自查表 Unit 4-Unit 6

自查表 Unit 4-Unit 6
自查表 Unit 4-Unit 6

九年级英语Unit 6测试题

九年级英语单元测试题 Unit 6 When was it invented? (试题总分100 分测试时间45 分钟) 一. 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共15 分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mr. Yang divided us four groups to practice the conversation. A. among B. into C. from D. by ( ) 2. The shoes with high heels are in the newest . Many girls wear them. A. brand B. trade C. style D. product ( ) 3. The milk has turned . If you drink it, you will have a stomachache. A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. fresh ( ) 4. Grandmother likes to go to the garden and _ the flowers on the spring morning. A. polish B. smell C. taste D. mention ( ) 5. This kind of machine cutting meat in big restaurants. A. is used to B. is made from C. is made into D. is used for ( ) 6. The article told us to get good scores in the exams. A. where B. what C. who D. how ( ) 7. is said that our history teacher often does volunteer work on weekends. A. One B. It C. This D. That ( ) 8. —How delicious these bananas are. —Yeah. They here from Hainan yesterday. A. are brought B. brought C. were brought D. have brought ( ) 9. Ruth’s friends are all girls. Jack is the only boy. A. nearly B. completely C. specially D. truly


六年级上册词语 1、 lǜ tǎn xiàn tiáo róu měi jīnɡ tàn huí wèi 绿毯线条柔美惊叹回味 lè qù mù dì dì sǎ tuō yī shɑnɡ cǎi hónɡ乐趣目的地洒脱衣裳彩虹mǎ tí rè hu hū lǐ mào jū shù jǔ bēi 马蹄热乎乎礼貌拘束举杯 ɡǎn rén huì xīn wēi xiào 感人会心微笑 2、zhái yuàn yōu yǎ fúàn hún zhuó bèn zhuō 宅院幽雅伏案浑浊笨拙 yǎn lián cēn cī dān bó zhào yào wén sī 眼帘参差单薄照耀文思mènɡ xiǎnɡ mí ménɡ mó hu huā lěi 梦想迷蒙模糊花蕾 yī jīn huǎnɡ rán chóu yuàn shùn xīn pínɡ dàn 衣襟恍然愁怨顺心平淡 6、rì kòu fèn zhàn xiǎn yào shǒu liú dàn xuán yá 日寇奋战险要手榴弹悬崖quán shén ɡuàn zhù zhǎn dìnɡ jié tiě rè xuè fèi ténɡ全神贯注斩钉截铁热血沸腾 pān dēnɡ jūɡāo lín xià shān jiàn fěn shēn suìɡǔ攀登居高临下山涧粉身碎骨 báo zi yì lì tiào wànɡ xǐ yuè zhuànɡ liè

雹子屹立眺望喜悦壮烈 háo mài bù qū jīnɡ tiān dònɡ dì 豪迈不屈惊天动地 7、zhènɡ fǔ wài bīn huì jí yù dìnɡ bào fā 政府外宾汇集预定爆发pái shān dǎo hǎi jiù wèi xuān ɡào xiónɡ wěi sù jìnɡ排山倒海就位宣告雄伟肃静qí zhì yǔ diào wán bì jiǎn yuè zhì fú tǎn kè 旗帜语调完毕检阅制服坦克 yí zhì jù líɡāo cháo cì xù 一致距离高潮次序 9、 wēi fēnɡ lǐn lǐn ɡē dɑ pí juàn dāi tóu dāi nǎo 威风凛凛疙瘩疲倦呆头呆脑 bīnɡɡùn bié chū xīn cái jìɡāo yì chóu xiànɡ pí 冰棍别出心裁技高一筹橡皮 duò jiǎo dà bù liú xīnɡ tuí rán bào lù wú yí jǔ sànɡ跺脚大步流星颓然暴露无遗沮丧 chōu ti niàn niàn yǒu cí wànɡ hū suǒ yǐ xīn mǎn yì zú抽屉念念有词忘乎所以心满意足 10、fā dá lǐ lùn lèi sì cāi cè qǐ yuán shì dànɡ 发达理论类似猜测起源适当yǎnɡ qì tíɡōnɡ nénɡ yuán zhòu yè shén mì 氧气提供能源昼夜神秘ɡuān cè pāi shè bān diǎn kū wěi ɡān zào shā mò


