Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6 as a Potential Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6 as a Potential Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6 as a Potential Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6as a Potential Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Maryam Tahmasebi Birgani1&Mohammadreza Hajjari2&Arman Shahrisa3&

Atefeh Khoshnevisan2&Zahra Shoja1&Paria Motahari4&Baharak Farhangi5


#Arányi Lajos Foundation2017

Abstract Long Non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)refer to all non-protein coding transcripts longer than200nucle-otides.Their critical roles in different biological path-ways have been already well established.Altered ex-pression of lncRNAs can be involved in the cancer ini-tiation and/or progression.Since patients with hepatocel-lular carcinoma(HCC)are usually diagnosed in late stages,developing diagnostic methods seems to be es-sential.In this study,the expression levels of different lncRNAs were systematically analysed in different ge-nomic and transcriptome datasets.The analyses showed that SNHG6is among the lncRNAs with distinctive dys-regulation of expression and copy number variation in HCC tumors compared with normal tissues.The results also suggest that the dysregulation of SNHG6is highly cancer type specific.Through co-occurrence analyses,we found that SNHG6and its related co-expressed genes on8q are involved in the structural integrity of ribosome and translation.This comprehensive in silico analysis,provides a resource for investigating SNHG6in hepatocellular carcinoma and lays the groundwork for design of next researches.

Keywords Hepatocellular carcinoma.Biomarker.Long noncoding RNA.SNHG6.Systematic analysis Introduction

Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is one of the most common cancers worldwide[1].The viral infection(HBV and HCV), alcoholism,non-alcoholic fatty liver,and some hereditary metabolic diseases are the main recognized risk factors for HCC[2–5].Since most of the HCC patients are diagnosed at late stages,when medication is no longer effective,the discovery of sensitive and specific biomarkers for early diag-nosis and treatment is of great attention[6].

Long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)refer to all lengthy functional transcripts which are actively in-volved in numerous biological processes such as regu-lation of transcription,translation,protein localization, and function,as well as orchestration of cellular scaf-fold.Furthermore,lncRNAs can control the cell cycle, differentiation,apoptosis,and DNA repair through the modulation of epigenome[7,8].Owing to these func-tions,it is not surprising if the aberrant expressions of lncRNAs contribute to disease pathogenesis.The altered expression of lncRNAs in different malignancies along with their tissue-specific expression suggests that these long transcripts may be considered as great biomarkers in cancer diagnosis[9–12].The potential role of

Maryam Tahmasebi Birgani,Mohammadreza Hajjari and Arman Shahrisa contributed equally to this work.

*Maryam Tahmasebi Birgani


*Mohammadreza Hajjari


1Department of Medical Genetics,School of Medicine,Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,Ahvaz,Iran

2Department of Genetics,Faculty of Sciences,Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,Ahvaz,Iran

3Department of Molecular Genetics,Faculty of Biosciences,Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran

4Department of Biotechnology,Iranian Research Organization Science&Technology,Tehran,Iran

5Cancer Research Center,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,Iran

lncRNAs in liver malignancies has been recently led into promising novel insights in HCC therapeutic strat-egies [13,14].Therefore,more studies are needed to elucidate the role of lncRNAs in HCC.

In recent decades,systematic analyses of the genomic,transcriptomic,and proteomic datasets have become powerful tools in the discovery and the validation of tumor markers [15].Due to the lack of enough supporting evidence to asso-ciate the lncRNAs with HCC,the present study was aimed to perform a systematic genotranscriptomic meta-analysis of the issue.We tried to screen different genomic and transcriptomic datasets in order to find the potential of lncRNAs as prognos-tic and diagnostic tools for HCC.The systematic results can help the researchers with further studies on specific lncRNAs in order to develop predictive biomarkers or therapeutic tar-gets.In the current study,we found that SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5are potential lncRNAs with a significant role in HCC initiation and progression.

Materials and Methods

The Selection of lncRNAs with High Alteration Frequency in HCC Samples

To investigate the significance of lncRNAs in liver ma-lignancy,we retrieved 189approved lncRNAs from HGNC (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, ).All of the genes were

interrogated into the cBioPortal database (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )[16,17]for geno/transcriptomic analyses.We queried all the samples from TCGA liver hepatocel-lular carcinoma (TCGA,provisional)with RNA-seq v2data (n =373)in our study and considered RNA dys-regulation with Z-score threshold:±2.TCGA data,as one of the major national and international efforts,in-clude the valid comprehensive data derived from large cohorts.Among different HCC data indexed in TCGA,TCGA liver hepatocellular carcinoma constitutes more number of tissues.

The lncRNAs which were altered in more than 10%of the patients were considered as B significant lncRNAs ^for further analyses.It should not be forgot-ten that it was important for us to consider the lncRNAs which were altered at both genomic and transcriptomic levels even if the percent of alteration in patients was near to the threshold of 10%.Regarding to these criteria,these lncRNAs included SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5due to high levels of alter-ation in both genomic and transcriptomic levels.By means of the R package,the frequency of each genetic alteration was calculated among the cases carrying at least one alteration for the desired genes.Additionally,the co-occurrence between genetic alterations was con-sidered for all of the three genes.

The Differential Expression of Significant lncRNAs between Tumor and Normal Tissues

TCGA RNA-Seq raw data was extracted in R using the cgdsr extension package (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html,/web/packages/cgdsr /)with a threshold of ±2.The data was then presented as Heatmap plot.The selected lncRNAs were examined in several transcriptomic datasets to explore if any significant difference of expression may exist between normal and tumor tissues.The included datasets were Oncomine (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, ),Gene Expression Atlas [18–20],Gene Expression Omnibus:GEO (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html,/geo ),Array express (https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html,/arrayexpress ),and UCSC cancer genome browser (https://https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )[21–26]databases.The results with Fold change > 1.5and P -value <0.01between tumor and normal tissues were considered as significant.In the next step,we also considered any correlation for any pair of genes of interest using Pearson ’s method.In strong positive correlation,the linear correlation coefficient (r)is close to +1;while in strong negative,the correlation is close to ?


Fig.1Genomic alterations (Copy number Variations)of lncRNAs among 373patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.The chart was drawn for the genes which were altered in more than 10%of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.The data obtained from cBioPortal (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )

Birgani M.T.et al.

The Association between lncRNAs

and the Clinicopathologic Parameters of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Using the UCSC Cancer Genome Browser,the asso-ciation of different lncRNAs with clinicopathologic parameters (the histological type,pathologically TNM staging,and grade)was evaluated using Student ’s t -test.Besides,the effect of gene expression dysregula-tion on the patient ’s survival was evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier analysis in cBioPortal.The Log-Rank Test P -Value <0.05was considered as statistically significant.

