热词 (2)






China signed a multilateral agreement on tax matters as a part of efforts to share tax information of multinational companies to fight international tax avoidance.


国家税务总局(the State Administration of Taxation)局长王军12日与加拿大、印度、以色列和新西兰税务局长一起签署多边税收协议(multilateral agreement on tax matters),承诺将自动交换跨国企业集团(multinational enterprise group)按照各国国内法要求编制的转让定价国别报告(country-by-country report of transfer pricing)。

《转让定价国别报告多边主管当局间协议》是第十届税收征管论坛大会的重要成果之一(one of the great fruits of the Tenth Meeting of the Forum on Tax Administration),也是经济合作与发展组织(the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)协调举行的第二次多国集体签署仪式。截至目前,协议签署国已达39个。协议要求全球合并收入超过7.5亿欧元的跨国企业集团(international firms with total annual revenue over EUR750m),由其母公司(holding company)向所在国税务机关按年报送集团全球所得、税收和业务活动的国别分布情况及其他指标。

该协议的签署是落实二十国集团(G20)领导人对税基侵蚀和利润转移项目(Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)的承诺,推进全球税收合作(boost international cooperation on tax issues),打击国际逃避税(fight global tax evasion),加强政府间的税收信息交换(strengthen inter-government sharing of tax information)的重要举措。


独立交易原则arm's length principle

无形资产intangible asset

不公平关联交易unfair related transaction

税基tax base

税制taxation system

税负tax burden

China's health, police and transportation authorities have jointly established a "green passage" for human organ transportation to minimize delivery times and help more patients survive.


多部门日前联合印发《关于建立人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的通知》,希望通过建立绿色通道(green passage),确保捐献人体器官转运流程(transportation process)的通畅,提高捐献人体器官(donated human organs)的转运效率,减少人体器官的损耗或浪费(reduce damage or waste of human organs),帮助患者存活。通知(circular)明确,建立人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的协调机制(coordination mechanism),设立器官转运绿色通道24小时应急电话(24-hour

emergency hotline),各部门通力合作(work together)。

卫生计生行政部门负责制定人体捐献器官运输技术规范与标准(technological specifications and standards),统一移植中心(transplant center)器官接收确认文件。公安部门负责依法保障运送人体捐献器官的救护车优先通行(right of way)。交通运输部门负责保障便捷、快速通过收费公路收费站(toll gate)。民航(civil aviation)部门负责保障运送人体捐献器官的人员优先安检(priority security check)、快速登机(speedier boarding),协调承运人体捐献器官的航班班次(planes carrying donated human organs),遇拥堵或流量控制(air traffic control)时优先放行(be given priority during take off and landing)。铁路部门负责保障火车站安检快速过检、乘车,协调列车车次,必要时登车后补票(buy tickets after boarding a train)。红十字会负责协助(provide help)人体捐献器官运输,提供人体器官运输专用标志(special logo)。

8日,我国民航系统迎来首例"绿色通道"活体器官运输(the first human organ transfer using the "green passage" system),仅用5分钟就完成医生和活体器官的值机和安检(check-in and security)手续,全程用时2小时15分成功保障一例活体心脏器官从杭州机场快速转运至武汉。9日,全国首例通过人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的肺源从成都抵达无锡,这次肺源6小时跨越1858公里无缝转运(seamless transfer)。12日,昆明机场开通器官转运绿色通道,顺利保障供体一肝两肾一个角膜从西双版纳快速转运至昆明。


移植手术transplant surgery

器官功能障碍organ dysfunction

器官衰竭organ failure

器官捐献organ donation


China's education authorities have launched a campaign to curb school bullying.


