者间的因果关系,得出正确答案为A。 一、小试牛刀: 1、As soon as I sat down, my 41 made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not 42 . 41. A. height B. force C. skill D. weight 42. A. locked B. repaired C. powered D. grasped 2、He looks around at 22 . He stops when he 23 someone with no gloves. 22. A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights 23. A. helps B. chooses C. greets D. sees 3、He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's 19 . His briefcase always has some gloves。 19. A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious


晋灵公不君(宣公二年) 原文: 晋灵公不君。厚敛以雕墙。从台上弹人,而观其辟丸也。宰夫胹熊蹯不熟,杀之,寘诸畚,使妇人载以过朝。赵盾、士季见其手,问其故而患之。将谏,士季曰:“谏而不入,则莫之继也。会请先,不入,则子继之。”三进及溜,而后视之,曰:“吾知所过矣,将改之。”稽首而对曰:“人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。诗曰:‘靡不有初,鲜克有终。’夫如是,则能补过者鲜矣。君能有终,则社稷之固也,岂惟群臣赖之。又曰:‘衮职有阙,惟仲山甫补之。’能补过也。君能补过,衮不废矣。” 犹不改。宣子骤谏,公患之,使鉏麑贼之。晨往,寝门辟矣,盛服将朝。尚早,坐而假寐。麑退,叹而言曰:“不忘恭敬,民之主也。贼民之主,不忠;弃君之命,不信。有一于此,不如死也!”触槐而死。 秋九月,晋侯饮赵盾酒,伏甲将攻之。其右提弥明知之,趋登曰:“臣侍君宴,过三爵,非礼也。”遂扶以下。公嗾夫獒焉。明搏而杀之。盾曰:“弃人用犬,虽猛何为!”斗且出。提弥明死之。 初,宣子田于首山,舍于翳桑。见灵辄饿,问其病。曰:“不食三日矣!”食之,舍其半。问之,曰:“宦三年矣,未知母之存否。今近焉,请以遗之。”使尽之,而为之箪食与肉,寘诸橐以与之。既而与为公介,倒戟以御公徒,而免之。问何故,对曰:“翳桑之饿人也。”问其名居,不告而退。——遂自亡也。 乙丑,赵穿①攻灵公于桃园。宣子未出山而复。大史书曰:“赵盾弑其君。”以示于朝。宣子曰:“不然。”对曰:“子为正卿,亡不越竟,反不讨贼,非子而谁?”宣子曰:“呜呼!‘我之怀矣,自诒伊戚。’其我之谓矣。” 孔子曰:“董狐,古之良史也,书法不隐。赵宣子,古之良大夫也,为法受恶。惜也,越竞乃免。” 译文: 晋灵公不行君王之道。他向人民收取沉重的税赋以雕饰宫墙。他从高台上用弹弓弹人,然后观赏他们躲避弹丸的样子。他的厨子做熊掌,没有炖熟,晋灵公就把他杀了,把他的尸体装在草筐中,让宫女用车载着经过朝廷。赵盾和士季看到露出来的手臂,询问原由后感到很忧虑。他们准备向晋灵公进谏,士季说:“如果您去进谏而君王不听,那就没有人能够再接着进谏了。还请让我先来吧,不行的话,您再接着来。”士季往前走了三回,行了三回礼,一直到屋檐下,晋灵公才抬头看他。晋灵公说:“我知道我的过错了,我会改过的。”士季叩头回答道:“谁能没有过错呢?有过错而能改掉,这就是最大的善事了。《诗经》说:‘没有人向善没有一个开始的,但却很少有坚持到底的。’如果是这样,那么能弥补过失的人是很少的。您如能坚持向善,那么江山就稳固了,不只是大臣们有所依靠啊。