The Comparison of the HCC Profile of lncRNAs with the Profiles of Other Cancers

In order to evaluate whether significant lncRNAs fol-low an HCC-specific manner,we examined the geno/transcriptomic alteration of these genes in all of the tumor collections of cBioPortal.Thirty cancers with available RNA-seq data were included at this stage,and the expression data corresponding to genes were extracted.The raw data was filtered based on the z-score >+2and


Fig.2Altered expression of different lncRNAs in hepatocellular carcinoma with Z score >±2.Sixty out of 189genes were altered among 373patients with HCC.The analysis is done by the R statistical software.The raw data was extracted from cBioPortal (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )

Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6as a potential Biomarker

The Functional Analysis of Selected lncRNAs

Among 373patients with hepatocellular carcinoma,130cases showed alterations for SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5.Among these 130cases,we evaluated the genes which were co-expressed with significant lncRNAs using Pearson ’s correla-tion analysis.Then,the genes with correlation value >0.70were uploaded into the GSEA dataset (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )to compute the gene set overlaps matrix based on the GO molecular https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html,ing the cBioPortal database,we also drew a network to find any potential contribution of the genes which were co-expressed with sig-nificant lncRNAs.Statistical Analysis

All of the analyses including the t-test,heatmap,and correla-tion analysis were done by the R statistical software and SPSS.In our analysis,the P -values less than 0.05were considered significant.


Significant lncRNAs with a Potential Role in Liver Malignancies

Although we could not find any mutations in lncRNAs of interest,67out of the 189lncRNAs were found to be altered in their copy numbers at least in one patient.LncRNAs,in-cluding CASC8,PCAT1,PVT1,CCAT1,F ALEC,and GAS5,were the genes whose copy numbers were altered in more than 10%of the patients (Fig.1).We also found 60lncRNAs with altered expression patterns at least in 1%of patients (Fig.2).However,SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5were the lncRNAs with the highest RNA dysregulation among the 373samples of HCC (Fig.3).For further analysis,we focused on SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5in which both CNVs (Copy number varia-tions)and RNA dysregulation were higher than other lncRNAs.It is necessary to mentioned that we granted an exception for selection of SNHG6due to some reasons;1)among 189lncRNAs,SNHG6allocated the highest score in total alteration regardless of whether alterations occur at


Fig.3The expression levels of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5among 373patients the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. a.The chart shows the genes which were altered in more than 10%of the patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. b.The expression levels of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5among 130patients with Z score >±2was presented as heatmap.These patients have at least on alteration in SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5lncRNAs.The analysis is done by the R statistical software.The raw data was extracted from cBioPortal (https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html, )

Table 1The frequency of genetic alterations (CNV)of SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5among 373cases of hepatocellular carcinoma using R analysis



PVT1Not altered Duplication Not altered Duplication Not altered Duplication Homodeletion 337







Birgani M.T.et al.

nomic or transcriptomic level.2)among 189lncRNAs,SNHG6allocated the highest score at transcriptomic level so although SNHG6apportioned the 9%alteration among the patients at genomic level but due to the two previous reasons,we decided to continue our analysis on it as well as PVT1and GAS5.On the other hand,when we compared the data at both level of genomic and transcriptomic,SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5were common in data of two groups.

Regarding to your true comments,we explain clearly the reason of SNHG6selection (in spite of 9%alteration)in the manuscript.

In our results,around 35%of the cases (n =130)had an RNA dysregulation in at least one gene,and SNHG6was altered in more cases than PVT1and GAS5.We called these patients B target samples ^in the next steps.The co-occurrence of different genetic alterations for each paired loci was calcu-lated among this group (Table 1).

SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5are Differentially Expressed between Tumor and Normal Tissues

According to the Cancer Genome Browser,SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5are significantly upregulated in hepatocellular car-cinoma in comparison with the normal counterparts (P -val-ue =0.001)(Fig.4).Furthermore,the oncomine datasets con-firmed the differential expression of these lncRNAs between cancerous and normal tissues (Table 2).

The Overexpression of SNHG6is a Novel Indicator of Reduced Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

We found that the over-expression of SNHG6in hepato-cellular carcinoma was nearly associated with reduced survival to a median of 19.74months in SNHG6


Fig.4TCGA hepatocellular carcinoma (LIHC)gene expression by RNA seq (IlluminaHiseq N =423)and the differential expression of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5betweenthe primary tumor and the solid normal tissue.The statistical track displayed under the genomic heatmap shows the logarithmic plot of p -values for each genomic position,where the center line indicates a p -value of 1.The primary tumor tissue and the solid normal tissue subgroups were illustrated in red and green

respectively.The student t -Test was performed to analyze the differential-ly expressed genes between the tumor cells and the normal ones,and P <0.05was considered statistically significant.The red bar indicates that the expression levels of genes are significantly higher in cancerous cells than normal ones.The data was extracted from Cancer Genome Browser

Table 2The differential expression of lncRNAs SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5between normal and tumour samples (Oncomine,the gene expression atlas,and GEO)lncRNA Fold change P value Down-regulated

Up-regulated Experiment type

Ref SNHG6 1.983 3.43E-5Non-Tumour Tissue (n =10)HCC (n =35)Human Genome U133Plus 2.0Array [27]PVT1 4.258 1.88E-11Non-Tumour Tissue (n =10)HCC (n =35)Human Genome U133Plus 2.0Array [27]GAS5



Non-Tumour Tissue (n =10)

HCC (n =35)

Human Genome U133Plus 2.0Array


Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6as a potential Biomarker

expressing cases,compared with the period of over 48.95months for the remaining cases (Logrank Test P -Value:0.0558)(Fig.5a ).Although the value was not sig-nificant for PVT1and GAS5,studying the clinical associ-ations of these lncRNAs with clinicopathologic parame-ters of HCC represented that all the three genes (SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5)were significantly expressed in high-grade HCC samples compared with low-grade tissues (P -value =0.001)(Fig.5b ).

The Association of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5with the Progression of Other Human Cancers

We evaluated the transcriptomic alterations of these genes among different human tumors.We considered the genes at two levels;first,their frequency among the patients and sec-ond,their related expression among them.In comparison with PVT1and GAS5,SNHG6allocated a good value to itself at both levels.Therefore,SNHG6seems to be a


Fig.5Study of the clinical

association of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5with the clinicopathologic parameters of hepatocellular carcinoma.a Kaplan-Meier plots comparing the overall survival in cases with or without SNHG6over-expression.The data was recruited from cBioPortal.b The association of expression of lncRNAs with the histological grade of HCC;we divided tissues based on their grade (G1–2and G3–4as green and red bars re-spectively),which shown in right column.The statistical track which is displayed under the ge-nomic heatmap shows the loga-rithmic plot of p -values for each lncRNA,where the centreline in-dicates a p -value of 1.The bar above the line indicates that the red subgroup (G3–4)is greater than the green subgroup (P -val-ue <0.05).The patients with no pathological data (NA)were omitted from the analysis.The data was extracted from Cancer Genome Browser,TCGA LIHC gene expression by RNA seq (IlluminaHiseq n =423)

Birgani M.T.et al.

potential biomarker for liver hepatocellular carcinoma in com-parison with PVT1and GAS5.However,PVT1and GAS5can be useful for other cancers such as Uterine Carcinosarcoma (Fig.6).