Unit6 My e-friend 第一课时 教学目标 1. Learn the vocabulary: e-friend, wait a minute, send, email, live, Chinese, study, years old. 2. Learn the patterns: Do/Does…? Y es/No, … do/don’t/does/doesn’t. 3. Train Ss feel the different people’s different jobs. 教学重点难点 1. Learn the vocabulary: e-friend, wait a minute, send, email, live, Chinese, study, years old. 2. Learn the patterns: Do/Does…? Y es/No, … do/don’t/does/doesn’t. 教学方法情境教学法 教学步骤教师活动学生活动 S tep1 Warming-up G reetings and free talk. G reetings and free talk. L isten and write some words and sentences. L isten and write some words and sentences. C heck the answers. C heck the answers. S tep2 Presentation T: Look at the pictures, who are they? P lease guess. S: They’re Liu Tao and Wang Bing. T: What are they talking about? P lease watch the cartoon. Watch the cartoon. A sk and answer the questions, then fill the forms: A sk, answer and fill the forms. Peter-live in the UK, 11years old, can speak Chinese, studies Chinese after school, likes Maths and PE, likes playing football and swimming T each the new words: e-friend, wait a minute, email, send, years old, study, Chinese, live Learn the new words.

Unit 6 单元测试题

Unit 6单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ( )22. We have different opinions ______ the matter. A. about B. of C. in D. at ( )23. We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. so that ( )24. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandparents’ home. —Don’t be ______. You are too young to drive. A. silly B. noisy C. nervous D. sad ( )25. Susan, come on! Keep ______. You will be the winner! A. to run B. to running C. run D. running ( )26. The letter was personal, so he ______ it in the drawer. A. used B. shared C. hid D. swung ( )27. —The math problem is too difficult. —Don’t worry! Let’s find a good way ______ it. A. to solve B. solve C. solving D. to solving ( )28. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. will return ( )29. My grandmother’s ______ is my grandfather. A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father ( )30. Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visits ( )31. Alex is ill, so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him. A. instead of B. instead C. because D. because of ( )32. Dale, please remind me ______ the windows after school.


新部编人教六年级语文上册词语表 1、草原线条柔美惊叹回味乐趣目的地洒脱衣裳彩虹马蹄蒙古包热乎乎奶豆腐礼貌拘束干部举杯羞涩感人会心微笑 2、宅院优雅伏案浑浊笨拙参差眼帘单薄照耀文思梦想迷蒙印象愁怨顺心平淡 6、日寇进犯游击奋战转移险要沉着手榴弹全神贯注射击始终顶峰悬崖斩钉截铁沸腾攀登依托居高临下山涧粉身碎骨仇恨屹立眺望喜悦冲锋壮烈豪迈坚强不屈惊天动地 7、协商汇集预订排山倒海爆发宣布就位鼓舞宣告雄伟肃静旗帜宣读语调选举完毕检阅制服一致距离高潮灯笼五颜六色游行次序 9、威风凛凛疙瘩疲倦呆头呆脑冰棍别出心裁技高一筹橡皮跺脚大步流星怒气冲冲颓然暴露无遗沮丧念念有词忘乎所以心满意足轻手轻脚 10、发达理论恒星类似猜测起源适当摄氏度提供能源倾角昼夜封冻揭开神秘观测拍摄斑点枯萎干燥抵御因素考察系列测试检测 12、咆哮惊慌嗓子跌跌撞撞书记拥戴沙哑党员呻吟废话吞没猛然搀扶丈夫 13、渔夫汹涌澎湃轰鸣心惊肉跳沉思风暴抱怨倾听探

