


请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作:

1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切

2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。

In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to ……

And most children ……

According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% …..

However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because ……

Besides, being independent ……

Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent.

Parents should encourage their children to ……

By doing so, parents ……

In addition, parents should urge their kids to ……

For example, ……


In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.

However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because it is just a matter of time before their parents are too old to look after them. Besides, being independent is such a good quality as to help kids succeed later in the world of tough competition. Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent.

Parents should encourage their children to make decisions on their own and to take responsibility for themselves. By doing so, parents actually help them develop an ability to think independently and become a responsible individual. In addition, parents should urge their kids to take care of their own business and to work for what they want. For example, if Jack’s bedroom is in a mess, Jack’s parents, instead of cleaning it up for him, should ask Jack to do the job himself as soon as possible. Similarly, when Jack wants a new toy, they should ask him to do some work, say memorize 100 English words, before they agree to his request.

请以“How to Prevent Energy Crisis”为题,按照以下要点写作:



The modern world runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: ……

On the other hand, as economies develop fast, ……

The two factors combined help us understand ……

What, then, can we do to prevent energy crisis? The answer lies partly in ……

Of course, conservation is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. ……

We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.


The modern world runs on energy, most of which comes from coal, oil and natural gas. These resources have one thing in common: their reserves/supplies are limited, so they can be used up/exhausted. On the other hand, as economies develop fast, the world’s demand for energy is growing enormously day by day. The two factors combined help us understand why we are threatened with the approach of energy crisis.

What, then, can we do to prevent energy crisis? The answer lies partly in conserving energy sources. Large amounts of energy are being wasted in all sections of the modern society. We need to raise the public awareness of the importance of using energy economically and urge our governments to pass laws to ensure a rational exploration and development of exhaustible resources.

Of course, conservation is not the sole/only solution to the energy problem. Even if the prospect that natural resources like coal and oil will run out is inevitable, many renewable sources of energy are already available, such as wind and solar power. We need to take measures to encourage scientists to continue developing such new sources of energy.

We are convinced that so long as both solutions are applied, energy crisis can be prevented.





On the evening of December 31, the party to celebrate the New Year was held in the Concert Hall of our school. Working together on the stage, the teachers and students ……

Not only did they …, but also …

When asked …, most of the audience …, saying that …(it was not until … that …/ not until… did they…)

Thanks to the joint efforts of teachers and students, ……

As we can see, such an occasion ……

Besides, ……

Obviously, there are a lot of benefits to be drawn from holding a New Year Party at school.


Our School Celebrated the New Year

On the evening of December 31, the party to celebrate the New Year was held in the Concert Hall of our school. Working together on the stage, the teachers and students presented us with lots of wonderful performances. Not only did they put on a mini-drama while wearing costumes and make up, but also played magic tricks, which came as a pleasant surprise. Besides, they sang familiar songs and encouraged the audience to sing along. Some students even surprised the audience with their hidden talents. Li Ming, for instance, always gave the impression of being serious and silent, but he did some funny imitations of a few celebrities, which made the audience burst into laughter.

When asked what they thought about the party, most of the audience spoke highly of it, saying that they were impressed by the excellent performances they had seen. Some were amazed to see how creative their schoolmates were, expressing their wish to see more celebrations like this in the days to come. A few students even remained in the hall after the party, hoping to have a word with the performers. For example, Li Yue, fascinated by Li Ming’s imitations, went backstage and approached him for tips on such performances.

Thanks to the joint efforts of teachers and students, the New Year Party was a great success. As we can see, such an occasion calls for cooperation between teachers and students, who, therefore, have chances to communicate with each other. In the process, their mutual trust is deepened and friendship is strengthened Besides, it provides a platform for those who are eager to display their talents. Moreover, such an activity adds color to our school life for we always find it exciting to watch our peers and teachers performing on the same stage. Obviously, there are a lot of benefits to be drawn from holding a New Year Party at school.





Recently, a survey was carried out on students’ attitudes to breakfast.

The findings are ……

Only a few students …… while the vast majority of students just ……

Worse still, some students even go as far as to ……

When asked ……, students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that ……

Therefore, they don’t bother ……

Instead, they prefer ……

In my opinion, skipping breakfast ……

Not having breakfast will ……

Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we will……

So for the sake of our health and study, we should ……


Recently, a survey was carried out on students’ attitudes to breakfast. The findings are quite surprising to us / just what we expected.

Only a few students take breakfast seriously while the vast majority of students just eat their breakfast in a hurry. Worse still, some students even go as far as to skip breakfast.

When asked how they accounted for their choices, students gave different answers. But the most common reason is that they tend to oversleep and lack enough time for breakfast. Therefore, they don’t bother with breakfast. Instead, they prefer a big meal at lunch or some snacks between classes.

In my opinion, skipping breakfast is really a bad habit. Not having breakfast will do great harm to our health and cause our body to malfunction. Moreover, attending a class on an empty stomach, we will not be able to concentrate or keep up. So for the sake of our health and study, we should make sure that we eat breakfast on time every day.

请以“Why Should We Attach Importance to Both Theory and Practice?”为题,按照以下要点写作:




It is generally accepted that theory is based on practice. ……, for example, ……

It was…… that ……

Likewise/Similarly, ……

Without/Beyond doubt, there can be no scientific theory without enough practice.

It is equally certain that theory, in turn, serves practice. For instance, ……

Another case in point is, ……

Practice without theory as its guide is like a flying plane without a pilot. The consequences can be disastrous.

In conclusion, it is of great importance to combine theory with practice in our work. We must never ignore one in favor of the other.


It is generally accepted that theory is based on practice. Galileo, for example, based his studies of natural laws on experiments and observations. It was by observations that he proved the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. Likewise/Similarly, Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory concerning the building of socialism with distinctive Chinese features has been established on the basis of revolutionary practice in China. Without/Beyond doubt, there can be no scientific theory without enough practice.

It is equally certain that theory, in turn, serves practice. For instance, astronomers apply theories about the heavenly bodies to foretell eclipses and other natural phenomena. Another case in point is, again, Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory, which guides the Chinese people on their way to building a prosperous and powerful socialist society. Practice without theory as its guide is like a flying plane without a pilot. The consequences can be disastrous.

In conclusion, it is of great importance to combine theory with practice in our work. We must never ignore one in favor of the other.






At the beginning of the class, Mr. Hudson ……

Then he began speaking slowly and clearly as he ……

Meanwhile, he kindly encouraged students to ……and patiently repeated ……

In the second half of the class, he ……

As the class was drawing to a close, he ……

After class, most of the students I interviewed spoke highly of /were deeply impressed with Prof. Hudson’s teaching, saying that ……

In Prof. Hudson’s class, we can see that he attaches great importance to ……

Obviously, we students enjoyed his class and benefited tremendously from it.