SNHG6is Possibly Involved in the Structural Integrity of Ribosome and Translation

Through co-occurrence analyses,we found that SNHG6and GAS5have a tendency toward co-occurrence among target samples (n =130),although it was not significant (Table 3).We considered all the genes which had been co-expressed with SNHG6and GAS5.Pearson value >0.7was taken as the https://www.360docs.net/doc/0117492193.html,puting the gene set overlaps matrix based on the GO molecular function showed that 13of these genes act as molecules contrib-uting to the structural integrity of the ribosome (Table 4).Interestingly,drawn from cBioPortal data,we found that 35%(n =130)of the patients among the target samples had the alteration at least for one of these genes.Among the genes,RPL8,TOP1MT,and RPL30were the top ones which were altered among the patients.We then visualized SNHG6,its co-expressed genes,and the most frequently altered neigh-bour genes network to investigate any probable mode of interaction.Although we did not observe any interaction between SNHG6and these genes,most of the high fre-quently altered genes were located on 8q,near the SNHG6locus (data not shown).


Although the dysregulation of lncRNAs has been report-ed in some studies,their functional mechanism remains to be challenging.Here is a report considering



The genetic alterations of SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5among

different human cancers.a The frequency of SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5genetic alterations among the patients of 30cancers with available RNA-seq on the portal.b The heatmap of the mean expression levels of SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5among 30cancers with RNA-seq.The heatmaps were drawn using the R software and the raw data of cBioPortal.The grey column represents cancer with no data in case of the gene of interest in the portal

Table 3The mutual exclusivity analysis of SNHG6,PVT1and GAS5among 130tumor samples with alterations at least in one gene.The data was recruited from cBioPortal Gene Pair

p -V alue Log Odds Ratio Association


?1.821Tendency towards mutual exclusivity (significant)SNHG6GAS5<0.0010.344Tendency towards co-occurrence




Tendency towards mutual exclusivity

Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6as a potential Biomarker

contribution of lncRNAs to hepatocellular carcinoma using available bioportals.We queried189approved lncRNAs in cancer gene expression datasets.It was ob-served that the expression levels of68lncRNAs were altered at least in one case.We chose SNHG6,PVT1, and GAS5as lncRNAs with high levels of alteration. We also observed that SNHG6,PVT1,and GAS5were differentially expressed between the HCC tumors tissues and normal tissues.It was also found that SNHG6allo-cated the most RNA dysregulation in cancerous tissues. Although all the three genes were associated with high grades of HCC,the SNHG6up-regulation was more correlated with the shorter survival of patients. However,this value was on the borderline of the statis-tical significance.In a report by Liu et al.,the potential involvement of of SNHG6in portal vein tumor throm-bus,tumor stage,metastasis,and the shorter overall sur-vival of HCC patients was experimentally confirmed [28].The expression and mutation analyses of desired lncRNAs in other human tumours showed the SNHG6 as a potential biomarker.To study the possible function of SNHG6,we recruited all the genes that were co-expressed with it.We classified the co-expressed genes based on the GO molecular function.Interestingly,we found that some of these genes were involved in ribo-some structure/translation and altered in around35%of our analysed HCC samples.Additionally,we found that most of the high frequently altered genes were located on8q21–24,near the SNHG6locus.This data showed that8q may be associated with HCC.

There are merely a few studies showing the role of some ribosomal genes including RP36A,RP44in HCC progression [29].It seems that ribosomal proteins are capable to control the gene expression by preparing a selectivity for translating ribosomes[30].The role of the chromosomal alteration,espe-cially8q24in HCC samples,has been the subject of several studies[31].It has been confirmed that this region encodes several lncRNAs involved in tumorogenesis[32].Altogether, this data introduced SNHG6as a good candidate for experi-mental works in HCC researches.However,clinical experi-ments are urgent to evaluate the molecular role of SNHG6in HCC progression as well as its specificity and sensitivity as a biomarker of HCC.

Acknowledgments This study was affiliated to Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz,Iran.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References

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Long Non-Coding RNA SNHG6as a potential Biomarker


1、以形写神,以神写意。 从古到今,中国的绘画一直围绕着一个形的问题在作文章。在绘画的初萌阶段,由于造型能力差,那时的形是简单而幼稚的,是似是而非的,也可以说是“以意表形”。随着绘画经验的不断积累,写形的功能大大提高,进入了“以形写形”的阶段。但随着时代的发展,画家们并不以形似为满足,逐渐认识到了“神似”的重要性。即在造型上表现对象的内在本质精神面貌和性格特征,才算真正达到绘画的目的。 最先提出“以形写神”理论的是人物画家顾恺之。后来引伸到中国写意画领域,逐渐比为“以神写意”的意象造型观念。是中国的写意画摆脱了自然形的限制,而追求以笔墨为载体的情感宣泻。由于开拓了表现上的自由空间,画家笔下的形象既跳出了特定时空中客观物象再现的制约,又由于形的限制而避免了过于的随意性。使作品既来源于生活,又高于生活,既有形的观念,又有自我情感的表露,达到极完善的幻化境界。关于形神论的观点,历代都有不少精辟的论述。北宋苏轼提出“作画以形似,见与儿童邻”,虽不免过于偏颇,但观点是明确的。元代倪云林的“逸笔草草,不求形似”,则是文人画家的一种偏激言词。二者都没有把形神的关系界定清楚。对中国写意画的形神问题阐述的最精僻的莫过于齐白石,他说:“不似为欺世,太似则媚俗,妙在于似与不似之间”。似与不似之间就有了一定的空间,画家在作画过程中,积极地去作物象的内在本质即神韵的追求,为了达到目的,就要对物象的特征加以强调、夸张,对形进行必要的概括、取舍、归纳。这个过程叫做“遗貌取神”,这种造型观念叫做“意象造型”。 2、骨法用笔、以书入画。 “骨法用笔”是谢赫六法中第二位,它用“气韵生动”是六法中最重要的两个概念。“骨法”是指客观物象的形神结构,“用笔”则是用笔方法,用笔技巧和艺术表现。唐代张彦远在《论画六法》中提出“骨气形似皆本立意而归乎用笔”。说明“骨气用笔”的内涵是十分丰富的,它不但要表现客观对象的基本结构、神韵,还要表达画家的主观感情和艺术创造。在写意画中,笔墨还有独立的审美价值,表现为特殊的用笔方法所产生的形式美,也表现为笔墨情趣。 黄宾虹先生根据中国画的审美要求,总结前人和自己的创作经验,把用笔归结为平、圆、留、重、变五法,他说:“用笔须平,如锥划沙;用笔须圆,如折钗股,如金之柔;用笔须留,如屋漏痕;用笔须重,如高山堕石。”以上是用笔所追求的一种境界,至于具体操作中如何灵活掌握,还要懂得一个“变”字,要留有余地,要掌握好分寸,过分了同样也是弊病。黄宾虹、齐白石、潘天寿、李可染等先生追求线条的凝重深厚,注重留的作用,因此行笔相对较慢,但也并不是处处都慢,该快时还是要快的。有的画家追求线的流畅,行笔速度相对较快,有气势磅礴、一气呵成之感。至于怎样才好,这与每个人的实践经验、审美情趣有关,不可强求一律。至于用笔中的苍、老、活、松、涩、劲、毛、挺、圆、厚的艺术效果,一个“变”字都能概括,靠在实践中去体会去灵活掌握。


