Nature vs. nurture

Nature vs. nurture
Nature vs. nurture

Nature vs. nurture

Nowadays people usually comment others through their characters and behaviours. As a result, the topic of individuals’ personalities and behaviours impacted by nature or nurture has been a hot debate for a large number of years. While some individuals believe that these personality traits and behaviours have been decided when people was born, the others deem that these are formed generally in daily life and effected by circumstance. This essay will demonstrate that both of them can influence people’s personalities and behaviours.

Admittedly, some features of individual inherit gene from their parents. These features cannot alter with the changing of environment. For example, Chinese always have black hair. Even if some of them go to other countries where people have another colours hair, the colour of their hair cannot change. According to the Beckett, C. (2002), there is no doubt that hair colour is decided by their parents. It seems that people’s appearance can be decided by nature.

What is more, Dockery, M. and Reiss, M. (1999) said that some behaviour which relate to extraordinary early states of people’s life usually have no relationship with environment or the experience of the organism. They consider that behaviours formed at the proper time by some body mechanism and cannot be influenced by external environment. Therefore, people’s behaviours are possible result of their genetic inheritance.

However, it not means that individuals cannot transform their behaviours and charter. Actually, the most aspect of people’s habit and temperament depend on nurture. Generally speaking, people often imitate and observe others, especially their parents act and language when they were young said by Bandura and Huston (1961). In this way, it is difficult to deny that people’s behaviours and the way of speaking are affected by other people.

In addition, environment can change individuals’ behaviour. According to the Dockery, M. and Reiss, M. (1999), as organism experience in the environment of life, its can form an appropriate manner. In primitive society, for instance, people can prey animals as food with some simple tools which may be really difficulty for modern people. However, at that time without this skill some of them will die. Thus, people’ behaviours seem to be influenced by circumstance.

It is really difficult to differentiate nature and nurture which can bring more effects on people in terms of forming behaviour and personality traits as they are inextricably and interwoven. In this situation, all individuals should try their best to make themselves prefect, as people’s personality traits and behaviours cannot be only decided by their gene.


2016简单圣诞节英语手抄报 圣诞了,准备好了吗?以下是简单圣诞节英语,一起来看一下吧。 丹麦人宁愿欢庆圣诞节前夕,而不是象美国人那样欢庆圣诞节之晨。圣诞节的古老传统也许在农村比在城市里更受重视。“古式的圣诞节”才是正而八经的。 你是否考虑过节日与欢庆活动通常是和季节变化联系在一起的?在丹麦与许多北欧国家情况就是这样。 圣诞节是北欧最古老的节日。即使在异教徒时期,冬至日活动是在一年中最短的一天,即12月21日前后举行的。人们点燃籍火,献上祭品,以安抚“邪恶势力”;但文雅、礼品及和平,即使在异教徒时期,也都属于圣诞爷。直至今日,一些圣诞节习俗并没有完全脱离旧异教徒与早期基督教徒传统的影响,一些长者仍对人们以前在烤炉和圣诞面团前划十字并预示次年年景的情形记忆犹新。 圣诞节和原来异教徒时期一样,是个欢天喜地的时节,也是斯堪的纳维亚整个地区最主要的基督教徒节日。但古代北欧人对太阳的崇拜仍稳稳约约地可以体会到,表达出一种对于冬至过去以后将有更长更亮的白昼回归并为此而感到宽慰的心情。 二圣诞节前有阵子很忙碌,人们忙于烘烤、清扫屋子和整理室内外环境。 圣诞树成了丹麦人家家户户、医院、旅馆、餐厅以及商店的宾客。它被树立在公共广场上,连海上的丹麦船只的桅杆上也绑上它。不过7把圣诞树作为圣诞节的象征,在丹麦还是较近期的事,是19世纪初期才引进的。 在丹麦,圣诞树在节前一天才装饰起来。大人们在家里与孩子们一起,在安逸的12月夜晚,已将彩色装饰纸剪好、粘贴好或编织到一起,待打扮得漂漂亮亮的圣诞树立起时,那些小小的纸口袋及小篮子里也都装满了糖果。此时,所有灯火被熄灭,通向起居室的门也被关起来并且锁上。孩子们是不允许在圣诞节前夕看到圣诞树的。当全家人聚在一起时,才把灯点亮,通向光辉灿烂的圣诞树的各道门也都敞开。 (汉斯·克里斯琴·安徒生的《冷杉树》中,叙述了圣诞树是如何从树林里挑选出来运送到屋内,在室内又是如何以小网、锥形物及彩纸剪。成的心形物装饰起来的。这些东西里装满了糖果、镀金的苹果、核桃,它们与发光的金丝花。 环、小旗及小灯一起挂到圣诞树枝上)。 年轻人尤其盼望过洁白的圣诞节。在北方,他们通常总能如愿以偿。大自然会这样安排。那就让我们设想一下:教堂钟声响起时大雪飘落的情景—纷飞