校园欺凌(school bullying)指发生在学生之间,蓄意或恶意通过肢体、言语及网络等手段,实施欺负、侮辱造成伤害。如今,这种行为连同校园暴力(campus/school violence)已引起社会的广泛关注(attract broad attention)。

日前,国务院教育督导委员会(the education supervision committee under the State Council)向各地印发《关于开展校园欺凌专项治理的通知》,要求各地对校园欺凌进行专项治理。此次专项治理覆盖全国中小学校(elementary and middle schools),包括中等职业学校(secondary vocational schools),集中对学生开展法制和心理健康教育(legal and mental health education for students)。

据了解,这是近年来我国首次从国家层面对校园欺凌进行治理。此次专项治理将分为两个阶段进行,第一阶段为4月至7月,主要是各校完善防范和处理校园欺凌的措施(improve measures for preventing and handling school bullying),建立校园欺凌事件应急处置预案(establish an emergency plan for bullying incidents),设立校园欺凌举报热线(operate a hotline for reporting bullying),涉嫌违法犯罪的(any cases involving crimes),要向公安部门报案。第二阶段为9月至12月,主要是开展专项督查(oversight)。责任督学(responsible inspector)要对责任区内学校的专项治理全程监督,发现问题及时与校方沟通,做好记录并及时向当地教育督导部门报告。

中国政法大学(China University of Political Science and Law)青少年犯罪与少年司法研究中心主任皮艺军表示,治理校园欺凌,最重要的是转变观念。专项治理很可能是一个短期行为

(short-term move),不能为了治理霸凌而治理,重要的是形成环境预防,当对霸凌"零容忍"(zero-tolerance)的环境、条件、理念形成的时候,霸凌事件自然就会消失。


校园欺凌school bullying

校园暴力campus/school violence



故意伤害intentional injury


The freelance tour guide pilot program is part of a comprehensive reform of the country's tour guide system that will tap more job opportunities for tour guides and create a fair and orderly tourism market.


国家旅游局(the National Tourism Administration)近日下发"关于开展导游自由执业试点工作的通知",决定从今年5月起正式启动在上海等9个省市的导游自由执业试点工作(a freelance tour guide pilot program)。

此次开展的9个省市试点工作将分为线上、线下两种类型,自由执业导游(freelance tour guides)可通过在线平台和线下机构(via online platforms and offline agencies)出售他们的服务,消费者将来可通过第三方支付平台(a third-party payment platform)来支付导游服务费。江浙沪三省市、广东省将执行线上导游自由执业试点工作(online freelance tour guide pilot program),吉林长白山、湖南长沙和张家界、广西桂林、海南三亚、四川成都将执行线上线下导游自由执业试点工作。

根据通知,自由执业的导游必须与合法的机构签订合同(sign contracts with legal agencies),不得绕过网络预约平台或线下自由执业业务机构(be forbidden to bypass online booking platforms or relevant offline agencies),自行开展自由执业业务(offer services directly to tourists)。违规导游将被处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款(be fined between RMB1,000 and RMB10,000),并暂扣或者吊销导游证(license suspended or revoked)。

国家旅游局将在5月底前首次搭建完成全国统一的"全国导游公共服务监管平台"(national tour guide supervision platform),并制定平台相关接入标准,提供自由执业导游身份认证(freelance tour guide certification),公布提供导游自由执业业务的机构名单(list of agencies that offer freelance tour guide services),收集汇总导游执业和游客评价信息。

强行推销hard selling

景区scenic area

服务营地service camp

游客服务中心tourists center

星级卫生公厕star-rated public restroom

Shanghai Disney Resort opened its gates to some visitors in a trial run in preparation for its official opening on June 16.

上海迪士尼度假区近日向部分游人开放,进行运营测试,为6月16日的正式开幕做准备。文中的trial run就指"测试运行"。这个短语也可以表示"试车",trial意思是测试的、试用的,比如trial version(试用版),做名词还可以表示法庭审讯,例如:New evidence showed the police

lied at the trial.(新的证据表明警方在审讯时撒了谎。)

据报道,虽然运营测试阶段仅向受邀者(invited visitors)开放,但仍吸引了大批市民前往。不过评价并不"乐观",不少民众"吐槽"消费贵。据称,一家三口一日游的最低预算要2600元(a one-day visit to the resort for a family of three will cost at least RMB2,600),二日游(a two-day trip/visit)的最低预算则需6000元。

迪士尼乐园平日门票(a ticket of weekdays)价格为370元,以两个大人带一个小孩的三口之家来算,门票价格约为1020元(admission will cost about RMB1,020 for a family of two adults and one child)。如果行程安排在节假日(weekends or holidays),则要1373元。如果一家三口两日游,平日价格为1938元、节假日则需花费约2610元。