An Impressive English Class

On Wednesday of the “Culture and Art Week”, we had the honor of inviting Prof. Hudson, a foreign teacher from X University, to give us a lesson.

At the beginning of the class, Mr. Hudson introduced himself briefly and humorously in plain English. Then he began speaking slowly and clearly as he talked on the topic of “Christmas in America”. Meanwhile, he kindly encouraged students to ask questions and patiently repeated what he thought might be difficult for them to grasp. In the second half of the class, he divided the class into several groups for discussions, in which students had great fun expressing their views in English. As the class was drawing to a close, he taught the class a simple English song and everyone sang the song while smiling and clapping.

After class, most of the students I interviewed spoke highly of /were deeply impressed with Prof. Hudson’s teaching, saying that they were greatly inspired with confidence about learning English / suddenly found it easy and fun to learn English.

In Prof. Hudson’s class, we can see that he attaches great importance to oral communication in English learning. Obviously, we students enjoyed his class and benefited tremendously from it.

请以“The Advantages of Bicycling to Work”为题,按照以下要点写作:




Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its following advantages.

First of all, bicycling to work helps to lighten the burden on public transportation ……

In addition, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air.

Last but not least, cycling helps improve people’s health.

To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving people’s health.


Today in China as well as in many other countries, an increasing number of people go to work by bike. This trend/practice should be encouraged/advocated for its following advantages.

First of all, bicycling to work helps to lighten the burden on public transportation, which is already too crowded. In rush hours, it often takes a lot of waiting to get on a bus and to transfer from one bus line to another, no wonder a cyclist often arrives at his workplace sooner than his colleagues who are stuck in traffic jams.

In addition, cycling needs no fuel and therefore does not in the least pollute the air. It benefits not only the rider himself but also everyone else of the whole community. Just imagine how much fresher the morning air would be if everyone rode a bike to work.

Last but not least, cycling helps improve people’s health. Nowadays, with the automation of factories and offices, many people’ work has been reduced to button-pressing. What better exercise could such workers have than cycling to and from work?

To sum up, bicycling to work contributes to easing overcrowded traffic, reducing air pollution and improving people’s health.

请以“Will Computers Replace Schools?”为题,按照以下要点写作:




Some people think that in the computer age, there will be no need for schools. ……

It is true that the computer will play an increasingly important role in education. ……

But those who think computers will completely replace schools overlook/ignore one important fact: ……

This role of the school can never be replaced by the computer.


Some people think that in the computer age, there will be no need for schools. Since the Internet can provide us with the most efficient and perhaps the least expensive means of communication and instruction, all that a student needs to do in order to learn is sit before a computer, reading, writing and doing homework on the screen.

It is true that the computer will play an increasingly important role in education. If personalized software is designed to suit students with different learning abilities and styles, the computer will greatly facilitate the learning process.

But those who think computers will completely replace schools overlook/ignore one important fact: schools are not just a place for book learning; they are also a place for personal interaction. Children at school not only learn to read and write, but also learn to make friends and interact with their peers and teachers face to face. They learn to take responsibilities for themselves and others. They learn how to negotiate and cooperate. All of them can hardly be learned in an isolated world. In a word, they prepare themselves for the day when they have to leave school and face the world on their own. This role of the school can never be replaced by the computer.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

1. 因特网给我们带来的好处

2. 因特网普及可能产生的问题

3. 我的结论


The main benefits of the Internet are as follows.

Firstly, thanks to various ……, it is no longer a tough job to …… (查询资料)

In the second place, we can contact …… by ……, which ……(联系友人)

Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where ……(交流平台)

However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be ignored.

To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers, who …… (玩物丧志)

Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our …… (有害健康)

Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to ……, we will probably not take the trouble to ……. Instead we may be tempted to …… (剽窃答案)

In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has ……

In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

As every coin has two sides, the Internet, too, has both advantages and disadvantages.

The main benefits of the Internet are as follows. Firstly, thanks to various kinds of search engines, it is no longer a tough job to obtain the information we need, whether it be the latest news or some historical data. In the second place, we can contact friends or business associates by email or other devices such as QQ and MSN, which are cheaper and more convenient than traditional means of communication like phone calls and letters. Last but not least, the Internet provides a platform where we can discuss or debate issues of common interest, and exchange or share things with others.

However, the negative effects of the Internet cannot be ignored. To begin with, surfing the Internet can be addictive to teenagers who, without enough self-control, tend to waste considerable amounts of time and energy playing online games. As a result, they have trouble concentrating in class and lag behind in learning. Secondly, staying too long on the Internet may do harm to our physical health, in particular our eyesight. Prolonged exposure to a computer screen will lead to strained eyes. Finally, since the Internet offers easy access to a rich source of information, we, when looking for answers, will probably not take the trouble to read through reference books. Instead we may be tempted to plagiarize others’ answers from the Internet.

In conclusion, as a technological development, the Internet, despite its flaws, has made information flow around the globe faster and brought people around the world closer. In other words, the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.

请以Threats to Endangered Species为题写一篇文章,内容必须包括以下几点:




Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of …… / Many species are now faced with ……

There have been reports ……

Among the threats to engendered species are ……, which ……

For example, ……

…… , thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to ban/limit ……

In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to……

Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of dying out. / Many species are now faced with the threat of becoming extinct. There have been reports about the extinction of tigers, whales and hundreds or even thousands of other animals.

Among the threats to engendered species are human activities, which can spoil or ruin wildlife habitat. For example, forests and grasslands are cleared to develop residential or industrial areas for people to live or work in. Besides, an increasing amount of chemical waste is dumped into rivers for the convenience of economic development. All these human activities can make wildlife habitat shrink considerably, thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to ban the human destruction of wildlife habitat. In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to strike a balance between environmental protection and economic development/ adopt an environment-friendly approach to economic development.

Threats to Endangered Species

Many species are now in danger of dying out. / Many species are now faced with the threat of becoming extinct. There have been reports about the extinction of tigers, whales and hundreds or even thousands of other animals.

Among the threats to engendered species are human desires for food and clothes, which can lead to overhunting. For example, an increasing number of whales are killed to make traditional dishes in Japan. Besides, some wild animals like deer and tigers are skinned to make fur coats for those who live in luxury. Such acts of killing can reduce wildlife population considerably, thus pushing species to the brink of extinction / thus threatening species with extinction.

To prevent endangered species from dying out/becoming extinct, we should draw up rules and regulations to limit the commercial hunting of wildlife. In the meantime, great efforts should be made to encourage people to have a diet free of endangered species and wear fur coats made of artificial materials





Last Sunday, it was a sunny/rainy day, and I had an opportunity to …

Upon entering …, I was greeted by …

Walking on campus, I saw/heard …

When I stepped into …, I was amazed to see… / I was amazed at the sight of …

I went into … and asked sb ….