望照顾敲门困难阴冷脸蛋自作自受清新湿淋淋渔网糟糕倒霉忧虑 15、后脑勺活生生苞蕾草坪苔藓甘蔗瀑布软绵绵谚语农作物尽量 16、雨衣袖筒斗篷情况袖子瓦蓝预报讲座油锅酱油闹钟逗引嘴唇楼梯 18、晶莹摇篮壮观和蔼半径资源有限矿产地质无私矿物慷慨节制开采枯竭贡献毁坏滥用生态设想例如基地破碎目睹子孙 22、谱写皮鞋钢琴幽静断断续续茅屋琴声烛光失明纯熟清幽琴键霎时景象照耀陶醉 24、一望无际家境郑重供品祭器讲究盼望厨房项圈刺猬伶俐经历潮汛 25预告烟草烟雾昏沉错综萍藻荡漾解散融合退缩瘦削浮动瞬间骤然陡然凌乱 作者留言: 您好!非常感谢!您浏览到此文档。为了提高文档质量,欢迎您点赞或留言告诉我该文档的不足之处,以便于作者对该文档进行完善优化,在此本人深表感谢!祝您天天快乐!谢谢!


I’m watching TV!教学案例 一、教材分析 本课时主要是围绕现在进行时(正在进行的动作)这个题材开展多种教学活动,现在进行时是一个新的语法。这单元的重点是让学生学会如何表达正在进行的动作。通过学习 (Be+doing),进一步加深对现在进行时这个语法现象的理解和运用。提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。 二、教学重难点 (一)重点:要求学生能综合运用现在进行时的各种句型。 (二)难点:用现在进行时来描述一个情景。 (三)突破难点的措施:运用形象、生动的图片吸引学生,调动其学习主动性,并适当采用游戏、竞赛等形式激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,使他们在“玩”中学到知识;同时重视学生的活动评价,以激发学生的学习热情。 三、教学目标 (一)知识目标: 学习、掌握现在进行时的构成 (二)能力目标: 提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (三)情感目标: 引导学生逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,让学生产生强烈的学习愿望,积极主动地真实地投入到学习中去。 七、教学过程设计及简述: Step 1: Greetings Step 2: Revision 复习学过的词组watch TV, eat dinner, do homework, make a telephone. 复习词组是要为运用马上要学到的现在进行时做语言铺垫。 Step 3: New words and phrases 让学生齐读,复习巩固本节课所学的单词和词组。 Step 4: Leading-in 教师开始做动作,每做一个动作的同时,对自己的动作自问自答。如:教师做“写”的动作,同时说,“What am I doing? I am writing.” 做“读“的动作,同时说,”What am I doing? I am reading.” 做“跑步”的动作,说,“What am I doing? I am running.”让学生感受句子所表达的语境,找出现在进行时所表达的含义。 然后再引出三幅图,教师引导学生进行问答,并反复领读,让学生形成语感,并试着发现规律,找出现在进行时的构成。 Step 5:Presentation 老师问:What are you doing now? 帮助学生回答I’m having a class