李金山山水画欣赏 李金山山水画欣赏 李金山画语:关于“功夫在画外” 一幅优秀的中国画作品,其本质意义在于以意定形,以意驱形,其独具的文学性、抒情性,以大观小,空灵的禅宗思想,博大精深的道法自然,深远的人文关怀,意冥玄化、纯任自然的创造。这种烟波风月、平淡虚旷、萧条淡漠的境界是任何艺术形式所不能比拟的。这就要求中国画不光要具有书法和绘画本身的艺术内涵,更不可缺或缺的与之相关的很多文化的滋养和支撑。 诗词文赋、儒释道诸多传统哲学思想,和高度发达的思维体系、洞察能力,高度的人本理念精神和社会责任感,都直接影响着作品本身品味、意境、思想内涵、艺术感染力等诸多因素。这就要求创作者的人格、学养、心性、智慧全方位的积累达到相当程度,在创作的一瞬间集中赋予作品。 我从来就是把书法与文学视为画内的功课来做的,而且这还远远不够,还要涉猎戏曲、摄影、哲学等等,尽可能的开阔思路,博采众长。我的书画作品,尽量题自己的诗文,在作

画的时候诗文已经成竹在胸,画毕则题于其上。 总之,中国书画,是生存于悠悠华夏八千年文明的丰厚土地上的一朵鲜艳的奇葩,书内书外,互为一体,画内画外,内外兼修,才能融会到中国传统文化的大体系中。从古至今,那些书画艺术大家,都是诗文书画、金石篆刻样样精通,王维、苏轼、赵孟頫、郑板桥、等等历史人物,齐白石、潘天寿、李可染、启功等等这些现当代大家都是如此,他们不仅是书画艺术大家,更是内外兼修的国学大师。可见,对一个画家来说,除了画面语言表现技法外,书法、诗词、文学、哲学以及人格、学养、心性、智慧的修为都是缺一不可的。不然,你的绘画作品也就成了索然无味的符号堆砌。在这一点上,我对自己是非常苛求的,自断其后路,逼着自己向更高的要求迈进。 李金山画语:关于“风格与境界” 关于风格与境界,这个词对我们来讲并不陌生,但真探其精髓的能有几人呢?在这个问题上可以说仁者见仁,智者见智,这里我浅谈一些自己的观点与认识。 谈到风格与境界,可以把它分开来讲,但从某种意义上又是密不可分的。艺术风格可分为两种,一种是人们不自觉的自

C++ #pragma code_seg用法

#pragma code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( [ [ { push | pop}, ] [ identifier, ] ] [ "segment-name" [, "segment-class" ] ) 该指令用来指定函数在.obj文件中存放的节,观察OBJ文件可以使用VC自带的dumpbin命令行程序,函数在.obj文件中默认的存放节为.text节,如果code_seg 没有带参数的话,则函数存放在.text节中。 push (可选参数)将一个记录放到内部编译器的堆栈中,可选参数可以为一个标识符或者节名 pop(可选参数)将一个记录从堆栈顶端弹出,该记录可以为一个标识符或者节名identifier(可选参数)当使用push指令时,为压入堆栈的记录指派的一个标识符,当该标识符被删除的时候和其相关的堆栈中的记录将被弹出堆栈 "segment-name" (可选参数)表示函数存放的节名 例如: //默认情况下,函数被存放在.text节中 void func1() {// stored in .text } //将函数存放在.my_data1节中 #pragma code_seg(".my_data1") void func2() {// stored in my_data1 } //r1为标识符,将函数放入.my_data2节中 #pragma code_seg(push, r1, ".my_data2") void func3() {// stored in my_data2 } int main() { } 例如 #pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) 作用是将此部分代码放入分页内存中运行。 #pragma code_seg() 将代码段设置为默认的代码段 #pragma code_seg("INIT") 加载到INIT内存区域中,成功加载后,可以退出内存


help的语法 2011-05-05 07:28 sb cannot help doing sth.忍不住、情不自禁做某事。 eg. i cannot help thinking of you.我忍不住总是想你。 sb help sb do sth.某人帮助某人做某事。 eg. she helped regain my faith.她帮我重拾信心。 sth help do sth.某事促进/有利于某事的发展。 eg. cooperation will definitely help improve bilateral relationships.合作必将有利于促进双边关系。 sb is helping. 某人很乐于助人。 eg. he is a really helping guy.他特别乐于助人 sb is helpful.某人能帮的上忙。 eg he is always helpful. 他总能帮的上忙。 help 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.帮助 We'll be happy to help if you need us. 如果你需要的话, 我们将乐意帮助你。 2.有助于, 有利于 Every little helps. 点点滴滴全有助益。 及物动词 vt. 1.避免; 抑制, 克制 She burst her crying; she couldn't help it. 她放声大哭, 无法控制自己。 2.改善状况;促进;促使 3.搀扶;带领 4.为(自己╱某人)取用 5.擅自拿走;窃取 6.扶持,救助,资助 We should help her, it's too difficult for her to feed five children by herself. 就她自己要养活五个孩子太困难了,我们应该资助她。 7.协助…得到(或找到、达到) I helped him (to) find his wallet. 我帮他找到了他丢失的钱包。 8.治疗;缓解;补救,改进 Honey helps the cough 蜂蜜能治咳嗽。 9.给…盛(饭、菜);为…倒(酒、饮料);劝(酒等)(与 to连用)