He/She was happy to…

A glance at … showed …

Upon leaving, I thought to myself that …

Compared with …, the university has/lacks … that will inspire/encourage/help …

This visit not only…., but also …


Last Sunday, it was a sunny day, and I had an opportunity to visit a well-known university campus.

Upon entering the campus, I was greeted by the pleasant smell of flowers and the friendly smiles of teachers. Walking on campus, I saw students playing basketball, reading books, or riding bikes. When I stepped into a building, I was amazed to find all classrooms filled with students either attending lectures or doing self-study. I went into one lecture-room and asked a student there what the lecture was about. He was happy to hand me his notebook. A glance at his notebook showed how attentive he had been. Upon leaving, I thought to myself that I would apply to this university for postgraduate studies.

Compared with my college, the university has a variety of lectures and courses that will help enrich my knowledge and broaden my horizons. This visit not only let me briefly experience a different university atmosphere, but also inspired me to study harder to pursue a better education.

What Electives to Choose




Nowadays, many universities provide/offer ...

The standards/purposes/reasons … differ/vary from individual to individual.

Some students, who …, prefer the electives …

Some students choose the electives …

Others take the electives …

There are also a few students who …

As far as I am concerned, …

What Electives to Choose

Nowadays, many universities provide a variety of electives for students to choose from. The standards by which to choose electives differ from individual to individual.

Some students, who have made their career choices, prefer the electives relevant to their future jobs. Some students choose the electives that will help their major studies. Others take the electives whose contents are similar to their hobbies. There are also a few students who care little about the nature of electives and choose those where it will be easy for them to get enough credits.

As far as I am concerned, most electives are supposed to equip me for future jobs. Since I want to become a car mechanic, I prefer electives that will give me basic instructions in car repair and maintenance.

Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags




Disposable plastic bags used to be popular with customers who …

In , for example, it was common practice that …

Gradually, people took for granted the use of disposable plastic bags without realizing …

/While people enjoyed the convenience of using disposable plastic bags, they failed to realize …

An increasing number of disposable plastic bags …

To begin with, …

Secondly, …

To limit the use of disposable plastic bags, the Chinese government has taken some measures, one of which is to …

In addition, …

The measures …


Disposable plastic bags used to be popular with customers who needed to take away what they had bought. In supermarkets, for example, it was common practice that salespeople used plastic bags to pack the goods that customers had paid for. Gradually, people took for granted the use of disposable plastic bags without realizing the potential damage it could cause to our environment.

An increasing number of disposable plastic bags can pollute air, water and soil. To begin with, the production of such plastic bags results in a huge amount of chemical waste, some of which may be dumped into water or emitted into air. Secondly, when disposable plastic bags become garbage, they tend to be burned or buried, causing pollution to air or soil.

To limit the use of disposable plastic bags, the Chinese government has taken some measures, one of which is to promote the use of bags of environment-friendly materials. In addition, most stores have started to charge for all kinds of bags. The measures are significant in terms of protecting our environment.





Wherever you travel, you will see bridges of one kind or another. ......

Some of them are magnificent structures, which ……

They are also scenic spots, which ……

Earlier bridges, however, were not built for sightseers. They were erected to facilitate travel and commerce. ……Even today, ……

Foreign languages, too, play the role/perform the function of a bridge. ……

For example, ……

Bridges, either literally or figuratively, are indispensable in our life.


Wherever you travel, you will see bridges of one kind or another. These bridges span rivers, valleys or some other obstacles. Some of them are magnificent structures, which incorporate into their designs exquisite art and high technology. They are also scenic spots, which, built in perfect harmony with their locations, add beauty to their natural surroundings and attract millions of visitors every year, who come not because they have to cross them in order to reach another place, but because they want to have a personal look to admire their beauty or draw some inspiration.

Earlier bridges, however, were not built for sightseers. They were erected to facilitate travel and commerce. Without these bridges, people would have stayed isolated. Without these bridges, economy would not have expanded into the scale as it has done now. Even today, the principal purpose of building bridges remains the same: to speed up communications, to stimulate economy, and to promote cultural exchanges. Bridges, just like roads, are essential to the economic and cultural development of a country.

Foreign languages, too, play the role/perform the function of a bridge. A good command of foreign languages will help us better understand the outside world and remove our misunderstanding. Besides, being able to speak foreign languages will enable us to introduce our culture to foreigners, thus eliminating their stereotypes. For example, an ambassador is duty-bound to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between two peoples. His mission is more likely to be successful if he can speak the languages of both countries.

Bridges, either literally or figuratively, are indispensable in our life.





As living standards keep rising, more and more parents …

Meanwhile, many foreign universities …

As a result, an increasing number of Chinese students choose …

Frankly speaking, studying overseas has both advantages and disadvantages.

Those who argue against the trend say that living far away from home, Chinese students tend to …, since they …In addition, most students in China lack …, which makes it difficult for them to …

However, those who support the phenomenon argue that studying abroad, Chinese students find it easy to …, since they …

Besides, compared with domestic colleges, foreign universities …

Chinese students, therefore, can …

Last but not least, when they graduate from a foreign university, they will…

In my opinion, attending foreign universities has more … than …

In short, I will choose to …


As living standards keep rising, more and more parents see their children’s education as a top priority. They are willing and able to send their kids abroad for studies. Meanwhile, many foreign universities are opening the door to Chinese students, who have displayed enough talent and hard work to attract their attention. As a result, an increasing number of Chinese students choose to go abroad for further education. Frankly speaking, studying overseas has both advantages and disadvantages.

Those who argue against the trend say that living far away from home, Chinese students tend to suffer from loneliness and homesickness, since they are used to being taken care of by their parents. In addition, most students in China lack enough experience of living alone, which makes it difficult for them to adjust to everyday life in a foreign country.

However, those who support the phenomenon argue that studying abroad, Chinese students find it easy to improve their foreign language, since they have to use it every day. Besides, compared with domestic colleges, foreign universities have academic advantages, including advanced facilities and excellent professors. Chinese students, therefore, can receive better academic training in science and technology and keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Last but not least, when they graduate from a foreign university, they will have more career choices both in china and abroad.

In my opinion, attending foreign universities has more advantages than disadvantages. Being exposed to a foreign culture broadens a student’s horizons. Living alone overseas helps a student become independent. Foreign universities provide students with easy access to world-class scholars and academic resources. A degree from a foreign university opens up a wider range of career choices to graduates. In short, I will choose to pursue a better education overseas if my parents can afford it.