廉政风险排查表 填表日期: 科室名称责任人姓名责任人职务 一、健全廉洁从业风险防控制度 没有健全的、严格的制度作保证,权力运行就会脱离正确的轨道。廉洁从业风险防控必须从 制度建设入手,把制度建设摆在首要位置,努力健全廉洁风险防控制度体系。一是要弥补制 度缺失。 工作权责二、建立廉洁从业风险监管机制 结合本单位实际,将廉洁从业风险分为一、二、三级三个等级,岗位(个人)廉洁从业风险 分为 A、 B 、C 级三个等级,重点加强对一(A)级风险的监督管理,要形成“分级负责、责任追究”的严密监管机制。一是进行分级监管,明确责任。根据廉洁从业风险不同等级,实行 分级管理、分级监督、分级负责制度。 党风廉政认真落实党风廉政建设责任制,加强廉政教育和作风建设,带头遵守党的纪律,职责严格遵守廉洁自律和制止奢侈浪费和各项规定。 潜在廉政风险点廉政风险防控措施 1、原则性不强,对违反法律、法规和政策规 定的问题碍于情面,不愿或不敢大胆提出意 科 见、建议。 室 2、业务不精,不能及时化解上访事件造成不 职 良影响。 责 3、对党风廉政工作不重视,对党风廉政和预 风 防腐败工作的落实情况监督不到位。 险 4、廉政意识不强;受到外部环境影响,收受 当事人的好处,对违纪线索不敢查。 业 务一、对业务范围底线权责执行混乱。 流二、资料不齐时,未按要求补充,或存在人员程不到位时放松要求。 风三、安全监督存在漏洞,监督计划不全面。 险 一、工作之余,业余学习时间较少,可能存个外 人生活不健康、情趣不高尚的风险。 部 二、可能存在个别施工单位委托朋友干涉日常 风 工作事务,大事化小,小事化无,不按原则办险 事的风险。 制一、在制度的执行过程中,发现有些制度订立度不够科学严谨,缺乏时效性,没有约束力, 机不能及时对其修改、补充和完善,可能造成制 工作中管理偏差。1、认真学习国家的法律法规及相关制度规定,并且认真做好法律的宣传普及教育工作; 2、严格规范公务活动、社交活动和个人活动,牢固树立正确的权力观,决不利用职务之便牟取私利,做到 廉洁自律、以身作则; 3、严格按照上级司法行政部门要求做好各项工作。 4、认真学习,充分认识渎职失职对国家和人民群众造 成的危害,时刻敲响警钟,杜绝质量和安全事故的 发生。 1、摸清业务流程底线,将权责进行归类。 2、规范和完善监督管理制度,按业务流程要求及时办 理各项工作。 3、组织学习有关规范、规程,做好本职工作。 加强廉政教育,算好人生一笔账,认真履行职责,切 实保证按工作程序、制度办事,排除外部干扰及利益 诱惑,做到拒腐防败。 1、根据工作需要,定期梳理、补充、完善各项规章制 度。逐步实现各项工作有制度依据,形成按制度办事 的行为规范。 2、加强对规章制度执行情况的检查、监督,将执行制


Unit 6 单元重点测试 总分:100分答题时间:60分钟得分:__________ 词汇测试 一、根据音标写出本单元学过的单词,并写出其汉语意思。(10分) 1. /'??gr?/__________ __________ 2. /s?d/ __________ __________ 3. /m?:/ __________ __________ 4. /di:p/ __________ __________ 5. /we?/ __________ __________ 二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分) 6. sad(反义词)______________________ 7. mouse(复数)______________________ 8. hear(同音异义词)______________________ 10. good(反义词)______________________ 三、英汉互译。(10分) 11. 看病______________________ 12. take a deep breath ______________________ 13. 做更多的运动______________________ 14. wait for ______________________ 15. 穿暖和的衣服______________________ 句型语法 四、根据首字母提示补全句子。 16. You should c_________ to ten. 17. Maybe our cat is chasing m________ now! 18. ---What’s w_________? ---Your father is ill. 19. How do you f__________? 20. You should take a deep b_________. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 21. What should I do__________ I feel angry?