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案 Unit 1 Text: A. c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A. d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb Unit 4 Text: A. c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A. c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A. b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7 Text: A. d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A. c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A. c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:A. c B. cdccd bacac D. dcdbc acadc bd Fast Reading: dbdcc dccdb bddca Home Reading: cadcb acbb Unit 11 Text: A. d B. adacc dcb D. abacb dcaab adc Fast Reading: dcdab ccbda ccbca


Unit 1 Reading Rtrategies Section A Word Pretest 1----5 B C B B B 6----10 A A C C B Reading Skill 2----5 CBCA 6----9 BBAA Vocabulary Building 1 b. practice c. practices · d. practicable/practical e. practiced 2. b. worthy c. worthwhile 3. varied 4. 2 1. 2. 3. Cloze Going/about/trying expectations/predictions questions answers ] Predictions/expectations tell know/foretell end Develop/present worth Section B 1----4 TFTT 5----8 CBCC 9----11 TFF 12----17 CAACCA Section C 1----4 FFTF 5----8 FTTT Unit 2 Education ) Section A Word Pretest 1----5 ABACC 6----11 ABABCC Reading Skill 4----6 CBB 1----6 FTFFTT Vocabulary Building 1 1. mess 2. preference 3. aimlessly 4. remarkable/marked 7. fiery 2 — 1. 2. c. counted 3. Cloze Other just/only has some/many than refuse see/know/understand that without If ready/willing/educated/taught wrong/incorrect/erroneous Section B 1----5 ACCCC 6----10 CCCAC 11----14 BABA Section C 1----6 CCDDAC [ Unit 3 Body Language Section A Word Pretest 1----5 ABCCB 6----9 DCDC Reading Skill 2----5 BABC 6----10 AACBC Vocabulary Building 1 - admission admit admissible admissibly reliance rely reliable reliably definition define definite definitely assumption assume assumed/assuming assumedly/assumingly behavior behave behavioral behaviorally variety vary various/varied variously/variedly part/partiality part partial partially manager manage managerial managerially correlation correlate correlative correlatively adaptation/adaption adapt adaptive adaptively ) 2 . inspired b. aspired c. inspired . token b. badges c. token . contemporaries c. contemporary Cloze communicate ways/means/ones using/saying in of message meet/have/encounter/experience causes meaning to eyes Section B 1----6 BABBAC 7----12 FFTTTF 13---15 CCB Section C < 1----4 BBDD 5----8 BCCA 1----6 FFTFFT


完形填空题材突破与训练 一、记叙文 (一)命题探究 完形填空考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对词汇知识的掌握情况。要求考生通读全文,掌 握文章大意,运用词汇、语法等知识,选择最佳答案,使文章意思畅通,结构完整。记叙型 完形填空是高考和备考的重点。研读记叙型完形填空,可看出以下趋势: 1、首句完整,线索清楚。 一般作者在第一句就交代了人物的姓名、身份、业绩或事件发生的时间、地点,然后再 介绍时间的发生、发展,最后得出结果。 2、叙述灵活,侧重语境。 文章以叙述为主,人物间对话较少,绝大部分篇章是作者在描述事件,较少加入作者的 观点或评论。因此,常会出现态度与观点的跳跃变换,或语气的差异。这增加了情景的迷惑 性和干扰性,从而突出了对语境的依赖,实现了在理解上下文的基础上,通过语境,辨析词 语,作出选择。 3、实词为主,虚词为辅。 高考记叙型完形填空,篇章不长,一般在200-260个词左右,始终紧扣话题中心,形成一 个主题连续体。选项一般为同一词类或同一范畴。重点集中于动词、名词、形容词或副词等 实词上,介词、连词、冠词等虚词的考查相对较少。实词为主,虚词为辅,更能体现在语境 中考查英语运用能力这一思路。 (二)技巧点拨 1、重视首句,开篇明义。 从历年的试题可以看出,完形填空首句一般不设题。这为我们理解文章的内在联系提供 了一个“窗口”,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息。所以应充分重视首句的指示作用,利用 它为解题找到一个突破口,据此拓展思维,争取开局胜利。 2、利用语境,猜摩心态。 高考完形填空题逐渐屏弃语法分析,朝着深层化和语境化的方面挖掘,因此考生只有借 助上下文乃至全文语境启示或限定,猜摩作者的心情,以及他对各个角色、各个事件的态度。 在答题过程中,除了对关联用语的把握外,还要把握语气、动作等描写。 3、理清线索,把握方向。 4、记叙文一般按事件发展顺序叙述,有时用倒叙。答题时,通过理清人物间的关系,把 握人物各自所做的事情,从而把握细节,找准作者的记叙方向,正确理解文章。 (三)巩固练习 1、05全国卷 One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant , waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive . Suddenly 1 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction , 2 he knew me . The man had a newspaper 3 in front of him , which he was 4 to read , but I could 5 that he was keeping an eye on me . when the waiter brought my 6 the man was clearly puzzled by the 7 way in which the waiter and I 8 each other .He seemed even more puzzled as 9 went on and it became 10 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me . Finally he got up and went into the 11 When he came out ,he paid his bill and 12 without another glance in my direction . I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 13 . “Well,” he said , “that m an was a detective . He14 you here because he though you were the man he 16. The owner con tinued , “He came into the kitchen and 15 .”“What ?” I said , showing my showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 17 say he looked very much like you!Of course ,since 19 I came to a we know you ,we told him that he had made a 18 .”“Well , it’s really 20 , I might have been in trouble .” restaurant where I’m known ,” I said . “  1.A.knew B.understood Cnoticed D.recognized