写意山水画水墨写生之我见 郑天欣 写意山水画,有人又称它为水墨山水画,顾名思义它是以水墨——即笔墨技巧为语言的民族艺术。水墨世界的千变万化宛若海洋。每一个画家(即使是天才巨子)涉入其境,惨淡经营探索终生,也只不过得到其中的一滴或几滴圣水而已。但这一滴圣水却犹如包含核能量的元素那样,能迸发出耀人的艺术之光,给人以新的艺术享受,永焕画史。正因为这样,她的引力也最大,执着于其中的探索者最顽强,成功者也多是不会炫耀的诚实艺术家。写意山水画家苦苦勤奋一生,一直在寻找着最适合自己个性的笔墨艺术语言这滴水。许多人没有找到,寻到的就是佼佼者。我觉得寻找自己水墨语言的最好途径就是在掌握传统技法后,坚持不懈深入生活写生,特别是进行水墨写生。当然还应有相应的画外功的配合,限于不是本文的主题,这里只提出来。 随着社会节奏的增快和科技的发展,不少从事写意山水画创作的画家为求方便和快速而放弃了水墨写生,操起了钢笔、铅笔和照相机、摄像机。这对于一个要想创建自己独特水墨语言的有志者来说,确实是不利的。因为这样的写生丧失了一次出现新的笔墨效果的机会。这样收集来的素材并未具备写意山水的笔墨语言,用它来创作仍然是很艰难的,简直无法和实地水墨写生相比,何况,一幅好的水墨山水写生就是一幅成功的山水作品,是人们公认的。这是因为身处真实景观中的那种强烈的激情早已淡化了。写意山水画的艺术形式因素特别是水墨语言实际上是主客观因素和谐的迹化,景是触发情思的客体,但必须融入人的性情才能产生表现它的语言形成感人的作品。写意山水画中的笔墨技巧和经营位置等等都是画家受当时客观景物的感染冲击而形成的不可抑制的感情所迸发的火花,所以是最能感染人的。要使自己的写意山水画创作既能出现自己独特的语言形式美感及浓郁的生活气息,我的体会是:长期坚持水墨写生是成功的最佳途径。 中国写意山水画实际上开创于封建社会的文人士大夫们,他们所具备的得天独厚的书法功底为画写意山水奠定了有利的笔墨基础。多数文人从事写意山水多是在读书翰墨之余或酒足饭饱之后乘兴消遣,娱乐游戏,绘画不是为了换取钱粮谋生,故能随心所欲表达自己的思想感情,放笔任意挥洒,感人的佳作很多,值得我们在写生和创作中借鉴。同时他们往往在无意间的笔墨游戏中偶然出现意想不到的笔墨艺术效果,他们从偶然性中得到启发,并锲而不舍对偶然性进行反复试验研究,总结升华出了一套不断发展和产生新活力的笔墨技法规律和理论,形成生动鲜活的写意山水画民族绘画传统。我在30多年对写意山水画创作的学习和探索中,发现只有在进行水墨写生中,随激情所至放笔任意挥洒时,才出现意想不到的笔墨效果,要比创作中偶尔出现的效果生动的多,感人的多。我的绘画语言的成熟多来自坚持不懈的水墨写生之中。 笔墨语言的优劣直接决定着作品的档次,写意山水画家对笔墨语言的提炼和探索是无止境的,要想自己的艺术常青,一生都要不断寻求新的语言。实践告诉我们,新的别具个人独特风韵的艺术语言,多不是来自画室内的苦思冥想,而是来自活生生的自然景观和激情的结合,也就是说不是源于理智,而是发自客观景物感化了的情感。宋代苏轼提出“论画以形似,见与儿童邻”的绘画观点,批判了缺乏感情的描绘景物表像的毕肖观点,对当时中国绘画的发展有着革命的意义,也把绘画从过去仅仅作为“成教化、助人伦”的政教工具中解放出来,成为表现人的思想感情的自由艺术手段。这是一个非常大的进步,得到以后历代有识画家的认同。“寄情物外”、“用情笔墨之中,放怀笔墨之外”“意足不求颜色似”成了近、现代画家进行创作的准绳,对我国绘画(包括写意山水画)的发展有着重要的意义。很值得我们在水墨写生乃至创作中体味和借鉴。

C++ #pragma预处理命令

#pragma预处理命令 #pragma可以说是C++中最复杂的预处理指令了,下面是最常用的几个#pragma 指令: #pragma comment(lib,"XXX.lib") 表示链接XXX.lib这个库,和在工程设置里写上XXX.lib的效果一样。 #pragma comment(linker,"/ENTRY:main_function") 表示指定链接器选项/ENTRY:main_function #pragma once 表示这个文件只被包含一次 #pragma warning(disable:4705) 表示屏蔽警告4705 C和C++程序的每次执行都支持其所在的主机或操作系统所具有的一些独特的特点。例如,有些程序需要精确控制数据存放的内存区域或控制某个函数接收的参数。#pragma为编译器提供了一种在不同机器和操作系统上编译以保持C和C++完全兼容的方法。#pragma是由机器和相关的操作系统定义的,通常对每个编译器来说是不同的。 如果编译器遇到不认识的pragma指令,将给出警告信息,然后继续编译。Microsoft C and C++ 的编译器可识别以下指令:alloc_text,auto_inline,bss_seg,check_stack,code_seg,comment,component,conform,const_seg,data_seg,deprecated,fenv_access,float_control,fp_contract,function,hdrstop,include_alias,init_seg,inline_depth,inline_recursion,intrinsic,make_public,managed,message,omp,once,optimize,pack,pointers_to_members,pop_macro,push_macro,region, endregion,runtime_checks,section,setlocale,strict_gs_check,unmanaged,vtordisp,warning。其中conform,init_seg, pointers_to_members,vtordisp仅被C++编译器支持。 以下是常用的pragma指令的详细解释。 1.#pragma once。保证所在文件只会被包含一次,它是基于磁盘文件的,而#ifndef 则是基于宏的。

#pragma data code ICCAVR的使用

#pragma data:code 在Keil中为了节省数据存储器的空间,通过“code”关键字来定义一个数组或字符串将被存储在程序存储器中: uchar code buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; uchar code string[]="Armoric" ; 而这类代码移值到ICCAVR上时是不能编译通过的。我们可以通过"const" 限定词来实现对存储器的分配: #pragma data:code const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; const unsigned char string[]="Armoric"; #pragma data:data 注意: 《1》使用ICCAVR6.31时,#pragma data :code ;#pragma data:data ; 这些语法时在"data:cod"、"data:data"字符串中间不能加空格,否则编译不能通过。 《2》const 在ICCAVR是一个扩展关键词,它与ANSIC标准有冲突,移值到其它的编译器使用时也需要修改相关的地方。 在ICCAVR中对数组和字符串的五种不同空间分配: const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; //buffer数组被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char string[]="Armoric" ; //stringp字符串被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区中,指向数据存储区中的字符类型数据 const unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向数据存储区中的数据 请问#pragma data:code和#pragma data:data是什么意思? 前者表示:随后的数据将存贮在程序区,即FLASH区,此区只能存贮常量,比如表格之类。


help的用法 1. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 Can you help me to learn English 你能帮助我学英语吗 I can't help you to lift this stone. 我不能帮你搬这块石头。 2. be of some/ no/ much help to sb. 对某人有些 / 没有 / 很有帮助。 This book is of great help to me. 这本书对我很有帮助。 Is this magazine of any help to you 这本杂志对你有些帮助吗 3. help oneself ( to )自用(食物等)。 Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。 Please help yourself to some pork. 请随便吃点肉。 4. help sb. into/ out of 搀扶某人进入 / 走出。 He helped the patient out of the hospital. 他搀扶病人走出了医院。 Can you help the patient into the hospital 你能搀扶病人进医院吗 5. help sb. out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。 When I'm in trouble, he always helps me out with money. 每当我处境困难时,他总是用金钱帮助我渡过难关。 Please help me out with this problem. 请帮我解这道试题。 6. with the help of 在……帮助下。 With the help of her, he found his lost child. 在她的帮助下,他找到了失踪的小孩。 7. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。 Please help me with my French. 请帮我学法语。 Can you help him with this work 你能帮助他完成这项工作吗 8. help to do sth. 有助于做某事。 This program helps to improve our English. 这个计划有助于我们提高英语成绩。 His speech helps to understand the policy. 他的演讲有助于理解这个政策。 补充: 1、help sb (to) do sth:to可以省略 2、(摘自源空间) can't/couldn't help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做.... Cant/couldn't help doing 情不自禁做.... Cann't help but do sth. 不得不做... 3、can’t help to do sth与can’t help doing sth例题解析 He knows nothing about it, so he can’t help _________ any of your


