


Pechino: 38 giovani imprenditori italiani al Summit G20YEA

Si èconcluso il 10 settembre a Pechino il Summit annuale dell'Alleanza G20 dei Giovani Imprenditori che quest'anno ha affrontato i temi "disruptive innovation" e "smart entrepreneurship". I 38 delegati italiani di Confindustria, si sono riuniti dall'8 al 10 settembre insieme ai giovani imprenditori degli altri Paesi membri G20 per confrontarsi sui temi della Industry 4.0 e sul ruolo chiave dell'imprenditorialitàquale soluzione per ritrovare la via della crescita globale.

I Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria hanno sottoscritto appieno le raccomandazioni formulate insieme ai colleghi nel corso del summit dell'Alleanza G20 dei Giovani Imprenditori e racchiuse nel Final Communiqué, con l'auspicio che possa rappresentare una vera chiamata all'azione per i Governi a concentrare le future politiche per lo sviluppo e la crescita valorizzando a pieno il ruolo dell'imprenditorialità, e puntando a sostenere e sviluppare l'innovazione e le competenze digitali. L'obiettivo ambizioso èquello di "stimolare crescita inclusiva e lavoro". Le PMI dei paesi del G20 detengono il primato della creazione del maggior numero di posti di lavoro, impiegando piùdei due terzi dei lavoratori del settore privato, e fornendo piùdell'80% della crescita.

Il viaggio dei Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria in Cina ha visto anche una prima tappa di 3 giorni a Shanghai con il supporto di SIMEST e la qualificata partecipazione dell'amministratore delegato Andrea Novelli, oltre che la collaborazione con il MIP Politecnico di Milano - Graduate School of Business, partner scientifico dell'iniziativa. I Giovani Imprenditori hanno avuto la possibilitàdi scoprire una Cina ben diversa dagli stereotipi, che ha virato decisamente verso la modernità, lasciando ad altre economie asiatiche il ruolo di "fabbrica del mondo", puntando invece a nuovo modello di sviluppo piùsostenibile e virtuoso in cui il digitale e le nuove tecnologie sono messe in primissimo piano.




在中国的3天旅程中,也荣幸邀请到首席执行官业联合会青年企业家安德烈诺维的宝贵参与了上海SIMEST,以及与MIP米兰理工大学合作- 研究生院的业务,成为主动科学的合作伙伴。这个青年企业家也得此机会抛弃脑中原有的印象,并发现了一个正在现代话的完全不同的的中国,它正在改变亚洲其他各国经济体,担任“世界工厂”的角色,并正通过新的,更可持续的发展模式和良性的数字的新技术投入描画新的蓝图。


快乐英语阅读四年级下册 选择题 ( ) 1. wants to draw _______ , but they look like eggs . A.houses B. circles ( ) 2. wants to draw ______, but they look like . A.trees B. rubbers ( ) 3. ______ wants to draw houses , but they look like . A. B. ( ) 4. gives _______ a new pencil to help her. A.Nancy B. Julia ( ) 5. gives Julia_______ to help her. A. a piece of green paper B. a piece of white paper ( ) 6. What do you think of ? A. a sad dog B. a silly dog ( ) 7. How many dogs can you see in the story? A. Two. B. One. ( ) 8. What does get in the end? A.Nothing. B. Two bones. ( ) 9.“Be happy with what you are.”是什么意思? A.笑口常开。 B. 知足常乐。

( ) 10. “Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger.”是什么意思? A. 绝对不要相信将你至于危险中的朋友。 B. 永远不要信任朋友。 ( ) 11. “ All things are difficult before they are easy.”是什么意思? A. 凡事必先难后易。 B. 凡事必先易后难。( ) 12.“ While there is life ,there is hope.”是什么意思? A. 患难见真情。 B. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。( ) 13. “ No cross ,no crown.”是什么意思? A.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 B.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。( ) 14. “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”是什么意思? A. 患难见真情。 B. 绝对不要相信将你至于危险中的朋 友。 ( ) 15. The conjuror puts , and ________into the bag. A. B. ( ) 16. The conjuror puts the into the_________. A.box B.bag ( ) 17. goes to the ___________ with his sister. A.room B. pool ( ) 18. can’t________ or push others at the pool. A. jump B. run