英语泛读教程3第三版(刘乃银版)答案Unit 1 Text: A.c B. bdabb ddc D. addad cdb Fast Reading: dbdda abaad cbbdc Home Reading: dacdd aab Unit 2 Text: A. b B. ddbcd cca D. badda caac Fast Reading: dbbdc bdbdb cddbd Home Reading: cbdcc dbbd Unit 3 Text: A.d B. badab bdddc D. bddba cbcaa Fast Reading: cbbba ccdda ccdad Home Reading: dbcbd dbdb

Text: A.c B. ddbcd dc D. abdbb addad Fast Reading: dbccd bdadd badcd Home Reading: dadac bcd Unit 5 Text: A.c B. abdaa dcbd D. dbabb dabcb da Fast Reading: caabd cbddc cdbab Home Reading: bccdb dc Unit 6 Text: A.b B. cbcab ddad D. badaa cbaac Fast Reading: cabcd aadcb ccdab Home Reading: ccdcd abc Unit 7

A.d B. acbda dcaac D. abaac daccd ad Fast Reading: daada cddbc bdcdb Home Reading: cbadb cddbc Unit 8 Text: A.c B. cddcc dccb D. abdac aaa Fast Reading: ccacd bbdad babdd Home Reading: dbdbc cbcd Unit 9 Text: A.c B. bccbc dbba D. dcbab dacba c Fast Reading: dcbca bccbc bcddd Home Reading: dcdca bd Unit 10 Text:


阅读教程第三册答案 Unit 1 I.Reading for information 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C II. Translation 1.今天你们将离开培育你们的学术环境,直面真实的世界。 2.你们即将离开学校,终于可以开始接受教育了。 3.想找到一位保守的教授,那比要找到一个雪人还难。若想挑战一些有关政 治正确性的正统观点,那你将会被冠以一些难听的名号。 4.如果你不相信我的话,那不妨去问一问那些因追随网络公司是通往财富之 路这一理论而破产的人们。现实击碎了他们的梦想。 5.因此,欢迎你来到我们生活的这个理性的世界。一旦你把那些不切实际的 幻想拒之门外,你就会发现这个世界并不是太糟。 III.summary 1.emerge from, face the real world, go about,mitment to, benefit from 3.the enjoyment of reading, was associated with 4.reality, theory, realist, in theory 5.wishful thinking, go for, wind up with, twist and turns Unit 2 I. Reading for information 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5 .B 6.D II. Translation 爱是再简单不过的事,这一观点至今仍然十分盛行,尽管大量事实都对此予以否定。几乎找不到任何一种活动、任何一项事业像爱情这样满怀希望地开始,又频繁地以失败而告终。如果换了别的事情,人们一定会急于知晓失败的原因,思量如何才能做得更好,或者干脆放弃。既然人们永远不可能放弃爱情,那么要战胜失败,似乎就只有一个办法可行,那就是探究失败的原因,进而领会爱的真义。 III. Summary 1.a matter of chance, learned about 2. is based on , primarily, how to be loved 3. assumption, the right object 4. leading to, initial excitement, permanent state 5. theoretical knowledge, the mastery of the art


