

9B Unit3-4单词

n. 机器人

vt. <英>邮寄=<美>mail

n. 大脑

pron. 任何,一切事物

vt. 订购

adv. 平整地;顺利地


vt. 满足,使…满意

n. 需要的事物;欲望

* n.


adv. 正确地,适当地

adj. 完全的,彻底的

n. 乱七八糟

vt. 放,搁

vt. 储藏,存储

n. 硬币

n. 账单

adj. 私人的

n. 文件,证明

vt. & vi. (使)散开;扩散

n. 轮子,车轮

* pill n.

* explore vt.

* outer space n.

* forgetful adj.

* stair n.

* battery n.

* suit n.

* iron vt.

n. 消费者,顾客

vi. (打电话时)等待,不挂断

adv. (电话)接通


adj. 满意的,满足的



* quality n.


adv. 完全地

vt. & vi. 后悔;遗憾

n. 产品,成果

* Mars n.

* helmet n.

* air tank n.

n. 干粮

* power pack n.

n. 睡袋

* gravity n.

n. 行星

* crowded adj.

adj. 被污染的

adj. 快的,迅速的

n. 增加


n. 乘客


adj. 使人不舒服的;不舒适的* oxygen n.


adj. 味道好的

adv. 专门地,特地

* float vi.

vt. & vi. 比较


* interplanetary adj.

* network n.

* challenging adj.

adv. 快地,迅速地

* aware adj.

vi. & vt. 围绕;将…圈起来

n. 一致,同意

* distance n.

n. 可能性

* alien n.

n. 外来者,陌生人


* percentage n.

* disavantage n.

n. 风险,危险


* goods n.

adj. 电子的

* entertainment n.