大学心得总结精选五篇优秀作文 个人总结,就是把一个时间段的个人情况进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,分析成绩、不足、经验等。上大学后一般老师会要求学生们写自我总结。下面由小编来给大家分享大学心得总结,欢迎大家参阅。 大学心得总结1 时间过得真快,转眼这个学期已经到了末尾,这个学期的结束也是我大学四年生活将要说告别的时刻。还记得报道时的炎炎夏日,还记得院长在联欢会上语重心长的话语。“你们是从东大的偏门进来的,四年以后我要让你们从东大的南大门走出去”。的确,为了他的这一句话,我为之奋斗了整整四年。这中间有喜有怒有哀有乐。现在回首这四年的学习生活,许许多多事情还历历在目。 学生的天职就是学习。学习是我四年生活的主线。我由一个普通的职中生一跃成为重点大学的本科生,这对我来说是人生中最大的喜悦,同时如何跟上重点大学的教学进度也一直是我最担心的。虽然没有表达出来,却一直在我脑子里浮现。与那些从高中考上来的学生相比,他们大多是从县城最好的高中考上来的。这样一比,我的信心几乎完全丧失。在以前的职中里我是矮子中

的将军,充满了自信与自豪,到了这儿我的身份发生了显着的变化,变成了将军中的矮子。这让我自卑了很长一段时间。后来在军训中与其他系的学生一起军训,在交谈中,他们对我们充满了佩服:其一是觉得我们不容易,从那么多考生中脱颖而出。其二是我们大多是学校的佼佼者,在工作能力和自理能力方面较强,善于沟通。这番评论虽然让我有了一丝安慰,但在学习上的忧虑还没有完全消除。院长毕竟是职教方面的专家,不失时机的给我们打气,从补课的第一天到开学典礼到不定期的见面,不断地给我们打气。在前几届师兄们的事实面前,我深深地感受到,在学习上没有不可跨越的障碍,只需要不断的努力。单从思想上重视还不够,还得从行动上着手。在这方面院里费尽了心思,提前补习我们欠缺的基础课,这让我从录取的喜悦中解脱出来,投入到紧张的学习中去。这一段时间对我从一名职中生到重点大学的学生的转变有着巨大的影响。我发觉我的差距很大,产生了强烈的紧迫感,我不能掉队,我可以把距离缩短。在你追我赶的学习氛围中,渐渐地增强了我的自学能力,同时一种适应大学学习的学习方法也渐渐地形成。后来院里又为我们安排高年级的学长介绍学习经验,帮助我们调整学习方法。借鉴别人的长处,克服自己的短处,让我们少走了许多摸索的弯路。 进入正式上课后,教师对我们的情况都非常了解,所有的教学方法和教学内容都作了调整。在教师的引导下,我做到课前预习、课上认真听讲,记笔记、课后系统复习,独立完成作业。平


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p


大学毕业感言的作文 大学毕业感言的作文精选 一直以为大学三年生活永远那样漫长,生活在同一个校园的彼此好友永远会生活在一起、永远不离别了。然而,当伤心的事情打湿了我心灵、感动的话语洒变我的心扉时。那一刻,我知道:我们要毕业了,同学们真的要说再见了。仿佛如同一场梦,曾经的痴狂,曾经的波澜壮阔,曾经的肆无忌惮,曾经的飞扬跋扈,结果,在某年某月的某个地方,突然发现,那只不过如梦一场。蓦然回首,那场梦里,隐藏着多少辛酸和无奈,我们不愿再度思索因为,梦醒了,留给我们的只是依依惜别、难舍难分。毕业了,我短暂旅程被中断,我必须要开始去思考我们自己的将来。我站在人生的拐点,迷茫地眺望未来,即使这是我们无数次反复地期待的时刻,但它突然的到来依然让我们措手不及。也许我真真的生活才刚开始,迷茫的前方,开始提起勇气再往前走,前方的路到底会需要多大的毅力呢。这即将是一个考验。 大学毕业感言的作文摘抄 四年的大学生活显得空泛又漫长,在于每一天起大早,在教室苦苦煎熬着,听老师的专业理论,枯燥无味;在于回到寝室就经常坐着,盘算该做什么又懒得去动,了无思绪;在于上楼顶对着夜空时那种飘渺不定的心态,脑海中闪过很多熟悉的场景,又是那么地不再清晰。 四年的大学生活又显得那么地精彩又短暂,在于忙着写论文的时候,一只脚已经踏出了校门,回首一望,仿佛自己提着行李懵懵懂懂地走进大学校门的场景还停留在昨天;在于四年的时间让我体验到了爱情的美好和友情的温暖,和室友们朝夕相处的日子,和女友携手漫步在湖边的浪漫,和朋友们一起游览井冈山的画面,一切的一切在时间流沙的冲刷下渐渐被埋在了记忆深处;在于我渐渐认识到了自己的很多缺陷,时间给了我很多改正的机会,让我坚强面对一切,同时很幸运地结识了好多朋友,那一刻,可以说我是幸福的。 回想5。29,拍毕业照的这一天注定成为最激动人心又催人泪下的时刻,是的,我们真的毕业了,当学士帽被高高地抛向空中时,大学生活也在此走向了终点,我们屏住了内心不舍的心情,在学校的每一个角落留下我们的气息,掺合在花香中,融在了露水中。 这四年,开心、悲伤、欢笑、泪水相伴左右,发生了太多太多的事情,多么希望能够把生活的点点滴滴记录下来,用一辈子去珍藏。 大学毕业感言的作文选段 当洁白的栀子花儿香漫枝头的时候,当六月的风儿中飘散着热烈火红味儿的时候,我们高兴、我们开心、我们欣喜、我们激动因为四年的辛勤耕耘,我们终于迎来了满园的芬芳!


我的大学作文700字 今天我与小记者团的小朋友们一同参加了我的“大学”讲座活动,并去了解同学们最向往的大学生活。 “我们今天要讲到三个话题分别为:我为什么要上大学,我们的大学,大学生活。”这次讲座活动是由武汉大学单渌铱姐姐主讲。说到大学,相信同学们都会对大学同学羡慕不已,大家都会说大学的学习很轻松,跟玩没什么区别,而且在我们这要通过大学的师姐来了解大学。不知不觉的进入了第一个话题,首先师姐问我们上了大学就不用认真学习了吗?大家的答案五花八门,有的说上了大学就不用认真学习,有的说上了大学还是要认真学习,还有的说上了大学,可能要认真学习,可能不用认真学习。经过师姐的讲解,使大家对大学有了进一步的了解,最终大家认为上了大学,也应该要认真学习,因为学无止境,人要活到老学到老。通过师姐对话题我为什么要上大学的详细介绍,让我懂得了大学其实也要认真学习,上大学的意义在于对自己的了解“更上一层楼”,能锻炼自己的能力,并培养自己成多才多艺的人。话题二我们的大学,大学分为:本科院校,专科院校,特殊院校,独立院校,985大学,211大学。985大学是指1998年5月成立的大学,而211大学是指面向21世纪,迎接世界技术革命的挑战。光阴似箭,时间飞逝,大家进入了话题三大学生活,大学生活包括三类:学习,社团,生活。学习是非常重要的,每到期中与期末大家都要进行考核,大学也不例外,大学的考核成绩是看试卷成绩加平时成绩。如果你没有考到指定的分数后就要补考,取消各种活动的评奖资格,还要重学。如果你考出优秀的成绩就能适当获得奖学金。而社团和生活主要是建议同学们自由参加社会实践活动。 通过师姐对大学的这番讲解使我对大学的看法有了改变,并进一步的了解大学。最后,我希望大家都能考上理想的大学。