简单的圣诞节英语手抄报资料 Christmas cards 圣诞贺卡的起源: The custom of sending Christmas cards started in Britain in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began. (Helped by the new railway system, the public postal service was the 19th century's communication revolution, just as email is for us today.) As printing methods improved, Christmas cards were produced in large numbers from about 1860. They became even more popular in Britain when a card could be posted in an unsealed envelope for one half-penny - half the price of an ordinary letter. 圣诞贺卡可追溯到1840年统一便士邮政(uniform penny post)的出现,此项改革实现了英国境内邮件递送费用的标准化。(新铁路运输系统为公共邮政服务系统创造了条件,成就了19世纪的通信革命,与电子邮件对现代人的影响无异)。随着印刷术的改进,从1860年起,每年会生产大量的圣诞贺卡。当邮寄非密封的卡片只要半便士(普通信件邮费的一半)时,邮寄贺卡变得异常流行。 Traditionally, Christmas cards showed religious pictures - Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, or other parts of the Christmas story. Today, pictures are often jokes, winter pictures, Father Christmas, or romantic scenes of life in past times. 从传统上来讲,圣诞贺卡都印有一些基督教方面的图片,比如圣母玛丽,约瑟和小耶稣,或者其它包含有圣诞故事意义的图片。今天的圣诞贺卡通常是笑话、冬季景致,圣诞老人以及一些反应生活中浪漫场面的图片。


圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮 今天是美好的圣诞节平安夜。你知道做一份圣诞节的英语手抄报 需要什么图片吗?下面是小编收集整理的圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮,欢 迎阅读参考~ 圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮图片 1 圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮图片 2 圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮图片 3 圣诞节的英语手抄报简单漂亮图片 4 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time, they always have several days off, so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places. 为了纪念耶稣大部分西方人都庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。 在这段时间 里,他们总是有好几天假,所以他们可以全身心的享受这个节日。小孩们经常与 他们的朋友聚在一起。 大人都忙着装饰他们的房子。 他们还互相赠送明信片以及 他们对彼此的祝福。 在街上,有很多圣诞老人在派送礼物给路人。超市里面的 所有东西都在打折。所以,超市是最忙的地方。 In the evening, the families usually have pudding, sandwiches, apple pies and some other desserts for dinner.After supper, the families always sing and dance around the Christmas tree.Sometimes, they also go to church.Before going to bed, the children often hang up their stockings beside their bed, so that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.It


国庆节英语手抄报简单又好看 国庆节的英语手抄报内容 It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study! 国庆节英文是:National Day The national day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country,often the national day will be a national holiday。The national day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence,other dates such as the country's patron saint day,or a significant historic date are sometimes used. Oct.1st is the National Day of China。Oct。1st,1949 was the first year of the national day of China。At that time,people were very happy,because the war has just stopped and we were the winner,all the people of China will never suffer fear again! After that year,every year people put the national flag out to celebrate on that day。.At Peking,the capital of China,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day every year,they feel honor to be one of the great China. 相关例句 Best wishs to my country.致以我的祖国美好的祝福。 I love my country deep. 我深深地爱着我的祖国。 Strong and beatiful country like flowers.像鲜花一样美丽的祖国。 A tramendous dragon in east of Asia.东方升起的巨龙。 Sun of draw which is my contry.我的祖国是黎明的太阳。 My country Bassinet of east culture. 祖国东方文明的摇篮。 I love you my mom. 我爱你,我的妈妈。 I am people's son,I love my country and people.我是人民的儿子,我深爱着我的祖国和人民。