五上《快乐英语阅读》Unit 1练习题 选择 ()1.The crow is thirsty and _______. A.hungry B. tired C. happy ()2.The crow sees _____. A.some water in the jar B.some milk in the jar C.some coffee in the jar ()3.The crow drops _____ into the jar. A.some water B. some stones C. some pebbles ()4.The crow finds a house _______. A.in a park B.at the foot of the mountain C. in the hill ()5.The crow rests _______. A.in a tree B. on a chair C. in a bed ()6.The crow sees many pebbles ____ the house. A.in B.inside C. beside ()7.The glass jar is _____. A.tall and big B. small and soft C.short and hard ()8.Finally, the crow _________. A.gives up and flies away B.drinks the water happily C.dies of thirst ()9.What do you think of the crow? A.clever B. silly C. greedy ()10.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed. 判断 ()1.The story is happens in a summer day. ()2.The crow rests in a tree in a forest. ()3.The crow wants some bread to eat. ()4.There is a glass jar outside the house. ()5.There is a little water in the glass jar. ()6.There are some pebbles inside the house. ()7.At last, the crow doesn’t drink the water. ()8.The crow is thirsty and hungry. ()9.The glass jar is small, so the crow can drink water easily. ()10.The crow gives up after a long time of flying. 阅读短文,选出正确答案 It’s a hot summer. A thirsty crow rests in a tree in a desert. He wants to drink some water. After a long time flying, he finds a house at the foot of the mountain. The crow is excited to find a glass jar with a little water inside the house. However, he can’t reach the water because the jar is tall and big. There are many pebbles beside the house. He has an idea. He keeps collecting pebbles and dropping them into the jar. Finally, the water is close to the top of the jar. He drinks the water happily. ()1.Which season is it? A.spring B. summer C.winter ()2.What does the crow want ? A.some food B. some water C. some pebbles ()3.How can the crow drink the water finally? A.He drops some pebbles into the jar. B.He breaks the glass jar. C.He flies away. ()4.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed.


! 动词被动式 根据谓语动词与其主语之间的关系,可以将动词分为主动形式和被动形式。 在主动式中,句子在语法上的主语是谓语动作的发出者。 Luigi legge un libro 而在被动式中,句子在语法上的主语是谓语动作的承受者。 Un libro è letto da Luigi 在同一个谓语动词的主动式和被动式之间没有语义上的差别,其中发生变化的只是语法结构。 只有及物动词才能被转换为被动式,因为只有这类动词才有直接宾语。 Luigi legge un libro 主动式 Un libro è letto da Luigi 被动式 一个动词的被动式构成形式如下: essere + 及物动词的过去分词 过去分词词尾与句子的语法主语在性、数上保持一致: La lettera è stata aperta Il libro è stato perso 主动句中原来的主语在被动句中由前置词da 引导: La macchina è stata presa da Anna 也可以省略掉动作的发出者: La macchina è stata presa. 在简单时态中如现在时、将来时等等,可以用动词venire 取代essere作动词,以表达句子谓语动词的动态感觉。 La porta viene aperta (所表达的开门动作更有动态感觉) La porta è aperta (只表达了门现在处于开启的状态) 在其它情况下,到底选择essere 还是venire构成被动式取决于说话或写字人的语言风格。 直陈式、虚拟式和条件式下谓语动词的任何时态都可以转换为被动式。: La porta è stata aperta da Paola (直陈式近过去时) Mi è stato regalato un disco (直陈式近过去时) Un nuovo cinema verrà aperto (直陈式将来时) Credo che l'orologio sia stato rotto (虚拟式过去时) Il lavoro sarebbe stato terminato (条件式过去时) 用“andare”作为助动词构成被动词可表达“必须”、“必要“的含义。 Le scene vanno girate a Cinecittà (le scene devono essere girate a Cinecittà) Le camicie vanno stirate (devono essere stirate) Gli oggetti non vanno gettati dal finestrino (non devono essere gettati)