初中英语教学案例参考Unit 6 How do you get to school

以下案例在任务设计、阅读、听力教学等方面有很多可取之处,提供给大家,供参考。在格式方面请根据所提供格式安排! Unit 6 How do you get to school? 一、教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“Transportation”,围绕“How do you get to school”,“How long does it take?”,“How far is it?”层层展开,并采用“任务型语言教学途径”,编排了一系列凸现“交际功能(Talk about how to get to school)”使用的听说读写综合语言活动,让学生学会谈论如何到达某个地方,距离有多远,要花多长时间等等。这些活动紧贴学生的生活实际,极具真实性,从而使学生的个人经历成为课堂学习的有效图式,有助于学生对所获取的声音和文字英语信息的理解;有助于调动他们用英语表达自己的经验和感受兴趣和热情;有助于促动他们语言功能的使用;有助于提升他们为应用而主动学习和掌握语言知识(词汇和语法结构等)的兴趣。 在教材编排上,Section A是基础,是底线,是学生必须掌握的目标语言;而Section B是Section A的扩展和引申,通过任务型听力来讨论交通工具及方式的最佳组合方式,并通过任务型阅读协助学生了解不同国家学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 二、教学目标 1.语言目标 词汇:subway, take the subway, train, minute, how far, quick, leave for, half, past, bus station, bus ride, stop, bust stop, north, school bus, by boat, must, car, ill, worry 句式:How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How long does it take? It takes ten minutes. How far is it from your home to school? It’s about 10 kilometers. 2.水平目标 (1) 能够谈论如何到达目的地。 (2) 能够谈论自己的日常生活。 (3)能够有效地获取信息和处理信息。 3.情感目标 (1) 学会注重生命与安全;培养时间观点,学会珍惜时间。 (2) 了解朋友及家人的生活。 4.跨学科学习 (1) 社会实践:学习距离、交通方式的表达。 (2) 个性培养:学会合理安排自己的生活,培养时间观点,学会珍惜时间。 (3) 跨文化研究:了解不同国家、不同地区学生上学的交通工具及方式的异同。 三、教学重、难点 通过语言目标的学习,学会谈论如何到达目的地,如何表达距离的远近,如何表达到某地花多长时间,并在生活实际中准确使用所学语言。 四、教法与学法 1. 采用情境法、交际法和“任务型”教学途径,使“英语学习任务化,学习活动生活化”,通过设置多样化的任务,巧妙注意任务的序列性,让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的生活任务,从而培养学生


八年级下册英语Unit6单元测试卷 一.单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. -Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer you give it up halfway. -I will, thank you, Miss Rowling. A. unless B. if C. though D. as soon as ( )2. -Who lives together with your grandmother? - .She lives alone. I often go to see her. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody 3. It's wrong for the salesman to the old man of some money. A. remind B. cheat C. shout D. hide 4. Get around the beautiful town when you are free, and you will soon it. A.take care of B. come up with C.run out D. fall in love with 5. It was snowy yesterday. They stayed at home instead of football outside. A.play B. to play C. playing D. plays 6. She was stupid I didn’t want to explain it to her again. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; to 7. Sally wanted to Bob, so she went to the country with him. A.get married B. marry with C. marry D. marry to 8. Finally, a god was so by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains . A. moving; away B. moved; off C. moved; away D. moving; off 9. bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. A.To fight B. Fighting C. Fought D. Fight 10. -We lost the match. - .Better luck next time A. No problem B. Hope things work out i C. Never mind D. Have a good day 二、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Today I’d like to tell you a story about the ten suns. Long time ago, 1 were ten suns. They appeared in turn(逐个)in the 2 every day. Each 3 the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east. Then only one sun would move off 4 the sky. It would have a lone-day journey to 5 a mountain in the west. One day,the ten suns decided to take the journey 6 .They had a good time, but it was so hot on the earth that people couldn't 7 it. The suns father, Di Jun, tried to ask his children to appear in turn. 8 , they didn't listen to him, So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten(吓唬)them. To his surprise,Yi 9 nine suns, leaving only one in the sky, Di Jun was so 10 that he turned Yi into a common person. ( )1. A. there B. those C. they D. we ( )2. A. mountain B.ground C. sky D. sea ( )3.A. year B. month C. day D.hour ( )4.A.to B. from C. with D. upon ( )5.A.go B. get C. arrive D. reach