住宿方面(as for accommodation),尽管上海迪士尼乐园酒店尚未公布其客房价格(the resort has yet to announce the price in its hotel rooms),但参考美国迪士尼酒店,住宿最便宜折合人民币将近1980元。离上海迪士尼乐园不远的便捷酒店(nearby buget hotels)价格约为300元到800元。

而园内80元一份的芝士牛肉汉堡(a beef burger with cheese),60元一个的儿童热狗(a child-sized hot dog)或一份扒鸡柳配米饭(braised chicken fillet with rice),65元一桶的爆米花(popcorn),15元一杯的百事可乐,10元一个的虾饺(shrimp dumpling),以及250元一份的双人套餐,更成为广大网友的"吐槽"对象。

一些消费者认为,迪士尼定价必须要考虑一个家庭的需求(the demand of a family),因为有儿童的家长大多是上班族(workers),不太可能平日游玩,以门票为例,就只能看齐高峰(peak days),将近500元的定价确实显得不合理。



餐饮dining and drinks

入场券/门票admission tickets

主题公园theme park

游乐园amusement park


过山车roller coaster

摩天轮ferris wheel

The Brazilian Senate Thursday gave the go-ahead to the impeachment trial by 55-22 after over 20 hours of heated discussion.


弹劾(impeachment)指政府高级官员或法官因为违法行为(unlawful activity)而受到刑事追诉的一种程序,其动词形式为impeach。在投票前,巴西参议院于11日进行了议员发言。由于有权发言的议员每人有15分钟时间阐述自己对弹劾提案的立场与想法(deliver 15-minute speeches for or against the impeachment),整个发言过程长达20多个小时,直到12日凌晨结束,随后参议院进行了全体投票。

按照巴西法律,罗塞夫最多将被停职180天(be suspended for up to 180 days),副总统特梅尔将接任巴西临时总统(temporarily assume the presidency)。如果最终参议院以2/3多数通过弹劾决议(a two-thirds majority in the Senate vote in favor of the impeachment resolution),罗塞夫将被罢免总统职务(face permanent removal from office),未来8年不能再竞选公职(be barred

from standing for office for eight years),而特梅尔将正式就任巴西总统至2018年底。反之,罗塞夫将被恢复总统职务(be reinstated as president)。

12日上午,罗塞夫在全国电视讲话中称,自己可能犯了错误(may have made mistakes),但没有犯罪(do not commit any crime)。自2011年罗塞夫就任总统以来,巴西遭遇上世纪30年代以来最严重的经济衰退(worst recession),巴西国家石油公司因其庞大的回扣计划(vast kickback scheme)而受到2年的调查,这些都导致罗塞夫的支持率一落千丈(crush her popularity)。


临时政府provisional/interim government

政治派别political faction

执政党ruling party





China's economy will tend towards L-shaped growth as deep-rooted problems persist and new challenges emerge, according to an exclusive interview with an "authoritative figure," in The People's Daily on Monday.


这里的L-shaped growth就是指经济运行的“L型走势”。文章称,经济运行的总体态势符合预期(within expectations),有些亮点还好于预期。但经济运行的固有矛盾没缓解,一些新问题也超出预期(with some emerging problems "bigger than expected")。很难用“开门红”“小阳春”等简单的概念加以描述。

文章称,我们面临的固有矛盾还没根本解决,一些新的问题也有所暴露。“稳”的基础仍然主要依靠“老办法”,即投资拉动,部分地区财政收支平衡压力较大,经济风险发生概率上升。特别是民营企业投资大幅下降(shrinking private investment),房地产泡沫(the real estate bubble)、过剩产能(industrial overcapacity)、不良贷款(non-performing loans)、地方债务(local government debt)、股市、汇市、债市、非法集资等风险点增多。

The head of BaiduInc has pledged to shift the company's business from a search-oriented model to one based on artificial intelligence, after a recent government probe on its core search business.


Baidu CEO Li Yanhong said in an internal letter on Tuesday that the shift will allow the company to develop such areas as voice search, automatic translation and driverless vehicles.