LEZIONE 1 先讲一些读音规则 1 字母 l,m,n,v,b,d 的读音和英语是一样的 2 字母e 在所有的情况下都发英语bed中e的读音 3 字母a在所有的情况下都发英语large中a的读音 4 字母o在所有的情况下都发英语not中o的读音 5 字母c 和q在a o和u前面发英语good中g的读音 6 字母c在he前,发英语good中g的读音 7 字母t在所有的情况下都发英语bed中d的读音 8字母i在所有的情况下都发英语this中i的读音] 9 字母r读成颤音,发这个音的时候,气流从口腔内部冲出来时,要“推动”舍尖颤动,也就是通常说的“打嘟噜” 10 h在意大利语中不发音 读音规则先说到这里,我们下面来看第1课的单词。 在讲单词之前,我要先说一个事,就是意大利语几乎所有的单词都以元音字母结尾,这一点非常重要,把它记住了,以后在学习动词变位和名词变复数的时候,能少走一些弯路。 好,下面开始这一课的单词 (有些单词在后面注上和它对应的英语词) 1 testo [名·阳]课文(text) 2 un 阳性不定冠词 3 libro [名·阳]书 4 si 是的 5 una阴性不定冠词 6 matita [名·阴]铅笔 7 no 不 8 penna [名·阴]钢笔(pen) 9 rivista [名·阴]杂志 10 che [代]什么 11 quanderno [名·阳]笔记本 12 cosa [名·阴]东西,事情 大家看到在这里出现了[名·阳]和[名·阴]的字样,在意大利语中,所有的名词都分成阴性和阳性两类。名词的性是英语中没有的语法概念。关于这一点我们要在第2课中详细讲解。 下面讲授这一课的两个语法项目: 1 主语人称代词 (Pronomi personali in funzione di soggetto) 意大利语的主语人称代词按人称分,可以分为第一人称,第二人称和第三人称,按数分,可以分成单数和复数。 单数: 我 io 你 tu 他 egli lui


快乐英语四年级(下)试卷(60分钟) 班级 __________姓名_________ 一.根据句意和首字母,把单词补充完整。( 10 ) 1、You’d better go and see a d____________. 2、You see , a r___________ nose and t_________. 3、Look at the s____________. It’s a lovely day. 4、We are going to learn some i_____________ words. 5、Let’s d___________ some new logos . 6、This Monkey S__________ was published in 2004. 7、Huangpu River is a b__________ of Yangtze River. 8、The summer v_________ is coming. 9、I’m so e________.I can go hiking. 10、There isn’t any water in that w______. 二.翻译短语。( 10 ) 1. 得了感冒 2. 头疼 3. 呆在家里 4. 牙疼 5. 跳绳 6. 借几本书 7. the Great Wall 8. 玩得开心 9. have a race 10. make a plan 三.写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级。( 10 ) 1. long 2. sad 3. heavy 4. famous 5. bright 6. busy 7. thin 8. good 9. useful _________ __________ 10. late 四.选择。( 15 ) 1. Don’t forget my English teacher. A phone B to phone C phoning D phone to 2. What’s wrong with ?


六年级快乐阅读 I. ( Jimmy is a four –year- old child . Now he’s watching TV in the living room .“ Jimmy , I’m tired ,so I have to take a rest. If some one calls me , please tell him that I’m not at home!” His father says. “ OK, daddy.” Jimmy answers loudly. Then Jimmy’ s father goes to bed. At that time, the telephone is ringing.) A man : Hello! May I speak to David ? Jimmy : Sorry , he’s not here. This is Jimmy speaking . A man : Hello ,Jimmy. Can you tell me where does he go ? Jimmy : Who’s that ,please? A man : It’s your father’s friend . Jimmy : He’s sleeping in the bedroom . He said, “If some one calls him, tell him that David isn’t at home.” A man : Really ? OK, I see. I will call back later. Good bye. Jimmy : Bye! 根据短文内容,判断下面句子的正( T )误 ( F )。 ( )1. Jimmy is reading in the living room with his father. ( ) 2. David is so tired that he has to take a rest. ( ) 3. A man calls Jimmy, but Jimmy isn’t at home. ( ) 4. Jimmy says to the man , “My father said that he’s not at home, if some one calls him.” II. A Surprising Gift Rose is an American girl. Her mother is an English teacher of a university in China. Her father is a manager of a big company in America, and he is very busy every day. So Rose has to come to China with her mother. Rose and her mother like the life in China very much, but sometimes they like to go back to the USA on holiday. And Rose’s father never comes to China to see them. The next Sunday is Rose’s birthday. She’s going to have a bi g party. She is going to invite all her friends in China. But Rose is still unhappy, her father is so busy that he couldn’t come to China to celebrate her birthday. It is Rose’s birthday. All the friends come to her party. And they give her many presents just like last year. And her mother gives her


