


1、() A handbag B umbrella C Italian D mechanic

2、() A yes B pencil C very D ticket

3、() A school B food C foot D room

4、 ( ) A employee B television C electric D left

5、 ( ) A shut B full C cup D blunt

6、 ( ) A type B empty C untidy D heavy

7、 ( ) A family B wash C bank D valley

8、 ( ) A bridge B with C building D beside

9、 ( ) A sugar B park C hard D garden

10、( ) A dresses B blouses C rooms D oranges


1. radio ______________

2. knife _______________

3. glass _______________

4. shelf _______________

5. boss ________________

6. dress ________________

7. housewife __________________ 8.postman________________

9. leaf ________________ 10. church ________________ 11. mouth ________________ 12. family_________________ 13. tie ________________ 14. tomato _________________ 15. piano ______________ 16. baby ___________________ 17. tooth _______________ 18. country _________________

19. key _________________ 20 potato ____________________

三、用冠词a ,an 填空.10分(每个2分)

1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife.

2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in United Kindom(英国).

3. Will you have ______ apple? There’s plenty(许多) in the basket(篮子).

4. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening some students hold ____ party.

5.Is there ______ hamburger in your bag?


Passage 1

It's a fine Sunday morning. Jim and his mother are in a bus. They are going to a farm. There are many(很多) people(人) in the bus. Two of them(他们其中两人) are American. They are speaking(讲) English. Jim can speak a little(一点点儿) English., but his mother can not. The driver is a young woman. She is wearing a white blouse. All the people in the bus are very friendly(友好地).

a. What day is today?

_____________________________________________________________________ b. Where are Jim and his mother going?

_____________________________________________________________________ c. Are there any English people in the bus?


d. Who is driving the bus?


Passage 2

Chao yang Foreign Language School(外语学校)

Wu Li jun :A Music Teacher

Adress(地址):65# Xi gang, Dalian

Tel(电话): 0411-*******


Fax(传真): 0411-*******

a. What does Wu Lijun do?

_____________________________________________________________________ b. Where does she work?

_____________________________________________________________________ c. What's her e-mail address?


d. What's her telephone number(电话号码)?


五 .请写出四组近反义词的单词。4分(每个1分)






1、—Is this your coat?

— .

A No, it is

B Yes, it isn’t

C Yes, it is

D No, this is

2、Is this an Italian car an American car?

A or

B and

C but

D ∕

3、Mary is a student. isn’t Chinese. is American.

A He, He

B She, She

C It, It

D She, He

4、— ?

—I’m French.

A Where are you from?

B Where nationality are you?

C What are you from?

D What nationality have?

5、—What’s your job?

— .

A She is worker

B I am a worker

C Her job is a worker

D She is a worker

6、—How (怎么样)is Jim today?

— , thanks.

A He’s good

B He’s fine

C He is a student

D He fine

7、—What are their jobs?

—They’re .

A milkmens

B milkmans

C milkmen

D milkman

8、 is a book on the desk.

A That

B This

C What

D There

9、There bottles on the table.

A are

B be

C being

D is

10、—May I come in?

— , please.

A You come

B Come in

C Come

D You come in

11、There some magazines(杂志) on the chair.

A are

B is

C be

D being

12、—Where is Kate?

—She’s in the garden(花园). She under the tree.

A is sit

B sit

C is sitting

D sits

13、— you speak English?

—Yes, I .

A Must, must

B May, may

C May, must

D Can, can

14、 are doing our homework.

A Jane and I

B Jane and me

C I and Jane

D Me and Jane

15、Look at those ! They are busy.

A housewifes

B housewifs

C housewife

D housewives


1、This is Miss Maria. Maria is a new student.


2、That’s a nice dress. It’s very smart.


3、What’s your job? I am a n engineer.


4、There is an apple in the kitchen(厨房).


5、Put these clothes in the wardrobe(衣柜).


八. 阅读理解 ,阅读下面四篇短文,从各小题的四个选项中选择一个正确的答案。20分(每个1分)

Passage 1

I work in a small shop(商店). It's near(附近) an English school. Every day many(一些) people(人) come to buy things(买东西).

In the morning, I get up at six, and then(然后) I have breakfast(早餐). I go to work by bike.