突破完形的技巧 Brief Introduction 完形填空考查综合运用语言的能力。考察的内容主要为词语辨析、词语搭配、语篇理解、逻辑推理和英语文化背景知识等。要求考生根据上下文线索,对每道题的备选项做出合理的分析、判断,从中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章文意畅达、逻辑严密、结构完整。 一、完形填空的命题特点(目的:走出题海,有的放矢) 1)短文多选材于英美国家近期报刊杂志上原汁原味的文章,语言地道,文章具有知识性、教育性,而且更多的是夹叙夹议的文章。文章长度一般在250—300 词之间,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。2)首句一般不设空,以便为考生提供一个特定理解的语境。 3)所给选项一般为一个单词,而且每小题四个选项为同一词类或同一范畴,与空格前后词语都能搭配,有很大的干扰性和迷惑性。 4)备选答案的词性以实词为主,虚词为辅。这符合高考完形要求,从整体上理解文章内容,全面接受信息,避免考生在语言结构上下功夫,进行语法选择。 5)以考查对文章的整体理解和词汇意义为主,以考查惯用搭配和语法为辅。 6)要求考生树立选择最佳(不是正确)答案的观念。 二、题型设置特点(目的:明确考查,应对自如) 1)整体理解型:这类题目乍一看,好象四个答案都是正确的,但是文章上下文的重要信息已经提供,所以考生要正确掌握文章的整体语

意。 2)上下文暗示型:这类题目的答案可能一时难以确定下来,然而正确答案的信息已经在上文或下文中明确提示。 3)词义理解型:这类题目是完形填空考查的重点,涉及到意义相同或相似的词语用法上的细微区别,这种区别要求考生必须掌握词汇的意义和用法;必须了解句子结构的基本搭配;同时还要考虑词汇的内涵、外延、褒贬及修辞色彩。 4)行文逻辑型:这类题目主要考查连词的运用。涉及文章的起承转合,上下连贯。 I know that my teacher has never striken a student, ______I fear this time she is going to start with me. A. or B. and C. but 5)常识型:这类题目主要考查用所学的基本知识来处理问题。History,as you know, is a thing of _________.(历史当然是说过去了) A.past B.present C.pleasent D.unforgetable When I got up early in the morning, I______that it was colder than ever. A.found B.felt C.thought D.hoped 6)惯用法型:这类题目主要考查对常用词组的习惯用法和固定搭配。有时这些短语的固定形式拆开考查,所以考生一定要学会灵活运用,判断准确。 A doughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her.She did not know how she was going to___1___it and wanted to ___2___.She was tired of fighting and struggling.It seemed as one problem was solved