关于黄公望的山水画《富春山居图》的再认识 摘要:黄公望的代表作《富春山居图》,从布景到造型语言无一不反映出熔铸主观情怀于自然景物之中,把人引向远的境地,达到物我两忘,创造了“闲逸平淡”的艺术境界。让人于宁静处感悟平淡,于细致处品味闲逸。山水画已如一首抒情诗,是一种超然物外、意味悠长之美。 关键词:黄公望;《富春山居图》;艺术特色;闲逸平淡;再认识 中国画的历史己经非常悠久了,远在2000多年前的战国时期就出现了画在丝织品上的绘画——帛画,而在这之前就已经有原始岩画和彩陶画。中国画按照画中的内容又分为山水画和花鸟画。山水画艺术,尤其是水墨山水画方面有了空前的大发展。有后人评价元代的山水画:“潇洒简远,妙在笔墨之外”,意思就是元代的山水画重心源、重意象、重韵致、求天趣、尚逸品的审美追求。元代山水画不论是赵孟頫的《鹊华秋色图》,还是黄公望《天池石壁图》,或是倪云林的《江岸望山图》等,他们的作品都表现出了一种“闲逸平淡”的意境。其中“元四家”之———黄公望深得赵孟頫真传,他的作品“精通造化,笔尽意在;水墨纷纷,浑润古雅”。他继赵孟颓之后,将董巨山水推向山水画的正脉,改变了院体画陈陈相因的积习,开创了山水画的一代风貌。 1黄公望简介 黄公望(1269-1354),常熟人,名公望,字子久。他前半生奔走于仕途,曾任浙内宪吏,中台察院转吏,一度随从张闾经理钱粮,后张闾因“贪刻用事”被治罪,黄公望亦受牵连下狱。出狱后,自知仕宦无望,于是投身道门,改号一峰,义苦行净墅、大痴翁。以卖卜和收徒为业,居杭州肖箕泉,并常往来于吴越间,结交了不少文人名士和画家。他雅好书画、音律利散曲,尤以山水冠称一绝。其山水画取意于五代董源、巨然的“平淡”,又得元代赵孟頫之“古意”,以疏体写江南烟岚山川,用墨枯淡而见华滋,笔态洒脱不羁,意境超迈简淡、空灵疏秀。黄公望山水从技法面貌而言,有两种风格类型,明张丑《清河书画舫》归纳为: “一种作浅绛色,山头多岩石,笔势雄伟,一种作水墨,效甚少,笔意尤为简远。”从他现存的几幅作品中可见《富春山居图》当为黄公望第二种画风的典型代表,足以代表他一生绘画的最高成就。图为长卷,纵仅33厘米,横636.9厘米,描绘富春江两岸初秋之景。画面层峦起伏,井然有序,林峦婉蜒,平岗连绵,水平树静,风和日丽,境界开阔辽远,简洁清润,又不失雄秀苍莽使人心旷神怡。村居散散落落地掩映在山麓林间,时有垂钓者放舟江心,让人于宁静处感悟平淡,于细致处品味闲逸。至此,山水画已如一首抒情诗,一种超然物外、意味悠长之美油然而生。用李白的“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”的诗句,来形容《富春山居图》很是恰当,美之至极,不就是回归自然,闲逸平淡之境!


名家绘画:山水作品欣赏11 周澄,字莼波,是我国台湾当代著名书画家和美术教育家,其诗、书、画、印全能的艺术造诣早已蜚声国际艺坛,其作品曾在国内个展十余次,并在英、美、加、日、韩等地举办个展多次,是第一位在北京故宫举办个展的当代书画家。孙宪,教授,男,1954年生,安徽泾县人,现任江西教育学院美术系主任、教授。中国美术家协会会员、江西省美术家协会副主席,江西省政协委员、江西省教育学会美术专业委员会理事长、江西民进书画院院长、江西省文史馆特聘书画家、江西画院特聘画家、江西省工艺美术高级职称评委会主任、江西省工艺美术大师评委。黄东雷,1966年生,号古画王子,中国书画名家理事会常务理事,中外实力派书画艺术名家,毛体书法家全国三十佳。继承了自五代十国到清 代书画界各大名门名派的精髓,并且在此基础上进行了更深入的创意与完善,从而达到了无比高深的艺术境界,作品名扬四海,受到书画界及全社会的普注。黄东雷的行草书法清秀典雅、大气磅礴,既有前无古人之气势,又有龙飞凤舞之美感。书画家黄东雷的书画在中国国内家喻户晓,他的写意山水、工笔仕女、毛体行草三项主攻被成为书画三绝。张 仁芝,1935年10月7日生,祖籍天津,生于热河兴隆。 擅国画。北京画院。1957年毕业于中央美术学院附中,1962

年毕业于中央美院中国画系,1965年在北京中国画院进修班结业。现为北京画院专业画家北京画院艺术委员会委员,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,北京市美协理事,东方美术交流学会常务理事,北京画院专业画家,一级美术师。 吴耀中,又名吴梅,1945年生,福建诏安人,大专文化。中国国画大师王盛烈弟子,现为东方书画函授学院教授,中华诗词学会会员,菏泽天香画院名誉院长,中国艺术研究院文研中心创作委员,四海诗社基本社友,福建美术家协会会员等。 潘韵(1905—1985)原名趣琴,号趣叟,长兴人。潘韵擅长山水画。初学北宋黄山谷与明代沈石田,继学南宋马远、夏圭,掌握传统笔法,观察真山真水,重视写生,认为“没有生活、没有感受、没有激情,画出来的东西就没有生命”。他的创作以刚毅之笔,溢不阿之情,又于刚直强倔之中蕴藉温婉,韵而不靡,工而不诡,雄秀兼至,格调双谐。他的写生眼力独特、笔法娴熟,画面精审坚实,线条刚健俊逸,不故意矜炫古雅却自有高致;他的山水画无论是起承转合、回抱皴托,皆能舒展自如,浑厚雄健,神舞韵动,过目难忘,充满了诗情画意和生活气息。晚年受黄宾虹画理的启示,追随清画家石溪笔意,承宋人余风,其画清劲中更添老辣的意味。徐全群的水墨江南风景吴悦石,1945年生,北京市人。国家