意大利语语法 目录 1 冠词 2 名词 3 代词 o 3.1 人称代词 3.1.1 主格人称代词 3.1.2 宾格人称代词 3.1.3 与格人称代词 3.1.4 反身人称代词 3.1.5 属格人称代词 3.1.6 介词人称代词 o 3.2 指示代词 o 3.3 关系代词 o 3.4 疑问代词 o 3.5 泛指代词 o 3.6 小品词 3.6.1 ci(vi) 3.6.2 ne 4 形容词 o 4.1 属格形容词 o 4.2 指示形容词 o 4.3 疑问形容词 o 4.4 形容词对比 5 副词 o 5.1 方式副词 o 5.2 时间副词 o 5.3 地点副词 o 5.4 数量副词 6 介词 7 连词 o 7.1 并列连词 o 7.2 从属连词 8 动词 冠词 意大利语的冠词分阳阴两性、单复两数,每一类都加在与其相对应的名词的前方。

单数 复数阳性 阴性 阳性 阴性 定冠词 l',il, lo l',la i, gli le 不定冠词 un, uno una,un' dei,degli delle 名词 意大利语的名词分阳性和阴性两大类,并有单复数的变化。不过一般而言,意大利语对格的变化已经退化了,故大多数的词仅会对该词所属的性别与指称的数量做相对应的变化。 请协助扩充此章节。 更进一步的讯息可能会在或讨论页或扩充请求中找到。请在扩充章节后将此模板移除。 代词 人称代词 主格人称代词 单数 复数 第一人称 io noi 第二人称 非敬词 tu voi 敬词 Lei Loro 第三人称

阳性 lui (egli, esso) loro (essi) 阴性 lei (ella, essa) loro (esse) 宾格人称代词 单数复数 第一人称 mi ci 第二人称 非敬词 ti vi 敬词 La Le 第三人称 阳性 lo li 阴性 la le 与格人称代词 单数复数 第一人称 mi ci 第二人称 非敬词 ti vi 敬词 Le Loro 第三人称


意大利语的名词 You've heard it since grade school: What's a noun? A person, place, or thing. Nouns (i nome) are one of the first things that people learn, whether it's their native or second language. Bicchiere, vino, funghi. Glass, wine, mushrooms. And in Italian, what's noticeable almost immediately is that nouns have endings that change depending on the gender. The table below includes a few nouns to start with: ITALIAN NOUNS MASCULINE FEMININE banco (school desk) cartella (book bag) libro (book) lavagna (chalkboard) nonno (grandfather) nonna (grandmother) ragazzo (boy) ragazza (girl) specchio (mirror) scuola (school) zaino (backpack) material (subject) zio (uncle) zia (aunt) Most Italian nouns end in a vowel—those that end in a consonant are of foreign origin —and all nouns have a gender, even those that refer to a qualities, ideas, and things. Usually, Italian singular masculine nouns end in -o, while feminine nouns end in -a. There are exceptions, of course (see table below). ITALIAN NOUNS ENDING IN -E MASCULINE FEMININE giornale (newspaper) frase (sentence)