为了培养学生的创新能力,充分展示同学们的个人才艺和合作能力,提高学生自主学习能力,激发同学们学习英语的兴趣。于十二月二十八日在九年级八班学生中举行了庆元旦英语手抄报活动。采取让学生单独或者合作举办英语手抄报的形式,参与的同学都要精心制作一份精美的有欣赏价值的英语手抄报,要求图文并茂,有彩笔修饰。从收的作品中选10张较好的进行评比,获奖的优秀作品按块张贴起来展览,剩下的贴在教室的板报上展示。同学们踊跃参加,热情高涨,没有一个同学落下。利用周末时间,制作出了一幅幅内容充实,图文并茂,字迹美观漂亮的手抄报。内容涉及英语实事新闻、趣闻轶事、英美风土人情、名人名言等,充实学生的英语知识,锻炼学生的英语综合运用能力。通过制作手抄报,学生们能够大面积的接触英语,运用英语,扩大了知识面,开阔了视野,提高学生英语兴趣。 兴趣是最好的老师,没有兴趣地去学习,不但浪费时间、浪费精力,还达不到好的效果。兴趣能够让人在不知不觉中复习,注意力越集中,记忆的效果就越好,手抄报活动中学生们大都满怀兴致地去学习自己感兴趣的知识,拓展能力和创新能力不断提高。学生通过自己动手办手抄报,每一位同学都体会到了成功的乐趣。如有的同学发挥自己绘画天才,有的充分展示漂亮的书写。喜欢搜集资料的学生这时就有了用武之地。总之,在不断的实践中英语兴趣不断提高,学生更加爱学英语。而且通过举办手抄报,学生构思、编辑的过程使思维习惯得到了提高也使思维能力得到了训练。总之,手抄报作为一种激励学生学习英语的手段,在教学中有不可忽视的作用。作为教师应该多方位的为学生搭建学习英语的平台,创设语言环境,在轻松愉快的环境中学习英语,运用英语。Learningbydoing.Doingforlearning.这样才能有效地激发学习兴趣,全面地提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。 1/ 1


英语春节手抄报资料内容 The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc.. The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family reunion.The not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the home.The family rounds to sit together a dumpling, use the dumpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Years visit the child New Years Money, friend etc. 春节是汉族最重要的节日。春节的历史很悠久。节前就在门脸上贴上红纸黄字的寓意的新年寄语及财神像和挂大红灯笼等. 春节是个亲人团聚的节日。离家的孩子不远千里回到家里。家人围坐在一起包饺子,用饺子象征团聚。正月初一前有祭灶等仪式;节中有给儿童压岁钱、亲朋好友拜年等。 Maria790 发表于:2012-01-23 20:27:19 2楼 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . 春节是中国最重要的节日 It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year . 它是为了庆祝农历新年


M o t h e r l a n d You come from the world, You from the art world came in newborn To this moment, With the name of your neighbors to lend a helping hand, You pull one, Because you are homologous, So they are willing to pay. So, you stand in the corner of the world. Developing world inscribed the history of this era. In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down. Hundreds of millions of people you let you see the pace of progress, Loess you let your ancestors saw in the efforts, and You let people around the world to see your miracle of the East. Floods, SARS, snow, earthquake, economic crisis These stories allow them to see, to see you the ability to deal with the situation. Spacecraft, the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, These events allow them to see, to see your style of great power. Motherland, ah, motherland, You use your age young cock fighting in the territory, You use your body Qiao standing on the ground in the loess You use one of your great countries in his capacity as the forefront of the world, Motherland, You come from the past, Is to go into the future!三年五班马驰骁


竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 关于英语节的手抄报图画大全:克与千 克手抄报图画 英语的主要目的并不是要学生掌握许多的英语知识,更多的是要培养学生对学习英语的兴趣及热爱,可以多让学生做一些手抄报,同时还能提高学生的动手能力。小编整理了关于英语节的手抄报图画大全,欢迎阅读! 关于英语节的手抄报的图片欣赏 关于英语节的手抄报图片1

关于英语节的手抄报图片2 关于英语节的手抄报图片3 关于英语节的手抄报图片4 关于英语节的手抄报图片5 关于英语节的手抄报的内容:英语笑话

AnAbsentmindedprofessorAnotoriouslyabsentmindedprof essorwasonedayobservedwalkingalongthestreetwithonef ootcontinuallyinthegutter, theotheronthepavement.Apupilmeetinghimsaid:“goodevening,professor.howareyou?“well,” answeredtheprofessor,“IthoughtIwasallrightwhenIlefthome, butnowIdon'tknowwhat'sthematterwithme.I'vebeenlimpi ngforthelasthalfhour.” 有一天,人们看见一个有名的心不在焉的老师在路上走,他的一只脚一直踏在街沟里,另一只脚踩在人行道上。一个碰见他的学生说:“晚安,老师。您怎么了?”“啊,”这位老师回答说:“我想我离开家的时候还挺好的,可是现在 我不知道出了什么毛病。我已经一瘸一拐走了半个小时了。”关于英语节的手抄报的资料:英语故事


中秋节简单英语手抄报内容 The Mid-Autumn Festival is atraditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities.The custom of worshellopping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties(2000B.C.-1066B.C.).In the Zhou Dynasty(1066B.C.-221B.C.),people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worshellop the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in.It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907A.D.)that people enjoy and worshellop the full moon.In the Southern Song Dynasty(1127- 1279A.D.),however,people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion .When it becomes dark,they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival.Since the Ming(1368-1644A.D.)and Qing Dynasties(1644-1***A.D.),the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular.Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country,such as burning incense(熏香),planting Mid-Autumn trees,lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances.However,the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays,but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon.Whenever the festival sets in,people will look up at the full silver moon,drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thellonking of their relatives and friends far from home,and extending all of their best wishes to them. 在中秋节,是为汉族以及少数平易近族的传统节日。在玉轮的崇敬习俗能够追溯到至于古代夏,商时期(公元前2000年,1066年)。在


圣诞节英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮易画 圣诞节一直是个美好的节日。在圣诞来临之前,以此为主题做一份漂亮又简单的英语手抄报是一种不错的选择。下面是整理的简单又漂亮圣诞节英语手抄报图片,仅供参考。 圣诞节简单又漂亮英语手抄报图片欣赏 圣诞节英语手抄报漂亮图片

圣诞节手抄报资料告诉你七种活得开心的方法:多想我,多联络我,多梦见我,多关心我,多心疼我,多照顾我。还有,最重要是永远和这么好的我在一起!圣诞快乐! 圣诞天气预报:圣诞前后大面积会下钞票,东北华北美钞,西北

卢布,华中华南英钞,东南部分地区有支票,局部地区有金条,圣诞节口号改为:圣诞发财! 无论在何地,千里或万里;无论在何时,十年或百年;我都深深地思念你。我虽然否认神灵存在,但我要永远信奉你这!圣诞节我第一个祝福你快快乐乐! 别傻了,还等圣诞老人呢?!今年他老人家不会来了,因为去年他被你的臭袜子熏怕了!也就我能迁就你,捏着鼻子对你说一句:圣诞快乐!天天开心! 嘘,告诉你内部消息,明晚看到从你家烟囱钻出英俊小伙千万别慌张,那是圣诞老人!他整容了,偷偷在韩国做的,想给大家惊喜!我只告诉你,千万别外传! 圣诞送祝福!严正申明:未经许可不得对该祝福打折,如不回复、不群发等。一经发现有违规行为,我将强行不间断送祝福,直到你手机断电为止。 为啥会有圣诞节?因为我告诉上帝你喜欢白雪;为啥会有圣诞老人?因为我告诉上帝你喜欢白胡子老头;说这么多你还不明白我的意思?笨蛋,祝你圣诞快乐! 如果你是圣诞,我就是元旦;如果你是圣诞老人,我就是驯鹿道夫;如果你是圣诞老婆婆,我就是圣诞老公公!祝你圣诞快乐! " 此信虽无墨香,笔尖祈愿徜徉,唯有华灯伴星光,举目间有祝福流淌;幸福圣诞时光,心中情谊激荡,愿您一生无忧,快乐美满,幸福常伴,圣诞欢畅!