如何翻译古文 学习古代汉语,需要经常把古文译成现代汉语。因为古文今译的过程是加深理解和全面运用古汉语知识解决实际问题的过程,也是综合考察古代汉语水平的过程。学习古代汉语,应该重视古文翻译的训练。 古文翻译的要求一般归纳为信、达、雅三项。“信”是指译文要准确地反映原作的含义,避免曲解原文内容。“达”是指译文应该通顺、晓畅,符合现代汉语语法规范。“信”和“达”是紧密相关的。脱离了“信”而求“达”,不能称为翻译;只求“信”而不顾“达”,也不是好的译文。因此“信”和“达”是文言文翻译的基本要求。“雅”是指译文不仅准确、通顺,而且生动、优美,能再现原作的风格神韵。这是很高的要求,在目前学习阶段,我们只要能做到“信”和“达”就可以了。 做好古文翻译,重要的问题是准确地理解古文,这是翻译的基础。但翻译方法也很重要。这里主要谈谈翻译方法方面的问题。 一、直译和意译 直译和意译是古文今译的两大类型,也是两种不同的今译方法。 1.关于直译。所谓直译,是指紧扣原文,按原文的字词和句子进行对等翻译的今译方法。它要求忠实于原文,一丝不苟,确切表达原意,保持原文的本来面貌。例如: 原文:樊迟请学稼,子曰:“吾不如老农。”请学为圃。子曰:“吾不如老圃。”(《论语?子路》) 译文:樊迟请求学种庄稼。孔子道:“我不如老农民。”又请求学种菜蔬。孔子道:“我不如老菜农。”(杨伯峻《论语译注》) 原文:齐宣王问曰:“汤放桀,武王伐纣,有诸?”(《孟子?梁惠王下》) 译文:齐宣王问道:“商汤流放夏桀,武王讨伐殷纣,真有这回事吗?(杨伯峻《孟子译注》) 上面两段译文紧扣原文,字词落实,句法结构基本上与原文对等,属于直译。 但对直译又不能作简单化理解。由于古今汉语在文字、词汇、语法等方面的差异,今译时对原文作一些适当的调整,是必要的,并不破坏直译。例如: 原文:逐之,三周华不注。(《齐晋鞌之战》) 译文:〔晋军〕追赶齐军,围着华不注山绕了三圈。


英汉句法结构的差异 14商贸英语2班15 吴楚楚摘要:中西方思维模式的不同和英汉两种语言本身的差异导致了这两种语言的句法结构存在很大差异。英语句法重形合,树形结构;汉语句法重意合,线性结构。深刻理解两种语言句法结构的不同特点能够为我们在进行两种语言转换时提供重要的指导意义。 关键词:英汉;句法结构;差异 前言 英汉两种语言的句法结构存在很大差异。我们常说,英语重形合,句子成树形结构,汉语重意合,句子成线形结构。英汉句法结构到底有何不同?两者为何存在如此大的差异?只有理解了这些问题,才能对我们进行两种语言之间的转换提供指导意义。 1、英汉句法结构的差异 英语的句法结构特点是形合,强调句际之间、句内各成分之间要用形式逻辑关系词连接。我们知道,英语句子具有严格的句法结构,名词的性、数、格,谓语动词的时态语态,以及主从句之间的关系代词,关系副词等都是把句子连接起来的纽带,由此英语句子在一定的框架内,就形成了以主谓为主干,其他修饰语或限定语成分为旁支的树形结构。因此在汉译英时,我们一定要注意补充必要的限定语或连接词,保证译出的英语句子是完整的,通顺的。 而汉语的句法结构特点是意合,强调意义关联,以语义为中心,句法结构不必完备,而且也不需要使用诸如连接词等衔接手段,正如申小龙先生所指出,汉语句法特点是重意会、重流动、重具象、重虚实。[3]因而,汉语句子则形成了一种线形结构,没有主谓框架的限制,往往逐步交代,逐层铺开,节奏简洁明快。因而在英译汉时,不要拘泥于原文的结构,而是要尽量符合汉语的特点。 2、英汉句法结构差异的原因 我们知道,语言和思维的关系密不可分,两者相互影响,相互作用。语言是思维的工具,是思维的载体,“没有语言,思维无以定其形,无以约其式,无以证其实”[1],而思维模式又影响着语言的使用,英汉两种不同的思维模式势必会影响英汉两种语言不同的句法结构。 大体而言,西方人偏向于抽象思维,逻辑性和分析性强,长于精确,因而英语句子有着严格的形式要求,需要在一定的语法框架内表达,力求客观,理性,精确。而东方人偏爱具象思维,注重直觉和整体性,跳跃性强,因而句子灵活多变,没有严格的形式要求。 除了不同的思维方式对两种语言的影响之外,两种语言本身的特点也造就了它们各自不同的句法结构。英语是一种形态语言,“英语字母—因素组合使得英语的词具有形态发生能力,从而使英语语法结构显性化,具有比较易于把握的形式程式。汉语构词十分方便:可以实现字与字的直接组合,汉字不具备发生形态变化的条件,从而与意义挂上了钩,表义性加强了。”[2] 3、英汉句法结构的差异对翻译的启示 英汉形合和意合之间的转换实际上就是英汉树形结构和线形结构的句法结构的转换。由于英汉句法结构的差异,英译汉时由树形结构向线形结构的转换可初步归纳为一种句子结构的“分散”,即从有主干变为无主干,焦点变为散点,由层层相扣(内包)变为句段相承的疏散铺排。汉译英则相反,是一种句子结构的“聚合”,即变松散为紧密,分主次,抓焦点,将铺排的句读纳入一定的构架之中。[4]

