



题目一Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 审题:本题引用印度圣雄甘地一句名言。前半句话意思是,地球是人类赖以生存家园为人类提供了所需要一切;后半句话意思是人类过度开发会造成地球资源枯竭,环境恶化威胁到人类自身生存。综合起来甘地这句名言启示:人类应当合理地利用自然资源不要向地球过度索取。

题目二Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Good habits result from resisting temptation.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 审题:本题引言是一句古老谚语,意思是要形成良好习惯必须经受住诱惑,由于每天都面临着各种各样诱惑,所以要形成良好习惯绝非易事。这个谚语之所以能够流传千百年它道出了人们切身感受。

题目三Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 审题:本题中名言出自美国著名钢琴家、幽默作家Victor Borg。这句名言本身不难理解,意为:微笑能够拉近人与人之间关系。






1. 列举事实对于比较抽象道理,考生不要空泛地议论。大多数考生词汇量和表达能力尚不足以应付抽象论证,要证明抽象道理最好方法用事实说话。考生可以在第二段里列举出具体事实、研究结果、调查数据等来证明这个名言或谚语正确性。例如就此次六级考试第一道作文题目来说,考生可以在第二段举出人类滥砍、滥伐森林事实从而证明人类对自然资源过度开采会威胁到自身生存。请看下面范文:Deforestation is a good case in point. Trees give us

the oxygen we breathe the paper we use and the fruits we eat. But forests—the cradle of many civilizations—have been shrinking at an alarming rate. Man has been ruthlessly cutting down trees to meet his insatiable appetite for timber firewood or farmland contributing to the greenhouse effect which scientists believe could be disastrous for human beings if we do not stop this insanity.

2.讲述故事对于一些生活哲理,考生可以用生活中具体例子来证明其正确性。最好能举出大家熟悉名人轶事,若一时想不起名人轶事考生,也可以讲述身边普通人故事。这是降低写作难度窍门。讲述故事无论是从遣词还是造句来说,都比抽象论证更容易下笔。这种写法化抽象为具体从而实现化难为易。例如,就本次六级考试第二道作文题目而言考生可以在第二段举出熟悉人事例,从而证明只有经受住诱惑才能形成良好习惯。请看下面范文David Liu,my immediate superior,is now as fit as a fiddle. But who knows he used to be a sickly man sometimes coughing so badly as to gasp for breath?It was all because of his heavy smoking. He decided to embrace a healthy lifestyle half a year ago. It was no easy job for him but he overcame the temptation to smoke and has become alive and kicking. 上面范文以身边人为例,讲述了此人经受住抽烟诱惑,成功戒烟从而养成良好生活习惯,并恢复健康故事,以此证明了这句谚语正确性。除此之外,考生也可以举出发生在身上事例,例如通过讲述亲身经历来证明微笑力量,请看下面范文Let me share a personal experience. One awful morning everything went wrong:the alarm clock broke down;I got up late;I hurried to work only to find the key left in my room after slamming the door shut. You can imagine my frustration. On my way to work I tried smiling to cheer myself up. I forced a big smile on my face. It was a hard task for me at first as I was down. But it worked!Every person I smiled at smiled back. Some nodded some flashed a grin and some commented on the weather. By the time I got to the office I was a happy man again. 2014年6月的六级作文话题将不再局限于考生所熟悉校园生活类话题,它们会变得更加抽象,因而难度大增。考生对此要有充分心理准备。除了掌握本文所介绍攻略,建议考生多阅读多积累句型和写作素材才能保证在30分钟内写出一篇质量上乘作文。