Pep小学、初中英语词汇表(共619个单词) 名词n ,noun[naun] 形容词adj ,adjective['?d?iktiv] 数词num ,numeral['nu:m?r?l, 'nju:-] 代词pron ,pronoun['pr?unaun] 动词v ,verb[v?:b] 副词adv ,adverb['?dv?:b] 冠词art ,article['ɑ:tikl] 介词prep ,preposition[,prep?'zi??n] 连词conj ,conjunction[k?n'd???k??n] 感叹词int ,interjection[,?nt?'d?ek??n] a,[?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) an, [?n,?n]一(在元音字母前代替不定代词a) about[?'baut](关于,大约), after['ɑ:ft?](之后), afternoon[,ɑ:ft?'nu:n](下午), again[?'ɡen, ?'ɡein]再一次, ago[?'ɡ?u]以前, air[??]空气,空中, v t. & vi. 晾晒, 烘干 all[?:l]全部, along[?'l??]沿着, 向前,往前 am, [?m]是(用于第一人称) and, [?nd, ?nd, ?n]和, 与, 及,然后,接着angry['??ɡri]生气的, 恶劣的, 狂怒的 animal['?nim?l]动物, 兽, 牲畜 answer['ɑ:ns?]回答,答案, ant[?nt]蚂蚁, any['eni]任何的, 一点, 一些 apple, ['?pl]苹果; 苹果树 April['eipr?l]四月, are, [ɑ:]是(用于二三人称的复数) ask[ɑ:sk问要求, 请求,at, August['?:ɡ?st]八月, aunt[ɑ:nt]阿姨,姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母auntie aunty['?nti:, 'ɑ:n-](aunt的昵称)伯母;婶母;姑母;姨母;舅母 autumn['?:t?m]秋天,秋季,成熟期, 渐衰期 B Back[b?k](后面), bad[b?d]坏的, bag[b?ɡ]包,书包, ball[b?:l]球, 舞会 banana[b?'nɑ:n?]香蕉, bank[b??k]银行,河岸, basketball['bɑ:skitb?:l]篮球, bathroom['bɑ:θrum]浴室, be, [bi:, bi][be to-v]表示必要、打算、可能性、假设等或用来表示将来安排 bean[bi:n]菜豆,豆 bear[b??]n熊, vt. & vi.1 承担, 负担 beautiful['bju:t?ful]美丽的,很好的 bed[bed]床, 河床,苗圃, 花坛 bee[bi:]蜜蜂, before[bi'f?:]conj以前, prep. (表示位置)在…前面 begin[bi'ɡin]开始, best[best]最好的, between[bi'twi:n]在….之间, big[biɡ]大的, 成功的,重要的, 重大的;bigger较大的;biggest 最大的 bike[baik]自行车, bird[b?:d]鸟, birthday['b?:θdei]生日, black[bl?k]黑色的, blackboard['bl?kb?:d]黑板, blue[blu:]蓝色的, blow[bl?u]吹, boat[b?ut]小船, book[buk]书, 书籍账簿,vt. 1 登记, 记账 borrow['b?r?u]借,借入, boots[bu:ts]靴子, n擦靴人 bowl[b?ul]碗, 钵, 盘 box[b?ks]盒子,箱子, pencil['pens?l]铅笔, 彩色铅笔 pencil box文具盒, boy.[b?i]男孩, 少年 bread[bred]面包, 生计 breakfast['brekf?st]早餐, bright[brait]明亮的,聪明的, 愉快的,鲜艳的 bring[bri?]带来,造成,引起 brother['br?e?]兄弟, bus[b?s]公共汽车,巴士 but[b?t, b?t]但是, prep. 除…以外 buy[bai]买, 交易, 买卖 by[ba?]乘, 在…近旁; 在身边 bye[ba?]int.再见adj. 次要的 C Cake[keik]蛋糕, can[k?n, k?n]v能,会, n罐, 罐头 car[kɑ:]小汽车, 轿车 card[kɑ:d]卡, 纸牌, 扑克牌,办法, 手段, 妙计careful['k??ful]仔细的, 小心的 carry['k?ri]运,搬,提, 挑, 背 cartoon[kɑ:'tu:n]漫画, 动画片 cat[k?t], 猫 chair[t???]椅子, 大学教授职位 cheap[t?i:p]便宜的, 低俗的, 卑鄙的 cheese[t?i:z]奶酪, chess[t?es]国际象棋, chick[t??k]小鸡, 少妇 chicken['t?ikin]鸡肉, child[t?aild]孩子, 儿童,子女 children['t??ldr?n]孩子们, chocolate['t??k?lit]巧克力, city['siti]城市,都市,全城居民 class[klɑ:s]班级, 阶级, 社会阶级 classroom['klɑ:sru:m]教室, clean[kli:n]干净的,打扫, 正派的, 正大光明的clear[kli?]清晰的, 清白的,畅通的 clearly['kl??l?]明朗地,明确地,明亮地 clever['klev?]聪明的, 灵巧的, 精巧的 climb[klaim]爬, 上升, 增长 clock[kl?k]钟, 挂钟;watch [w?t?] 手表,看,观察close[kl?uz]关, 终结, 结束 clothes[kloz, kloez]衣服, coat[k?ut]外套, coffee['k?fi]咖啡, 咖啡豆 coin[k?in]硬币, cold[k?uld]寒冷, heat[hi:t] 高温, 炎热 have a cold感冒, colour['k?l?]颜色, 脸色, 气色,肤色 come[k?m]来, come back回来, come out出来, come to school来到学校, computer[k?m'pju:t?]电脑, 计算机


1、 Blindness is a very serious disability. 失明是非常严重的残疾。 2、 Though he is disabled, he is a gifted artist. 尽管身残疾 (的 ),他是一个有天赋的艺术家。 3、 person with a hearing and eyesight disability misses many things. 一位听力和视力残疾的人会错过很多东西。 4、 Beware of the love syndrome.当心恋爱综合症。 5、 Rosalyn had been there frequently in past years for treatment for infantile paralysis. 罗莎琳在过去的几年中频频来这里治疗小儿麻痹。 6、 Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。 7、 He had a high ambition to be a headmaster. 他的抱负是想成为一名校长。 8、 I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me!我爱雄心壮志的人,因为他们能激励我! 9、 We will have dictation today.我们今天要听写了。 10、 I wrote the letter at Sally's dictation . 我照萨利的口述写信。 11、 The campus is noisy today.今天校园里很吵。 12、 Do believe there is no best man, only much suitable one. 要相信没有最好男人,只有更适合的。 13、 Trees hid the entry of the cave. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。 14、 Fresh air is beneficial to people's health. 新鲜空气对人的健康有好处。 15、 In other words, a classic fudge. 总之一句话,一派胡言。 16、 Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。 17、 He used to be quiet, but now he is very outgoing. 他以前性格沉默少言,但现在很外向。 18、 How do you adapt to this new environment? 你要怎样适应这种新环境呢?。 19、 The bench often does duty for a table. 这条长凳经常当桌子用。 20、 The doctor told me to cut out meat for my fat. 由于肥胖,大夫叫我停止吃肉 21、 He applied his eye to the microscope. 他把眼睛贴近显微镜。 22、 She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的。 23、 A servant is known by his master's absence.主人不在就可以看出仆人的品行来。 24、 You are a milk-livered fellow!你真是一个胆小的家伙! 25、 Thank you, my fellow colleagues. 谢谢,同事们。 26、 No joy without annoy. 没有无烦恼之快乐。 27、 I am really very annoyed about it. 我对此事真是很生气。 28、 I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨“别人”取笑我。 29、 I let go of all annoyance. 我放下所有烦恼。 30、 He has his faults, but all in all , he is a good guy. 他有缺点,但总的来说,他是不错的人。 单词拼读举例:Di sa bi li ty di sa bled syn drome in fan tile pa ra ly sis am bi tion am bi tious