商业模式(business model)简单说来,就是一个公司靠什么来挣钱。百度作为国内的搜索引擎巨头(search engine giant),其商业模式自然就是以搜索为主(search-oriented model),

此次调查后,李彦宏表示:“重新审视公司产品的商业模式,是否因过度变现而影响用户体验(damage user experience),对于不尊重用户体验的行为要彻底整改。我们要建立起用户体验审核的一票否决制度(veto system),由专门的部门负责监督,违背用户体验原则的做法,一票否决(the department will have the final say to veto any behavior that is not in line with a good user experience),任何人都不许干涉。”

此外,对于商业推广结果,改变过去以价格为主的排序机制,改为以信誉度为主、价格为辅的排序机制(a new listing system that does not fully depend on the advertising price, but also considers advertisers' "reputation")。

其他整改措施还包括:对商业推广信息逐条加注醒目标识(place clear disclaimers on advertisements),并予以风险提示;严格限制商业推广信息比例,每页面不得超过30%(restrict the proportion of sponsored search results to 30 percent per web page);设10亿元保障基金,先行赔付网民因推广信息遭受的损失(establish a 1 billion yuan fund to compensate netizens cheated by false promotions)




网络视频直播(live video streaming)是指人们可以通过网络收看到远端正在进行的现场音视频实况,比如赛事、会议、教学、手术等等。直播进行时,可以跟观众进行实时互动(live interaction),直播结束后,还可以随时为观众提供重播、点播服务(video on demand, VOD),发挥直播内容的最大价值。

目前,网络直播最常见的内容有:在线游戏直播(online games)、娱乐活动直播(live entertainment),以及主播日常直播(host live show)。其中,在线游戏直播用户上百万,是主要内容之一。主播日常直播则因为内容监管难度大而成为治理的重点对象。

A popular form of live streaming involves charming chirpy casual young ladies called, rather unimaginatively, "hosts". They sing, dance, yak, engaging their audiences via personal computers and mobile phones. High-resolution screens are not required to enjoy the streamed content.


A more professional form is so-called live entertainment. A small group of subscribers get to watch these shows, which are usually about technology, financial topics or even concerts. These require higher screen resolution to enjoy sharper picture quality.



直播平台的收入主要有广告收入(ad revenue)、用户打赏(user contribution,用户花钱购买礼物、道具等打赏给主播)、与游戏公司及外设厂商进行合作(cooperation with game companies)等。


主播实名制(real-name system for the live streaming hosts):实名信息,包括姓名、身份证号码、手机号码、银行卡账户信息、本人手持身份证照片。同时,申请者还需在与审核人员视频聊天过程中回答若干问题,审核人员认定申请者满足认证要求的予以认证,否则不予认证。

主播黑名单(black list of hosts):网络直播平台对于停播封号的主播信息及违规视频进行证据保全,并上传至北京网络文化协会数据库。这个黑名单库将起到关键作用,协会将名单发给各平台并上报文化主管部门,各平台在其停播封号期间不得为其提供直播空间。

直播内容存储不少于15天备查(live streaming contents must be stored for at least 15 days for further inspection)。

河北省张家口市张北县草原天路5月1日起开始收门票,在网络上引发热议。网民普遍认为,当地政府巧妙地把公路变成了风景名胜区,是在“拦路收费”。近日,河北省物价局首次向媒体表态,称河北省向张北县下放部分行政权限,张北县有权制定草原天路的门票价格。The tourism bureau in Zhangbei county, Hebei province, said on Tuesday that the 50 yuan ($7.70) per-person charge introduced on May 1 is both reasonable and lawful.


It said money collected from tourists driving Grass Skyline, which is known as "China's Route 66", will be used for maintenance and environmental protection.


“草原天路”(Grass Skyline)全长132.7公里,是连接崇礼滑雪温泉大区和张北草原风情大区的一条重要通道。蜿蜒的道路,配上湛蓝如洗的天空,以及路两侧的村庄、梯田、沟壑、山坡,让旅游爱好者蜂拥而至。

此次张北县旅游局决定对这条公路按照景区(scenic area)标准收取门票(charge admission fee)引来众多网友热议。

争议的焦点在于,“草原天路”到底是一条普通的道路还是一个景区?如果只是一条通行用的道路(normal road),因为沿途有风景就收费,不合理。因为二级公路以下的都是不能收费的。但是,在张北县旅游局看来,草原天路属于风景名胜区(scenic spot),需要根据运营和维护成本收取一定的费用。

据悉,张北县“草原天路”旅游开发有限责任公司,联合北京宏美龙脊旅游发展有限公司进行注资扩股,开发建设。拟投资2.98亿元,在“草原天路”建设游客服务中心(tourists center)、观景台(observatory)、服务营地(service camp)、停车场(parking lot)、星级卫生公厕(star-rated public restroom)等项目




Lu Kehuaemphasised that any partitions needed to comply with current renting regulations and should not conflict with fire prevention and evacuation arrangements.


