List Eight - 3000 Academic Words

3000 Academic Word – List Eight Distorted: if something is distorted, its shape or meaning is changed, often in a bad way. Example: A small change in wording can completely distort the meaning of the speaker.

Passive: if something is passive, they do not normally respond or take action. A passive clause has the natural object as its subject.

Example: To him, watching TV is a much more passive activity than reading an interesting book. While “he bought a book” is an active clause, “The book was bought by him” is a passive clause.

Subordinate: if something is subordinate, it is less important than someone or something else. Example: Keeping our natural world healthy remains subordinate to the health of the economy.

Military: if something is military, it is a characteristic of people in the armed forces, such as the army, navy, or air force.

Example: Sick soldiers can go to the military hospital.

Posed: means a position or arrangement.

Example: He enjoys being posed in different ways for the photography.

Analogous: when x is analogous to y, it is similar to y.

Example: The two textbooks are analogous, so he can use either one of them in his class.

Scenario: is a possible or imagined future, often with detailed plans.

Example: He could not find a good scenario to design the new movie.

Revolution: means a sudden significant change. It also means a war against the government by the country’s own people. When a wheel turns around once or going in a circle.

Example: There was a revolution in France in 1789. The hour hand on the clock makes one revolution in twelve hours.

Diminish: when something diminishes, it gets smaller or less important.

Example: The amount of carbon emission was diminished because of the gove rnment’s renewable energy plan last year.

Coherence: is the property of being connected, especially of ideas.

Example: The coherence and organization of his essay was very good, so he earned an A.

Suspended: if you suspend something, you stop it for a time. If you suspend someone from a job or from school, you stop them from going for a time.

Example: The conversation was temporarily suspended while everyone watched the TV. He received a red card in a soccer match, so he was suspended for the next match.

Mature: someone is mature if they act like an adult. A living thing is mature if it has stopped growing physically. If something is mature, it is fully developed.

Example: I think I am mature enough to become a Teaching Assistant at the University of Iowa.

A mature man is about 120 pounds. TV is a mature technology.

Assurance: is a strong promise, usually given when the listener has doubts. It is also the feeling of self-confidence.

Example: The teacher had been here before and could give assurance that all students were on the right course.

Rigid: fixed rather than moving; rigorous; stiff rather than flexible.

Example: He always sits rigid in the classroom.

Controversy: when there is a controversy about something, people do not agree about it. Example: Newspapers love to write about controversies.

Sphere: is a shape that is round in all directions, like a ball. Every point on a sphere is the same distance from the center of the sphere.

Example: The Earth is almost exactly a sphere.

Mediation: is the process of helping two people or groups who are not in agreement to come to an agreement.

Example: The couple had mediation to help decide who could keep the house when they divorced.

Format: the format of something writing is the way it is organized: the size and color of letters, the way it is divided into parts and the kind of words used. It is also the kind of computer program you need to be able to read.

Example: The teacher asks students to use the required format to write an article. My computer cannot read PDF format documents computer, because I do not have an Adobe Reader.

Trigger: is the part of a gun that you push with one finger when you want to make a shot. It is also a little thing that makes something more likely happen.

Example: He is ready to shoot the bird, because he has had his finger on the trigger. Eating too many candies is one of the triggers for his toothache.

Qualitative:a reason or idea is qualitative if it is about the thing’s qualities rather than about amounts.

Example: They offer qualitative advising services to help students find internships or part-time jobs at the Student Success Center.

Portion: is a part of something. It is also an amount of food for one person.

Example: They plant a lot trees in this portion of the city on Earth Day. Each portion has six meatballs.

Medium: a medium amount is an amount that is not small and not large, but in the middle. A medium is also a person who hears ideas that come from people who are dead.

Example: I would like to drink a medium Pepsi at KFC. I don’t believe the medium can hear anything.

Coincide: two things coincide with each other if they are exactly same or happen at the same time.

Example: The time of the party coincides with my math class, so I cannot come.

Violation: a violation of a rule is an act of breaking the rule: going past the limits of the rule. Example: Walking into my room without my permission that is a violation of my privacy.

Device: is a small machine or tool. It is also a machine or part attached to a computer, such as a keyboard or printer.

Example: She has a device in her kitchen for cutting potato. The keyboard is an important device for using the computer.

Insight: means a very good understanding of something; a clear idea about how something works.

Example: He had an insight view on the financial problem and quickly found the solution to solve the problem.

Whereby: by which.

Example: Learning is the method whereby we increase our knowledge.

Refine: when someone refines something, they make it better or purer.

Example: We need to refine our way of organizing the office. They take sugar cane and refine it to make white sugar.

Devote: if someone devotes time or energy to do something, they feel that is important and they spend a lot of time or energy on it.

Example: I devoted two semesters to completing my undergraduate research project at the University of Missouri.

Team: is a group of people who play or work together on the same side.

Example:I was a member of the Undergraduate Transfer Ambassador’s Team at the University of Missouri last semester.

Overlap: something overlaps on another thing if part of it is on top of, or at the same time, as the other thing.

Example: The job requires the shifts of the two workers to overlap, so that one worker can tell the other one what is happening.

Attain: someone attains a status if they reach it and start to have that status.