我爱学英语 前言:英语有多重要? 英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界科技出版物70%以上用英语发表。全世界的广播节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。90%以上的国际会议用英语召开,,它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。 只会说家乡话,难以走出家门;只会说中国话,无法面对世界! 所有的好朋友,让我们一起来学英语吧! 怎样在课堂上学好英语? 学好英语,在课堂上做到以下“五到”: 一、“心到”。在课堂上应聚精会神,心随老师走,听懂每一句话。抓住每一个环节,理解每一个知识点。 二、“手到”。一定要做课堂笔记。把学到的每一个单词、词组以及句型结构,都记在笔记本上,这对以后的复习巩固都是非常方便的。 三、“耳到”。在课堂上,不但要专心听老师对知识的讲解,而且要认真听老师说英语的语音、语调、重音、连读、等发音要领。 四、“眼到”。在认真听讲的同时,还要双眼紧随老师观察老师的动作、口形、表情、板书、绘图、教具展示等。 五、“口到”。要充分利用早晨头脑清醒的时间,大声朗读;利用一切的机会,练习英语口语。 巧记英语单词,想忘掉也难背单词是英语学习中最枯燥乏味的事情,死记硬背很容易忘记。背单词也是有诀窍的,不信咱们一起来试试下面的单词。 1、sheer 陡峭的,险峻的:【她(she)的儿(er)子胆真大,爬上陡峭的悬崖】 2、penguin 企鹅【企鹅用钢笔(pen)闯过鬼gui门n关】 3、chunk 大块,【胖墩村chun长的客k人胖墩墩】 4、Swap 交换【用糖果交换苹果】(Sw=sweet+ap=apple) 4、juice 汁,液【桔(ju)汁加冰(ice),凉爽可口】 5、legislate 立法【〔为腿(leg)立法,总是(is)太迟(late)】 6、hatred n. 仇恨,怨恨【怀着仇恨,将帽(hat)染红(red)】 这样记单词,是不是很简单?


英语手抄报端午节简单内容 英语手抄报端午节简单内容 DragonBoatFestival,oftenknownasTuenNgFestivalorDuanWuFestival,isatraditionalChinesefestivalheldonthefifthdayofthefifthmon thoftheChineseonBoatfestivalmemorializestheChinesepoetQucom mittedsuicidebydrowninghimselfinariverbecausehewasdisgusted bythecorruptionoftheChulesatondragonboats,andtriedtoscarethefishesawaybythethunderingsoundofe,toadywesailthedragonboatstocelebratethis,peopleeatzongzi (thefoodoriginallyintendedtofeedthefishes)inmemoryofQu'sdramaticdeath. 龙舟节,又名为端午节是中国的一个传统节日,他在农历第五个月份的第五天.端午节是为了纪念中国诗人屈原所设立的节日。他由于厌恶古代朝廷的贪腐而投江自杀。人们坐在船头,击鼓以吓走鱼虾,所以我们现在用赛龙舟来庆祝这个节日,人们也吃粽子来怀念屈原之死。 TheDuanwuFestival,whichisalsocalledtheDragonBoatFestival,isanancientChinesetraditionalfestival,celebratedonthefifthdayofthefifthlunarmonth.Forthousandsofy ears,variouscelebratingactivitiesareheldallaroundthecountry.Eati ngzongziandracingdragonboatsarethemostpertinentones,whicharesaidtobeinmemoryofQuYuan,agreatpoet.Insomeplaces,peoplespreadrealgarwineonthechildreninthehopeofprotectingth emfromtheevilspirits.ManypeopleconsiderMayasanespeciallydan geroustimefordiseasesinayear,