Partition就是指的出租房打出的“隔断”。用来把房间隔出单间的就是partition wall(隔断墙)。Partition还可以表示其它的隔离、隔板,比如:Her taxicab has a thick perspex partition between the passengers' seats and the driver.(她的出租车里乘客座位和驾驶员之间装着厚厚的有机玻璃隔板。)

根据政府在16个大中城市进行的租房供应(renting supply)调查,近四分之三的租客(renters)选择租赁50平米以下的小户型。而大多数可租赁住房面积大于此数。因此不少人选择了合租(share a house with other people)。


The threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges to international security, and the threat is constantly evolving. We, the leaders, gathered in Washington, D.C. on the first day of April, 2016 on the occasion of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit, are proud to observe that the Summits have since 2010 raised awareness of this threat and driven many tangible, meaningful and lasting improvements in nuclear security. The Summits have also strengthened the nuclear security architecture at national, regional and global levels, including through broadened ratification and implementation of international legal instruments regarding nuclear security. We underline the importance of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its 2005 Amendment and the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and will continue to work toward their universalization and full implementation. We welcome the imminent entry into force of the 2005 Amendment to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities and encourage further ratifications.


We reaffirm our commitment to our shared goals of nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy. We also reaffirm that measures to strengthen nuclear security will not hamper the rights of States to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. We reaffirm the fundamental responsibility of States, in

accordance with their respective obligations, to maintain at all times effective security of all nuclear and other radioactive material, including nuclear materials used in nuclear weapons, and nuclear facilities under their control.


More work remains to be done to prevent non-state actors from obtaining nuclear and other radioactive materials, which could be used for malicious purposes. We commit to fostering a peaceful and stable international environment by reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and strengthening nuclear security.

我们仍应付出更多努力,防止非国家行为者获取可用于恶意目的核材料及其他放射性材料。我们致力于通过减少核恐怖主义威胁并加强核安全以营造和平稳定的国际环境。Sustaining security improvements requires constant vigilance at all levels, and we pledge that our countries will continue to make nuclear security an enduring priority. We, as leaders, are conscious of our responsibility. Actions taken today can prevent tomorrow’s nuclear security incidents. Where we choose to take such steps visibly, in light of national conditions and while protecting sensitive information, we contribute to strengthening and building confidence in the effectiveness of our national nuclear security regimes.


Countering nuclear and radiological terrorism demands international cooperation, including sharing of information in accordance with States’ national laws and procedures. International cooperation can contribute to a more inclusive, coordinated, sustainable, and robust global nuclear security architecture for the common benefit and security of all.


We reaffirm the essential responsibility and the central role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in strengthening the global nuclear security architecture and in developing international guidance, and its leading role in facilitating and coordinating nuclear security activities among international organizations and initiatives and supporting the efforts of States to fulfill their nuclear security responsibilities. We welcome and support the Agency in convening regular high-level international conferences, such as the December 2016 international conference on nuclear security including its Ministerial segment, to maintain political momentum and continue to raise awareness of nuclear security among all stakeholders.


We seek to maintain the international network of officials and government experts who have supported the Summit process and to incorporate the broader community of States, as well as

encourage the continued engagement of relevant partners in nuclear industry and civil society.


In our continued collective determination to ensure political momentum and to continuously strengthen nuclear security at national, regional, and global levels, we resolve to implement the attached Action Plans, in support of the international organizations and initiatives to which we respectively belong (the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, INTERPOL, the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, and the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction), to be carried out on a voluntary basis and consistent with national laws and respective international obligations. These plans reflect the political will of participating States.


The 2016 Summit marks the end of the Nuclear Security Summit process in this format. We affirm that the Communiqués from the 2010, 2012 and 2014 Summits and the Work Plan of the 2010 Summit will continue to guide our efforts as we endeavor to fully implement them.