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


大学毕业感想作文 大学毕业感想作文 时光荏苒,青春行走在时间的河岸,渐行渐远。初夏又至,七月的脚步越来越近,转眼四年的大学生活即将结束,又要开始新的征程。在这里,我度过了人生青春纯真的四年,忘怀的四年,这将成为我人生美好的回忆。 XX年9月,刚入校的自己还是个不谙世事的懵懂少年,现如今已经改变了许多,变得坚强自信。记得我踏入校园里的第一刻,心里感到一阵阵的失落,想想自己将在这里度过自己的大学生活,不免感到一丝失望。在随后的几天中,我努力做着调整。我安慰自己,能够来到这里上学,这也算是冥冥中的注定吧我也知道既来之,则安之的道理,因此我决定从此要珍惜我的大学生活,珍惜每分每秒,还要在以后的时光中爱上我的母校。事实证明,在这四年的大学生活中,我也正努力实践着它。 这四年中,学校中的许多教授与老师孜孜不倦的教诲着我们,把知识的火炬传递给我们,为我将来的工作打下了基础。他们是一盏明灯,指引着我未来前行的方向。 在这里,认识了来自五湖四海的大学同学。大家聚到这里,也是一种缘份。四年同窗,相儒以沫,岂是几个字能将它们一一叙来。友情是财富,在我今后的几十年中,它将伴随着我,直至我生命的尽头。 我见证了学院的成长,从一个校园有点小的旧校区到如今星海环绕、焕然一新的新校区。看到它的成长,心里产生了一种喜悦,因为在这四年产生了对母校深厚的感情。 机会如同时间一样,对任何人都是公平的,关键在于能否将机会抓住。当机会来临时,如果没有实力,那便也只会白白丧失良机而已。在闲瑕之余,我不断充实

自己,提高自己的文学素养,提高自己的认知水平。学校的图书馆给了我成长的精神食粮,充实了我的大学生活。每当下晚自习的时候,一个人走在校园里,望着路灯下的时而长时而短的身影,心里畅想着未来,不免产生对未来的无限向往。 大学给我们提供了展现自我的自由与空间,同时也给予羽翼未丰的我们以呵护,为将来能够自由地在天空遨翔磨炼着我们的翅膀。在大 学中,我懂得了坚持、懂得了努力、懂得了拼搏、懂得了付出、懂得了放弃 是你架起了走向成熟的桥梁,为我步入社会作好铺垫。 也许我曾经有些失误,也许曾经迷失过方向,也许曾经滞留在某处没有前行,也许曾经有过让老师失望。这许许多多的不足之处,将与那些曾经不愉快的事,徜徉在我历史的长河中,经过时间的洗礼,经过回忆的洗涤。当再次回想时,嘴角的微笑便是对此的最好诠释。 生活是实实在在的,每一个人都很普通,很平凡。梦想就像天空里可以远飞的风筝,但追求过高也难免于飘零。所以,还是脚踏实地的好。也许别离的时候,抱着简单的行囊说,好像落了什么东西,又想不起来是什么。也许,这种隐隐的失落会陪伴我很长一段时间。我的这一段青春,这些同路人,我们携手创造的一个时代,这些我最珍贵的,我怎么也带不走了,它永远的留在了校园里。 不经一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香? 其实走过的路并非坦途。在学习生活中,我们都会不可避免地遇到一些困难和挫折。然而当面对困难与挫折时,我们应当敢于拼搏,勇于攀登,不应该自暴自弃,怨天尤人,更不应该生活在那自己所幻化出来的五光十色的自我解脱的肥皂泡中蹉跎岁月,虚度自己的青春年华。挫折是一份财富,经历是一份拥有,不是自己的,就别再勉强! 杨柳枯了,有再青的时候桃花谢了,有再开的时候可是在母校的四年时光却一去不复返。只留有一份弥足珍贵的回忆,一种割舍不掉的友情,一段终身难忘的经历。


大学生优秀作文自我介绍5篇 大家好,我是xxx,来到这里,我非常的兴奋,因为我又能在新的环境中,找到 新的朋友了。现在小编为大家收集整理优秀的作文,如果喜欢这篇文章可以参考学习。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新。 大学生自我介绍一 大家好,我叫XXX,大家可以叫我的外号XX。 我毕业于xx学校(或我来自xxx),正如大家一样,在见到如此多的新面孔的时候,我也激动万分。 我的性格……,我的爱好…… 俗话说:有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。 因此我觉得能跟大家在一起学习是一种缘分,希望在以后的日子里我们互相帮助 共同进步,更上一层楼。 谢谢! 大学生自我介绍二 大家好,我叫xxx,毕业于XX高中。 我从小便喜好文学,对我而言,相比理科中奇妙的符号数字和多变的几何图形, 我更喜爱文学中的那一片人文气息。 无人时,我喜欢静静的看书,沉浸甚至沉醉于那一部部文学名著中。 书中那片浓郁的人文气息,沁人心脾,让我不由的深陷其中,无法自拔。 不过由于过于以书为友,反而让我忽略了现实中的人际交流,在面对陌生的环境 和陌生的人时,我会由于茫然不知所措而显得过于沉默乃至沉闷,这也算是我最大的 一个缺点吧,所以我希望在大学里多和同学们交流,努力改掉这个缺点。 在今后的四年里,我希望在收获好成绩的同时,也能收获到数份珍贵的友谊! 在此先谢谢大家了! 大学生自我介绍三 大家好,我是xxx,来到这里,我非常的兴奋,因为我又能在新的环境中,找到 新的朋友了。 我是一名学习一般,相貌一般,体格一般的内向学生。