Unit1 Where are the boy eel? 一、判断(T、F) ( ) 1. Lily is a girl eel ( )2. Lily would like to come to a ball ( ) 3 Lily wants to find a girl eel ( )4 Lily doesn't have a partner. ( )5 Lily meats many eels but they are all girls. ( )6. Lily is very sad because she can't find a boy eel ( )7. When a girl eel becomes a mother then she ll become a father. ( )8. At last, Lily goes to the ball with the girl eels ( ) 9. Lily can find a boy eel ( )10 Lily cant find a boy eel. ( )11. Lily meets many boy eels ( )12 When the eels are young. They are girls ( )13 After they have babies, they become men ( ) 14. Lily goes to the ball with the boy eels. ( )15 The girls have a great time at the ball. 二、单项选择 ( )1. Lily is a \an A eel B fish ( )2. Lily likes to A sing B dance ( )3. Lily doesn't have a A partner B friend ( )4. Lily wants to find a eel. A boy B girl ( ) 5. Lily meets many eels, but they are all A boys B girls ( )6. Lily cant find a boy eel, she is A happy B sad ( )7. The eels are A amazing B cool ( )8. When they are young. they are A boys B girls ( )9. When they have babies. they become A mothers B fathers ( )10. Lily goes to the ball with . A boy eels B girl eels


五年级快乐英语翻译(译林出版社,配套苏教版的) 第三课 第十九页 我喜欢很多动物。我最喜欢的动物是狗。狗是很友好的,也是很能帮助人们的。如果不个人失明了,他看不见。一条狗可以帮助他穿过街道。如果一个人失聪了,他听不到,狗狗可以帮助他去开门。如果消防队员在火灾现场找不到被困的人,狗可以帮助找到他。 我的祖父有一条叫丹尼尔的宠物狗。当我放学回到家时,它会在门旁欢迎我。在晚上,我经常在我的房门和丹尼尔玩。周末,我通常带狗去离家不远的公园去玩。我们会在公园玩得很开心。 狗是非常可爱的动物。我非常喜欢狗。你喜欢么? 第二十一页到二十五页 小蜗牛的故事 森林里长着一棵大树。这棵树非常的高。在树的根部,住着一只小蜗牛。小蜗牛有一个梦想,他想爬到树的最高处,他想看到更远、更多、更美的风景。 蜗牛:我是一只小蜗牛。我有一个坚硬的壳。我想去看看更大的世界。 (小蜗牛速度很慢,好不容易爬到了一个大树干。前面来了一只顽皮的猴子。)猴子:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有个长长的尾巴,我能爬得很迅速。而你爬的速度是这样的慢。你是没办法爬到树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (蜗牛又踏上了前进的征程。他一步又一步,艰难地前进。头顶是火辣辣的太阳,天气变得越来越热。这时,蜗牛看到了只漂亮的鹦鹉。) 鹦鹉:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有漂亮的翅膀。我能飞得很高。你没有翅膀,你又不会飞,你是没法到达树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (前面还有很长的路要走,但是蜗牛没有放弃。他重又开始了前面的征程。一步又一步,艰难的前行。当他越过一个大树枝时,他看到了一头长颈鹿。)长颈鹿:蜗牛先生,请看,我有一个长脖子,有四条长腿,我长得这样的高。你是如此地小,那树又是那样的高。你是无法爬到树梢的。


得分 评卷人 十、翻译(将下列句子翻译成意大利语或中文,每句3分,共15分) 1. 先生,您是第一次来中国吗? 不,是第二次。去年我和妻子一起到过北京。 2. --- 您是什么时候到意大利的? --- 我是1987年6月24日到意大利的。 3. 如果你有时间就经常来看看我,我父母将会非常高兴认识你。 4. Quando sarai a Firenze, chiamami e fammi sapere quando ci possiamo vedere. I miei genitori vivono a Roma, ma lavorano a Torino. 得分 评卷人 九、连词成句(每题1分,共5分)

1. pensione, madre,è, in, mio, una, padre, invece, professoressa, è, mia. 2. treno, fra, ore, partirà, il, due. 3. comprare, i, biglietti, posso, scusi, dove, autobus, dell’? 4. ho, tempo, per, italiano, studiato, poco. voglio, festa, amici, stasera, gli, fare, una, bella, con. 得分 评卷人 一、按要求将下列动词变位(每个单词1分,共10分) parlare (陈述式现在时) dovere (陈述式现在时) prendere (陈述式现在时) essere (陈述式现在时) mangiare (陈述式现在时) mettere (近过去时) fare (近过去时) vedere (近过去时) avere (简单将来时)