一、循序渐进,逐步掌握自然拼读法 对于小学生而言,自然拼读法的掌握并不是一蹴而就的事情,而是一个循序渐进,逐渐积累熟练的过程,因此,作为小学英语教师,在引导学生掌握自然拼读法时,一定要由简到繁,由易到难。在自然拼读法的教学中,我一直坚持采用“五阶段分解法”,将自然拼读法的学习分成五个阶段,层层递进。第一阶段:引导学生建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系,让学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合,比如掌握单辅音(p,d,k…)、辅音字母组合(c h,sh,th…),元音包括短元音(a,e,i…)、长元音(ai,ee,ie…)和其他元音(er,or,oi…)的发音等等;第二阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:m-ymy,g-ogo等等;第三阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-gdog,h-o-thot;第四阶段:引导学生成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-ersweater;第五阶段:引导学生听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。所以说在教学中,教师一定要分清层次,引导学生逐步去学习,一步步的打牢基础。 二、强化练习,熟练运用自然拼读法 学习是一个持续推进,反复强化的过程,最忌三天打鱼、两天晒网。不管哪一门学科,要想掌握相关知识,都必须不断的学习、练习、强化记忆。尤其是关于语言的学习,一定要不断回顾,不断练习。小学自然拼读法的学习,同样如此。在教学中,笔者发现许多教师在教学过程中,只传授给学生最基本的方法,然而却忽视引导学生进行认真的练习,导致学生学过之后,遗忘率很高,影响了教学效果。笔者认为,对于教师而言,一定要将强化练习融入自然拼读法的教学中,比如,在讲解字母和字母组合的基本音时,如果教师讲过之后,没有督促学生进行练习,加深记忆,学生肯定记不清、记不牢、容易混淆,只有不断加强督促,加强检查,引导学生去记忆,去练习,才能将44个字母和字母组合的基本音刻印在学生的脑子里。此外,掌握了基本的字母和字母组合的发音后,教师就应该引导学生进行单词的拼读和拼写练习。在教学过程中,在引导学生掌握字母和字母组合的发音后,我首先会组织学生进行拼读练习,每天都会在黑板上写出很多


小学四年级上册英语单 词发音归类 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-

小学四年级上册英语单词发音归类 a-e /e/ cake make face name shake date race game gate hate plate grape wave Dave Jane Jake Kate a // cap map dad hand bag man fat fan hat cat at apple candy Jack i-e/a/ five rice nine kite nice fine like time bike bite side ice white Mike i // pig big six sit milk fish thin picture is it this miss bit rabbit English window sister fifteen o-e// nose Coke home note rose hope Jones bone old toes no o // dog box body mom orange hot not lot lost Tom John u-e /ju:/ use cute excuse UK USA pupil student tube mule u // duck up cup cut but bus us uncle under fun mum study -e /i:/ he she we be -e- /e/ red bed ten pen pencil leg let get desk seven egg elephant friend


小学英语单词辨音 5个元音字母的发音规则: Aa 开音节[ ei ] 闭音节[ ? ] 在[w]音后发[ ] Ee 开音节[ i: ] 闭音节[ e ] Ii 开音节[ai ] 闭音节[ i ] Oo 开音节[?u] 闭音节[ ] [u:] Uu 开音节[ju:] 闭音节[Λ]若是在j、l、r、s后读[u:] 练习 给出例词,请找出与划线部分相同的例词,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Aa ()1、cake A:take B:cat ()2、name A:bag B:plane ()3、China A:about B:want ()4、after A:class B:wash ()5、What A:watch B:father ()6、cat A:flag B:baby ()7、late A:game B:any ()8、have A:happy B:past ()9、animal A:apple B:past ()10、make A:plane B:away Ee ()1、me A:these B:bed