Unit 6 测试卷 I.词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 1. The Spring Festival is a__________ (传统的) festival of China. 2. He has __________ (现代的) ideas though he is 80 years old. 3. There’s a Chinese takeaway (外卖餐馆) in the __________ (中心) of the town. 4. ---- Where is your classroom? ---- My classroom is in a low __________ (建筑). 5. When he runs the marathon (马拉松), he goes in the wrong __________ (方向). 6. The driver wants to pass the long b __________. 7. "Sleeping b________" is written by Charles Perrault. 8. Everyone shouts "Kill it!" when a rat is seen to run a__________ the street. 9. O _________ the window, it is a wonderful spring morning. 10. After graduation (毕业), I want to work as a tourist g__________. II.句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 11.目前在中国你游览过多少处名胜古迹了? How many __________ __________ __________ have you visited in China so far? 12.春节,广州市中心很多的商店都关门。 A lot of shops__________ __________ __________ __________ Guangzhou are closed during the Spring Festival. 13.乌鲁木齐在中国的西北部。它是一个美丽的地方。 Urumqi is __________ __________ __________ __________ China. It is a beautiful place. 14.当我们在黑暗的房间里打开电灯时,房间里的一切都会立即亮起来。 When we turn on a lamp in a dark room, everything in the room __________ __________ __________ at once. 15.做个旅游手册,向你的朋友们介绍些有趣的地方吧! Make a__________ __________ to introduce some interesting places to your friends! 16.如果我有足够的钱,我打算去周游世界。 If I have enough money, I am going to__________ __________ __________ __________. 17.蒂娜如果通过了测试,她就会去欧洲。 Dina will go to Europe __________ __________ __________ the exams. 18. ---- 露西,昨晚过得怎样?---- 玩得很开心。 ---- Lucy, how was your last night? ---- Well, I _________ __________ __________ __________. 19.请沿着这条路一直走下去,你会发现图书馆在你的右手边。 Please __________ __________ this road and you will find the library on your right. 20.当我走上舞台时,四面八方的灯射向我。 When I went onto the stage, all lights__________ __________ __________ shoot at me. III.单项选择。 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 21. She is one of __________ in the club. A. the younger singers B. the youngest singers C. youngest singers D. the youngest singer ( ) 22. If it __________ fine tomorrow, we __________ to the park together. A. is; go B. will be; go C. will be; will go D. is; will go ( ) 23. __________ a waste of time talking to her any more. A. It's B. That's C. It D. What is ( ) 24. What __________ they do if they __________ the meeting? A. do; will miss B. will; misses C. will; miss D. will; will miss


九年级英语教学案例Unit 6 英语课程要创造一种适合所有学生的教育,而不是面向适合英语教育的学生,它所谋求的不仅是学生综合运用英语的能力,还要使学生通过英语学习在情感、素养和学习能力等方面得到发展。因此,英语课教学应以学生为主体,以训练为主线,以能力的培养为宗旨。学生是学习活动的主人,教师是学习活动的组织者和引导者。教师要努力创设多种多样的方式和机会让学生通过自主、合作、探究等学习方式进行学习,注重教与学的互动和生生互动。 在英语课程标准中,提出了“知识与技能”“过程与方法”“情感态度与价值观”等多层面的教学目标,体现了英语教学目标综合化、多样化的趋势。多样化的教学目标必然要求通过多样化的教学方式来实现。因此,英语教学需要与信息技术整合来实现综合化、多样化的目标。 [教材分析] 本节课的教学内容是Go for it九年级 Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A。本教材的编写本着循序渐进的原则,同一语法知识反复出现,逐步加深。被动语态在八年级上Unit 9 When was he born?出现,在本单元主要是通过让学生了解一些发明的历史,并用被动语态的过去时态来谈论这些发明的历史。本单元是在前一个被动语态单元基础上对被动语态的拓展和延伸。[教学目标] 知识目标:a.Key vocabulary: invent