#pragma的用法 在所有的预处理指令中,#Pragma 指令可能是最复杂的了,它的作用是设定编译器的状态或者是指示编译器完成一些特定的动作。#pragma指令对每个编译器给出了一个方法,在保持与C和C++语言完全兼容的情况下,给出主机或操作系统专有的特征。依据定义, 编译指示是机器或操作系统专有的,且对于每个编译器都是不同的。 其格式一般为: #pragma para。其中para为参数,下面来看一些常用的参数。 1)message 参数 message参数是我最喜欢的一个参数,它能够在编译信息输出窗口中输出相应的信息,这对于源代码信息的控制是非常重要的。其使用方法为: #pragma message("消息文本") 当编译器遇到这条指令时就在编译输出窗口中将消息文本打印出来。 当我们在程序中定义了许多宏来控制源代码版本的时候,我们自己有可能都会忘记有 没有正确的设置这些宏, 此时我们可以用这条指令在编译的时候就进行检查。假设我们希望判断自己有没有在源代码的什么地方定义了_X86这个宏, 可以用下面的方法: #ifdef _X86 #pragma message("_X86 macro activated!") #endif 我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示"_86 macro activated!"。 我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳挠腮了。 (2)另一个使用得比较多的pragma参数是code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( ["section-name" [, "section-class"] ] ) 它能够设置程序中函数代码存放的代码段,当我们开发驱动程序的时候就会使用到 它。 (3)#pragma once (比较常用) 只要在头文件的最开始加入这条指令就能够保证头文件被编译一次,这条指令实际上 在VC6中就已经有了, 但是考虑到兼容性并没有太多的使用它。 (4)#pragma hdrstop 表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。BCB可以预编译头文件以 加快链接的速度, 但如果所有头文件都进行预编译又可能占太多磁盘空间,所以使用这个选项排除一些头文


HELP 1. help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事。 Can you help me to learn English ? 你能帮助我学英语吗? 2. be of some/ no/ much help to sb. 对某人有些/ 没有/ 很有帮助。 This book is of great help to me. 这本书对我很有帮助。 3. help oneself (to )自用(食物等)。 Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。 4. help sb. into/ out of 搀扶某人进入/ 走出。 He helped the patient out of the hospital. 他搀扶病人走出了医院。 5. help sb. out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。 When I'm in trouble, he always helps me out with money. 每当我处境困难时,他总是用金钱帮助我渡过难关。 6. with the help of 在……帮助下。 With the help of her, he found his lost child. 在她的帮助下,他找到了失踪的小孩。 7. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。 Please help me with my French. 请帮我学法语。 8. help to do sth. 有助于做某事。 This program helps to improve our English. 这个计划有助于我们提高英语成绩。 His speech helps to understand the policy. 他的演讲有助于理解这个政策。 另外还有can't 与help的用法 can't help do sth 没有能力去帮助...做某事. can't help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 LET Let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 GET [ vt. ] 1.获得;得到;赢得 He gets first prize in the listening contest. 他得到听力比赛第一名。 2.挣到;买到 I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。 3.捉住,捕获 The police got the thief. 警察捉住了贼。 4.(不用被动式)收到,接到 I didn't get any answer from him. 我没有收到他的回信。 5.使得到;为...弄到;为...买 I'll get you something to eat. 我将给你弄点吃的。 6.使成为或处于(某种状态) The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们都累了。 7.使运行,使工作


著名楼阁山水画家.何镜涵山水作品欣赏 何镜涵(1923~2008),号君望,别名少民,满族,北京人。1923年7月生于满族书香世家,良好的传统文化氛围,对何老的艺术人生有着及其重要影响。何老自幼天资聪慧,受其父熏陶,琴棋书画均有涉猎,尤喜爱中国画并阅读大量古典书籍,积累了深厚的学养。他与徐燕荪、王雪涛、溥雪斋、吴光宇、吴镜仃、蒋兆和等著名画家友谊甚厚,非师即友。何先生与王雪涛先生合作出版连环画《炮大哥》,也与吴光宇、吴镜仃等先生合作绘制《首都之春》大幅山水,并给古典文学故事画了大量插图。1957年,年仅36岁的何镜涵被原北京中国画院(现北京画院)聘为终生画师。从此他在中国画创新的征程上迈出了坚定而有力的步伐。 雨墨馨香推荐阅读: 画坛绝品——齐白石工笔草虫册页2013.01.29 画坛绝品——齐白石工笔草虫册页 女画家李碧霞花鸟作品欣赏2013.01.29 女画家李碧霞花鸟作品欣赏 郭公达国画山水欣赏2013.01.29 郭公达国画山水欣赏 岁月静好…【油画欣赏】2012.12.18 岁月静好…【油画

欣赏】 闲静时分…【国画欣赏】2012.12.18 闲静时分…【国画欣赏】 青铜百花…【国画欣赏】2012.12.18 青铜百花…【国画欣赏】 雍正圆明园行乐图2012.09.23 雍正圆明园行乐图 诗韵画境,入梦写意2012.09.23 诗韵画境,入梦写意 水墨情2012.09.22 水墨情 敦煌飞天,视觉盛宴!2012.09.22 敦煌飞天,视觉盛宴!笔墨妙趣,恬淡人生-—谢友苏人物画2012.09.22 笔墨妙趣,恬淡人生-—谢友苏人物画 不在画中游,胜似画中仙【国画欣赏】2012.07.07 不在画中游,胜似画中仙【国画欣赏】 评论这张

stm32中使用#pragma pack(非常有用的字节对齐用法说明)

#pragma pack(4) //按4字节对齐,但实际上由于结构体中单个成员的最大占用字节数为2字节,因此实际还是按2字节对齐 typedef struct { char buf[3];//buf[1]按1字节对齐,buf[2]按1字节对齐,由于buf[3]的下一成员word a是按两字节对齐,因此buf[3]按1字节对齐后,后面只需补一空字节 word a; //#pragma pack(4),取小值为2,按2字节对齐。 }kk; #pragma pack() //取消自定义字节对齐方式 对齐的原则是min(sizeof(word ),4)=2,因此是2字节对齐,而不是我们认为的4字节对齐。 这里有三点很重要: 1.每个成员分别按自己的方式对齐,并能最小化长度 2.复杂类型(如结构)的默认对齐方式是它最长的成员的对齐方式,这样在成员是复杂类型时,可以最小化长度 3.对齐后的结构体整体长度必须是成员中最大的对齐参数的整数倍,这样在处理数组时可以保证每一项都边界对齐 补充一下,对于数组,比如: char a[3];这种,它的对齐方式和分别写3个char是一样的.也就是说它还是按1个字节对齐. 如果写: typedef char Array3[3]; Array3这种类型的对齐方式还是按1个字节对齐,而不是按它的长度. 不论类型是什么,对齐的边界一定是1,2,4,8,16,32,64....中的一个. 声明: 整理自网络达人们的帖子,部分参照MSDN。 作用: 指定结构体、联合以及类成员的packing alignment; 语法: #pragma pack( [show] | [push | pop] [, identifier], n ) 说明: 1,pack提供数据声明级别的控制,对定义不起作用; 2,调用pack时不指定参数,n将被设成默认值; 3,一旦改变数据类型的alignment,直接效果就是占用memory的减少,但是performance会下降; 语法具体分析: 1,show:可选参数;显示当前packing aligment的字节数,以warning message的形式被显示; 2,push:可选参数;将当前指定的packing alignment数值进行压栈操作,这里的栈是the internal compiler stack,同时设置当前的packing alignment为n;如果n没有指定,则将当前的packing alignment数值压栈; 3,pop:可选参数;从internal compiler stack中删除最顶端的record;如果没有指定n,则当前栈顶record即为新的packing alignment 数值;如果指定了n,则n将成为新的packing aligment数值;如果指定了identifier,则internal compiler stack中的record都将被pop 直到identifier被找到,然后pop出identitier,同时设置packing alignment数值为当前栈顶的record;如果指定的identifier并不存在于internal compiler stack,则pop操作被忽略; 4,identifier:可选参数;当同push一起使用时,赋予当前被压入栈中的record一个名称;当同pop一起使用时,从internal compiler stack 中pop出所有的record直到identifier被pop出,如果identifier没有被找到,则忽略pop操作; 5,n:可选参数;指定packing的数值,以字节为单位;缺省数值是8,合法的数值分别是1、2、4、8、16。 重要规则: 1,复杂类型中各个成员按照它们被声明的顺序在内存中顺序存储,第一个成员的地址和整个类型的地址相同; 2,每个成员分别对齐,即每个成员按自己的方式对齐,并最小化长度;规则就是每个成员按其类型的对齐参数(通常是这个类型的大小)和指定对齐参数中较小的一个对齐; 3,结构体、联合体或者类的数据成员,第一个放在偏移为0的地方;以后每个数据成员的对齐,按照#pragma pack指定的数值和这个数据成员自身长度两个中比较小的那个进行;也就是说,当#pragma pack指定的值等于或者超过所有数据成员长度的时候,这个指定值的大小将不产生任何效果; 4,复杂类型(如结构体)整体的对齐是按照结构体中长度最大的数据成员和#pragma pack指定值之间较小的那个值进行;这样当数据成员为复杂类型(如结构体)时,可以最小化长度; 5,复杂类型(如结构体)整体长度的计算必须取所用过的所有对齐参数的整数倍,不够补空字节;也就是取所用过的所有对齐参数中最大的那个值的整数倍,因为对齐参数都是2的n次方;这样在处理数组时可以保证每一项都边界对齐; 对齐的算法:由于各个平台和编译器的不同,现以本人使用的gcc version 3.2.2编译器(32位x86平台)为例子,来讨论编译器对struct 数据结构中的各成员如何进行对齐的。 在相同的对齐方式下,结构体内部数据定义的顺序不同,结构体整体占据内存空间也不同,如下: 设结构体如下定义: struct A { int a; //a的自身对齐值为4,偏移地址为0x00~0x03,a的起始地址0x00满足0x00%4=0;