()2、he A:Chinese B:egg ()3、she A:best B:we ()4、let A:evening B:red ()5、lesson A:desk B:open ()6、mess A:me B:letter ()7、hen A:letter B:Chinese ()8、vegetable A:hen B:apple ()9、eng A:pen B:me ()10、pen A:he B:egg Ii ()1、ring A:shine B:miss ()2、mistake A:big B:find ()3、milk A:pick B:child ()4、nine A:line B:dish ()5、drive A:live B:bright ()6、pig A:finished B:pilot ()7、bike A:time B:city ()8、swim A:kite B:sit ()9、drink A:fish B:time ()10、find A:high B:chicken Oo ()1、nose A:dog B:boat ()2、those A:go B:not ()3、lose A:stop B:old


小学英语单词记忆法 作者:u899292/用户名:u899292 一、拼音式记忆法 如:数字“十”ten,可以联想成ten的拼音发音。男人们“men”汉语拼音便是men…… 二、谐音记忆法 1.单词读音谐音法 如:apple单词的汉语谐音是“阿婆”画图“一个阿婆手里拿着一个苹果”联想,看到图画联想到apple的读音,汉意。 2.字母音与汉字音相结合谐音记忆法 如颜色单词红色red,记住一句话,阿姨地里的苹果红了……这一句话,不仅让学生加深了三个字母r,e,d的粗读,还记住了这个单词的顺序,同时又记住了这个单词的汉意“红色”,这样一句话,可谓一石三鸟,在实际的教学中收到了良好的效果…… 三、形近串连记忆法 如tea茶叶,eat吃,teacher教师,meat肉,这些单词形近,老师吃茶吃肉,这样一句话,让学生一下子便记住了四个单词。Purple people紫色的人们,monday moon 星期一,月儿升…… 四、字母谐音及外形和故事结合记忆法 单词eleven “十一”很多同学记忆吃力,即便是当时记住了,可是很短时间又忘了,一种方法想忘记都难,三个阿姨(e)走娘家,(她的娘家门牌号是11.)第一个阿姨带去了一把勾子(l这个字母形状像勾),第二个阿姨呢,竟带去了一把剪刀(v像剪刀),第三个阿姨特别有意思,把自己的大门扛了去……想必是娘家的大门坏了…… 五、循环记忆法 这种方法是一个传统的记忆方法,也是来是们使用的做多的方法,人的大脑有一个特点,对某个信息反复刺激才能记住,例如,三年级的学生每天规定记忆的词汇量是五个单词,第二天记忆十个其中包括第一天的五个,第三天背十五个其中包括前两天的,照这样累计,这种方法也许对于孩子来说是枯燥无味的,但每个单词却都对大脑刺激无数次,从而记得比较牢。


模块7各单元词汇和短语复习 Unit 1 Living Well Part One 根据首字母或汉语提示写出完整的单词: 1. An unexpected accident made Sang Lan a girl with a physical d____________, but she never gave up. 2. We often observe the tiny cells with m______________ in our biology classes. 3. The production of iron and steel is the most important i______________ of the city. 4. Taiwan is part of China and not an i_______________ state. 5. I have passed all the exams and I am waiting to get the graduation c_______________. 6. A place is a______________ if it is possible to reach it. 7. I was not alone on the journey. Instead, I had so many c________________. 8. You can refer to old people in general as the _______________. 9. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ______________ to people. 10. When the disabled meet with difficulty, we should do what we can to give them a___________. 11. One of his ________________ (志向) is to become a world-wide famous pop singer. 12. He was _____________(笨拙的) with a tool. 13. The patient’s _______________(呼吸) grew stronger and stronger. 14. Who took his place and controlled the company during his ________________ (不在) ? 15. I’m going to give some suggestions to this famous ________________(建筑师). 16. A man’s _______________(尊严)doesn’t depends on his wealth but on his character. Part Two 一、词形变换(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. The ______________ is good at ______________ TV plays from the stories he reads about or hears. (adapt) 2. The country used to be _____________ on Britain in many ways, but now it has become absolutely_______________. (depend) 3. We have ___________ a lot from the co-operation and I’m sure it will continue to be ________ to both of us. (benefit) 4. Her _____________ lecture ____________ all of us. We won’t forget her ____________. (encourage) 5. ______________ people should be treated equally in spite of their ______________. (disability) 6. You were _____________ yesterday, Tom. Can you tell me the reason for you _____________? (absent) 7. The ______________ serving the passengers on the train is of good_______________. (conduct) 8. ________________ countries pay much attention to the development of ________________. (industry) 二、翻译句子 1. 应该给残疾人尽可能多的鼓励和援助。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 换句话说,这些措施对我们的工业发展是有益的。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 总之,在学校寄宿(board)能帮助学生学会独立。 ______________________________________________________________________________