我沉着冷静,比较和善,也比较好相处,大家可以和我多交朋友。 我喜欢看书,特别是喜欢xxx的书,希望在大学能够交到一些志同道合的书友。 我和在座的同学们一样,渴望展翅高飞,渴望将来有更大的发展空间,有施展才 华的更广阔的天地。 我想,有耕耘就会有收获。 未来的四年里,由各位老师的倾情传授,我们一定会有一个更加无限美好的未来。 谢谢大家。 大学生自我介绍四 大家好,我叫xxx,毕业于XX高中。我从小便喜好文学,对我而言,相比理科 文艺版中奇妙的符号数字和多变的几何图形,我更喜爱文学中的那一片人文气息。无 人时,我喜欢静静的看书,沉浸甚至沉醉于那一部部文学名著中。书中那片浓郁的人 文气息,沁人心脾,让我不由的深陷其中,无法自拔。 不过由于过于以书为友,反而让我忽略了现实中的人际交流,在面对陌生的环境 和陌生的人时,我会由于茫然不知所措而显得过于沉默乃至沉闷,这也算是我最大的 一个缺点吧,所以我希望在大学里多和同学们交流,努力改掉这个缺点。 在今后的四年里,我希望在收获好成绩的同时,也能收获到数份珍贵的友谊! 在此先谢谢大家了! 大学生自我介绍五 我的名字叫___,来自_____,是________大一新生。 我,爱笑,爱乐,爱简单,爱热闹,爱听音乐爱交朋友,爱自由自在,爱与众同乐,爱hold不住的兴奋,也爱无厘头的搞笑,爱安安静静的自得其乐,也爱疯疯癫癫 的热热闹闹,我就是这样,不管你欣赏不欣赏,我依然在自己的人生道路上跌跌撞撞 而又不失姿态的走下去。 我的历史没有光彩夺目的修饰,只有一步一步女里证明自己的艰辛与坚定。做过 团支书,知道团支书的不易与担当;做过学习委员,不是想象中的闲职,是必须为大家 的学习负责;获得过“三好学生”,才懂得成功不是随随便便,轻而易举的眼高手低,而 是实实在在,不懈努力的眼低手高;获得过“优秀班干”,终于尝到“在其位,谋其政”的 甜头。过去了就让它过去吧,毕竟这已成为历史,想在我能做的就是——在大学生新 的征途中抓住机遇,展现自己,与大家一起同享大学带来的surprises。


英语高分作文表达必备 1.一些人……而另外一些人Some people…while others… 2.就我而言/就个人而言As far as I am concerned/personally 3.就……达到绝对的一致reach an absolute agreement on… 4.可靠的消息源a reliable source of information 5.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources 6.社会进步的体现a symbol of social progress 7.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 8.双方的论点the argument on both sides 9.对……观点因人而异views on...vary from person to person 10.在一定程度上to some extent/degree/in some way 11.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitude towards this issue 12.支持前/后种观点的人people/those in favor of the former/latter opinion 13.有/提供如下理由/证据have/provide the following reasons/evidence 14.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in... 15.对……必不可少be indispensable to… 16.有争议性的问题a controversial issue 17.正如言语所说as the proverb goes 18.满足需求satisfy/meet the needs of 19.快捷convenient and efficient 20.生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life 21.环保(的)environmental protection/environmentally friendly 22.热烈的讨论/争论a heated discussion/debate 23.随着经济的快速发展with the rapid development of economy 24.人们生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长the remarkable improvement/steady growth of people’s living standards 25.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 26.身心两方面both physically and mentally 27.完全不同的观点a totally different argument 28.把时间和精力放在……上focus time and energy on…


我的大学校园作文范文 大学,多少高三学子向往的地方。大学生活,每一个高中生都 梦寐以求的的想去体验一番。以下是给大家的我的大学校园作文范文,喜欢的过来一起分享吧。 在这个阴雨蒙蒙的秋季,我又上学了。不过这回是离开那个曾 经承载过我的快乐和忧伤的高中,搭上去西安的列车--然后上大学。 我的学校在南郊,远离市区,这多少让我有点失落。记得报名那天,天空很适时地下着毛毛雨,跟大家的心情真是绝配。我突然间想到了退学,然后回家补习......因为很难过,学校太偏僻了,感觉很伤感。不过只是想想,开开玩笑罢了,走到这一步就无法回头了。 第一次离开家,也是第一次住宿舍。这种想家的痛苦相信很多 同学都能理解,也应该经历过吧。我记得来学校的第二天晚上我哭得像个小孩子,只是因为想家...... 第三天我们就开始军训,14天的军训生活让我学会了很多。 军训,最难忘的是连长的歌唱得很好听,还有就是晚上十几个 营的娃娃坐在一起拉歌。大家就像是一家人!这首先教会了我和同学 和睦相处。因为太认真,不会学别人偷懒,所以我的脚在训练时候磨破了,腿也拉伤了。其实我不在意这点小痛,虽然我是女生...... 我明白,长大的过程是痛苦的。就像蚕化茧,茧化蝶一样痛苦。这又教会了我坚强和诚实。 记得军训前一天晚上首长安排的任务:每人写一份军训决心书!我就说其实我挺害怕的,因为有听哥哥姐姐们说过军训很苦。不过我

不会当逃兵的,我会好好配合连长,认真学习每个动作。我决心挑战自己!结果我真的做到了,虽然最后因为个子低被刷掉了,但我还是被评上了优秀个人。我很骄傲!不仅是因为这个奖,更是因为我学会了勇敢面对,而不是以前那样只是逃避。 我相信,任何人只要拥有一颗健康向上的心,再加上勤奋努力就离成功不远了。我曾经被郭敬明的文字深深吸引着,甚至了很多他的经典语录,整天揣在兜里背诵。最可笑的是我曾经还刻意模仿小四,直到我的文字里有了深深的忧伤!而且很多时候我会无故就感觉到伤感,和很多朋友走着走着突然就沉默了,装沉思者......现在回忆起来感觉真的挺可笑哦。其实我们每个人都有属于自己的生活,不应该那样轻易就被一个人影响。拥有一颗积极向上的心很重要,尤其是在高三! 现在我心如止水,不知道是不是麻木了?或许只是因为刚刚军训完,太累了吧!朋友说的话让我心里暖暖的--你的选择,我的支持; 既选之,则乐之! 今天军训汇报完毕,明天开始正式开课。我要好好学习专业课,然后进军学生会,混个官当当。再就是参加社交,学习我的最爱——街舞!用我的认真和热忱完成我的大学生活,书写一张多彩的扉页! 希望学弟学妹们加油,尤其是高三的朋友们,不要喊累。要知道你在休息的同时有人在看书!早日考上自己理想的大学! 大学,多少高三学子向往的地方。大学生活,每一个高中生都梦寐以求的的想去体验一番。至少当时的我是这样。但是,说句实话,