I get to(到达) the shop at about 7:00a.m. The shop opens at 7:30a.m. We sell(售卖) food and drink. And we sell school things, too. So there are many students in the shop from morning to evening(从早到晚). All of us go home for supper(我们全体员工都回家吃晚餐)


()a. The shop is _____ .

A. next to a bookshop

B. near a school

C. behind the writer's house

D. in the park

()b. The writer goes to work _____.

A.by car

B. by bus

C. by bike

D. on foot

()c. The shop sells _____ .

A. only school things

B. food and drink and school things

C. clothes

D. shoes

()d. The shop is open for _____hours(小时).

A. about ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

D. about twelve

()e. The works in the shop have supper _____.

A. at home

B. in the shop

C. near a school

D. near the shop

Passage 2

I have a little dog. Its name is Jim. Every morning Jim goes to the shop in the village(村庄). The girl in the shop gives him two things: a sweet(糖) and a newspaper(报纸). Jim eats the sweet and takes the news-paper in his mouth(把报纸含嘴里). Then(然后) he runs home.

I like reading my newspaper in bed before(…以前) I get up. Jim knows that and he brings(带来) the newspaper to my bedroom. When I am eating my breakfast(早餐) he brings all the letters(信件) to me. After that he goes outside to wait for(等待) the bus. When he sees the bus coming

down(停在) the road(公路上), he makes(制造) a noise(噪音). I run out, and the bus stops for me(停下来等待我). Jim never(从不) lets (让) me miss(错过) the bus.

()a. Where does Jim go early in the morning?

A. He goes to the shop.

B. He goes home.

C. He goes to bed.

D. He goes to the street.

()b. What does Jim bring from the village?

A.He brings a sweet in his mouth.

B. He brings the letter.

C.He brings my newspaper.

D. He brings my breakfast.

()c. Why does Jim come to my bedroom?

A. To play with me.

B. To give the newspaper to me.

C. To bring me a sweet.

D. To wait for a bus.

()d. What does Jim do when he sees the bus?

A. He runs home with the newspaper.

B. He comes to my bedroom.

C. He makes a noise.

D. He runs away.

()e. When do I read the newspaper?

A. When I am eating my breakfast.

B. When the bus comes.

C. When Jim comes home.

D. When I am in bed.

Passage 3

The Brown family(格林一家人) are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen(厨房). She is making cakes. Mr. Brown is in the living room(客厅). He's sitting in a chair and reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden(花园). They are playing football. Sue and her friend, Ann, are in Sue's bedroom. They are watching TV.

()a. How many people are there in the Brown family?

A. Six.

B. Four.

C. Two.

D. Three.

()b. Where is Mr. Brown reading a book?

A. In his bedroom.

B. At the window.

C. In the living room.

D. Under a tree.

()c. Who is in the kitchen?

A. Sue's mother.

B. Mr. Brown.

C. Jim's father.

D. Ann's mother.

()d. Who are playing in the garden?

A. Jim and

B. Jim and Mike.

C. Jim and his sister.

D. Jim and Ann.

()e. What are Sue and Ann doing? They are _____.

A. watching TV in the living room

B. playing football in the garden

C. watching TV in Ann's room

D. watching TV in Sue's bedroom

Passage 4

Hi, my name is Jiajia. I'm a student. My father is an office worker. We're from(来自) China, but(但是) we're in England now(现在).

Here is a colour picture. It's a picture of my class(班级). The woman is Miss Chen. She is our English teacher. Jack, Helen and Yangyang are my new friends. Yangyang is from China, too. We like England. We like all our friends here.

()a. Who is Jiajia's teacher?

A. Yangyang.

B. Helen.

C. Miss Green.

D. Mrs. green.

()b. How old is Jiajia?

A. She is ten.

B. She's fifteen.

C. She isn't old.

D. Sorry, I don't know.

()c. What does "colour picture " mean? It means _____ in Chinese.

A. 有颜色的画

B. 彩色的画

C. 色彩鲜艳的画

D. 彩


()d. Where is Yangyang? She is _____.

A. in England

B. in China

C. at Jiajia's home

D. at home

()e. Why is Jiajia in England? Because _____.

A. she wants to study England

B. her father and mother are in England

C. she likes England

D. she has some good new friends in England