四年级快乐英语阅读练习答案 班级________ 姓名________ 学号________ 成绩______ 一、Read and complete.(读一读,填一填) 1. Julia wants to draw circles, but they look like eggs . 2. Julia wants to draw trees , but they look like mashed potatoes. 3. Julia wants to draw houses , but they look like bottles of ketchup. 二、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)。 a. a piece of green paper b. a pencil sharpener c. a new pencil d. a rubber 1. Julia’s mother gives Julia c to help her. 2. Julia’s father gives Julia a to help her. 三、Read and fill(读一读,填一填) 1 Patty plays a__donkey____ in the school play, but she’d like to play the _princess____ or a__flower_____ at first 2 Patty’s __grandpa____ comes to see her in a __donkey_____cart 3Pattys brings some __water_____ for the donkey 4 The donkey is ___kind____ and loyal 5 The school play starts at ___six___ o’clock 四、Read, think and choose(读一读,想一想,选一选,可多选)。 What do you think of the dog? (a d) a. A silly(愚蠢的)dog. b. A happy dog. c. A clever(聪明的)dog. d. A greedy(贪婪的)dog. 五、Read and choose.(读一读,选出正确的答案)。 1. How many dogs can you see in the story? ( a ) a. One. b. Two. c. Three.


意大利语语法练习题 1、从以下四组分别给出的逻辑关系连词及短语中,选择合适的词汇来填空: ( affinché / a meno che / a patto che / benché / che / come / perché / prima che / qualora / siccome ) (1) Non esco ............... piove. (2) Ve la presto solo ............... me la rendiate subito. (3) ............... vengano, fatemelo sapere. (4) ............... piove, non esco. (5) Lavora ............... stia poco bene. 2、从以下四组分别给出的逻辑关系连词及短语中,选择合适的词汇来填空: 第一组:( altrimenti / cioè / e / invece / ma / o / pure / quindi ) (1) Facciamo colazione ............... poi usciamo. (2) Paula è bella ............... antipatica. (3) Non sono d’accordo, ............... non accetto. (4) Vero ............... falso? 3、从以下四组分别给出的逻辑关系连词及短语中,选择合适的词汇来填空: (5) Mio nonno, ............... il padre di mio padre, visse fino a cent’anni. (6) Claudio è intelligente e ............... simpatico.

循序渐进意大利语初级阅读 1-3

循序渐进意大利语初级阅读 1.“Trulli”di Alberobello In provincia di Bari, in Puglia, c’e’una cittadina dalle strane costruzioni, di cui non si trovano corrispondenti forme architettoniche in altre parti d’Italia. Si tratta di Alberobello, le cui case, di forma alquanto bizzarra, fanno pensare ad abitazioni di popolazioni della preistoria. Sono minuscule capanne toned, casupole cilindriche ad un solo vano con I muri esterni bianchissimi e con I tetti a cono aguzzo di colore scuro. La forma bizzarra di questa originale architettura ed il colore bianchissimo abbagliante dei muri danno alla cittadina un aspetto caratteristico di paesaggio di altri popoli e di altri tempi. Vocabolario Trullo s.m. (意大利普里亚区)圆锥顶建筑Corrispondente agg. 相等的,相似的 Alquanto avv. 相当,不少


金墩小学四年级快乐英语阅读测试竞赛题 (一) Read and match (这个星期Floppy 从Monday到Friday分别做了哪些事,连一连) 1. Monday a. pull the washing down 2. Tuesday b. bark a lot 3. Wednesday c. walk in the mud 4. Thursday d. push the Lego over 5. Friday e. walk on the concrete (二) A.Read, think and choose (读The dog and his bone,选一选,可多选) What do you think of the dog?() a. A silly (愚蠢的) dog. b. A happy dog. c. A clever dog. d.A greedy (贪婪的) dog. B. Read and choose (读一读,选一选) 1 How many dogs can you see in the story? ( ) a One. b Two. c Three. 2 What does the dog get in the end?( ) a One bone. b Two bones. c Nothing. 3“Be happy with what you have." 是什么意思? ( ) a拥有了才能快乐。b知足常乐。C积极争取想要的东西。