大学毕业总结作文 每天依旧早出晚归,放熟悉的cd,看到熟悉的人,吃熟悉的饭菜,读着熟悉的公式。熟悉的小路上绿树,青草,啾啾鸟鸣,无一不是四年来司空见惯的东西,我想如果不是楼长提着行李把我赶出,我一定会忘了时间,忘了毕业的时间。不是留恋,其实早就想着离开清华换个环境,只不过经常忘记自己身在何处,平平淡淡的过惯了。 不过最后的几个月里,还真的发生了不少事。学校莫名其妙的被炸,非典来势汹汹,还有就是毕设为我们创造了许多的便利条件,例如在理科楼联机,关税,还是这最后一段时间比较有谈资。 不管怎么样,终究是要离开这个其实是很好的清华园,昨天躺在床上,有几秒钟很怀念身下不合时宜的硬邦邦的凉席的感觉,不知道在几百米外的新宿舍有没有人会关心的告诉我把上半边卷起来,顺便再和我对骂几句白痴。不知道在我犹豫是不是该撤掉凉席的两个小时里还会不会有熟悉的呼噜,奇特的气味,是不是还会有人操着方言召唤梦中情人。昨天晚上,我竟然忘记了标准的台词,"妈的,这帮恶人。"。 然后迷迷糊糊地睡着,迷迷糊糊的醒来,迷迷糊糊的想起四年来的一些个片断。 刚刚住进十号的第一天就和吴尧夜聊(起因是大宝的呼噜声太 大了),可以想到的是,第一次就谈到mm了。 军训的时候曾经策划想把教官杀了(joke^_^),因为他居然在我入学的第二周就让我写检查,还当着一千来人朗诵我的名字。不就是

把衣服藏在床单底下,被子后面嘛,这是 * 和伟大母爱的综合体现,他怎么就不明白呢。 不过我们的连长小帅哥人还是不错的,唱情歌挺有味道,底气又足。尤其那首《把根留住》,当时大家都伪装的很好,换了现在,不知被我们这帮烂人损成什么样呢。军训时候另一个收获是发现了校花级的ppmm,名字我就不说了,其实大家都是知道的。 十号楼的水房可真冷啊,现在也不知道每天晚上多看那半小时书究竟有什么意义,只是有人在看,就觉得不该让自己看上去不够努力,大一的时候 * ,没什么头脑,也不敢有太多的想法。每天认真上自习,绝对的三点一线,而且还没觉得闷,那时候我真是好孩子啊,竟然能够在三教呆上一天,竟然能够守着女生楼还坚定不移的研究光学,偶很得意的是三分王扈老前辈(我至今仍非常感谢扈老师对我的耐心,他的课也是非常的棒)一个多月就记住了我的学号,那是上大课的时候,好像是某次考试结束之后,他说,这道题这么简单,居然还有人错,如果我没记错的话,992114是孙波吧。扈老师让我印象深刻的另一句话是有一次我去答疑,不知怎么得,我说到北大的物理系开课比我们深,他说,怎么能和他们比,当年我在北大数学系上课的时候物理系是一起上的……那是我第一次意识到清华物理不是第一,甚至不属一流。之后几年一个劲跑北大去听课,扈老师这句让我一时难以接受的话,算是最初的动力吧。大一时另一位对我影响颇深的是李复老师,我和他很谈得来,可以毫无顾忌的说出自己很不成熟的想法,而他也绝对是一位称职的力学老师。课程结束后他把我找去,


我的大学生活 大学,多少高三学子向往的地方。大学生活,每一个高中生都梦寐以求的的想去体验一番。至少当时的我是这样。但是,说句实话,大学对那时的我来说只是一种想象中的美好,但究竟如何,我想现在的我才对他有一定的了解。 在大学,不会再有老师苦口婆心的教诲和防腐不知疲倦的讲解;不会有每天做不完的习题和试卷;也不会天天为了分数、名次而焦急、苦恼……在体验大学生活的这一个月中,有这样一件事让我印象比较深刻:在大学的第一堂课上,有两个女生迟到了几分钟,按照以前的习惯打报告进教室。但后来老师说:“在大学中,如果你上课迟到或者有事想要早退的话,你不用打报告,只需悄悄地从后门出入,不要影响大家就好……”在这以后,我也遇到过其他在高中甚至想都不敢想的事情。比如可以随时出入宿舍和校门,因需要完成某事要逃课等。 所以,我总结出:大学,是一个完全靠自觉的过程。如果高中的我们还是一只雏鸟,那么大学的我们可以说已经长大,远离了父母的庇护,远离了老师的督促,剩下的只有自己做自己的主人。 所以,现在的我们要自己管好自己,自己规划自己美好的大学生活,并自己保证今后能够笑着谈起自己的大学生活。 大学的第二个特点就是有更多的时间和空间,大学中绝不会有从早上5点出宿舍上课直到晚上10点才回去休息的情况;也不会因为喜欢看《红楼梦》但怕被老师发现而东躲西藏的事情,更重要的是,在大学里有各种各样的活动等着你去参加和体验,而这些在高中都被视为纯属浪费时间的事情。其实,从这些事情中我们也能学到许多知识——课本里并没有的知识,学到许多经验或是教训,学到大学的丰富多彩…… 所以,我认为,比知识更重要的是能力,而能力地培养需


1. My view on…(就...问题,我的观点) Model 1 模板一 Para 1第一段 Different people have different views on... It is held/ believed/ thought/ recognized/ acknowledged that...But it is also held that ... 就 ...而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为...但也有人认为... Those who hold the first opinion feel…In contrast/however/on the contrary, those who hold the second view believe/suggest/argue/believe/think that… 持第一个观点的人认为...相反地,持第二个观点的人认为 Para 2 第二段 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admittedly… /后者 In my opinion, I am for From my standpoint / viewpoint, I am in favor of From my point of view, I am supportive of As far as I am concerned What’s more,… Moreover,… Furthermore,… ,… Para 3 结尾段 In a word, … In sum In brief In short It’s necessary to take a correct attitude to…. Only …, can we … In conclusion 对...持正确的态度是有必要的。只有...,我们才能... To sum up As is mentioned above, Taking all the above into consideration, Model 2 模板二 Para 1第一段 随着...到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中...变得越来越... When asked about ..., different people will offer different opinions.