【重点复习】2020版高考英语二轮复习完形填空专题突破练8 含答案

完形填空专题突破练8 A (2018河南郑州质量预测) Our son Jason was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).My wife and I often 1 him as he faced many challenges in his early years. It was 2 to see him chosen last for baseball 3,but he was happy and well 4 by his peers(同龄人) throughout primary school.His most 5 time came when he began high school.One afternoon,he returned home with 6.He threw his bag on the floor,shouting angrily,“I’ll never go to school again!”He was 7 with food other kids had thrown at him on the way home.He didn’t tell us what had happened until later. Several days earlier,he had 8 the school running team.That day,a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track and made him the 10 of their one-sided food fight.I called the headmaster about the matter and it never happened again.He stayed on the team 11 trouble continued. One day in October,we had snow and freezing rain.As the other kids exercised in the gym,they noticed Jason jogging around the snow-covered 12.A few weeks later,he told us each month students 13 an “athlete of the month”.The coach would list the top athletes,and students voted for the winner.Jason’s 14 had never been listed.But that day,one of the students said,“I’d like to nominate(提名) Jason for the athlete of the month,sir!”The coach looked 15. “He works harder than any of us,sir,”the student continued. “But we’ll have to have someone 16 the nomination”,the coach replied. Tears formed in Jason’s eyes as he told us what happened next.“Mom,Dad,everyone in the class 17 their hand.” We,also in tears,looked at him as he 18 showed his certificate. Whenever I despair,I think of this story.I 19 myself that challenges are not overcome by force,but by patience,20 and faith.