b.Target language:When was the telephone invented? I think it was invented in 1876. 技能目标:训练学生运用网络查找资料;相互交流资料:训练学生对英语的听说能力。 情感目标:一些发明改变极大地改变了人们的生活;每个人都应该为社会做出自己的贡献。认识事物的多面性。 [教学重难点] 根据本节课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合本课的教学目标与学习目标,确定本节课的重点是在交际活动的过程中能听懂会说重点句型 When was the telephone invented? I think it was inve nted in 1876.难点为重点句型的实际运用及被动语态一般过去时的表达方式。 [教学过程设计] 按照上面的教学思路,结合中学英语的教学特点,根据现代英语教学理论,体现学生主体,关注个性差异,让每个学生在自己原有的水平上都有进步,形成适合自己的学习策略;开发个性潜能,使每个学生在英语学习中都能发现自己个性才能发挥的领域和成功点。我们倡导建构式的学习,努力运用学生主动参与、感知体验、探究发现、交流合作的学习方式,让学生在语言实际运用中感受成功的喜悦,调整学习英语的情感和策略,熟练语言技能,发展语言能力,使课堂真正形成“乐说”“会说”“能交际”的氛围。案例反思


【八上】unit6 测试题 Unit 6 二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )31. — What do you want to be when you grow up? — _________ scientist like Einstein! A. The B. An C. A D. / ( )32. The teacher told us a story _______ the beginning of the class. A. at B. to C. on D. for ( )33. —Did they have a good time at the party?—Yes, They enjoyed ____. A. yourself B. herself C. myself D. themselves ( )34. —What does your father do?—He is a ______ in Renmin Hospital. A. actor B. writer C. doctor D. reporter ( )35. —___________ are you going to travel around the world? — After I stop working. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )36. — What are you going to do this afternoon? — Read some _____ of the magazine. A. articles B. examples C. hobbies D. promises ( )37. _________ you make a resolution, you must try to keep it. A. So B. If C. Before D. Although


词语表 1 绿毯线条柔美惊叹回味乐趣目的地 洒脱衣裳彩虹马蹄热乎乎礼貌拘束 举杯感人会心微笑陈列奶豆腐稍微2 宅院幽雅伏案浑浊笨拙眼帘参差 单薄照耀文思梦想迷蒙模糊花蕾 衣襟恍然愁怨顺心平淡点缀 3 建德江惊鹊鸣蝉 5 七律云崖渡河铁索 6 日寇奋战险要手榴弹全神贯注悬崖 斩钉截铁热血沸腾攀登居高临下山涧 粉身碎骨雹子屹立眺望喜悦壮烈豪迈 不屈惊天动地副班长抡起棋盘陀 7 政府外宾汇集预定爆发排山倒海就位 宣告雄伟肃静旗帜语调完毕检阅 制服坦克一致距离高潮次序一盏 石栏隆重射入 9 威风凛凛疙瘩疲倦呆头呆脑冰棍 别出心裁技高一筹橡皮跺脚大步流星 颓然暴露无遗沮丧抽屉念念有词 忘乎所以心满意足豁开雕刻趴下 10 发达理论类似猜测起源适当氧气 提供能源昼夜神秘观测拍摄斑点 枯萎干燥沙漠磁场抵御因素考察 培养谜语高尚倾角揭开海盗号 12 咆哮惊慌嗓子跌跌撞撞拥戴沙哑党员 呻吟废话吞没猛然流淌揪出