help的用法和词汇拓展 作者:inQ老师来源:人教社适用年级:七年级(上) 适用单元:Unit7 在《英语(新目标)》七年级(上册)Unit7中,我们学到了help这个单词。help的中文含义是:帮助;援助。例句: I often help my parents do some housework. 我经常帮我父母干家务活。 help主要有一些几种用法: (1)help用作动词时,后面常接不定式作宾语,并且不定式符号to可以省略,即:help (to)do something帮忙做某事/有助于…… 或help somebody (to)do something 帮助某人做某事。 (2)help后还可接介词with,即help somebody with something,如: My elder sister often helps me with my homework. 我姐姐常帮我做作业。 (3)“Help!”是口语中在紧急时刻要别人帮忙时的用法,意思是“帮帮忙;救命”。 (4)help还有名词词性,意思是“帮助”,是不可数名词。如: I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。 再给大家介绍一些help的词汇拓展知识: 同义短语: give somebody a hand 帮助某人 常用搭配: help yourself(to something)自己取……食用 如:Please help yourself to some fruit. 请随便吃些水果。 help somebody out 帮助某人解决困难 can't help doing something 情不自禁做某事 相关词: helper n. 助手;帮手;起帮助作用的东西


中国写意山水画教案 课题:中国写意山水画鉴赏与基本技法 上课时间:20xx年xx月xx日 课时:2课时(90分钟) 教学对象:高中普通班学生。 教学目标: 知识与技能目标:通过理论讲解和示范教学使学生掌握中国山水画的笔墨技法。 并掌握如何用笔、用墨和笔法和墨法具体的实践操作,以便在 日后的在临摹、写生和创作中加以灵活运用。 过程与方法目标:使学生了解掌握中国山水画的分类和各类山水画具体的特点。 通过讲解山水画特点让学生用哲学的思想去感悟山水画的意 象造型原则,笔墨表现形式和意境要素的生成以及对时空处理 特殊性和诗书画印的完整性。 情感态度与价值观目标:通过了解中国山水画的发展史使学生对山水画在中国绘 画史中的重要地位有所感悟,体会山水画悠久的历史, 中华民族丰富的智慧和情感,崇高的审美理想、艺术追 求。提高学生审美情趣,激发学生对于传统艺术的热爱。教学方法:讲述法。 教具:课本。山水画图片。

学具:课本。笔记本。 重点:山水画的发展,分类,特点以及基本技法。山水画的鉴赏方法。 难点:山水画的意向表现原则。意境要素的生成。山水画的鉴赏。 教学过程: 第一部分:写意山水画的相关基础知识 一:相关概念 1.写意:国画的一种画法,用笔不苛求工细,注重神态的表现和抒发作者内心 的情感(区别于“工笔”) 俗称“粗笔”。与“工笔”对称。中国画技法名。通过简练放纵的笔致着重表现描绘对象的意态风神的画法。写意画是国画的基本表现形式,与工笔画并称。分类:写意画分为小写意和大写意,所谓的小写意,更倾向于水墨画法写物象之实,上接元人墨花墨禽的传统;而所谓的大写意,更倾向于以水墨 画法表现画家的主观感情,继承的是宋元的文人墨戏传统。 特点:不着眼于详尽如实、细针密缕地摹写现实,而着重以简炼的笔墨表现客观物象的神韵和抒写画家主观的情致。写意技法 2.山水画:山水画简称“山水”。中国画的一种。描写山川自然景色为主体的绘 画。 二:发展 水画在中国绘画史上占有极其重要的地位,并在东方绘画中成为富有特色的艺术。据文献记载,早在两千多年以前的战国时期,山水画就已经出现在丝织品和壁画上。从北魏壁画和东晋顾恺之的传世摹本《女史箴图》,《洛神赋图》来看,这时期的山水画只是作为人物画的背景,山水画的技法还比较简单粗拙,往往“人大于山”“水不容泛”。正如唐张彦远所说的:“其画山水,则群峰之势,若细饰犀栉,列植之状,则若伸臂布指。”可见这时期的山水画还很不成熟,是中国山水画形成的孕育期。中国山水画,经东晋顾恺之发端,历南北朝至隋唐,才逐渐摆脱作为人物画的背景,而发展成为独立的画科。传为隋展子虔的《游春图》是现存最早的一幅山水画真迹,画中人物只不过是点景而已。它一变六朝墨勾色晕法为勾线填色、重彩青绿法,开青绿山水之先河。它标志着中国山水画的形成和进步。 到了唐代,由于经济的发达,社会的安定,以及宗教绘画的世俗化,中国山水画走向成熟并进入了繁荣昌盛的时期,因而有各种风格竞相出现的局面。总的说来,唐代山水画开创了两大流派:一派是青绿山水,它继承了隋代展子虔的传统表现技法,发展成为工细巧整、金碧辉映的风格,此即后世所称的“北宗山水”,它以李思训、李昭道父子为代表。李思训的传世作品有《江帆楼阁图》,画以勾勒廓