大学毕业感想作文2000字 时间过得真快,不经意间我即将和大学挥手告别。回首这四年的校园生涯和社会实践生活,有太多的回忆。大学的第一个学期在憧憬与新奇中飞快的度过了,这是一个崭新的世界,是一座通向社会的桥梁,那时的我们刚刚迈上。 大学是挑战自我,充实自我,为实现人生价值打下基础的平台。我们总能一次又一次更加深刻的了解自己,反省自己,找到更适合自己的道路。回忆起刚刚入学的情景,同 学间初次见面的扭捏与欣喜似乎还在眼前;军训时,操场上的飒爽英姿和病榻前的关怀问 候随处可见;大学城的日子里,每天清晨结伴从宿舍走到教学楼,中午结伴去食堂用餐, 夜幕中结伴在校园漫步,处处都洋溢着青春的笑脸,就连浓雾中的晨练也成为一道不可多得的风景线,至今令人无法忘怀。 进入大学,首先是一次思想的进步,我告诉自己,我已经是一个大学生,在心智上应该逐渐成熟起来,凡事要首先自己独立进行考虑,沉着冷静得出结论。我能做到积极要求进步,积极靠近党组织,并在第一学期就向党组织提交了,坚决拥护中国共产党。关心国家大事,让自己的思想紧紧跟上时代的步伐,时刻听从党的召唤,始终拥护党的纲领。我一直在追求人格的升华,注重自己的品行。在大学生活中,我坚持着自我反省且努力的完善自己的人格。利用课余时间阅读《菜根谭》等书籍,这对自己有所帮助,越来越认识到品行对一个人来说是多么的重要,关系到是否能形成正确的人生观世界观。所以无论在什么情况下,我都以品德至上来要求自己。无论何时何地我都奉行严于律己的信条,尊崇诚实做人的宗旨,并切实的遵行它。 作为一名大学生,首先,最重要的任务一定是完成自己的此阶段的学业。大学是一个培养具有科学文化素质青年的殿堂,踏过高考的千军万马,走过人生第一座险隘的独木桥,成功的迈进大学的校门,无论是怀着怎样的心情,我想我没有理由不好好。但那不得不承认的是,大学的课程的确和以前大不相同,难度的加深、数量的增加、的巨大改变,带来了一些问题,例如有一段时间,听课听不懂,做也不会做,想请教被人却不知道从何做起,这样除了刻苦的学习之外,还要摸索适合自己的学习方法,一切都是全新的挑战,但是还好,我顺利的完成了第一学期的学习任务。 回顾自己走过的路,从中学到大学,是人生的重大转折,大学生活的重要特点表现在:生活上要自理,管理上要自治,思想上要自我教育,学习上要求高度自觉。尤其是学习的内容、方法和要求上,比起中学的学习发生了很大的变化。要想真正学到知识和本领,除了继续发扬勤奋刻苦的学习精神外,还要适应大学的教学规律,掌握大学的学习特点,选择适合自己的学习方法。大学的学习既要求掌握比较深厚的基础理论和专业知识,还要求重视各种能力的培养。大学教育具有明显的职业定向性,要求大学生除了扎扎实实掌握书本知识之外,还要培养研究和解决问题的能力。因此,要特别注意自学能力的培养,学会


大学生优秀毕业生个人优秀事迹作 文800字 有谁能挡住时光的脚步,有谁能长留青春的容颜,这一天在不知不觉中到来了,我们就要面临毕业.大学是人生一个里程碑,里程碑的周围往往有着很多很多的叉路口,而毕业则意味着我们不得不去选择一条路继续走下去.毕业前,我们努力了;毕业时,我们流泪了;毕业后呢?让我们将感恩的心激动的泪和深情的爱 化作虔诚的祝福,祝福每个人都能够拥有美好的明天!下面是给大家介绍的大学生优秀毕业生个人优秀事迹。 大学生优秀毕业生个人优秀事迹1 首三年的大学校园生活生涯和社会实践生活,有渴望、有追求、有成功也有失败,我孜孜不倦,不断地挑战自我,充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基矗 在思想品德上,本人有良好道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向,我积极地向党组织靠拢,使我对我们党有可更为深刻的认识。参加了“市直和中央、省属驻梅单位---年度入党积极分子培训班”的培训。本人遵纪守法、爱护公共财产、关心和帮助他人,并以务实求真的精神热心参与学校的公益宣传和爱国活动。

在学习上,我热爱自己的专业还,还利用课余时间专修计算机专业知识,使我能轻松操作各种网络和办公软件。曾获过三等奖学金,在书法和体育运动都获得好成绩。英语、电脑、普通话等方面的等级考试已达标。除了在专业知识方面精益求精外,平时我还涉猎了大量网络编程、网络管理与维护、网页设计等知识。并且相信在以后理论与实际结合当中,能有更大提高。 在生活上,我最大的特点是诚实守信,热心待人,勇于挑战自我,时间观念强,有着良好的生活习惯和正派作风。由于平易近人待人友好,所以一直以来与人相处甚是融洽,连续担任了分院的乒协的秘书长一职 在工作上,对工作热情,任劳任怨,责任心强,具有良好的组织交际能力,和同学团结一致,注重配合其他学生干部出色完成各项工作,得到了大家的一致好评。 大学生优秀毕业生个人优秀事迹2 光阴荏苒,短短两年的学习生活即将过去。在菁菁校园中,老师的教诲,同学的友爱以及各方面的熏陶,使我获得了许多知识,懂得了许多道理。 作为跨世纪的大学生,为了更好地适应社会的需要,我在掌握好学校课程的前提下,充分利用课余时间,阅读了大量的课外读物,拓宽了自己的知识面。在校期间,一直以严谨的态度和满


作文范文 请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作: 1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切 2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to …… And most children …… According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% ….. However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because …… Besides, being independent …… Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to …… By doing so, parents …… In addition, parents should urge their kids to …… For example, …… 范文 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0811751152.html,)/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿 大学英语作文范文 1.成功的四个步骤fourstepstoasuccessful fourstepstoasuccessful thefirsttimeinlife?thengraspyourchancewithyour perfectperformanceonthedatingnight,bylearningt hefollowingprincipleinheart. dressproperly.whileeveryonewantstogiveanimpres sivedebutonthefirstdate,youshouldavoidwearings omethingtoobizarretobeaccepted.ifyouarestillin school,asportswearcanfulfillyourpurpose.forbus inessmanorgrownups,casualclothesarerecommended .neverputupyourworkinguniforms,nomatterhowwell youlikethatarmanisuit.itisnowork.afewaccessori essuchasapairofsunglassesorsilverloopsonthewri stcanadduptotheromancesphere.

takeabathbeforedating.andifyoulike,sprayalittl eperfume,butunlessyou'resurethatheorshelikesthesmell,don'tuseonesthataretoostrong. watchyourmanner.you'renoprinceofthescotlandnorcinderellainthelegen d.propermannerswillensurealastingrelationshipw hilebadonesscareawayyoursweetheart.anddomakesu reyoudonotboastaboutyourfortune,for,noteveryon earegreenaddicts.andyourwayofsmiling,oryourgre atestoath,shouldneitherbe"coy"nor"byst.loy!"af terthenuninchaucer. bealittlesensitivethanmerelyinnocent.domakesur eyoudonotintrudehisorherprivacyonthefirstdate. fortheremaybesomethingdeeplyconcealedwithinthe innercoreofeveryheart,ofwhichtheownerdoesn'tshareoftenwithanyonebuthisintimacy. finally,wishyougoodluck.mayyougetyourheartscom binedandstartanewjourneyinthemiracleoflifeandl ove.staytunedtillaborderlineisreached,andkeepo