13 渔夫汹涌澎湃风暴轰鸣心惊肉跳沉思 抱怨倾听探望照顾困难阴冷自作自受湿淋淋渔网糟糕忧虑后脑勺熄灭掀起皱眉 15 活生生苔藓草坪甘蔗瀑布增加缝隙 软绵绵谚语农作物尽量棚架 16 斗篷情况袖子瓦蓝衣柜预报喧闹 遮盖讲座酱油逗引嘴唇楼梯袖筒 缩着疯狂甩打嚷着蹦出来 17 天涯莺啼 18 晶莹摇篮壮观和蔼资源有限矿产 无私慷慨节制枯竭贡献毁坏滥用 生态设想例如基地目睹包裹 21 善哉巍峨破琴绝弦锦囊玉轴暴晒悔之晚矣 22 谱写钢琴幽静断断续续茅屋烛光失明 纯熟清幽琴键景象陶醉莱茵河盲姑娘一缕 24 一望无际家景郑重供品祭器讲究盼望 厨房毡帽项圈刺猬伶俐经历潮汛 祭拜收租害羞撒下束缚 25 预告烟雾昏沉错综澄碧荡漾解散 退缩瘦削浮动瞬间凝视骤然凌乱 陡然搁置萍藻火焰投掷


牛津初中英语八上Unit 6单元测试卷 姓名__________ 一、听力(共20 小题,每小题1分,满分20分) Ⅰ. 根据你所听到的句子,选出与其内容相符的图片,每句读一遍。 ()1 . A. B. C. ( ) 2 . A. B. C. ( ) 3 . A. B. C. ( ) 4. A B C. Ⅱ. 根据你所听到的对话内容,选出正确的答案,每段对话读一遍。 ( ) 5 . How many hectares(公顷)does the nature reserve have? A. 210,000 . B.21,000 . C. 2,1000,000. ( ) 6. Is the woman glad to look after the dog? A. No, she hates the dog. B. Yes, she is glad to help the man. C. We don’t know. ( ) 7. Where are they probably? A. In a cinema B. In a zoo C. In a market ( ) 8. Will David go birdwatching with the girl? A. He can’t decide B. Yes, he will C. No, he won’t ( ) 9. What’s the girl’s favourite bird? A. Sparrow B. Swan C. Swallow

( ) 10.What’s the short form of “ minute”? A. It’s km. B. It’s min. C. It’s cm. Ⅲ.听下面三段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,个下体将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段材料,完成第11-12题。 () 11.What trouble does the woman have in learning A. Speaking B. Reading C. Spelling ( ) 12. How many foreign languages does the man speak? A. Three B. Four C. Five 听第二段材料,完成第13-15题。 ( ) 13. Where does the talk happen ? A. In a hotel. B. In a shop C. In a restaurant ( ) 14. Which floor will the man stay on ? A. The third floor. B. The fourth floor. C. The seventh floor. ( ) 15. How much should the man pay for two nights ? A. 40 dollars B. 160 dollars C.80 dollars 听第三段材料,完成第16-20题 ( ) 16. Whose house did the hole lead to? A. A mouse’s B. The little mouse’s C. The snake’s ( ) 17. What were the snakes doing? A. They were sleeping. B. They were chatting C. They were eating. ( ) 18. How did the little m ouse’s mother feel? A. She felt sleepy. B. She felt afraid of the snakes C. She wasn’t afraid of the snakes. ( ) 19. When did the story take place? A. On a winter afternoon B. On an autumn morning C. On a winter morning ( ) 20. What can we learn from the story? A. Snakes never eat mice. B. Snakes usually sleep in winter. C. Mice like to live next to snakes. 二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) ()1. –What do you think of nature reserve you visited last weekend? -It’s great. It is ideal home for wildlife. A. the ; a B. the; an C. a; an D. an; an ( ) 2. Birds can find food _____ now than before. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily ( ) 3. I think ____necessary for us _____the birds. A. it , protect B. its, to protect C. it’s , protecting D. it , to protect ( ) 4. The red-crowned crane is one of _______ in the world. A. a rare animal B. the rare animal C. the rarest animals D. the rarest ( ) 5. The boys made ______, so their teacher got very _______. A. much noise, angrily B. much noise, angry C. many noise , angrily D. many noise, angry