Example: My cousin attained the first place in the race last year.

Restraint: is the quality that people show when they do not do something they should not do. It is also something that holds a person in place, like a seatbelt in a car.

Example: He already ate too much meat today, so his mother asked him to have some restraint.

A baby needs the right kind of restraint to ride safely in a car.

Inherent: existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute.

Example: He has inherent ability to read and memorize something faster than his classmates.

Route: is the way that someone goes from one place to another place.

Example: There is a jam on this road, so he needs to take a different route to get to school on time.

Protocol: is a rule, guideline, or document about how certain activities are done.

It is also a set of rules that describes how data is transmitted.

Example: He does not know the protocol for talking to the President. To get the domain name from the domain server, the other computer has to send the right protocol.

Founded: to begin build something or to start some type of organizations or companies. Example: The organization was founded in 1839.

Duration: the time something takes or how much time it takes.

Example: The duration of my Master study is two years at the University of Iowa.

Inclination: someone has an inclination to do something if the person wants to do it or often does it.

Example: He has an inclination to play table tennis after all of his exams.

Encounter: is a meeting, usually one that you do not expect. An encounter is also when two people or groups meet to play a game.

Example: He had a pleasant encounter yesterday: one of my best friends visited me.

This is the second World Cup encounter between Brazil and Germany.

Convinced: to make someone believe, or feel sure about something.

Example: The boy convinced his parents that he finished his homework last night.

Assembly: means a group of people who came together for an event. It is also the act of making something by putting parts together.

Example: He stood in front of the assembly and started to talk to the public. He bought a desk, but he did not know it needed assembly at home.

Albeit: means although, even though.

Example: Manchester United Soccer Club lost to Barcelona Soccer Club last month, albeit Manchester United played very hard in the match.

Reluctant: if you are reluctant to do something, you do not want to do it.

Example: He was reluctant to go to school today because he had a final exam.

Persistent: if something or someone is persistent, they continue for a long time.

Example: He is persistent on learning English every day.

Notwithstanding: means in spite of or although.

Example:He went to the game anyway, notwithstanding doctor’s recommendation.

Straightforward: if something is straightforward, it is simple or easy to understand and easy to follow how to do it.

Example: The instructions to how to put the desk together are straightforward. Making Chinese test is pretty straightforward.

Panel: is a flat piece of wood or other material, used as part of a wall or on the side of something. It is also a group of people who come together at a table to talk to a judge.

Example: The house has aluminum panels covered the outside. He went to listen to a panel talking about global warming.

Odd: if something is odd, it is not normal and usually you do not like it or do not understand it. An odd number is one that does not divide evenly by 2. An odd sock or boot is one without its pair.

Example: The neighbors thought him very odd, because he would leave his doors open all night. The boy was wearing odd an odd sock. Five is an odd number.

Undergo: means pass through or experience; to endure or suffer.

Example: The building has undergone great changes in the last decade.

Intrinsic: x is intrinsic to y if x is an important part of y, y must always have x as a part. Example: Being able to think is intrinsic to being human.

Compiles: someone compiles some things or ideas when they bring them together into one place. Example: He compiled a good set of books to read about the history of the Great Wall.

Adjacent: lying near, close or contiguous.

Example: There is a motel adjacent to the Highway 70.

Integrity: is the quality of being honest and of doing only good thing. It is also the quality of being whole, not broken.

Example: The teacher liked the integrity that his students worked hard in his class and always turned in their homework earlier than the deadline. They need to test the integrity of the bridge.

Invoked: when someone invokes a rule, they use the rule in a specific situation.

Example: The school invokes a rule that smoking is not allowed in the campus.

Forthcoming: means something happen soon or in a short time. A person who is forthcoming is someone who tells what they are thinking.

Example: The forthcoming publication of his book will help him get status and respect. I asked him what his plans are for next semester but he was not very forthcoming.

Conceive: if you can conceive of a certain situation, you can imagine it. Someone conceives of an idea when they think of the idea for the first time.

Example: He cannot conceive of life without her. He cannot conceive of any way of getting to school before 9 a.m.

Ongoing: something is ongoing if it is continuing to happen without stopping in one long period of time.

Example: The growth of bones is still ongoing at age 11.

Levy: if you levy a charge or a tax, you legally make people to pay it.

Example: The tax that the government levies on imports or exports is called tariff.

Nonetheless: means however, nevertheless.

Example: It is raining; nonetheless, he is still going to eat outside.

So-called:when someone uses the word “so-called” to talk about something, they mean that other people talk about the thing that way, but they do not agree.

Example: They left the so-called party, because they felt that the party has no fun at all.

Likewise: when someone does something likewise, they do it the same way someone else did it. Example: He rode a bicycle to school yesterday, and his friends did likewise.

Colleague: is a person who works together with another person or who does the same kind of work.

Example: He liked to talk about economics with his colleagues from another university.

Depression:is a low area in a person’s feelings or in an economy.

Example: He had depression problem, so he went to see a doctor yesterday.

Collapse: something collapses when all its parts fall down loosely. A person collapses when he is tired and falls into a chair.

Example: The Bridge collapsed, but no one was hurt. He was so tired and just collapsed onto that chair.