自然拼读词汇 一.a e i o u 的短音 Aa: a n a m a t f a t h a s a nd b a g c a p c a t h a t f a t s a d h a d r a n p a n c a n m a n b a ck th a t th a nk h a ppy st a nd bl a ck p a nda f a mily dr a gon a pple h a ve M a ths a nimal gr a ndma gr a ndpa bl a ckboard ban a na a pple p a rrot a nimal c a rry r a ng st a nd m a tter c a tch Ee: leg g e t b e d y e s r e d t e n h e lp h e llo d e sk s e ven el e ven tw e lve p e n p e ncil e lephant t e nnis pr e sent dr e ss w e st Ii: i s i t i n h i s s i x b i t c i ty th i s b i g sh i p th i n sk i p f i sh m i lk s i n g g i ve w i ndy an i mal sw i m d i nner w i nter an i mal b i scuit c h i ldren

chopst i cks d i ff i cult dr i nk dumpl i ng f i fteen f i fty h i ll k i d l i sten l i ttle l i ve p i cture P i nk s i xteen s i xty sw i m v i sit w i n w i nner s i t g i ve w i nd w i th sk i p m i ss ch i ck f i n i sh f i nger fam i ly s i ster pol i cemen Oo: o x o n o f n o t d o g o n h o t g o t b o x d o ll d o ctor b o dy s o ng p o p pr o ject st o p o range cl o ck fr o g fr o m l o st s o rry b o x h o t l o st dr o p cr o ss b o ttle c o ffee sh o pping Uu: u p b u s m u m b u mp l u nch s u mmer s u nny u nder r u n r u nning l u ck d u mpling h u ndred h u ngry j u mp j u mping m u ch m u m j u st h u rry


BOOK7 Unit1单词练习题 一.根据所给的首字母写出单词的正确形式。 1.What we choose and decide forms our life, but a_______ decides our choice and decision. 2.We should design more websites that are both technically a________ and also usable for people with disabilities. 3.As is known to all, Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for l_________. 4.The whole class c________ me on getting the first prize in the English competition. 5.Recently I watched a cartoon a________ from the famous drama by Shakespeare. 二.根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.It is known to all that fresh air is _____ to our health and the new park ______ us all, so we should keep it clean.( benefit ) 2.The little boy made up a tale for his ______ ( absent ) from school. 3.Praise acts as an _____ to the players, and therefore they will feel _____ and get the ______ to continue and improve their performance. ( encourage ) 4.The ______ girls swims well in spite of her ______. (disable ) 5.My brother ______ from a well—known American university. My parents attended his ______ ceremony yesterday. ( graduate )


( )1. A. gave B. giraffe C. garden ( )2. A. great B. rage C. large ( )3. A. guitar B. grapes C. page ( )4. A. tiger B. orange C. green ( )5. A. circus B. circle C. cent ( )6. A. cane B. cite C. camera ( )7. A. snake B. crab C. plate ( )8. A. beans B. head C. these ( )9. A. cage B. gray C. black ( )10. A. radio B. thirteen C. video ( )11. A. smile B. listen C. hire ( )12. A. boat B. sock C. loaf ( )13. A. crocodile B. yogurt C. goat ( )14. A. butter B. ruler C. puppet ( )15. A. rage B. giraffe C. guitar ( )16. A. circle B. cane C. cite ( )17. A. candy B. catch C. circus D. corn ( )18. A. page B. orange C. bag D. gate ( )19. A. girl B. good C. giraffe D. cabbage ( )20. A. crocodile B. goat C. yogurt ave B. plate C. crab ( )21. A. g ( )22. A. cane B. cite C. climb ( )23 A. hire B. listen C. smile ( )24. A. ruler B. butter C. puppet ( )25. A. Ann B. cat C. potato D. carrot ( )26. A. three B. these C. key D. pencil ( )27. A. listen B. crocodile C. fifteen D. litter ( )28. A. snake B. sorry C. zoo D. salad ( )29. A. fish B. five C. fifeen D. gift ( )30. A. jump B. lulu C. run D. butterfly ( )31. A. blue B. flute C. sun D. Sue ( )32. A. these B. bean C. insect D. tea ( )33. A. potato B. tomato C. bag ( )34. A. egg B. see C. fourteen ( )35. A. nut B. flute C. jump