鞌之战选自《左传》又名《鞍之战》原文:楚癸酉,师陈于鞌(1)。邴夏御侯,逢丑父为右②。晋解张御克,郑丘缓为右(3)。侯日:“余姑翦灭此而朝食(4)”。不介马而驰之⑤。克伤于矢,流血及屦2 未尽∧6),曰:“余病矣(7)!”张侯曰:“自始合(8),而矢贯余手及肘(9),余折以御,左轮朱殷(10),岂敢言病吾子忍之!”缓曰:“自始合,苟有险,余必下推车,子岂_识之(11)然子病矣!”张侯曰:“师之耳目,在吾旗鼓,进退从之。此车一人殿之(12),可以集事(13),若之何其以病败君之大事也擐甲执兵(14),固即死也(15);病未及死,吾子勉之(16)!”左并辔(17) ,右援拐鼓(18)。马逸不能止(19),师从之,师败绩。逐之,三周华不注(20) 韩厥梦子舆谓己曰:“旦辟左右!”故中御而从齐侯。邴夏曰:“射其御者,君子也。”公曰:“谓之君子而射之,非礼也。”射其左,越于车下;射其右,毙于车中。綦毋张丧车,从韩厥,曰:“请寓乘。”从左右,皆肘之,使立于后。韩厥俛,定其右。逢丑父与公易位。将及华泉,骖絓于木而止。丑父寝于轏中,蛇出于其下,以肱击之,伤而匿之,故不能推车而及。韩厥执絷马前,再拜稽首,奉觞加璧以进,曰:“寡君使群臣为鲁、卫请,曰:‘无令舆师陷入君地。’下臣不幸,属当戎行,无所逃隐。且惧奔辟而忝两君,臣辱戎士,敢告不敏,摄官承乏。” 丑父使公下,如华泉取饮。郑周父御佐车,宛茷为右,载齐侯以免。韩厥献丑父,郤献子将戮之。呼曰:“自今无有代其君任患者,有一于此,将为戮乎”郤子曰:“人不难以死免其君,我戮之不祥。赦之,以劝事君者。”乃免之。译文1:在癸酉这天,双方的军队在鞌这个地方摆开了阵势。齐国一方是邴夏为齐侯赶车,逢丑父当车右。晋军一方是解张为主帅郤克赶车,郑丘缓当车右。齐侯说:“我姑且消灭了这些人再吃早饭。”不给马披甲就冲向了晋军。郤克被箭射伤,血流到了鞋上,但是仍不停止擂鼓继续指挥战斗。他说:“我受重伤了。”解张说:“从一开始接战,一只箭就射穿了我的手和肘,左边的车轮都被我的血染成了黑红色,我哪敢说受伤您忍着点吧!”郑丘缓说:“从一开始接战,如果遇到道路不平的地方,我必定(冒着生命危险)下去推车,您难道了解这些吗不过,您真是受重伤了。”daier 解张说:“军队的耳朵和眼睛,都集中在我们的战旗和鼓声,前进后退都要听从它。这辆车上还有一个人镇守住它,战事就可以成功。为什么为了伤痛而败坏国君的大事呢身披盔甲,手执武器,本来就是去走向死亡,伤痛还没到死的地步,您还是尽力而为吧。”一边说,一边用左手把右手的缰绳攥在一起,用空出的右手抓过郤克手中的鼓棰就擂起鼓来。(由于一手控马,)马飞快奔跑而不能停止,晋军队伍跟着指挥车冲上去,把齐军打得打败。晋军随即追赶齐军,三次围绕着华不注山奔跑。韩厥梦见他去世的父亲对他说:“明天早晨作战时要避开战车左边和右边的位置。”因此韩厥就站在中间担任赶车的来追赶齐侯的战车。邴夏说:“射那个赶车的,他是个君子。”齐侯说: “称他为君子却又去射他,这不合于礼。”daier 于是射车左,车左中箭掉下了车。又射右边的,车右也中箭倒在了车里。(晋军的)将军綦毋张损坏了自己的战车,跟在韩厥的车后说: “请允许我搭乗你的战车。”他上车后,无论是站在车的左边,还是站在车的右边,韩厥都用肘推他,让他站在自己身后——战车的中间。韩厥又低下头安定了一下受伤倒在车中的那位自己的车右。于是逢丑父和齐侯(乘韩厥低头之机)互相调换了位置。将要到达华泉时,齐侯战车的骖马被树木绊住而不能继续逃跑而停了下来。(头天晚上)逢丑父睡在栈车里,有一条蛇从他身子底下爬出来,他用小臂去打蛇,小臂受伤,但他(为了能当车右)隐瞒了这件事。由于这样,他不能用臂推车前进,因而被韩厥追上了。韩厥拿着拴马绳走到齐侯的马前,两次下拜并行稽首礼,捧着一杯酒并加上一块玉璧给齐侯送上去,