(三) A.Read and choose (读Friends故事,选一选) "Never trust the friend who leaves you in danger?是什么意思?()a千万不要相信你的朋友,赶快离开危院境地。 b绝对不要相信将你置于危险中的朋友。 c绝对不要相信那个帮助你的朋友。 B.Read and match(这些谚语你能对号入座吗?) a While there is life, there is hope. b All things are difficult before they are easy. c A frien d in need is a friend indeed. d No cross, no crown. ( )1不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。 ( )2留得青山在,不怕没架烧。 ( )3凡事必先难后易, ( )4 患难见真情, (四) Translate(翻译) forest_________ bone__________ butterfly________


英语课外阅读教案 (四年级) 建湖县九龙口镇中心小学

《JULIA’S PICTURES》简案 教学内容: 《快乐阅读》 JULIA’S PICTURES教学目标: 1.让学生会听、会读、会说单词 circles, mess, mashed potatoes, bottle of ketchup , give up, pick up ,left hand, neat, round, clean, perfect 2.让学生会听、会读、会说句型she can ? she can ’ t ?3.试着让学生掌握三种阅读方法 . 教学重难点: 1.让学生会听、会读、会说单词 circles, mess, mashed potatoes, bottle of ketchup , give up, pick up ,left hand, neat, round, clean, perfect 2.让学生会听、会读、会说句型she can ? she can ’ t ?3.试着让学生掌握三种阅读方法 . 设计理念: 让学生体会阅读乐趣,掌握阅读方法。 教学准备: 课件、头饰 学程预设:

Step one: Warming up

1.Enjoy an English song about pictures. 2.Greetings. 3.Play a guessing game about pictures. 【设计意图:以游戏的方式导入故事的主人公,调动课堂气氛,使课堂充满活力。】 Step two: Presentation 1.Introduce the park 2.What ’ s in the park? There is ? There is ? 3.Read and choose. What can you draw? What about JULIA? Can she draw well? 4.Read and match 她依次画了哪些东西? 5.Read and circle 她画的每样东西像什么? 6.Look and think 【设计意图:本环节的阅读教学中,设计了不同形式的问题,由浅入深,层层剖析,便于学生深入理解文本对话。初步教学生三种阅读技巧,也为以后的学习做铺垫。】 Step three: Consolidation 1.English theatre. 2.Let ’ s talk What do you want to do in trouble? 【设计意图:本环节意在指导学生学会思考,学以致用。问 题的设计贴近生活。】 Step four: Homework


意大利语属于拉丁语族罗曼语系。现代意大利语是从但丁开始的,其古典语为拉丁语。现代语语法较之古典语语法简化多了。意大利语是一种单词形态变化丰富的语 言,九大词类中就有五类有形态变化。在句子中,人称,性,数,动词的时态都要相互一致,配合。意大利语语法与英语的差别很大,与汉语的更是不同。有一个可提醒注意:意大利语单词无论如何变化,最后都是以元音结尾(个别前置词,连词除外)。 句子成分 一个简单句是由若干句子成分组成的,基本句子成分是主语和谓语,其他成分都可以叫 complemento 【补语】。意大利语中的补语概念和汉语中的补语概念不同。汉语中的补语指位于动词或形容词之后的描写成分,表示结果,程度,趋向,数量,可能等意义,而意大利语中搞的补语成分包括,直接宾语,间接宾语,地点补语,时间补语,伴随补语等等。 句子分类 句子分为简单句和复合句,复合句又分成并列复合句和主从复合句,主从复合句又分成主句,从句,从句又分为不明确从句,明确性从句。 例:简单句iovado. 我走了。 并列复合句iolavoromentreluistudia. 他学习时我工作。 主从复合句sperodipotervenire. 我希望能来。 动词avere 的变位 这里首先要讲的一点是动词变位。动词变位是意大利语里非常重要的一个概念。是意大利语法的三大基础之一(另外两个分别是时态和虚拟式)。动词变位就是动词在不同的人称或数作主语时,词尾必须根据主语的人称和数作相应的变化。 下面我们先看看AVERE(有)这个词的动词变位 我有...:ioho 你有...:tuhai 他有:...:luiha 她有...:leiha