一、判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同用T 表示,不同用 F 表示: A ()1. office post() 5. read head ()2. library right() 6. horse daughter ()3. these smell() 7. coke cake ()4. plate dance() 8. Tony hop B ()1. give sit() https://www.360docs.net/doc/189417714.html, seven ()2. red left() 6. what water ()3. read bread() 7. room book ()4. busy fly() 8. busy cut C ()1. climb big() 5.write white ()2. school food()6. color top () 3. hat have() 7. shirt sure ()4. cry city() 8. pet bread D ()1. know snowy() 5.hot cold () 2.school cool() 6. hair hear () 3. noisy boil() 7. small fall () 4. easy cheap() 8. ugly try 答案: A:1. F2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T7. F8. T/F(如果 Tony 是英式发音为 F 美式发音为 T)B: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T7. F8. F C: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F7. T8. T D: 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6.F7. T8. F


小学英语六年级单词发音归纳 以下是我对小学英语所学单词发音的归纳,有些单词是多音节,因此会有所重复,不过这更能减低遗忘,加深印象. [ei] : a_e : cake, take , lake, hate, late, plane, face, make, game, gate, grade, grape, place, place, date, plane, plate, same, name, age ay : day, pay, play, stay, say, may, away, birthday, weekday, way, maybe, playground, today ey : they Canadian, paper, rain, rainy, table, train, station, eight, facourite, spain, change, April, lady, radio [ ] apple, appetite, cat, bag, animal, at, athlete, badly, bad, black, can, Canada, cap, carry, catch, practice, dad, thank, thanks, that, Paris, granddad, angry, factory, family, fax glad, grandfather, hand, happy, has, have, hat, jacket, Japan, an language, man, manager, map match, maths, panda, piano, policeman, rabbit, shall, lamp, pineapple, pack, stamp, January, National, back, camera, matter, weatherman [a:] ar car , far, farm, farmer, park, pardon, hard, garden, star, start,


选修七 ?Unit 1Living well 语法填空 MARTY’S STORY I am Marty Fielding, 1. ____ have a muscle disease that makes me very weak and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. 2. _________ (fortune), the doctors don’t know how to make me better, 3.____ I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. I used to climb trees, swim and so on. In fact, I used to dream 4._____ playing professional football and possibly 5. _______ (represent) my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests, 6. ____ I stayed 7. ____ nearly three months. One of my biggest problems is 8._____ I don’t look any different from other people. So sometimes when I got out of breath 9. _____ running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs, some children in my primary school would laugh. Every time I returned after 10. ___ absence, I felt stupid 11. ______ I was behind the others. My life is a lot easier at high school as my fellow students have accepted me. The few 12. ____ cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me 13. ______(annoy), and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life, finding many things I can do. My ambition is 14. ______ (work) for a firm 15. ____ develops computer software in the future. My life is busy, having no time to sit around 16. _____(feel) sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. To look after my pets properly takes me a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. In many ways my 17._______(disable) has helped me grow stronger 18. _____________ (psychology) and become more independent. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not 19. _________(satisfy), s o don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don’t ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them 20. __________(encourage) to live as rich and full a life as you do. Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1._________n.伤残;无力;无能→_________ adj.伤残的→_______v.使…残疾2.________ n.雄心;野心→________ adj.有雄心的;有野心的 →______________ adv.有野心地 3.__________ adj.有益的;受益的→________n.利益,好处;v. 有益于 4.________ n.缺席;不在某处→________adj.缺席的;不在的 →________ adj.出席的;到场的 5.________v.使……不悦;惹恼→________adj.颇为生气的 →________adj.令人生气的→__________n.烦恼 6.____________n.鼓励;奖励→__________ vt.鼓励→___________ adj.鼓舞人心的7.________ n.政治(学)→________adj.政治的;政治学的→________n.政治家8.________ n.协助;援助→________n.助手;助理→________v.帮助;援助9.___________ n.毕业;毕业典礼→________vi. 毕业→________adj.受教育的10.________n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性→___________adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 11. ________ vt. vi 使适应→____________ adj. 可适应的→____________n. 适应 12. _________ n. 行为,品行→____________ vt. 指挥,管理 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.换句话说___________________ 2. 适合_________________ 3.切去;省略;停止(做某事) _______________________ 4.上气不接下气_______________ 5.总而言之__________________ 6.闲坐着______________________
